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[nián biǎo]
A table of characters and events in chronological order
Chronology (ni á n bi ǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎ):. yes Biographical style A genre of history books. It arranges the major historical events in chronological order, giving people a sense of clarity. First seen in Sima Qian Of Historical Records , such as《 Chronology of the Twelve Marquises 》《 Chronology of Six Countries 》Later, some biographical history books, such as《 The History of the Han Dynasty 》《 New Tang Dynasty Book 》He has also compiled various chronologies. It refers to the calendar, chronological comparison and chronicle A reference book of facts.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Main purpose
Log historical events
Historical Records (Sima Qian)


There are mainly two types of chronology: one is purely chronological; The second is to record the years and events, also known as "Chronicle of Historical Events" or "Chronicle of Events", which generally records events in chronological order.

Historical chronology

so-called Historical chronology It is to arrange the historical data according to time or year, that is, to record a historical event in the simplest form. They play an important role in understanding history.
Historical chronology
World history chronology (including historical chronology of countries and regions)
Qin, Han and Three Kingdoms Historical chronology
Historical Chronology of the Sixteen Kingdoms of the Jin Dynasty and the Southern and Northern Dynasties
Historical Chronology of the Sui, Tang, Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms
Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties Historical chronology
Republic of China Historical chronology
The People's Republic of China Historical chronology
Historical chronology of Shanghai
Historical Chronicle of Hong Kong
Chronology of Computer Science Events in China
Okinawa (Ryukyu) Historical chronology
Taiwan History Chronicle
Chronology of Korean History
Historical chronology of Vietnam
Historical chronology of Japan
Chronology of French History
Canadian Historical Chronicle
Chronology of American history
Chronology of Jewish History
Historical chronology of modern Mongolia

Chronology of Chinese History

establish person
Primitive society
About the 26th century BC - the 21st century BC
Yellow Emperor (Only the leader of the tribal alliance was later generations respectfully acknowledge as emperor
Zhuan Xu (Only the leader of the tribal alliance was later generations respectfully acknowledge as emperor
Diku (Only the leader of the tribal alliance was later generations respectfully acknowledge as emperor
Yao (Only the leader of the tribal alliance was later generations respectfully acknowledge as emperor )
Shun (Only the leader of the tribal alliance was later generations respectfully acknowledge as emperor )
Bear (Now Xinzheng, Henan)
Diqiu (now Puyang, Henan)
Gaoxin (now Shangqiu, Henan)
Tang Dynasty (today's Linfen, Shanxi)
Pubin (today's Yuncheng, Shanxi)
Shang Dynasty
spring and autumn
the warring states
The 21st century to the 17th century
17th - 11th centuries ago
11th century BC - 771 BC
770-256 years ago
First 770-476 years
First 475-221 years
Qi Huan, Jin Wen, Qin Mu, Song Xiang, Chu Zhuang
Qi, Chu, Yan, Han, Zhao, Wei, Qin
Pour , Yangcheng Anyi
Shangqiu, Xingtai, Anyang
feudal society
Qin Dynasty
Western Chu
Western Han Dynasty
Eastern Han Dynasty
Three Kingdoms Wei Dynasty
three countries Shu
three countries Wu
Western Jin Dynasty
Eastern Jin Dynasty
Northern Dynasties Northern Wei Dynasty
Northern Dynasties Eastern Wei Dynasty
Northern Dynasties Western Wei Dynasty
Northern Dynasties Beiqi
Northern Dynasties Northern Zhou Dynasty
Sui Dynasty
the tang dynasty
Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms
Northern Song Dynasty
Southern Song Dynasty
Jin Dynasty
yuan dynasty
the ming dynasty
Qing Dynasty
The first 221 years - the first 206 years
206-202 years ago
202 B.C. - November 8 A.D
December 23, A.D. 8
25-220 years
220-265 years
221 - 263
317-420 years
534-550 years
Filial piety in the Northern Zhou Dynasty Min emperor Yu Wenjue
Pingcheng → Luoyang
an ancient place name
an ancient place name
Luoyang, etc
go to the nation's capital
Nanjing → Beijing
Late Qing Dynasty
Republic of China
Nanjing (Zeng Beijing)
The People's Republic of China
1949.10.1 - present

Chronicle of Events in China


Primitive society

About 1.7 million years ago Yuanmou Man Living in Yuanmou, Yunnan
About 800000 years ago Lantian people Living in Lantian, Shaanxi
About 200000 to 700000 years ago Beijingers Living in Beijing Zhoukou Store area
About 18000 years ago Mountaintop caveman start clan commune 's life
About 5000-7000 years ago Hemudu   Banpo Matriarchal clan commune
About 4000-5000 years ago dawenkou culture Middle late stage Patrilineal clan commune
About 4000 years ago, the legendary Yellow Emperor   Yao   Shun   Yu period

slave society

summer (From about the 21st century BC to about the 16th century BC)
About the 21st century BC, the descendants of Yu Xia Dynasty establish
merchant (From about the 16th century BC to about the 11th century BC)
About the 16th century BC Shang Tang Eliminates Summer The establishment of the Shang Dynasty
King of Shang Dynasty in about the 14th century BC Pan Geng moved the capital Yin
Western Zhou Dynasty (From about the 11th century BC to 771 BC)
About the 11th century BC King Wu of Zhou Beginning of the Western Zhou Dynasty
841 BC Chinese riots   The first year of the Republic China's history began to have a clear chronology
In 771 BC, dogs invaded Haojing The end of the Western Zhou Dynasty
Eastern Zhou Dynasty It is divided into two periods:
(1) Spring and Autumn Period (770 BC to 476 BC)
In 770 BC, King Ping of Zhou moved to Duluoyi, starting from the Eastern Zhou Dynasty
(2) The Warring States Period (475-221 BC)

feudal society

Qin (221 BC to 206 BC)
In 221 BC, Qin unified Qin Shihuang and established County system Unified currency Weights and measures And text
209 BC Chen Sheng   Wu Guang The uprising broke out
206 BC Liu Bang Enter Xianyang and perish in Qin Dynasty
Western Chu
Western Han Dynasty (202 BC to 8 AD)
Established in the Western Han Dynasty in 202 BC
138 BC 119 BC diplomat famed for exploits in Inner Asia Two Missions to the Western Regions
New Korea (December 1, 8 A.D. - October 6, 23 A.D.)
Year 8 Emperor Jianxing usurper who founded the Xin dynasty Seize the Western Han Dynasty regime and change the national title new
17 years, 18 years Green Forest Red eyebrow Uprising burst
On the sixth day of October in the 23rd lunar calendar, Greenwood rebels rampant toward the end of the Western Han Dynasty Rebels Destroy the New Dynasty
Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220)
Established in the Eastern Han Dynasty in 25 years
Three countries (220-280)
The State of Wei was founded in 220
The State of Shu was founded in 221
The State of Wu was founded in 222
263 years Wei Ruishu
In 265, the Western Jin Dynasty established the Wei Dynasty
Western Jin Dynasty (265-316)
The Western Jin Dynasty destroyed Wu in 280
The Huns captured in 316 Chang'an End of Western Jin Dynasty
Eastern Jin Dynasty (317-420)
Established in the Eastern Jin Dynasty in 317
Southern and Northern Dynasties (420-589)
In 420, the Southern Song Dynasty established the Southern Dynasty
Implemented in the Northern Wei Dynasty in 485 Equal field system
In 494, Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty moved his capital to Luoyang
Sui Dynasty (581-618)
In 581, the Sui Dynasty established and the Northern Dynasty ended
In 589, the unification of the Sui Dynasty ended
The Grand Canal was opened in 605
611 years Peasant War in the Late Sui Dynasty Start Shandong Changbai Mountain Peasant uprising
Tang Dynasty (618-907)
In 618, the Tang Dynasty established and the Sui Dynasty perished
Early 7th century Songzan Ganbu unified Tubo
Early 8th century Sumomohe establish Balhae (Initial name Earthquake country )
Leader of Nanzhao in the same period Piroko merge Six Imperial edicts For Nanzhao
Mid 8th century Gu Li Pei Luo Unified Huihe
Implemented in 780 Two tax laws
Five Dynasties (907-960)
907 Rear sill The establishment of the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties began
916 Yelu Abao machine establish Khitan regime
Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127)
Established in the Northern Song Dynasty in 960
The Northern Song Dynasty ended in 979 Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Split situation
Song and Liao Dynasties in 1005 Chanyuan Treaty
1038 Yuan Hao Establish Xixia
Invented by Bi Sheng in the middle of the 11th century Movable type printing
1115 Perfect face A Gu Da Establishment fund
1125 Annuity Destroys the Liao Dynasty
Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1276)
1127 Annuity Destroys Northern Song Dynasty and Southern Song Dynasty Begins
Song and Jin Dynasties in 1140 Yancheng Battle
1206 Genghis Khan Establish Mongolian regime
In 1227, Mongolia destroyed Xixia
In 1234, Mongolia destroyed gold
element (1271-1368)
1271 Kublai khan set Country number Is "yuan"
The Yuan Dynasty destroyed the Southern Song Dynasty in 1276
Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
In 1368, the Ming Dynasty set up an alliance to capture Dadu and perish in the Yuan Dynasty
Construction began in the early Ming Dynasty Ming Great Wall
From 1405 to 1433, Zheng He made seven "voyages"
Middle and late Ming Dynasty The rudiments of capitalism It began to appear in Jiangnan
Implemented in 1581 One whip method
1616 Nurhachi establish Later Gold
Jingai after 1636 Country number For Qing
1644 Li Zicheng establish Dashun regime The peasant army captured Beijing and perished in the Ming Dynasty
Qing Dynasty( Opium War before )(1644-1840)
Established by the Qing Dynasty in 1684 Taiwan House
Signed between China and Russia in 1689《 Treaty of Nerchinsk
Established by the Qing Dynasty in 1727 Minister in Tibet
Uighur nobles in the middle of the 18th century Dahejuo Xiaohezhuo Launches Rebellion
1771 Turgut Department Return to the motherland
Semi colonial and semi feudal society
1840-1842 Opium War
Guangzhou in May 1841 Sanyuanli The people lashed out at the British invaders
1842 Sino British Treaty of Nanjing Signed, the Opium War ended
1940s and 1950s Chinese proletariat produce
The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom established its capital in 1853 Tianjing , Tian Mu System promulgation
In 1856, the leading group of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom killed each other
In 1858, the Qing government signed agreements with Britain, France, the United States and Russia Tianjin Treaty
In 1860, the Qing government signed contracts with Britain, France and Russia Beijing Treaty
1861 Premier's Yamen establish
1862 Jingshi Tongwen Hall establish
China in the 1960s and 1970s National bourgeoisie produce
1960s and 1990s Westernization Movement
China and Japan in 1895 Treaty of Shimonoseki Sign
In the 1890s, the imperialist countries set off a frenzy to carve up China
1900 Boxer Movement climax
October 10, 1911 Wuchang Uprising
1912 (the first year of the Republic of China) The Republic of China was founded
The Qing Emperor abdicated in 1912
1916 high Qing official Restoration of monarchy failed
May 4, 1919 May 4th Patriotic Movement burst
The Communist Party of China was founded in July 1921
The first cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party in 1924
1925 May 30th Massacre The May 30th Anti imperialist Patriotic Movement broke out
1926 the National Revolutionary Army Northern Expedition
On April 12, 1927, Chiang Kai shek launched "April 12" counter revolutionary coup
July 15, 1927 intimate of Sun Yat-sen Launching the "July 1st Five Year" Counter revolutionary Coup
July 1927 National Revolution fail
Chiang Kai shek established in Nanjing in April 1927 National Government
August 1, 1927 Nanchang Uprising
August 7, 1927 August 7th Meeting
August 1927 Autumn Harvest Uprising Troops arrive at Jinggangshan
In 1928, Zhang Xueliang announced that Change the Banner in Northeast China
1932 January 28 Incident The 19th Army's War of Resistance
1932 Puppet Manchukuo establish
In October 1934, the Central Red Army began the Long March
January 1935 Zunyi Meeting
Published by the CPC Central Committee in 1935 August 1 Declaration
In October 1935, the First Front Army of the Red Army arrived in northern Shaanxi during the Long March
In October 1936, the Second and Fourth Front Army of the Red Army arrived in Gansu during the Long March Huining Wait, the Long March is over
December 12, 1936 Xi'an Incident
July 7, 1937 Lugouqiao Incident
September 1937 Songhu Battle
In the autumn of 1937, the Communist Party of China in northern Shaanxi Luochuan Conference
December 1937 Nanking Massacre
Spring of 1938 Taierzhuang Campaign
Published by Mao Zedong in 1938 On the Lasting War
March 1940 intimate of Sun Yat-sen The puppet national government was established in Nanjing
In 1942, the Communist Party of China began rectification
Japan announced its surrender on August 15, 1945
In 1945, Mao Zedong, the representative of the China Republic Talks, and others flew to Chongqing, Chongqing Negotiations start
1946 Political Consultative Conference convene
In June 1946, the Kuomintang launched a full-scale civil war The War of Liberation Begins
In June 1947, the People's Liberation Army began a nationwide counteroffensive
September 1948 Liaoshen Campaign start
November 1948 Huaihai Campaign start
November 1948 Pingjin Campaign start
Mao Zedong Zhu De Issue an order to march across the country
On April 23, 1949, the People's Liberation Army liberated Nanjing, and the National Government fell
September 1949 Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference The first plenary meeting was held

socialist society

The People's Republic of China was founded on October 1, 1949
October 1950 Chinese People's Volunteers To fight in North Korea
Signed by China and the Soviet Union in 1950 Sino Soviet Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance
Promulgated by the Central People's Government in 1950 Land Reform Law of the People's Republic of China
In 1952, the land reform was basically completed, and China's feudal exploitation system of more than 2000 years was completely abolished
1953 The first five-year plan Start implementation
April July 1954 Geneva conference
China's first factory producing heavy loads Changchun First Automobile Manufacturing Factory produced the first automobile
China's first aircraft manufacturer successfully trial produced the first aircraft Jet aircraft
The first factory manufacturing machine tools in China--------- Shenyang No.1 Machine Tool Plant Completed and put into operation
In 1958, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China put forward the general line of "work hard, strive for the top, and build socialism more quickly, better and economically"
In the spring of 1961, the Party and the government comprehensively adjusted the national economy and resumed production
On October 16, 1964, China's first atomic bomb exploded successfully
In January 1967, all parts of the country started to seize leadership at all levels of the party and government“ January storm
China in 1967 The first hydrogen bomb Explosion succeeded
November 12, 1969 Liu Shaoqi Death
In 1970, China successfully launched the first Artificial earth satellite ---------Dongfanghong No.1
On October 25, 1971, our legitimate seat in the United Nations was restored
July 1971 Kissinger visit China
1972 Kakuei Tanaka Visit China and establish diplomatic relations between China and Japan
Crushed in October 1976“ Gang of Four ”,“ the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution ”End
In 1978, the Communist Party of China The third plenary session of the eleventh central committee convene
In 1980, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China restored Liu Shaoqi's reputation, and China was established in Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Shantou, Guangdong, and Xiamen, Fujian Special Economic Zones
On August 12, 1980, the memorial service for Liu Shaoqi was held in the Great Hall of the People in the capital
The fourth part was issued in 1982 Constitution of the People's Republic of China
Large scale at the end of 1982 Work to redress unjust, false and wrong cases Basic end
In 1990, it was successfully held for the first time in China Asian Games
In 1991, it was successfully held for the first time in China The women's World Cup
On July 13, 2001, China applied Summer Olympics success
In August 2008, it was successfully held for the first time in China Summer Olympics

Chronology of world history

About three million years ago, human beings appeared on the earth
Around 3100 BC, Egypt formed a unified slavery country
Around 3000 BC Two river basin The appearance of slavery city state
The Indus Valley in the mid 3000 BC Harappa Culture
Around 2100 BC, the Great Uprising of the Poor in the Slave River in Egypt
The Kingdom of Babylon was founded in 1894 BC
Around 1000 BC Nubia Establishing a Slavery State
Athenian, 594 BC Solon Reform
6th century BC Cyrus Unify Persia, Buddhism was born in India
Persian occupation in 539 BC Babylon
Persia destroyed Egypt in 525 BC
In 509 BC, Rome established a slave republic under the dictatorship of the nobility
In 330 BC, Persia was Macedonia perish
Third century BC Mojituo State Unify most of India
Octavian founded Rome in 27 BC principate , the Republic became an empire
The Korean Peninsula appeared around BC Goguryeo Slave state
East Africa at the beginning of A.D Aksum The rise of slave states
Christianity came into being in the first century
The rise of Japan's Daiwa slave country in the third century
In 313, Christianity gained legal status in Rome
The "Agonistic" Movement Occurred in North Africa in the Fourth Century
378 years Visigoths Defeat the Roman army at Fort Adria
In 395, Rome was divided into eastern and western parts
In 410, the Visigoths once occupied Rome
476 years Western Roman Empire Destruction, Western Europe slavery collapse
At the beginning of the sixth century Frankish Kingdom establish
622 Mohammed from Mecca Escape from Medira, Islamic Era
Mid eighth century Arab Empire formation
Japan in 646 Dahua Renovation
676 years Silla Unify Korea
The formation of the English Kingdom in the early ninth century
843 years Charlemagne Empire Split, France, Germany and Italy took shape
The establishment of feudal system in Western Europe in the ninth century
962 Holy Roman Empire establish
1054 Christian Church division
1066 France duke of Normandy Conquer Britain
Mid Eleventh Century Kingdom of Ghana Heyday
1192 Japan Shogunate politics establish
thirteenth century Ethiopia The rise of feudal countries
fourteenth century Kingdom of Mali In its heyday, Italy emerged The rudiments of capitalism
14th to 16th centuries European Renaissance motion
French peasant uprising in 1358
1381 Watt, England. Taylor Uprising
1453 The Fall of the Eastern Roman Empire , The Hundred Year War between Britain and France ended
The rise of Sanghai in the 15th century
In the late 15th century, Britain and France formed a centralized state, Enclosure movement start
In 1480, Russia got rid of Mongolian control
1492 Columbus First voyage to America
From 1497 to 1498, Dagama opened up Western Europe to India New route
1517 Martin Luther starts Reformation
The Magellan fleet circled the earth in 1519-1522
Portuguese and Spanish colonists occupied colonies in Asia and the United States in the 16th century
1524-1525 German peasant uprising
In 1588, the British Navy defeated the Spanish "Armada"
The Patriotic War of the Korean Army and People against Japanese Aggression in 1592-1598
French colonists began to colonize North America in the early 17th century
In 1607, British colonists began to colonize North America
In 1632, the Tsarist Russia Siberia Build a base for invasion and expansion Yakutsk
1649 King of England charles i Be executed
1660 England Stuart Dynasty Restoration
In the 1688 British coup, the bourgeoisie and New aristocracy Establishment of the rule of
Signed by China and Russia in 1689“ Treaty of Nerchinsk
In the middle of the 18th century, Britain defeated France and became the most powerful colonial country
The evil slave trade reached its peak in the 18th century
1773-1775 Russia Pugachov Rebellion
July 4, 1776 North America Continental Conference Publication“ Declaration of Independence ”, founded in the United States
1785 James. Watt improved steam engine as power of spinning machine
July 14, 1789, the people of Paris Capture the Bastille , the French bourgeois revolution began
In August 1792, the people's uprising in Paris overthrew French monarch regime
In September 1792, the National Congress announced the establishment of the French Republic - the First French Republic
From May to June 1793, the people's uprising in Paris overthrew Gillen Mission regime
June 1793 July 1794 France Jacobin school dictatorship
July 1794 France thermidor Counter revolutionary coup, the end of the French bourgeois revolution
November 9, 1799 Napoleon launch The Thermidor reaction
On New Year's Day in 1804, Haiti declared independence
Napoleon became emperor in 1804, the First French Empire start
Early 19th century Saint-Simon Fourier and Irving propaganda Utopian socialism
1807 fulton Build the first steamship for trial
1810-1826 Latin American independence movement against Spanish colonial rule
Karl Marx was born on May 5, 1818
November 28, 1820 Friedrich Engels birth
1825 George Stephenson Trial implementation of the first steam locomotive manufactured
In 1844, the workers' uprising in Silesia, France
1848-1849 European Revolution
February 1848 France Second Revolution
June 1848, French workers in Paris June Uprising
1853-1856 Russia, Britain and France Crimean War
In 1858, the "Sino Russian Aihui Treaty" was signed, and Russia occupied more than 600000 square kilometers of China's territory
1860“ Sino Russian Beijing Treaty ”It was signed that the tsarist russia also forcibly occupied more than 400000 square kilometers of our country's territory
In the 1960s and 1980s, Russia invaded and occupied 400000 square kilometers in northwest China
September 28, 1864 First International establish
In 1866, the First International Geneva Conference opposed Proudonism The struggle of
In 1867, the first volume of Das Kapital was published
In 1869, the First International Barcelona Conference opposed Bakuninism The struggle begins
March 18 May 28, 1871 paris commune
In 1876, First International announced its dissolution
1881-1899 Sudan Mahdi Uprising Against the Great Britain
In 1882, the alliance of Germany, Austria and Italy was formed
Marx died on March 14, 1883
On May 1, 1886, American workers held a general strike for an 11 hour working day
1889 Second International establish
In 1892, Russia and France signed a military agreement
1895-1896 Ethiopian Anti Italian Patriotic War
1903 Russia Social Democratic Party The second congress, Bolshevik Party formation
In 1905, bourgeois democratic revolution broke out in Russia
1905-1908 India's democratic liberation movement soared
In 1907, the Anglo French Russian Treaty was finally formed
November 7, 1917 (October 25 in the Russian calendar) October Revolution victory
1918-1920 Soviet Russia smashed foreign armed intervention and domestic counter revolutionary rebellion
The German Revolution broke out in November 1918
India's national liberation movement rose in 1918-1922
German Berlin Uprising in January 1919
1919-1922 Turkey Kimar bourgeois revolution
On March 1, 1919, the Korean "Three One" People's Uprising
March 1919 Egyptian People's Armed Uprising
March August 1919 Hungarian Soviet Republic period
March 1919 Comintern establish
January June 1919 Paris Peace Conference
In 1921, the Tenth Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union passed the transition to new economic policy Resolution of
The Communist Party of China was founded on July 1, 1921
From November 1921 to February 1922, the imperialists contested the Far East and the Pacific Washington Conference
October 1922 Italy Mussolini Go on stage
In December 1922, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was founded
The Republic of Turkey was founded in October 1923
October 1926 Logano Conference
1929-1933 capitalism World economic crisis
Japan began its aggression on September 18, 1931 Northeast China
In April 1932, the Korean Anti Japanese Guerrilla was born
January 1933 Germany Hitler Go on stage
March 1933 Franklin Delano Roosevelt Take office and implement the "New Deal"
October 1935 May 1936 Ethiopia Anti Italian National Liberation War
The National Revolutionary War against Fascism in Spain from July 1936 to March 1939
On July 7, 1937, China fully resisted Japan
In September 1938, Britain, France, Germany and Italy slaughtered Czechoslovakia Munich Conference
World War II on September 3, 1939 Full scale outbreak
1940 French surrender
Germany Italy Day, September 1940 Tripartite Pact Sign
June 22, 1941 Soviet Patriotic War start
July 1942 February 1943 Soviet Union Battle of Stalingrad
Issued by China, the United States and Britain on December 1, 1943“ Cairo Declaration
November December 1943 Tehran Conference
February 1945 Yalta Conference
Signed by Germany on May 8, 1945 Unconditional surrender book
Held by the Soviet Union, the United States and the United Kingdom on July 8, 1945 Potsdam Conference
Japan signed the unconditional surrender on September 2, 1945