
The Eight Major Planets of the Solar System
zero Useful+1
synonym Solar system planets (Celestial body) generally refers to eight planets
8 Planets , means solar system Eight of Megaplanets , according to the sunlight From near to far, they are Mercury (☿)、 Venus ♀)、 Earth (⊕), Mars( ♂)、 Jupiter (♃)、 Saturn (♄)、 Uranus (♅)、 Neptune (♆ [1] )。 planets Rotation direction Most also Direction of revolution agreement. Only Venus and Uranus are two exceptions. Venus rotates in the opposite direction to its orbit, while Uranus rotates "lying" at an angle of 97 ° to its orbit.
Definition of planets: First, it must surround fixed star A moving celestial body; Second, the mass is large enough to make celestial bodies It is round and spherical; Third, there should be no other objects near this orbit (clear other objects on its orbit). According to this division, there are only eight planets in the solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. [2]
As mentioned before 2006 Nine planets The concept is different. On August 24, 2006 Bragg The 26th Session International Astronomical Union In resolution 5 adopted in, Pluto (Pluto) is classified as dwarf planet , except for the eight planets.
Chinese name
Foreign name
eight planets
finger solar system Eight major planets of

Planetary contrast

Mass, volume Earth is assumed to be 1
Revolution period
Ranking of business cycle
Rotation period
Rotation cycle ranking
Surface temperature (℃)
Temperature ranking
Atmospheric pressure
Environmental Science
Landing condition of man-made spacecraft
that 's ok
zero point zero five
zero point zero five six
five point four six
87.9 days
Ranking from near to far with semi major axis
, order 1-8
58.6 days
Too small (negligible)
Too high temperature difference, lack of atmosphere, and too strong solar radiation
zero point eight two
zero point eight five six
five point two six
224.7 days
243 days
four hundred and sixty-four
The air pressure is extremely high and the temperature is too high
Venera 7
five point five two
1 year
23 hours and 56 minutes
Perfect for biological survival
Permanent residence
zero point one one
zero point one five zero
three point nine six
1.9 years
24 hours and 37 minutes
27 (summer), - 133 (winter)
Extremely small (less than 1% of the earth's atmospheric pressure)
The atmosphere is too thin and the temperature is low, but it can be improved by humans
Tianwen No.1
that 's ok
three hundred and seventeen point nine four
one thousand three hundred and thirteen
one point three three
11.8 years
9 hours and 50 minutes
Gas planets can't support life
The following are all gaseous planets, unable to land
ninety-five point one eight
seven hundred and forty-five
zero point seven zero
29.5 years
10 hours and 14 minutes
two hundred
that 's ok
fourteen point six three
sixty-five point two zero zero
one point two four
84.0 years
17 hours, 14 minutes and 24 seconds
zero point one
seventeen point two two
fifty-seven point one zero zero
one point six six
15 hours, 57 minutes and 59 seconds


English name: Mercury
Mercury Closest to the sun [3] , which is the smallest planet in size and mass in the solar system. It often appears with the sun at the same time. In ancient China, it was called "Chenxing". Mercury is smaller than two moons in diameter—— Ganymede and titan

Basic parameters

Semimajor axis : 57.91 million km (0.38 Astronomical unit
Revolution period : 87.70 days
Direction of revolution : From west to east( anti-clockwise )Rotate
Mean orbit running speed :47.89km/s
Rail inclination: 7.0 °
Planet radius: 2440km (equator)
Quality( Earth mass =1):0.0553
Density: 5.43g/cm ³
Rotation period :58.653485d
Rotation direction : From west to east( anti-clockwise )Rotate
Number of satellites: none (still not found)
Escape speed :4.3km/s
Orbit of revolution: 57910000km (0.38 km) from the sun Astronomical unit

Name Source

In ancient times Roman myth In China, Mercury is the god of commerce, travel and theft MYTHOS In Hermes The god who preaches for the gods may get this name because Mercury moves fast in the air.

Detection history

Discovery: As early as 3000 BC Sumerian era People discovered Mercury, ancient Greek People gave it two names: when it first appeared in the morning, it was called Apollo , when it flashes in the night sky, it is called Hermes However, ancient Greek astronomers knew that these two names actually referred to the same star. Heraclitus even believed that Mercury Venus does not orbit the earth, but orbits the sun.
visit: Now only Mariner 10 The probe visited Mercury three times in 1973 and 1974. It surveyed only 45% of Mercury's surface (and unfortunately, because Mercury Too close sunlight , so that hubble space telescope It cannot be safely filmed).
Before 1962, people had always believed that the time of one revolution of Mercury was the same as that of one revolution, so that the side facing the sun was constant. This is related to Moon It is very similar to always face the earth with the same half face. But in 1965, through Doppler radar Our observation found that this theory is wrong. We have learned that Mercury rotates three times at the same time when it rotates two times. Only Venus is the only known celestial body in the solar system whose co motion ratio of revolution period and rotation period is less than 1:1. Mercury is not.
Because of the above situation and the extreme deviation of Mercury's orbit from the perfect circle Observer Seeing a very strange scene, the observer at some longitude will see that when the sun rises zenith Moving slowly will gradually increase the size significantly. The sun will stop at the zenith, go through a short backward process, stop again, and then continue its journey to horizon The journey, while significantly shrinking. During this period, the stars will row across the sky three times faster. Observers at other places on the surface of Mercury will see different, but the same is unusual Celestial motion

Perihelion orbit

Mercury's orbit deviates from the perfect circle to a great extent. It is in orbit Perihelion The slowness around the sun precession of the equinoxes Phenomenon, known as "Mercury perihelion orbit Precession ”。 (Precession: Precession of earth axis cause Vernal equinox It slowly runs westward at a speed of 0.2 ″ every year, and runs for one week in about 25800 years, making the regression year shorter than the stellar year. Sum of diurnal precession Planetary precession Two, the latter is caused by planetary gravity Ecliptic surface Caused by changes.) In the 19th century, astronomers observed the orbit radius of Mercury very carefully, but they were unable to use Newtonian mechanics Make appropriate explanation for this. Exists between the actual observed value and Forecast value The slight difference between them is a minor problem (one seventh of a degree difference per thousand years) but has puzzled astronomers for decades. Some people think that there is another planet (sometimes called Vulcan“ Zhu Rongxing ”), to explain the difference, the final answer is quite Dramatic Einstein Of General relativity In the early days when people accepted this theory, the correct prediction of Mercury's movement was a very important factor. (Mercury due to solar gravitational field And revolve around it, while the sun force field It is extremely huge. According to the general theory of relativity, mass produces gravitational field, and gravitational field can also be regarded as mass, so the giant gravitational field can be regarded as mass, producing small gravitational field, causing its orbital deviation. be similar to electromagnetic wave The variation of magnetic field generates electric field, and the variation of electric field generates magnetic field, which is transmitted far away Translation and annotation

Temperature difference

Mercury Temperature difference Is the largest in the entire solar system, with a temperature variation range of 90 Kelvin (about - 183 ℃) to 700 Kelvin (about 427 ℃). In contrast, Venus is slightly warmer but more stable.

Atmospheric surface landform

In fact, Mercury's atmosphere is very thin solar wind Brought about by the destruction of atomic composition. Mercury's temperature is so high that these atoms quickly escape into space. Compared with the stable atmosphere of Earth and Venus, the atmosphere of Mercury is frequently supplemented and replaced.
Mercury's surface shows great urgency Inclined plane Some are hundreds of kilometers long and 3000 meters high. Some transverse positions Crater The appearance of other steep planes shows that they are formed by compression. It is estimated that the surface of Mercury has shrunk by about 0.1% (or about 1 km in the radius of the planet).
Mercury Largest on Geomorphic features One is the Caloris Basin, which is about 1300 kilometers in diameter. It is thought to be similar to Maria, the largest basin on the moon. Like the basin of the moon, the Caloris basin was probably formed in the early collision of the solar system, which probably caused the strange terrain on the other side of the planet facing the basin at the same time.
In addition to being covered Meteorite crater Mercury also has relatively flat plains. Some may be the result of ancient volcanic activities, but others may be formed by meteorites Ejecta The result of deposition.
Mariner detector The data provided by volcanic activity But we need more information to confirm.
Surprisingly, Mercury North Pole Radar scanning of Mariner 10 The survey area) shows that there are signs of ice in the well protected concealment of some meteorite craters.

Other properties

Mercury is similar to the moon in many ways. There are many craters on its surface and it is very old; Neither does it Plate movement On the other hand, Mercury's Density ratio The moon is much larger (5.43g/cm3 for Mercury and 3.34g/cm3 for the moon). Mercury is the second densest celestial body in the solar system after the Earth. In fact, the high density of the earth is partly due to Universal gravitation Compression of; If not, the density of Mercury will be greater than that of the Earth, which indicates that the iron core of Mercury is relatively larger than that of the Earth, and it is likely to constitute most of the planet. Therefore, relatively speaking, Mercury has only one ring of thin silicate mantle And the crust.
The huge iron core, with a radius of 1800 to 1900 kilometers, is the ruler of Mercury's interior. The silicate shell is only 500 to 600 kilometers thick, and at least part of the core is probably molten.
Mercury has a small magnetic field, magnetic field intensity About 1% of the earth.
Mercury has no moons.
Usually through Binoculars Mercury can even be observed directly with the naked eye, but it is always very close to the sun Twilight Hard to see in. Mike Harvey's planet search chart points out the position of Mercury in the sky at this time (and the position of other planets), and then more and more detailed customization will be made by the "Star Brilliant" astronomical program.


English name: Venus
The sixth largest planet in the solar system, the planet with the highest temperature in the solar system, was called Taibai or Hyperplatinum It is sometimes the morning star. Dawn appears in the eastern sky and is called“ Venus ”; Sometimes it is the evening star, which appears in the western sky after dusk and is called "Chang Geng".
Rotation direction: from east to west
Autorotation time: 243.02 days
Business cycle: 224.701 days
Direction of revolution: from west to east
Revolution radius: 108208930km (0.72 Astronomical unit
Average track running speed: 35.03km/s
Track eccentricity: 0.001945315807
Rail inclination: 3.4 °
Diameter: 12104km
Mass (Earth mass=1): 0.8150
Density: 5.24g/cm three
Number of satellites: 0
Surface area: 460 million Square kilometers
Escape speed: 10.4km/s

Name Source

Venus“ Aphrodite ”; Babylonian: Ishtar) is the goddess of beauty and love. The reason why it is so named may be that for the ancient people, it is the brightest planet among the known planets. (There are also some objections that Venus is named because its surface is like that of a woman.)

Detection history

Discovery: Venus has been known since prehistory. Apart from the sun and moon, it is the brightest one.
Venus is a perihelion planet. If you observe it with a telescope from the Earth, you will find that it has phase Change. Galileo The observation of this phenomenon is in favor of Copernicus Of the solar system Heliocentric theory Important evidence.
visit: The first aircraft to visit Venus was in 1962 Mariner 2 Later, it was successively used by other aircraft: Venus Pioneer, Soviet Union Dignity 7, Dignity 9 visits.


Venus's rotation is very unusual. On the one hand, it is very slow (Venus days are equivalent to 243 earth day On the other hand, it rotates upside down.

Atmosphere and surface

Venusian atmospheric pressure 93 Standard atmospheric pressure (equivalent to the pressure of the earth's ocean at a depth of 1 km), the atmosphere is mostly composed of carbon dioxide There are also several layers of clouds that are thousands of meters thick and composed of sulfuric acid. These clouds block our observation of the surface of Venus, making its surface completely different from the visual results. This dense atmosphere also produces a greenhouse effect, which makes the surface temperature of Venus rise by 400 degrees, more than 740K (enough to melt lead). Venus is naturally hotter than Mercury, although Venus is hotter than Mercury Mercury Twice as far from the sun. There is a strong wind at the top of the cloud layer, about 350 kilometers per hour, but the surface wind speed is very slow, less than several kilometers per hour.

Other properties

Venus is sometimes called the sister star of the earth, and they are very similar in some aspects:
Venus is slightly smaller than the Earth (95% of the Earth's diameter, 80% of the Earth's mass).
There are some ring-shaped mountain passes on the relatively young surface.
Their density is very similar to that of chemical composition.
Because of these Similarities Sometimes it is thought that Venus may be very similar to the Earth under its thick clouds, and there may be life. Unfortunately, many in-depth studies on Venus show that Venus is fundamentally different from Earth in many aspects.


English: Earth
The Earth is the third planet from the sun and the fifth largest planet in the solar system. The Earth is the most dense planet in the solar system. The Earth, of course, can be observed without aircraft, but we didn't have a map of the entire planet until the twentieth century. Pictures taken from space should have reasonable importance; For example, they have greatly helped Meteorological forecast And storm tracking forecast.

Basic parameters

Semi major axis: 149597870km (such distance from the day is recorded as 1 Astronomical unit , referred to as AU)
Equator radius: 6378.1km
Average track running speed: 29.79km/s
Track eccentricity: 0.0167
Rail inclination: 0 °
Quality: 5.9736 × 10 twenty-four kg
Equatorial gravity (Earth=1): 1.00
Escape speed (km/s): 11.2
Rotation period (day): 0.9973 (24h is defined as one day)
Number of satellites: 1( Moon
Business cycle (day): 365.2422 (365d is defined as one year, and leap year is held every four years)
Albedo: 0.3
Rotation direction: from west to east

Name Source

The earth does not come from Greece or Roman myth The name obtained in. The word Earth comes from old English and Germanic languages There are certainly many other language names. In Roman mythology, the earth goddess is called Tellus - fertile land (Greek: Gaia, Mother Earth)


The earth's natural satellite is Moon , the only natural satellite on earth. The moon is the most obvious Natural satellite Example of. In the solar system, all planets except Mercury and Venus have natural satellites. The moon is about 4.6 billion years old. The moon has a layered structure of shell, mantle and core. Outermost Lunar shell The average thickness is about 60-65km. Below the moon shell to a depth of 1000 kilometers is Lunar mantle It takes up most of the volume of the moon. Below the lunar mantle is Monthly check The temperature of the lunar core is about 1000 degrees, probably melt Status. The diameter of the moon is about 3474 kilometers, which is 3/11 of that of the earth. Its volume is only 1/49 of the earth, and its mass is about 735 billion tons, which is equivalent to 1/81 of the earth's mass. The gravity of the moon surface is about 1/6 of the earth's gravity.
Earth Moon Interaction The rotation of the earth slows down by 2 milliseconds every century.


English name: Mars
It is the fourth farthest from the sun and the seventh largest planet in the solar system. It was also called Yinghuo in ancient China because Mars is red, like fire, and its brightness often changes; Moreover, it moves in the sky, sometimes from west to east, and sometimes from east to west. The situation is complicated and confusing, so in ancient China, it was called "Yinghuo" flame , leaving the confusion. " Meaning.

Basic parameters

Orbital radius: 227.94 million km (1.52 AU)
Business cycle: 686.98 days
Direction of revolution: from west to east
Orbit: 227940000 km (1.52 AU) from the sun
Mars landscape
Average track running speed: 24.13km/s
Track eccentricity: 0.093
Rail inclination: 1.8 °
Planet radius: 3398 km (equator)
Mass (Earth mass=1): 0.1074
Density: 3.94g/cm3
Rotation period: 1.026 days
Rotation direction: from west to east
Number of satellites: 2( Phobos Phobos

Name Source

Mars( Greek : Ἄ ρη, transliteration“ Ares ”)It is called God of War. This may be due to its bright red color; Mars is sometimes called the "red planet". (Interesting note: Before the Greeks, the ancient Romans worshiped Mars as the god of farming, while the Greeks who were aggressive and expansionist used Mars as a symbol of war.) And the name of March also came from Mars.

Detection history

Discovery: Mars Prehistoric era Already known to mankind. Because it is considered to be the best place for human beings in the solar system (except the Earth), it is loved by science fiction writers. But unfortunately, the famous "canal" that Lowell "saw" and other things are just as fictional as the Princess Barsoomian.
visit: The first exploration of Mars was conducted by Mariner 4 The aircraft was carried out in 1965. People have made several attempts in succession, including two in 1976 Viking Aerocraft. After 20 years, on July 4, 1997, Mars Pathfinder Finally successfully landed on Mars.
The thin atmosphere of Mars is mainly left by the remnant carbon dioxide (95.3%) plus nitrogen (2.7%)、 argon (1.6%) and trace oxygen (0.15%) and steam (0.03%). Average size of the Martian surface pressure The strength is only about 7 mbar (less than 1% on the earth), but it changes with the height, up to 9 mbar at the deepest part of the basin, while only 1 mbar at the top of Olympus. But it is also enough to support hurricanes and large storms that occasionally sweep the entire planet all month long. The thin atmosphere of Mars can also produce greenhouse effect But those that can only raise the temperature of its surface by 5K are much less than those of Venus and Earth as we know.
The poles of Mars are permanently covered by solid carbon dioxide( dry ice )Covered with. The structure of the ice cover is stacked, which is made up of the ice layer and the changing carbon dioxide layer in turn. In the northern summer, carbon dioxide sublimates completely, leaving the remaining ice water layer. Since the carbon dioxide in the south has never completely disappeared, we cannot know whether there is an ice water layer under the ice in the south. The reason for this phenomenon is unknown, but it may be due to the angle between the equatorial surface of Mars and its orbit Long term changes Caused by climate change. There may also be water deep below the surface of Mars. This kind of bipolar caused by seasonal changes overburden The change caused the pressure of Mars to change by about 25% (measured by Viking).
However, the observation with the Hubble telescope showed that the Viking environment was not typical. The atmosphere of Mars seems to be colder and drier than that detected by Viking (see the STSCI site for details).

Surface topography

In addition to Earth, Mars is a solid surface planet with the most interesting terrain. There are some spectacular landforms:
Olympus It is 24 kilometers (78000 feet) high on the surface and is the largest volcano in the solar system. Its base is 600 kilometers in diameter and surrounded by a cliff up to 6 kilometers (20000 feet) high;
- Tharsis: a huge bulge on the surface of Mars, about 4000 km wide and 10 km high;
- Valles Marineris: 2 to 7 kilometers deep, Is long 4000 km canyon group;
- Hellas Planitia: an impact crater located in the southern hemisphere, more than 6000 meters deep and 2000 kilometers in diameter.
The surface of Mars has many old craters. But there are also many valleys, ridges, hills and plains that have not formed long ago.
In the southern hemisphere of Mars, there is a curved ring-shaped highland similar to that on the moon. On the contrary, its northern hemisphere is mostly composed of newly formed low and flat plains. The formation process of these plains is very complicated. There is a huge height change of several thousand meters on the north-south border. The reason for the great difference in terrain between the north and the south and the high upheaval in the border area is still unknown (some people speculate that this is due to the huge increase in the outer layer of Mars Force Formed). Some scientists began to wonder whether those steep mountains were in their original places. This doubt will be solved by the "Mars Global Surveyor".
There were floods on Mars and some small rivers on the ground, which clearly proved that many places had been eroded. In the past, there was clean water on the surface of Mars, and there may even have been large lakes and oceans. But it seems that these things only exist for a short time, and it is estimated that they have existed for about 4 billion years. (Valles Marneris is not formed by flowing water. It is formed by the extension and impact of the shell, accompanied by Tharsis bulge).
In the early days of Mars, it was very similar to the Earth. Like Earth, almost all carbon dioxide on Mars is converted into carbonaceous rocks. However, due to the lack of plate movement of the Earth, Mars cannot recycle carbon dioxide into its atmosphere again, so it cannot produce a significant greenhouse effect. Therefore, even if it is pulled to the same distance from the Earth to the sun, the temperature on the surface of Mars is still much colder than that on the Earth.

Internal situation

The internal conditions of Mars are only inferred from its surface conditions and a large number of relevant data. It is generally believed that its core is high-density Material composition; Wrapped with a layer of lava, it is thicker than the earth's mantle; The outermost layer is a thin shell. Compared with other solid planets, Mars has a lower density, which indicates that, Martian nucleus Iron (magnesium and Iron sulfide )It may contain more sulfur.
Like Mercury and the moon, Mars also lacks active plate movement; There is no evidence that Mars has ever happened, which can cause as much damage as Earth Folded mountain system The crustal movement of the earth's crust. Since there is no lateral movement, the huge thermal zone under the crust is located at Quiescent state In addition, the slight gravity of the ground caused Tharis bulge and huge volcano. However, no evidence of volcanic activity has been found. Although Mars may have had a lot of volcanic activity, it seems that it has never had any plate movement.

About life on Mars

Viking tried to make experiments to determine whether there was life on Mars, but the results were negative. But optimists point out that there are only two Small sample It is qualified and not from the best place. Future Mars explorers will continue more experiments.
A small meteorite (SNC meteorite) is believed to come from Mars.
On August 6, 1996, David McKay and others announced that organic matter was first found in meteorites on Mars. The author even said that this composition, together with some other minerals obtained from meteorites, could prove to be a Mars paleomicrobe.
Such an amazing conclusion, but it does not make the conclusion that there are aliens. Since David Zhukai gave his opinion, some studies of opponents have also been published. However, any conclusion should be "reasonable and well grounded". There is still much to be done before the conclusion is announced with complete certainty.

Other properties

Martian tropic The area has a large area with weak gravity. This was an unexpected discovery made by the Mars Global Surveyor when it entered Mars orbit. They may have been left behind when the early shells disappeared. This may be very useful for studying the internal structure of Mars, the pressure in the past, and even the possibility of the existence of ancient life.
In the night sky, it is easy to see Mars with the naked eye. Because it is very close to the earth, it looks very bright. Mike Harvey's planet finding chart shows the positions of Mars and other planets in the sky. More and more details, better and better charts will be discovered and completed by astronomical programs such as Starlight.
The orbit of Mars is remarkably elliptical. Therefore, the perihelion and Apohelion The temperature difference between them is nearly 30 centigrade This has a huge impact on the climate of Mars. The average temperature on Mars is about 218K (- 55 ℃, - 67 Fahrenheit degree )However, it has a span from 140K (- 133 ℃, - 207 ℉) in winter to nearly 300K (27 ℃, 80 ℉) in summer and daytime. Although Mars is much smaller than Earth, its Surface area It is equivalent to the land area of the earth's surface.


English name: Jupiter
Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun, which was called Old Star Because its revolution is exactly 12 years, that is, one branch. Jupiter is the most massive planet in the solar system. Its mass is 2.5 times the sum of all the other seven planets, or 318 times the Earth, and its volume is 1316 times the Earth. Because of its huge size, people can see it without telescopes. Jupiter is called the "king of the planets in the solar system". It has the fastest rotation speed in the whole solar system.

Basic parameters

Business cycle: 4332.50 days
Direction of revolution: from west to east
Orbit: 778330000 km (5.20 AU) from the sun
Rotation period: 0.4135 days
Rotation direction: from west to east
Planet radius: 71492km (equator, equivalent to Earth radius 11 times)
Mass: 1.900 × 10 ^ 27kg
surface Gravitational acceleration :23.12m/s two
Escape speed: 60.2km/s
surface temperature : The effective surface temperature is - 168 ℃ (Earth Observations - 139 ℃)
Number of satellites: 92 [5]

Name Source

Jupiter (called Zeus by the Greeks) is the king of the divine world, the ruler of Mount Olympus and the protector of the Roman state. It is the son of Cronus (Saturn).

Detection history

Discovery: Jupiter is the fourth brightest object in the sky (after sunlight , the moon and Venus; Sometimes Mars is brighter), Jupiter has been known as early as prehistoric. According to Galileo in 1610, four satellites of Jupiter: Io Europa Ganymede and Ganymede (Now often called Galileo satellite )They are the first discovery that they do not revolve around the earth and agree with Copernicus Heliocentric theory About Planetary motion The main basis of; Galileo's outspoken support of Copernicus's theory led to Inquisition He was arrested and forced to abandon his belief and spent the rest of his life in prison.
visit: Jupiter was Pioneer 10 First visit and later Pioneer 11 Voyager 1 , Voyager 2 Ulysses and Galileo Visits. Juno ”The probe entered the orbit of Jupiter in July 2016.


Jupiter consists of 90% hydrogen and 10% helium( Atomic number 75/25% by mass) and trace methane, water ammonia And "stone". This is very similar to the composition of the original solar system nebula that formed the entire solar system. Saturn has a similar composition, but Uranus and Neptune have less hydrogen and helium.
Gaseous planets have no solid surface, and their density of gaseous matter only increases with the depth (from their surface, we are equivalent to 1 pressure Their radius and diameter are calculated from). What we see is usually the top of the clouds in the atmosphere, and the pressure is slightly higher than one atmosphere.
The inner core is the gathering place of most planetary materials Liquid metal hydrogen Exists in the form of. The most common formal basis on Jupiter may only exist at the pressure of 4 billion pascals, which is the environment inside Jupiter (as is Saturn). Liquid metal hydrogen consists of ionized protons and electrons (similar to the inside of the sun, but much cooler). Under the temperature and pressure inside Jupiter, hydrogen is liquid rather than gaseous, which makes it the electronic conductor and source of Jupiter's magnetic field. Similarly, this layer may also contain some helium and trace "ice".
Jupiter may have a rocky core, which is equivalent to the mass of 10-15 Earths.
The outermost layer is mainly composed of ordinary hydrogen and helium molecules, which are liquid inside and gasified outside. What we can see is the higher part of this deep layer. Water carbon dioxide Methane and other simple gas molecules also have a little here.
It is believed that there are ammonia ice and ammonium water in the three distinct layers of cloud layer sulfide and Ice water mixture However, the preliminary results from the Galileo certification show that these substances are extremely rare in the clouds (one instrument seems to have detected the outermost layer, and the other may have detected the second outer layer at the same time). However, the surface location proved this time is very unusual - based on the Earth's telescope observation and more from the Galileo orbit, the spacecraft observation suggested that the selected area for this demonstration was probably the warmest and least cloudy area on Jupiter's surface at that time.

Surface hurricane

There are high-speed hurricanes on the surface of Jupiter and other gaseous planets, and they are confined in a narrow latitude range, and the direction of wind blowing at close latitudes is opposite. Slight chemical composition And temperature changes have created colorful surface belts that dominate the appearance of planets. Luminous Surface band They are called zones, and dark ones are called belts. The ribbons on Jupiter have been known for a long time, but the vortex at the border of the ribbons is Voyager The first discovery of a spaceship. The data sent back by the Galileo spacecraft showed that the surface wind speed was much faster than expected (more than 400 miles per hour), and extended to the same depth as the root could observe, about thousands of kilometers inward. Jupiter's atmosphere is also found to be quite disordered, which indicates that hurricanes move rapidly in most parts due to its internal heat, unlike the Earth, which only gets heat from the sun.

Surface cloud layer

The colorful clouds on Jupiter's surface may be caused by the subtle differences in the chemical composition of the atmosphere and its role. It may be mixed with sulfur compounds, creating a colorful visual effect, but its details are still unknown.
The change of color is related to the height of clouds: the lowest part is blue, followed by brown and white, and the highest part is red. We can see the lower clouds only through the holes in the higher clouds.
The great red spot on the surface of Jupiter was known by Earth observation 300 years ago (this discovery is often attributed to Cassini, or Robert Hook in the 17th century). The Great Red Spot is an ellipse with a length of 25000 kilometers and a span of 12000 kilometers, which can accommodate two Earths. Other smaller spots have also been seen for decades. infrared The observation and deduction of its rotation trend show that the Great Red Spot is a high pressure area, where the top of the cloud layer is particularly high and cold than the surrounding area. A similar situation exists on Saturn and Neptune. It's not clear why Class structure Can last that long.

Energy and radiation

The investigation of Jupiter shows that Jupiter is Cosmic space Release huge energy. It emits twice as much energy as it obtains from the sun, which indicates that Jupiter Release energy Half of it comes from inside. There is a heat source inside Jupiter. As we all know, the reason why the sun continuously emits a lot of light and heat is because Inside the Sun All the time nuclear fusion Reaction, which releases a lot of energy in the process of nuclear fusion. Jupiter is a giant Liquid hydrogen The planet itself has incomparable nature nuclear fuel , plus Jupiter's Center temperature It has reached 280000 K and is ready to carry out Thermonuclear reaction High temperature conditions required. As for the high pressure conditions required for thermonuclear reaction, according to the contraction speed of Jupiter and the accretion characteristics of energy released to the sun and energy carrying particles, after several billion years of evolution, Jupiter's central pressure can reach the initial nuclear pressure Reaction time Required pressure level. Once there is a large-scale thermonuclear reaction on Jupiter Jupiter's atmosphere It will act as a "transmitter" to release nuclear heat. Therefore, some scientists speculate that after several billion years, Jupiter will change its identity from a planet to a star worthy of the name. Jupiter is very similar to the sun in composition, but it doesn't burn like the sun because its mass is too small. To become a star like the sun, Jupiter needs to increase its mass to 70 times.
Jupiter outward Radiant energy , more than received from the sun. Jupiter's interior is very hot: the core may be as high as 20000 Kelvin. The heat output is determined by Kelvin Helmholtz principle The planet's slow gravitational compression. Jupiter is not like the sun nuclear reaction The condition for generating energy, which is too small to cause nuclear reaction due to insufficient internal temperature.) The heat generated inside may have greatly triggered the convection of Jupiter's liquid layer, and caused the complex moving process of the cloud top seen by us. Saturn and Neptune are similar to Jupiter in this respect, but Uranus is not.
Jupiter has the same maximum diameter as a gaseous planet. If the composition increases again, it will be compressed by gravity, making the global radius only slightly increased. The enlargement of a star can only be attributed to the internal heat source (nuclear energy), but if Jupiter wants to become a star, its mass must be at least 70 times larger.
Galileo spacecraft's detection of Jupiter's atmosphere was found in Jupiter Ring And the outermost atmosphere radiation zone , roughly equivalent to the ionosphere Ten times the radiant zone. Surprisingly, the newly discovered band contains high-energy helium ions from unknown sources.

magnetic field

Jupiter has a huge magnetic field, which is much larger than the Earth's, Magnetosphere Extending outward more than 6.5 × 10 seven Kilometers (beyond Saturn's orbit). (Note: Jupiter's magnetosphere is not spherical, it just extends towards the sun.) In this way, Jupiter's satellites will always be in Jupiter's magnetosphere, and some of the resulting conditions are Io There are Partial explanation Unfortunately, for future space walkers and experts who devote themselves to the design of Voyager and Galileo, the high-energy particles captured by Jupiter's magnetic field in the nearby environment will be a big obstacle. This kind of "radiation" is similar to, but much stronger than, the situation in the Earth's ionospheric belt. It will immediately have a fatal impact on unprotected humans.

Jupiter Ring

Jupiter has a ring like Saturn, but it is small and weak. Their discovery was totally unexpected, but only because two Voyager 1 scientists insisted on sailing 1 billion kilometers, they should go to see if there is a halo. Others believe that the possibility of discovering halos is zero, but in fact they exist. What a clever plan these two scientists have come up with. They were later photographed by telescopes on the ground.
Jupiter's ring is not like Saturn's, Jupiter's ring is darker( Albedo Is 0.05). They are composed of many granular rocky materials.
The particles in Jupiter's ring may not exist stably (due to the effect of atmosphere and magnetic field). In this way, if the halos are to remain in shape, they need to be constantly replenished. Two small satellites orbiting in the halo: Ganymede 16 and Ganymede XVII , obviously the best candidate for Halo Resources.

Jupiter's moons

Jupiter has 66 known satellites, 4 satellites discovered by Galileo, and 62 smaller ones.
Due to the Galileo satellite Tidal force , Jupiter is gradually moving Geostrophic change Slow. Similarly, the same tide generating force has also changed the orbit of satellites, making them gradually move away from Jupiter.
Io, Europa, and Ganymede are affected by the tide generating force revolution The co movement relationship is fixed at 1:2:4 and changes together. Ganymede It is also a part of this. In the next few hundred million years, Ganymede will also be locked, with twice the revolution cycle of Ganymede, Io Eight times of.
Jupiter's moons were named after the people Zeus had touched in his life (mostly his lovers).
Satellite distance (km) radius (km) mass (kg) discoverer discovery date
Ganymede 128000 20 9.56e16 Synnott 1979
Ganymede 15 129000 10 1.91e16 Jewitt 1979
Europa 181000 98 7.17e18 Barnard 1892
Ganymede XIV 222000 50 7.77e17 Synnott 1979
Io 422000 1815 8.94e22 Galileo 1610
Europa 671000 1569 4.80e22 Galileo 1610
Ganymede 1070400 2631.2 1.48e23 Galileo 1610
Ganymede 1869000 [near] 2410.3 ± 1.5 1.08e23 Galileo 1610 [ Apocentric point 〕1897000km
Ganymede XIII 11094000 8 5.68e15 Kowal 1974
Ganymede 11480000 93 9.56e18 Perrine 1904
Europa 11720000 18 7.77e16 Nicholson 1938
Europa 11737000 38 7.77e17 Perrine 1905
Ganymede 12 21200000 15 3.82e16 Nicholson 1951
Ganymede 11 22600000 20 9.56e16 Nicholson 1938
Europa 23500000 25 1.91e17 Melotte 1908
Europa 23700000 18 7.77e16 Nicholson 1914
The value of smaller satellites is approximately.


English name: Saturn
Saturn It is the sixth planet far from the sun and the second largest of the eight planets. It was called“ Saturn ”, the smallest planet in the solar system, can float on water.

Basic parameters

Orbit of revolution: 1429400000km (9.54 km) from the sun Astronomical unit
Rotation direction: from west to east
Planetary radius: 60268km (equator)
Quality: 5.68 × 10 twenty-six kg
Number of satellites: 83

Name Source

In Roman mythology, Saturn“ Saturnus ”Yes god of agriculture The name of the. Cronus, the god of agriculture in Greek mythology, is Uranus( Uranus )And Gaia's son, Zeus( Jupiter )'s father. Saturn is also "Saturday" in English( Saturday )The root of.

Detection history

Discovery: Saturn was discovered in prehistory. Galileo In 1610, he first observed it through a telescope and recorded its strange trajectory, but he was also confused by it. Early observations of Saturn were very complicated, because every few years when Saturn was in its orbit, the Earth would pass through Saturn's rings The plane where it is located (low resolution Saturn pictures often have radical changes), until 1659 when Huygens correctly deduced the geometry Before 1977, Saturn's rings were considered to be unique in the solar system; But in 1977, faint rings were found around Uranus, and soon after that, rings were also found around Jupiter and Neptune.
visit: Pioneer 11 first visited Saturn in 1979, and was visited by Travelers 1 and 2 in the same year. The Cassini spacecraft also reached Saturn in 2004.


Saturn and its rings
It is also obvious that Saturn is a Oblate sphere Its equatorial Diameter ratio The diameter of the poles is about 10% larger (120536 km at the equator and 108728 km at the poles), which is the result of its rapid rotation and the liquid surface. Other gaseous planets are also oblate spheres, but not so obvious.
Saturn is the most loose planet, and its specific gravity (0.7) is smaller than water.
Like Jupiter, Saturn is composed of about 75% hydrogen, 25% helium and a small amount of water, methane, ammonia And some rock like materials. These compositions are similar to the formation of the solar system, Solar nebula The composition of matter.
Like Jupiter, the interior of Saturn consists of a rock core Metallicity A liquid hydrogen layer and a hydrogen Molecular layer At the same time, there is a small amount of ice of all kinds.
The interior of Saturn is extremely hot (up to 12000 K in the core), and Saturn sends more energy to the universe than it gets from the sun. Most of the extra energy, like Jupiter, is generated by the Kelvin Helmholtz principle. But this may not be enough to explain Saturn's luminous power. Some other functions may also be in progress, which may be caused by the "washing" of helium deep inside Saturn.
The obvious bands on Jupiter are much more blurred on Saturn, and become wider near the equator. Since the Earth could not see its top clouds clearly, people did not begin to study the atmospheric cycle of Saturn until a tourist spaceship accidentally observed it. Like Jupiter, Saturn has long period Of Elliptical orbit And other general characteristics. In 1990, the Hubble telescope observed Saturn equator A very large white cloud nearby, which did not exist when Voyager arrived; In 1994, another smaller storm was observed.

Saturn's rings

Two obvious rings (A and B) and a dim ring (C) can be seen from the earth. The gap between A ring and B ring is called "Cassini part". A more dim gap in the outer part of the A halo is called "Encke Gap" (but this is a bit of a misnomer, because it may never be seen by Encke). The pictures sent back by Voyager showed four faint rings. Saturn's ring is different from that of other stars. It is very bright. (star albedo is 0.2-0.6)
Although the rings are continuous from the earth, they are actually composed of countless tiny objects in their own independent orbits. Their size ranges from 1 cm to several meters, and there may be some objects with a diameter of several kilometers.
Saturn's rings are particularly thin. Although they are 250000 kilometers or more in diameter, they are only 1.5 kilometers thick at most. Although they have impressive and obvious images, there are only a few substances in the halo - if the halo is compressed into an object, it can only be 100 kilometers wide at most.
The particles in the halo may be mainly composed of ice condensed by water, but they may also be rock like particles wrapped in the outer layer of ice.
Voyager confirmed puzzling radius Nonuniformity It does exist in the aura, which is called "spokes" Amateur astronomer Reported. Their natural nature gives us a mystery, but it gives us clues to the magnetic field of Saturn.
Saturn's outermost ring, F-ring, is a complicated structure composed of smaller rings“ Knot (Knots) "is obvious. Scientists speculate that these so-called knots may be massive halo materials or some mini moons. These strange fabrics are obvious in the image sent back by Voyager 1, but they cannot be seen in the image sent back by Voyager 2, probably because the composition of the halo part taken by the latter is slightly different from the former.
There are complex tide resonance Phenomenon: some satellites, the so-called“ shepherd satellite ”(e.g Atlas Prometheus and Pandora )It is obviously important to maintain the shape of the halo; Enceladus It seems that we should be responsible for the lack of certain substances in Cassini, which is related to Asteroid belt The situation encountered by Kirkwood gaps in is similar; pan In the Encke Gap. The whole system is too complex, and what we have mastered is still very poor.
Saturn (and others Jupiter like planet )The origin of the halos is not clear. Although they may have halos since their formation, the halo system is unstable. They may be constantly updated in the process of progress, or they may be fragments of larger satellites.

Halo data

Halo distance (km) width (km) mass (kg)
D 67000 7500
C 74500 17500 1.1e18
B 92000 25500 2.8e19
Cassini part
A 122200 14600 6.2e18
F 140210 500
G 165800 8000 1e7?
E 302000 [32000 km] 300000
(Distance refers to the distance from the center of Saturn to the inner edge of the halo) This classification is really misleading, because the density of particles changes in a complex way, and cannot be divided into a clear area by classification: there are constant changes in the halo; Those gaps are not all empty, and these rings are not a standard ring.
Like others Jupiter like planet Similarly, Saturn has a very meaningful magnetic field.
Saturn is easy to see in the endless night sky. Although it may not be as bright as Jupiter, it is easy to recognize it as a planet because it does not "twinkle" like a star. The ring and its satellites can be observed through a small amateur astronomical telescope.

Moons of Saturn

Saturn has 18 named moons, more than any other planet. Some small satellites will also be discovered.
Among those satellites whose rotational speed is known, except Iapetus and Titan All are synchronized. A total of 60 satellites have been discovered.
There are three pairs of satellites, Iapetus - Iapetus, Enceladus -Enceladus titan -Titan has gravitational interactions to maintain a fixed relationship between their orbits. Enceladus The revolution period happens to be Enceladus It can be said that in the 1:2 co kinetic relationship, Enceladus- Enceladus Is also 1:2; Titan- Titan The relationship is 3:4.
In addition to 18 named satellites, at least a dozen have been reported and given temporary names.
Satellite distance (km) radius (km) mass (kg) discoverer discovery date
Iapetus 134000 10 Showalter 1990
Titan 138000 14 Terrile 1980
Titan 139000 46 2.70e17 Collins 1980
Titan 142000 46 2.20e17 Collins 1980
Epimetheus 151000 57 5.60e17 Walker 1980
Janus 151000 89 2.01e18 Dollfus 1966
Mimas 186000 196 3.80e19 herschel one thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine
Enceladus 238000 260 8.40e19 Herschel 1789
Titan 295000 530 7.55e20 Cassini 1684
Telesto 295000 15 Reitsema 1980
Calypso 295000 13 Pascu 1980
Titan 377000 560 1.05e21 Cassini 1684
Helene 377000 16 Laques 1980
Rhea 527000 765 2.49e21 Cassini 1672
Titan 1222000 2575 1.35e23 Huygens 1655
Titan 1481000 143 1.77e19 Bode 1848
Iapetus 3561000 170 1.88e21 Cassini 1671
Iapetus 12952000 110 4.00e18 Pickering 1898


English name: Uranus
Uranus It is the seventh planet far from the sun in the solar system and the coldest planet in the solar system. In terms of diameter, it is the third largest planet in the solar system. Uranus is larger in volume than Neptune, but smaller in mass.
Orbit of revolution: 2870990000 km (19.218 AU) from the sun
Rotation direction: from east to west
Planet radius: 25559 km (equator)
Mass: 8.683 × 10 twenty-five Kg
Number of satellites: 29

Name Source

Ulanos It is the god of the universe in ancient Greek mythology and the earliest supreme god. He is Gaia The son and spouse of Cronus, the Cyclops, and Titan Father of Olympus.

Detection history

Discovery: Uranus was passed by William Herschel Telescope system Earth search, discovered on March 13, 1781, is the first planet discovered in modern times. In fact, it has been observed many times, but it was mistaken as another star at that time (John Flamsteed had observed its existence as early as 1690, but at that time it was classified as 34 Tauri). Herschel named it "the Georgia Sidus" (geranium, also known as "Georgia planet") to commemorate his sponsor, who is notorious to Americans King of England George III Others call Uranus Herschel. Because the names of other planets are taken from MYTHOS Therefore, in order to maintain consistency, Bode first proposed to call it "Uranus", but it was not widely used until 1850.
visit: Only one Interstellar probe He once visited Uranus, which was completed by Voyager 2 on January 24, 1986.


Most planets revolve around an axis almost perpendicular to the ecliptic plane, but Uranus's axis is almost parallel to the ecliptic plane. During the period of Voyager 2 exploration, the south pole of Uranus was almost accepted Direct sunlight Of. This strange fact shows that the energy from the sun in the polar regions of Uranus is more than equator What the region gets is higher. However, the equatorial region of Uranus is still hotter than the polar region. The reason for this is still unknown.
And it either rotates in the forward direction at a shaft angle greater than 90 degrees, or rotates in the reverse direction at a tilt angle less than 90 degrees. The problem is that you have to draw a line somewhere Dividing line For example, whether Venus is real Counter rotation (Not the forward rotation with an inclination of nearly 180 degrees).


Uranus is basically composed of rocks and various kinds of ice. It contains only 15% hydrogen and some helium (less than Jupiter and Saturn, which are mostly composed of hydrogen). Uranus and Neptune are in many ways similar to Jupiter and Saturn in removing the huge Liquid metal hydrogen The kernel behind the shell is very similar. Although the core of Uranus is not composed of rocks like Jupiter and Saturn, their material distribution is almost the same.


Uranus's atmosphere contains about 83% hydrogen, 15% helium and 2% methane.
As all others Gaseous planet Similarly, Uranus has ribbons of clouds floating around it. But they are so weak that they can only be seen from the processed pictures of Voyager 2. Observations from the Hubble telescope show that the stripes are larger and more obvious. It is speculated that this difference is mainly due to the effect of seasons (the sun shining directly into a certain low latitude region of Uranus may cause an obvious effect of day and night).
Uranus appears blue because methane in its outer atmosphere absorbs red light. There may be ribbons like Jupiter's, but they are covered with methane.

Other properties

Voyager 2 found five known Large satellite The next 10 small satellites. It seems that there are some smaller satellites in the halo.
When it comes to the rotation axis of Uranus, it is also worth mentioning that its magnetic field is also very strange. It is not at the center of the planet, but tilted nearly 60 degrees. This may be caused by the deep motion inside Uranus.
Sometimes, in a clear night sky, you can just see the blurred Uranus with the naked eye, but if you know its position, you can easily observe it through binoculars. A small disk can be seen through a small astronomical telescope. Mike Harvey's Planet Search Chart display The position of Uranus and other planets in the sky. More and more details and better charts will be shown as Brilliant Milky Way Such astronomical procedures to discover and complete.

Uranus's moons

Uranus has 25 named moons and 2 discovered but unnamed moons.
Unlike other celestial bodies in the solar system, the satellites of Uranus are not named after people in ancient myths, but Shakespeare And Rome the pontiff The names of the characters in his works.
They are naturally divided into two groups: 10 very dark small satellites near Uranus and 5 large satellites in the outer layer discovered by Voyager 2.
They all have a circular orbit around the equator of Uranus (thus relative to Equatorial surface Has a larger angle).
Satellite distance (km) radius (km) mass (kg) discoverer discovery date
Titan 50000 13 Voyager 2 1986
Tianwei VII 54000 16 Voyager 2 1986
Celestial eight 59000 22 Voyager 2 1986
Tianwei Nine 62000 33 Voyager 2 1986
Tianwei Ten 63000 29 Voyager 2 1986
Tianwei XI 64000 42 Voyager 2 1986
Tianwei Twelve 66000 55 Voyager 2 1986
Tianwei XIII 70000 27 Voyager 2 1986
Tianwei XIV 75000 34 Voyager 2 1986
Tianwei 18 75000 20 Karkoschka 1999
Tianwei 15 86000 77 Voyager 2 1985
Tianwei Five Kuiper 1948
Tianwei I 191000 579 1.27e21 Lassell 1851
Enceladus 266000 585 1.27e21 Lassell 1851
Titania 436000 789 3.49e21 Herschel 1787
Tianwei IV 583000 761 3.03e21 Herschel 1787
Tianwei 16 7200000 30 Gladman 1997
Tianwei XVII 12200000 60 Gladman1997


Like all other gaseous planets, Uranus has rings. They are as dark as Jupiter's halo, but like Saturn's halo, they are composed of very large particles with a diameter of 10 meters and fine dust. Uranus has 11 known rings, but they are very dim; The brightest one is called Epsilon Halo Uranus's ring is the first to be discovered after Saturn's discovery, which is considered very important. From this, we know that the ring is a common feature of the planet, not only unique to Saturn
Halo distance (km) width (km)
1986U2R 38000 2,500
6 41840 1-3
5 42230 2-3
4 42580 2-3
Alpha 44720 7-12
Beta 45670 7-12
Eta 47190 0-2
Gamma 47630 1-4
Delta 48290 3-9
1986U1R 50020 1-2
Epsilon 51140 20-100
(Distance refers to the length from the center of Uranus to the inner edge of the halo)


English name: Neptune
Neptune It is the eighth planet orbiting the sun and the fourth largest celestial body (in diameter) in the solar system. Neptune is smaller in diameter than Uranus, but mass ratio It's big.

Basic parameters

Orbit of revolution: 4504000000 km (30.06 Astronomical unit
Rotation direction: from west to east
Planet radius: 24718km (equator)
Quality: 1.0247 × 10 twenty-six kg
Number of satellites: 14

Name Source

In ancient Roman mythology, Neptune (ancient Greek mythology: Poseidon Poseidon) stands for Poseidon.

Detection history

Discovery: Neptune is a planet discovered by formula rather than purposeful observation. After the discovery of Uranus, people noticed its orbit and Newton What the theory infers is inconsistent. So scientists predict the existence of another distant planet that will affect the orbit of Uranus. Galle and d'Arrest observed Neptune for the first time on September 23, 1846. It appeared very close to Adams And Leveyer based on the observations of Jupiter Saturn And Uranus are independently predicted by calculation. A scene about who discovered first Neptune The international dispute over who has the right to name it originated between Britain and France (however, there was no obvious dispute between Adams and Le Vie personally); The discovery of Neptune was attributed to both of them. Later observations showed that the orbit calculated by Adams and Leveyer was similar to the real orbit of Neptune Track deviation Quite large. If the search for Neptune had been carried out a few years earlier or later, people would not have been able to find it at or near its predicted location.
visit : Only one spacecraft Voyager 2 He visited Neptune on August 25, 1989. Almost all the information we know about Neptune comes from this brief meeting.

Track and composition

because Pluto Its orbit is extremely strange, so it sometimes passes through the orbit of Neptune. Since 1979, Neptune has become the planet actually farthest from the sun, and Pluto will become the most distant planet again in 1999.
Neptune's composition is similar to Uranus's: various "ice" and rocks containing 15% hydrogen and a small amount of helium. Neptune is similar to Uranus but different from Saturn and Jupiter. It may have obvious internal geological stratification, but its composition is more or less consistent. But Neptune probably has a small, rocky earth 's core (The mass is similar to that of the earth). Its atmosphere is mostly composed of hydrogen and helium. There are a few methane

Large black spot

During Voyager 2's visit to Neptune, the most obvious feature on the planet is that southern hemisphere Of Black spot The Great Dark Spot). The black spot is about the size of Jupiter Great erythema 50% (the diameter is similar to that of the Earth), and the high wind on Neptune is 300 Meters per second (700 Miles per hour )Speed handle Large black spot Blow westward. Voyager 2 also found a small black spot in the southern hemisphere, a small irregular cloud of white smoke that flew around the planet at a speed of about 16 hours. It was known that it was "The Scooter". It may be a ball from atmosphere Ascending Pinnate But its true nature is still a mystery.
However, in 1994 Hubble telescope The observation of Neptune shows that the big black spot has disappeared. It may have dissipated in this way, or be temporarily covered by other parts of the atmosphere. A few months later, the Hubble telescope Northern Hemisphere A new black spot was found. This indicates that Neptune's atmosphere changes frequently, which may be caused by the slight change of temperature difference between the top and bottom of clouds.

Other properties

Neptune's blue color is caused by the absorption of red light from sunlight by methane in the atmosphere.
As a typical gas planet, Neptune is roaring with large storms or cyclones in zonal distribution. Neptune's storms are the fastest in the solar system, with a speed of 2000 kilometers per hour.
Like Saturn and Jupiter, Neptune has a heat source inside -- it radiates more than twice the energy of the solar energy it absorbs.
The magnetic field of Neptune is the same as that of Uranus, and its position is very strange, which is probably due to the middle layer of the planet crust Conductivity It is caused by the movement of substances (probably water).
adopt Binocular telescope Neptune can be observed (if you really know where to look), but if you want to see everything on the planet instead of just a small disk, then you need a large Astronomical telescope Mike Harvey's planet search chart points out the position of Neptune in the sky at this time (and the position of other planets), and then Starry Night will make more and more detailed customization.

Moons of Neptune

Neptune has 9 known satellites: 8 Small satellite and Triton
Satellite distance (km), radius (km), mass (kg)
Discovered by
Triton 48000 29 Voyager 2 1989
Thalassa 50000 40 Voyager 2 one thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine
Despina 53000 74 Voyager 2 1989
Triton 62000 79 Voyager 2 1989
Larissa 74000 96 Voyager 2 1989
Triton 118000 209 Traveler 2 1989
Triton 355000 1350 2.14e22 Lassell 1846
nereid 5509000 170 Kuiper 1949
Halimede 4820000 16×14? two thousand and three

Neptune Ring

Neptune There is also aura. Only dim and fuzzy arcs, not complete halos, can be observed on the earth. But Voyager 2 image display These arcs are rings of light. One of the rings seems strange Spiral Structure.
Like Uranus and Jupiter, Neptune's rings are very dim, but their internal structure is still unknown.
People have named Neptune's halo: the outermost one is Adams (it includes three obvious arcs, which have been named Liberty, Equality Equality Fraternity), followed by an unnamed package Galatea The arc of the satellite, then the Leverrier (its outward extension is called Lassell and Arago), and the innermost dim but wide is called Galle.
Halo distance (km) width (km)
Diffuse 41900 15 1989N3R,Galle
Inner 53200 15 1989N2R, Leverrier
Plateau 53200 5800 1989N4R,Lassell,Arago
Main 62930 50 1989N1R,Adams

Delisted planet

Pluto HD
Discovered by American astronomer Tom Bo in 1930 Pluto It was once thought to be a planet, but on August 24, 2006 International Astronomical Union The 26th General Assembly was voted by more than 2000 astronomers - there are only eight planets in the solar system, no longer the traditional Nine planets Pluto, as one of the planets, is listed“ dwarf planet ”。 [2]
Pluto Excluded from Megaplanets Other reasons:
As a planet, three conditions must be met:
1、 Orbiting a star in a nearly circular orbit.
2、 The mass is large enough to make the celestial body spherical by its own gravity.
3、 Can gradually clear the celestial body near its orbit.
Pluto is not consistent with the third article, and Pluto's satellite( Charon )It is too huge to form Double planet System, so according to this definition, Pluto is removed from the list and listed as a dwarf planet.

Suspicious planets

Kuiper belt It is a space region beyond the orbit of Neptune, in which there are cold, rocky objects everywhere. The accepted solar system theory believes that the orbital distribution of celestial bodies beyond Neptune's orbit should be random, plus observation deviation, Track semimajor axis Near 150 AU, the orbital inclination is almost 0 °, perihelion Radial angle It should also be close to 0 ° or 180 °, which has been found in the Kuiper belt Charon Eris sedna Wait for more than ten extremes Overseas celestial bodies The semi major axis of the orbit in the is extremely different (between 150 and 525 AU), and the inclination of the orbit is average value It is about 20 °, and the perihelion radiation angle is – 31 °. No object is close to 180 °.
Of these stars Track parameters It seems to be affected by other stars. There may be other unknown planets besides Neptune and Pluto. In 2015, two American scientists found a dwarf star Planet, named 2012VP113. The two discoverers believe that its orbit may be affected by a black and ice Super Earth Its size can reach 10 times that of the earth. [4]

Memory method

Simple notation: Five Elements( Jinmu Shuihuo Earth )+Sea, land and air (Sea King, Earth and Sky King)
Other notation is: water, gold, earth, fire, wood, earth, sky, sea. It's long but easy to remember.
There is another kind of notation, although it is somewhat far fetched, but the memory is kept for a long time: "crystal balls, burning wood, turned into earth, the ends of the earth."
There is also a notation, "The water overflows the golden mountain, the fire burns the wood and scorched earth, and the sky and the sea become one solar system ”。
"Burning wood and scorched earth", so Mars and Jupiter Between Asteroid belt