Marketing Theory

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Marketing theory is a way for enterprises to study marketing activities applied science It is to study how to sell appropriate products to as many customers as possible at the appropriate time and place at the appropriate price in an appropriate way to meet the market needs to the greatest extent. marketing management The essence of the company is to creatively formulate and adapt environmental change Of Marketing strategy
Chinese name
Marketing Theory


Marketing is also called Marketing Marketing or Marketing. Abbreviation“ Marketing ”Taiwan is often called "marketing"; It refers to the process in which individuals or collectives obtain what they need and achieve win-win or multi win by trading the products or values they create. It has two meanings. One is the understanding of verbs, which refers to the specific activities or behaviors of enterprises. At this time, it is called marketing or market operation; The other is noun understanding, which refers to the discipline that studies the marketing activities or behaviors of enterprises. It is called Marketing Marketing Or marketing, etc. In modern marketing, the definition is: committed to Exchange process Middle, satisfying needs and desires human activity
American Marketing Association The definition of marketing is to create, communicate and deliver value to customers, and operate customer relations An organizational function and procedure to benefit the organization and its stakeholders. Philip Kotler's definition emphasizes the Value orientation : Marketing is a social and management process in which individuals and groups meet their needs and desires by creating and exchanging products and values with others. The definition given by Grollos emphasizes the purpose of marketing: marketing is to establish, maintain, and consolidate relationships with consumers and other participants through mutual exchange and commitment, and achieve the goals of all parties in a profit oriented way.

Development stage


Phase I

Initial stage
Marketing was founded in the United States from the end of the 19th century to the 1920s. It originated from the development of industry. At that time, the scope of marketing research was very narrow, just focusing on advertising and Commercial network Settings for. And on Illinois Universities in other states Related courses
And changed from "American Advertising Association" to "America Advertising And the Association of Marketing Instructors ", which provides Organizational assurance At this time, the research characteristics of marketing are: a Focus on sales promotion and advertising, as for Modern Marketing Theory concept The principle has not yet appeared; b. Research activities are basically limited to university classrooms and professors' study, and have not yet been business Attention.
Early research object: early market Marketing The research of Circulation field , and once the goods reach consumers, they enter Consumption field The later problems do not belong to the research object of marketing. Obviously, this is an early and outdated marketing concept.

Phase II

Application phase
From 1920s to World War II At the end of the application stage, when it began to take shape, domestic enterprises in the United States began to use marketing to operate enterprises on a large scale, opening up overseas markets, and European countries also followed suit. Established in 1931“ American Marketing Association ”, and in 1937, the two organizations were merged to widely absorb the participation of academics and business people. Marketing began to move from the university platform to the society.
The development of marketing at this stage is reflected in the application. Because in 1929 capitalism The world has experienced unprecedented economic crisis , economic emergence Great Depression , shrinkage, Social purchasing power Sharp decline and unprecedented sharp market problems. Crisis affects the whole capitalist economy It's a big blow. At this stage, the research characteristics of marketing are: a It does not break away from the narrow concept of product promotion; b. To study marketing and advertising techniques on a deeper and broader basis; c. Study what is conducive to marketing business organization Institutional setting; d. The research of marketing theory has begun to move towards the society and has been valued by the vast business community.

Phase III

Formation and development period
From the 1950s to the 1980s Development stage The U.S. military industry economy began to shift to the civilian economy, and social commodities increased sharply productivity And the corresponding Residents' consumption level However, it did not get much improvement, and the market began to oversupply. At this time, American marketing expert W Aderson and R Cox put forward that "marketing in a broad sense is any activity that promotes the transaction of potential goods or services between producers and consumers." This view makes marketing enter a new stage.

Phase IV

Since the 1980s, it has been the mature stage of marketing, which is manifested in: a. it is related to other disciplines, such as economics, mathematics, statistics, psychology, etc; b. Begin to form their own Theoretical system The 1980s was the revolutionary period of marketing, and it began to enter the field of modern marketing, making marketing take on a new look.
China is still in the primary stage of the socialist market economy, due to the development of social productivity and the market Development trend Economic system reform The situation of Resident income Restricted by conditions and other factors, Chinese enterprises Management concept Still in Selling concept The stage of giving priority to and coexistence of multiple ideas.

Domestic status

The Development of Marketing Theory in China
Before the founding of New China, although China had some research on marketing (then called“ Sales ”), but only a few of them have business or Management Of higher education institutions. From 1949 to 1978, except Taiwan and Hong Kong and Macao In addition to the extensive research and application of this discipline in the academic and business circles of the region, the research on marketing has been interrupted in the whole mainland of China. For more than 30 years, the domestic academia has little knowledge of the development of foreign marketing. After the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, the CPC Central Committee put forward the general policy of opening up to the outside world and invigorating the domestic market, thus creating a favorable environment for China to reintroduce and study marketing.
In 1978, some scholars and experts in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou began to introduce marketing. Although it was still limited to a very small scope at that time, and was also called "Introduction to Foreign Business" or "Sales Principles" in the name, it took the first step in the introduction of marketing after all. After more than ten years, China has made gratifying achievements in the research, application and development of marketing. From the perspective of the whole development process, it has roughly gone through the following stages.
(1) Introduction period (1978~1982)
During this period, foreign marketing theories were systematically introduced and introduced by translating and introducing foreign marketing works, magazines and lectures of foreign scholars, sending scholars and experts to visit, investigate and study abroad, and inviting foreign experts and scholars to give lectures in China. However, at that time, the research of this discipline was still limited to some colleges and research institutions, the number of people engaged in the introduction and research of this discipline was still very limited, the understanding of many basic ideas of western marketing theory was relatively shallow, and most enterprises were still relatively unfamiliar with this discipline. However, the efforts made in this period laid the foundation for the further development of marketing in China.
(2) Communication period (1983~1985)
After the efforts of the previous period, experts and scholars engaged in marketing research and teaching all over the country began to realize that,
In order to further apply and develop marketing in China, it is necessary to set up marketing research groups in various places to exchange and exchange research results, and use the strength of the group to expand the influence of marketing and promote the further development of marketing research. January 1984, National Advanced Comprehensive University Financial institutions Marketing Teaching Research Association was established. In the next few years, various types of marketing research groups have sprung up all over the country. All groups are doing a good job in academic research and academic exchange At the same time, a lot of communication work has also been done. For example, Guangdong Marketing Institute The journal Marketing Management was published regularly, and various types of briefings were issued to members after each annual meeting of the Marketing Teaching Research Association of National Universities and Colleges of Finance and Economics. Each group held various types of training courses Workshop Some also held TV and radio lectures on marketing through local TV and radio stations. Through these activities, we not only promoted and spread the knowledge of marketing, but also expanded the influence of academic groups. During this period, marketing has also begun to receive attention in school teaching, and the number and quality of books, textbooks and papers related to marketing have been greatly improved.
(3) Application period (1986~1988)
After 1985, the pace of China's economic restructuring was further accelerated, market environment The improvement of is Enterprise applications Modern market Marketing Principles guidance Operation management The practice has provided favorable conditions, but the application situation in different regions and industries is different, as shown in the following: (1) Production and operation Mandatory plan Product oriented enterprises are less applied and mainly engaged in production and operation Guiding plan Products or Market regulation The enterprises with the main products are applied more and more successfully; (2) heavy industry , transportation Raw material industry Wait and operate Means of production The main industries are less applied by enterprises, while light industry food industry textile industry Clothing industry Enterprises in industries mainly engaged in production and operation of consumer goods have been applied more and more successfully; (3) Operational autonomy Small enterprises with rigid operating mechanisms are applied less, while enterprises with greater autonomy and flexible operating mechanisms are applied more and more successfully; (4) Enterprises in regions with rapid development of commodity economy (especially in Shenzhen, Zhuhai and other special economic zones) apply marketing principles Consciousness It is relatively high and applied well. During this period, most enterprises focus on distribution channel , promotion Market segmentation And marketing research.
(4) Expansion period (1988~1994)
During this period, both the marketing teaching and research team and the content of marketing teaching, research and application have been greatly expanded. The marketing academic groups all over the country have changed the situation that only academics and educators participated in the past, and begun to attract business people to participate. The focus of its research has also changed from simple teaching research in the past to research combined with the marketing practice of enterprises. The National Marketing Teaching Research Association of Comprehensive Universities and Financial Institutions was also renamed in August 1987“ Marketing Research Association of Chinese Universities ” 。 Scholars are no longer satisfied with the teaching and research of the general principles of marketing, but increasingly in-depth research on its various branches, and have achieved certain research results. During this period, the international research activities of marketing theory further developed, which greatly broadened the horizon of scholars. In the spring of 1992, after Deng Xiaoping's speech to the South, scholars also Market economy system Of Marketing management The current situation and future of Chinese marketing, the challenges, opportunities and countermeasures faced by cross century Chinese marketing and other major theoretical topics have been studied, which has also effectively expanded the research field of marketing.
(5) Internationalization period (1995 -)
June 1995, by Renmin University of China Canada McGill University The 5th Marketing and social development The international conference was held in Beijing. Marketing Research Association of Chinese Universities etc. Academic organizations As Co organizer And made important contributions to the conference. From 46 countries and regions 135 foreign scholars and 142 domestic scholars attended the meeting. The papers of 25 domestic scholars were included in the Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Marketing and Social Development (English version), and the papers of 6 Chinese scholars won the International Excellent Paper Award. Since then, Chinese marketing scholars have embarked on the international stage in an all-round and large team way, and further strengthened their cooperation with the international academic and business circles.


Marketing function
according to Modern Marketing The modern marketing function system should include Commodity sales , market research, production and supply, creating market demand and coordinating and balancing public relations. The functions are detailed as follows:

Commodity sales

To study the marketing function, the empirical approach is to start with commodity sales. The Definition Committee of the American Marketing Association published such a definition in 1960: "Marketing is a kind of guiding goods or services from producers to consumers or their users Enterprise activities 。” Although this definition does not recognize that marketing is sales, it believes that marketing includes both sales and goods Sales process Improvement and perfection. Many scholars believe that this definition is too narrow to fully demonstrate the function of marketing. However, whether it is appropriate or not, this definition clearly reveals the relationship between marketing and commodity sales.
For enterprises and society, there are two kinds of commodity sales basic function First, push the products produced by enterprises into the consumption field; The second is to obtain money from consumers so as to commodity production In Labor consumption Make compensation. The enterprise is to improve people's living standard It is the product of socialized production with advanced production organization. stay Resource shortage In the real economy of Production specialization , can take advantage of scale economic law To improve production efficiency And create and disseminate new living standards. Commodity sales is the final link to improve production efficiency, that is, to transfer the products produced by enterprises to consumers to meet their living needs. per contra, Social choice Market and commodity exchange When enterprises transfer products to consumers, they can obtain money by letting enterprises social needs Keep the continuity of production and operation of the enterprise, so as to gain more benefits of improving production efficiency. The society can supplement and add investment to enterprises by selling goods and turning them into money production factors Therefore, the enterprise has also obtained the conditions for survival and development.
The sale of goods is very important. Enterprises need to do their best to strengthen this function. Its specific activities include: search and identification Leads , contact and transfer commodity exchange Intention information , negotiation, contract signing, delivery and collection, provision Sales Services However, there are conditions for commodity sales. The relevant conditions for the smooth exchange of goods include: ① there are at least two subjects, each of whom has something of value (the currency of goods and services) that is relatively low in their own view but higher in the other's view, and is willing to exchange what they own for what the other has; ② They know each other about the quality and production costs ;③ They can effectively carry out communication For example, negotiate the terms of sale and reach a contract; ④ After the transaction takes place, they can all consume and enjoy what they get. However, it is often found that these conditions are not established everywhere, so enterprises often face sales difficulties. In order to effectively organize commodity sales and sell more commodities produced by enterprises, Marketing Department We should not only do sales work, but also conduct market research and organization Overall marketing , developing market demand and other activities, and wait until the later work has achieved certain results before selling goods.

market research

Market research and research also called market research It refers to the research that enterprises need to collect and analyze information about marketing activities systematically and objectively in the marketing decision-making process.
One of the necessary external conditions for an enterprise to sell goods is the existence of market demand for the goods. People call the goods with this condition as Marketable Of. Only when there is market demand can goods be sold. The market demand for a certain commodity refers to the quantity that all potential customers in a certain range want to purchase in a certain period of time. If the market demand for a certain commodity does exist, and the enterprise knows who and where the customer is, it can successfully sell the commodity.
Since the division of production and commodity production itself are constantly creating market demand, generally speaking, potential market demand always exists. The question is whether the goods people really need are the goods supplied in the market. The root cause of the frequent difficulties in selling goods is that the goods supplied in the market are not the goods that people actually need, or that there are differences between the goods in the market and people's real needs (expectations). On the one hand, this problem has caused difficulties in selling goods, and on the other hand, it has caused the unmet needs of some customers.
Of course, rational producers and operators will not produce and operate goods that no one needs. You should choose to produce the goods that are purchased. However, the problem is that the demand for a certain commodity in a certain range of markets is constantly changing. There are many factors that will affect the potential customers Demand generation influence. For example, the growth of residents' income will make people gradually abandon the consumption of low-grade and outdated goods, and then shift their purchasing power to high-grade and novel goods; one kind commodity price Too high is that many people think it is uneconomical to consume it and seldom buy it. But when its price drops, people will have the idea of cost-effective consumption and are willing to buy more and consume more. The potential customer's Desire to buy It is always unstable. The change of purchasing desire will inevitably affect the payment direction of purchasing power, leading to the change of market demand. For this change, producers and operators may lack information, so they are in a passive state after the change.
In order to effectively realize commodity sales, enterprise marketing managers need to regularly study market demand, figure out who are potential customers, what kind of goods they need, why they need them, how much they need, when and where they need them, study the suitability of the enterprise in meeting customer needs, and study possible sales difficulties and sources of difficulties, And formulate corresponding policies to meet the needs of every customer Marketing strategy This is the basic content of the market research and research function. It is not difficult to find that market research and research is not simply the leading function of organizing commodity sales, but actually the basic function of marketing of the entire enterprise.

Production supply

Production and supply
How to make full and effective use of the coming marketing and profit opportunities? How to flexibly adapt to the upcoming changes in market demand? The key lies in whether the internal production and sales, internal and external coordination between the two management. Enterprises, as producers and operators, need to adapt to the changes in market demand and often adjust the direction of product production to ensure that the products they produce and operate are always marketable. That is to say, we should strive to make use of the market demand in each period to maintain the enterprise sales revenue And strive to take advantage of the profit opportunities of each commodity produced and operated. Under the condition of frequent changes in market demand, this adaptability of enterprises comes from their close monitoring of the market Strict management , be prepared for changes and make full use of opportunities. All these functions in the enterprise Operation management Generally, it becomes the production and supply function. In fact, the name of this function follows the traditional saying. stay Modern Marketing In theory, this function is called overall marketing.
Overall marketing is comprehensively reflected by multiple business functions within the enterprise. To enable the sales department to sell marketable products to the market at every stage, the market research department should provide accurate market demand information; The management department will Market demand forecast Data converted into Production order , Command Production department Collaboration between production and other departments. To enable the sales department to provide customers with the products they need in a timely manner, the production department must produce the corresponding products before the arrival of customer needs; To enable the production department to do this, technological development The department will complete it earlier product design And technical preparation, which can provide the production department with Production technology Finance Department It is necessary to raise funds earlier and provide them to the production department for production line or machinery equipment To provide the purchase department with the purchase and supply of raw materials, materials and spare parts; The personnel department should also carry out Technical training And post responsibility education to motivate employees to improve productive labor Enthusiasm and initiative. To enable the sales department to quickly open up the market and expand the number of goods sold, the public relations department should establish a noble corporate image and enterprise in the eyes of customers before this product lines Expand the reputation and reputation of serving customers; advertisement Publicity Department Before that, we should effectively launch the advertising campaign; The promotion department should organize sales promotion Sales channels and Network management The department should strive for as many as possible before this middleman Distribute or sell the goods of the enterprise on a commission basis. In this way, the various departments combined action , work together to do a good job Marketing work Is overall marketing.
The implementation of overall marketing needs to change the traditional practice of each functional department acting independently, and even needs to change the setting of some functional departments. In marketing, the technology development department should develop the goods that people are willing to buy according to the needs of customers; Let the financial department raise funds according to marketing needs, provide funds and supplement "supplies"; Let the production department produce the products that customers need at the time they need, ensure that the sales department can get the right products in time, and sell them to customers who need them in a way that customers like to see and hear. In this way, the technology development department, production department, financial department and sales department are combined to jointly promote the sales of goods. Only in this way can the overall marketing effect be formed.

Create demand

Create market demand
Continuously improving social living standards social responsibility Require enterprises to strive for more satisfaction Consumer needs This means that it is not enough to just sell consumers the goods they are currently planning to buy. Consumers are ubiquitous“ potential demand ”That is, for some reasons, consumers do not intend to purchase goods to meet the demand in the short term. For example, consumers who are dissatisfied with the quality level of a certain commodity in the market may not buy such commodity even if there is a need; For non life necessities that are relatively expensive in the market and people think that more consumption is luxury, consumers may not buy them even if they need them, or they seldom buy them; Some consumers, because of some worries about the future, save some money and do not use it Living consumption , will form "potential demand"; Other consumers, although they have a certain source of income, can't buy some goods they need because of the limit of the amount of money they hold, which also forms a "potential demand". Of course, there are still quite a few customers who can't buy the goods they need with money, thus forming "potential demand". Potentially demanded objective existence It is needed by consumers Universality And expandability. Potential demand is actually unmet Customer needs , which means that in terms of improving people's living standards deficiencies It is also a "new continent" in the market that enterprises can explore.
Enterprises should not only meet the requirements of realism Customer demand, so that every customer who is willing to buy the enterprise's goods can really buy the goods, but also to win over those customers who have potential demand, provide the goods and services they need, create some conditions that can make them affordable and reassuring, remove their worries about the future, so that they can establish the belief that buying is cost-effective and consumption is reasonable, So as to transform its potential demand into Realistic needs , come to buy the enterprise's goods. This is "creating market demand". For example, through appropriate price reduction, consumers who could not afford to buy such goods in the past can buy and consume such goods, and consumers who felt that it was uneconomical to spend more in the past are willing to buy and consume more to truly meet their needs; Through advertising, let those consumers who do not know about a certain commodity and therefore do not purchase and consume know about this commodity, and have the desire to purchase and consume; By introducing new products, consumers who are difficult to meet their needs from the past can have the opportunity to buy products that meet their needs and satisfy them; By providing sales services, consumers who feel that it is inconvenient, unsatisfactory, and unsafe to consume a certain commodity can also purchase and consume this commodity as much as possible, and creating market demand can expand the actual demand of the market and improve the satisfaction of customer demand; It can also enable enterprises to create their own new world and vigorously develop production; It also enables enterprises to ready market It can be advanced or withdrawn, greatly enhancing the adaptability to changes in market demand.

Coordination and balance

-Public relations
Public relations activities It has been there for a long time. At the beginning of this century, professional public relations consulting companies also appeared in the United States. business management theoretical realm In the 1930s, it recognized the importance of employee relations and customer relations. However, in the presence of backward Production concept Sales concept Public relations has not been regarded as an "internal function" of marketing. It broke out again in the 1960s protect consumers ' right After exercise, Public relations function Has received widespread attention. In the 1980s, people no longer regarded public relations as the "extra burden" of enterprises, but as a function of marketing. In 1981, Christian Gronroos proposed“ Internal marketing ”Theory of; By 1985, Barbara B. Jackson proposed to carry out "relationship marketing". These new views, taken together, mean that a new project needs to be added to the marketing function: coordinating and balancing various public relations.
Enterprise as a Members of society There are objective connections with customers and other aspects of society. Improving and developing these connections can not only improve the social image of enterprises, but also bring benefits to enterprises in marketing, that is, increase the security and ease of marketing. According to Jackson, commodity sales are only part of the marketing relationship between enterprises and customers. In fact, they can also develop economic, technological and social ties and exchanges. Through these non commodity exchange contacts, the two sides can enhance mutual trust and understanding, and can develop into interdependent, mutual help, and sharing weal and woe Partnerships So that enterprises can gain a loyal customer base, and can also change the tedious negotiations in the past transactions into routine transactions, saving transaction cost This idea of "relationship marketing" is also suitable for developing and improving the relationship between enterprises and distributors, suppliers, transportation and warehousing providers, financial institutions, publicity media and internal employees, so that enterprises can find strategic partners that can be relied on and helped in the marketing process. To coordinate and balance public relations, we need to correctly handle three relationships, namely, the relationship between commodity production and operation and the "socialization" of enterprises, the relationship between obtaining profits and meeting customer needs, and the relationship between meeting individual customer needs and promoting social welfare Relationship.

marketing strategy

Marketing strategy The enterprise customer need As the starting point, obtain customers based on experience requirement as well as purchasing power Of the business community expected value , organize various items in a planned way operating activities , through mutually coordinated Product strategy Price strategy , channel strategy and Promotion strategy To provide customers with satisfactory goods and services Enterprise objectives Process.
(1) 4C Marketing Theory Professor Lauterbourne, an American marketing expert 4Ps Marketing Theory Existing problems.
4C (Customer, Cost, Convention, Communication) marketing theory consumer demand For guidance, reset Marketing mix Four basic elements of: targeting consumers' needs and expectations (Customer). First, we should understand, study and analyze the needs and desires of consumers, rather than first consider what products enterprises can produce; Cost that consumers are willing to pay. First, understand how much consumers are willing to pay (cost) to meet their needs and desires, rather than pricing products first; Convenience for consumers to purchase. First, consider how the transaction process such as consumer shopping is convenient for consumers, rather than first consider distribution channel The choice and strategy of; Communicate with consumers. Consumer centric implementation Marketing communication It is very important to integrate the internal and external marketing of enterprises through interaction, communication and other ways, and integrate the interests of consumers and enterprises invisibly. Compared with the last century, the market is very different Competition pattern , or the thinking and behavior of consumers, have undergone great changes. As the environment changes, Marketing concept It has also undergone several changes and experienced three typical marketing concepts, namely: market demand Targeted 4P theory , in pursuit of Customer satisfaction 4C theory aimed at building Customer loyalty Targeted 4R theory
(2) 4Cs Marketing Theory Including: Customer, Cost, Communication and Convenience( convenience )。 Add the opportunity market change, and the market change is 6C.
Do not sell manufactured products, but sell products that meet consumer needs; Don't follow competitor Or self profit strategy pricing, but through a series of tests to understand the cost consumers are willing to pay to meet demand; Don't take yourself as the starting point, and think about how to arrange the outlets and what kind of outlets to use Access strategy , but pay attention to consumers Buy products Convenience; Instead of thinking about how to improve sales through media communication, we should interact with consumers.
(3) 4R Marketing Theory American scholars Don E.Schultz stay 4C Marketing Theory Based on the new marketing theory.
4R refers to Relevance, Reaction Relationship (relationship) and Reward (return). According to the marketing theory, with the development of the market, enterprises need to establish a new type of Initiative Relationship.
(I) 4R Marketing Key points of operation
1. Close contact with customers
Enterprises must establish relationships with customers in terms of business and demand in some effective ways to form a relationship of mutual assistance, mutual demand and mutual demand, connect customers with enterprises, reduce customer loss, and improve customer satisfaction loyalty To win a long-term and stable market.
2. Improve the market reaction rate
Most companies tend to talk to customers, but often ignore the importance of listening. In the market of mutual penetration and interaction, the most realistic problem for enterprises is not how to formulate and implement plans and controls, but how to listen to customers' hopes, aspirations and needs in a timely manner, and respond in a timely manner to meet customers' needs. This is conducive to the development of the market.
3. Pay attention to the interaction with customers
4R Marketing Theory He believes that the key to seizing the market today has been to establish a long-term and stable relationship with customers, turn transactions into a responsibility, and establish an interactive relationship with customers. Communication is an important means to establish such an interactive relationship.
4. Return is the source of marketing
because Marketing objectives We must pay attention to output and pay attention to the return of the enterprise in marketing activities, so the enterprise must meet customer demand , provide value to customers, and cannot do useless things. On the one hand, the return is to maintain Market relations Of necessary condition On the other hand, the pursuit of return is the driving force of marketing development. The ultimate value of marketing lies in whether it can bring short-term or long-term revenue to enterprises.
(2) Characteristics of 4R marketing
1. 4R marketing is competition oriented and puts forward new marketing ideas at a new level
According to the increasingly fierce competition in the market, 4R marketing focuses on establishing an interactive and win-win relationship between enterprises and customers. It not only actively meets customers' needs, but also actively creates needs. Through association, relationship, reaction and other forms, it establishes a unique relationship with it, connecting enterprises and customers, forming a unique competitive edge
2.4R marketing really reflects and implements Relationship Marketing Thought of
4R marketing puts forward the specific operation mode of how to establish relationships, have customers for a long time and ensure long-term interests, which is a great progress in the history of relationship marketing.
3.4R marketing is the guarantee of interaction and win-win
The response mechanism of 4R marketing provides the basis and guarantee for establishing the relationship between enterprises and customers, interaction and win-win, and also extends and sublimates marketing Convenience
4.4R Marketing returns enable enterprises to take into account both cost and win-win aspects
In order to pursue profits, enterprises must implement Low cost strategy , fully consider the cost that customers are willing to pay, minimize the cost, and obtain more Customer share , forming Economies of scale In this way, the products provided by enterprises to customers and the pursuit of returns will eventually integrate and promote each other, so as to achieve the goal of win-win.
(3) Summary
Of course, 4R marketing, like any theory, also has its shortcomings and shortcomings. For example, establishing association and relationship with customers requires strength foundation or some special conditions, which is not easy for any enterprise to do. However, 4R marketing provides a good idea Marketing personnel It should be understood and mastered.
(4) Sound wave propagation China The first systematic marketing practice theory, which has International perspective And local practice.
Brand voice It integrates the essence of marketing, advertising and news communication, and caters to New era Of Enterprise development Needs. Sound wave communication makes brand and communication more simple and vivid. A brand is a life, and sound propagation is an attempt to describe the growth path of this life. The concept of sound wave circle was put forward. The growth of an enterprise is the process of constantly expanding the sound wave circle. The core of the sound wave circle is the internal strength - building your origin - that is Phonator , and then through a variety of creative means of communication to create sound and finally form a sound wave. The main conclusion and focus of this research achievement is to propose a new communication concept and form of sound wave communication, and try to build a practical operation model to achieve Brand communication A certain degree of innovation and transcendence in theory and practice.
Sound wave communication provides a new theoretical framework for brand communication and fills in China's independence Brand Theory stay International Communication The lack of "above" is the integration of Traut's orientation and Don Schultz Marketing Communication Later, another classic academic.

Marketing category



Integrated marketing communication
Integrated Marketing Communications Communication mode Comprehensive integration, including general advertising Direct communication , promotion, public relations, etc., to seamlessly integrate decentralized communication information, so as to make the enterprise and its products and services as a whole communication effect To achieve clarity, continuity, consistency and promotion.


(DATABASE MARKETING): Collect consumers' Consumer behavior Information, manufacturer's sales information, and accumulate these information in the database in a fixed format, and use this database at an appropriate marketing opportunity statistical analysis The marketing behavior of.

network marketing

(Internet Marketing): network marketing It is the whole enterprise Marketing strategy An integral part of Business objectives To build the Online business environment Activities. The functions of online marketing include Website promotion Network brand Information Delivery , online research, customer relations Customer service , sales channels Sales promotion Eight aspects.

Direct marketing

(direct marketing): It refers to the use of consumer direct (CD) channels to contact and deliver goods and services to customers without intermediate marketers. Its biggest feature is "direct communication with consumers or without distributor The "sales activity" is a kind of marketing model that can theoretically reach any target target region by using one or more media, including regional and positioning differentiation, and can measure the response or transaction results.
Media usually used for direct marketing Communication tools With mass or specific mass marketing media (such as television advertising )Different, but with niche or non niche marketing media (e.g facial tissue Distribute the tissue paper package to potential consumers after printing the advertising message on the package, and Catalog Telemarketing TV Shopping Online sales ... etc.).

Relationship Marketing

(RELATIONSHIP MARKETING): In many cases, companies cannot seek immediate transactions, so they will establish customer relationships with long-term suppliers. What the company wants to show customers is Service capability Most customers are large and global. They prefer suppliers who can provide supporting products or services in different regions, and can quickly solve problems in different regions. When Customer relationship management When the plan is implemented, the organization must pay attention to both customers and product management At the same time, the company must understand that although relationship marketing is important, it is not always effective. Therefore, the company must evaluate which department and which specific customer are most favorable for relationship marketing.

Green marketing

It means that enterprises cater to consumers green consumption Of Consumption habits , turn green Environmentalism As the value orientation of the enterprise's products Green culture For its production concept, strive to meet consumers' demands for green product The needs of the marketing activities done.

Social marketing

It is based on the dual characteristics of "economic man" and "social man", using similar commercial marketing means to achieve Social public welfare The purpose of; Or use social public welfare value to promote its goods or Business services A means.
Like general marketing, Social marketing The purpose of Target population Behavior. However, different from the general business marketing model, what social marketing pursues Behavior change The power is more from non-commercial power, or the non-commercial behavior is simulated as a commercial selling point.

Viral marketing

Is a kind of information transfer The strategy is to quickly expand its influence by the public copying information cheaply to other audiences. and Traditional marketing Compared with, the benefits are more and more obvious.