
Zhao militarist in the Warring States Period of China
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Incorruptible (date of birth and death unknown) Ying surname , the Lian family, named Po [57] China the warring states late Zhao Famous general. [31] [66]
Zhao Huiwen Wang Sixteen years ago (283 BC), Lian Po participated in the Five Nation Allied Army's expedition against Qi, defeated Qi's army, took Yang Jin, and worshipped him official with high rank He had Lin Xiangru I was deeply dissatisfied with myself. Later, I realized that Lin Xiangru had repeatedly yielded and retreated, to offer a humble apology , and the two men damon and pythias Zhao Xiaocheng Wang Six years ago (260 years ago), Lianpo was sent to Changping to defend against the Qin army. With the policy of sticking to the wall, the Qin army did nothing. Later, Zhao Xiaocheng and Wang Zhong the Qin state Calculated by Zhao Kuo Instead of integrity, they were defeated. In the 15th year of Zhao Xiaocheng's reign (251 years ago), integrity and Le Cheng Lead the army to defeat the Yan army and kill the general Chestnut belly Please come to Yanke Five Cities. Write a letter to Pingjun for A country of false faces Zhao mourned King Xiang After he ascended the throne, he sent Lecheng to take over Lianpo's military power. Lianpo became very angry and expelled Lecheng. He defected Wei , reside in Girder , but not reused. Under the military pressure of the State of Qin, Zhao Huaixiang and Wang Wanted to reuse Lianpo, and Lianpo also wanted to return to China to serve. But the envoy sent by King Zhao mourned Xiang was attacked by honest enemies Guo Kai He thought he was old and honest, so he didn't call him back. After Lianpo, he became a general of Chu, and finally Yu Shouchun worried The end. [20] [31]
Lianpo, as the main military commander at the end of the Zhao State, fought for decades, defeated Qi and Yan, and guarded Changping with outstanding military achievements. Later generations have said that incorruptibility and White rise Wang Jian Li Mu And called“ Four famous generals of the Warring States Period [33] He and Lin Xiangru“ Make peace with each other ”His deeds have become an important theme for later literary and artistic creation [67]
Full Name
the warring states later stage
Ethnic groups
Huaxia nationality
Place of death
Key achievements
Break through the Qi army and capture Yangjin
Stick to Changping and resist the Qin army
Defeat Yandu and kill Chestnut belly
Official baron
A country of false faces , Xin Pingjun
Serve as vassals
Zhao → State of Wei → State of Chu

Character's Life


Breaking Qi's reputation

Zhao Huiwen Wang In the early period of the reign, the six eastern countries Qi State The most powerful, Qi and the Qin state Each is a powerful country in the East and West. Zhao Huiwen was a famous general in the 15th year (284 BC) of King Zhao Huiwen Leyi At the same time, he served as the prime minister of Yan and Zhao, joined forces with Qin, Han and Wei, formed the posture of five countries' allied forces attacking Qi, and defeated Qi's army [1] Lianpo also participated in this large-scale military activity. In the 16th year of King Huiwen of Zhao (283 BC), he led the Zhao army to drive deep into the territory of the State of Qi and capture Yangjin (now Shandong Province Yuncheng West) [56] , the great princes. Later, Lianpo's teachers returned to court, and the officials paid homage official with high rank (Shangqing was a senior title at that time) [2]

to offer a humble apology

In the 16th year of King Huiwen Zhao (283 BC), the State of Zhao obtained He Shi Bi the Qin state He offered to replace it with 15 cities, and Huiwen Wang sent Lin Xiangru Lin Xiangru was only an eunuch when he was sent to the State of Qin Miao Xian Understory palace secretary Recommended by Miao Xian to King Huiwen“ He Shi Bi ”, served as Zhao envoy to Qin. Lin Xiangru, with his great wisdom and courage to return a thing intact to its owner And won the diplomatic victory over Qin. [20]
Later, Qin attacked Zhao and occupied Shicheng The next year, Qin attacked Zhao again and killed 20000 Zhao troops. At this time King Zhaoxiang of Qin Wanted to be in Mianchi (today's Henan Province) with Hui Wenwang Mianchi West) When they met to make peace, King Huiwen was afraid and refused to go. Lianpo and Lin Xiangru discussed that King Huiwen should go to show Zhao's strength and King Huiwen's courage. King Huiwen and Lin Xiangru went together, and Lian Po sent them to the border. When they parted from King Huiwen, they said: "The king's trip is only 30 days. If he does not return the money after 30 days, please make the prince king to break the hope that Qin State threatened Zhao State." [3] The incorruptible general's demeanor and careful arrangement strengthened King Huiwen's demeanor. At the same time, because Lin Xiangru dealt with the King of Qin in an unassuming manner at the Mianchi Meeting, he fought back against the King of Qin Zhaoxiang's various means without showing weakness, which not only saved Zhao's reputation, but also shocked the King of Qin Zhaoxiang and his officials. Finally, King Huiwen returned safely. Mingren Zhong Xing He commented: "At the meeting of the rope pool, Xiang Rucong and Lian Yanshou can see that both of them are in Zhao, and one of them is indispensable. The case of two people leading the car to bear the burden has already been ambushed. Both of them are ancient ministers, who are quite brave to cover up, and Xiang Ruzhi is like covering up their ears with wisdom." [59]
After the Mianchi Meeting, Lin Xiangru was awarded the title of Shangqing because of his great contributions, and he was above the incorruptible. Lian Po said, "I am the general of the State of Zhao, and I have made great contributions to the city and field battles. Lin Xiangru only made some contributions by his eloquence, but his position is above me. In addition, Lin Xiangru was a civilian, and I feel ashamed. I can't bear to be under him." He threatened, "When I meet Xiangru, I must humiliate him." After hearing that, Lin Xiangru refused to meet him. When Lin Xiangru went to court, he often said that he was ill and was unwilling to compete with Lianpo for the position. Before long, Lin Xiangru went out. Seeing Lianpo from afar, he turned around to avoid [4] Seeing this, Lin Xiangru's disciples said to him straightforwardly, "That's why we left our relatives to serve you. We admire your noble integrity. Now you are the same as the incorruptible official. General Lian speaks evil words, but you are afraid of avoiding him. You are too afraid. Ordinary people are ashamed, not to mention being generals. We people are hopeless. Please let us go. " Lin Xiangru firmly urged them to stay, saying, "Who do you think General Lian is more powerful than the King of Qin?" He replied, "General Lian is no better than the King of Qin." Lin Xiangru said, "With the power of the King of Qin, I dare to scold him in the court and humiliate his officials. Although I am powerless, can I be afraid of General Lian? But I thought that the reason why the powerful State of Qin did not dare to attack the State of Zhao was that General Lian and I were there. Now two tigers are fighting each other, and they cannot coexist. I am so patient that I want to put the country's difficulties ahead and put personal grievances behind. " [5] When Lianpo heard these words, he took off his coat, exposed his upper body and carried a thorn on his back(“ to offer a humble apology ”), led by the guests, came to Lin Xiangru's door to apologize. Lian Po said, "I'm a rude and humble man. I never thought you were so generous, General." They finally made friends with each other and became friends in life and death [6]
Reference materials for the album of guilty plea [38] [45]

Go to all directions

In the 20th year of King Huiwen of Zhao (279 BC), Lianpo attacked Qi to the east and broke its army. [7]
Lianpo Portrait
In the 23rd year of King Huiwen Zhao (276 BC), Zhao Jiang Louchang Lead the army to attack Jiyi (today's Hebei) of the State of Wei name ), failed to capture. After that, Lianpo attacked again and successfully occupied the territory. [8]
In the 24th year of King Huiwen of Zhao (275 BC), Wei was attacked with integrity and the Fangling (now Henan) was captured Anyang Twenty miles to the south), built the city and returned it, and then captured Anyang (now 43 miles to the southwest of Anyang in Henan Province). [9]
In the 29th year of King Huiwen of Zhao (270 BC), King Zhaoxiang of Qin was dissatisfied with King Huiwen's breach of the covenant, and sent Zhonggeng Hu Yang Send troops to attack the important town of Zhao Argyle (Now Heshun, Shanxi). After hearing the news, King Huiwen summoned Lian Po and asked, "Can we go to rescue?" Lian Po replied, "The road is far, and it is difficult and narrow. It is difficult to rescue." King Huiwen asked Le Cheng for advice and got the same answer as Lian Po. Finally, Huiwen Wang Zhao Zhao She When Zhao She came here, he said: "The road is too long and the road is too narrow. It's like two mice fighting in a cave. The brave wins!" King Huiwen sent Zhao She to lead the rescue and break the Qin army [48] , historical title The Battle of Argentines During the war between Chanyu and Qin, the duke of the State of Wei led his troops to settle in Anyi, threatening to attack the Qin army of Chanyu. Therefore, after the defeat, King Zhaoxiang of Qin turned to send troops to attack Ji (which belonged to Wei at this time). Lian Po was ordered to lead the army to save Ji and break the Qin army again. [10]

battle of Chang Ping

In the 33rd year of King Huiwen Zhao (266 BC), King Huiwen Zhao died, his son Zhao Xiaocheng Wang stand. [11]
In the fourth year of Zhao Xiaocheng's reign (262 BC), Qin attacked Korea Shangdang (County government Huguan , now southeast of Changzhi, Shanxi). Shangdang's South Korean garrison is helpless Feng Ting He dedicated Shangdang to Zhao State. As a result, Qin and Zhao fought for Shangdang area. By this time, Zhao She was dead, and Lin Xiangru was seriously ill. Only Lian Po was in charge of military affairs. So, in April of the sixth year of Emperor Xiaocheng's reign (260 BC), King Xiaocheng ordered Lianpo to command Zhao Jun to stop the Qin army in Changping (now Jincheng, Shanxi) gaoping Northwest). [11]
Lianpo (a historical military general in the History of the Three Kingdoms 12)
At that time, the Qin army defeated the Zhao army several times, and has taken the wild king from the south (now Henan Qinyang )In the north, Shangdang (now part of the southeast of Shanxi Province) cut off the ties between Changping and the south and the north, and the morale was high. However, Zhao's army came here after a long journey, not only in a inferior position in terms of military strength, but also in a passive and disadvantageous position in terms of posture. In April, General Qin Wang Xuan When attacking Zhao, Zhao's envoy, Lian Po, was killed by Qin's scouts in April Beneficial general In June, two Zhang Siwei were killed by the Qin army. In the face of this situation, Lianpo was forced to adopt the policy of building fortifications, exhausting the enemy, and waiting for opportunities to attack the enemy. Beginning in July, he ordered Zhao Jun to build a heavy barrier with mountain risks. However, he was still defeated by Wang Xuan, killed two lieutenants by the Qin army, and captured the west barrier by the Qin army. As a result, Lianpo changed his strategy and decided not to fight with the Qin army. After the Qin army captured the position of the Zhao army, Lianpo always faced several challenges. [11] [32]
Qin won several battles on the battlefield, but because Lianpo could not avoid the battle after his defeat, he made a conspiracy to convince King Xiaocheng that what Qin feared most was to use Zhao Kuo (Zhao She's son) replaces Lianpo. King Xiaocheng was eager to win, and finally fell into a trap. He thought that Lianpo was afraid of fighting, so he forced him to quit his post and used Zhao Kuo as general. After Zhao Kuo replaced Lianpo, he completely changed the strategic deployment formulated by Lianpo and replaced many officers. When King Zhaoxiang of Qin saw that Zhao Kuo was the general of the State of Zhao, he secretly sent King Wu An White rise He led his troops to the front and led them to attack Zhao. In September, Bai Qi defeated Zhao Zhijun Yu Changping, shot Zhao Kuo, and killed more than 400000 Zhao troops. A total of 450000 soldiers were killed in the battle of Changping. [12] [32] The next year, the Qin army took the advantage of the situation to encircle Handan. For more than a year, the State of Zhao was almost destroyed. It was only through the help of the armies of Chu and Wei that the siege of Handan was lifted. [12]

Breaking Swallow Worship

Fifteen years after Zhao Xiaocheng became king (251 years ago), Yan Wangxi Send Prime Minister Chestnut belly After making friends with the State of Zhao, Li belly proposed to the King of Yan after returning home: "All the able-bodied men of the State of Zhao died in Changping. The orphans are not old enough to attack by chance." The King of Yan did not like to listen to the King of Chang Lejian , Doctor Channel Dissuasion of [49] , sent out two armies, a total of 2000 war chariot , ordered Li belly to lead the army to attack the city of Que, Qing Qin Equal rate army attacks Dai Di [50] The Yan Army marched to Songzi (now Hebei Jin County South), King Xiaocheng decided to send Lianpo to lead the counterattack. Incorruptible The city defeated the Yan army and killed (said to capture) Li belly; On behalf of the local government, Qin and others were defeated and captured. He took advantage of the victory Go north More than 500 miles, surrounding Yandu Jicheng (now in the southwest of Beijing), forced the Yan State to use Qu as its prime minister and cede five cities, which was the only way to break the armistice [51-53] [13-14]
Under the command of integrity, Zhao's army used Yan's army to belittle the enemy and fatigue, while Zhao's army shared the same hatred for the enemy and attacked the enemy. It was in the history of China A little wins a lot Of the war. After the war of Yudai, King Xiaocheng awarded Wei Wen to Lianpo, titled him "Xin Ping Jun", and awarded him an official A country of false faces [13-14]

End with a deep melancholy

In the 21st year of Emperor Xiaocheng's reign (245 BC), Lianpo led troops to capture the State of Wei Fanyang (now northwest of Neihuang, Henan). [15] However, in the same year, King Xiaocheng died, and his son Zhao mourned King Xiang Succession. As soon as King Xiang succeeded to the throne, Lianpo was relieved of his military post, and Lecheng was sent to take the place of Lianpo who led the army outside. Lianpo was angry because of being excluded, attacked Lecheng, and Lecheng fled. Lianpo also left Zhao State and went to Wei State to live in Girder (Now Kaifeng, Henan). [16]
Lianpo went to live in Daliang for a long time. Although the King of Wei took him in, he did not trust and reuse him. Because the State of Zhao was besieged by the Qin army for many times, King Muxiang wanted to appoint Lianpo again, and Lianpo also wanted to be appointed by the State of Zhao again. So King Mourning sent envoys to bring a pair of valuable armor and four fast horses Girder Go to visit Lianpo and see if Lianpo is still available. Incorruptible enemy Guo Kai However, for fear that Lian Po might gain power again, he secretly bribed the envoy to speak ill of Lian Po. After the envoy of the State of Zhao saw Lianpo, Lianpo ate a bucket of rice and ten jin of meat before him for a meal, and mounted his horse in his armor, indicating that he was still useful. But the envoy came back and reported to King Mouxiang, "General Lian is old, but he still has a good appetite, but he sat with me and took a dump three times in a short time." King Mouxiang thought Lian Po was old, so he didn't appoint him anymore, and Lian Po didn't get the chance to serve his country. [17]
Chu State When I heard that Lianpo was in the State of Wei, I secretly sent someone to greet him into Chu. Lian Po did not make any contributions after he served as the general of Chu. He said, "I want to use Zhao people." But Zhao failed to use him again after all, resulting in Lianpo's depression and unhappiness [29] , finally in Shouchun, the capital of Chu (now Anhui Shouxian County )Death. [18]

Main impacts

Lianpo, as the main military commander at the end of the Zhao State, fought for decades. Later generations have said that incorruptibility and White rise Wang Jian Li Mu And called“ Four famous generals of the Warring States Period [33] Its main military activities are as follows:
  • In the 16th year (283 BC) of King Huiwen of the State of Zhao, he led his troops to attack Qi, broke the Qi army, and took Yangjin (now northwest of Jinzhou, Hebei).
  • In the 23rd year (276 BC) of King Huiwen Zhao, he captured Wei Zhiji (now the southeast of Hebei Daming), and the next year (275 BC), he attacked Wei Zhifang Mausoleum (now the southwest of Anyang, Henan) and Anyang (now the southwest of Anyang, Henan).
  • In the sixth year of King Xiaocheng's reign (260 BC), Zhao led his army to Changping (now the northwest of Gaoping, Shanxi) to fight against Qin. Although he lost in the first battle, he soon found out the weakness of Qin's army, and turned to the policy of sticking to the wall and avoiding war, in order to drag down the Qin army from afar. Later, Zhao Xiaocheng, the king of Zhongqin, tried to alienate him and replaced Zhao Kuo as the general. Zhao's army was defeated because of the wrong guidance.
  • In the 15th year of Emperor Zhao Xiaocheng (251 BC), he led the army to defeat the Yan army in Yudang (now southeast of Gaoyi, Hebei), killed its general Li Fu (a prisoner), entered the Yan capital and forced it to carve five cities for peace.
  • In the 21st year of Emperor Xiaocheng's reign (245 BC), Zhao captured Wei Fanyang (now northwest of Neihuang, Henan). [20] [57]

Historical evaluation

Zhao Sheng : "Honest people are brave and love people; know difficulties and bear shame, and field operations It is better to stick to it. " [19]
White rise : "The Lord broke the line between his officials and his dead men. As for the families of the Plains monarch, all his wives and concubines were forced to mend their lines. The officials were united in their efforts, just as Goujian was trapped in Kuaiji." [68]
Liu Heng "Alas! I cannot be honest alone Li Mu , the time is my general, I don't care Hun Ah! " [34]
Feng Tang : "Li Muer, the general of the world, has a unique integrity." [35]
Jia Yi :“ Wu Qi Sun Bin Dai Tuo Ni Liang Wang Liao Tian Ji , integrity Zhao She The ethics of ethics control the soldiers. " [36]
Sima Qian "An honest man is a general of Zhao Zhiliang. He has courage to hear about princes." [20]
Gu Yong : "Zhao has integrity and horse clothing (Zhao She), and Qiang Qin dare not watch the soldiers Jingxing 。” [21]
Lianpo Statue
Yu He : "Integrity Lin Xiangru Although thousands of dead people have been on the road, they are always in a state of fear and trembling as if they were alive. " [37]
Zhou Xingsi : "The best way to use grass and grass is to use the army. Xuanwei Desert is famous." [33]
Sima Zhen : "The pure carnauba is awe inspiring and vigorous. Each of them is dedicated to serving as a male or female. When he is hired back by Bi, it is easy to communicate. When he is afraid of the difficulties, he will be forced to work. He will make decisions on the border, and he will do a good job in farming." [20]
Shao Yong : "Integrity White rise Good use of troops, Su Qin Zhang Yi good Vertical and horizontal 。” [24]
Zhang Yu :“ grandson He said, 'Let the vegetarian get along with the public.' I think it's right to use Zhao people. " [22]
Liu Kezhuang "When the waves say three last words, they are as good as a saddle. If the king does not try himself, it is hard to believe in others." [23]
Xu Jun "Old age is abandoned for slander. More meat, more food and more spirit. Have pity for the fox Qiu Zhi, and you will still be able to use Zhao Chen when you die." [25]
Chen Pu : "The frost bone is white all the year round, and Lian Lin's face looks like wet grey. The white rising and killing heart are as if they haven't thanked, so the two families offer along with Bi Zhang Tai 。” [25]
Li Zengbo "In Chu and in Zhao, we are always the same. We are hale and hearty in our old age, and we are willing to die." [26]
Chen Yuanliang "Zhao used Lianjun, and Xianyang was afraid of his neighbors. If you stop pushing the hub, who can resist the Qin Dynasty? The prosperity and decline are in transit, and the rise and fall are up to the people. Fangling was exiled to listen to slanderous officials." [27]
Hu Kui "If you worship the minister, you should not be afraid of the honest general. If two tigers fight together, their power will not be matched. If Qin soldiers do not add Zhao, the merit will belong to both of us. A loyal minister should die for his country, and a person with lofty ideals should die for his fame. If you do not lose gratitude, you should know how to cut your throat." [25]
Cheng Dengji "In Han Dynasty, there were many desires and benevolence and righteousness outside, and incorruptible people first suffered national disasters and then took private revenge." [28]
  • Lead the car to avoid Liang Chenghong, and the meat shield general Zhiyixiong. Today, we are competing for doors. Who cares about our country? [55]
  • How can an old celebrity say that he is honest, but what can he say that he is slanderous? Please see Wu Shizai die. What can Guo Kai do to get more money! [54]
Zodiacal week : "Zhao Qing is honest, but his subordinates contend. When he heard the public's words, his flesh was bare. Zhao Kuo acted as the general, and Changping died in the pit. Then he rose up to Xi Yan and got five cities of Yan. He mourned Xiang and didn't need to go to Wei and Yiming. Zhao was worried and sent envoys to investigate the situation. He mounted a horse to show his health and was good at food to show his good deeds. He received revenge money and lost his reputation. He was ashamed of being a general of Chu and wanted to use Zhao soldiers. Shouchun's death was full of gloom and injustice." [29]
Wang Fuzhi "When there are good generals, they don't need to be used. Zhao dethroned his integrity and died, while Yan suspected Leyi and ran into debt." [41]
Ling Dengdi: "General Lian's words with King Zhao are really like those of an ancient minister. It is said that the state is the most important. But people in the world call it Xiangru's contribution to the fight against Qin, and no one appreciates it. It can be regarded as a deep sorrow for thousands of years." [59]
Huang Jingren : "The history of tears in the past has moved to literature, and the cup of earth has now come to hang on to the twilight. It is unavoidable to reuse the sorrow of the Zhao people, and the first one is what will be the merit of the general of Chu? The heroes will be determined by the three fates, and the city road will be handed over to the general again. This is the only human sentiment throughout the ancient times. Try to drink wine and pour it on the monarch." [25]
Yan Ruxuan : "The Taishi's nominal incorruptibility was heard of by the princes with courage. He doubted that Pote would destroy the front and the enemy's ears, and that his husband would destroy the front and the enemy's ears. There was no such thing in any country, but it was different from each other. He had the most combat achievements in his life, and the greatest one was in the rope pool, King Huai of Chu They were Qin's prisoners. The country had no good generals. They acted unprepared, so Qin had to cover them up. It is a good way to see off the king's territory. The army was set up to wait for the Qin Dynasty, and its qi was strengthened first, so Xiangru was able to spit out the King of Qin without suffering from fiber mustard. Otherwise, I will only provoke Qin's anger and speed. When it comes to rewards for meritorious deeds, we should always put quite first. Without a word to say anything about it, it should be quite unfair. Heroes can't help fighting for merit and fame. This is quite a man of martial arts. It's hard to be honest if you want to let go. It's rather annoying to be provoked. Although the hundred ends of the arm are metaphorical, they can't understand Wang Jun The dispute, He Ruobi The pride is so small that it has no body, but can quite hear Xiangru's words, plead guilty and commit suicide. Woo hoo! Why not bend yourself so hard. The great sages and sages of ancient times still find it difficult to rule for decades. But Po Dun, who was born in Russia, is not the only one who has won the heaven? People all say that the Qu Jie of Po is caused by feeling. The husband precedes the country and then has personal hatred. If he is honest and has outstanding people, but he is not very wise, then later generations will be like Niu Seng Ru repair Li Deyu Old grudges, kill Victoria If you surrender to others and ignore the national affairs, can you hope that they will release their grievances and enjoy each other? Therefore, I say that it is difficult to be honest. The world is obstinate, and only those who know that they are not unwilling to resign can think of themselves as brave. Fu An knew that the so-called brave men of ancient times could defeat themselves, right? In the battle of Changping, Qin Shu challenged him. He was incorruptible and did not fight. That is to say, he was good at self surrender. Zhao Kuo, acting as general, made light use of his front and died in the Qin Dynasty. The army was defeated and the country was in danger. Those who were eager to seek extension were brave and secure? Zeng Zi Be brave to keep the promise, Child road If someone tells him that he has gone too far, he will be happy. It seems that what he has done in the way of sages and sages is the same. What a man of martial arts who attacks cities and fights in the field! " [60]
Luo Dunyan "Zhai Gongluo was left in front of the gate, and there was no guest once when he retreated. It would be difficult to settle the dispute between power and position if he enjoyed the pleasure of getting married to a famous minister, who was willing to bend himself. It would be difficult to settle the dispute between power and position. It would be useless to replace Yan and become an official in Chu. The bottom story is that Handan is surrounded by urgent days, and the plain will not be honest." [25]
Xu Gongxiu: "When the generals in the Central Plains are pressed, Du Ling's poetry history is willing to make a false push. He defends the powerful enemy of Qin, Ling Wang, and returns to the enemy of Zhao Guo Kai The guest seat is full of slander, and the Xiangmen pleads guilty. Shouchun is always shedding heroic tears, and there are still some desolate tombs left to be appointed as grass. " [25]
Xu Shanchen, Si Weizhi, Yang Zhao( Editor in Chief ): "Lianpo and Li Mu are good generals of Zhao. Lin Xiangru He is a famous politician of Zhao State. In the late Warring States Period, the State of Zhao stood on its own in the constant perplexity of internal and external troubles, and all three of them made contributions. " [61]

Anecdotes and allusions


Repeated visitors

Incorruptible obedience Changping When he was dismissed from his post and returned home, he lost his power and left. When he was put in high position as a general again, the disciples gathered together again. Lian Po was very moved. He asked them to leave, and the doorman told him, "It's no surprise. It's to make friends in the market. If you have power, we will follow you. If you have no power, we will leave. This is the common sense of business. What's the complaint?" [30]

Changping Legend

Lianpo fought against the Qin army in Changping, and many stories about him have been spread in later generations.
  • Zhao Jun Yunsha
Lianpo Portrait [47]
The State of Zhao sent Lianpo troops to fight against the Qin army Changping , in today's Shanxi Province gaoping Northwestern of Mishan Village mountain towering into the sky Heavy troops are stationed. One day, Lianpo went to Motianling to inspect his position. A large amount of yellow sand was found on the mountainside. To confuse the Qin army, the soldiers were ordered to build "granaries" in the mountains with cowhide and reed mats. And secretly ordered the soldiers to transport the yellow sand at night and put it into the warehouse. Qin soldiers saw that Zhao's army had a mountain of rations, so they did not dare to invade easily. It was not until after the defeat of Zhao's army in Changping battle that Qin's army arrived to transport grains that they found that the contents of the warehouse were all yellow sand. Later generations called this mountain Daliang Mountain , renamed Motian Ridge Yingfang Ridge. The site of Lianpo Village is preserved today. [43]
  • Retreat the Qin Army
During the war in Changping, the honest and honest led the army to resist the Qin army. He went out of the west gate of Handan and settled down at the foot of a hill 50 miles from the city. It is near Gushan in the south and Mingshui in the north, which is the only way for the Qin army to attack Handan. In the evening, he ordered the soldiers to put the food in the army into cloth bags, put it on the hill, send people to closely guard, and then put up a notice everywhere: no one is allowed to approach the food and grass area, and those who violate the order will be cut. The next day, Bai Qi led his army into Wu'an. Suddenly, a scout came to report: "Twenty miles to the east, we found Zhao's army food camp, and the senior general, Lianpo, led a heavy army to guard it." Hearing this, Bai Qi doubted his trust and went to inspect it in person. It was not so bad, but he almost got off his horse when he saw that the grain in Zhao's army camp was piled up layer by layer, and the army camp below was surrounded by large tents and orderly banners. Then he looked up to the sky and sighed, "Zhao's army food is good enough for soldiers. Heaven won't help me." He hastily ordered the troops to withdraw. Since then, this nameless hill has been called Su Mountain. [43]
  • Three Village Names
Sanjia Village It is said that when Zhao Kuo came to the front line to take over Lianpo, Lianpo told Zhao Kuo: "The Qin army marches thousands of miles, which is beneficial for quick war, and should focus on defense", and trusted him with the "defensive map". Unexpectedly, Zhao Kuo treated each other coldly. Lian Po left the camp in anger, rode a horse and galloped back to Handan. Passing a village, people knelt down and found that they were still wearing handsome helmets, armor and combat boots. They felt that they had stepped down from their duties and had no need to wear clothes. So they took these three things off here. People called this village Sanjia Village in memory of this. [43]
Wandering Village : Lian Po became more and more worried. He felt that Zhao Kuo was arrogant and arrogant. He underestimated the enemy and was paralyzed. If he attacked hastily, he would be defeated. In addition, the soldiers and the people of the Zhao army hesitated in their hearts. They lingered around a village for a long time until Handan issued an imperial edict urging him to return to court. Then they left with a sigh. Therefore, this place is called Wandering Village. [43]
Changing Horse Village : Although the edict was issued and Lianpo was determined to leave, the people along the way still stopped to beg. It is said that the people recognized him mainly because of the tall and snow-white jade rabbit racehorse he rode. In order to get rid of the dilemma, Lianpo had to change his BMW when he passed a village. The people called this village "Change Horse Village". [43]

A Basket of Dumplings

It is said that A Basket of Oil Dumplings Wang Yixiang, the creator of, opened a meat bun shop with his father outside Zhao Guonan's gate in his early years. One day, when Lianpo Wuling Congtai ordered troops to pass the South Gate, he smelled the smell of meat buns in the distance. Lian Po smelled the fragrance and rushed to the meat bun shop. When he bought the buns, they were sold out. Lian Po said, "What's on your chopping board is not steamed buns?" Wang Xiao'er said, "It's raw and needs to be steamed." Lian Po said, "How many hours will it take?" Wang Xiao'er said, "Less than one hour." Lian Po was worried when he heard that, he threw all the steamed buns on the chopping board into the boiling water pot. In less than a minute, all the steamed buns in the pot floated up. As soon as Wang Xiao'er heard that it was Lian Po, he quickly served the boiled water packet. After Lian Po finished eating, he repeatedly said, "It's really delicious to eat a mouthful of oil." Since then, Wang Yixiang changed the steamed bun shop into a "mouthful of oil" water packet shop, and the business has become more prosperous. Li's descendants inherited the elaborate production of "one mouthful of oil". The finished product was rich in juice, wrapped the stuffing, and spilled oil when eating. Later, it was changed to "one basket of oil" during the Northern Song Dynasty, and has been passed on to this day. [43]

Commemoration for future generations


Tomb site

The record of what happened after Lianpo《 Redords of the Grand History of China 》Only mention his "death in Shouchun" [20] Therefore, there has always been controversy about where Lianpo was buried.
  • Handan, Hebei
Lianpo Tomb
bright Longqing Zhaozhou Annals records that "Lianpo Tomb is in Guoli Village, Dongzhou". clear Guangxu reign period The Annals of Zhaozhou, Tomb Territory also contains: "The tomb of Zhao Xinping, Jun Lianpo, is located in the east of Yangjia and Guocun in the east of Zhouzhou". But there is another saying that "Lingshou also has Lianpo Tomb". [62]
  • Anhui Shouxian County
Lianpo Tomb, located in present-day Anhui Province Bagong Mountain, Shouxian County The southwest slope of Jijiaying Cattle Mountain, commonly known as "Pogudui", is 7.5km away from the county seat. The ancient mound is about 20 meters high and about 30 meters around, and the foundation is built with a stone. Back to the east, facing the west plain, there is the Huaihe River in the middle. Lianpo Tomb is a provincial cultural relics protection unit in Anhui. [43]
In addition to these two places Handan "In the Southwest Old City of the County" [63] In Xingtai, "thirty miles west of Qinghe River" said; In Cixian, "Zhao Bazhuang is fifty miles north" said. [64]


In Congtai Park, Handan, Hebei Seven Sages Temple There is a statue of Lianpo in the middle for future generations to remember. [65]

Artistic image


Literary image

A historical novel written by Feng Menglong, a native of Ming Dynasty《 Chronicles of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty 》In the middle, Lianpo appeared in the 95th, 96th, 98th, 99th, 101st, 102th and 105th chapters, and was one of the important figures of the Zhao State in the later part of the story. The incorruptible image in the novel is roughly the same as that in the Records of the Historian and other books, but its character is more enriched through some plots created by the author. [54-55]

Opera Image

stay Beijing opera Wu Opera The repertoire of other operas《 Make peace with each other 》, describing the story from returning to Zhao, meeting Mianchi, to Lianpo, Lin Xiangru, making peace and helping the country with one heart [44] [67]
Atlas reference [44] [46]

Film and television image

Lianpo Film and Television Image
Play title
Oriental Story He will make peace with each other
Guo Hao
Yuan Hongqi
Tiger Tale
The Warring States States
Wang Guocheng [69]
Da Qin Fu

Historical data index

The life story of Lianpo is mainly shown in《 Redords of the Grand History of China 》Volume 43《 Zhao Shijia [58] And the same volume 81《 Biography of Lianpo Lin Xiangru [20] The rest are scattered in the biographies of Shiji and《 Strategies of the Warring States Period 》Wait for books.