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Solid objects existing in protoplanetary disks and debris disks
Microplanets are considered as solid objects existing in the protoplanetary disk and the debris disk.
Chinese name
Theory presentation
Victor Safronov

Basic Introduction

A widely accepted theory of planetary formation is Victor Safronov According to the micro planet hypothesis, the formation of planets is caused by the continuous collision and adhesion of tiny dust particles to form larger and larger individuals. When the diameter of this individual reaches about 1km, it can form a lunar scale protoplanet and become a giant through mutual gravity attraction.
This is how micro planets are often defined. Objects smaller than micro planets rely on Brownian motion or turbulent motion in the gas, so that they can produce enough adhesion between each other collision In addition, micro planets may also gather in the area where dust particles are densely stratified in the middle of the protoplanetary disk, due to the instability of gravity. Many micro planets will be broken due to violent impact, but some of the largest micro planets may still exist after this stage and continue to grow into protoplanets, and then become planets.
It is generally believed that this period was about 3.8 billion years ago when Late Heavy Bombardment After the stage of solar system Outside.
Is to enter an orbit that is extremely far away, such as Otyun , or from Jupiter like planet (In particular Jupiter and Neptune )Regular gravity pushes gently and collides with larger objects. A few micro planets may be captured as satellites, such as Phobos and Phobos, and many high inclination satellites of Jupiter like planets.


Microplanets that still exist today are very valuable to scientists because they contain information about the birth of our solar system. Although their external chemical composition may have been changed by strong solar radiation, their internal composition is basically the original material untouched during the formation of micro planets. This makes each micro planet like a "time capsule", whose structure can tell us Solar nebula And our Planetary system Conditions at the time of formation.