Zhang Shoujie

Tang scholars
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Zhang Shoujie, Tang dynasty Kaiyuan There was a scholar named Sima Qian 's works《 Redords of the Grand History of China 》Name《 Historical record justice 》。 In this book, he quoted the royal family of the Tang Dynasty, the King of Wei Li Tai and Xiao Deyan A geography book written by et al《 Include geographical records 》。 Zhang Shoujie's life story is unknown. [1]
Tang dynasty
one's native heath
Tang Dynasty
Main works
Justice in Historical Records
True name
Zhang Shoujie
Zhang Shoujie's life story is unknown. He once gave Sima Qian A masterpiece of《 Redords of the Grand History of China 》As a note, he named it "Justice in Historical Records", in which he quoted the King of Wei of Tang Dynasty Li Tai A geography book written by Xiao Deyan and others《 Include geographical records 》。
In the Northern Song Dynasty, the first "collection" of the study of "Historical Records" was composed of "Historical Records Collection and Interpretation" by Song Peiyin of the Southern Dynasty, "Historical Records Solicitation" by Tang Sima Zhen, and "Historical Records Justice" by Zhang Shoujie. [1]