Kepler supernova

Nova in the Milky Way
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Kepler supernova Germany astronomer Kepler Is named after. Kepler Supernova It is also the last supernova that can be observed with the naked eye in 400 years. Kepler supernova is about 13000 light-years away from Earth Galaxy The representative of the recent supernova explosion in Inner Mongolia.
Chinese name
Kepler supernova
First observation time
October 9, 1604 [1]
Distance from the Earth
About 13000 light years

brief introduction

Kepler supernova
Kepler is Denmark astronomer Tycho Brahe He followed his teacher's footsteps and found a supernova. In October 1604, Kepler found a new Illuminant This is also a supernova visible to the naked eye, numbered 1604. From 1604 to 1606, Kepler had been studying his supernova until it disappeared in 1606. because Astronomical telescope It was not invented until 1609, so Kepler's research mainly depended on naked eye observation.

Nova record

Four hundred years ago, that is Western Yuan In October 1604, the first record on earth Supernova explosion High energy generated Cosmic cloud Supernovae in the early seventeenth century Ophiuchus (Ophiucus) produces a new bright star. Many countries in the world have observation records.
Ming History Astrology Record:“( Wanli )September 32 Yi Chou At the end, there are stars like bullets. They are red and yellow. They can be seen in the southwest and disappear in October. December Xin You , turn out to the southeast, and still leave at the end. It will darken in February and August next year Ding Mao It begins to die. "
astronomer Kepler And his colleagues use modern telescopes to explain the cause of the illusion in the sky.
Using the latest knowledge of the evolution of stars, astronomers in this century continued to explore this expanding dust cloud, and investigated Kepler's Supernova Supernova remnant , SNR). In this composite photo NASA X rays recorded by the space telescope of, visible light and infrared And the Chandra X-ray telescope, Hubble and Spitzer Space telescope These photos of composition supernova remnant Provide a considerable degree of information. Kepler's supernova remnant is 13000 light-years away from us, which is the latest supernova explosion in the Milky Way.

Supernova 1604

(No.: SN 1604 , or Kepler supernova) is located at Galaxy A supernova in Ophiuchus. So far, SN 1604 is the last supernova observed in the Milky Way, only 6000 away from Earth Second gap (about 20000 light years). At its peak, it became the brightest star in the whole day Venus Other planets outside are bright, Apparent magnitude − 2.5.
This supernova was first discovered on October 9, 1604. [1] By October 17, German astronomers Johannes Kepler He discovered this phenomenon and wrote a book named De Stella nova in pede Serpentarii (the nova of Ophiuchus' foot) to record it thoroughly after in-depth study.
Supernova 1604 is the second time seen in contemporary times Supernova explosion , the previous one occurred in 1572 (see the entry Tychonova for details). Since then, no supernovae have been observed in the Milky Way, but extragalactic supernovae are common, with the most notable Supernova 1987A
The remains of supernova 1604 have become the prototype of similar objects found in the future, and today, 400 years later, they are still objects that are often studied in depth. Kepler's star map records the position of supernovae, marked by the letter "N". (The fourth row from the bottom, the fourth grid from the left, the right heel of Ophiuchus)

Discoverer Introduction

Kepler (Johannes Kepler, 1571-1630), Germany astronomer.
In 1600, Kepler went to Prague to serve as Tycho Brahe Assistant to. After Tycho's death in 1601, he inherited Tycho's career. Using the observation data accumulated by Tycho for many years, he carefully analyzed and studied, and found that Elliptical orbit And put forward three laws of planetary motion (i.e Kepler's law ), discovered by Newton Law of universal gravitation The foundation has been laid.
On the basis of Tycho's work, Kepler compiled Rudolph's Catalogue 》The table lists the locations of 1005 stars. This catalog is much more accurate than other catalogs, so until the middle of the 18th century, the Rudolf Catalog was still regarded as a treasure by astronomers and navigators, and its form has remained almost unchanged today.
Kepler's main works include The Mystery of the Universe and Optics《 Cosmic harmony theory 》Copernicus Astronomical Outline, Comet Theory, and Strange Astronomical Phenomena in 1631, etc. Among them, in Cosmic Harmony, Kepler found the simplest world system, which can be described by only 7 ellipses Celestial motion System; In Comet Theory, he pointed out that the tail of a comet always carries the sun away because the sun repels it Cometary head This is the correct prediction of the existence of radiation pressure half a century ago; In addition, Kepler also found that Atmospheric refraction The approximate law of.
To commemorate Kepler's achievements, International Astronomical Union It was decided that No. 1134 Asteroid naming For Kepler asteroid


Its light first reached the earth in October 1604, which is about 400 years ago. In the early 17th century Ophiuchus Inside, Supernova A bright new star has been produced inside. Astronomer Kepler and his contemporaries are studying this new star. Without telescopes, their explanation is just a strange phenomenon in the sky. However, astronomers with the knowledge of star evolution in the early 21st century also continued to explore the expanding Debris cloud , but now they can use Space orbit Through the telescope in spectral analysis To detect Kepler supernova remnants (SNR). Recently, Chandra in orbit X-ray telescope From shooting Kepler supernova remnants X-ray Data and Image display It is rich in Ia type supernova The basic elements left after the explosion indicate that the origin of the supernova is a White dwarf , when it accumulates too much mass Chandraseka limit Later, the explosion took place and the relics were formed. Kepler supernova is about 13000 light-years away from us Galaxy The representative of the recent supernova explosion in Inner Mongolia.

Mystery of wreckage

North Carolina State University The youngest supernova remnant image in the Milky Way has been obtained by scientists of. This image will help astronomers solve a long-standing mystery, and also have a guiding significance on how stars end catastrophically and determine the expansion of the universe.
The object named "Kepler Supernova Debris" was formed after the explosion of a star, which made the surrounding gas reach a high temperature of several million degrees and produced a large amount of X-ray.
Astronomers have previously used radio Optical telescope Kepler remains have been studied for more than 30 years with X-ray telescopes, but its origin is still a mystery. On the one hand, there is a large amount of iron in the debris and it is not detected neutron star They all point to a so-called Type la supernova. On the other hand, the debris seems to be expanding into a more dense nitrogen rich material, which also indicates that the Kepler debris belongs to another type II supernova.


from North Carolina State University The group of astronomers led by Professor Stephen Reynolds summarized the Aerospace Bureau( NASA )Chandra X-ray Observation station (Chandra X-ray Observatory) Observation results of nearly nine days. By comparing the relative number of oxygen and iron atoms in the supernova, they concluded that Kepler debris originated from the explosion of Type la supernova.
Reynolds' team also high-density Matter gives an explanation. They believe that "Kepler" is the closest to the rare "instant" type la supernova explosion, which is often formed in the High quality It happens in stars, not billions of years. If this is the case, Kepler will deepen astronomers' understanding of all Type la supernovae and the distinctive "instant" supernova explosions. This will also improve the use of Type la stars as dark substance Cosmology To study the reliability of the standard, it is also to understand that stars are the source of a large amount of iron in the universe Basic conditions