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The giant in Greek mythology
synonym Titius (son of Zeus and Elaris) usually referred to Titius
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Titius( Greek :Τιτυός) MYTHOS In giant (There is a saying that he is Geogod )。 according to Pseudo Apollodoros On《 Library 》Titius is Zeus With mortal girls Urala Birth; and Homer On《 Odysseus 》Zhongze said that his mother was Caia
Chinese name
Mythological system
Giant eagle pecks Titius, the author is Titian
Zeus, in order not to Hera He found that he was having an affair with a human female and hid Urala underground, where Titius was born (it is also possible that Titius was born to Gaia from here). Titius was such a fast-growing monster that he tore his mother's womb.
Titius to the Night Goddess Leto She had a strong lust and tried to rape her, so her children, namely, the twin siblings: Artemis and Apollo Shoot with a bow and arrow. It is said that Titius was attracted to Leto because of Hera's curse. After his death, Titius was sent into the underworld, where two giant eagles kept pecking at his entrails.
stay Guigantes There was also a man named Titius, but this man Guigantes War Was killed by Leto.