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Son of Zeus
Amphion: son of Zeus; with harp The magic of Tebai built the palace of Tebai. Amphionne is a story of Greek mythology. He is obsessed with playing the lyre. The beautiful sound of the lyre makes the stone feel spiritual and builds a city around him. It was later the city of Tebai, also known as the city of Bacchus.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Mythological system
Zeus Antiop
Musical Instruments
Seven string zither

Myth Story

The river god lives in Tebai Asopus 's daughter Antiop One day, Antiop slept under a big tree with only a piece of gauze, but Zeus saw her and turned into a man with sheep's horns sleeping beside her. Later, Antiop gave birth to a pair of twin brothers named after Zeus: Zetos And Amphionne. She was afraid of being known by her father and sent her two children to the mountains. Zeus let a shepherd raise two children.
The two children are very different in character. They are extremely strong. Amphionne loves music very much. Later, he was loved by Apollo and got a harp. His music can move trees and rocks.
After learning of his daughter's behavior, Antiop's father committed suicide in shame and told his brother the King of Tebai Lycus Punish her. Antiop received this king and queen Dilke The abuse of. Zeus finally let her chain fall off and escaped to the shepherd who adopted his child.
When Deere came to the mountains to attend the festival of Dionysus, he saw Antioch and instigated two unknowing twin brothers to kill the bad woman. The two brothers tied their mother to the horns of a raging buffalo. Fortunately, the herdsman arrived in time to tell them the truth, preventing the tragedy of the two brothers killing their mother. The two brothers finally executed Dilche and killed Lucos in this way, seizing the rule of Tebai. The original city of Tebai was just Kadmoa Castle With defense, the two brothers built a wall around the whole city of Tebai during their reign.
A favorite of the gods Tantalos Take your own daughter Niobe Married to Amphion, King Pandareus of Ephesus gave his daughter Aidong Married Chetoz. And Niobe also brought disaster to Ampheon.

Amphionne's wife

Niobe was a proud woman, and her husband Amphion was king of Thebes. The Muse gave him a beautiful ancient zither with beautiful sound. When he played it, even bricks and stones were automatically glued together to build the city wall of Thebes. Niobe's father, Tantalus, was a guest of the gods -- before he was sent to hell, of course. She ruled a powerful kingdom herself, and was famous for her beautiful and charming appearance. However, what made her most happy and proud was that she had seven sons and seven daughters. She was regarded as a lucky mother, and therefore complacent, but her arrogance and self-respect caused a fatal disaster.
One day, Manto, the daughter of Tiresias, a blind diviner, was instructed by God to call all the women of Thebes in the street to worship Leto and her twin children Apollo and Artemis. The arrogant Niobe not only didn't respect him, but also insulted Leto and his children. Thus, punishment begins. Her seven sons died in the martial arts arena outside the city gate. When Enfeiweng heard the bad news, he was so sad that he pulled out his sword and killed himself. At this time, her seven daughters came to her in mourning clothes. She looked at the sky with no remorse and laughed, "No, even if I was unlucky, I would be better than your happiness; even if I was unlucky, I would still be richer than you and a strong man!" As soon as the words fell, the daughters also died one after another. Niobe sat alone among the bodies of her husband, seven sons, and seven daughters. She was so sad that she suddenly became stiff: her hair did not move in the wind, her face lost its color, and her eyes stared blankly. Life left her body, blood froze in the blood vessels, and the pulse stopped beating. Niobe turned into a cold stone, and his whole body was completely hardened, except for tears in his rigid eyes. A whirlwind blew her into the air and across the sea, and sent her to the hometown of Niobe, where she was placed on a barren mountain in Lydia. Below was the cliff of Zephyrus. Niobe has become a stone statue, standing quietly on the mountain peak, and is still sad until now tear [1]