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Open source project

Open Source Project
Open source( Open Source Open source )It is registered as a certification mark by a non-profit software organization (the American Open Source Initiative Association) and formally defined to describe software whose source code can be used by the public, and its use, modification and distribution are not restricted by the license.
Open source project owner Does not belong to any organization or individual. Under the condition of complying with the open source agreement, open source products can be customized into their own personalized products by modifying the code.
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Open source project
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The open source project
Open source project
Related Systems
Perl, etc

brief introduction

open source Project, as its name implies, Open Source code project

Related work

When it comes to Open Source , you may think of a lot of Open source Products, if you are a programmer, may be associated with KDE perhaps GNOME The tools developed on the. However, this article is about the development of open source systems on the Windows platform in compliance with industry standards. This article introduces some very useful connections. If you are a programmer on the Windows platform and are used to writing closed source code or Proprietary software , then, please Go to see As you will know, these connections mentioned in this article are developed on Windows Open source software It is a more fulfilling and challenging career.


Although Windows is Open source community But there are still a lot of open source software that can be applied to Windows. I remember before Linux GNU Tools are migrated to Windows. Currently, only open source or free software , you can develop complex Windows software.
There is also a reverse path: if you are developing Windows software, you can take advantage of those Windows specific tools and make full use of their advantages. In this case, you can use COM focus to optimize the Windows interface. If you use Microsoft's Visual Studio To write programs, so that your programs can only run on Windows.
But when optimizing these programs, you may have to compromise among many applications. Your program becomes Windows Special program In this way, you should follow Microsoft's "teachings" to write the best programs. However, many people do not like this. For example, if you use Microsoft's MAPI As an e-mail API, you can only get simple support from non Microsoft platforms. Therefore, adhering to standards can give you greater freedom to choose the right products to meet your needs.

Related Systems

There is at least one major open source development system on Windows: Perl. ActiveState is the main publisher of the Windows version of Perl, making Perl an excellent scripting tool on Windows. In addition, using Perl on Windows does not necessarily mean that you are writing portable code. Whether on Windows or other platforms, Perl is often used as a convenient language to interact with the operating system. If you browse CPAN You will find a large number of Perl codes, most of which can only support Unix. However, in real life, there are still many Perl codes on Windows and many websites to help Perl users on Windows.


Although there are quite a few websites that support open source software development tools on Windows, I haven't found a website dedicated to discussing open source software development tools on Windows Open source tools (Maybe I didn't find it completely). [1]
OSDN has several websites: Freshmeat net and SourceForge, which host Open source Engineering, but many are development tool (Because they are written by programmers for work).
All Windows compatible products user interface Either character interface, or web interface, or similar wxWindows The abstract library of. But many are just cross platform libraries.
IBM There are many open source tools on alphaWorks. Most target platforms are Linux perhaps Java , but there is also XML for Windows.
For Web developers, there are many options. All leading open source applications in the market have corresponding Windows versions, including the "central idea" of LAMP website: Apache , PHP , and MySQL For PHP programmers on Windows, the author suggests that you must visit php4win.
If you don't develop it yourself, there are also some applications you can choose. OpenOffice is an open source project built based on Sun's StarOffice code and can also work on Windows. It seems very controversial. In addition, you can also use Mozilla's browser.
Using open source tools on the Windows platform seems very unpleasant. If you firmly believe that Open source If so, you should abandon Windows. However, open source is a reality, even though we don't get along very well with Windows.
Language tools for open source projects
PHP: Because PHP is short and pithy, and PHP programs are often not compiled and encrypted, PHP programs become open source online application program Preferred language for development. Because PHP is not compiled and encrypted, few PHP open source projects are used for enterprise applications, and large enterprises lack financial and technical support for PHP. PHP is mainly used in free, individual or small team open source development. SugarCRM is a relatively successful application in SMEs CRM system
Java: is the preferred language for enterprise application development. IBM Competes with Sun for Java Dominance , with Oracle and Microsoft dispute Enterprise applications Of market share IBM has become the most diligent and diligent enterprise in promoting open source development of Java basic projects. IBM vs. Apache Jakarta With the strong support of the project, Java has a strong Tomcat server and a series of basic development components of Apache Commons; IBM's support for Eclipse gives Java a strong development environment Unlike PHP, Java is more open source functional module Development on, while targeting end user Open source for application system It is obviously not as much as PHP, and it is not as mature as PHP development and application in terms of functions. The main reason is that Java programs have high requirements for servers, and when sharing hosts, PHP with limited functions is more flexible and controllable in security and management.
Open source project management tool
ZenTaoPMS : Medium and small Enterprise project management The best choice for. ZenTaoPMS is based on the internationally popular agile project management mode—— Scrum At the same time PMP Many concepts in Scrum reflect the essence of iterative development in Scrum, and are well integrated Burnout diagram The concept of. ZenTaoPMS is based on LGPL The agreement can be obtained by enterprises or individuals for free Zen project management software Of source code It can be installed and used, and can be modified according to your actual needs.