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Astronomical calendar

Astronomical time measuring method
Astronomical calendar is a method of measuring time in astronomy.
Chinese name
Astronomical calendar
Record time
Related nouns

Astronomy and Calendar

Astronomical calendar
Astronomy is the basis of the calendar. People in the Pre Qin Dynasty believed that The sky is round and the place is round The sky is supported by four big pillars in the east, west, north, south, and north. The sky is like a hemispherical cover, covering the earth. Therefore, Nuwa Patches the Sky contains such descriptions as "the four poles are useless" and "the sky does not overlap". Chi Le Chuan says: "The sky is like a dome, Cover Siye ”。 The ancients often used astronomical phenomena to predict human affairs, and linked them with good or bad luck in the world. as comet It is a celestial body that moves around the sun and has a long tail. Its appearance was considered by the ancients as an ominous omen of military disaster. Tang Ju fulfilled his mission 》In the middle, "husband Exclusive of Stab Wang Liao Also, Comet strikes the moon ”Because the moon is the symbol of the princes, this celestial phenomenon is an omen of disaster for the princes. Liao is a vassal( King of Wu ), he will be assassinated, so last genius showed such a phenomenon. Through the observation of the moon, people attach the ratio of the moon's profit and loss to the separation and separation of personnel. Numerous literati and writers look at the moon to express their feelings and express their feelings. Please see "Poor upstairs, the moon hovers, and you should look at the makeup mirror", "The dew is white tonight, The moon is bright in my hometown ”"The moon is shining on the sea, and the horizon is at this time". How many sorrows and joys of life are contained in these verses.
Astronomical calendar
The ancient astrologers, in order to use the changes of the celestial phenomena to divine the good or bad luck of the world, also corresponded the celestial regions with the states on the earth, called“ Demarcate ”。 In this way, the heaven and the earth are united into one. The changes of some celestial phenomena in a certain region of the sky directly indicate the good or bad luck of the corresponding region on the earth. well yes Yongzhou (Most of today's Shaanxi and Gansu), roads connecting Sichuan with the outside Kuayi and Yongzhou. "Munchanlijing" means that the way to Sichuan is on the extremely high mountains in Yizhou and Yongzhou, and people have to touch the stars in the sky with their heads up.

Ancient calendar


Ancient China

Astronomical calendar
China Ancient calendar The Yin Yang calendar is adopted, that is, the movement cycle of the sun is taken as the year, the cycle of the moon is taken as the month, and the leap month is used to coordinate the relationship between the year and the month. According to the position change of the sun within a year and the evolution order of the ground climate caused by it, the ancients divided the year into 24 segments and listed them in 12 months to reflect the four seasons, temperature, phenology, etc. This is caused by Solar motion Established 24 Term It reflects the changes of the four seasons and is closely related to agricultural and animal husbandry production, so it is also called the lunar calendar. The complete name of the 24 solar terms appeared for the first time in Huainanzi Astronomical Training in the early Han Dynasty, which is consistent with the current name. Solar terms originated in ancient China, which reflects The earth revolves around the sun The changes in the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter on the earth reflect Agricultural time Seasons are well-known in rural areas. With the spread of the ancient Chinese calendar, solar terms are also widely spread wherever overseas Chinese travel. The solar term is based on the sun in star space Visual movement Of Visual position To decide. The solar term is also called the twenty-four solar terms, which is the general name of the twelve medium qi and twelve solar terms arranged alternately


Astronomical astrology
Maya people have more profound Astronomical knowledge , for the moon, the earth sunlight Venus And the operation of other stars and the corresponding calendar are very accurate. The Mayans have 22 calendars, covering solar system And the operation cycle of many planets beyond. Mayan observatory It is full of characteristics, and its function or appearance is very similar to that of a modern observatory. Ekaroka Astronomical observation For example, the tower is built on a huge and beautiful platform, with small steps leading to a large platform; A cylindrical ground floor building with a hemispherical cover Astronomical telescope The protruding place; The four doors on the ground floor are just aligned in four directions. Looking to the east, it is the sunrise direction of the spring and autumn equinoxes. Looking to the northeast, it is the sunrise direction of the summer solstice. Looking to the southeast, it is the sunrise direction of the winter solstice.
The Maya had several observatories, archaeologist It is identified as an astronomical observation network. The most famous Chichen Itza Observatory is a circular building in the Ma Zhi culture. together Spiral The stairway leads to the three-layer platform, with a pair of skylights on the top to observe the constellation. From the wall (up to 3m thick) of the north window of the upper floor diagonal Look, you can see the half circle of the setting sun at the spring and autumn equinoxes; The diagonal line of the south window just points to the south pole and arctic The observation windows of the observatory are all aimed at those that cannot be seen by the naked eye Uranus and Neptune Uranus, created by herschel Discovery; Neptune, Berlin, 1846 observatory Discovery. How did the Mayans know their existence thousands of years ago and how did they master their operation.
The Mayans have mastered the laws of the sun, moon, gold and other planets, and the Earth year calculated is 365.2420 days, which is only 0.0002 days away from the accurate calculation; The year of Venus is the time taken for Venus to circle the sun. Maya people observed that Venus turns 5 times in 8 Earth years, and got the year of Venus 365 days × 8 ÷ 5=584 days, while the year of Venus calculated in modern times is 583.92 days. Its error is very small, and it is hard to say which is more accurate.
At about the end of the pre classical period, the Mayans had created an accurate Solar calendar and Holy almanac Two calendars. The solar calendar divides the year into 18 months, 20 days per month, and 5 taboo days at the end of the year, 365 days in total. The Holy Calendar is a religion Chronology , 13 months a year, 20 days a month, 260 days in total. These two calendars are repeated every week in 52 years. The Mayans defined 52 years as a century.
The almanac is not the movement law of celestial bodies observed on the earth. The planet to which this calendar applies should be located between Venus and the Earth, but there is no such planet in the solar system. Some people speculate that this calendar came from the ancestors of Maya people, and their ancestors came from another planet.
The Ma Zhi people accurately deduced the mysterious relationship of several calendars. The Earth year is 365 days, and the Venus year is 584 days, hiding the common divisor 73. Holy Year, Earth Year, Venus Year, hidden Common multiple To deduce the famous Venus formula
Holy year 260 days × 146=37960 days
Earth year 365 days × 104=37960 days
Venus year 584 days × 65=37960 days
The formula shows that the periods of the three calendars coincide after 37960 days, when the three planets corresponding to the three calendars are in a straight line. According to the Mayan myth, at this time, God will return to them.
Maya People also have various kinds of more long period Among them, the long-term day counting method is the longest, with 3113 BC as the Epoch Start of. Maya astronomers compiled Moon And Venus position, and can predict Solar eclipse
This mysterious nation Tropical jungle There are many amazing huge buildings built in. These buildings strictly follow the calendar cycle and contain information about many planets. At that time, the Spaniards were Yucatan Peninsula The Mayans seen above still cover themselves with leaves, live in huts Collect and hunt Life. The precise astronomical calendar and magnificent art buildings are far beyond their living needs.
According to historical records, the telescope was invented by Galileo in the 16th century, and only after that did the large telescope appear observatory The concept of astronomical observation network appeared in modern times. It can be seen that the level of astronomy and calendar of Maya people is not inferior to that of today.

Uygur ethnic group

Uygur ethnic group His astronomical knowledge has a long history. Karahan Dynasty In his book "The Wisdom of Foer", Haas Hajifu introduced a lot of astronomical knowledge at that time, and in the fifth chapter "On Qiyao and Zodiac 》In the form of poetry Qiyao And the zodiac. The author introduces the name, characteristics, location and time of appearance of Qiyao“ Geocentric theory ”The arrangement order of planets in the solar system is listed, and the seven obsidian star map is drawn.
Astronomical calendar
so-called Zodiac The 12 constellations divide the observable star clusters in the sky all the year round into 12 groups. He said, "Except Qiyao Besides, there is the ecliptic Zodiac , some in pairs, some alone. " It is clearly pointed out that the 12 zodiac signs are adjacent to each other in the starry sky. They appear in season throughout the year and change constantly. Each constellation represents a different month and season. That is, the twelve palaces belong to the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, and each season is the three palaces. He also divided the 12 palaces into fire, water, air and earth. Fire, water, air and earth are not only the basic elements of the universe, but also the four elements of life. He said that "the combination of the four elements can form life".
Mahmoud Kashgari《 Divan lgat at-Turk 》It also collects a lot of literature materials, such as: "Appear in the evening Fire cloud Wife and children are like relatives; Fire clouds appear in the morning, and the family cries. " "When the moon rises, clouds float in the clear sky. Clouds pile up, and heavy rain pours from the sky."“ lunar halo White, rain and snow; The moon is red and the sky is clear. Uighur people call the seven stars of Taurus the "Yukaier" constellation. Night walkers use this constellation to determine direction, just like using a compass. It is believed that the weather will change as Kyle grows older. The Uighur proverb says, "When Kyle flies across the sky, the solar term is summer." According to the folk star Xiangjia It is said that Kyle lives on the ground for 40 days in a year, when the weather is the hottest, it is called dog days After 40 days, Yu Kyle rose into the starry sky again, and plants began Seed setting There is a folk saying that "seven stars show, the weather changes; seven stars do not fall, ground temperature Not rising ". The Uygur people also call the Polaris "Temuerkuozuke" (meaning "iron stake"), and regard it as the direction of the night travel or the night departure of the army Ruler For Mars, Venus Saturn Mercury Isostars are called by Uighurs, and they correctly understand the laws of the movement of these stars and the Earth's climate and seasonal changes.
The Uygur people used many calendars in their history. The earliest is Huihe Khanate The 12 animal calendar used in the period. The names of animals are mouse, cow, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, chicken, dog and pig. Cycle once every 12 years. According to archaeological and documentary data, Qocho Uyghur Xanliqi During the period, a calendar called "Qiyao Calendar" was used, that is, the calendar with the sun, the moon and the five planets of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, that is, the calendar with seven days as the first anniversary. According to the research on the Uighur calendar slips found at the Gaochang site, this calendar is first recorded in the Jett language every day Qiyao Day The name is translated into Chinese A, B, C, D and so on. At last, 12 animal names such as mouse, cow, tiger, rabbit and so on are recorded in the Jettic language. Every second day, the Chinese names of the five elements of wood, fire, earth, gold and water are translated in the Jettic language and recorded in the red letter. This calendar can be said to be an integration of the three calendars of Jeter, China and Turk.
According to the research of French scholar Sha Wan, the Qiyao calendar was established in the 7th year of Kaiyuan (719) of the Tang Dynasty by Manichaeism Missionaries were introduced into China, and later China had a great influence. According to Ulubok's biography almanac Textual research, Gaochang Uighur Another kind of calendar used, the year is divided into 12 months, and the months from February to November are all followed by numbers. The first month is called "aramai", which means Ramadan The last month is called "carsapat", which means December. This and chinese calendar It is said that February is the first month and December is similar. The first ten days of each month, Chinese calendar It is called "Chu", Gaochang For example, "yang" means "new", both of which have the same form. Therefore, the Gaochang Uighur's almanac is a copy of the Central Plains almanac.
Karahan Dynasty The Uighurs of the period used the 12 animal calendar, and the age of people, the time of events, etc. were all counted by 12 animals in turn. What is different from the Han nationality's 12 beasts is that they crocodile Replace the dragon. The order of animals is: rats, cattle, tigers, rabbits, dragons, snakes, horses, sheep, monkeys, chickens, dogs, pigs. At that time, the Qiyao calendar was also used.
After the Uygur people believed in Islam, they used the Muslim calendar. Western Regions Atlas《 Records of Hearing and Seeing in the Western Regions 》It is recorded that the Hui calendar was used by the Uygur people in the Ming and Qing dynasties. The Hijri calendar is also called the "Hijri calendar" or the "Islamic calendar". The Hijri calendar is purely the lunar calendar, and its chronological method is as follows: one lunar month is January, 12 months is a year, 30 single months, 29 double months, no leap month, 354 days of the whole year. Every 30 years is a week, of which 11 years (about every two or three years) add a leap day at the end of December. Therefore, the average time of the calendar is 8:48 on the 354th day every year. For the calculation method of the month, it is not necessary to make a new calculation, but to see new moon The period is the first day of the month, so its first day is usually after the second or third day of the lunar calendar.

Xia Xiaozheng

agricultural production It is closely related to seasons and astronomical phenomena. The ancient Chinese astronomical calendar knowledge was accumulated in the practice of agricultural production and directly served agricultural production. stay Yao and Shun The period is about Xihe Xi Zhong Observation in Heluo area Sun, moon and stars The legend of the four seasons indicates that China has long had full-time personnel who are familiar with astronomy and make calendars, and astronomy and calendars have long been developed.
Astronomer Monk
The Xia calendar is the earliest calendar in China, which was based on The Big Dipper Dipper handle To determine the month. Save in《 The Book of Rites of Da Dai 》In《 Xia Xiaozheng 》Is the existing“ Summer Calendar ”It is the earliest astronomical and calendar work in China. This great contribution was made in Luoyang. Xia Xiaozheng, in the order of twelve months of the Xia Dynasty, records the astrology, meteorology, physical images of each month, as well as the farming and political affairs that should be engaged in. Its star signs include faintness Zhongxing (Stars seen in the southern sky at dusk), Danzhong Star (stars seen in the southern sky at dawn), stars seen in the morning and falling in the evening, the direction of the dipper handle of the Big Dipper, the position of Hehan (Milky Way) and the position of the sun in the starry sky, etc.
Looking at the stars recorded in Xia Xiaozheng, not only the direction of the Big Dipper handle is valued, but also the Weaver Maid with bright sky, the South Gate and the most prominent Tianhe "Han case household" are recorded, 28 constellations The concept has not been formed yet, only the bright stars of Shen, Chen and Pleiades have appeared. Visible《 Xia Xiaozheng 》The ages are old. Japanese scholar Naoda Zhongliang analyzed, calculated and compared the astrological classification of Xia Xiaozheng, and concluded that most of the astronomical phenomena belong to about 2000 BC; Mr. Pan Nai, a domestic scholar, believes that the literature and archaeology related to the Xia Dynasty Carbon14 determination, Xia Culture The age is from 2070 BC to 1600 BC, which coincides with the astronomical age of most of the records of the astrology in Xia Xiaozheng. Before the completion of the 28 constellations, the ancients' view of the stars was not all based on the south dusk, but on the middle, current, volt and inward movement of bright stars. It defines the middle, current, voltage and interior of the stars《 The Book of Songs 》The "Liuhuo" of "Liuhuo in July" is not Lingling's "Xiliu", but specifically refers to the situation that the fire stays 30 degrees to the west.
Due to its long spread, this document itself may be incomplete and other errors, and may also be mixed with later generations or other affiliated elements, but it reflects the agricultural production of the Xia Dynasty to a certain extent Development level There is no doubt that it has preserved the most ancient and precious astronomical and calendar knowledge in China.
Sima Qian In the Records of the Historian, Xia Benji said:“ Confucius Scholars spread many stories in summer《 Xia Xiaozheng 》。” Xia Xiaozheng records in detail the astronomical phenomena, weather and physical phenomena observed and experienced by the ancient people according to the time sequence of December, which vividly reflects the simple understanding of the ancient people on seasonal climate Chinese nation Thousands of years History of Astronomy Initial stage of Visual timing It is the oldest astronomical calendar book in existence in China.

Song of the Twenty four Solar Terms

There are two festivals in January, one lasts 15 days
(January) The weather is warm at the beginning of spring, and rainwater and feces have been delivered
(February) Wake up the insects and rake the land quickly. Plough at the spring equinox
(March) Planting more trees during the Qingming Festival and planting more fields during the grain rain
(April) Order melon beans at the beginning of summer, grain full No cotton planting
(May) Harvest new wheat with awn seeds, plough fields quickly in summer solstice
(June) Sunstroke It's not too hot. It's very hot dog days
(July) Plant cabbage at the beginning of autumn and pick new cotton in the summer
(August) White dew It is necessary to shoot dates and separate wheat fields in autumn
(September) Let's harvest the cold dew, and the frost will turn the ground
(October) Start the winter and finish the dishes. The light snow plough rakes open
(Winter Moon) It's cold with heavy snow, winter solstice Change length day
(December) The comprador should be quick in the small cold, and the New Year should be celebrated in the severe cold
Beginning of Spring: before or after February 4 of the Gregorian calendar every year. China is used to taking it as the solar term beginning in spring.
Rainwater: before and after February 19 of the Gregorian calendar every year. At this time, the countryside began to prepare for cultivation and production.
Waking of insects: Waking of insects occurs around March 6 of the Gregorian calendar every year. After the Insect Waking Festival, spring ploughing never stops. In the north, when the insects started to awaken, the spring ploughing began.
Vernal Equinox: It is the vernal equinox when the sun reaches 0 ° of the yellow path around March 21 of the Gregorian calendar. At this time, the sun shines directly on the equator, and the sunlight in the northern and southern hemispheres is average, so the days and nights are almost the same length.
Tomb Sweeping Day: Tomb Sweeping Day is around April 5 of the Gregorian calendar every year. At this time, China Yellow River Basin In most areas, the temperature begins to rise, the rainfall increases, the spring flowers bloom, and the sky is clear, which is a good time for spring outings. Tomb sweeping activities are also popular.
Astronomical calendar
grain rain : Before or after April 20 of the Gregorian calendar every year. "Rain begets hundreds of grains" explains the origin of the Gu Yu solar term. Grain rain is the season of sowing and emergence of spring crops in the north.
Beginning of summer In China, it is customary to regard the beginning of summer as the beginning of summer, usually around May 6 of the Gregorian calendar.
grain full : Xiaoman is on or after May 21 of the Gregorian calendar every year. As the name implies, Xiaoman means Summer crop The grain will be full and mature. After Xiaoman, the wheat in the northern regions will be ripe Winter wheat Cut the sickle.
Grain in Ear: Grain in Ear refers to the mature season of wheat and other awn crops, usually before or after June 6 of the Gregorian calendar every year.
Summer Solstice: The summer solstice is around June 21 every year. The summer solstice means that the hot summer has arrived, and it is also the longest day of the year.
Sunstroke : Around July 7 of the Gregorian calendar every year. Generally, after light summer, we have to count volts (volts refer to the first, middle and Terminal prostration It began in the third Geng after the summer solstice.
Heatstroke: before or after July 23 of the Gregorian calendar. As the name implies, the summer heat is the hottest time of the year.
Beginning of Autumn: before or after August 8 of the Gregorian calendar every year. China is accustomed to this day as the beginning of autumn.
Summer treatment: before and after August 23 of the Gregorian calendar every year. Heat treatment is a solar term that reflects the change of temperature from hot to cold.
White dew : Before and after September 8 every year, the white dew refers to the decrease in temperature and dew.
Autumn Equinox: before or after September 23 of the Gregorian calendar every year. "The autumnal equinox, the day and night are evenly divided." At this time, the sun shines directly on the equator, and the days and nights are almost the same length.
Cold Dew: Before or after October 8 of the Gregorian calendar every year. When the cold dew arrives, North China Then they began to enter late autumn. The fields were golden, which was a good time for autumn outings; and Northeast China It looks like early winter, Yangtze river basin And the area to the south is still lush.
Frost fall: October 23 or 24 of the Gregorian calendar every year. Frost shows that the climate is getting cold, Northern region Frost has appeared or started to appear.
Beginning of winter: the beginning of winter is around November 7 of the Gregorian calendar every year. Beginning of Winter is the solar term indicating the beginning of winter. At this time, Yellow River The middle and lower reaches are about to freeze.
Xiaoxue: Before or after November 22 of the Gregorian calendar every year. It means it's time to start snowing. At this time, the climate in Northeast China, Inner Mongolia and northern North China was cold.
Heavy snow: around December 7 of the Gregorian calendar every year. The winter wheat in the Yellow River basin enters after heavy snow Dormancy period
Winter Solstice: The winter solstice is around December 22 every year. The winter solstice is Northern Hemisphere The beginning of winter. This day has the shortest day and the longest night. After the winter solstice“ Count nine ”Has.
slight cold : Before or after January 6 of the Gregorian calendar every year. At this time, around the "March 9", most parts of China entered a severe cold period.
Severe cold: before or after January 20 of the Gregorian calendar every year. The severe cold is the coldest period of the year in most parts of China.


1、 Chronology
(1) The prince ascended the throne Chronological method Count the years according to the number of years that the prince reigned. For example, "Zuo Zhuan: Battle of Dice": "In the spring of the 33rd year, Qin Shi passed the northern gate of Zhou." Duke Xi of Lu Thirty three years. Incorruptible Biography of Lin Xiangru:“ Zhao Huiwen Wang In sixteen years, Lian Po became General Zhao. "
(2) Chronological method Martial Emperor Start with a year. Since then, every emperor who ascended the throne had to change the yuan, and the year was numbered by the year title. Such as《 On Yueyang Tower 》"The Spring of the Fourth Anniversary of the Qingli Calendar", "The Line of Pipa", "The Tenth Year of Yuanhe"《 Travel in Baochan Mountain 》"July of the first year of Zhihe"《 Shizhongshan 》"The Seventh Year of Yuanfeng", "Plum Blossom Ridge"“ Shunzhi "Two years", "Postscript", "Two years of Deyou", "Yandang Mountain", "Xiangfuzhong" ("Xiangfu" is“ Large medium auspicious symbol ”Short name of, Song Zhenzong Year), etc.
(3) years designated by Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches Law. Such as《 Tombstone of Five People 》: "You remember the capture of Duke Zhou Ding Mao Hope in March. " "Ding Mao" refers to the year 1627; Preface to Huang Huagang's 72 Martyrs: "The tragedy of death besieged on March 29, 1911 Guangdong and Guangxi Provincial Administration The battle is the most important. " "1911" refers to 1911; Letter with Wife“ Xin Wei In March, I read four drums on six nights, and the "Xinwei" should be Xinhai. In modern times, the trunk and branch chronology is often used to represent major historical events, such as“ Sino Japanese War ”、“ Reform Movement of 1898 ”、“ Boxer Indemnity ”、“ Boxer Protocol ”"Revolution of 1911".
(4) Year and branch In the chronology, the emperor's title was placed in front of the emperor, and the trunk and branches were listed behind. Such as Yangzhou Slow“ Ayden Bing Shen ”, "Chunxi" is Emperor Xiaozong of the Southern Song Dynasty Zhao Shen (shen) Year number, "Bingshen" is the year of the trunk and branch; Nuclear Boat Record 》“ Apocalypse Ren Xu Autumn "," Tianqi "is the Ming Xizong Zhu Youxiao The year title, "Renxu", is the chronology of the trunk and branch; The "Memorial to Sister" "Kuang Qianlong Ding Hai Winter", "Qianlong" is the title of Emperor Gaozong's Aixinjueluo Hongli year, and "Ding Hai" is the year of Ganzhi; Plum Blossom Ridge“ Shunzhi In April of the second year, "Shunzhi" was the Emperor Shizu of the Qing Dynasty Aixin Jueluo Fulin Year number, "Yiyou" is the year of the trunk and branch.
The original meaning of "Nian" refers to the maturity and harvest of grains. Later, it was extended from the cycle of grain maturity to the cycle of winter and summer, that is, "Nian" in today's sense. The ancient people mainly used the following methods to record the years:
① In the pre-qin period, the method of counting the years mainly adopted the title of emperor plus the number of years, such as《 Biography of Lianpo Lin Xiangru 》In“ Zhao Huiwen Wang Sixteen years《 Cao Gui's Debate 》The "ten years" in "ten years of spring, Qi Shi attacked me" is Lu Zhuang Duke decade.
② When Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty arrived, he began to use the year title to count the years. For example《 On Yueyang Tower 》In the "Four Spring Years of Qingli", "Qingli" is Emperor of Song Dynasty Year of.
③ The trunk and branch chronology is a chronological method that uses ten heavenly stems (A, B, C, D, Wu, Ji, Geng, Xin, Ren, Gui) and twelve local branches (Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Wu, Wu, Wu, Mao, Chen, Wu, Wu, Mao, Chen, Wu, Wu, Mao, Chen, Wu, Wu, Mao, Chen, Wu, Chen, Wu, Ma, Chen, Chen, Chen, Wu, Mao, Chen, Chen, Wu. The heavenly stems and earthly branches can be matched in 60 ways, so there are 61 cycles. Because the heavenly stems and earthly branches are matched by flower arrangement, they are called "flowers" Jia Zi ”, referred to as "Huajia" for short. Today, the term "over 60" comes from this. Such as the 1911 Revolution, Boxer Protocol , the Sino Japanese War of 1898, the Reform Movement of 1898, etc.
2、 Ji Yue
In ancient times, Ji Yue, as it is today, also used ordinal numbers, but there were other special names. For example, a year can be divided into four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. The three months in each season are called Meng, Zhong and Ji respectively, such as Meng Chun, Zhong Xia Mid Autumn Etc. In the lunar calendar, January is called the first month, November is called the winter month, and December is called the December month.
(1) Ordinal month method Such as《 Collect herbs 》"Those who spend in March on the flat land will spend in April, while those who spend in the deep mountains will spend in April." In the Preface to the Guide Book, "February of the second year of the Dehu Lake", "it is the fifth day of the summer of the year", and "five" is the fifth month of the year. Tan Sitong 》In April of the same year, the imperial edict was issued "," On the first day of August, I was summoned high Qing official ”, "On August 13, we cut the market".
(2) Earth branch lunar method The ancients used to Twelve Earthly Branches For twelve months, a specific word "Jian" should be added before each local branch. as Du Fu Thatched Cottage Instant 》Poetry: "Build a child month in a deserted village, and build my husband's house alone" Zhou Dynasty Lunar chronology It refers to November in the lunar calendar. Yu Xin Lament for the South 》: "with Wu Chen In the year when the sea was built, Jinling Collapse. " "Jianhai" means October in the lunar calendar
(3) Seasons, disciplines and months Such as《 Nineteen Old Poems 》"When the cold comes to Mengdong, the north wind is so terrible." "Mengdong" stands for October in the lunar calendar; Tao Yuanming "Nine Quasi Ancient Poems": "In mid spring, the rain comes down", and "in mid spring" February in the lunar calendar
3、 Day of the Day
Commonly used by the ancients Gan Zhi Ji Ri , such as "Ding Chou in June of the seventh year of Yuanfeng". In addition, there are several days in each month with special names: the first day of the lunar calendar is called "Shuo", the fifteenth day is called "Wang", the sixteenth day is called "Jiwang", and the day at the end of the month is called "Hui". For example《 Tombstone of Five People 》"Ding Mao's Outlook in March"《 Song of the Red Cliff 》“ Ren Xu In the autumn, we can see in July "《 Climbing Mount Tai 》"Wu Shenhui".
ancient Chronology There are four main types:
(1) Ordinal chronological method For example, "The Plum Blossom Ridge": "On the 25th, the city fell, and the martyrs pulled out their swords to kill themselves."《 Xiang Ji Xuan Zhi 》: "On the night of March 5, the moon is half a wall......" March 5 "refers to the 15th day of the lunar calendar. Preface to Huang Huagang's 7-12 Martyrs' Stories: "The most tragic death was the siege of the Guangdong and Guangxi prefectures on March 29, 1911."
(2) Gan Zhi Ji Ri Law. Such as《 A battle of food 》: "Summer and April Xin Si , defeat the Qin army in food. ' "April Xinsi" means April in the lunar calendar Thirteen days; "Ding Chou in June of the 7th year of Yuanfeng" in the Records of Shizhong Mountain, namely June in the lunar calendar Nine days; "Climbing Mount Tai" is the month Ding Wei ”Means the 18th day of the month. The ancients also used only heavenly stems or earthly branches to represent specific days. Such as《 The Book of Rites · Sandal Bow 》"Zimao is not happy", "Zimao", stands for An evil day Or the day of death.
(3) Lunar phase chronology It refers to the words "new", "fei", "hope", "existing hope", "obscure", etc phase of the moon It is specially called Laijiri. The first day of each month is called Shuo, the third day of each month is called Yu, and the middle month is called Wang (the 15th day of the month, Big Moon The sixteenth day), the day after looking is called Jiwang, and the last day of each month is called Hui. Such as《 To worship a younger sister 》"Look at the sun this July"; Tombstone of Five People 》"Look at Dingmao in March"; Song of the Red Cliff 》“ Ren Xu In autumn, we look forward to July "; "Three or four months after the first marriage, the hope of winter is around the corner" in the Letter with Wife.
(4) Both trunk and branch and moon are used Before the trunk and branch, after the moon. Such as《 Climbing Mount Tai 》"Wu Shenhui, five drums, and Ziying sit in the Riguan Pavilion."
4、 Chronology
Commonly used in ancient times sundial Engrave a leak , drum changing and other methods to measure the time of the day. For example, to divide a day and night into twelve sections, use Twelve Earthly Branches That is to say, midnight is equal to 23:00 today to 1:00 the next day, 1 a.m. to 3 a.m. It is equivalent to 1:00 to 3:00, i.e. 3:00 to 5:00, and so on. Such as "Earthquake", "June 17, the seventh year of Kangxi 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. The "Xushi" in the "Earthquakes" is from 7 to 9 p.m.
China Ancient chronology There are two main types:
(1) Celestial chronology The ancients initially divided the day and night into twelve hours according to the change of the sky. Their names are: midnight, crowing, flat day, sunrise, eclipse, yu zhong China Japan , Japanese products (die), Japanese products (bu), Japanese imports, dusk, and human orders.
(2) Geochronology with Twelve Earthly Branches To represent the whole day and night Twelve hours Changes. Paleo Tianshe Period Geobranch time See the attached table for the corresponding relationship with the present chronological time. (Sketch)
The sky color method and the earth branch method are two common methods in ancient poetry. Such as《 Southeast Fly the Peacocks 》: "Cocks crow into the weaving, and there is no rest at night." "After dying at dusk, the silence is still." "Li Shu snows into Caizhou at night.", Hourly , the door is broken. " Send Xin Jian off at Furong Tower 》"When the cold rain flows into Wu at night, we will see off Chu Mountain in Pingming." Pingming is another name for Pingdan. Another example《 Lost Street Pavilion 》"The Wei soldiers have been trapped from morning to afternoon." Jingyanggang: "We can teach our guests to cross the mountain in three hours."《 To worship a younger sister 》: "If you return home at a later time, you will be angry when you wait."《 The heroes meet Jiang Gan and fall into a trap 》: "From 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. It's not too late. "
The ancients also divided the night into five sections, which is still known today. Because the drums are played more frequently during the night shift, Jigeng is also called Jigu, for example, "Xin Wei reads four drums for six nights in March" in the Book with His Wife.
In addition, the ancients also gave a special name to twelve hours a day.
Cock crowing
Eclipse time
approaching noontime
China Japan
Day twilight
Daily entry
People decide

Gregorian calendar

Astronomical calendar
I.e Gregorian calendar Because it is based on the time required for the sun center to pass through the vernal equinox twice in a row - regression year, it is also called the solar calendar. The average year of the Gregorian calendar is 365 days, and the leap year adds one day at the end of February, which is 366 days. In the Gregorian calendar, when the number of era years of a year cannot be divided by 4, it is a normal year, such as 1981; Leap year refers to the year that can be divided by 4 but cannot be divided by 100, such as 1984; The year that can be divided by 100 but cannot be divided by 400 is a normal year, such as 1900; Leap year refers to the year that can be divided by 400, such as 2000.
The average year of the Gregorian calendar is 365.2425 days, which is more than 3300 years away from the return year with a length of 365.2422 days, reaching Nanjing, China Yang Zhongfu Established in 1199 AD (more than 380 years in the early Gregorian calendar)《 Unified calendar 》Horizontal.
The number of days distributed by month in the Gregorian calendar is mixed with grid, etc Emperor The prestige is not very reasonable. The reasonable number of days per month can be summarized in two sentences: the number of days in a leap year is smaller in a single month and larger in a double month; One day is subtracted in February every year. But because the Gregorian calendar has been used all over the world, human factor It's very difficult to change the calendar.

lunar calendar

Astronomical calendar
The lunar calendar is widely used in China, also known as the lunar calendar Summer Calendar , because of its Lunar chronology with phase of the moon Based on the standard of the moon Bottom chord Another one in Shuo New Moon One month. Calculate the lunar calendar first twenty-four solar terms Hedingshuo Yellow meridian The same time - New Year), the date where the New Year is located is the first day of the lunar month, the month from New Year to New Year is one month, the day 29 days away is the small month, and the day 30 is the big month. The month gets its name from the middle gas. If there is a middle gas in the month, it is a month. If there is a middle gas "rain", it is the first month of the lunar calendar. The leap month without middle atmosphere is leap month, and the leap month has no name. The name of the previous month is used. For example, the leap month after April is leap April, so that the gap between the lunar year and the year of return can be adjusted at any time. In the lunar calendar, there are 12 months in a normal year and 354 or 355 days; The leap year has 13 months and 383 or 384 days. This is China's Yin Dynasty From then on, until the 1911 Revolution, the calendar of "seven leap months (plus seven leap months) in nineteen years" has been used. because twenty-four solar terms It is determined by the visual position of the sun, so the proper title of the lunar calendar should be Yin Yang Calendar

Stem and branch calendar

Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches It is called Ganzhi for short. Tiangan has ten words in total, in the order of A, B, C, D, E, Ji, Geng, Xin, Ren, Gui; There are twelve characters in Dizhi, which are in the order of Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu, Hai, all of which are traditionally used to arrange the order. The two are combined in parallel to form a table of heavenly stems and earthly branches, which is used repeatedly. Stem and branch calendar Year of Lunar chronology It is the same as the lunar calendar. Its year, month and day are all made up of stems and branches Sequential arrangement The leap month is also the same as the lunar calendar. Festivals in Ganzhi calendar, three volts, multiplication table As well as the relationship between people's life and the time when the plum blossom came out and entered social activities Closely related, some are still used by people today

Calendar noun

[Distinction] In order to use the changes of the astronomical phenomena to predict the good or bad luck of the world, ancient astrologers had to hold their heads up and touch the stars in the sky to pass.
Pleiades Western White Tiger The fourth night of the seventh night
wall 】Refers to the Northern Officer Basalt The seventh night of the seven nights.

Time zone time difference

fortune-telling The time taken is Astronomical time (See Solar yellow meridian The time recorded in the mind of ordinary people is clock time, which is the artificially formulated standard time zone Average of Solar time If you were born at a certain time“ True sun Time difference "is often wrong.
Standard time and place of birth
World time zone division
The world is divided into 24 time zones, and the longitude that can be divided by 15 is taken as the Central meridian Each time zone occupies 15 degrees of longitude. In the area to the east of the central meridian of the time zone, the time will be increased, and in the area to the west, the time will be decreased by 4 minutes.
China is divided into five time zones:
(1) Central Plains Time Zone( East 8th District ): Take 120 degrees east longitude as the central meridian.
(2) Longshu Time Zone (East 7th Zone): The central meridian is 105 degrees east longitude.
(3) New Tibet Time Zone( East Sixth District ): Take 90 degrees east longitude as the central meridian.
(4) Kunlun Time Zone (East Zone 5): The central meridian is 75 degrees east longitude.
(5) Changbai Time Zone (East Ninth Zone): The central meridian is 135 degrees east longitude.
For one time zone“ Standard time ”It's just a unified time in a large area, and it's just a "manual" time that everyone abides by. It's not the "local time" of every place in the time zone( LMT )”-- True longitude. The longitude of the place of birth and the standard time of the large region of birth should be used to add or subtract. This principle is used everywhere in the world.
For example, the Central Plains time zone includes Inner Mongolia Liaoning Hebei, Shanxi, Shandong, Henan, Anhui, Jiangsu, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong Hainan , Hong Kong Macao Taiwan. When the clock struck 12 o'clock at noon in this large area, only the place on the 120 degree east longitude line was 12 o'clock, and other places were less than or more than 12 o'clock. If Hong Kong is located at 114 degrees 10 minutes east longitude, 5 degrees 50 minutes west of 120 degrees east longitude, its true longitude is 11:36:40 seconds.
The "average solar time" of clock time 24 hours a day is artificial. It is assumed that the earth's orbit of rotation and revolution around the sun is perfectly circular, which is only for the government's purpose Administrative measures The "unified" time is set for the convenience of. In fact, the rotation and revolution of the earth, due to the relationship of the Yellow Equator, are not 24 hours a day, 365.25 days a year. Only April 25, June 14, September 1 and December 24 of the solar calendar are exactly 24 hours a year. The remaining 361 days are either more or less. This error is called“ True sun Time difference ". The World Navigation Calendar is marked every day True solar day And Average solar day Time difference of.
Time difference of daylight saving time
There is also a kind of "wartime time" in man-made time, also known as“ Daylight Saving Time Time, Daylight Saving Time. In summer, some national and local governments sunrise It's early, the sun sets late, and the day is long. In order to make full use of sunlight and save electricity, the work and rest time is advanced by one hour (the clock is advanced by one hour). Due to the above three kinds of jet lag, accurate birth should be obtained Astronomical time It is not easy. It is particularly difficult to calculate the figure of eight of foreigners, because winter time is adopted in some regions, or Greenwich standard is adopted( GMT ), or adopt local time system, which is not uniform. The life experts should first ask the local Time system To avoid mistakes.
If the birth time is at the junction of the solar term or the time of birth, the time difference should be calculated precisely. Otherwise, not only the time is wrong, but even the birthday, birth month, and birth year may be wrong due to an incorrect hour.

Related nouns

the first month of the lunar year The first day of the first lunar month is the Spring Festival; the eleventh month of the lunar Calendar That is, November in the lunar calendar; December The last day of the twelfth lunar month is New Year's Eve.
The constellations were called constellations in ancient times. The move 》: "Now I am a master, and I am the star in the sky." "The star in the sky cannot be beaten." The ancients believed that the people with fame were born from the star in the sky, which is a superstition.
[Twenty eight Nights]
Also called 28 Sheds or Twenty-eight stars The ancient people observed the day, month Five Stars Twenty eight for operation Star region , used to indicate the position of the sun, moon and five stars. Each night contains several stars. The names of the 28 constellations, arranged from west to east, are: Oriental Canglong Seven Constellations (Jiao, Kang Kang, Di di, Fang, Xin, Wei, Ji); north Basalt Seven nights (fighting, cattle, women, virtual, dangerous, room, wall); Western White Tiger Seven Constellations (Kui, Lou, Wei, Pleiades Mao, Bi, Zi, Shen); Southern Rosefinch Qisu (Jing, Gui, Liu, Xing, Zhang, Yi, Zhen Zhen). Tang dynasty wen tingyun The Song of Taiye Pool: "At night, the silver Han Dynasty leads to the Bailiang, and the 28 constellations lead to the Jade Hall." imperial palace The scene of the palace. Wang Bo Preface to Tengwang Pavilion 》"There are many treasures in the sky, and the dragon shines on the bullfight ruins." It means that the products are gorgeous and have natural treasures, Dragon Spring Sword Direct light Sagittarius Abhijit The star region of. Liu Yuxi Poem: "Hear the sound of Jinggu at night and startle the wild geese, and the banners are fluttering in the morning Reference star 。” It is used to describe the earth shaking scene when soldiers leave the army.
[Four Symbols]
See "Twenty eight Nights". The ancients imagined the seven constellations in the east, north, west and south as four animal images, called four elephants. Oriental Seven Nights Like dancing in spring and early summer night sky The dragon is called Dongguan Canglong; Northern Qisu Like snakes and turtles, they appear in the night sky in early summer and autumn, so they are called Beiguan Xuanwu; Western Seven Nights Like a tiger leaping out of the night sky in late autumn and early winter, it is called Xiguan White Tiger; Nanfang Qisu Like a flying rosefinch, it appears in the night sky in cold winter and early spring, so it is called Nanguan rosefinch.
The ancient astrologers, in order to use the changes of the astronomical phenomena to divine the good, bad, or good fortune of the world, corresponded the starry sky region in the sky to the states on the earth, called the dividing line. Specifically, a star is regarded as the dividing line of a country, a star is regarded as the dividing line of a state, or conversely, a country is regarded as the dividing line of a star, and a state is regarded as the dividing line of a star. as Wang Bo Preface to Tengwang Pavilion 》:“ Yu Zhang Therefore, the county is the new residence of Hongdu. The stars are divided into wings and pillars, and the ground is connected to Henglu. " It means Jiangxi Nanchang be situated wings one of the twenty-eight constellations Within the boundaries. Li Bai The road to Sichuan is difficult. 》: "Look up and breathe, and sit and sigh with your hands." Ardia yes Yizhou The division of (today's Sichuan), well It is the division of Yongzhou (now most of Shaanxi and Gansu), and the Shu Road crosses Yizhou and Yongzhou. The way to Sichuan is on the extremely high mountains in Yizhou and Yongzhou. People have to touch the stars in the sky to get there.
Western White Tiger The fourth of the seven constellations is composed of seven stars, also called Yak head (The meaning of flag head). Li He of the Tang Dynasty wrote a poem, "In the quiet autumn, you can see the yak head." The yak head refers to the Pleiades. Tang dynasty Satellite elephant Poetry“ Liaodong The old general has snow on his temples, still facing the tail Night and night Look ", yak head also refers to Pleiades The poem shows that a veteran is highly alert and defends carefully.
The ginseng refers to the ginseng in the seven nights of white tiger in the west, and the merchant refers to the east Black Dragon Seven Nights In Nakago Is another name for Xinsu. The ginseng sleeps in the west and the heart sleeps in the east. The two go out from one place to another in the starry sky. Therefore, it is often used to mean that people cannot meet each other apart. as Cao Zhi "With the speed of leisure scenery, it is not as rich as business participation", Du Fu The poem "Life does not meet, moving like a participant".
[Wall lodging]
It refers to the seventh of the seven constellations of Beiguan Xuanwu, which is composed of two stars Room lodging East of East wall Tang dynasty Zhang said Poetry“ Dongbi Library, Xiyuan Hanmelin ”, description wall It is the library in the sky.
Flow, downlink; Fire Great Mars , that is, Dongguan Canglong Qisu Nakago July in the Book of Songs: "July is the month of flowing fire, and September is the month of clothing." July is the month of August in the Gregorian calendar. Flowing fire means that the position of the Great Mars has gradually fallen from the middle of the sky to the west, indicating that the heat has subsided.
Also called“ Big Dipper ”, refers to seven bright stars arranged in the shape of a bucket (or ladle) in the northern sky. The names of the seven stars are: Tianshu Tianxuan Tianji Heavenly power Yuheng Kaiyang Shake light They are arranged like dippers, so they are called "Beidou". according to The Big Dipper You can find Polaris , so it is also called“ Phalanx ”。 Qu Yuan Nine Odes 》: "If you come to the end of the arc, you will fall down. If you help the Beidou, you will drink the cinnamon syrup."《 Nineteen Old Poems 》: "Yu Heng means Meng Dong What are the stars? " Yuheng is the fifth star in the Big Dipper. Xiaoshitanji 》In Chinese, "zigzagging" is used to describe the curve of the Big Dipper.
The constellation name is the symbol of the northern sky. ancient astronomer He respected Polaris very much and thought that it was fixed and all the stars revolved around it. In fact, because precession of the equinoxes Polaris is also changing. Three thousand years ago, the Zhou Dynasty Emperor Star It is the Polaris. The Sui, Tang, Song, Yuan and Ming dynasties used Tianshu as the Polaris. Twelve thousand years later, Vega It will become the North Star.
comet Attack the Moon
Comet Broom star Comet strikes the moon That is, the light of a comet sweeps across the moon. According to superstition, it is a sign of a major disaster. Such as《 Tang Ju fulfilled his mission 》: "Fu Exclusive of Stab Wang Liao Also, the comet strikes the moon. "
[Bai Hongguanri]
"Rainbow" is actually "halo" Optical phenomenon The appearance of this phenomenon is often an omen of the change of the weather, but the ancients natural phenomena It is regarded as an omen that something unusual will happen in the world. Such as《 Tang Ju fulfilled his mission 》:“ Nie Zheng Sting Han Gui Also, the white rainbow shines through the sun. " Han dynasty Zou Yang Book of Shangliang King in Prison 》: "Xi Jing Ke The justice of Mu Yandan, the white rainbow runs through the sun, and the prince is afraid of it. " Yan Prince Pill He raised Jingke so that he could stab the King of Qin. Before he left, the sky appeared, but the Prince Dan was afraid of him.
Canopy , constellation name, 16 stars in total Five Emperors Upper, present Cassiopeia In the old days, superstitions believed that people's fate had been violated Huagaixing , bad luck. Lu Xun Self mockery 》Poetry: "What do you want to transport the canopy? You have already met before you dare to turn over."
[Alternative name of the moon]
The moon is Ancient poetry and prose The most prominent described object of the mentioned natural objects. Its nickname can be divided into:
(1) Because the early moon is like a hook, it is called silver hook and jade hook.
(2) Because the crescent moon is like a bow, it is called jade bow and bow moon.
(3) Because the full moon is like a wheel, like a plate, like a mirror, it is called a gold wheel, a jade wheel, a silver plate, a jade plate, a gold mirror, and a jade mirror.
(4) Because it is said that there are rabbits and Toad , hence the name the moon Jade Hare , golden toad the moon Toad Palace.
(5) It is said that there are osmanthus trees in the middle of the moon, so they are called Guiyue, Guilun, Guigong and Guiling.
(6) It is said that Wide cold The two palaces are called Guanghan and Qingxu.
(7) Because it is said to be the god of moon driving Wangshu Therefore, the moon is called Wangshu.
(8) Because of legend Chang'e Living in the middle of the month, it is called Chang'e.
(9) Because people often compare beautiful women to the moon, the moon is called Chanjuan.
Ancient mythology Helios His name is Xihe, and he drives six hornless dragons across the sky. Dongxi refers to the rising sun. "Hurry to Weave": "When the east light is over, you will feel anxious when you are lying in a stiff bed." "When the east light is over, you will see that the sun has come out in the east.
It is the brightest star in the sky. Su Shi Words in Jiangchengzi:“ Can draw a carved bow like a full moon , looking northwest, Shoot Sirius 。” The allusions are all from the stars. The carved bow refers to the arrow star, and Sirius is Sirius. Qu Yuan《 Nine Odes 》There is also "Shoot Sirius with a long arrow", which is also called Sagittarius Star.
The second brightest star in the sky antarctic The brightest star in the constellation. People call it longevity. If people in the north can see it, it is auspicious and peaceful. Du Fu said in his poem, "Tonight, outside the South Pole, I am willing to be an old man star."
[Altair and Weaver Girl]
Morning Glory ”Altair Niulang Star , is the brightest star in the sky on summer and autumn nights, east of Yinhe River. woman weaver ”I.e Vega , west of the Milky Way, opposite Altair. Nineteen Old Poems 》:“ Altair far away , Jiaojiao Hehannu 。” Poets of Tang Dynasty Cao Tang Weaver Maid Embraces Morning Glory 》: "Beidou beauty tears, and her heart is broken."
Also known as Yinhan Tianhe Tianhan, Xinghan and Yunhan are a milky white bright belt across the sky, composed of more than 100 billion stars. Cao Cao Watching the sea 》: "The Star Han is brilliant, if it is out of it." chen ziang Farewell to Friends on a Spring Night: "The moon hides tall trees, and the river does not see the dawn." Su Shi《 Yangguan Song 》: "The twilight clouds overflow the cold, and the silver man turns the jade plate silently." Qin Guan The words of Queqiao Immortal:, The silver man is far away Darkness. "
One of the constellations. The old superstition said that Wenqu Star was the star in charge of literary fortune, and the person who was employed as a high-ranking official by the imperial court because of his good writing was Wenqu Star. as Wu Jingzi The move 》"These are the stars of Wenqu in the sky."
[Tiangang gang]
ancient Star name Refers to the handle of the Big Dipper. Taoism believes that there are 36 Tiangang stars and 72 Disha stars in the Big Dipper cluster. Under the influence of this superstition, the novel Water Margin has anchored Liangshan one hundred and eight The leaders of the big and small uprisings will be joined by Tiangang Star and Disha Star.
According to ancient superstitions, the dragon generates the cloud and the tiger generates the wind, which is called "cloud, dragon, wind and tiger". It is also said that there are abnormal clouds in the sky where the real dragon and the son of heaven were born, which can be seen by diviners. Such as《 Hongmen Feast 》: "I'm very popular. All of them are dragons and tigers Tianzi Qi Also. "
Lunar Calendar
A traditional calendar that has long been used in China Outlook The month is determined by the cycle of Average length Near the year of the return of the sun, because of this calendar arrangement twenty-four solar terms To guide agriculture Production activities , so it is called the lunar calendar, also called Chinese calendar Summer Calendar , commonly known as the lunar calendar. The ancients wrote articles, most of which were based on the lunar calendar. Such as《 Travel in Baochan Mountain 》"July of the first year of Zhihe"《 Shizhongshan 》"Ding Chou in June of the seventh year of Yuanfeng". June and July in the lunar calendar are equivalent to July and August in the Gregorian calendar.
Twenty four Solar Terms
It's China Ancient calendar An important part of. According to the position change of the sun within a year and the evolution order of the ground climate caused by it, the ancients divided 365 and 1/4 days of a year into 24 segments, which were divided into 12 months to reflect the four seasons, temperature phenology In other cases, this is the 24 solar terms. The month is divided into two sections, the first of which is called "solar term", and the middle of which is called "medium gas". twenty-four solar terms The name and order of is:
the first month of the lunar year Beginning of Spring Rainwater wakes the insects in February, spring equinox
Tomb sweeping Day in March grain rain April Beginning of summer grain full
Grain in Ear in May, Summer Solstice in June Sunstroke , severe heat
Beginning of autumn in July and beginning of summer in August White dew , autumnal equinox
Cold dew in September, frost in October, light snow
Heavy snow in November, winter solstice in December slight cold , Severe cold
In order to facilitate memory, people have compiled a ballad: "Spring rains startle spring and clear the valley sky, summer is full of sunshine, summer is connected with summer, autumn is exposed, autumn is cold and frost falls, winter is snowy, winter is mild and severe cold." In ancient poetry and prose, 24 solar terms are often used to record the day, such as《 Yangzhou Slow 》:“ Ayden C applied until the end of the day, and was encouraged. " The summer solstice has the longest day and the winter solstice has the shortest day, so the ancients called the summer solstice and the winter solstice as the solstice, which here refers to the winter solstice.
Early Sun
About November in the lunar calendar, after the winter solstice and before the beginning of spring. At this time, Yang Qi begins to move, so it is called "Chuyang". Southeast Fly the Peacocks 》: "In the early days of my life, the Xie family came to your door."
Four Hours
finger spring, summer, autumn and winter Four seasons. In the lunar calendar, the first month, February and March are spring, which are called Meng Chun Midspring Jichun Taking April, May and June as summer months, they are called Meng Xia, Zhong Xia and Ji Xia respectively; Autumn, winter and so on. Ouyang Xiu Record of the Old Tippler's Pavalion 》: "The wind and frost are noble and clean. When the water falls and the stones come out, there are four seasons in the mountains."
Community Day
Ancient Peasant Sacrifice village god The Spring Equinox is around the Spring Equinox. Everlasting Happiness: "Looking back, Fo Li Temple Next, there is a holy crow club drum. " Community drum refers to the drums used to worship the land god on the community day.
lunar calendar July 7th , folk Qixi Qiqiao Customs. It is said that it is the night of the gathering of cowherd and weaver girl. Southeast Fly the Peacocks 》"From the seventh day to the ninth day, never forget when you play."
Next Nine
The 19th day of each month in the lunar calendar is a day for women to get together
[Trunk and branch]
Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches Collectively. Tiangan: A, B, C, D, E, Ji, Geng, Xin, Ren, Gui; Local branches: Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu, Hai. Ten Gan He Twelve branches Match in sequence to form 60 Basic unit The ancients took this as Year, month, day The sequence number of, is“ Discipline of trunk and branch ”。 Such as《 Feng Wanzhen 》: "Xianfeng Geng Shen Anglo French Allied Forces The invasion of the White Sea. " Xianfeng , the year of the emperor; Gengshen is the year of Ganzhi.