The god of thunder in Nordic mythology
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Thor Sol )。 yes NORRON The god of thunder and power in, and also in charge of storms, war, agriculture. He is the god king Odin With the giant woman Jord 's son, the goddess Siv Her husband often appears to protect mortals, symbolizing masculinity. In ancient times Germanic Religion, his name is Þ unraz, which means "thunder and lightning". Other names include Old English Þ unor, Old Highland German Donar, Old Saxon Thunar. Thursday's English is "Thursday", which comes from the name of Thor.
Torr is Asa Protoss The strongest soldier, whose main responsibility is to protect Asgard The security of, make giant can't invade. According to legend, whenever there is a thunderstorm, Thor will take a chariot pulled by two goats to patrol. The thunder is the footsteps of goats and the blows of hammers. The ancients believed that Thor was fighting with the enemy at this time, so Thor was regarded as a "god of thunder". His image is a strong man with red hair and a red beard. He has a pair of fierce eyes burning like flames, and usually wears simple clothes without armor. He is bold and rude and have a short fuse He eats a lot and drinks the best wine in Asa. He often threatens his opponent with a hammer. He still can't cross Bifrost Because his weight will crush the bridge.
Tol is a strong man among the gods. His bravery and fighting ability is very famous between the gods and giants. In mythology, he can even challenge multiple giants alone. When a giant comes, Tol can make Giants beat a retreat in the face of difficulties. In addition to its great strength, Thor's Hammer Myrner It is also a treasure that makes Thor invincible, so the giant families who are hostile to the gods are quite afraid, and almost dare not act rashly against the gods. The old enemy in Thor's life is midgard serpent Yemenggade It is said that at the end of the day, both parties will end up together.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Sol Donar Thor
Mythological system
Asgard -Bearskill Neil
Lightning, storm, power, war, agriculture
Lightning, sky
Odin Jord /Fioqin
Yanshasa Siv
brothers and sisters
Tyr Bader Hoddle Bragi Helmdar Wali Vidal Helmod etc.
Manny Modi Thrud Ullr
Ethnic group
Asa Protoss
Myrner (Thor's Hammer)


Thor came out for inspection in a chariot pulled by two goats
Thor is in charge of all the rituals that human beings must experience, such as marriage, funeral and marriage. Thor's duty is to protect the safety of the gods' country and inspect the farming in the world, Northern Europe It is said that whenever there is a thunderstorm, Thor will come out for inspection in a chariot pulled by two goats, so he is called "Thor".
Thor is the famous god of thunder and lightning, whose name means "roarer". The most strange god among the gods fights with a huge iron hammer. Thor's brave and skillful fighting is very famous among the gods and giants, and Thor's power is quite great. In mythology, you can even challenge the giant group alone. Whenever the gods are bullied or attacked by the giants, as long as Tol stands out, you can immediately let the giant family back. "Thor's Hammer" has almost become the representative of power in many works. Ragnarok ”( Ragnarok )Middle Tor and Yemenggade midgard serpent )To die together. Yemengjiade is a big snake around the world, symbolizing infinity. In cold northern Europe, Lei is the benefactor of farmers; When thunder comes, the ice disappears, and the frozen land is in spring, farming begins to have hope. Therefore, Thor is the patron saint of farmers and poor people in Northern Europe.
Thor has been strong and powerful since he was born. He can throw ten bags Bearskin Although he was born with a good character, sometimes he lost his temper, but it was as terrible as fire. Therefore, his mother thought she could not bring up the child, but entrusted him to Vingnir (winged) and Hlora (hot), the personification of lightning. After growing up with his adoptive parents, Tolfang was welcomed to Arthur Gad as one of the twelve great gods. He has his own palace, called Bilskirnir (Lightning), which is the largest palace in Athegaard. There are 540 halls dedicated to receiving the souls of those who died in poverty. The souls of slaves were also able to enter this palace, and their masters ( Valhalla Enhri Amen )They were equally welcomed, so Thor was still the god of the slaves.
Nordic people pray in front of the statue of Thor (oil painting)
Around the first century AD, Tol was higher than Odin. In the first shrine of northern Europe, Rusala Temple, the statue of Tol stood in the middle of the temple, and on both sides were Odin (Odin) and Frey (Freyr)。 Sometimes, Thor is also respected as MYTHOS In Zeus In Germanic customs, the day representing Thor is the most important Thursday of the week, and Germanic people hold meetings on Thursdays, so Thor is also the patron saint of meetings and contracts.
When did Thor and Odin, both gods of war, exchange positions? It can be said that Tol is ancient agricultural society He is the ancient god of war, and also in charge of the climate closely related to agriculture. The hammer of Thor in his hand has the power to bless marriage, production, resurrection and pacify the dead. But Thor himself gives people the impression that he is strong, honest and faithful. This is the image of farmers, which is early agrarian society Performance.
Odin is the noble god of war, he is a counselor, poet, intellectual. At the same time, he is also a god who uses no means to achieve his goals. Then look at the history of Northern Europe. After the collapse of the self-sufficient agricultural society, people left the land and headed for the sea in pursuit of rights, wealth and adventure. With the advent of the era of pirates, Odin's position gradually rose. The author of the New Ada Sutra Snorri Sturluson More importantly, he praises Odin in his works, which may be related to Odin's identity as the god of poetry. As a result, Thor's position declined, and Odin rose from it.

Myth and legend

1. Thor plays the bride
Thor pretends to be the bride
This is Thor and Rocky The story we went through together is that one day Thor got up and found the hammer of Thor Myrner (Mjolnir) disappeared and rushed to find Rocky for help. They agreed that it should be the giant's ghost, so Rocky asked Freya (Freyja) Borrowed the eagle's feather coat and went to become an eagle Yodunheim Enquiring about the news, I met the King of Frost Giant in Yodunheim Thrym (Thrym), Sorem freely admitted that he stole Thor's hammer, and said that if he wanted to return the hammer, he would marry the goddess Freya to him. After returning, the two went together to ask Freya for help, but Freya could not agree, so Tor had to accept when he had no choice Rocky The idea was to dress up as Freya and marry Sorem.
Rocky asked Thor to wear it Freya He disguised himself as Freya, and he dressed himself as Freya's maid. They went to Yodunheim together. Knowing that the bride is coming Thrym The whole Giant Kingdom was overjoyed when a banquet was held to celebrate. At first, Sorem was hospitable to the bride, but when he saw that the bride had eaten eight pieces at the banquet salmon , a cow, and a big bucket Ale , can't help but be surprised. Witty Rocky "My master was so excited to see his beloved fiance that he didn't eat for eight days, so he had such a big appetite, The witty Rocky still said easily, "This is because my master was too excited to see his fiance." Thrym So rude to the bride behaviour Surprised, but because Rocky was on the side to explain alertly, he was relieved, so Sorem was no longer suspicious. [1]
When the wedding ceremony was coming, Rocky said, "My master said he wanted to have a look at the hammer before getting married." In order to please the bride, Sorem dared not neglect it. He immediately ordered his men to bring the hammer. When the hammer appeared, Tol, who was pretending to be the bride, immediately took off his disguise, grabbed the hammer and smashed it to death Thrym And his subordinates, while the giant country is in chaos Rocky Run back together Asgard
2. Tor Visits Yodunheim
Tor, Rocky and the Giant Scrimmier
The story is about Thor and Rocky And Thialfi, Thor's attendant, went to Outyards (Outland) in Yodunheim to take an adventure. One night during their trip, they decided to rest in a "cave", only to find that it was not a cave at all, but a glove taken off by a giant who called himself Skrymir. Scremiel followed them and stole their food on the way, which made them hungry. Hungry, Thor tried to put homicidal death , but failed to break his magic shield. They later learned that Scrimere was the city master of Etgar Utja Lodge (Utgarda Loki, the Rocky of Outland).
Soon, a group of people broke into the frost giant Utja Lodge Our castle will challenge him. Utja Lodge arranged several tests respectively. First, the giant Logi and Rocky To test the appetite, Hugi and Siafi had a race, and Loki and Siafi both lost miserably. As for the challenge to Thor, Utja Lodge asked him to drink Have a toast Wine, raising a cat and a giant old woman Iri (Elli) Fight to prove his strength, but Thor didn't win in three games, Best performance It's just a successful lift of a cat's foot. [1]
However, all competitions are just Utja Lodge Use magic to make them compete against the impossible. Rocky, who eats in the game, is the embodiment of wildfire. Wildfire is an uncontrollable fire that can devour everything at an extremely fast speed; The foundation building of the race is the embodiment of thought, and the speed of thinking is extremely fast, and it is difficult to catch up with feet.
As for the horn cup that Thor used to drink, it was hard to drink dry; The cat being asked to lift is the world's giant snake Yemenggade (Jormungandr) The change is that Yemeng is huge enough to surround the world, and the weight is amazing; Eli is the embodiment of aging. All life in the world will inevitably age, even God( NORRON The god in China will grow old. Must eat regularly Goddess of Youth Eden The apple can keep young), so aging can not be shaken.
Although Thor and his team didn't win the game, the strength they showed has made Utja Lodge Surprised and frightened, he told the truth with respect and fear for Thor's power, and then left with the castle turned into a phantom. [1]
3. Tor seizes the cauldron
One day, the gods of Asa and the giant sea god Egier (Aegil) At dinner, Tol suddenly wanted to embarrass Egel and asked him to make wine for the gods, but Egel said that he didn't have such a big pot. If Tol brought him something Wine City It can be made. At this time Tyr remember Hymir (Hymir) There is a pot two kilometers deep, and the gods will send Tyr He went to get the pot with Tor, and Tyr's mother was happy to welcome them. But when he heard that his son, who had left the giant family to join the protoss, came back, he was very unhappy. Finally, for his wife's sake, he hosted a banquet for them.
Tor Fishing Yemenggade
The next day Hymir He asked Tol to go fishing with him to prepare dinner, and he soon caught two ends whale In order to show his strength to Shimir, Thor drove the boat far from the shore, used the head of the giant cow as bait, and put it into the deep sea to attract the giant snake Yemenggade He then used all his strength to wrestle with the huge snake biting the head of the cow and successfully pulled the snake out of the sea. The giant snake, Yemeng Gad, was shocked and angry when he rushed to the sea, releasing poison gas and Snake blood He pulled the cattle and wrestled with Thor. Even Thor's boat was damaged by the giant snake. At this time, Thor picked up the hammer of Thor Myrner He wanted to hit the giant snake on its head, but he was so afraid that he cut the silk thread. As a result, the giant snake fell back into the sea, and from then on, he and Thor had sworn enemies.
On return trip Hymir Tol was asked to tow the boat back to the beach and move the two whales back to his home, but he was just trying to make trouble. Who knew Tol was born with divine power, so he carried the two whales back to the giant's home with the boat on his shoulder.
At the dinner party, Thor proposed the purpose of taking a huge pot on this trip, Hymir Tol was asked to break a crystal wine glass to prove his strength before he agreed to borrow his cauldron. The crystal wine glass was extremely hard, and it was not hurt when it was hit on a huge stone. At this time, Himser's wife secretly told Tol that only Himsel's head was harder than the stone. Tol directly took the crystal wine glass and smashed it on Himsel's head, and the wine glass broke in response, Shimir was very sorry for the wine cup, but he could not blame Thor, so he went on to say, "If you can lift the pot, I will give you the pot." So Thor grabbed the edge of the pot with both hands, and lifted it up vigorously, successfully lifting the pot up. Tol won the bet and successfully took the cauldron. On the way back, the unwilling Himsel and many giant partners caught up to get the cauldron back. Tol threw the Thor's Hammer at the giants and knocked them down. [1]

member of family

Tol is here NORRON Is generally regarded as Odin Son, this is《 Poetic Ada 》And《 Prose Edda 》All mentioned. His mother is Jord (J ö r ð) or Fj ö rgyn, whose name means "earth", are considered to be the same existence.
There was a pair of giant foster parents , they are Vingnir and Hl ó ra, recorded in《 Prose Edda 》Haustl ö ng, Nafna þ ulur and Sk á ldskaparm á l.
He and the goddess Siv (Sif) A husband and wife, but once there was a giant woman Yanshasa (J á rnsaxa) as his lover.
There were three children, of whom he and Yanshasa gave birth Manny (Magni), whose name means "great", is the most powerful among the gods. He once saved his father and was praised as a great god in the future. The other son is Modi (M ó di), the name means "brave", and it is generally believed that the birth mother is Sifu or Yanshasa. These two sons are Dusk of the gods And inherited Thor's Hammer Myrner
He and Siv have a daughter named Thrud (Thr ú d), whose name means "strength", is a woman's body, but its strength is no less than that of her father. Was once Alves Propose. Of course, Thor didn't want his favorite daughter to marry the dwarf, but he couldn't refuse him directly, so he thought of a good way. The excuse was to test the dwarf and asked him many questions until the sun rose the next morning. The dwarf had no time to hide underground and turned to stone under the sun. [2] In addition, she sometimes served as a hostess for heroic soldiers Female martial god Appears in Gr í mnism á l.
besides, Siv /Shifu has another child, Winter Hunter Ullr (Ullr), whose biological father is unknown. Since Tor and Siv got married, he became Ural's stepfather.

Belonging treasure

Thor Holds the Hammer of Thor, and Myer Neil Defeats the Giants
Thor's Hammer Myrner (Mjölnir、Mjǫllnir ):
The commonly known Thunder God Hammer can crush a mountain. Its name, which means "lightning maker", originates from the ancient Nordic language mj ǫǫ ll (snow white, shiny). It is forged by dwarves and used as a weapon, holder Easy to use; Use it as a tool to make people have supernatural power. stay Viking Age , hammer is usually used as Pendant amulet The form is worn.
Tol is a famous "giant butcher". He fought with many giants. The hammer of Thor is well-known among giants, because many of their skulls were broken. The hammer of Thor is very heavy, and no one among the gods can touch it except the strongman Thor. But giant Thrym (Þ rymr) stole it in an attempt to coerce Freya When he married him, Tol disguised as Freya and took back the hammer. After dusk of the gods, Thor's sons will inherit the hammer.
It has many magical features, such as being able to return to Thor after being thrown out. Torr can hit hard at will. No matter what the target is, the hammer will not break. If Tol wants, the hammer can be smaller and put away. However, it has a defect that the handle of the hammer is very short, only enough for one hand to hold it. Different records have pointed out the reason. In "Ada", Rocky interfered with the work of the dwarves, while in "Danes' Performance", the mortal heroes Hotherus and Thor used their swords to cut it short in wartime.
Iron gloves - J á rngreipr, J á rngl ó far ):
According to the records of Nordic mythology, Thor got the extra customized gloves from the dwarves after he got Myrnel. Because the Thor's Hammer was originally designed as a war hammer with a handle long enough to be used by both hands, but the dwarf was distracted by the bite of the flying insects that Rocky had turned into during the casting process, so the hammer handle was too short and could only be used with one hand (so the dwarf said it was not good enough). In order to make up for this defect, the dwarf made an iron glove, which was specially used together Myrner No matter how he wields the hammer, Tol will not feel tired.
This treasure is not in《 Poetic Ada 》It is generally believed that this is the author of Essay Ada Snorri Sturluson A reference from a material that has been lost to date, or Snorri Sturluson Your own creation.
Power belt - Megangiode (Megingjörð、Megingjǫrð):
This is a treasure that Tolburn has owned since he came here. As long as you tie this belt, you can give Tolburn more divine power than usual( Old Norse : Á smegin, originally meaning "the power of Asa", Tol is Asa Protoss Of the company). This treasure also does not appear in Poetic Ada, so it is generally believed that this is the author of Prose Ada Snorri Sturluson Something quoted from the lost data, or Snorri Sturluson Your own creation.
Gr í ð arv ö lr:
This is an unbreakable magic walking stick. It is a giant woman Grid The props given to Thor. One day, Rocky, who turned into an eagle, was killed by a giant Gelrod Got it, Gerrod threatened Rocky Tol was tricked into his palace without weapons, so Rocky had no choice but to do so.
Tol and Rocky were halfway Grid Rest at home; Glide is Odin One of the lovers of Vidal Mother. She knew Gelrod's plot, warned Tol that it was a fraud and lent him her walking stick. When Gailrod tried to squeeze Tol to the ceiling while he was sitting on the chair, Tol only survived by supporting the chair and ceiling with a cane. It is not mentioned in the story whether Thor returned the cane.
Tanglisnier and Tanguejost (Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjóstr):
Thor rides in a chariot pulled by two goats (sculpture)
Two goats used by Tor to pull the chariot are called Tanngrisnir (the name means "naked teeth growler") and Tanngnj ó str (the tooth grinder), and one of them is lame for some reason. When they walk, their footsteps will be very loud, which is considered as thunder. Tor will kill and cook them when he is resting. Their meat will provide him with food. Then he will wrap the bones with skin. Tor will use a hammer to revive them. They will revive the next day. As long as the bones and fur are not damaged, the goat will not have any problems.
Siafi and R ö skva:
Siafi and Roskoff are a pair of mortal brothers and sisters. Their father was a farmer. Later, he accidentally offended Thor, so they became his servants. Thor often traveled with them in a goat chariot, and sometimes Thor would put the goat in their care.
Poetic Ada 》It tells an event. In the story, Shia Fei and Rose Kefu are children of farmers. Tor and Rocky spent the night on their farm, and Tor shared his Goat meat As a result, Shia Fei broke the bone in order to extract bone marrow from the leg bone. The next morning, when Thor revived the goat, he found a goat lame and became angry. Therefore, Tor asked Siafe and Rosicky to compensate as his servants.
Tol's residence is Bilskirnir, also known as the "Lightning Palace". He and his wife Schiff And their children live here together. It is said that this palace is a huge building, which contains 540 rooms. In addition, the souls of mortal slaves can also enter this palace, and they will be welcomed by Thor after they die in the battlefield, so Thor is the god of grace of slaves.
According to the difference of records, this palace is located in different places. Poetic Ada 》Medium record It is located in the world of strength; And《 Prose Edda 》In the middle, it is on a plain called Þ r úð vangr, which means "Fields of strength". In some records, Þ r úð heimr is thought to be Thrace. It is written that after Tol conquered the kingdom of Thrace, he called it Þ r úð heimr; And Þ r úð vangr is considered as Sweden Odin gave it to Thor to take charge of a certain place in.

Hit an old enemy

Tor is the most powerful god among the gods. Almost no one can defeat him in his life, but he still has a lifelong enemy, the strongest giant in the giant family - the earth python Yemenggade It's Rocky and the Giantess Angelboda His second child has a huge body as long as the earth and incomparable strength. He can spit deadly venom and gas from his mouth, and his blood also contains deadly poison. Thor has clashed with it many times.
In the dusk of the gods, Tor fights Yemengarde
In the end of the Nordic myth“ Ragnarok ”Medium, Yemengarde It resonates with the evil forces on the ground. It wakes up from sleep, tossing on the bottom of the sea, setting off towering waves, and comes to Asgard And officially declared war on the gods. Its adversary is Thor, the god of thunder with whom it has deep enmity. In the process of fighting, python He has been spraying venom to Tor and attacking Tor by all means. Tor knows the power of the giant snake very well and dare not neglect it. He threw his weapon Thor's Hammer Murnier to the giant snake three times, but even the Thor's Hammer that must hit the target was cleverly avoided by the giant snake. In the end, Thor successfully hit the giant snake with the divine hammer, but the venom of the giant snake also penetrated Thor's body, resulting in the death of both sides.