strategic emerging industries

Economic Terms
zero Useful+1
Strategic emerging industries are based on major cutting-edge technological breakthroughs and major development needs, and play a major leading role in the overall and long-term development of the economy and society. Like energy conservation, environmental protection New generation information technology , biology, high-end equipment manufacturing, new energy, new materials and new energy vehicles are all strategic emerging industries. [5]
Chinese name
strategic emerging industries
Foreign name
Strategic Emerging Industries
economics noun

On behalf of enterprises

Green Angel Group is a professional gathering platform focusing on strategic emerging industries
Green Angel Group is a professional gathering platform focusing on strategic emerging industries. Through continuous deep cultivation, it is gradually forming a characteristic operation mode of "collective innovation space+incubator+accelerator+industrial park", which is a chain type, professional and industrial cluster industrial demonstration park to promote industrial upgrading. [6]


Strategic emerging industries refer to those established in major Cutting-edge technology On the basis of breakthrough Future technology and Industrial development New direction, reflecting today's world knowledge economy circular economy Low carbon economy development trend is still in the early stage of growth and in the future development potential It is a huge industry that has an overall driving and significant leading role in the economy and society.
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao held three meetings on September 21 and 22, 2009 Emerging strategic industries Development forum, listen to the opinions and suggestions of economic, scientific and technological experts.
At the meeting, Wen Jiabao stressed that the development of emerging strategic industries is a way for China to overcome difficulties based on the current situation and take a long-term view Upper horizontal The major strategic choice of International perspective and Strategic thinking To select and develop emerging strategic industries.
Forty seven Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences And academicians of the Academy of Engineering, professors and experts of universities and research institutes, enterprises and Industry Association The person in charge attended the meeting. The participants discussed the development of new energy Energy saving and environmental protection electric vehicle , new materials, new medicine Biological breeding and IT industry Make suggestions Wen Jiabao Strategic direction technology roadmap , development layout, scientific research and policy support, etc.
On the morning of November 3, 2009, Wen Jiabao delivered a speech entitled "Let science and technology lead China's sustainable development" to the scientific and technological circles in the capital in the Great Hall of the People. He stressed that it is very important to select emerging strategic industries scientifically. If you choose the right one, you can leap forward development, and if you choose the wrong one, you will miss the opportunity. China's development Emerging strategic industries It has certain comparative advantages and broad development space, and can make a difference.
First, attach great importance to the development of new energy industry, innovate and develop renewable energy technologies conserve energy ,reduce emissions Technology Clean coal technology And nuclear energy technology, vigorously promote energy conservation, environmental protection and Resource recycling , accelerate the build to Low carbon emission It is characterized by industrial, architectural and transportation systems. We should strive to take the lead in the development of new energy vehicles in the world, determine the technical route and market promotion measures of new energy vehicles as soon as possible, and promote China's automobile industry Leapfrog development.
Second, focus on breakthroughs Sensor network Key technologies of Internet of Things , early deployment of post IP era related technology research and development Network industry Become a driving force Industrial upgrading , towards information society "Engine" of.
Third, speed up microelectronics and Optoelectronic material And devices, new functional materials High performance structural materials Nanotechnology And materials to form new materials and intelligence with world advanced level as soon as possible green manufacturing System.
Fourth, use life sciences Promote the development of agriculture and medicine industry. Positive development Transgenic breeding Technology, and strive to improve the output and quality of agricultural products. Break through the key core technologies of innovative drugs and basic medical devices, and form a pharmaceutical R&D industry chain led by innovative drug R&D and advanced medical equipment manufacturing.
5. Be bold Explore space , the ocean and the deep earth, implement the manned space program and Chang'e Plan Effective entry And make peaceful use of space to effectively strengthen Coastal zone sustainable Development research , promote ocean resources Reasonably develop and develop the marine industry, strive to improve the exploration level of the deep resources of the earth, and fully tap and use all kinds of resources.
Wen Jiabao said that more attention should be paid to fundamental research and Strategic high technology Research. Original innovation It is the source of a country's competitiveness. If China wants to seize the commanding heights of future economic and technological development, it cannot always follow others, nor wait for technology transfer. It must rely on its own strength to produce original results.
It was pointed out at the meeting that accelerating the cultivation and development of strategic emerging industries based on major technological breakthroughs and major development needs will help promote the upgrading of industrial structure and economic development mode Transform, improve China's independent development capacity and International competitiveness It is of great significance to promote sustainable economic and social development. We must continue to combine the fundamental role of the market with the guidance and promotion of the government, scientific and technological innovation with the realization of industrialization, deepen system reform, and take enterprises as the main body to promote Industry, education and research Combine to cultivate strategic emerging industries into leading industries and pillar industries of the national economy.
The meeting determined the key direction, main tasks and supporting policies for the development of strategic emerging industries. (1) Based on China's national conditions, science and technology, and industrial foundation, energy conservation, environmental protection New generation information technology , Biology High end equipment manufacturing , new energy, new materials and new energy vehicles.
(2) Strengthen scientific and technological innovation and enhance the core competitiveness of the industry. We will strengthen research on key core technologies and cutting-edge technologies in the industry, strengthen the construction of enterprises' technological innovation capabilities, strengthen the construction of highly skilled talent teams and the creation, application, protection and management of intellectual property rights, implement major industrial innovation and development projects, build an industrial innovation support system, and promote the industrialization of major scientific and technological achievements and industrial cluster development.
(3) Actively cultivate the market and create a good market environment.
Organize and implement major application demonstration projects to support market expansion and Business model innovation , establish industry standards and important product technical standards system, and improve Market access system
(4) Deepen international cooperation. Promote international scientific and technological cooperation and exchange in a multi-level, multi-channel and multi-mode manner. Guide foreign investment in strategic emerging industries, support qualified enterprises to carry out overseas investment, and improve the quality and level of international investment and financing cooperation. Actively support key products, technologies and services in strategic emerging industries Develop international market
(5) We will increase policy support for finance, taxation and finance, and guide and encourage social capital investment. Set up special funds for the development of strategic emerging industries and establish a stable growth mechanism for financial input. We will formulate and improve tax support policies to promote the development of strategic emerging industries. Encourage financial institutions to increase credit support and give full play to Multi-level capital market And vigorously develop venture capital and Equity investment fund
The meeting stressed the need to strengthen organizational leadership and overall coordination, prepare the national strategic emerging industry development plan, formulate the industrial development guidance catalog, optimize the regional layout, and form a strategic emerging industry with different characteristics, complementary advantages, and reasonable structure Coordinated development Pattern.
Over 200 years of industrialization in the world developed country Modernization has been achieved, but resources and original ecology have paid a heavy price. Including China developing country To realize modernization, we can no longer continue the traditional Economic growth mode and Development mode Sustainable development is the eternal theme of modernization, human civilization Progress calls for sustainable development and innovation Scientific and technological revolution China is about to face serious challenges. We should rely on science and technology to achieve China's sustainable development, and rely on science and technology to form a low input, high output Production mode And the consumption mode of less emission and more utilization, to create a new pattern of production development, affluent life and good ecology New industrialization And urbanization. Let China, a beautiful and ancient land, become generations of Chinese people Multiply Oasis and Paradise! The world is suffering financial crisis The impact of is also on the eve of the new scientific and technological revolution.
In the first half of the 20th century quantum mechanics and relativity Core Physics revolution , followed by Big Bang Model DNA double helix structure Plate tectonic theory computer science , these six scientific theory And jointly established Basic structure Since the second half of the 20th century, despite the rapid growth of knowledge, it has basically manifested itself in the improvement of existing scientific theories, and no theoretical achievements or major discoveries comparable to these six revolutionary scientific breakthroughs have emerged. In this sense, the "silence of science" has lasted for more than 60 years. Since the beginning of the 21st century, the precursors of revolutionary breakthroughs in some important scientific and technological fields have begun to appear. This new scientific and technological revolution will be driven by the strong demand of the modernization process, and will come from knowledge and Technical system Innovation driven.
Chinese nation It has always been a creative nation. Ancient Chinese Typography , gunpowder and compass Changed the appearance and state of things in the world. In modern history, we have missed four development opportunities. The first time was when the European Industrial Revolution came, we were in the so-called“ Kangxi heyday ”Period The 61st year of Kangxi, the 60th year of Qianlong, and the 13th year of Yongzheng in the middle were 134 years in total Qing Dynasty Overindulged in the blind self-esteem of "the kingdom of heaven", and even developed to release“ bans of marine trade ”, closing the door of China to the world. Foreign scientific and technological inventions are called "ingenious" and ignored. Satisfied with tradition agricultural society The mode of production of industrial revolution The second time was after the "Opium War" in 1840, when the powerful ships and cannons of the western powers opened the door of the Qing Dynasty, Westernization Faction Start“ beat someone by playing his games only better ”Of Self-improvement movement , but because of the backward Feudal system And the failure of superficial understanding of modern science and technology, which made China once again lose the opportunity of scientific and technological revolution, and the third time was in the first half of the last century, Warlord scuffle The invasion of foreign powers, coupled with the 14 year War of Resistance against Japan and the three year Kuomintang Communist War, and the lack of a peaceful development environment in China, have widened the gap between China and the world's advanced scientific and technological level, which has been narrowed. The fourth time was from 1958 to 1977 political struggle The situation is severe, and the practice of socialist economic construction is constantly encountering difficulties. Never forget the past and learn from the future. China can no longer miss the new scientific and technological revolution. It must pay close attention to and closely follow the general trend of world economic and technological development, and win the initiative and make a difference in the new scientific and technological revolution.
Rare in a century in 2008 international financial crisis , making the world economy suffer from Great Depression The most serious challenge ever. The crisis has affected a wide range and a deep degree of influence Diffusion velocity The speed exceeded people's expectations. China's economy It has also been severely impacted, mainly by the shrinking external demand, excess production capacity Highlight that some industry enterprises Production and operation Difficulties, Unemployed Increased, and economic growth declined significantly.
We should see that the international financial crisis poses unprecedented challenges and opportunities to China. Short term difficulties and long-term contradictions are intertwined to change the development mode Adjust economic structure The task of, Resources and environment The constraints of, international economy and Science and technology competition The pressure is increasing. Only by accelerating institutional innovation and scientific and technological innovation can the adverse effects of the international financial crisis be fundamentally overcome. Therefore, when the positive trend of the economy is consolidated, we should and must start thinking about long-term things. The long-term thing is technology and education.
Historical experience shows that, economic crisis It often breeds new scientific and technological revolution. It is the major breakthroughs and innovations in science and technology that promote economic structure And provide new growth engines to rebalance the economy and raise it to a higher level. Anyone who can take advantage of scientific and technological innovation will be able to take the initiative in development and take the lead in recovery and prosperity The United States proposed to increase R&D investment to gross domestic product 3%, the highest level in history Basic Sciences Breakthroughs have been made in stem cell research, aerospace and other fields; Twice American technology The main attack directions of, including Energy saving and environmental protection Smart Earth Etc. The European Union announced that it will invest 105 billion euros in development by 2013 Green economy , keep on Green technology World leading position in the field. From the perspective of high-tech, especially Pharmaceuticals Strengthening the advantages of industrial competition. Japan focuses on the development of energy and environmental technologies. Russia It is proposed to develop nano and nuclear technology. We must have a broad vision, seize the opportunity, and strive to achieve in this competition Leap forward development And narrow the gap with developed countries in economy and science and technology.
If China's economy wants to develop comprehensively, coordinately and sustainably in a longer period of time, it wants to go ahead as soon as possible Innovation driven The track of endogenous growth must be strategic decision , scientific and technological innovation, leading talents and industrialization. Developed Outline of the National Medium and Long Term Plan for Science and Technology Development ,把 Building an innovative country As strategic target , taking sustainable development as the strategic direction, and striving for the commanding heights of economic science and technology as strategic focus And gradually make strategic emerging industries the leading force in economic and social development. These forward-looking, strategic and overall arrangements reflect China's strategic policy of scientific and technological development of independent innovation, key leap forward, supporting development and leading the future. Scientific selection of strategic emerging industries is critical. The right choice will lead to leapfrog development, and the wrong choice will delay the opportunity. Strategic emerging industries must master key core technologies, have market demand prospects, and have the characteristics of low energy consumption, large driving coefficient, many employment opportunities, and good comprehensive benefits.
In 2020, the central and local governments will allocate funds, talents Intellectual property protection Policy of Combination boxing And promote the healthy, sustainable and rapid development of strategic emerging industries. In terms of financial support, the central government has clearly defined the need to expand strategic emerging industrial investment Ministry of Science and Technology said National Key R&D Plan Of the nearly 50 special 512 projects publicized, Network Communications , new energy, medicine and other related strategic emerging industries become a country research funds Key areas covered. In terms of talent and intellectual property protection, the Ministry of Education has recently carried out several special recruitment, and increased efforts to promote the recruitment of talents in national strategic emerging industries. Jiangsu, Guangdong and other places are establishing Key industries Patent information Strengthen intellectual property protection of strategic emerging industries in terms of databases [1]


The strategic emerging industry is based on Technical breakthrough Based on major development needs, it plays a major leading role in the overall and long-term economic and social development, Knowledge technology Dense material resources Industries with low consumption, high growth potential and good comprehensive benefits include: new generation information technology, biotechnology, new energy, new materials High end equipment New energy vehicles Green and environmental protection and Aerospace , marine equipment and other industries, including Advanced manufacturing and Modern service industry Most industries. [2] [4]
the 13th Five-Year plan ”During the period, the growth rate of added value of strategic emerging industries was significantly higher than that of Added value of industries above designated size Increase speed, become a new growth point for cultivation and expansion, and accelerate Conversion of old and new kinetic energy The importance of building a new development pattern Power source During the 14th Five Year Plan period technological innovation The level will continue to improve, and strategic emerging industries will maintain a good momentum of development to promote Industrial transformation and upgrading and High quality economic development [4]
  • Energy conservation and environmental protection industry
Energy conservation and environmental protection industry
Focus on the development and promotion of efficient energy conservation technical equipment And products to achieve breakthroughs in key technologies in key areas and drive the improvement of the overall level of energy efficiency. Key commonalities of accelerating resource recycling Technology R&D And industrialization demonstration to improve Comprehensive utilization of resources Level and remanufacturing industrialization level. Demonstrate and promote advanced environmental protection technology, equipment and products, and improve pollution prevention Horizontal. Promote market-oriented energy conservation and environmental protection Service system Construction. Accelerate establishment to advanced technique To support the recycling system of waste commodities, actively promote the clean utilization of coal Comprehensive utilization of seawater
  • New generation information technology
New generation information technology
Accelerate the construction of broadband, digital, integrated and secure information Network infrastructure , promote the new generation mobile communication Next generation Internet Accelerate the R&D and industrialization of core equipment and intelligent terminals Three networks integration , promote Internet of Things R&D and demonstration applications of cloud computing. Focus on development Integrated circuit , new displays, high-end software, high-end servers and other cores basic industry promote Software Services , Network Value added services etc. Information service capability , accelerate important infrastructure Intelligent transformation Vigorously develop digital virtualization and other technologies to promote Cultural and creative industries development.
  • Biological industry
Biological industry
Vigorously develop Major diseases Preventive Biotechnology drugs New vaccines and Diagnostic reagent Chemicals , modern Chinese medicine, etc Innovative drugs Large variety, improving Biomedical industry Horizontal. Accelerate advancement Medical equipment , medical materials, etc biomedical engineering R&D and industrialization of products to promote large-scale development. Focus on cultivation Biological breeding Industry, actively promote green agricultural biological products, promote Bioagriculture Accelerate development. advance Biomanufacturing crux technological development , demonstration and application. accelerate marine biotechnology And product development and industrialization.
  • High end equipment manufacturing industry
High end equipment manufacturing industry
Focus on development Regional aircraft and General purpose aircraft The aviation industry will become bigger and stronger with the focus on aviation equipment. Actively promote the construction of space infrastructure and promote satellites and their applications Industrial development rely on Passenger dedicated line And cities rail transit Equal emphasis engineering construction And vigorously develop rail transit equipment. face Marine resources development , vigorously develop oceanographic engineering Equip. Strengthen basic supporting capacity and actively develop digital, flexible and system integration Technology oriented Intelligent manufacturing equipment
  • New energy industry
Actively research and develop new generation nuclear energy technology and advanced technology reactor , Development Nuclear energy industry Accelerate the utilization of solar energy heat Technology promotion Application and development of diversified solar photovoltaic Photothermal power generation Market. increase Wind power Level of technical equipment, orderly promote the large-scale development of wind power, and accelerate the development of new energy Smart grid And operation system construction. Development and utilization according to local conditions biomass energy
  • New material industry
Vigorously develop rare earth Functional materials High performance membrane Materials Special glass Functional ceramics , semiconductor lighting materials and other new functional materials. Actively develop high quality special steel , New alloy Materials engineering plastic Etc Structural materials promote carbon fibre Aramid UHMWPE fiber etc. High performance fiber And compound material Development level. Carry out research on common basic materials such as nano, superconducting and intelligent materials.
  • New energy vehicles
Strive to break through the power battery, drive motor and electronic control Promote key core technologies in the field Plug in hybrid vehicle Blade Electric Vehicles Promote application and industrialization. At the same time Fuel cell vehicle Relevant cutting-edge technology research and development, vigorously promote the development of energy-efficient, low emission and energy-saving vehicles.

guiding ideology

Guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of "Three Represents", we should thoroughly implement the Scientific Outlook on Development, grasp the historical opportunities of the world's new scientific and technological revolution and industrial revolution, face the major needs of economic and social development, and focus on promoting industrial structure upgrading and economic development mode The prominent position of transformation. Actively explore the development law of strategic emerging industries, give play to the role of enterprises as the main body, increase policy support, deepen the reform of systems and mechanisms, focus on creating a good environment, strengthen the industrialization of scientific and technological innovation achievements, seize the commanding heights of economic and technological competition, promote the rapid and healthy development of strategic emerging industries, and make contributions to promoting sustainable economic and social development. [3]
Adhere to the combination of giving full play to the fundamental role of the market and government guidance and promotion. We should give full play to the advantages of China's huge market demand, innovate and transform consumption patterns, create a good market environment, mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises, and promote the integration of production, teaching, research and application. At the same time, the government's planning guidance, policy incentives and organization should be given full play to the important areas and key links that affect the overall economic and social development Coordination role
Adhere to the combination of scientific and technological innovation and industrialization. We should earnestly improve the system and mechanism, significantly improve our independent innovation ability, focus on promoting original innovation, and vigorously enhance Integrated innovation And jointly tackle key problems, actively participate in international division of work and cooperation, and strengthen Introduction, digestion, absorption and re innovation , make full use of the global Innovative resources To break through a number of key core technologies and master relevant intellectual property rights. At the same time, we should increase policy support and coordination and guidance to create and give full play to High quality talents Role of the team, acceleration Transformation of innovation achievements And promote the industrialization process.
Adhere to the combination of overall promotion and leapfrog development in key areas. We should make overall planning and systematic layout for the development of strategic emerging industries, clarify the development sequence, and promote coordinated development. At the same time, the most basic and conditional fields should be selected as Breakthrough Focus on promotion. Vigorously cultivate Industrial cluster And promote advantageous regions to take the lead in development.
Adhere to the combination of improving the long-term competitiveness of the national economy and supporting the current development. We should take a long-term view, grasp the new direction of science and technology and industrial development, deploy major frontier fields as early as possible, and actively cultivate leading industries. At the same time, based on the current situation, we should promote the alleviation of economic and social development Bottleneck constraints Significant Related industries Rapid development and promotion High tech industry Healthy development, drive tradition Industrial transformation and upgrading And accelerate the formation of pillar industries. [3]

Development objectives

By 2015, strategic emerging Industry formation The basic pattern of healthy development and coordinated promotion Industrial structure upgrading The driving force of gross domestic product And strive to reach about 8%.
By 2020, strategic emerging Industrial added value As a proportion of GDP, strive to reach 15% Left and right, absorb and drive Employability Significantly improved. Energy conservation and environmental protection New generation information technology Biology and high-end equipment manufacturing industry become national economy Of pillar industry , new energy, new materials New energy vehicle industry Become the national economy Leading industry innovation ability Greatly improve and master a batch of key points core technology , reaching the world's leading level in some areas; Form a group of large enterprises with international influence and a group of small and medium-sized enterprises with strong innovation vitality; Build a batch of strategic emerging industries with complete industrial chain, strong innovation ability and distinctive characteristics Industrial cluster
After another decade or so of efforts, the overall innovation capability and industry of strategic emerging industries Development level To reach the world's advanced level and provide strong support for sustainable economic and social development. [3]


At the beginning of February 2010, the National Development and Reform Commission took the lead in establishing and accelerating the cultivation of strategic emerging Industrial research The inter ministerial group consists of the heads of 20 ministries or units, including the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Finance. Among them, the Director of the National Development and Reform Commission Zhang Ping Serve as the team leader, including the deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission Zhang Xiaoqiang Du Zhanyuan, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Miao dyke The composition of the above personnel has been approved by the leaders of the State Council.


Strategic emerging industry is a deep combination of emerging technology and emerging industry, thus promoting a new round of industrial revolution And finally form a strategic pillar industry. Three keywords are involved: emerging technology, emerging industry and strategy. From the perspective of industrial content“ Seven industries ”It has always been the key goal and main direction of national industrial development Industrial structure adjustment Play an important role in Shanghai A clear strategy for the development of high-tech industries has a relationship of inheritance and deepening. from strategic role Look, it emphasizes to choose and develop with an international perspective and strategic thinking. The current international financial crisis has had a tremendous impact on the world economy. All countries are looking for the impetus for the next round of economic growth, and have begun to pay great attention to national economic development and national security The cultivation of strategic emerging industries with significant influence. For example, the United States Obama Administration Great emphasis on new energy, stem cells Aerospace broadband network Japan focuses on Commercial aerospace Market, IT application, new cars Low carbon industry , medical treatment and nursing, new energy (solar energy), etc Emerging industries In response to the economic recession, the UK launched a mass production of electric vehicles Mixed fuel "Green" of the car Revitalization plan ”。 The German government has approved the development of electric vehicles with a total amount of 500 million euros Planned budget South Korea has formulated the New Growth Power Plan and Development Strategy, which will integrate green technology and cutting-edge Industrial integration high added value A total of 17 emerging industries in three major fields, including services, were identified as new growth drivers. From the perspective of selection basis The most important three points are: first, the products should have stable and promising market demand; Second, it should have good economic and technological benefits; The third is to drive the rise of a number of industries.


Strengthen scientific and technological innovation and enhance the core competitiveness of the industry
Strengthening the ability of independent innovation is the central link in cultivating and developing strategic emerging industries. We must improve the enterprise oriented, market-oriented Combination of production, teaching and research Of Technological innovation system , play National Science and Technology Major Project Core leading role, combined with implementation Industrial development planning , break through key core technologies, strengthen the industrialization of innovative achievements, and enhance the core competitiveness of the industry.
(1) Strengthen key core technologies and cutting-edge industries technical study Around the economy social development Major demands, combined with National Science and Technology Plan Knowledge Innovation Project The implementation of NSFC and NSFC projects will focus on breaking through a number of strategic emerging industries Key common technologies In biology, information, space, ocean Deep Earth And other basic and cutting-edge technology fields, strengthen technology and product research and development in cross fields, and improve basic technology research level.
(2) Strengthening Enterprise technology innovation capacity building Increase the investment in research and development of enterprises, and establish key enterprises to take the lead in organizing scientific research institution An effective mechanism to participate in the implementation with colleges and universities. Relying on key enterprises, focusing on the research and development of key core technologies and system integration, support the construction of a number of engineering platforms with the world's advanced level, and combine the implementation of technological innovation projects to develop a group of enterprises led scientific research institutions and universities actively involved Industrial Technology Innovation Alliance strengthen Fiscal and tax policies Guide and encourage enterprises to increase R&D investment. strengthen Industrial cluster public technical service Platform construction to promote the innovative development of SMEs.
(3) Accelerate implementation Talent strategy and Intellectual property strategy Establish scientific research institutions and universities Innovative talents Increase the flow mechanism to enterprises High skilled talents Team building efforts. Accelerate the improvement of options technology invested as capital stock , equity Dividend right And other forms excitation mechanism Encourage scientific research institutions and universities scientific and technical personnel Actively engaged job-related invention or creation Increase efforts to attract global talents to China for innovation and entrepreneurship. develop Research University And strengthen relevant majors in strategic emerging industries Discipline construction , increase urgently needed Professional degree category reform Talent training mode , formulate policies to encourage enterprises to participate in talent training, and establish enterprises and schools Joint cultivation New mechanism for talents to promote innovative, applied, complex and Skilled talents The cultivation of. Support the creation and application of intellectual property, strengthen the protection and management of intellectual property, and encourage enterprises to establish Patent Alliance Improve the benefit guarantee and realization mechanism of intellectual property transfer and transformation of universities and scientific research institutions, and establish efficient Intellectual property evaluation Transaction mechanism Increasing is of great importance to social results Rewards for innovative achievements.
(4) We will implement major industrial innovation and development projects. With the goal of accelerating the large-scale development of industries, select the key directions that can lead and lead the industry and achieve breakthroughs. Rely on advantageous enterprises, coordinate technology development, engineering, standard formulation, market application and other links, organize the implementation of several major industrial innovation and development projects, and promote factor integration and Technology integration And strive to achieve major breakthroughs.
(5) Construction Industrial innovation Support system. Give full play to the supporting role of knowledge intensive service industry, vigorously develop R&D services information service Entrepreneurship services Technology trading , Intellectual Property and Transformation of scientific and technological achievements And other high-tech service industries. Actively develop human resources services, investment and Management Consulting etc. Business service industry , accelerate development Modern logistics and Environmental service industry
(6) Promote major Scientific and technological achievements Industrialization and Industrial agglomeration development. We will improve the mechanism for the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements, intensify the implementation of industrialization demonstration projects, actively promote the application of major equipment, establish and improve the system for publishing innovative achievements of scientific research institutions and universities Technology transfer organization , promote Technology transfer And diffusion to accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into real productive forces. Rely on the advantageous industrial cluster, cultivate a batch of innovative Entrepreneurship environment Strategic emerging industry with good characteristics and concentrated development Demonstration base , forming Growth pole , radiating and driving regional economic development. [3]
Actively cultivate the market and create good market environment
We should give full play to the fundamental role of the market, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises, strengthen infrastructure construction, actively cultivate the market, and standardize market order , for various types Enterprise health Development creates a fair and good environment.
(1) Organize the implementation of major application demonstration projects. Adhere to promoting development through application and focus on improvement masses Health level, relief environmental resource Constraints and other urgent needs, choose to be in the initial stage of industrialization, with significant social benefits market mechanism Major technologies and products that are difficult to play an effective role, coordinate and link up existing pilot and demonstration projects, and organize the implementation of national health Green development Intelligent manufacturing , material replacement, information benefit and other major application demonstration projects to guide consumption pattern Transform, cultivate the market and drive the industrial development.
(2) Support Market expansion and Business model innovation encourage green consumption Circular consumption Information consumption , innovate consumption mode and promote consumption structure Upgrade. Expansion terminal Energy consumption products Energy efficiency label Scope of implementation. Strengthen new energy grid connection and energy storage Regional aviation And general aviation , new energy vehicles and other fields. In the fields of Internet of Things, energy conservation and environmental protection services, new energy applications, information services, and new energy vehicle promotion, supporting enterprises to vigorously develop is conducive to expanding market demand Of professional services And value-added services. Actively promote Energy Contract Management , recycling of modern waste commodities and other new types business model
(3) Perfect Standard system and Market access system Accelerate the establishment of strategic emerging industries Industry standards And important product technical standard system to optimize the approval of market access Management procedures Further improve Drug registration Management system and mechanism, improve the centralized drug procurement system, and support the priority entry of innovative drugs that are clinically necessary, effective, safe, and reasonably priced Medical insurance catalogue Improve the project and product access standards of new energy vehicles. improve GM agricultural products Management of. Improve and strictly implement energy conservation and environmental protection regulations and standards. [3]
deepen international co-operation And improve the level of international development
We should deepen international cooperation, master key core technologies as soon as possible, and enhance China's autonomy Development capacity And core competitiveness. grasp economic globalization To deepen international cooperation and exchanges, Active exploration New mode of cooperation and participation in international cooperation at a higher level.
(1) Vigorously promote international scientific and technological cooperation and exchanges. Give play to the role of various cooperation mechanisms, and promote international scientific and technological cooperation and exchanges at multiple levels, through multiple channels and in multiple ways. Encourage overseas enterprises and scientific research institutions to set up R&D institutions in China, and support qualified foreign-invested enterprise And enterprise with domestic funding Application for cooperation with research institutions National scientific research projects Support Chinese enterprises and R&D institutions to actively carry out global R&D Service outsourcing , carry out joint R&D and set up R&D institutions overseas Patent application Encourage Chinese enterprises and R&D institutions to participate international standard We will encourage foreign-funded enterprises to participate in China's technology demonstration and application projects and jointly form international standards.
(2) We will effectively improve the quality and level of international investment and financing cooperation. perfect Catalogue for the Guidance of Foreign Investment Industries Encourage foreign investors to establish Venture capital enterprises , bootstrap Foreign investment orientation Strategic emerging industries. Support qualified enterprises to carry out Overseas investment And overseas financing by issuing stocks and bonds. Expand overseas investment of enterprises Autonomy We will improve approval procedures and further increase foreign exchange support for overseas investment of enterprises. Actively explore the construction of technology and Industrial Park Develop national industry guidance catalogue for enterprises Transnational investment Provide guidance.
(3) Vigorously support enterprises Transnational operation perfect export credit , insurance and other policies, combined with foreign aid And actively support key products, technologies and services in strategic emerging industries Develop international market , and Independent intellectual property rights technical standard stay Overseas promotion Application. Support enterprises to pass overseas Registered trademark , overseas acquisition and other ways to cultivate international brands. Strengthen enterprises and products International certification Cooperation. [3]
enlarge financial policy Support, guide and encourage social investment
To accelerate the cultivation and development of strategic emerging industries, we must improve the fiscal, tax and financial policy support system, increase support, guide and encourage Social funds investment.
(1) Increase financial support intensity. Establish strategic emerging industry development on the basis of integrating existing policy resources and funding channels Special funds , establish a stable growth mechanism for financial input, and increase Central finance Investment, innovative support methods, and efforts to support major key technology research and development, major industrial innovation and development projects, industrialization of major innovation achievements, major application demonstration projects, innovation capacity building, etc. Increase government guidance and support to accelerate Energy efficient products Environment symbol Products and Resource recycling Product promotion and application. strengthen fiscal policy performance appraisal , Innovation Financial funds Management mechanism , improve Fund use efficiency
(2) Perfect Tax incentives Policy. In the comprehensive implementation of the existing promotion Science and technology investment And transformation of scientific and technological achievements and support for the development of high-tech industries tax policy On the basis of tax reform Directions and tax characteristics, in view of the characteristics of strategic emerging industries, research and improve tax support policies that encourage innovation, guide investment and consumption.
(3) Encourage financial institutions to increase credit aid Guide financial institutions to establish credit management and loan evaluation systems that adapt to the characteristics of strategic emerging industries. Actively promote Intellectual property pledge financing Industry chain financing etc. Financial product innovation Accelerate the establishment of a multi-level guarantee system, including financial and social capital investment. Positive development Small and medium-sized financial institutions And new financial service Comprehensive application compensation for risk-taking And other financial preferential policies to promote financial institutions to increase support for the development of strategic emerging industries.
(4) Actively exert Multi-level capital market The financing function of. Further improvement GEM Market system, support eligible enterprises Listing financing Push offsite securities market The construction of Development stage The needs of start-ups. We will improve the transition mechanism between markets at different levels and gradually realize the organic connection between markets at all levels. Vigorously develop bond market , expand SME collective bonds and Collective Bills Issuing scale, actively exploring low development credit rating High yield bonds And private placement of convertible bonds, etc financial products And steadily promote corporate bonds Corporate bonds Short term financing bonds and Medium term notes Development Corporate debt financing channel
(5) Vigorously develop Venture capital and Equity investment fund Establish and improve the promotion of venture capital and equity investment Supporting policy system and supervision system for the healthy development of the industry. Insurance companies Social security fund Enterprise annuity Management organization and others institutional investor participate in Emerging industries Venture capital and equity investment funds create conditions. Give play to the guiding role of government venture capital funds in emerging industries, and expand government entrepreneurship in emerging industries Investment scale , make full use of market mechanism to drive social funds to invest in strategic emerging industries Early and middle stage Phased Innovative enterprises encourage private capital Invest in strategic emerging industries. [3]
Promoting the system Mechanism innovation , strengthening Organizational leadership
Accelerating the cultivation and development of strategic emerging industries is an important part of China's economic and social development in the new era Strategic tasks , we must vigorously promote Reform and innovation And strengthen organizational leadership and overall coordination to provide impetus and conditions for the development of strategic emerging industries.
(1) We will deepen reform in key areas. Establish and improve innovative drugs, new energy Resource products Price formation mechanism And taxes Regulatory mechanism Implement new energy Quota system , implement New energy power generation Full amount Supportability Acquisition system. Accelerate the establishment Extended producer responsibility system , establish and improve the main pollutants and Carbon emissions trading System. Establishment promotion Three networks integration Policies and mechanisms for efficient and orderly development, deepening Electric power system reform , accelerate the promotion airspace management structural reform.
(2) Strengthen macro planning guidance. Organize the preparation of national strategic emerging industry development plan and related Special planning , formulate the guidance catalog for the development of strategic emerging industries, and carry out strategic emerging Industrial statistics Monitor and investigate to strengthen the connection with relevant plans and policies. Strengthen guidance for the development of strategic emerging industries in various regions, optimize regional layout, and give full play to Comparative advantage All regions should, in accordance with the overall national plan and local conditions, highlight development priorities and avoid blind development and repeated construction.
(3) Strengthening Organization and coordination Establish an inter ministerial strategic emerging industry development led by the Development and Reform Commission coordinating mechanism Forming resultant force And make overall progress. [3]


The development of strategic emerging industries also has a huge radiation effect. Ren Zhiwu, Deputy Secretary General of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that as a new economic growth point, the development of strategic emerging industries has played a positive role in many aspects.
——Leading economic growth. Since the "13th Five Year Plan", strategic emerging industries have continued to develop vigorously in the past. In 2016 and 2017, the growth rate of some of the national strategic emerging industries was more than 40% higher than the national level in the same period, and the growth rate of the service industry was about twice higher than the national overall growth rate in the same period. In the first half of 2018, the growth rate of strategic emerging industry industry and service industry is still 30% higher than the national level. [5]
——Lead supply upgrading. The eight industries of new generation information technology, biotechnology, high-end equipment, new materials, energy conservation and environmental protection, new energy, new energy vehicles and digital creativity guided by the state developed rapidly, significantly improving the effective supply capacity. China's installed capacity of new energy power generation, sales volume of new energy vehicles and sales volume of smart phones are all the first in the world. In 2017, China's new installed capacity of wind turbines, new installed capacity of photovoltaic devices and sales volume of new energy vehicles accounted for more than 30%, 50% and 60% of the global market respectively. The popularization level of new generation mobile communication, new display, gene service, high-speed rail and Internet market applications has soared. [5]
——Lead enterprise transformation. Strategic emerging industries have become an important direction for enterprises to upgrade and develop. According to the data of the National Information Center, as of the first half of 2018, the number of A-share listed companies in strategic emerging industries accounted for 42.4% of the total, the revenue growth rate was 85.3% higher than the overall, the R&D investment intensity was 44.7% higher than the overall, and the profit margin was 12% higher than the overall. At the same time, small and medium-sized enterprises based on innovation also show a good trend of rapid development. [5]