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Sun grazing comet

Astronomical phenomenon
The comet that grasps the sun Perihelion Comets that are very close to the sun can be as short as thousands of kilometers from the sun's surface. Smaller sun grazing comets will be completely evaporated when approaching the sun, while larger comets can pass through the perihelion many times. But the strong tidal force of the sun usually still causes them to split.
Chinese name
Sun grazing comet
Foreign name
Sun-grazing comet
Perihelion Close to the sun comet
Distance from the sun
Less than 0.01 Astronomical unit
near ninety %Belonging to Cruz nationality

brief introduction

Sun grazing comet
Sun grazing comet
The surface of a sun skimming comet means a comet skimming the sun.
Perihelion departure of some comets sunlight Very close, less than 0.01 Astronomical unit , when passing the perihelion, it scraped the surface of the sun like a swallow skimming the water, so it was astronomy Home is called the comet that grasps the sun. The sun is a big fireball with a surface temperature of 5000 or 6000 degrees. For those comets that dare to "offend" themselves, sunlight Or devour them with flames, or gravitation Only a few sun grazing comets escaped by tearing them apart. [1]
Since the perihelion distance of sun grazing comets is very small, they will become extremely bright when passing the perihelion.

Other information

stay SOHO satellite Nearly 90% of the observed sun grazing comets belong to the Cruz tribe, while the remaining 10% are scattered and occasionally occur, but they are still divided into four major categories, namely, the Kracht, the Krichet 2A, the Marsden and the Meyer. The Marsden and Corichet in the middle may be closely related to the 96P period comet Mekherz I, which may also be the Meteor Shower of the Elephant Meteor and Aries meteor shower The parent comet.


On December 23, 1996, SOHO satellite The wide-angle coronagraph (LASCO) captured the comet, which was heading towards the sun in a fatal arc. When taking photos, the wide-angle coronagraph should cover the dazzling solar disk with a circular disk called the sunshade to observe the dim corona within 8 million kilometers from the sun's surface. In the right square of this photo, you can see part of the sunshade. When this picture was taken, the comet's comet was about to enter the bright equatorial solar wind region of the sun. The bright spots and defects in the picture come from the background stars, and the spots and stripes caused by charged particles shot into the camera. Due to the orbit of SOHO satellite, it has been observing the sun for 4 hours, and it has found seven sun grazing comets. According to their orbits, they should be fragments of a single large comet, which is called the family of sun grazing comets. The Great Comet of 1965 Ikeya Guan Comet (Comet Ikeya Seki), also a member of this family, passed the sun at an altitude of 640000 kilometers at that time. Since comets are very close to the sun, they will be greatly affected by the strong tidal force and thermal energy of the sun. The comet named SOHO 6 disappeared and did not survive when it passed the sun this time.




Among several types of sun grazing comets Cruz's Sun Raiding Comet (Kreutz sungrazers) are the most famous. They are all split from a large comet. The large sun grazing comet that appeared in 1106 may be its parent.
Comet of the Sun Grazing in 1843 and 1882, and Comet of 1965 Ikeya · Comet Guan , all fragments of the same comet. As they pass through perihelion, they emit extremely bright Cometary tail Their luminosity is much brighter than the full moon, and they can also be seen in a clear day.
With the launch in 1995 SOHO satellite More Cruz solar grazing comets have been found, and some comets will be destroyed or swallowed by the strong gravity and tidal force of the sun when passing through the perihelion. Later people believed that Kreutz Sungrazers The number of is more than estimated. In the future, there may be a large group of Cruz solar grazing comets returning.


Sun grazing comet
Among the sun grazing comets observed by SOHO satellite, nearly 90% belong to the Cruz tribe, while the remaining 10% are scattered and occasionally occur, but they are still divided into four major categories, namely, the Kracht, the Krichet 2A, the Marsden and the Meyer. The Marsden and Corichet in the middle may have a great relationship with the 96P period comet Mekherz 1, which may also be a quadrant meteor shower and Aries The mother comet of the meteor shower.


1680 Big comet It is the first comet discovered by people. On December 18 of that year, when it was closest to the sun, its brightness reached - 18, which was higher than our Mid-Autumn Festival See moon 100 times brighter, even when day Can also see. At this time, it is only 230000 kilometers away from the hot surface of the sun. When it passes through the outermost layer of the sun at a speed of 530 kilometers per second atmosphere ——At coronal time, the drifting comet tail is 240 million kilometers long.
Sun grazing comet
Another sun grazing comet 1843I, whose perihelion is only 130000 kilometers closer to the sun, can't help worrying about its fate when it crosses the corona at a speed of 550 kilometers per second. Unexpectedly, it came out safely with a tail of 320 million kilometers behind it.
The above two sun grazing comets can be said to be dangerous, but 1979XI was not so lucky. At 10:59 a.m. on August 30, 1979, they were carrying out the solar wind research mission in the sky U.S.A The P78-1 satellite found the whereabouts of the comet, and took seven pictures of it in two and a half hours. Through these pictures, we can see that the comet is rushing towards the sun at high speed. At 3:45 p.m., the head of the comet had entered the solar surface, leaving only a faint tail drifting towards the north of the sun like a wisp of smoke. Since then, the satellite has never seen it again.
On January 27, 1981, another comet fell into the sun following the dust of 1979XI. On July 20 of the same year, the sun's fiery light and heat made another comet that had invaded 5000 kilometers from the sun's surface disappear.
Another danger of the Sun Raiding Comet comes from the sun Tidal force The strong tidal force will tear up any solid material. At 9:00 on October 2, 1965, one of the brightest comets of this century, Ikeya Yiguan's comet failed to escape the bad luck because of this.
When it was discovered on September 18, 1965, it was like a street lamp on a foggy night week Later, it became a record breaking bright comet in this century. October 21 passed perihelion, at this time Cometary nucleus The brightness is at least - 10 degrees above, and the comet tail grows rapidly, up to 40 degrees at the longest, which is dazzling. Known as the "mythical comet" Chigu - Guan comet's cycle is 880 years, and it will return again in 2845 years. It is hard to predict what it will become at that time.
On August 30, 1987, when the P78 satellite of the US Naval Laboratory was photographing the solar corona, it occasionally "witnessed" a breathtaking celestial spectacle: a comet with a comet nucleus diameter of 1 km overtly challenged the master of the solar system and hit the sun at a high speed of 560 kilometers per second. According to later calculations, its perihelion is about 150000 kilometers away from the sun's center, that is, 550000 kilometers below the sun's surface. Of course, this does not mean that the head of the comet has gone deep into the sun. The head of the comet was engulfed in flames long before it collided with the sun. The total energy burst at that time could be used by the world for 100 years at that time. Astronomers call this comet a sun grazing comet.

The most recent comet

At 6:30 on November 28, 2013, the tail of Comet ISON basically entered the field of view of the "Solar and Heliospheric Detector" SOHO LASCO C3, and became brighter and brighter on the way to the sun, showing a very beautiful tail. It does not belong to the comet of the Cruz tribe. ISON Comet In the process of approaching the inner orbit of the solar system, mysterious celestial landscapes were staged. Scientists had earlier found that the comet had an extra "tail", and speculated that its core material might have disintegrated. Later, the observation records of NASA showed that Comet ISON Most of the core material has disintegrated, and the volume has gradually decreased. Under the effect of the hot perigee temperature and radiation, comet ISON failed to "survive" the critical journey. Only some debris of the comet is still in motion, and the brightness has become very dark. The comet's observation results were announced at the United States Geophysical Union Conference on December 10, 2013.
Kreutz Sungrazers is a kind of sun grazing comets, whose perihelion is very close to the sun, which is one of the characteristics of their orbits.
The comet of the Cruz family is divided into several small comets by a mother comet with a period of about 1000 years due to long-term operation, solar melting and huge tidal force Comet cluster , continuing to orbit the parent comet. German astronomer Cruz first noticed the common points of these comets, so they are called the comets of the Cruz family.
Since the launch of SOHO satellite in 1995, many smaller Cruz comets have been found, and some comets can even reach the surface of the sun. But they are destroyed by the sun when passing the perihelion. Many amateur astronomers have found many Cruz comets through the pictures posted by SOHO on the Internet. According to the information provided by the European Space Agency, 85% of the 1500 comets found on the SOHO satellite up to 2008 belong to the Cruz tribe.

Historical records

Sun grazing comet
1680 Comet It is the first comet discovered by people. On December 18, 1680, when it was closest to the sun, its brightness reached - 18, 100 times brighter than the moon seen on the Mid Autumn Festival, even in the daytime. At this time, it is only 230000 kilometers away from the hot surface of the sun. When it passes through the sun's outermost atmosphere, the corona, at a speed of 530 kilometers per second, the comet tail is 240 million kilometers long. Another sun grazing comet 1843I, whose perihelion is closer to the sun, only 130000 kilometers. When it passed through the corona at a speed of 550 kilometers per second, people could not help worrying about its fate. Unexpectedly, it came out safely with a tail of 320 million kilometers behind it. The above two sun grazing comets can be said to be in danger, but 1979XI was not so lucky. At 10:59 a.m. on August 30, 1979, they were carrying out a solar wind research mission in the sky U.S.A The P78-1 satellite found the comet's whereabouts and took seven pictures of it in two and a half hours. Through these pictures, we can see that the comet is rushing towards the sun at high speed. At 3:45 p.m., the comet head had entered the solar surface, leaving only its tail. Since then, the satellite has never seen a faint tail drifting towards the north of the sun like a wisp of blue smoke.
On January 27, 1981, another comet fell into the sun following the dust of 1979XI. On July 20, 1981, the sun's intense light and heat made another comet that had invaded 5000 kilometers away from the sun disappear.
Another danger of the sun grazing comet comes from the tidal force of the sun solid The material is torn. At 9:00 on October 2, 1965, one of the brightest comets of the century, Ikeya · Comet Guan Because I can't escape the bad luck. When it was discovered on September 18, 1965, it was like a street lamp on a foggy night. Five weeks later, it became a record breaking bright comet in this century. When it passed the perihelion on October 21, 1965, the brightness of the comet nucleus was at least - 10 degrees above, and the comet tail grew rapidly, reaching 40 degrees at the longest, which was dazzling. It was known as the "mythical comet" Chigu - Guan's cycle was 880 years, and it would return again in 2845 years. It was hard to predict what would become at that time.
Among many types of sun grazing comets, the Kreutz sungrazers are the most famous. They are all split from a large comet. The large sun grazing comet appeared in 1106 may be its parent.
In 1843 and 1882, the comet Sun Grabbering appeared, and in 1965, the comet Ikeya Kwan was all fragments of the same comet. When it passes through the perihelion, it emits extremely bright cometary tails, which are much brighter than the full moon and can be seen in sunny days.
With the launch of SOHO satellite in 1995, more Cruz solar grazing comets were found. Some comets will be destroyed or swallowed by the strong gravity and tidal force of the sun when passing through the perihelion. Later people believed that Kreutz Sungrazers The quantity is more than estimated. In the future, there may be a large group of Cruz solar grazing comets returning.


Ikeya Guan Comet
Another danger of the sun grazing comet comes from the strong tidal effect of the sun. Young friends all know the famous Qiantang Tide Right, Northern Song Dynasty Litterateur Su Dongpo There is a poem to prove that: "The tide in August 18th is spectacular." Every year around the 18th of the eighth lunar month, the Qiantang tide is really breathtaking and shocking. The mass of the sun is 30 million times that of the moon, and the distance between the sun and the sun is closer than that between the moon and the earth. It is not difficult to imagine how much the tide effect of the sun on the sun grazing comets will be. One of the brightest comets of this century, Comet Ikeya Guan, was torn apart by this tidal force.
Chigu and Guan are Japan Two amateur astronomers. Chigu is Shizuoka Prefecture A worker in a musical instrument factory likes to look for comets with his self-made telescope in his spare time. He searched 108 times without finding anything. On January 3, 1963, the god of luck finally came, and he found the first comet in his life, 1963. With the continuous accumulation of experience and persistent hard observation, new comets successively fell into the "hunting net" of Chigu. Comet Ikeya Guan is the third comet he has found. Guan began to look for comets in 1950, and he found nothing for the first 10 years. It was not until dawn on October 10, 1961 that he found the first comet - 1961f. Coincidentally, Comet Ikeya Guan was also his third "trophy". At 9:00 on October 2, 1965, Comet Chigu Guan passed the perihelion at a speed of 480 kilometers per second, and was only 460000 kilometers away from the sun when it was closest to the sun. Two weeks later, it was found to have broken into three pieces. The cycle of Comet Ikeya Guan is 880 years, and it will return again in 2845 years. It is hard to predict what will happen to it at that time.
Astronomers speculate that Comet Ikeya Guan and 1882 Ⅱ are 1106 Comet The product of division. Others believe that the orbit of the sun grazing comet has certain similarity, and that the sun grazing comet may be a comet before 10~20 cycles, because it is affected by a nearby comet fixed star The influence of gravity just intrudes into the inner layer of the solar system. At first, it took several million years to circle the sun. Later, the cycle was gradually shortened to only about 1000 years due to the reaction force of gas escaping from the comet nucleus. Each time it passes the perihelion, it gets closer and closer to the sun. When it passes the perihelion many times, it is rubbed by the sun's tidal force and baked by high temperature, making it constantly split, forming today's solar grazing comet family.

Kreutz Sungrazers


brief introduction

Kreutz Sungrazers
Kreutz Sungrazers is a kind of sun grazing comets, whose perihelion is very close to the sun, which is one of their orbital characteristics. Comets of the Cruz family are a number of small comets separated from their mother comet with a period of about 1000 years due to long-term operation, solar melting and huge tidal force. They form a group of comets and continue to orbit around the mother comet. Germany The astronomer Cruz first noticed the common points of these comets, so they are called the comets of the Cruz family. Since 1995 SOHO satellite Since launch, many smaller comets of the Cruz family have been discovered, and some of them can even reach the surface. But they are destroyed by the sun when passing the perihelion. Many amateur astronomers use SOHO to Internet Publish pictures and find many comets of the Cruz tribe. according to European Space Agency According to the information provided, up to 2008, 85% of the 1500 comets discovered by SOHO satellite so far belong to the Cruz tribe.
All the comets of Cruz are the remains of a large comet that disintegrated hundreds of years ago. Comet Cruz It was named after Heinrich Kreutz, a German astronomer, who was the first scientist to determine this connection. Among many types of sun grazing comets, Kreutz sungrazers are the most famous. Nearly 90% of the sun grazing comets observed by SOHO satellite belong to the Kreutz family, while the remaining 10% appear sporadically from time to time,
Comets of the Cruz family are a number of small comets separated from a mother comet with a period of about 1000 years due to long-term operation, solar melting and huge tidal force. They form a group of comets and continue to run around the orbit of the mother comet. German astronomer Cruz first noticed the common points of these comets, so they are called "comets of the Cruz family". Since 1995 SOHO satellite Since launch, many smaller comets of the Cruz family have been found, and some of them can even reach the surface of the sun. But they are destroyed by the sun when passing the perihelion. Many amateur astronomers have found many comets of the Cruz nationality through the pictures published by SOHO on the Internet. [1]


The great comet appeared in 1680 is the first recorded sun grazing comet. Its perihelion is 1.3 solar radius away from the sun center and only 200000 kilometers (0.0013 astronomical units) away from the sun surface, which is half of the distance from the earth to the moon. If the observer is on the surface of the comet, the angle of the sun in the air will exceed 80 °, and the area and luminosity will be 27000 times larger than that of the earth. Each square meter can receive a huge power of 37MW. Astronomers (including edmond halley It is pointed out that this comet is the return of the solar grazing comet that appeared in 1106. 163 years later, in 1843, when the spectacular sun grazing comet appeared again, many astronomers agreed that it was the return of the comet in 1680, and then calculated that the revolution period of the comet was many centuries.
In 1880, another comet appeared, and its orbit was the same as that of 1843; Two years later, another one was observed, named The Great Comet of 1882 So some astronomers suggested that they were the same comet. When they passed the perihelion, their orbital period was shortened, which may be caused by the high-density material surrounding the sun. Another argument pointed out that they were all split from the same big comet when it grazed the sun, which was first put forward in 1880, and was proved by the disintegration of the big comet after it grazed the sun in 1882.

Spectacular scene

On October 9, 2011, a rare giant solar grazing comet hit the sun, illuminating the night sky. The orbiting probe captured the real-time picture of the comet rushing towards the sun at high speed 7 hours before the impact. Later, when the comet plunged into the sun's flaming flame on Sunday, a level X flare burst immediately on the sun's surface, and a large number of charged particles penetrated the corona and rushed into space, illuminating the cosmic night sky like festive fireworks.
This comet was discovered by amateur comet observers on the ground on September 30, 2011. It split when it rushed into the sun, which was very spectacular. The solar and solar wind layer detectors captured the images several hours before the impact, but the last scene was drowned by an unexpected violent solar eruption.