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Temple of Heaven

Stars in the Temple of Heaven
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Temple of Heaven (μ Ara/μ Arae) is a similar sunlight The orange star of Temple of Heaven , about 50 from the earth Light year This star has Planetary system There are already four planets, three of which have the same mass as Jupiter Quite. The innermost one is the first one found“ Hot Neptune "。
Chinese name
Temple of Heaven
Foreign name
μ Ara / μ Arae
fixed star
Distance from Earth
About 50 Light year

Distance and visibility

basis Hipparchus Astrometry Satellite measurement display to earth The distance around the sun is the baseline parallax 65.46 Picosecond , which means that its distance from the earth is 49.8 Light year (15.3 Second gap ) 。 Seeing this star from the earth Apparent magnitude Yes+5.12 Yes Naked eye The stars can be seen.

Stellar characteristics

Temple of Heaven Mass ratio of sunlight Slightly larger, estimated at 1.1 Solar mass be based on iron Is twice as abundant as the sun and is classified as Metal rich star The surface temperature is similar to the sun, about 5800 K Estimate its radius 31.5% larger than the sun, luminosity It is 75% brighter than the sun.
In terms of its age, it is expected that Chromosphere According to the observed activity level, different from the theoretical model, the age of Temple of Heaven μ should be 6410 million years or 1450 million years. Another way to estimate age is to match Stellar evolution The age suggested by this method is about 4.4 billion years.
Temple of Heaven μ Spectrum type It is G3IV – V. G3 means that the color of this star is yellow, similar to our sun (G2V). This star may be about to exhaust its core hydrogen , about to enter Subgiant And this is reflected in its brightness Classification is between IV( Subgiant )And V( Main sequence star A sun like dwarf star).

Planetary system

Compared with our solar system, the orbits of the three planets outside the Temple of Heaven μ are not drawn to scale. In the scale of this picture, the innermost planet position is on the edge of the central star disk.
In August 2006, four stars around the Temple of Heaven planet When it was found, three of the larger ones were gas giant , size and Jupiter Approach. The fourth on the innermost side has a mass close to Uranus , may be a small gas giant, or a large terrestrial planet


In 2001, British Australian Planetary Search The team announced that it had found Temple of Heaven μ b And planetary orbits around the Reticulum epsilon. This one is marked as Temple of Heaven μ b Of the planets, thought to be high centrifugal The orbital period is 743 days. The discovery is based on the analysis of stars pulled by planets gravitation Resulting radial velocity (Measurement Stellar spectral line Of Doppler shift )Change.
Further observation shows that there is another celestial bodies (Altar of Heaven μ c) exists. This discovery was published in 2004, but there were still very few parameters about this planet at that time, only its orbital period was about 8.2 year And has a high eccentricity.
In late 2004, a smaller and more inboard planet was identified as Temple of Heaven, μ d , the quality is about the same as Uranus Similarly, the revolution cycle is only 9 day This is the first "hot Neptune" type planet discovered, using high-precision High precision radial velocity planet search (HARPS) Spectrograph Measure radial velocity.
In 2006, two groups, led by Krzysztof Go ź dziewski and Francesco Pepe, independently announced the use of radial velocity to measure the fourth planet. The newly discovered planet is named Temple of Heaven μ e and runs in a nearly circular orbit with a period of about 311 days. The new model modifies the previously known parameters of the planet and makes the planet run at a lower eccentricity than the previous model. Temple of Heaven μ is the successor 55 Cancri After that, the second one with four planets Outer solar system

System structure

The system of Temple of Heaven μ includes a planet with the mass of Uranus, which is close to the inner side with an orbital period of 9 days, and three massive planets that may all be gas giants, which operate in a nearly circular orbit in a wide space (compared with the high eccentricity observed for a long time Extrasolar planets ). Uranus mass planets may be giant planets whose peripheral gas is stripped by star radiation nucleus , may be a Chthonian planet Another possible choice is that the inner side of the μ system of the Temple of Heaven is dominated by rocks“ Super Earth "。
The gas giants "e" and "b" close to the inner side are at 1:2 Resonance orbit , making them have a strong interaction. The most suitable solution is that the system is actually unstable: the numerical simulation believes that the system will be destroyed after 78 million years, so it is estimated that the age of the system is significantly shorter than that of the solar system. The more stable solution, including that these two planets are actually resonant parts (similar to Gliese 876 ) is only slightly better than the worst case (it is also doomed to be destroyed).
yes Astrolabe The evidence searched shows that there is no similar phenomenon near the Temple of Heaven Ancient cypress belt The debris is surrounded by. If there is no ancient cypress belt in Temple of Heaven, it may be too dim to be detected by the instrument.


The gas giant star "b" is located at the distance where μ in the Temple of Heaven can keep water liquid. This may inhibit the Earth like planets from Habitable zone Internal formation, but the size of gas giant stars Natural satellite or Troy It can still maintain the existence of liquid water. In other words, considering the existing calibration method with mass between planets and satellites, it is not clear whether there are satellites with enough mass to form and surround gas giant stars. In addition, measure the ultraviolet rays flow Any potential Habitable Neither planet nor satellite receives enough ultraviolet light to trigger Biomolecule Formation of.
Planet "e" may receive as much ultraviolet radiation as the earth, so it is located at UV habitable area But it is too hot there to keep liquid water on the surface of the satellite

Disputes over the naming of planets

This article is right Exoplanet Are named in the order of discovery, in lowercase Roman alphabet Start with "b". This system was used by the team led by Go ź dziewski. This article uses this method to express, and is compatible with the previous model of three planets.
On the other hand, the team led by Pepe proposed to modify the naming system, ranking the planets according to the characteristics described. Because the parameters of the outermost planets are suppressed, the previous model did not introduce the four planets enough, resulting in different arrangement of planets in the Altar of Heaven. Both systems agree that the 670 day cycle planet is "b". Pepe system names the planet with a cycle of 9 days as "c", the planet with a cycle of 310 days as "d", and the outermost planet as "e".
because International Astronomical Union The official method of naming exoplanets has not yet been defined, so what is "correct" is still an open issue. [1]

Physical characteristics

1.10 ± 0.05 M☉
1.3150 ± 0.0190 R☉
1.75 ± 0.10 L☉
5813 ± 40 K
210 ± 20%
31 days
6 billion 410 million year