
Agricultural Goddess in Ancient Greek Mythology
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synonym Demeter (The agricultural goddess in ancient Greek mythology) generally refers to Demeter (the agricultural goddess in ancient Greek mythology)
Demeter( Greek :Δήμητρα; English: Demeter), ancient MYTHOS Agriculture, Grain and Harvest in China goddess Twelve main gods of Olympus one of. stay Roman myth The god corresponding to Demeter in Ceres Crius Latin :Ceres)。
Demeter taught people to cultivate and give life to the earth. She has boundless magic power, which can make the land fertile, the plants prosperous, the grain abundant, and also can make the earth wither, all things wither, and nothing grows. It can make people have inexhaustible wealth, and at the same time, it can make people destitute and destitute.
Demeter is Cronus and Ruiya 's daughter, Hestia 's sister, Hera Hades Poseidon and Zeus 's sister, who later gave birth to the afterlife with Zeus Persephone
Chinese name
Foreign name
Δηητρα (Greek), Demeter (English)
Mythological system
Agriculture, grain, fruit, harvest, land
Ear of wheat, sickle, gold point stick
Cronus Ruiya
Zeus Iacion Poseidon
brothers and sisters
Hestia Hera Hades Poseidon Zeus
Roman counterpart

Character image

in ancient times plastic arts During the prosperous period of Hera Similar, but the appearance is relatively friendly, not as dignified as Hera. Demeter is a kind and caring woman. She wears a circular crown woven from golden ears of wheat, and sometimes holds ears of wheat in her hands narcissus , torch, fruit basket, cornucopia or Sickle

Myth and legend

Demeter and daughter Persephone
The myth of Demeter and her daughter Persephone Closely related. Persephone has lived with his mother Demeter since childhood and never considered Marriage The matter. Once Persephone was in the jungle with Nymph When the fairies were playing, the earth suddenly split Hades He took the opportunity to rob her. Hades, the uncle of Persephone, had already fallen in love with her Zeus The plan was implemented with the tacit consent and help of. The robbed Persephone cried out sadly for her mother. Demeter heard Persephone's cry for help and was heartbroken. She quickly put down her farm work and ran towards the cry, but Persephone had already disappeared. Demeter was extremely anxious. She didn't eat or drink for several days and nights in a row, and looked around for her daughter's whereabouts. In this way, Demeter did not get anything when he traveled around the world for nine days and nine nights in a row. When the tenth day came, she met by chance Hecat She also heard Persephone's cry for help, but did not recognize the robber. They came together to the omniscient Helios Helios told Demeter the whole story of the event Aretuza To Demeter). Demeter was so angry that she decided not to return Olympus Until her daughter came back to her (it was said that Demeter immediately found Zeus Let him order Hades to take Persephone back to her at once, or she will make the earth barren).
She disguised herself as an old woman and came to Seleucis, the king of Seleucis Seleus 's wife Metanegra Took Demeter in and made her his son Demophon and Tripptolemus Our nanny. Demeter liked De Mofeng very much and wanted to let him live forever. Demeter wiped him with agar paste and baked him on fire at night, but this process was interrupted and failed due to the accidental discovery of Motanera. Then Demeter confided his true feelings to the king and queen. She taught Triptolmus to cultivate the land, gave him an ear of wheat, and told him to sow the grain wherever he went.
In Demeter Olympus During this period of time, the cultivated land no longer grows crops, the seeds rot in the soil, and the grains have just eared, either dry or dry. Famine threatens the world, and people no longer worship gods. In desperation, Zeus had to order Hades Return Persephone to Demeter. But this is impossible. Hades has let Persephone eat the food of the underworld in order to keep her Goddess of Destiny According to the regulations of the World Bank, only people or gods who have not been contaminated with the food of Hades can return to the world, while Persephone has broken his fast and eaten six pomegranate seeds. In the end, only a compromise agreement can be reached: let Demeter return to Olympus again to bring the earth back to life, and grant Persephone Split palm The function of heaven and earth is to be the queen of Hades for half of the time every year, and return to the earth and stay with her mother for half of the time. This is why every spring everything recovers and is full of vitality. This is when Persephone is on his way from Hades to Olympus Mountain; When Persephone returned to Hades, everything withered, the land was deserted, and the cold winter covered the land.
On the way to looking for her daughter in Demeter Poseidon She pursued her endlessly. In order to avoid him, the goddess turned into a mare and mixed in the herd, but Poseidon, who became a male horse, mated with her and gave birth to the god horse Arion. There are also some legends about Demeter and Iacion The goddess gave birth to the god of wealth Plutos

Folk worship

In addition to managing the grain and the fertility of the earth, Demeter was also honored as the goddess of legislation or the goddess of justice, named Tesmophola, because food is the god of the people, and agriculture is the foundation of people's life and prosperity; Sometimes she is also the patron saint of marriage and family, and her image and functions are similar to Hera Very similar. Usually worship her Persephone Their worship is closely linked. The cult center of Demeter was at Ulysses, where the secret cult of Ulysses was held. Greece There are festivals to commemorate her everywhere. Ancient people believed that the earth was the source of life and the mother of all things. The sacrifices offered to Demeter included bulls, cows, pigs, fruits, beehives, fruit trees, rice ears and Chinese chestnut stay Rome , Demeter and Crius They are confused and very popular among farmers, sacrifice Our festival is usually held in April. Then Chris and Gaia Ruiya or Cybele Mix together.
at first Geogod It's the god who takes everything, along with Religious thought The development of Demeter came into being. stay Gentile aristocracy During his reign, Demeter was considered the second god in the world. Homer Demeter is not included in the theology of Olympus, and she is rarely mentioned. With the gradual rise of agricultural status, the worship of Demeter has also greatly developed. Around the 5-6th century BC, Demeter played an important role in the theology of Olympus.