
Astronomical constellations
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Cygnus by Northern constellation one of. At 20:00 on September 25 every year, Cygnus Rise to the middle of the sky. Summer and autumn are the best time to observe Cygnus. Interestingly, the constellation Cygnus rises and falls like a swan flying: it rises from the northeast to the sky on its side. When it reaches the zenith, it heads west, and when it moves to the northwest, it turns head down and tail up and disappears into the horizon.
Right ascension
Name of celestial body
Latin name
Latin abbreviation
804 km²
Area ranking
16th bit
Number of bright stars
Brightest star
Tianjin IV (Cygnus alpha) 1.2, etc
Adjacency constellation
Cepheus the dragon Lyra Foxy Pegasus Scorpio
Best observation time
August September
Optimum observation latitude
+Between 90 ° and − 40 °
Apparent magnitude of brightest star
one point two five
Fully visible area

Constellation Introduction


Observation characteristics

Cygnus astrogram
Cygnus is completely immersed in the white Milky Way Aquila and Lyra Three constellations stand in a tripod Primary star (alpha star), i.e Niulang Star Vega and Tianjin IV Formed a large triangle (The big triangle in summer). Intracerata Apparent magnitude There are 191 stars brighter than the sixth order, and 22 stars brighter than the fourth order. Therefore, in the summer night sky, although the Milky Way is like gauze and stars are crowded, Cygnus is not difficult to find, and it can still show its glory in the Milky Way.

Appearance characteristics

The main stars of the constellation Cygnus are arranged like a big cross, so they used to be called the "North Cross". It is easy to imagine the cross as a swan. The long vertical line under the cross is the swan's long neck and the horizontal line is the swan's wings. [1]

Research History

stay ancient Greek At that time, the main star of Cygnus had been described as a swan《 The one thousand one night 》In the navigation story of Central Sinbad, it was once described as a "roc bird". [1]

Major constellations

Bayer designation Franstide nomenclature Other names Chinese Star Officer Apparent magnitude remarks
Cygnus alpha Cygnus 50 Deneb Tianjin IV 1.25 etc The western name is "hen's tail"; The brightest star in the constellation Cygnus; Alpha Cygni variables Prototype of
Albireo Cygnus 6 Dajajah The chariot road increases by seven 3.05 etc The western name is "the beak of the hen"; binary star The fifth bright star in Cygnus
Cygnus gamma Cygnus 37 Sadr Tianjin I 2.23 etc The western name is "the breast of the hen"; Variable star The second bright star in Cygnus
Cygnus δ Cygnus 18 Al Fawaris Tianjin II 2.86 etc Samsung system The fourth bright star in Cygnus
Cygnus ε Cygnus 53 Gienah Tianjin IX 2.48 etc The third bright star in Cygnus
Zeta Cygnus Cygnus 64 ---- Tianjin VIII ---- The sixth bright star in Cygnus
Cygnus η Cygnus 21 ---- The chariot road increases by five 3.89 etc Aggregate star
Cygnus θ Cygnus 13 ---- Xi Zhongsan 4.49 etc Samsung system There may be 1 planet
Cygnus Cygnus 10 ---- Xi Zhonger 3.76 etc The ninth bright star in Cygnus
Cygnus κ Cygnus 1 ---- Xi Zhongyi 3.80 etc Variable star
Cygnus λ Cygnus 54 ---- Tianjin Zeng30 ---- Be Star
Cygnus μ Cygnus 78 ---- Acetabulum I 4.73 etc Multi satellite system
Cygnus ν Cygnus 58 ---- Tianjin V 3.94 etc ----
Cygnus ξ Cygnus 62 ---- Chefu VI 3.72 etc The seventh bright star in Cygnus
Swan seat ο 1 Cygnus 31 Cygnus V695 Tianjin increased 38 3.79 etc Daling Five type Variable Star
Swan seat ο 2 Cygnus 32 Cygnus V1488 Tianjin Zeng37 3.96 etc Daling Five type Variable Star
References in the table above: [3-4]
There are several bright stars in the constellation Cygnus.
Tianjin IV
Cygnus in the night sky
Tianjin IV (Alpha Cygni, also called Deneb) is the brightest star in the constellation Cygnus. It is a Spectral type It is white of A2Iae Supergiant the magnitude Varying between 1.21 and 1.29, it is one of the largest and brightest A-type stars known. It is located at the tail of the swan, about 3200 light years away from the earth. Around this star, there are Gas cloud An enclosure formed. In the next 8300 years, Tianjin IV will be far away from the celestial sphere North Pole It is only 6.6 degrees, which is the bright star closest to the North Pole. Then it will become“ Polaris ”。
The chariot road increases by seven (Beta Cygni, also called Albireo) is a famous binary star Because of the Color difference stay Amateur astronomy It is famous all over the world. Its main star is a golden orange giant star of grade 3.1, companion It is a 5.1 grade blue star. The system is 380 light years away from the earth Large binoculars We can distinguish two stars in this system.
Tianjin I (Gamma Cygni, also called Sadr) is a yellow supergiant with a magnitude of 2.2 and 1500 light-years away from the Earth.
Tianjin II (Delta Cygni, also known as Fawaris) is another bright binary system in the constellation Cygnus, 171 light-years away from Earth, with a cycle of 800 years. The main star is a 2.9 class blue white giant star, and the companion star is a 6.6 class star. Medium amateur telescopes can distinguish the two stars.
Tianjin IX (Epsilon Cygni, also called Aljanah) is an orange giant star with a magnitude of about 2.5 and a distance of 72 light-years from the Earth.
Other noteworthy stars
There are several other darker binary systems in the constellation Cygnus. μ Cygnus is a binary star system, with the third star that is optically visible (not related to the binary star system). The cycle of mutual rotation is 790 years, 73 light-years away from the Earth. The magnitude of the main star and companion star is 4.8 and 6.2 respectively, and the magnitude of the third star is 6.9. The third star is in Binoculars The main star and the companion star can be separated by a medium-sized amateur telescope.
Tianjin San (30 Cygni) and Cygnus 31 (31 Cygni) forms a contrasting binary system, similar to the bright Albireo The two are separable in binoculars. The main star, 31 Cygnus, is an orange star with a magnitude of 3.8 and 1400 light-years away from Earth. Companion Tianjin Sancheng Turquoise , the spectral type is A5IIIn, the magnitude is 4.83, and it is about 610 light-years away from the Earth. Cygnus 31 itself is a binary system, and its companion star is a blue star with a star grade of 7.0. Cygnus ψ is a binary system that can be distinguished in a small amateur telescope. It is composed of two white stars. The main star magnitude is 5.0, and the companion star magnitude is 7.5. Tianjin Zeng-29 is a binary system that can be distinguished from large binoculars or small amateur telescopes. It is 11.4 light years away from the earth and rotates for 750 years. These two ingredients are orange dwarf star Main preface )For stars, the main star is 5.2, and the companion star is 6.1. Tianjin Zeng-29 is the first known parallax Of stars, Friedrich William Bessel Its parallax was determined in 1838.
be located The chariot road increases by five (also known as Cygnus η) X-ray source Cygnus X-1 The X-ray source is a black hole near the binary system, which is devouring these two stars. This is the first X-ray source considered to be a black hole. Cygnus also contains some other noteworthy X-ray sources: Cygnus X-3 Is a Microquasar (microquasar), which is surrounded by Compact star The rotation period of Wolf Rayet star is only 4.8 hours. The system is one of the brightest X-ray sources observed. The system will have periodic bursts, and during one burst, people find that it is launching Muon Although people once thought that the dense star in the center was neutron star Or black hole, this object may also be the remains of an abnormal star, which may be the first to be found Quark star If this star is a normal neutron star, it will not emit muons. The system also emits high energy Gamma ray This will help astronomers understand the formation process of these rays.
Cygnus also contains several variable stars. SS Cygni( SS Cygnus )Is a Dwarf nova (or called Gemini U-shaped variable star, yes Cataclysmic variable star It will erupt every 7-8 days. The system's Total magnitude From the darkest level 12 to the lightest level 8. The two stars in the system are very close, Orbital period Less than 0.28 days. Cygnus χ (Chi Cygni) is a Red Giant Is also the second brightest Mira variable star Its magnitude varies between 3.3 and 14.2, its spectral type ranges from S6,2e to S10,4e (MSe), and its variation period is 408 days. Its diameter is 300 times the diameter of the sun, 350 light years away from the earth. Tianjin Zengjiu (P Cygni) is a luminous blue variable star, whose magnitude suddenly increased to 3 in 1600 AD. Since 1715, although it is more than 5000 light years away from the Earth, the star's magnitude has also reached 5. The spectrum of this star is very unusual, because it contains very strong Spectral line W Cygni is a semi regular red giant star, 618 light-years away from the Earth, with the maximum magnitude of 5.10 and the minimum magnitude of 6.83, and the variation period of 131 days. It is a red giant with spectral type M4e-M6e (Tc:) III changing. NML Cygni is a red supergiant, 5300 light-years away from Earth Semiregular variable star It is the current Galaxy One of the largest stars in the Solar radius Its magnitude is about 16.6 and its period is about 940 days.
V1331 Cygnus
Cygnus is also Kepler's satellite searching Extrasolar planets Therefore, there are about 100 stars in Cygnus with known planets, which is the largest of all constellations. One of the most noteworthy systems is Kepler-11 The system consists of six planets, all located in a plane of about one degree. The spectral type is G6V, indicating that this star is slightly cooler than the sun. Except for the last planet, the distance between all planets and Kepler-11 is less than Mercury The distance from the sun. All the planets are bigger than the earth. Star Xi Zhongsi( 16 Cygni )Is a Samsung system , about 70 light years from the earth Helioid star And a Red dwarf It consists of a planet orbiting one of the sun like stars. Gliese 777 is a multi star system containing yellow stars and red dwarfs, as well as a planet. This planet is somewhat similar to Jupiter, but its mass is slightly larger Eccentric track More slanted than Jupiter. Kepler-22 system is also worth noting that its outer planet It is the first planet similar to the Earth discovered so far.
People find a lot in Cygnus deep space , including Open cluster supernova remnant And various strange nebulae. The constellation background in Cygnus is so rich that some open star clusters are submerged in light and cannot be observed.
M39 (NGC 7092) is an open star cluster 950 light-years away from us, visible to the naked eye in the dark sky. It has about 30 bright stars, which are loosely distributed in a triangular area. The brightest star in M39 is 7. Another open star cluster in Cygnus is Summer open clusters (NGC 6910), with 16 stars Astronomical telescope Visible in, diameter 5 Arcminute , average magnitude 7.4.
Other open star clusters in Cygnus include Dolidze 9, Dolidze 11, Collinder 421 and Berkeley 90. Dolidze 9 is 2800 light years away from the earth, and about 20 million years old. It is a young and weak open star cluster, of which 22 stars can be seen in small and medium-sized amateur telescopes. Dolidze 11 is a 400 million year old open star cluster, 3700 light-years away from us. With amateur telescopes, we can see more than 10 stars, of which the brightest is 7.5. Collider 421 is a particularly ancient open star cluster, with an age of about 1 billion years and a magnitude of 10.1. It is 3100 light years away from the Earth and has a diameter of 8 arc seconds. The stars in the north of the cluster are golden, while those in the south are slightly orange. Berkeley 90 is a small open star cluster with a diameter of 5 minutes of arc.
NGC 6826 It's an 8.5 class Planetary nebula , about 300 light years from the earth. Its central star is a 10th class star, which is particularly prominent in the telescope, and even sometimes appears in the telescope eyepiece Flashes in. When Observer Focus on this Sidereal time , the nebula nearby seems to become dim.
North American nebula NGC7000
North American nebula NGC 7000 )It is one of the most famous nebulae in the constellation Cygnus. It is visible to the naked eye in the dark sky. However, its characteristic shape is only time exposure Is visible in the photo of. Because the North American nebula is very large, its Surface brightness Very low, it is difficult for people to see it directly through the telescope. The North American nebula is illuminated by a sixth magnitude star in its center. This nebula is 1500 light-years away from the Earth and covers about 2 degrees of the sky.
Veil Nebula East
To the south of Tianjin Jiu is Veil Nebula (NGC 6960696269796992 and 6995) Supernova remnant , covering about 3 degrees of the sky
, the total length exceeds 50 light years. Its unique ring shape gives it another nickname: Cygnus Loop. The brightest part of the Veil Nebula (NGC6992) is faintly visible in binoculars, but its Ring mounting The shape can only be exposed for a long time Astronomical photograph Only in the middle can you see it.
Gamma- Swan Nebula (Gamma Cygni nebula, also known as IC 1318 )Is both a Diffuse nebula , is also a Dark nebula , across the sky of more than 4 degrees. Two of them Emission nebula : Sharpness 2-112 and Sharpness 2-115. When viewed through amateur telescopes, Sharpless 2-112 seems to be in the form of tears. The eastern nebula can be seen more clearly using the secondary ionization oxygen filter (O III).
In recent years, astronomers have paid close attention to the constellation Cygnus. In 2007, the United States Mount Wilson Observatory Dave Jurasevich of digital image Found in Soap bubble nebula (PN G75.5 + 1.7)。 In 2011, Austria Amateur astronomer gram Longbai Matthias Kronberger Gemini Observatory Photographed Old photos A planetary nebula has been found in
Cradle of the Big Star Cygnus X
Cygnus X is the largest near the sun Star formation Region, where some of the largest and brightest stars are born today (such as Cygnus OB2-12 )And many young Globular cluster
Cygnus A Was the first to be found Radio galaxy , 730 million light years away from the earth, it is the nearest strong radio Galaxy stay Optical telescope It looks like a small star cluster Elliptical galaxy There is one in the center of Cygnus A Supermassive black hole , this black hole Event boundary There are too many materials accumulated nearby, so a powerful Bremsstrahlung and synchrotron radiation From the poles of the black hole. This kind of ejected energy and Interstellar medium The strong radio lobe is produced by the interaction of.

Constellation myth


Myth 1

In Greek mythology, the gods Zeus Attracted by the beauty of Princess Leda, but afraid of being envious Hera Anger, and it is difficult to entice the pure girl if she appears in her own image. So he came up with a trick and transformed it into a swan
One day, Leda was playing on an island when he saw a swan flying down from the white clouds. It was so beautiful and lovely, and it was not afraid of people. Let Leda touch and hug it. Its feathers were white, its body was soft, and Leda loved it. Filled with intoxication and excitement, Leda unconsciously held the swan to sleep. When she woke up, the swan reluctantly left her, spread its strong wings and flew to the sky. Leda felt uncomfortable after returning to the palace, and soon found that she was pregnant. wait until October pregnancy Give birth to a pair upon expiration twin boys It became Gemini The Greek heroes Castor and Polutex.
Later, Leda obeyed his father's order and married Sparta King Tyndareus married two more daughters, one named Lvnistra, and married Troy War The supreme commander of the Central Greeks Agamemnon One is called Helen , married Agamemnon's brother Menelaus Zeus I am very happy to return to Tianting to commemorate this Romance He left his swan in the sky and became Cygnus

Myth 2

In Greek mythology, Helios 's youngest son( Phaethon )He drove his father's "solar car" but could not drive it, so he caused a big disaster. The Emperor of Heaven (Zeus) killed him with thunder and lightning. A good friend of Phaethon (Saignes) was so sad when he learned about it that he turned into a swan and searched for Phaethon's body everywhere in the sky of the Milky Way.

Myth 3

Zeus in pursuit of Vengeance Nemesis Turn yourself into a swan and call Love God Aphrodite He became an eagle to chase himself and win Nemesis's sympathy. After a turn, he finally won the hearts of beauty. To commemorate this event, Zeus raised the swan and the eagle to the sky together and became Cygnus and Aquila.

Myth IV

Zeus turned into a swan to seduce Sparta's empress Leda, who later laid an egg Gemini Castor, Polluces/Pollux and Helen (it is said that Castor and Pollux were on the same egg, Helen and Clutennestra on the other egg, a total of two eggs). Later, the eggshells were placed in the Temple of Sparta, suspended on the roof with ribbons, to avoid confusion, Castor and Cluteniestra are usually regarded as the bones and flesh of the Spartan emperor Tyndareus, while Helen and Poludukus are the bones and flesh of Zeus.

Myth Five

Zeus passed Rhamnus in the north of Athens, and fell in love at first sight when he saw Nemesis, the goddess of revenge. In order to avoid Zeus, Nemesis turned into a different animal and fled, first from the river, then from the land, and finally into a swan. After many pursuits, he still failed to escape from Zeus, and finally was caught by the swan in the incarnation of Zeus and committed violence.

meteor shower

Cygnus also has a very famous meteor shower , Yes Fireball , usually in late August, the peak period is on August 20, Radiant point Near k-star, the end of the meteor can often see bright bursts, which is very eye-catching in the summer sky.

P-type star

A kind of star whose spectrum has a special emission line, whose spectrum type is mostly B-type, and whose gas shell expands outward. Cygnus P Stars are typical examples of such stars. The visual magnitude of P in Cygnus is 4.9. It was discovered in 1600, when the visual magnitude increased by 3 degrees, and was once regarded as a new star. After that, there was a series of irregular changes in the luminosity, which began to stabilize after about 1715. It is a Spectral classification Is a supergiant of B1 Ia. Its parameters are quite controversial. A study in 1979 suggested that its distance was 1.8 ± 0.7 Kilosecond gap Absolute thermal magnitude - 8.9 ± 1.4, surface Effective temperature 17000 ± 3000K, 60 ± 30 times the solar radius, 40 ± 20 times the mass Solar mass This star is constantly throwing out matter, Mass loss rate About 3 × 10-5 solar mass per year. The ejected material forms an outward expanding gas shell around it. The density of the gas shell is relatively thin, which can generate Composite spectrum Conditions. Cygnus P star The spectral structure of is very special. There is a Absorption line Occasionally, there are two absorption lines at some spectral components. Absorptive Violet shift It indicates that the gas shell is expanding outward continuously, and the appearance of two absorption lines indicates that there are two gas shells with different velocities at the same time. The expansion velocity of the gas shell calculated according to the absorption lines of various elements is in the range of 30-250 kilometers per second, and the infrared and Radio radiation

Related findings

On May 17, 2021, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Springer Nature The publishing organization jointly released in Beijing: National Major Science and Technology Infrastructure High altitude cosmic ray observatory ”A large number of ultra-high energy cosmic accelerators have been found in the Milky Way, and 1.4 beats of energy have been recorded Electron volt Gamma photons (beats=billions), which is the highest energy photon observed by human beings, breaking through the human impact on the Milky Way Particle acceleration The era of ultrahigh energy gamma celestial literature began with the traditional cognition of.
Scientists found that the highest energy photons came from the very active star forming region in the constellation Cygnus, and also found 12 stable gamma rays Radio source Photon energy It extends to near one electron volt, which is located at LHAASO field The brightest group of galactic gamma ray sources within, the measured gamma photon signal is 7 times higher than the background standard deviation Above, source location measurement accuracy Better than 0.3 °. [2]