
The brightest star in Herdsman
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Arcturus α Boo / Hercules alpha ), English name Arcturus (Pronunciation:/ː rk ˈ tj ʊ ə r ə s/), yes Herdsman The brightest star in the. Look at Arcturus with the naked eye. It is orange, Apparent magnitude -0.05, the fourth brightest star in the night sky, second only to - 1.46 Sirius And -0.86, etc Elderly Star although Centaur Of Alpha Alpha Centauri )The apparent magnitude is -0.27, but it is α of -0.01 one And+1.33, etc two The individual brightness of the constellations is lower than that of Arcturus because they are too close to be distinguished by the naked eye. Therefore, although Nanmen'er is a fairly bright star, α one Darker than Arcturus, it is only the fourth brightest star in the whole day. Arcturus and South Gate are both located in Local Fluff (Local Interstellar Cloud). [2]
Although Arcturus is located in Northern Hemisphere , but distance celestial equator Its latitude is less than 20 degrees, so it can be seen in both the northern and southern hemispheres. Arcturus is around midnight on April 30, so this star can be seen in the spring of the northern hemisphere and autumn of the southern hemisphere. Northern Hemisphere Observer You can follow The Big Dipper Arc shaped handle to find Arcturus. Continue to extend along this arc, you can also observe Cornucopia Arcturus and Virgo Cornucopia , Leo Five Emperors One Joint composition Spring Triangle , if you add Beagle Of Chang Chenyi Becomes Spring Big Diamond [2]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Andromeda alpha, Andromeda 16 [2] α Boötis Tiandong
fixed star (Orange superstar)
About 1.08 M ⊙ [4]
surface temperature
About 4286 K [4]
Apparent magnitude
-0.05 etc [3]
Absolute magnitude
-0.38 etc
Right ascension
Distance from ground
36.7 light years
25.4±0.2 R [4]
one hundred and seventy L [5]
Spectrum type
K0III [2]

brief introduction

Arcturus (Arcturus), Herdsman Alpha star, the brightest star in the constellation Bo ö tis, is also the northern sky night sky The brightest star in the( Sirius It is the star in the southern sky with the elder star), and its brightness ranks the fourth in the whole day. It is a star of class 0 (not First-class star )。 because Elderly Star Alpha It is too far from the south pole of the earth, so most of China Observer For example, after Sirius, the brightest star, disappears, Arcturus is The brightest star in the sky Apparent magnitude: -0.04, etc, Absolute magnitude -0.38, about 36.7 light years from the earth, with a diameter of 25.7 times (35774400 km), a mass of 1.1 times, a brightness of 170 times, and a surface temperature of 4400 degrees Kelvin. It is an orange giant star of K2III type. running speed 483km/s, and the relative speed with the sun is 261km/h.
Arcturus Also known as Tiandong, it can also be called "Dongxing". It is regarded as the imperial court of the King of Heaven《 Redords of the Grand History of China · Heavenly Official Letter 》Said: "The big horn is the emperor of heaven."《 Jin Shu · Astrology 》Said: "The big horn is also the constellation of Uranus, which is also called Tiandong." The big horn star is Herdsman Alpha star, the brightest star in the constellation Bo ö tis, is also the brightest star in the northern sky. Every late May, along the Big Dipper The curves of the handles extend out and draw a big arc, then you can find a star near the zenith Orange Big Horn, a bright and dazzling star. There are five small stars of second and third order in the north of Big Horn, which are arranged together with Big Horn to form kites or Sail The shape of.
Arcturus is the first bright star in the sky on a spring night. Its color is yellow with red in it, which is very eye-catching. [1]

observation data


Physical characteristics

Compared with the sun, Arcturus and Antares, the black dotted line shows the orbit of Mars
Arcturus is a K1.5IIIpe star, which has evolved to Asymptotic giant branch Phase. The above "pe" represents a "special emission line", which shows that the spectrum emitted by Arcturus is unusual and full of Spectral line Of. This pair Red Giant Not too rare, but Arcturus is a particularly striking example. Arcturus is at least 110 times brighter than the sun, but this underestimates the actual intensity of its emission. For example, Arcturus infrared The energy emitted by Arcturus is about 180 times that of the sun. Because Arcturus surface temperature Lower than the sun Optical efficiency (Luminous efficiency) visible light The energy emitted by the band is also low.
Arcturus Self exercise And famous, except Alpha Besides, its own Speed ratio Any first magnitude star near the sun must be fast. Arcturus is almost at the position closest to the sun and is moving at a high speed solar system Of relative velocity 122km/s. Arcturus is considered an ancient star Galactic disk Stars, and with 52 other stars of this type arcturus stream , moving together. The mass of Arcturus is difficult to determine, but it may be about the same as the sun, and it will not exceed 1.5 times of the sun. Arcturus is believed to be older than the sun, and the red giant stage that the sun will experience is very likely the current situation of this star.
according to Ibaku satellite Arcturus is 36.7 light-years (11.3 Second gap )Is a relatively close celestial body. Observations from the Hipparcos satellite also show that Arcturus may be a binary star companion Jobic Primary star It is about 20 times bleak, and its orbit may be at the limit of current observation technology, so it cannot be found. However, this view is outdated. The latest research shows that Arcturus is a Single star [6]


Because Arcturus is one of the brightest stars in the night sky, it is Astroseismology (Astroseismology) The goal of many studies. Belmonte team completed the research on Arcturus in April and May 1988 Primary radar The study of the rate (Doppler shift of a specific band) shows that hertz Change frequency of. [8]
Astronomers believe that the surface of Arcturus will vibrate slightly, which is a common feature of a red giant star. Astronomers have a special discovery on Arcturus: it will become redder ( Stellar spectrum M type), the change will be more intense. The extreme example is similar to Mira, which is huge for hundreds of days Change range Arcturus is not very red, but has a short change period and a small change range, which is in the middle of stability and variability. [2]

Element abundance

Astronomers call those Atomic number The element higher than helium is "metal". Alpha element of Arcturus is relative to iron enrichment, but relative to solar Metal abundance Only 17% to 32%. Arcturus may be the second type of star.

Self exercise

Arcturus is famous for its self motion, two stars a year Angular second , in addition to Centaur Any other than alpha First-class star They should all be big. Relative to the solar system Movement speed Very soon (122 km/s), at this stage, it is almost at the point where it is closest to the sun. The nearest time will be about 4000 years later, when the star will be several light years closer to the Earth than it is currently. Arcturus is considered to be an ancient star. It moves with 52 other stars and is called arcturus stream [9]

position information

Arcturus is located in celestial equator 19 degrees north, it can be seen in both hemispheres of the earth. The star peaked at midnight on April 27, and was visible in late spring in the north or autumn in the south at 9 p.m. on June 10. from Big Dipper Of Northern Hemisphere Look, a simple way to find Arcturus is to follow the arc of the handle of the Big Dipper Line If you continue, you will find Cornucopia , and then see Arcturus. Right camera lift I (η star in Hercules), or Muphrid, is only 3.3 light-years away from Arcturus, Apparent magnitude 2.68。 Seen from Earth, Arcturus is as bright as Venus. [2]

Origin of Star Name


Zhongxing Official Name

Schematic Diagram of Chinese Starry Sky in Hercules
Big horn is regarded as Four images One of Oriental Canglong This is the "big horn" Star name The origin of. However, the first night of the seven nights of the Oriental Canglong Cornucopia , excluding Big Horn, and Cornucopia Virgo Alpha star) and Heze (Zeta Virgo) is the two horns of the black dragon. Chen Jiujin Sir, according to ancient records, zodiac The black dragon star on the has two horns, the original two horns, one is a big horn, and the other is a cornucopia. Later generations thought that the big horn was too far away from the zodiac, so they changed this horn into Jiaoxiu. Although this change has been made, the star name of Big Horn has remained.
Chen Zungui Sir《 History of Chinese Astronomy 》There is such explanation:“ time-honored methods Jiaoxiu actually starts from Dajiao. It and Jiaoxiu's two stars form the appearance of a bull's head. Because it is the brightest, it is listed as the first of the 28 constellations amiboshi 2.5 degrees, so it is listed as hyperactivity. "
Arcturus, also known as Tiandong, is regarded as the imperial court of the Heavenly King.
Redords of the Grand History of China · Heavenly Official Letter 》Said: "The big horn is the emperor of heaven."
Jin Shu · Astrology 》Said: "The big horn, the throne, is also the Tiandong."

Western Star Name

Arcturus This name is derived from Greek It is derived from the α ρκττ o ῦ ρο, which means "the keeper of the bear". This is because Arcturus is Herdsman The brightest star, and Hercules is located in ursa major And Ursa Minor Nearby. There is also a Greek non-governmental environmental protection The tissue is called α ρ κ τ ο ῦ ρο, which is specially protected Wildlife
Arcturus in Arabic In Chinese, it is called مممكككمح, which means "the leg of the person holding the spear" or "the huge person holding the spear". In the past, this name has evolved into various Romanized fonts, such as the obsolete Aramec and Azimech. Another Arabic word is حححمء, which means "the guardian of heaven". [2] [7]

Special status

Arcturus and Comet Baiwu
Big Horn in China ancient astronomy It is not only the fourth bright star in the sky, but also the most important thing is that it is Big Dipper A sign indicating direction. According to the Records of the Historian, Tianguan Book, "the people who built the dipper faintly", "the people who built the dragon horn", "the people with big horns... the people who built the season by pointing the dipper straight", which clearly records the method of the ancients to determine the season by pointing the dipper. It is not clear what direction the dipper refers to, but its position is more specific when the dipper is marked by the big horn and the Shiti Star Officer below.
The dipper refers to, along the big corner Photographic lift To the south, the corresponding star officer is Cornucopia Harmony and hyperactivity. Therefore, the direction that the dipper points to is not only marked by the big horn and Sheti, but also by the two constellations of Jiaokang. Furthermore, the dipper stars - Xuan Ge, Zhang Yang and Bo He, which were introduced earlier, are also on the extension line of the Big Dipper. They all play a role in judging the season in different times or from different angles, so the ancients attach importance to and pay attention to them.

Historical legend


Ancient literature

Ancient Chinese literature not only The Big Dipper It points to the record of a certain season, and also boasts the record of pointing to a certain season with the eighth star of the Big Dipper.
Huainanzi · Time based Training 》Say:“ Meng Chun In the month of, swagger refers to Yin; Midspring The moon is full of ostentation; Jichun The moon and the stars. The moon of Mengxia is full of swagger; In the midsummer moon, swagger refers to noon; In the summer months, it's time to show off. The moon of Meng and Qiu is ostentatious; Mid Autumn In the month of January, the swagger points to you; In the month of autumn, it is ostentatious. Meng Dong The moon, waving refers to Hai; Midwinter The moon, flaunting fingers; In the month of winter, ostentation means ugliness. "


stay ancient Greek The oldest document Homer Epic Iliad This star is recorded in. Later, in ancient Greece, the great poet Hesiod (Hesiodos, ca Georgics In "Labor and Day", it is officially called α ρκτ τ ο νρ ζ, which means the guardian of the bear, which is the origin of Arcturus, the western name of the Big Horn. As for why it is called the guard of the bear, there is also a myth.
Arcus, Zeus and Callisto
Jupiter Zeus Secretly fell in love with Luna and Hunting goddess Artemis 's maid Callisto Later, Calisto gave birth to a son Akas This is the queen of God Hera got it. In anger, Hera turned Callisto into a big bear. The brave boy Akas grew up. One day, his mother Calisto saw him hunting in the dense forest. Callisto forgot that he was already a bear and stretched out his hands to embrace the dear child. Akas raised his javelin. At the moment when the tragedy was about to happen, Zeus happened to be patrolling in the sky. Seeing this scene, he could not bear to let his son kill his mother himself, and decided to Save them Mother and son, take them to heaven, and mother ursa major , his son was promoted to the position of Big Horn Ursa Minor ), guarding my mother all the time.
English poets Matthew Arnold (1822-1888) In his poems, he once described the allusion as follows: "Heaven pitied them, and turned them into stars. Now they are still shining in the north sky - this is the star of the Big Horn that protects the Big Bear."

Spring Sign

Because the big corner is particularly bright, people often use it as a sign to identify constellations and identify directions Spring big curve Spring Triangle and Spring Big Diamond , as Starry sky in spring And the main elements of these three signs all have big angles.

Left and right

The big corner is located at the right knee of Herdsman
Bighorn Herdsman It is also its main star. Of course, we should start from the Chinese starry sky in Hercules to understand China around the corner Star official To facilitate the understanding of the astrological culture of the Big Horn itself. In the western astrology, the big horn star is located on the right knee of the shepherd, and there are three small stars on the left and right (the left and right feet of the shepherd in the western astrology), holding the big horn Photographic lift The three small stars in the east are called Zuosheti, that is, Zuosheti I (O star of Hercules, also known as 35 star of Hercules), Zuosheti II (π star of Hercules) and Left camera lift III (ξ star in the constellation of Hercules), the three small stars in the west are called Right Photography, that is Right camera lift I (Hercules η star) Right camera lift II (tau star of Hercules) and three stars of right photography (nu star of Hercules).
The Shishi Star Sutra said: "The six stars in the sky are big angles."
According to the Records of the Historian, there are three stars on both sides of the Big Horn Photographic lift , the photographer is pointing straight at the dipper to build the season. That's why it's called photographing. "
Because the big corner is Emperor's seat , that is Throne Therefore, it is the image of a ruler. According to the astrologers, the star with big horns is a grid star, and the grid is the throne, Photographic lift It is an image of a minister who assists the emperor, so there is a saying of Shetig. In other words, Shetig is an official who assists Dajiao to set the season. As for how to determine the season, because it is related to the stars near the dipper described below, a special section will be set up below to expand.

Yinghe Xingguan

Herdsman Corresponding Chinese star officials, except Big Horn and Left and Right Photographic lift In addition, there are Ganhe, swagger, Xuange, Tianqiang and Qigong Etc. Ganghe III Stars, that is izar (Epsilon Andromeda) Ganghe II (σ star in the constellation of Shepherdess) and Ganhe San (ρ star in the constellation of Shepherdess), north of the Big Horn, are equivalent to the belt of a shepherd in the Western astrology. The Astronomical Annals of the Book of Jin says: "The north three stars are called the stem river, and the sky spear is also called. The first one is called the Tianfeng Hu Bing 。” It can be seen that Ganhe can represent weapons such as spear, sword or halberd. As for the meaning of the star name "Ganhe", Chen Jiujin Mr. Zhang has further explained in the book "Disclosure of the Secret -- A Dialogue between Chinese and Western Stars", and he quotes Shi Shi Xing Jing : "The three stars of the river stem are the heavenly spears. The three stars of the river stem are the heavenly spears. The one who stems is the bearer of the spear. The river is the bearer of the spear, and the soldiers are the bearer of the spear." Therefore, the river here is not the solution of the river, but the loan of the lotus. Terrier River means that soldiers change their arms and walk with a spear.

Skygun Samsung

Swagger( Herdsman One star is to the north of the three stars of Ganhe, which is equivalent to the left of the shepherd in the western astrology armpit Xuange (Lambda Herdsman) One star is north of the swagger, equivalent to the shepherd's Elbow Skygun Samsung, namely Sky Gun One (Theta constellation of Hercules) Sky Gun II (κ star of Herdsman) Sky Gun Three (Star of Shepherd), north of Xuange, is equivalent to the left hand of the shepherd. The Book of Jin Astronomy says: "The north star is called swagger, the north star is called spear, and the north star is called Xuange, both of which are dominated by Hu Bing and are slightly similar to the stem river." It also says: "The three stars of the Tianqiang are in the east of the Beidou ladle, and the first is called the Tianyue, which is also the weapon of the sky." It can be seen from this that swagger, Xuange and Tianqiang are also weapons representing the ancient times. Dazzling is also called Sky Spear; Xuange, also called Tianfeng or Tiange, was a popular weapon in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties; Sky spear is also called Sky Yue. Gun and Yue are ancient weapons.
Terrier River, swagger, Xuange and Tianqiang are all representatives Ancient weapons


In the east of the swagger, there are seven stars, which form a long rope from southwest to northeast. Since seven meters are a long row of stars, there are only three stars in the west, that is, seven meters and five meters( Herdsman ν star) Seven for six (Morpheus) and Seven public seven (delta star of Hercules), located in Hercules, and the rest in Hercules According to the Jin Shu Astronomical Annals, "Seven heroes and seven stars are making a show of the East. The appearance of heaven and the image of three heroes are the main turnkeys 。” That is to say, Qigong was the adviser and adviser of seven heavenly emperors; The main seven policies refer to the sun, the moon and the five stars, or Big Dipper