
The highest mountain in Greece
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Olympus( Greek It is also translated as Olympus Mountain Greece The highest mountain, located at aegean sea Selmai Bay North bank, the second largest city in Greece Thessaloniki About 100km. Olympus consists of 52 peaks, of which the highest peak "Mytikas" means the front projection, with an altitude of 2917 meters.
On August 2, 1913, Switzerland Under the guidance of Christos Kakkalos, a Greek mountaineering guide, Daniel Baud Bovey, a writer, and Fr é d é ric Boissonnas, a Swiss photographer, climbed to the top of Mytikas for the first time. On August 2, 2018, Google On the home page of some countries, graffiti is used to commemorate the 105 years of the first summit.
stay MYTHOS Central Olympus is the mountain of God. The original meaning of "Olympus" comes from the meaning of "light place". In Greek mythology, it is equivalent to heaven, the gods Demigod And live here with their servants.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Oros Olympos
geographical position
Located at Greece North, near Salonika Bay, yes Thessaly Area and Macedonia Watershed of the section
climatic conditions
Mediterranean climate
Opening Hours
Open all year round [1]
Ticket Price
No ticket
Famous scenic spot
Its Miticas Peak, 2917 meters high, is the highest peak in Greece
Suggested duration
3 hours
Suitable season
It is recommended to visit Greece in May and September
Best Travel Season
From May to September
Recommended travel time
3 hours

Greek Holy Mountain

modern Greek do Oros Olympos
Mount Olympus is located in northern Greece (there is even a mountain of the same name on Mars) African continent And eurasia Extruded from Thessaloniki Gulf, a famous city in the northeast and northern Greece Thessaloniki Remote, Altitude 2917 meters, its name means "light" in Greek, but it may also come from Caucasian language The word "mountain". It is between Cesari District and Macedonia watershed Its Miticas Peak, 2917 meters high, is the highest peak in Greece. In order to distinguish from the adjacent "Lower Olympus Mountain" in the south, it is also called "Upper Olympus Mountain".
The highest peak in Greece (2917 meters [9570 feet]). genus aegean sea Olympus Mountains near Thermai Bay, across Macedonia and Hese [5210 feet]. mountaintop Year-round snow , shrouded in clouds and mist. It has long been regarded as the residence of the gods. Greece and Asia Minor There are also other hills, villages and Mythological figure


Olympus is a sacred and steep mountain, majestic and magnificent, towering among the mountains of Greece. In winter, snow covered peaks, and in summer, the valley is shaded by green trees. Every day, when the sun rises in the east, the dawn first shines on the peak of this holy mountain; When the sun sets and the moon rises in the east, the magnificent Olympus Peak is covered with sunset again.
However, the great gods chose this place to build their palaces and govern the world there. On the sea of clouds colonnade In front of the colonnade is a garden with strange flowers and plants.

The Painting of the Gods

Vision of Olympus Mountain
ancient MYTHOS One of the most exciting chapters in Zeus It dominates all things in the world. To express the right Zeus And the Greeks Olympia The region held a grand sacrifice. They offer cattle and sheep as sacrifices, sing and dance, celebrate and feast, and at the same time sprint Competition activities.
The first event was the 200 yard dash, which was about 182 meters. Later, it gradually increased Wrestling discus throw , bidding gun, horse racing and car racing. God of gods Zeus won the wrestling Cronus (Zeus' father); Apollo defeated Aris in boxing and overtook Hermes in running... in every competition winner It is necessary to wear a laurel crown, and the winner with the laurel crown is worshipped as a god. The most famous poets offer hymns to them, and high-quality artists build memorial statues for them in Olympia. The hometown of the winners welcomed them as heroes who fought triumphantly. Some cities deliberately opened a gap in the city wall to let them enter the city like conquerors.
ancient Greek It is believed that the gods living on Olympus created Olympic Games This is a Healthy mentality Normal Rational thinking They control the development direction of the whole society with the belief of being strong and always striving for the first, which is why Socrates Aristotle And other philosophers and scientists are also athletes.
They pay attention to the development of morality, intelligence and physique. The winners receive the highest honor and are generally respected. Olympic Games yes Ancient Greece An extremely important event in life. Even the war will make way for the sports meeting. The belligerents will pause their attacks and wait until the end of the five-day sports meeting before continuing to fire.
It can be imagined that when the strong athletes run and throw on the field, there are already a lot of swords and guns outside the field, which are murderous. But the Greeks do not pay attention to it. Their muscles stretched by exertion of force are a desire for peace, a mockery of the enemy, a yearning for the Olympic Games and a confidence in victory in war. [2]


The first Olympic Games, created by the gods on the Olympic Mountain, was held at the foot of the mountain in the small town of Olympia. It looked like a dry river, covered with green grass gentle slope Surrounded by, there is no trace of runway. If you look carefully, you will find a threshold like stone line, which is the starting line more than 2700 years ago. The main historic sites here are: the temple area, stadium, gymnasium, wrestling school, gym Conference hall , carving workshops and bathrooms lounge Etc. Zeus Temple It is the largest building in the temple area, which has fallen to the ground Large stone pillar The diameter is more than 2 meters. The whole building is 20 meters high and rectangular. The Namphoon Altar is During the Olympic Games The place where the torch is lit. Past sessions Modern Olympic Games The kindling of the torch is obtained here. The stadium is located in the east of the temple area, surrounded by Soil slope The completed stand can accommodate 45000 spectators.

Related legends

The ancient Greeks worshipped the "Holy Mountain". They believed that the Olympic Mountain was located in the center of Greece, and Greece was in the center of the earth, so the Olympic Mountain was also the center of the earth. The gods who rule the world and humans live on this mountain.
Olympic Mountain
The ancient Greeks believed in many gods, including Main God Zeus , days later Hera , Poseidon Poseidon , Goddess of Wisdom Athena Helios Helios Moon god Hunting goddess Artemis , Goddess of Grain Demeter , Vulcan Hephaestus Ares, God of War, God of Love and Beauty Aphrodite , The messenger of the gods and the dead lead the gods Hermes , Kitchen God or Family Goddess Hestia, Hercules Heracles Later, Hestia gave up the position of one of the 12 main gods to Dionysus Dionysus
The ancient Greeks believed that these gods lived in the magnificent Olympic Mountain, where they feasted and dominated the earth. The main god, Zeus, lived on the top of the steep and precipitous Mixing Mountain - Stefani Peak. He called out the wind and rain, threw thunder and electricity, reduced disasters and blessed at will, not only dominating human beings, but also the gods. And Hera Kong Shan then is Muse The place where the goddess lives.
Olympic Mountain mist-shrouded , towering into the clouds, covered with snow for 2/3 of the year, with its highest peak straight into the clouds. On the hillside oak Chestnut Beech Chinese parasol The Hesong Forest is green and luxuriant, and the scenery is very beautiful. The ancient Greeks used this beautiful place as the residence of gods for this reason.
But later the Greeks changed their view, because since the Olympic Mountain is wrapped in ice and snow, surrounded by clouds and mist, it is not an ideal place for the gods to live. According to their sailing experience, they learned that Greece is not the center of the world, and the Olympic Mountain is not the center of the world, so it is impossible for those gods to live on the Olympic Mountain.
When the Greeks climbed the Olympic Mountain, it was not a very auspicious thing to think that those gods were close at hand and could be seen at any time. Then gradually changed their views. They began to think that the Olympic Mountain in their imagination was far away from the sky, and the gods lived in that remote place, which was beyond their reach, and had more divine charm. However, the Olympic Mountain is still a beautiful mountain in the eyes of the Greeks.

Myth Story

Once upon a time, the twelve great gods of Greece lived on the Olympic Mountain that people could not climb. The Olympic Mountain is magnificent, towering among the mountains of Greece. In winter, snowy peaks shine in the sunshine; In summer, the valley is shaded with trees. Every day, when the sun rises in the east, the dawn first shines on the peak of this holy mountain; When the sun goes down and the silver moon rises in the east, the glorious Olympic peak is again covered moonlight Sometimes, large pieces of dark clouds will also float towards the mountain slope from all directions, so the valley is dark, with strong wind and heavy rain.
The Olympic Mountain is a sacred and steep mountain. The great gods chose this place to build their palaces and govern the world there. Above the sea of clouds, there are colonnades. In front of the colonnades are gardens with exotic flowers and plants. a fierce wind This paradise will never be touched, and there has never been a storm in the sky over these rock solid palaces. The mountain top is always sunny, sunny and fragrant.
The Great God of Olympus
On this glorious Olympic Mountain, every great god has his own palace. The most magnificent one is the palace of Zeus, the king of the gods.
Every morning, when Aurora opens the sky door with her rose colored fingers to let out the sun, the gods on the Olympic Mountain will gather in their leader's palace. Zeus, their supreme commander, sat on a golden throne and received them in the largest hall of the palace.
The gods sat around Zeus like a family around their father. They enjoyed the eternal joy and infinite joy together. They enjoy happiness that people can't imagine, as if they are in a banquet that will never end.
Flushed with brown ringed curls Apollo Play for them harp The melodious music made them drunk. beautiful Caritas Wearing red and green, dancing on the grass and among the trees. Muse The soft and sweet singing intoxicated the gods. Between the scenes, graceful and slim Herb Give the guests of Zeus exquisite food and wine. She brought the immortal wine in a gold cup to the gods of the Olympic Mountain. These drinks made them exuberant, young and energetic, and never tired of governing the world and human beings.
They gather together every day like a family. When Knox lights up the stars in the sky, the gods return to their homes. Olympus was silent. Only the family goddess Hestia, who has kept the maiden pure all her life, still stays in the public hall of the gods, because she is responsible for lighting the houses of the gods on the Olympic Mountain.
Each god does not live in their own magnificent palaces alone. Like the king, the twelve great gods have their own numerous followers. Some are responsible for delivering orders, some are responsible for preparing feasts, pouring tea and water, and some are responsible for performing songs and dances. They enable the immortals of the Olympic Mountain to spend their leisure time happily.
As mentioned earlier, the mission of Muse and Caritus is to perform for the gods in the Great Hall program of entertainment Herb They served exquisite food and wine to the gods during their intermission. The heavenly gate of the glorious Olympus is kept by three girls for life Chastity Herr is responsible for the care. They have a gentle attitude and elegant manners Gold necklace , wearing clothes decorated with flowers and fruits. After they opened the golden gate of the Olympic Mountain Walking Run lightly with Muse and Caritas Meet and form a chorus to sing the coming of light, which makes the four seasons on the earth coordinate and change.
Herm's mother, Themis, or Goddess of Justice He often sat beside the throne of Zeus. She is selfless and sticks to the law like a mountain. She used her wisdom to make all kinds of indisputable decisions. The charming Temis is the goddess in charge of the halls of the Olympic Mountain and the security of the whole universe.
Zeus is not only the father of the Olympic gods, but also the king of mankind. Heaven is here themis The relevant decisions and orders made under the recommendation of Iris Deliver to the gods. Iris has a pair of wings. Her feet walk as fast as the wind. When she descends from the sky to the earth, her speed is like hail Descend from the clouds to the ground. She repeated the God's decision to people word by word, and then started a pair Rainbow The wings fly back to Olympus. She sat on the steps of Zeus' throne like a watchdog. Even when she sleeps, she never relaxes Shoelace She never lifted her veil, because she had to fly to the designated place as soon as God gave orders.
except themis Besides helping Zeus govern the universe, there are his three daughters Parka They also help parents to supervise people's compliance with the law. They lived in a bronze palace not far from Herr. Every day, they wrote the fate of everyone on the wall of the palace, marking the route of the celestial bodies. Nothing can erase their handwriting on the wall. They wear white Dress It is decorated with stars, daffodils and wool balls.
These three goddesses sit on the shining throne, deciding everyone's destiny and weaving the thread of life for everyone. The youngest of the three sisters is Croto. She is persistent spindle Rod; La Crosse Turn the spindle to spin the thread of destiny for everyone; Atropos Determine the length of each life line. Once she makes a decision, she cannot change it. According to the order of Zeus and the merits and sins of each person, they decided the fate that each person should encounter on the earth. The three sisters used white wool, gold wool and black wool to weave lifelines for people. White and gold denoted happy days, and black denoted unlucky days.
The big gods and small gods on the Olympic Mountain spend their days in this way. They usually live in such a quiet environment, and only occasionally go down to earth. When they came down to earth, they all appeared as human beings or animals.

Twelve main gods

The twelve major gods of the Olympic Mountain are: Zeus Hera Hestia Poseidon Demeter Athena Apollo Artemis Ares Aphrodite Hephaestus and Hermes among Hestia Because they live with human beings, they give up their position to Dionysus Hades and Persephone Sometimes included in Twelve gods of Olympus Medium, but general Hades He was excluded because he was the ruler of the underworld.

Leader of the Gods

Zeus, the leader of the Olympic Mountains gods, is Cronus Son of. Cronus It is the creativity of time and Destructive power His parents are gods Ulanos Hedi God Gaia His wife is the goddess in charge of the passage of time Ruiya Rhea gave birth to many children, but each child was eaten by Cronus as soon as it was born. When Rhea gave birth to Zeus, she decided to protect this little life. She wrapped a piece of cloth around a stone and lied that it was a newborn baby. Cronus swallowed the stone. So Zeus escaped a disaster and was sent to Cronus' sister Nymph The goddess raised them there.
When Zeus grew up, he knew his own life experience and was determined to save his own Sibling He married Goddess of Wisdom Metis As a wife, he listened to his wife's plan and seduced his father Cronus to take emetics. Cronus kept vomiting after taking the medicine and vomited all his children in his belly. They are Hades, Poseidon Hestia , Demeter and Hera In order to reward their brother Zeus, they agreed to give him thunder, the most powerful weapon.
Zeus was extremely disgusted with his father's tyranny. He contacted his brothers to fight against his father's generation. Zeus listened to his brother in order to win as soon as possible Prometheus He released the one eyed giant and the one armed giant imprisoned underground. These six sons of the Earth Mother had extraordinary power, and Zeus and his brothers finally won. Their father and many Titans were sent to the bottom of hell. After the great victory, it was time to decide who would become the king. Zeus and his brothers would not yield to each other. Seeing that there was another war between them, Prometheus proposed to decide by lot. As a result, Zeus became the king of heaven, Poseidon became the king of the sea, and Hades became the king of hell.

More relevant

The gods of Olympus
Greek art, mythology and Olympic Are inseparable from Mount Olympus. They are interrelated and exist, which is irreplaceable in the world Existing form According to legend, the twelve great gods of Greece live on Mount Olympus, which people cannot climb. They are: Zeus Hera Hestia Poseidon , Demeter Athena Apollo Artemis Ares Aphrodite Hephaestus and Hermes
among Hestia Because they live with human beings, they give up their position to Dionysus Hades and Persephone Sometimes included in Twelve gods of Olympus Medium (Eleusismith instrument), but general Hades He was excluded because he was the ruler of the underworld. Sentenced to long suffering on a cliff Prometheus Always wear an iron ring and insert a piece caucasus mountains Of Flake , so that Zeus could boast that his enemies were still locked on the mountain.
The greatest sculptor in the heyday of classicism Phidias Designed The Acropolis in Athens Architecture, and created a large number of sculptures and decorative reliefs in the Acropolis based on the myths and legends of Olympus Mountain. His works create an elegant and quiet image, which is a model of the ideal beauty of classical sculpture.
He is Badinong Temple Creative Athena The Statue of the Goddess is 12 meters high and carved with gold and ivory wrapped in a wooden body, which shows that the goddess holds a small hand Victory Goddess , first-hand Holding a shield The attitude of "Li" is admired by contemporaries and future generations.
In addition, he also created a Athena The statue with spear is 9 meters high. It is said that the gilded spear tip can be seen on the sea flash of light He created for the east and west pediments of the Parthenon Temple High relief It is regarded as a specimen of classical sculpture, in which《 Three Goddesses of Destiny 》With beautiful posture and vivid patterns, it not only sets off the plump figure of the goddess, but also has a flowing and beautiful sense of movement.

tourist resources

Olympic Mountain is ancient Greek It has become an indispensable element of the birthplace of European culture. The ancient Greeks made brilliant achievements in science, philosophy, literature and art, which had a profound impact on the development of European culture. Greek art The formation, development and Social history National characteristics natural condition They have close relations. City-state Slave owner The democratic regime provides favorable conditions for the development of culture and art. The city-state countries require citizens to have a strong physique and excellent mind, which also becomes artistic creation Of Ideal image The development of trade and navigation has created the Greeks' strong will, resourcefulness and flexibility, as well as the positive character of daring to pursue ideals, and has also given them the opportunity to contact the cultures of the two rivers, Egypt and other regions.
Olympic Mountain is MYTHOS Greek mythology is the soil of Greek art. Greek mythology contains people's rational thinking about the mysteries of nature, and it contains the seeds of historical and philosophical ideas. In Greek mythology“ Homomorphism of God and Man ”The characteristics of " Favorable factors The mild Greek climate gives Greeks a wide range of outdoor activities and sports venues. Quadrennial Olympic Games Up, athlete Naked competition It provides artists with the conditions to shape a healthy human body, so that they can Body beauty Have early understanding and performance. It is in this environment that Greek artists created the most outstanding art in the ancient world, leaving the most precious heritage to the treasure house of mankind. The culture and art of Greece immerse many people in the fantasy of Greece, and the best way to feel it is to go to Greece“ Discus thrower ”Ancient Olympic Go to the stadium, go to the Olympic Mountain.

Ancient Olympic Stadium

ancient Greek It is a mythological kingdom, with beautiful and moving mythical stories and bizarre folklores Olympic Games The origin of is covered with a layer of mystery. of Ancient Olympic Games There are many legends about the origin of Ancient Olympic Games It's for sacrifice Zeus And regular sports activities. The ancient Olympic Games were a celebration of sport and religion. From 776 B.C. to 393 A.D Ancient Greek cities Olympia The 292 ancient Olympic Games were held there.
Another legend relates to the son of Zeus Heracles of Hercules won a lot because of his strength“ Hercules ".

Honors won

In April 2020, it was selected into the "2020 World Famous Summer Resort List". [3]