Executive power

Operational ability to implement strategic intentions and achieve predetermined goals
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Execution refers to implementation Strategic Intent , achieving the intended goal Operational capability [1] Yes Enterprise Strategy Planning transformation becomes the key to benefits and achievements. Executive ability includes the willingness to complete the task, the ability to complete the task, and the degree of completing the task.
Executive power: for a team, executive power is combat power; For enterprises, executive power is Business ability For individuals, the standard to measure their execution is to complete their own work on time, quality and quantity Task For the enterprise, it is to complete the enterprise within the scheduled time strategic target
Chinese name
Executive power
Foreign name
Team and individual


In the field of management, the corresponding English of "implementation" is“ execute ”It has two main meanings: "to do something that has been carefully planned (using knowledge as distinguished from merely posing it)"; The second is: "to complete a difference action or movement, especially one requiring skills”。 The former corresponds to "planning", which refers to the implementation of planning, and its premise is that there is already a plan; The latter refers to the completion of some difficult thing or change, which is not based on the existing planning. The same is basically true of the understanding of "implementation" in academia and industry, and the difference lies in emphasis And angle.
Execution means that under the premise of the established strategy and vision, the organization conducts comprehensive coordination of internal and external available resources, develops feasible strategies, and Implementation measures And finally realize Organizational objectives , reached organizational vision A power of.
Execution is a variable, and different performers will get different results when they execute the same thing. The executive power not only varies from person to person, but also changes from time to time. If you want to solve some problems of execution, you must first analyze the root causes that affect execution, and then find ways to solve them. In this way, it will naturally become clearer and easier to solve problems.
Execution reflects the overall quality of the organization (including the government, enterprises, institutions, associations, etc.), as well as the management's Role positioning The role of the manager is not only to formulate strategies and give orders, but also to have executive power. The key to execution lies in the system, system corporate culture And guide the behavior of employees. How to cultivate the executive power of subordinates is the key to improve the overall executive power of enterprises.


Execution force is divided into Personal execution , team execution and dynamic execution.


Individual executive ability refers to the ability of each individual person to turn the orders and ideas of his superior into actions, turn actions into results, and complete tasks on time. Personal execution It refers to a person's ability to get results; The president's personal execution is mainly reflected in strategy Decision making ability Senior management The personal executive power of Organization control Capability; middle manager The personal execution ability of ability


Team execution refers to the ability of a team to strategic decision Continuous transformation into results Satisfaction accuracy , speed, it is a systematic project, which shows the combat effectiveness, competitiveness and cohesive force Personal execution It depends on whether they have good working methods and habits, and whether they are skilled in managing people and affairs management tool , whether there are correct working ideas and methods, and whether there are executive managerial style And personality traits. Team execution is the ability to translate strategies and decisions into implementation results. Many successful entrepreneurs have also made their own definitions of this. Former President of General Motors Welch Mr. Li believes that the so-called team execution is "enterprise Reward and punishment system Strict implementation of ". And famous Chinese entrepreneurs Liu Chuanzhi Mr. Li believes that team execution is "using the right people to do the right thing". To sum up, team execution is "the ability to respond quickly and implement the instructions or requirements given by the superior.


Communication is the prerequisite.
Here is a concept: SMART principle The so-called SMART principle is:
The goal must be specific;
The goal must be measurable;
The goal must be Attainable;
The target must have relevance (Relevant);
The target must have a clear deadline (Time- based )。

essential factor

desire : If you don't want to do it, you can't do it well. The willingness to implement comes from: goals, interests and crises. Only with goals can we have aspirations, only with interests can we have motivation, and only with crises can we have pressure;
Environment: corporate culture environmental effect To act, we must create an environment for ourselves to act;
ability : If you want to do it, you must be able to do it. Lifting method , skills, knowledge.