Thomas Mann

German writer
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Thomas Mann (June 6, 1875 – August 12, 1955), a German novelist and essayist, was born into a distinguished family in Lubeck, northern Germany. Published a novel in 1924《 Devil Mountain 》。 He won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1929. During the First World War, he once defended the participation of imperialism in the war, but in the 1930s, he vigorously opposed the threat of fascism, and published a masterpiece, Mario and the Magician (1930), which vividly described the terrorist atmosphere created by fascism in Italy.
Thomas Mann, the most famous realistic writer and humanist in Germany in the 20th century, was influenced by the philosophy of Schopenhauer and Nietzsche. His masterpiece is a novel known as "a history of soul" of the German bourgeoisie《 The Budenblock Family 》(1901) is regarded as an artistic miniature of the social development in Germany in the second half of the 19th century.
Chinese name
Thomas Mann
Foreign name
Thomas Mann [1]
date of birth
June 6, 1875 [1]
Date of death
August 12, 1955 [1]
Novelists and essayists
Key achievements
Won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1929 [1]
one's native heath
Germany Lübeck
Representative works
The Budenblock Family

brief account of the author's life


early years

Thomas Mann was born on June 6, 1875 in Lubeck, a port city in northern Germany. His father was a grain merchant, and his mother was born in Brazil Portugal Portugal Lineage. Thomas Mann is the second of five children, four years older than him Heinrich Mann Later, he was also a famous writer. As a successful businessman, Thomas Mann's paternal style is practical Lübeck Very influential; He received music, literature and art from his mother. The duality represented by father's pragmatism and mother's artistic temperament became an important theme of Thomas Mann's later literary creation. [2]
As a teenager, Thomas Mann was not a child without talent, but he showed no interest in the school curriculum. He is more willing to devote himself to developing his long-standing interest in writing, and to participate in the magazine Spring Storm, which he co edited and published with others in the form of prose essays and compositions. In a preserved letter from 1889, Thomas Mann, who was only 14 years old at that time, was named "Thomas Mann, Lyric Dramatic Poet" at the end of the letter. This reflects that Thomas Mann is serious about becoming a writer in the future.
After Thomas Mann's father died early in 1891 at the age of 41, the children were appointed a guardian. The guardian believed that Thomas Mann should choose a proper career after leaving school. Thomas Mann obeyed this wish and later worked for a fire insurance company. Working at his desk was extremely boring and not challenging for Thomas Mann.
Family photo of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and their children
In 1892, Thomas Mann's mother moved to Munich Thomas Mann stayed in Lubeck to complete college preparatory school. He turned most of his energy to literature, and his academic performance was not ideal. When he graduated, he only got a secondary diploma.
In 1893, Thomas Mann left Lubeck for Munich. In 1895, Thomas Mann gave up his job in the fire insurance company.
From 1894 to 1896, he took courses in history, art and literature at the Technical University of Munich. At first, what he thought was to choose to be a journalist. His aimlessness in middle school continued during his university study.


Thomas Mann
When Thomas Mann came of age at the age of 21 in 1896, he was entitled to receive 160 to 180 per month from the property left by his father mark Your pocket money. In this way, he has enough income. Thomas Mann decided to extricate himself from those passive teaching activities and become a free writer.
In 1897, Thomas Mann began his first novel《 The Budenblock Family 》The creation of. In 1901, this novel was published and immediately achieved great success, which established Thomas Mann's literary status in Germany.
In 1905, Thomas Mann married Katya Prince Heim. Although Man is not ignorant of his homosexual tendencies, he chooses to suppress them. They had six children, three sons and three daughters. In addition to her eldest son, Klaus Mann, her eldest daughter, Erica Mann, is also a writer, actress and social activist. Klaus Mann And Erica Man are openly gay.
Thomas Mann wrote a novella in 1912《 Died in Venice 》After moving onto the screen, it attracted international attention. [3]
When the First World War broke out in 1914, Thomas Mann was deeply impressed schopenhauer Nietzsche and Wagner Influence, full of romantic nationalist thought, regards war as a kind of spiritual purification, liberation and hope, and believes that war can defend the national spirit of Germany. And then stefan zweig Hermann Hesse Schnitzler and Roman Roland They are all anti war. Thomas Mann's brother was also anti war, so the two brothers almost broke off. The failure of the war changed Thomas Mann's thought greatly, and he grew up to be a firm republican. At this time, he believed that "democracy and humanism are unified. If people want to follow humanism, they must learn to live with each other democratically. For his past anti rationalism, he felt" sin, debt and responsibility "in his life.
In 1919, Thomas Mann was awarded the honorary doctor of philosophy department of Bonn University. [3]

Glorious period

Thomas Mann
Thomas Mann turned from an artistic individualist who did not care about politics to an active participant in social and political affairs. In 1922, Weimar Republic foreign minister Walther Rathenau Killed by a young nationalist, this event made him stand up publicly to support republicanism and democracy, and made a speech condemning "the terrorist activities of sentimental obscurantism", pointing out that "the future thought is humanity and fraternity", and the integration of different cultures is possible. He said that his political activities were to "win over young people to the republic, to what I call democracy, and to the humanitarian side." To this end, those "ignorant and uneducated" young people openly expressed dissatisfaction with him, and extreme nationalists even accused him of betraying Germany.
Thomas Mann
In a speech, Thomas Mann once attacked "racial superiority", which angered the Nazis present. Under their influence, Thomas Mann had to leave the hall through the back door. In 1923, Thomas Mann began his exile life. At first, he lived in Switzerland for five years, and then moved to the United States. During his stay in the United States, Thomas Mann, to some extent, embodied another kind of Germany, where he played a greater role than at home. He was a guest of President Roosevelt and a visiting professor at Princeton University. [3]
In 1929, Thomas Mann won The Nobel Prize in Literature [1]
Thomas Mann
In the 1930 general election, the Nazis became a party with extremely high voting rate. Thomas Mann has always disagreed with this inflammatory political force. He delivered a speech called "The German Speech" at the Beethoven Hall in Berlin on October 17, 1930. He asked whether "the Nazi ideal requires the kind of low-grade, pure, simple thinking, heel slapping, childish obedience, passionate sincerity; This high degree of national unity can really be achieved in a mature and experienced cultural nation, such as the German nation. " In addition to Thomas Mann's own works that were not to the Nazi's taste, his brother Henrich Mann's progressive remarks, his wife's Jewish origin and his children's openly gay identity were enough to make the Nazis gnash their teeth. As a model of German aristocratic etiquette, Thomas Mann began to use the form of abusive words. In his personal letters, he began to frequently use the words "idiot", "hooligan", "disgusting clown", "miserable poor man", "ignorant dementia", "slave's bad nature". He used all the insulting words Nazi Germany And its people "scolded". He wrote in his correspondence: "The German people should be responsible for what happened. Because they do not love freedom, on the contrary, they believe that freedom is a form that can be completely ignored. Despite the cruel disillusionment, under the constraints of new terror, they will even feel better and happier than in the environment of the Republic.", The phenomenon of no human concept is regarded as the decline of a nation's intelligence and morality. He even thought that the barbaric Germany was no longer worthy of being called a "country", but should be called an "idiot field camp".
In 1935, he and Einstein He won the honorary doctorate of literature from Harvard University. [3]
Thomas Mann
In 1936, Thomas Mann finally turned from private letters to public expression: "Countless observations of human beings, morality and aesthetics convinced me that the current German regime would not benefit Germany and the world." In the same year, he was deprived of German nationality. At the same time, the Nazis also deprived Thomas Mann of the honorary doctorate title awarded by the University of Bonn in 1919. He declared that he did not recognize the "inhuman ruling regime occupying German land". At that time, Germany "had no thought, but opposed thought, opposed all noble, beautiful and decent things, and opposed freedom, truth and justice".
1933 Hitler When he came to power, he wrote an article condemning the distortion and destruction of German culture by fascism, delivered the famous speech "The Suffering and Greatness of Richard Wagner", and was forced to exile abroad. In 1938, he moved to the United States. In 1941, Thomas Mann and his family moved to Pacific Palisades ( Los Angeles / California Near). join American nationality It was not until 1944 that Thomas Mann acquired American citizenship.

old age

Tombstone of Thomas Mann
Although his works were banned in Germany, his nationality and University of Bonn He was deprived of his honorary doctorate, but he did not give in. Instead, he showed the seriousness of anti fascism with a famous open letter. During his exile, he took an active part in the anti fascist struggle and insisted on writing. He published the first three books of Joseph and His Brothers and《 Lotte in Weimar 》(1939), etc. He once described his exile as follows: "It is unbearable. But it is easier for me to realize that Germany is full of poison. The reason why it is easy is that I have nothing to lose. Where I am, there is Germany. I have German culture. I keep in touch with the world, and I do not regard myself as a loser“
After the war, several German newspapers recommended Thomas Mann as the first president of the Federal Republic of Germany, but he refused. After the war, Thomas Mann refused to return to Germany. After many years, Thomas Mann was willing to make up with his German compatriots again [4]
In the 1950s, Mai Cartesianism Began to rage in the United States. After World War II, Germany was divided into East and West. Thomas Mann finally chose to return to Switzerland to settle down in 1952. He has been living in Switzerland as a guest, but he often visits the Federal Republic of Germany and reads his works there. During this period, the scope of his works further expanded. [3] Thomas Mann was diagnosed with thrombosis on July 20, 1955. The treatment did not work. Thomas Mann suffered from atherosclerosis on August 12 Zurich 's hospital died at the age of 80. [5]

Character works



Translation of works
particular year
The Budenblock Family
r Familie
The Sacredness of the King
Koumlni gliche Hoheit
Der Zauberberg
Joseph and His Brothers
Joseph und seine Bruder Tetralogie
The Story of Jacob
Die Geschichten Jaakobs
Young Joseph
Derjunge Joseph
Joseph in Egypt
Joseph in Auml gypten
Joseph the Supporter
Joseph der Ernauml hrer
Green Lady in Weimar
Lotte in Weimar
Dr. Faust
Doktor Faustus
The Chosen
Der Erwauml hlte
Confessions of the Cheater Felix Kruer
Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull

short story

Translation of works
particular year
The Fall
Wishes for Happiness
Der Willezum Gluck
Enttauml uschung
Der Tod
Mr. Friedman the Little Man
Derkleine Herr Friedemann
Der Bajazzo
Tubias Mindnick
Tobias Mindernickel
Small Wardrobe
Der Kleiderschrank
Gerauml cht
Little Louis
The Road to the Grave
Der Wegzum Friedhof
The Glory of God
Gladius Dei
Tonio Craig
Tonio Krouml ger
The Hungers
Die Hungernden
Child prodigy
Das Wunderkind
Ein Gluck
At the Prophet
Beim Propheten
Hard Times
Schwere Stunde
An Anecdote
Railway Accidents
Das Eisenbahnungluck
How Jappe and DoEscobar Fight
Wie Jappeund Do Escobar sich prugelten
Death of Venice
Der Tod in Venedig
The Master and the Dog
Herr und Hund
Children's Singing
Gesang vom Kindchen
Wauml lsungen's Blood
Wauml lsungen blut
Tristan und Isolde
Disorder and Early Pain
Unordnung und fruhes Leid
Mario and the Magician
Marioundder Zaube
The Wrong Head - An Indian Legend
Die vertauschten Koumlpfe-Eineindische Legende
Das Gesetz
The Deceived Woman
Die Betrogene


Florence 》(Fiorenza)


Translation of works
particular year
An Observation of a Politician
Betrachtungen eines Unpolitischen
The Question of Freedom
Das Problemder Freiheit
Trial Analysis of Schiller
Versuchuber Schiller
About Goethe
Über Goethe

Publishing books

  • Author name Thomas Mann
    Work time 2016-4-1
    Dr. Faust is a novel published by Thomas Mann, a German writer and winner of the 1929 Nobel Prize for Literature, in 1947. It tells the story of Adrian Lewetchan's experience of trading with the devil in order to pursue "true great success", and eventually becoming corrupt and even insane. The author himself also likes this work. He takes it as a "life's confession", "the most daring and gloomy work", and is the most
  • Author name Thomas Mann
    Work time 2006-5
    "Green in Weimar" is a masterpiece of Thomas Mann, a German great writer and Nobel Prize winner for literature. The author extracts the historical fact that Goethe and his young lover reunited in Weimar, which not only shapes the great image of Goethe, but also describes the small side of this great man. The novel reproduces the protagonists' sentimental love and the colorful social style at that time; It is considered as the supplement and continuation of Young Werther's Worries.
  • Author name Thomas Mann
    Work time 2010-5
    Die in Venice is a novella written by German writer Thomas Mann in 1911. This novel is about a German writer who went to Venice for a holiday. He fell in love with a teenager and stayed in Venice because of some chance. At this time, cholera began to spread in Venice, and the government blocked the news. The writer is infatuated with the boy, and the long chase exhausted him. At the same time, he ate too mature and almost rotten strawberries, contracted cholera, and died locally. Toma
  • Author name Thomas Mann
    Work time 2013-11
    The Budenblock Family is an early novel written by German writer Thomas Mann (1875-1955). It was first published in 1901. This novel describes the rise and fall of four generations of the Budenblock family of the Lubeck elite from 1835 to 1877. Through the historical description of the gradual decline of the Budenblock family under the exclusion and attack of the monopoly bourgeois family, it reveals in detail the old deliberate exploitation of capitalism and the new
  • Author name Thomas Mann
    Work time 2020-4
    The Devil Mountain is the representative work of Thomas Mann, the Nobel Prize winner in literature. Focusing on a sanatorium, the novel depicts many feudal nobles and bourgeois figures in Europe, including Prussian officers, Russian noblewomen, Dutch colonialists, Catholics... they are all parasites of society. The whole sanatorium is filled with a sick and dying atmosphere, which symbolizes the decline of capitalist civilization. The work reveals decadence and law through the ideological conflict between the characters

Writing characteristics

Thomas Mann
From his first novel, to his masterpiece, Die in Venice, to his later masterpieces, Devil Mountain, Joseph and His Brothers, and Dr. Faust, death and disease are the themes of Thomas Mann's novels. In addition to the background of decadent literature at the turn of the century, another important reason for Thomas Mann's tendency towards such an outcome is that he is deeply influenced by Schopenhauer's philosophy system characterized by critical rationality and advocating pessimism. Mann once compared Schopenhauer with Nietzsche and Wagner as three stars illuminating his own thoughts. In his essay Schopenhauer, Thomas Mann also said frankly: "When I first read Schopenhauer's works, I can only compare the thrill of first meeting love and first tasting sex when I was young.". Schopenhauer, as the originator of the philosophy of voluntarism, interprets the thing itself in Kant's philosophy system as "will", and will "has no end in essence, it is an endless pursuit". The essence of will is an uncontrollable impulse and blind desire, so it is also the source of all the pain in life. Schopenhauer believed that only in death can there be negation of will, or when completely immersed in artistic appreciation and intoxication, you can get temporary peace and relief. Therefore, the sanatorium described by Thomas Mann is a grey chaotic zone between life and disease (half death) as the life will and will negation; At the same time, it often spreads the atmosphere of art. All kinds of people who retreat into it can not return to the world they used to be like entering a black hole. [6]
From the perspective of creative tendency, the early Budenblock Family undoubtedly belongs to critical realism literature. The writer himself said that the outstanding novelists of "Britain, Russia and Scandinavia", Wagner's epic stage opera, Flaubert and the outstanding skills of the Gongore brothers had a positive impact on his creation. Thomas Mann humbly attributed his success to his time. [7]
Devil Mountain
Thomas Mann's subsequent novels further consolidated the author's international reputation. In particular, "Magic Mountain" has been praised as a masterpiece by many people. It was written by Thomas Mann twenty-five years after he finished The Budenblock Family. He used the rich knowledge he had accumulated in a large number of dialogues in the book "Magic Mountain". In this way, the writer vividly depicts the tension and opposition of people's ideology in the 20th century. The literary critic Marcel Lacy Ranitsky made such a comment on the book: "The Devil Mountain should belong to the ranks of the few peaks of German spirit and German art, which has been widely spread around the world. Yes, after experiencing various detours, this understanding finally came to the author's hometown." These "twists and turns" It was the national socialism that unified Germany at that time. [3] "Devil Mountain" mocked the rhetoric of ordinary democrats at that time, and satirized the empty political sophistry of Mazini's disciples. With the artist's sensitivity, the writer made a public exposure to the increasingly rampant fascism. [7] As a result, Germany banned the publication of Thomas Mann's books, threatening the safety of the writer because he showed certain political tendencies in many speeches and articles. [3]
From the 1930s to the 1950s, Thomas Mann had a good harvest in his creation. The writer's old age can be said to be happy. He always has a clear mind, endless imagination, sensitivity to language and wisdom to observe life. During this period, Thomas Mann wrote a novel about old Goethe, "Green Dee in Weima". From this poetic novel, readers have a new understanding of "sometimes great, sometimes small" Goethe. In ten years, Thomas Mann completed the four series Joseph and His Brothers. This great work is based on the legend of Joseph in the Old Testament. The novel borrows Hebrew legends to criticize fascism. In 1947, Thomas Mann completed his later masterpiece《 Doctor Faustus 》This novel, rich in philosophy, makes a comprehensive analysis and criticism of bourgeois culture. [7]
Dr. Faust
Thomas Mann is a magician - an artist who uses language. As the writer Walter Jens said, the language artist most convincingly confirmed the saying: "For a talented writer, even the most complex things can be reproduced in literature almost effortlessly by means of language." Thomas Mann often uses some indifferent, deliberate, expressive Sentences without emotion also contain a slightly ironic meaning that is hard to detect. Thomas Mann applied such a satirical technique to modern novels, which is also a model for those most representative modern novel writers. The use of this satirical technique is particularly clear and easy to see in Thomas Mann's last book, The Confession of the Liar Felix Crewe; Similarly, in his metonymic novel Joseph and His Brothers, the same is true. Thomas Mann once used this sentence to explain the use of satire in his works: "Laughter from the bottom of my heart is the most beautiful enjoyment in the world." The writer Friedrich Tolbeck therefore believes that Thomas Mann is also one of the greatest humorous writers created by German literature. [3]
As for the various characters in Thomas Mann's novels, the unusual and respectable citizens in the Budenblock Family, the knowledgeable and talkative sanatorium residents in the Magic Mountain, and the mysterious prophet and urchin in the four volume novel Joseph and His Brothers; The naive and arrogant tramp in the Confession of the Cheater Felix Kruer; Adrian Lefkin, the Faustian and sentimental composer in Doctor Faust, is still a part of the treasure house of world literature until now because of Thomas Mann's accurate and fine observation ability. During this period, the characters created by Thomas Mann have been familiar to readers in 40 countries. After the novella Death in Venice written by Thomas Mann in 1912 was put on the screen, it also attracted international attention. [3]

Character evaluation

Portrait of Thomas Zeman (painted by Vaclav Zeman)
The Budenblock Family is also translated into The Budenblock Family. In 1901, Thomas Mann's first novel《 The Budenblock Family 》Published. As soon as the novel was published, it aroused a positive response and resonance in readers and literary critics. The Budenblock Family is one of Thomas Mann's most influential works. 28 years later, thanks to the creation of this book, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences The Nobel Prize for Literature was awarded to Thomas Mann.
Thomas Mann devoted his glorious life to the struggle for peace and democracy. With more than 60 years of hard work, he has enriched the treasure house of German literature and world literature. He is not only an outstanding genius writer, but also a humanist and a peace fighter who fights tirelessly with all dark forces. [8]
In 1975, a German radio station interviewed many writers, asked their opinions on Thomas Mann, and replied whether most of them were qualitative. A female writer said that Thomas Mann had experienced two world wars and other major events, but he completely excluded these experiences from his works. This kind of statement is unbelievable. Admittedly, Thomas Mann's novels did not directly write about the world war, but - I don't know whether the female writer was ignorant or ignored - can you say that Mario and the Magician and Green Dee in Weimar were not the reflections of the vicissitudes of the German social and political field during the war? Besides novels, are there few direct criticisms of fascism in Thomas Mann's literary works? Are these works not works? On this issue, American critic Rainer Wellek has a good summary: "Thomas Mann can be a representative figure reflecting the interdependence between literary criticism and political turmoil." [9]

Commemoration for future generations

On the 50th anniversary of Thomas Mann's death, German President Kohler presided over a ceremony to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the death of Thomas Mann, the author of "The Devil Mountain" and the great German writer.
It is reported that the memorial ceremony was held in Thomas Mann's hometown Lubeck City Saint Mary's Church was held, and about 800 guests attended. Kohler said in his speech: "In Thomas Mann's works, we can understand the many essences of German culture, and we can also see that the road to evil and destruction is always open today and in the past."
On the 100th anniversary of the author's birth, scholars discussed why Thomas Mann had no disciples. Peter Putz, a litterateur, wrote "Thomas Mann's Influence on Contemporary German Literature" and pointed out pointedly that Thomas Mann's influence "does not lie in teaching but in opposition". No one can equal him, so we can only oppose him. Marcel Reich Ranicki, a literary critic, summed up: "Many writers say that no one is more irrelevant to them than the author of" Devil's Mountain "- but they are angry, probably jealous, and use trembling voices to say so."

Character ideology

Thomas Mann
Thomas Mann firmly opposed fascism and all fascism, whether it was his motherland or any other country. He hated the fascism of the United States and opposed the anti Soviet war prepared by the American imperialists. Heinrich Mann In the memoir "Observing an Era", which was written when he was in exile in California, the United States, there was a passage titled "My brother": "When my brother went to the United States, he said directly, 'Where I go, there is German culture." This sentence seems to be exaggerated on the surface, But in fact, it shows the author's contempt and hatred for American fascist culture. He believed that the real representative of German culture was not the fascist thugs in Germany, but the writers who pursued progress like himself. [8]
Thomas Mann has always worked for world peace and German reunification. In the second half of the Second World War, he strongly condemned Britain and the United States for not quickly avoiding the second battlefield. After the war, he devoted himself to the struggle of the world's people to protect peace with practical actions. He delivered articles and speeches in sharp and powerful words, calling on everyone to strive for German reunification and safeguard world peace. He also signed the Stockholm declaration banning atomic bombs. In this era, no matter what major events happen, the old writer always stands up and makes a huge call for justice. In response to the call of the World Peace Council, he returned to his motherland at the age of 80 to attend the 150th anniversary of Schiller's death conference. The writers and people of Democratic Germany warmly welcomed him and unanimously regarded him as the banner of peace and reunification of Germany. Johannes Ghoshal, chairman of the German Writers' Association, said at the welcome meeting that Thomas Mann's visit was of special significance for connecting the culture of East Germany and West Germany and for the unification of Germany. [8]
Thomas Mann (left) and Einstein (right)
Thomas Mann also wrote articles to criticize aestheticism. In Nietzsche's Philosophy from Our Experience, he believes that the core of Nietzsche's philosophy is the aestheticism he inherited from Schopenhauer: "Nietzsche is always a disciple of Schopenhauer, even long after he denied the master." He inherited Schopenhauer's following famous saying: "Life is only as a representation, purely intuitive, and through artistic representation, it is a meaningful drama of life." That is to say, life only exists as an aesthetic phenomenon. " "Nietzsche is the most uncompromising and incurable aestheticist in the history of thought." It is worth pointing out that, in Thomas Mann's view, Nietzsche's aesthetic philosophy, which is famous for its genius and particularity, has great universality. "The first form of European spirit used to rebel against all morality in the era of asset hierarchy is aestheticism". But aestheticism is not enough to complete the criticism of capitalist society: "The aesthetic worldview has nothing to do with the problems we are duty bound to solve." In Thomas Mann's view, people should just abandon "sheer aestheticism" and instead pursue "common concepts and ideals" such as truth, freedom and righteousness. In the face of the overwhelming trend of aestheticism since modern times, Thomas Mann can be called the earliest critic. Later, whether Horkheimer and Adorno passed the《 Odysseus 》The revelation of the paradoxical consequences of aestheticism in the story of the Chinese Siren, or Kundera's criticism of the poet Jaramir in Living Elsewhere, can find the source of spirit in Thomas Mann. [10]