
The Goddess of Laws in Ancient Greek Mythology
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Themis (\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\. She is Ulanos 's daughter, twelve Titan (Titan) one of the gods. As Zeus Of aunt And the second wife (in Metis Later), she and Zeus Gave birth Horae (Three Goddesses of Chronology) and Morrie( Three Goddesses of Destiny [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Goddess of the Laws of the Earth
Mythological system
Natural law of the earth, primitive law, assembly
Tray, branch, scepter, bull, tripod
Ulanos (father) Gaia (mother)
brothers and sisters
Cronus, Rhea, Hypolion, Tea, Monemosyne, Iapertos, Cleos, Ochenas, Tesis, Coos, Forbes
Three Goddesses of Time Series


The Themes of Ancient Greek Mythology
As the goddess of law and justice, Themis helped Zeus defeat Cronus and Olympus Upper Assistance Zeus Themis was Zeus' most respected and trusted wife, the creator and guardian of order. [2]
The image of Themis in later generations
Zeus ate his first wife Metis Themis was very disgusted with this, so she created the law of marriage, invented the concept of family, and determined the obligations between men and women to restrict Zeus
In a battle Hera Alluring Zeus to divert his attention from the battlefield, he was scolded later and pulled his face back Olympus Seeing the queen returning, the gods all raised their glasses of wine to salute, but Hera ignored them and only took Temis's glass of wine. When Themis asked her why she was so frightened, Hera replied: "You don't need to ask me about these things, goddess Themis. You know how severe and violent his heart is. Now please lead the gods to start an equal palace feast." Hera and Themis, as the women of Zeus, are naturally self-evident about some things, so there is no need to ask more.
Hera even called Themis "Lady Themis", which was never obtained by other women around Zeus.
In her works of art, she is usually shown as holding a scale in her hand to weigh the testimony of both sides. She knows the future and secrets even Zeus doesn't know, such as the sea goddess Tethys The fate of his son, he will be more powerful than his father. Because of her wisdom, Prometheus Only then was he freed from Zeus' punishment. As Gaia's successor, she controls Delphi's Oracle , is she to Pilar (Pyrrha) and Dikalion (Deucalion) Reveal how to rebuild homes after the flood. She also informed Atlas that one day a son of Zeus would steal Hesperides Garden Golden apple That's why Atlas refused to help Perseus Later, she handed over Delphi's oracle to her sister, the Goddess of Light Phoebe Phoebe ), after Apollo Kill Delphi's Pitong (Python) took over the role.
Themis often sat on the throne of Zeus. She is selfless and sticks to the law like a mountain. She used her wisdom to make all kinds of indisputable decisions. The charming Temis is the goddess in charge of the halls of Olympus and the security of the whole universe. Zeus was not only the father of the gods of Olympus, but also the king of mankind. The relevant decisions and orders made by the Heavenly Father at the suggestion of Themis were made by the Goddess Iris Deliver to the gods. Iris has a pair of wings and feet Get up The road is as fast as the wind. When she comes down from the sky, the speed is like hail Descend from the clouds to the ground. She repeated the God's decision to people word by word, and then started a pair Rainbow His wings flew back to Mount Olympus. She sat on the steps of the throne of Zeus, concentrating. Even when she sleeps, she never slackens and never lifts her veil, because once God gives an order, she must fly to the designated place immediately.
After the rise of Olympian worship, some places also regarded it as the goddess of night Nix Daughters' Goddess of Destiny Moerae (Moerae) is also written as the daughter of her and Zeus.
Other names and meanings:
1、Σωτειρα( Latin -Sotira): Messiah
2. ε νβ ο ν λ ο (Latin Eubolus): assist carefully
3. 0,0 ρθ 0,0 β ϕ λ ο (Latin Orthobolus): advice
4. Ἱ ε ρα (Latin Hiera): Oracle
5. αஸ (Latin Aedoeus): August, Venerable
6. ε νγ ε νη (Latin Eugenes): noble
7. ττανν (Latin Titanis): Titan goddess [3]

patron saint

The image of Themis in later generations
libra The patron god, the god of justice: Themis
Guardian: Venus
Lucky stone: sapphire
Lucky flower: calliopsis
Representative: Justice, impartiality and impartiality, as well as negligence of law.
Libras are characterized by steady and rational personality. He has an excellent sense of balance and fair judgment, is good at coordination, and can often assume the responsibility of mediation in the opposite opinions. All things should be logical and strategic. We should never use violence to solve things, but use ingenious tactics to find a balance between equal rights and interests. Soft but not indecisive, exquisite in all aspects, with great social talent, it is easy to win the favor and courtesy of the incumbent.

Theological Period

In ancient times MYTHOS The goddess of justice and order is Themis. According to the records in the Shinto Annals, Themis is a god Ulanos and Earth Goddess Gaia Born. As a goddess of law and justice, the image of Themis is usually a white robe, wearing a golden crown, carrying a scale in the left hand, a sword in the right hand, leaning Corbel The blindfolded goddess of. Wrap the stick around a snake, sit a dog at the foot, and put it on the desk wand One, several books and one skeleton. According to the European iconography, the white robe symbolizes moral integrity and integrity; Blindness, because justice is purely based on reason, not on misleading sensory impression; crown Because justice is extremely noble and glory comes first; The scale is a metaphor for discretion and fairness. In the face of justice, everyone gets his or her value, no more and no less; The sword means that the punishment is severe and will not tolerate; Beam, originally Ancient Rome The symbol of the highest law enforcement officer is the embodiment of authority and punishment; Snakes and dogs represent hatred and friendship respectively. Neither of them can affect the referee.


The greatest feature of the image of Themis is the blindfold on his face. It is said that one day, the gods in the heaven fell out of harmony, and the world was on the verge of disaster. No one dares to come forward for mediation and arbitration. The vigorous and upright are easily seduced by fairies, while the sophisticated dare not speak frankly to power. I have searched everywhere, but there is no suitable person. last, Emperor of Heaven A white robed and golden crowned goddess stood beside her, took out a handkerchief, tied it to her eyes, and cried, "I'm coming!" When the gods saw it, they had to nod their heads and agree: since she was blindfolded, she could not see the face and identity of the disputant, and would not be lured, and did not have to fear power. Blinding is not blindness, but self-discipline, a deliberate gesture. This allusion leads to an aphorism: "Procedure is the blindfold of justice." This phrase has been included in the law dictionary as an aphorism and is often quoted. The goddess who stood up in the critical moment was Themis, and later generations were honored as the Goddess of Justice.
Statue of the Goddess of Justice
Themis, the goddess of justice, blindfolded her eyes to show that she was impartial and disinterested. She would treat everyone equally regardless of who she was facing. Her left hand held up the Libra, which symbolized absolute fairness and justice, and was used to measure all injustice in the world. Right-handed Kill Evil Sword , placed behind him, symbolizes killing all evil people in the world, punishing evil and promoting good. The front balance and the back sword indicate that although she advocates justice, she does not advocate unnecessary killing, which also means that no one can kill others without reason in the name of justice. Stepping on a poisonous snake means that all evils will never appear before her. [4]


The left hand of the justice goddess Themis symbolizes absolute fairness and justice, and is used to measure all injustice in the world. Later, it was thrown out by Themis, who incarnated as Libra to symbolize justice between heaven and earth.
[Evil Killing Sword]
The right hand of the Goddess of Justice, Themis, is used to kill all evil people in the world, punish evil and promote good. It is a powerful magic weapon to maintain justice and righteousness.
The reliance of the Goddess of Justice represents the highest law enforcement power in Rome, and is the embodiment of authority and punishment. Rome was called Fascis and was once called Fascis by Germany nazi Misuse means that power and violence are above everything. Today, its original meaning should be restored.

In the West

With sharp sword in hand and eyes covered with black cloth Themis, the god of justice The whole body exudes a sacred and inviolable sense of justice , making all evils tremble in front of her. So in court or Arbitration institution You can often see the statue of Themis. In addition, people will also stand the statue of the Goddess of Justice on the desk to show their fairness and integrity, dispel the evil forces around them, and achieve the goal of eliminating villains. [1]