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Soybean( Glycine max (L.) Merr.) Leguminosae Glycine Of herb , 30-90cm high. soybean protein The content is 35%~40%. [9] Genetically modified soybeans: rolling round. [14] The soybean stem is thick, upright, and densely covered with brown long bristles. Leaves usually 3-foliolate; Stipules veined, yellow pilose; Petiole length 2-20 cm; Leaflets broadly ovate, papery; Racemes short with few flowers, long with many flowers; The total pedicel usually has 5-8 sessile, tightly crowded flowers; Bract Lanceolate, strigose; Bracteoles lanceolate, appressed setae; Calyx lanceolate, purple, lavender or white flowers, with petiole at the base, Pterygoid flap Castor shaped. Pods Hypertrophy, slightly curved, pendulous, yellowish green, densely covered with brown yellow long hair; There are 2-5 seeds, which are oval and nearly spherical. The seed coat is smooth, and there are various kinds of light green, yellow, brown and black seeds. Flowering from June to July, fruiting from July to September. [13]
Originated in China, it is cultivated in all parts of China and widely cultivated in the world. Soybean is one of the important grain crops in China. It has been cultivated for five thousand years Shu Northeast China is the main production area. Its seeds are rich in plant protein, and the soybean protein content is 35%~40%. [8] Soybean is most commonly used to make various bean products and extract Soybean oil Brewing soy sauce And protein extraction. [1] [7]
April 2023 The national breeding joint research team for wheat, corn and soybean launched the pilot project of implementing substantive derived variety (EDV) system [12]
Chinese name
Latin name
Glycine max (L.) Merr. [11]
soybean Soybean Shu
Leguminales [7]
Butterfly subfamily
Kidney bean family
Distribution area
China U.S.A Brazil Isozone
Named by and date
(L.) Merr,1917

Cultivation history

Soybean is an annual herb and the most important legume in the world. Soybean originated in China, and most Chinese scholars believe that its origin is in the Yunnan Guizhou Plateau. There are many botanist It is believed to be derived from Wusuli soybeans originating in China. The cultivated soybeans are grown from wild soybeans for a long time Directional selection It is improved and domesticated.
Soybean originated in China, which can be proved by a large number of ancient Chinese documents. Chinese Sima Qian The first article in the Records of the Historian (145-93 BC)《 Five Emperors' History 》Wrote in:“ Emperor Yan If you want to invade the Ling princes, they will return to Xuanyuan. Xuanyuan cultivates virtue and inspires soldiers, governs five qi, bows five kinds, comforts people and celebrates the four sides. " Zheng Xuan said, "There are five kinds, namely, millet, millet, beans, wheat and rice." Sima Qian wrote in "Records of the Historian, Vol. 217": "The bottom of the shop is the Shu", which shows that the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan had planted Shu. " Zhu Shaohou Editor in chief《 Ancient Chinese History 》When talking about the economic and cultural development of the Shang Dynasty (16th - 11th century BC)( Wheat ), chaff, rice, bean (soybean), etc《 Oracle inscriptions 》。” Bomuhua pointed out: "For China, before 1000 BC Shang Dynasty The oracle bone inscriptions of the time, of course, are very limited. In terms of crops, it was identified that millet, millet, beans, wheat, rice, mulberry, etc. were the main crops that people depended on at that time. " Qing Yan Kejun proofread《 The whole ancient three dynasties, Qin, Han, Three Kingdoms and Six Dynasties 》Volume 1 points out: "Soybeans are born in Huai trees. They come from the valley of Ju stone. They mature in 90 days. They mature in 60 days. If they grow in 150 days, they should not grow in Mao."
It has been cultivated in China for 5000 years since ancient times. It is widely planted in China and is produced in Northeast China, North China, Shaanxi, Sichuan and the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. It is mainly cultivated in the Yangtze River basin and southwest China, and the northeast soybean has the best quality. It was introduced into the United States in 1804; In the middle of the 20th century, it became an important crop in the South and Midwest of the United States. Soybeans cultivated in the world are spread directly or indirectly from China. Because of its high nutritional value, it is called "the king of beans", "meat in the field", "green milk", etc. It is the most respected food among hundreds of natural foods by nutritionists.
April 2023 The national breeding joint research team for wheat, corn and soybean launched the implementation of substantive derived variety (EDV) system pilot, promoting the original innovation of breeding and solving the problem of seed homogeneity from the source. [12]

morphological character

Annual herb, 30-90 cm high. Stems are stout, erect, or the upper part is nearly twining, the upper part is more or less angulate, densely covered with brown long bristles. Leaves usually 3-foliolate; Stipules broadly ovate, acuminate, 3-7 mm long, veined, yellow pilose; Petiole 2-20 cm long, sparsely pubescent or angulate when young and bristly; The leaflets are papery, broadly ovate, nearly round or elliptic lanceolate, with a larger terminal one, 5-12 cm long and 2.5-8 cm wide, the apex gradually pointed or nearly round, rare obtuse, with a small cusp, the base is wide cuneate or round, the lateral leaflets are small, obliquely ovate, usually with scattered coarse hairs on both sides or no hair below; 5 lateral veins on each side; Stipules lanceolate, 1-2 mm long; The petiole is 1.5-4 mm long and covered with yellowish brown bristles.
Racemes short with few flowers, long with many flowers; The total pedicel is 10-35 mm or longer, and usually has 5-8 sessile, tightly crowded flowers. The flowers at the lower part of the plant sometimes grow singly or in pairs between the leaf axils; Bracts lanceolate, 2-3 mm long, strigose; Bracteoles lanceolate, 2-3 mm long, appressed setae; The calyx is 4-6 mm long, densely covered with long bristles or coarse hairs, often deeply split into two lipped, lobes 5, lanceolate, the upper two lobes are often united above the middle, the lower three lobes are separated, all densely covered with white villous, purple, lavender or white, 4.5-8 (10) mm long, the flag petal is obovate and nearly round, the apex is slightly concave and usually inverted, the base has a petiole, the wing petal is castor shaped, and the base is narrow, With petiole and ear, keel oblique obovate, with short petiole; Stamen dimorphism; There are undeveloped glands and hairs at the base of ovary.
Pods Hypertrophy, oblong, slightly curved, pendulous, yellowish green, 4-7.5cm long, 8-15mm wide, densely covered with brown yellow long hair; 2-5 seeds, oval, nearly spherical, ovoid to oblong, about 1cm long and 5-8mm wide, smooth seed coat, light green, yellow, brown and black, etc., vary with varieties, and the hilum is obvious and oval. Flowering from June to July, fruiting from July to September. [2]

Distinction of recent species

Wild soybean
3 leaflets, broadly ovate, nearly round or elliptic lanceolate, apex acuminate or nearly round, base broadly cuneate or nearly round, lateral leaflets oblique.
Leaves 3-foliolate, 14 cm long; The terminal leaflets are ovoid or ovoid lanceolate, 3.5-6 cm long, the apex is acute or blunt, the base is round, both sides are densely covered with silky strigose, and the lateral leaflets are oblique.
The pods are oblong, 4-7.5cm long, 0.8-1.5cm wide, densely covered with tawny long hairs; The seeds are oval or nearly ovoid, smooth, light green, yellow, brown and black, etc., which vary from variety to variety.
The pod is oblong, 1.7-2.3 cm long, 4-5 mm wide, slightly curved, flat on both sides, slightly constricted between seeds, easy to split after drying, with 2-3 seeds.
The seeds are oval or nearly ovoid, smooth, and the color varies with varieties. [2]
Seeds elliptic, slightly flat, 2.5-4 mm long, 1.8-2.5 mm wide, brown or black. [15]
Wild soybean

geographical distribution

Soybean is native to China and cultivated in all parts of China Heilongjiang soybean It is the most famous and widely cultivated all over the world. [2]

Growth habit

Soybeans are warm in nature. The seeds begin to germinate at 10-12 ℃, and the optimum temperature is 15-20 ℃. The optimum temperature for growth is 20-25 ℃. The optimum temperature for flowering and pod setting is 20-28 ℃. The pod setting is delayed under low temperature, and the plants cannot blossom below 14 ℃. If the temperature is too high, the growth of plants will end early. Seed germination requires more water, and the soil water content is required to be 70% - 80% during flowering, otherwise Bud The abscission rate increased. The amount of fertilizer absorbed by soybean before flowering was less than 15% of the total amount, while the amount of fertilizer absorbed by soybean during flowering and pod setting accounted for more than 80% of the total amount.

Main categories

Soybean generally refers to its seeds. According to soybean seeds seed coat Color and grain shape are divided into three categories: Yellow soybean , green soybeans (green beans) Black soybean (Black beans).
Yellow soybean is the most widely planted variety of soybean. Yellow soybeans are most commonly used to make various soybean products, brew soy sauce and extract protein. Bean dregs Or ground into coarse powder livestock Feed.
Green soybean is a kind of soybean with green seed coat. According to the color of its cotyledons, it can be divided into green skinned green kernel soybeans and green skinned yellow kernel soybeans. Green beans are rich in unsaturated fatty acids and Soybean lecithin , rich in saponins Protease inhibitor isoflavone , molybdenum, selenium and other anti-cancer ingredients, rich in protein and fiber, it is also the body's intake of vitamin A vitamin C and vitamin K , and one of the main sources of vitamin B.
Green soybean
Black soybean is the black seed of the leguminous plant soybean. Also known as Ludou, black beans, etc., it is sweet and mild in taste. Black soybeans have the characteristics of high protein and low calorie, with black skin and yellow or green inside.
Black soybean
Forage beans (forage beans): generally, the seeds are small, oblong and oblong, with concave dots on two leaves, and the seed coat is slightly shiny or dull. The sensory quality index of soybean also requires that the limit of heterochromatic grains is 5%, and the limit of feed beans (forage beans) is 1%, and other substances shall not be mixed. [5]

cultivation techniques


Deep fertilization

Deep fertilization
Fertilization method: In general, the fertilizer seeds are separated and applied 4-5cm below the seed side. The amount of fertilizer can be adjusted. When more than 20 kg of diammonium phosphate is applied per 667 square meters, it can be applied in layers: the depth of the upper layer seed fertilizer is 5-7 cm, and the amount of fertilizer application accounts for 1/3; The depth of base fertilizer is 10-16 cm, and the amount of fertilization accounts for 2/3. Or after the previous crop is harvested, the fermented organic fertilizer is evenly spread on the ground, and then the fertilizer is raked into the soil with a rake. After the dung and soil are fully mixed, the deep turning is carried out. After turning, the raking bottle is used for heavy and fine ridging, and the soybean can also be planted flat.

Fine seeding

Reasonable rotation: It is better to choose the right stubble instead of heavy and opposite stubble planting.
Careful land preparation: According to the previous crop, turn over in the summer and autumn, with a depth of 22-25cm. During the operation, do not lift large soil blocks, open strips and blocks, and tighten, not heavy, and not leak.
Soil moisture: The soil moisture content (dry soil weight%) after land preparation should be about 22% when sowing to ensure that the seeds can absorb water and sprout normally.
Suitable sowing time: Summer sown soybeans can be sown as long as the moisture content is suitable after the wheat harvest. The best sowing date is from June 10 to 25, and it can not be later than the first ten days of July at the latest.

Field management

Hoeing and intertillage:
(1) Before the first compound leaf, hoes are everywhere, so as to clear the seedlings, not damage the seedlings, and loosen the topsoil.
(2) When the seedling height is about 10 cm, the second intertillage shall be carried out to ensure that the seedling is not damaged, pressed or leaked.
⑶ The third time shall be carried out about 10 days after the second time of intertillage, so as to achieve deep loosening and more soil loading.
Weeding before seedling: The most commonly used spectral herbicides used in production are prast and guanomyl, which are both effective against a variety of gramineous weeds and broad-leaved weeds in soybean fields. Dosage: 5% Pushite aqueous solution, 1.5-2 kg per hectare; 48% Guangmeiling emulsifiable concentrates, 2-2.5 kg per hectare. Pushite, Dousulfuron methyl and Guangmeiling can be kept in the soil for a long time, and special attention should be paid to the damage to subsequent crops.
Weeding after seedling:
⑴ Types of herbicides Herbicides suitable for early emergence: Pushit is the most commonly used herbicide in production. Apply the medicine when the weeds are just unearthed, generally no later than the double leaf stage of soybean. The dosage of Pushite for early emergence is: 5% Pushite water agent is 1-1.5 kg per hectare, and should not exceed 1.5 kg. It shall be applied in the weather with high humidity before and after rainfall, avoiding the hot and dry noon and windy weather.
⑵ The dosage of 12% Nacapting emulsion is 1-1.5 kg per hectare; 15% grams of refined grass, and the dosage per hectare is 0.75-1kg; 5% refined grass gram emulsifiable concentrates, 24% Kekuole emulsifiable concentrates, and the dosage per hectare is 0.33-0.75kg.
⑶ The herbicides applied at the late emergence stage during the application period are generally applied at 2-3 compound leaves stage of soybeans. In the year with good soil moisture in spring, the pesticide can be applied earlier, and the lower limit of the dosage is generally adopted. It is dry in spring, so it can be applied later, and the upper limit of dosage is generally adopted.

Summer sowing technology

Pre sowing irrigation: about soil moisture For poor plots with irrigation conditions, irrigation can be conducted once before sowing to facilitate seed germination after sowing. Close and weed the field in combination with irrigation.
Sowing date: Because of the short growing season of summer sowing soybean, it is important to sow it early at the right time. Sowing at the right time, with high seedling protection rate, neat and healthy emergence, good growth and development, and thick stems.
Reasonable close planting: Reasonable close planting is to correctly handle the relationship between individuals and groups under the specific conditions of the local and the time, so as to maximize the development of groups and individuals; Make full use of the light energy and soil power per unit area; Under the same cultivation conditions, the best economic benefits can be obtained. It can be sown on the ridge, which can increase the sown area and improve the taste of soybeans. [3]

Autumn sowing technology

soil preparation: After ploughing, the paddy field shall be divided into compartments, with the compartment width of 2-3 meters, row spacing of 3 meters, and hole spacing of 0.33 meters. 2-3 seeds per hole, with a density of about 30000 plants per mu.
Timely seeding: Generally, the seeds will be sown before August 10, with a seeding amount of 8-10 kg per mu.
Reasonable fertilization: 25 kg calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer mixed with 500 kg soil miscellaneous fertilizer is used as seed covering fertilizer per mu; At the early flowering stage, 3-5 kg urea per mu should be applied according to the seedling situation, 40-50 kg urea per mu should be used for 2% calcium superphosphate clarification solution, 30-40 kg ammonium molybdate 0.05% diluent per mu should be used for podding, and both should be sprayed on the leaf surface; Or spray 0.1% borax solution on the leaf surface to improve grain plumpness.
Field management: In case of high temperature during sowing, irrigation shall be carried out after sowing. If the water is insufficient after sowing, watering can be carried out in the evening. In the 3-leaf stage and the time of seedling and seeding, the general seeding density is 30000-40000 plants per mu. After seeding, 6-8kg urea should be applied in time per mu. Timely intertillage and weeding. Generally, intertillage and weeding shall be carried out 2-3 times, and soil shall also be cultivated.

Disease and insect control



Gray spot disease
Gray spot disease
Hazard characteristics: Soybean grey spot It mainly damages adult leaves, and also infects seedlings, stems, pods and seeds. The cotyledons of young seedlings born with diseased grains appear semicircular or round brown spots. At the adult stage, the disease spots on the leaves were initially greenish round spots, and gradually developed into frog eye like spots with brown edges, gray or grayish brown centers, so it is also called frog eye disease. Irregular disease spots can also be formed in the later stage. When wet, the central part of the spot on the back of the leaf is densely covered with gray mold layer, which is the conidium of the pathogen. In serious cases, the disease spots are all over the leaf surface, and the disease spots are combined, and the leaves wither and fall off. The stem spot is spindle shaped or oval, and the pod spot is round or oval. Because the pod is hairy, it is not easy to see the mold layer. The disease spots on the seeds are similar to those on the leaves, most of which are round frog eyes.
Prevention methods:
(1) In wet and rainy areas at seedling stage, 50% thiram or 50% carbendazim shall be used for seed dressing, and 0.3 kg shall be used for every 100 kg of seeds;
(2) For susceptible varieties, spray at the early stage of disease or at the susceptible stage of pods and seeds in densely growing soybean fields to control the disease spots on the seeds. Common medicaments include 40% carbendazim gum suspension or 50% carbendazim wettable powder, 100g per mu, or 100g of 50% thiophanate methyl, and 80kg - 100kg spray of water. Depending on the development of the disease, the interval is 7 to 10 days, 2 to 3 times in total.
Mycosis : There are spot blight, gray spot, downy mildew and rust that damage dark leaves, of which downy mildew is widespread; Phytophthora blight, sclerotinia sclerotiorum and anthrax are harmful to roots and stems. Breeding for disease resistance against phytophthora blight; Prevention and control of other wheel leaning methods. Purple spot disease and black spot disease are harmful to seeds, and seeds are treated with chemicals.
Bacterial disease There are spot disease and macula disease, and some can be controlled by disease resistant breeding.
a virus : There are many species. Mosaic virus is widespread and harmful in the Yangtze River valley and the Huang Huai Plain of China. Use virus free seeds, eliminate vector insects, and prevent disease through breeding.
heterodera glycines ichinohe Root knot nematode disease : Adopt reasonable rotation and disease resistance breeding control. The main insect pests include heart eater, meadow moth, pod borer, bean stalk fly, bean stalk black miner, red spider and aphid, which are mainly controlled by chemicals. Dodder In the Huang Huai Plain, the damage is very serious, and seed cleaning, biological control and crop rotation control are adopted.

Insect pest

Soybean spider
Soybean spider
Hazard characteristics: Soybean spider It is mainly adult, young and nymph mites that feed on the juice by netting on the leaf silk on the back of the leaf. The damaged bean leaves show yellow white spots at the initial stage, and gradually become gray white spots and red spots. In serious cases, the leaves will shrink, withered and scorched, and the serious land will burn like fire. The affected bean plant grows short, bears small pods, and the beans become smaller. The preventive measures are as follows:
Agricultural control : Weeds, dead branches and fallen leaves on the land, roadside and field shall be removed, and the land shall be plowed to eliminate overwintering insect sources. Reasonable irrigation and fertilization can promote the healthy growth of plants and enhance the anti mite ability.
Biological control : The important natural enemies of soybean red spider include many kinds of lacewings, thrips, thrips and some ladybugs Long bug and spider They prey on red spiders in the field and have a certain resistance to their occurrence.
chemical control : Strengthen the pest inspection and control the occurrence stage of spots and patches. When it is found that there are scattered yellow and white spots on the leaves of bean plants, spray them immediately. 20% pyridazinon emulsifiable concentrates, 20% dicofol emulsifiable concentrates, 30% dicofol emulsifiable concentrates, 40% isocarbophos, etc. can be diluted to 1000 times liquid, and 50 kg diluent can be sprayed per mu; 73% Kemite emulsifiable concentrate 1500 times diluent, 50 kg of medicated solution per mu. The spraying head shall be upward, and the spraying shall be thorough and even.
Hazard characteristics : Larvae often bite off seedlings from the ground, resulting in lack of seedlings and ridge cutting. After the main stem becomes lignified, they feed on the root epidermis of plants near the ground, causing root injuries, affecting the absorption of water by the root, and causing the plants to gradually wither and die.
Agricultural control : ⑴ The stubble should be selected properly. The previous stubble should not be corn field, but should be rotated with wheat and rice. ⑵ Turn over in autumn and irrigate in winter in time to eliminate the source of insects, and remove weeds from the field in early spring.
Trap control : ⑴ Black light traps and kills adults. ⑵ Sucrose and vinegar bait and kill adults.
Chemical control : ⑴ Spraying: The resistance of the first to third instar larvae is poor and they are exposed to the host plants or the ground, which is the appropriate time for chemical control. 90% crystal trichlorfon 800-1000 times solution, 50% phoxim emulsifiable concentrate 800 times solution, 50% fenitrothion 1000-2000 times solution, 20% chrysanthemum emulsifiable concentrate 1000-1500 times solution, 2.5% deltamethrin (DDM) emulsifiable concentrate 3000 times solution can be used for spraying. ⑵ Poison bait: It is mostly used when feeding after the third age. 0.5 kg of 2.5% trichlorfon powder or 1000 times of 90% crystal trichlorfon liquid are evenly mixed on the chopped fresh grass per mu, or 90% crystal trichlorfon plus 2.5-5 kg of water are evenly mixed with 50 kg of fried incense wheat bran Or crushed cottonseed cake (oil residue), 50% Phoxim 50g of emulsifiable concentrate is mixed on 5kg cottonseed cake, and the poison bait is scattered into small piles at certain intervals in the vegetable field in the evening.
Soybean moth
Soybean moth
Hazard characteristics: The newly hatched larvae gather at the back of the leaves to eat the mesophyll and leave the vein. Later, they will spread out to harm, bite the leaves into notches and holes, and when the population density is high, they can eat all the leaves, causing plant weakness and yield decline. When the larvae mature, they will cocoon and pupate on the back of the leaves, and the cocoons are dark brown.
Prevention methods: ⑴ Light traps and kills adults. ⑵ If necessary, spray 90% crystal trichlorfon 800 times solution or 80% dichlorvos emulsifiable concentrates 1000 times solution, and spray 75 liters of the right solution every 667 square meters. ⑶ It is recommended to spray 700-800 times liquid containing 10 billion spores of Bacillus thuringiensis powder per gram.
Soybean borer
Soybean borer
Hazard characteristics: The bean pods are eaten by the larvae. Before the larvae enter the pod, they are covered with a white silk screen, usually from the joint of the pod, and the damaged beans are bitten into channels or broken.
Prevention methods: (1) For dichlorvos fumigation, during the peak period of adults (when the number of moths in the field suddenly increases, the phenomenon of agglomeration occurs, which is the peak period of adults. Most years, it is from August 12 to 18), use 100 to 150 ml of 80% dichlorvos emulsifiable concentrate per mu, cut the corn cob or sunflower stem pulp into about 5 cm long sections, soak it with dichlorvos liquid medicine, and press the density of a stick 5 meters ahead every four ridges, Clamp the medicine stick on the soybean branch fork. This fumigation method is applicable to the soybean fields with luxuriant growth and dark ridges, and the control effect can reach more than 90%. ⑵ For powder spraying, use 20% fenitrothion powder, 2% fenitrothion powder, 1.5% methyl 1605 powder, or 3% mixed methomyl powder, 1.5-2 kg per mu. ⑶ Spray, use 25% Kuaisaling EC or other pyrethroids, 25-30ml per mu of water, spray the nozzle upward from the bean root with a backpack sprayer, so that the lower branches and leaves and the back of the top leaves are coated. This method has a good effect on controlling adults no matter how the soybean grows.
Soybean aphid
Soybean aphid
Hazard characteristics: Soybean aphids have the habit of tenderizing. Adults and nymphs stab and suck juice on the growing points, top leaves and tender stems of soybean plants, which are full of stems and leaves in serious cases, and young plants are also damaged, resulting in leaf curling, yellowing, short plants, poor root development, reduced number of branches and pods, decreased weight of 100 seeds, reduced yield, and even death of the whole plant.
Prevention methods: ⑴ Seed treatment, coating with soybean seed coating agent, can control underground pests and early aphids. ⑵ Powder spraying: 1.5% dimethoate powder, 1.5% methionine powder or 2% fenitrothion powder, 1.5-2 kg per mu. ⑶ Spray with 40% dimethoate emulsifiable concentrates, 50% Aphizin emulsifiable concentrates or 50% phoxim emulsifiable concentrates 1500-2000 times.

Key values



Soybean is an ideal high-quality vegetable protein food. Eating more soybean and soybean products is conducive to human growth and health.
Soybean is very rich in nutrients. Its protein content is 2.5~8 times higher than that of cereal and potato food. Except for low sugar, other nutrients, such as fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and other essential nutrients for human body, are higher than that of cereal and potato food. It is an ideal high-quality vegetable protein food.
In the ancient Greek mythology, Demeter, the goddess of agriculture, gave a soybean to her daughter Pushypheni, who was away from home, saying that it could "eliminate evil and prevent diseases." But soon, the kind-hearted Pushypheni left this soybean to human beings to breed and multiply, becoming a major crop in the world.
Soybean products are common food on people's table. Scientists have found that eating more soybean protein can prevent chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and tumor.
Soybean contains about 40% protein and 20% fat, while beef, chicken and fish contain 20%, 21% and 22% protein respectively. Soybean protein contains a variety of amino acids, especially the essential amino acids that cannot be synthesized by human body are relatively balanced, among which lysine and tryptophan are high, accounting for 6.05% and 1.22% respectively. The nutritional value of soybean is only inferior to meat, milk and eggs, so it has the reputation of "plant meat".
Soybean plays an important role in human health. Soybean contains protein, fat, carbohydrate, carotene, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, nicotinic acid, etc., as well as soybean oligosaccharides, isoflavones, saponins, nucleic acids and other health factors that are very precious to human health.
Soybean oligosaccharide is the general name of low molecular soluble sugar in soybean, which has the characteristics of low sweetness, low heat, acid resistance and high temperature resistance. Physiologically, soybean oligosaccharides have strong activity, which can promote the growth of bifidobacteria in human body, fundamentally regulate the gastrointestinal function of human body, inhibit the growth of harmful intestinal flora, and prevent constipation and diarrhea.
Soybean contains a variety of physiological active substances that are very beneficial to human health, such as soybean isoflavones Soybean lecithin , soybean polypeptide, soybean dietary fiber, etc. The estrogen like effect of soy isoflavones is beneficial to arterial health and prevent bone loss. Women should take more soy protein from plants. Soybean flour can amplify the nutritional effect of protein and increase the intake of high-quality vegetable protein in the diet.
Soybean is rich in vitamin E. Vitamin E can not only destroy the chemical activity of free radicals, inhibit skin aging, but also prevent pigmentation in the skin. [6]
 soybean soybean soybean soybean soybean soybean soybean soybean soybean soybean soybean soybean soybean soybean


  • Dietotherapy herb 》: "Nourishing qi and moistening skin".
  • Summary of this draft 》"Boiling juice can moisten the spleen and dryness, so it can eliminate dysentery".
  • Daily Materia Medica: "Broaden the middle and lower the qi, benefit the large intestine, eliminate swelling, and treat swelling and toxin."
  • Fengyuan in this sutra 》: "If you eat poison by mistake, the soybean is raw, mashed, ground, and poured with water. If you can't spit out all the bacteria poison, you should drink it with thick decoction, and then try to have carbuncle and malodorous abdominal pain, and chew it with the raw soybean. If it is sweet but not disgusting, it is the true sign of carbuncle pus and malodorous blood stasis on the upper part." [4]
  • "Collection of Guizhou Folk Prescriptions and Medicines": "It is used for lactation; external application at the end of research can stop bleeding from knife wounds and remove furuncles."
  • Fermented seeds (light lobster sauce): bitter, pungent, cool. Solve the exterior, eliminate troubles, and spread the heat. It is used for colds, cold and hot headaches, irritability, chest tightness, and restlessness.


Soybean can be processed into bean products such as tofu, soymilk, beancurd, and can also be refined Soybean isoflavone Among them, fermented bean products include sufu, stinky tofu, bean paste, soy sauce, lobster sauce, natto, etc. Non fermented bean products include water bean curd, dried bean curd (100 pages), bean sprouts, stewed bean products, fried bean products, smoked bean products, fried bean products, frozen bean products, dried bean products, etc. In addition, soy flour is a high protein food instead of meat, which can be made into a variety of foods, including baby food.


Stems, leaves and bean dregs are also good fertilizers and feeds, [16 ] After extracting human edible oil from soybean, the remaining by-product is soybean cake, which is a high-quality protein feed. It is a high-quality protein feed for ruminant livestock such as chickens, pigs, cows and beef cattle. Among them, soybean cake refers to the residual cake of soybean after pressing and deoiling, which is shaped as round cake after hydraulic pressure and thin slice after spiral oil pressing. When used as feed, it can be used only after being crushed first. Because it has fragrance after being crushed, domestic animals like it very much.


  • Soybean oil: Soybean oil produced by soybean processing is one of the important edible oils. It belongs to semi dry oil and is a good vegetable oil. It is an important source of human unsaturated fatty acids, can play a role in lowering cholesterol, and also has an auxiliary therapeutic effect on hypertension and cardiovascular disease. The refined soybean oil formed by refining soybean oil is mainly used for food. After deep processing, soybean oil can produce the following products or provide important raw materials for them.
  • Soybean lecithin: it is beneficial to the development of human nervous system; It is widely used in candy and food industry, medicine, paper making and leather making.
  • Shortening and margarine: used in food processing industry.
  • Stearic acid: Soybean is the main source of high-purity stearic acid, which is mainly used to manufacture food emulsifiers, ore flotation agents, soaps and candles.
  • Glycerin: It is an important raw material for gunpowder, medicine and paper making.
  • Paint: The paint made from the mixture of soybean oil and tung oil or linseed oil is tough and used for outdoor paint.
  • Automobile spray paint: It is made from soybean oil, with good quality, natural color, and free from sunlight oxidation.
  • Oxidized soybean oil: It is processed from soybeans and can replace lubricating oil for automobiles, ships, machinery, etc. by increasing its specific gravity and viscosity. High grade lubricating oil made with fish oil can be used for aircraft.
  • Other products: Soybean oil mixed with alcohol can be used to make artificial rubber, liquid fuel, enamel, printing ink, PVC, resin, etc.
  • The leftovers from soybean oil pressing can produce many important products, such as phospholipids used in food industry and the use of stigmasterol Sitosterol Get cheap sterol hormone raw materials for the pharmaceutical industry.
 soybean soybean soybean soybean soybean soybean soybean soybean soybean soybean

Soybean storage


Storage characteristics

⑴ Soybean has strong hygroscopicity, easy to mildew, thin seed coat, large germination holes, and stronger hygroscopicity than wheat and corn. After moisture absorption and moisture regain, soybeans expand in volume and are prone to mildew. At first, the beans are soft, the seed coat is gray and white, and there is a slight odor, then the beans expand and deform, the navel turns red, and the broken seeds appear colonies, and the quality deteriorates rapidly.
⑵ Soybean is easy to lose oil and turn red. Soybean stored in high temperature season often has two cotyledons that turn red near the navel, and then the cotyledons become red and expand, causing serious oil immersion. At the same time, high temperature and high humidity also reduce the germination rate of soybean. After the soybean oil turns red, the oil yield decreases, the color of the soybean oil deepens, the tofu tastes rancid, and the soybean milk turns red.

Storage method

⑴ Strictly control the moisture in storage, and the long-term storage moisture of soybeans shall not exceed 12%. After harvesting, soybeans should be fully dried on the pods before threshing. Soybeans with high moisture content after warehousing can be treated by sunshine, but they can be warehoused only after being cooled.
(2) Ventilate timely to dissipate heat and moisture. The moisture between newly warehoused soybeans is uneven. In addition to the ripening effect of soybeans, the damp heat in the stack is easy to accumulate, causing heat and mildew. Therefore, timely ventilation is required to dissipate heat and moisture.
⑶ Low temperature sealed storage. In winter, ventilation should be strengthened to cool down. Before the spring is warm, use a gland or plastic film for airtight storage. Generally, you can spend the summer safely.

data statistics

The Statistical Bulletin of National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China in 2022 shows that in 2022, the soybean planting area will be 102.4 million hectares, an increase of 1.83 million hectares. Soybean yield 20 280000 tons, an increase of 23.7%. [10]
In 2023, the national soybean output will reach 20.84 million tons, an increase of 2.8%. (Data source: National Bureau of Statistics) [17]
On February 29, 2024, the National Bureau of Statistics issued the Statistical Bulletin of the National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China in 2023. The soybean planting area in 2023 will be 10.47 million hectares, an increase of 230000 hectares. The soybean yield was 20.84 million tons, an increase of 2.8%. [18]

Food nutrition

Food name soybean
Content Reference Amount of food per 100 grams
energy 125 kcal
Fat 7.1 g
Saturated fatty acid 1 g
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 1.6 g
Monounsaturated fatty acid 4 g
carbohydrate 9.4 g
dietary fiber 0.8 g
folic acid 127 μg
sodium 14 mg
magnesium 96 mg
phosphorus 216 mg
potassium 567 mg
calcium 82 mg
iron 0.4 mg
zinc 2.1 mg
vitamin A 1 μg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.42 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.19 mg
Nicotinic acid (nicotinamide) 1.1 mg
Vitamin B6 0.17 mg
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 12 mg