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Kanton Basel-Stadt

A Swiss state
synonym Basel City (Basel City) generally refers to Basel City State
Basel City State( German :Kanton Basel-Stadt, French :Bâ le-Ville, Italian :Basilea Città, Romance ”Basilea Citad) is the state with the smallest area and the largest population density in Switzerland. Traditionally known as "half state", it is located in the northwest of Switzerland and consists of Basel City, Riehen Town and Bettingen Town. In 1833, due to the war between urban and rural areas, it was divided into Basel (city) in the north and Basel (township) in the south. It is the only river port leading to the sea in Switzerland Cargo throughput All of Switzerland foreign trade Half of the freight volume.
Chinese name
Kanton Basel-Stadt
Foreign name
Northwest Switzerland [1]
geographical position
Located at the corner of the three countries in the northwest of Switzerland
37 km²
Area under jurisdiction
Basel City, Lynn Town, Bettingen Town
population size
187651 (2007)
Famous scenic spot
Germany France Switzerland Three Corners, Basel Carnival, Basel Cathedral

Geographical climate

Kanton Basel-Stadt
Basel City State is located at the junction of the three countries on the upper reaches of the Rhine River, connecting to the west France , adjacent to the north Germany Basel is Switzerland Core of Northwest China city , is the gateway to the German speaking area of Switzerland european union The bridgehead. In the city at the northern foot of the Swiss Alps, Basel altitude The lowest point is 244 meters at the junction of the three countries. With an area of 37 square kilometers and two suburban counties, the city stands on both sides of the Rhine River, surrounded by a triangle formed by Jura in Switzerland, Black Forest in Germany and Ferguson in France. The Rhine River turns north at Basel, and the river becomes wider and flows through the upper reaches of the Rhine River plain
Basel has been traffic The main road, the north-south main line of the European railway and the east-west artery cross here. More direct access to European airports in Basel, Mulhouse and Freiburg Europe And the world aviation Web.
Basel is located in Rhine Valley , which is flooded by the Rhone Valley and Burgundy lowlands mediterranean sea Influenced by airflow, the climate is warm. Compared with central Switzerland, Basel has abundant sunshine and less fog in autumn.

cultural education

Basel is the European cultural center, with about 40 museum (including some world-famous museums such as the Baylor Foundation and the Art Museum), the Basel Theater composed of three major parts, 25 small theaters, a music theater, numerous galleries and various Concert Hall Art Basel It is the world's most important modern art fair, attracting artists from all over the world.
Scientific research and education It also occupies a pivotal position. First class primary and secondary schools, a university with a long history and a innovate Type I colleges shoulder the sacred mission of cultivating talents.


The beautiful and tidy old city, the charming Rhine River, the quiet and pleasant green land, health and safety are the portrayal of Basel. There are also restaurants, bars and fine Shopping Mall And leisure places suitable for men, women and children. Locals, outsiders and tourists from all over the world all praise the excellent quality of life here.


Basel (also known as Basilea, Germany: Basel, France: Bâ le, meaning Basilea) is the third largest city in Switzerland (after Zurich and Geneva), the capital of Basel Stadt, France: Bâ le Ville, located in Switzerland The corner of the Three Kingdoms in the northwest is adjacent to the northwest France Alsace, Northeast and Germany The north-south Black Forest Mountains border; The Rhine River flows through the city from east to north, dividing Basel in two. The larger one is located on the west bank, which is called the Greater Basel Area, while the smaller one is located on the east bank.
Basel, together with the neighboring autonomous cities Riehen and Bettingen and the ancient fishing village Kleinh ü ningen near the city, forms the Basel City State.
The center of Basel is built around the city hall and in the 14th century University of Basel Formed nearby. The narrow streets and lanes, and the bridges built because they are cut off by the Rhine River, are the characteristics of Basel. In the part of the city center, there is no motor vehicle except the tram carrying tourists because of protection.
Basel is a region with developed chemical and pharmaceutical industries. In particular, the headquarters of Switzerland's largest pharmaceutical companies, led by well-known pharmaceutical companies Novartis and Hoffmann - La Roche, are located in Basel. Muttenz, located near Basel, is the largest railway shunting and shunting station in Europe. Basel Port is the only exit of Switzerland from the Rhine River to the North Sea. The Basel Airport, Mullhouse Freiburg, is managed together with neighboring France. It is located in France and is connected to Switzerland by a highway. The border tariff then became a charging item within the airport.
Basel is sometimes called Romandie in German, because the official language of Basel is German, and its exact official name is Basel German. Basel is a fairly liberal society. Compared with Germany, they are mostly European friendly, while compared with other places, they are relatively conservative. Therefore, the slogan of Basel tourism industry is "different Basel".


Basel City Half State is a half state in the northwest of Switzerland. It is the smallest state in Switzerland, and its population ranks 14th among the 26 states. The city half state of Basel includes the city of Basel and two adjacent towns to the north of the Rhine River.
Lake Lucerne
Basel is located on the so-called "Rhininknie". The Birsig River flows into the mouth of the Rhine River. The flow direction of the Rhine River changes from west to north. The "Rhine knee" forms the southernmost end of the upper Rhine Plain. After the rural half state of Basel separated from the state of Basel, the urban half state of Basel consists of only three towns:
Basel (population 168000)
Riehen (population 20800)
Bettingen (population 1200)
In Basel city Half a state, besides Swiss (71.9%), there are also about 55000 foreigners living in the state, accounting for about 30% of the total population, including the former Yugoslavia (5.9%), Italians (5.3%), Turks (4.4%), Germans (3.4%), Spaniards (2.1%), Portuguese (0.8%), French (0.5%) and others country (5.7%).

State emblem

City half state emblem of Basel
The half state emblem of Basel City is a black bishop's scepter with the handle facing left, printed on a white background. It can be traced back to the scepter used by the Bishop of Basel. The Basel emblem was formed later. badge It's a myth made up of rooster and dragon animal "Flying Dragon", first seen in AD 450. The Scepter of Basel is the authority of bishops symbolize , first seen in 1000 AD, formed in the 14th century shape And all bishop Like a scepter, Basel

historical background

The current state boundary of Basel city and half state was formed in 1833. The rural half state of Basel was separated from the then Basel state. The city and half state of Basel did not recognize this split for a long time, and wrote the reunification of the state into the state constitution China did not give up until the amendment of the Constitution in 2006.
Basel has undergone tremendous historical changes: Celts, ancient Romans and Alemans have successively become the masters. Bishop City, the first bridge on the Rhine, trade, universities, trade fair privileges Reformation The division of the whole state, economic prosperity and freedom from the ravages of war are just a few aspects of Basel's history.
In 500 BC, the Celts settled at the bend of the Rhine River. In 44 BC, the ancient Romans built a castle in Augusta Laurika, ten kilometers upstream of the Rhine River. After the castle was destroyed, the Alemannians settled in the region from AD 450. In 374 AD, the place name "Barcelona" first appeared in written records. The place became increasingly prosperous and gradually developed into a small city.
In 740, Basel became bishop The city's status has been further improved. In 1019, Emperor Henrich II began to build a university in Basel teach As a result, Tang was praised as the sage of the city by later generations. At the same time, the first city wall was built. In 1225, the first building was built on the Rhine River bridge
Since 1348, Basel has experienced a difficult period, plague Halve the population. In 1356, the great earthquake devastated the local area. After the reconstruction after the earthquake, the Bishop bought Little Basel on the other side of the Rhine River in 1392. From 1331 to 1348, during the Basel Religious Conference, the city became the spiritual center of the Christian world. In 1460, Pope Pius II donated the first university at the northern foot of the Alps in Basel, which attracted famous humanists such as Erasmus of Rotterdam to settle down. Basel began to use printing. In 1471, Emperor Friedrich III granted Basel an extremely important trade fair privilege.
In 1501, Basel and Schaffhausen joined Switzerland Federation, and began to build the city hall, namely the government and parliament building. In 1529, Ochrompard et al Reformation bishop Forced to withdraw, the handicraft guild took power.
In 1560, church refugees from Italy and France dominated the trade and silk processing in Basel. In 1670, the silk lace industry was formed. Since 1685, Protestants have gathered in Basel from European countries and brought new production techniques. In 1758, Gaiji Firm was founded. Soon after, pigment production began.
In 1795, France, Spain and Prussia ended years of war and achieved the Basel Peace. Soon after, Napoleon occupied Switzerland and established Centralization The Swiss regime. In 1803, Switzerland restored its federal system. In 1833, Basel Village successfully resisted the plunder and control of Basel City for the first time, and established Basel Rural State. Basel lost its rear area and lost two-thirds of its property. In 1844, Basel built the first railway in Switzerland, entering the fastest growing period in history. In 1849, Augustine Street built the first batch of museums.
the First World War During this period, although the border of Switzerland was occupied, it was still free from the ravages of war. the Second World War During the period (1939-1945), Switzerland was surrounded by the fascist regime, but was not attacked.
At that time, cross-border exchanges were forced to be interrupted. Nevertheless, Basel built the world's first cross-border building in 1953 airport - Basel and Mulhouse airports. In 1993, with Germany With the accession, the airport has been expanded to Basel, Mulhouse and Freiburg European airports. In 1963, the "Greater Basel Area" was established, which further promoted cross-border cooperation in the region.
In 1992, the majority of Swiss voters and most states voted to refuse to participate in the European Economic Area. The city state of Basel voted in favour along with the French speaking area of Switzerland. In the 1990s, Basel experienced a wave of enterprise mergers marked by two major events: Sandoz and Ciba merged with Novartis, becoming the world's largest pharmaceutical companies; In the financial sector, UBS and UBS Merging and establishing UBS Group, ranking among the world's largest bank List. Innovative companies are encouraged and biotechnology takes root in Basel.

Origin of name

The origin of the name Basel is controversial. Some linguists believe that "Basel" originates from the Greek words "Bassilius" and "King". Other experts believe that "Basel" originates from the word "Basel", a common place name and personal name in Celtic. But it is certain that in 374 AD, for the first time written words It is recorded that "Barcelona", located at the turning of the Rhine River city Place names.


Large cruise ships enter Basel
The Basel City Half State Assembly (also known as the "Grand Assembly") is composed of 130 members for a term of four years. As a "half state", Basel City and half state Swiss Confederation There are representatives in both houses of the Congress, one seat in the Stä nderat, which represents the states and half states, and five representatives in the Nationalrat, which represents the people. The Basel City Half State Government Assembly (also known as the "Small Assembly") is composed of seven members, and the majority party consisting of the Left Party and the Green Party was elected to power in 2004.
The highest judicial organ of Basel city half state is the Court of Appeal, which is also the state administrative court. The Court of Appeal consists of civil court, criminal court, juvenile criminal court and social insurance court.
From the left, Basel party (especially the Swiss Social Democratic Party), so it is also called "Red Basel". Basel was run by citizens during the Cold War. In the 2003 National Assembly election, the Left Party won the majority of votes in Basel, which is the only one among Swiss states. The state elections in 2004 were also won by the Left Party.


Kanton Basel-Stadt
Basel is the most dynamic economic zone in Switzerland and the most productive and creative economic zone in the world. Its success is based on pharmaceutical enterprises. Two of the world's top five pharmaceutical enterprises are Basel enterprises. Centered on these enterprises, many large and medium-sized enterprises and innovative companies have jointly built a life sciences Base. Other strong industries of Basel include finance Trade logistics information , exhibition Design and Architecture The pillar industries of the city and half state of Basel are the pharmaceutical industry, chemical industry and trade industry. Since the Rhine River north of Basel is no longer suitable for large ships, the port of the Rhine River in Basel has become an important transfer in the trade between the EU and Switzerland Port The financial industry of Basel city and half state is second only to Zurich in Switzerland, and its economy is concentrated in Basel. Basel has a long-term vision and strives to improve its enterprise , talents and families. At the same time, the Basel government attaches great importance to sustainable development to ensure long-term benefits to the people.
Urban development is a comprehensive process, including many different aspects, such as building housing, leisure areas and development traffic , Improvement enterprise It is as important as the living conditions of employees. Urban development also includes opening up green space, building high-quality housing, and providing social and cultural services to improve the living conditions of the crowded urban residents. By carrying out the "Basel Housing" construction subsidy project, Basel government Five thousand new homes are being built with private investors.

Tourism transportation

Cable car in Weggis Rigi Kaltbad Mountain
Tourist attractions include Dreilä ndereck Deutschland Frankreich Schweiz Basel carnival (Basler Fasnacht) and Basel University church (Basler Münster)。
Basel is located in Switzerland France and Germany At the junction of the three countries. Cross border exchanges have been common to Basel since ancient times. stay traffic environmental protection education Basel is closely cooperating with neighboring cities in many fields, such as culture. Basel is also an important international transportation hub: airport, Rhine port Railway Roads are the fundamental guarantee for access to countries all over the world.
Basel is a north-south highway transportation hub crossing Switzerland from France and Germany. A2 leads to Bern and A3 leads to Zurich
The airport in Basel is entirely within the territory of France, but both Switzerland and France belong to it.
There are three international railway stations in the half city of Basel, namely, the Swiss Railway Station, the French Railway Station and the German Railway Station. In addition, there are four regional railway stations.
Through the water transportation on the Rhine River, Basel is connected with other regions of Switzerland and neighboring countries. Basel's Rhine port is an important pillar of the Swiss economy.

Sister city

Basel regards the establishment of sister cities as the development of foreign relations attract investment And building an international network.
Sister cities are premised on strong alliance. Basel attaches importance to activities that can directly or indirectly promote local development.
As early as June 20, 2002, Basel City State and the United States Massachusetts Sign an agreement to become a sister state. On November 19, 2007, Basel and Chinese cities Shanghai Become a sister city.
The relationship between the two sisters should first become the development of economy (especially life sciences and finance )、 education scientific research Culture And a platform for investment promotion projects.