
Life material different from life on earth
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synonym extraterrestrial life (Generally refers to life beyond the earth) Generally refers to extraterrestrial organisms
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Aliens are different from Terrestrial organism The life material outside the earth and existing on the planet outside the earth. Including the undiscovered aliens.
Humans have made unremitting exploration and imagined various images of alien creatures.
EBE is the abbreviation of Extraterrestrial Biological or Entity. In 1947 Roswell UFO incident It is an official term used to refer to extraterrestrial life.
After the term ET was used in Stephen Spielberg's film, it became a popular name for aliens.
On September 12, 2023 local time, the Mexican Parliament held the first public hearing related to "unknown anomalies". Two people were considered to be "alien creatures" The remains of. [5]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Different from the life material outside the earth and existing on the planet outside the earth

historical background

There are many controversial statements that extraterrestrial life exists. A less direct point of view is that the observable universe is such that the existence of extraterrestrial life is possible. According to this view, Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking and other scientists believe that it is not advisable to say that there is no life in other places except the earth. One possibility is that life occurs independently in many parts of the universe. Another possibility is that life can be generated in one place and then spread to other habitable planets. These two assumptions are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
The places where life once existed or still exists include Venus And Mars; Jupiter 's satellite, like Europa Saturn 's satellite, like titan and Enceladus And planets outside the solar system, like Gliese 581c , g and d, which are modern discoveries and Earth mass Planets that are close to each other and in the habitable region of their galaxy, and may have water.
Those who think UFO It is from outer space and the so-called extraterrestrial abductions of Earthlings, which most scientists believe is not credible. Many UFOs observed are either flight machines made by humans or spacecraft , or just some Mischief

Explore History

medieval times 's point of view
In ancient times, it was believed that the universe was composed of many worlds and inhabited by intelligent, non-human beings Life forms It is very common. But the "world" here is mythical, and it is not based on the sun as we say solar system , or the sun is just one of the countless stars in this sense of the world. Than to say hinduism 14 worlds in cosmology, or ancient Norway 9 worlds in myth, etc.
These universes are composed of many worlds Greek philosophy It can be found in, and later in Christ and Jewish theology. The earliest important thinkers systematically expounded that the universe is full of other planets, so there may be extraterrestrial life Thales, a Greek writer from the 7th to the 6th century BC, and his students Anaximander Greek Atomism Scholar portrait Epicurus He inherited this view and believed that an infinite universe should have an infinite world full of life. although ancient Greek Astronomers regard the discussion of extraterrestrial life as an important work, but Geocentric theory The universe based on Aristotle Proposed by Ptolemy Classifying and valuing the earth and its life make the philosophy of extraterrestrial life less necessary.
Talmud It says that there are at least 18000 other worlds. Although there is no specific description of the physical or spiritual nature of these worlds, based on this, the 18th century exposition "Safer HabB'rit" proposed that extraterrestrial life exists and may have intelligence. It also explains that we should not expect extraterrestrial life to have any similarities with life on earth, such as marine organism It's the same as land creatures.
Hinduism believes in the endless cycle of life and describes the existence of multiple worlds and their connections. according to hinduism There are countless universes to meet the different desires of countless life entities. But this Cosmic structure The purpose of is to bring the lost soul back to the right life track. In addition to these countless material worlds, there are also countless spiritual worlds, which are prepared for pure souls. In the material world Spiritual leader Saints and people with great wisdom will be guided and helped by these pure souls to enter these spiritual worlds and become immortal.
The statement of the Koran in Islam: "All glory belongs to God - the master of all worlds" indicates the existence of multiple worlds, even multiple universes, so there may be extraterrestrial life.
When Christianity spread to the West Ptolemy's geocentric theory was widely accepted. Although the church has not issued an official statement on extraterrestrial life, this view is not tolerated. In 1277, the French bishop,É tienne Tempier, He once opposed Aristotle's view that God may have created more than one world (because it is omnipotent), and further said that extraterrestrial life exists. It is worth noting that Bishop Nicholas of Kues speculated that there might be life on the sun and moon.
Early modernization
Giordano Bruno,1584
With the invention of telescope and Copernicus The attack on geocentric theory has greatly changed people's thinking. Once it is known that the earth is only one of the countless stars in the universe, the view of the existence of extraterrestrial life has become popular in the mainstream scientific and technological circles. One of the most famous advocates is the Italian philosopher Bruno In the 16th century, he thought that in an endless universe, every star has its own Planetary system The system surrounds. They think that these stars are no worse than the earth, and like the earth, there are animals and residents.
In the early 17th century, Czech Republic Astronomer Anton Maria Schyrleus of Rheita pondered: "If there are inhabitants on Jupiter, they must be larger and more beautiful than the inhabitants on Earth, Proportional In the volume of these two planets "
With the accelerated development of science and technology, the conjecture that extraterrestrial life may exist has been widely spread. Willian Herschel, Uranus The discoverer of Galaxy One of many astronomers who have extraterrestrial life. Other support of the same period Multiverse Celebrities including Immanuel Kant and Benjamin Franklin . On Age of Enlightenment Even the sun and moon were considered as candidates for extraterrestrial life during the peak period of.
nineteenth century
In 1854, William Whewell, Trinity College, Cambridge University The researchers of, put forward the theory that Mars has oceans, land, and even may have life. As some people observed through telescopes“ Martian canals ”Although it was soon confirmed that this was just an optical illusion Martian life The conjecture was widely popular in the late 19th century. In 1895, American astronomer Percival Lowell published his book Mars and Mars and Its Canal in 1906. He believed that these canals were relics of a civilization that had long disappeared. This idea inspired the British writer H G. Wells wrote The War of the Worlds in 1897, telling the story of a Martian who fled there and invaded the Earth because his planet was too dry.
In 1894, when the American astronomer William Wallace Campbell revealed that Martian atmosphere After there is neither water nor oxygen spectral analysis Start getting serious. By 1909, a better telescope and a better understanding of Mars Perigee The observation of time finally ended the canal theory.
Modern exploration
theoretical research
Recently, two scientists found that there are two planets outside the solar system that may have conditions for the existence of life, which further aroused a heat of "extraterrestrial civilization". Some scientists believe that aliens certainly exist, but it is not easy to find a planet with life like the Earth. There is not necessarily life when there are planets; Life does not necessarily exist Higher life It requires that the position of the planet to the parent star must be just right. Under such conditions Galaxy Only about one million planets are possible. Among the 1 million, there must be a series of conditions to form life, including water, oxygen and various chemical element However, if the aliens of those planets have highly developed civilizations, and their history of sending radio signals to the high altitude is much earlier than that of the earth, which is one million years ago (our earth is only 100 years old), then the number of possible planets is only 250. If they are evenly distributed in the Milky Way, the nearest one to us is 4600 light years. And in the universe, like in the Milky Way Extragalactic galaxy There are 1 billion.
Extraordinary exploration plan
So far, humans have carried out 50 searches in order to contact possible extraterrestrial creatures the outer space Although the plans for radio signals ended in failure, human beings sought alien civilization Another way of using artificial spacecraft to directly explore outer space is still in progress. In 1966 Secretary General of the United Nations Wu Dan Feng Kaiwitzki, a UFO researcher, was asked to study how to list UFOs the United Nations The agenda of. In 1978, the First Committee of the 33rd session of the United Nations General Assembly adopted the draft resolution proposed by the Grenada Government, which recommended that member states coordinate the scientific research and adjustment of extraterrestrial life, including UFOs. In 1979, the 43rd General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the proposal to study UFOs as a worldwide topic. In the outline of the 47th meeting, it was pointed out that "the study of UFOs involving the entire human race should be part of human efforts to solve the world's social, economic, political and other problems." In 1977, the first International Assembly to discuss UFOs Mexico Convening. In 1983, the second UFO Congress was held in Brazil Held.
In 1972 and 1973, the United States launched "Pioneer" 10 and 11, "Voyager" 1 and 2 spacecraft to explore remote outer space. The Precursors ”No. 10 and No. 11 each have a greeting letter "written" on a gold-plated plate. "Traveler" No. 1 and No. 2 each carried a piece with a straight diameter of 30.5cm, named“ Voice of the Earth ”And has playback equipment, which records 60 languages greetings 113 coded pictures depicting the local conditions and customs of the earth (one of which has the Great Wall), 35 kinds of natural sounds of the earth, 27 kinds World famous music The "Voice of the Earth" carried by the "Traveler" spaceship and a copy signed by US President Carter for astronauts message "This is a gift from a remote small planet. It is the epitome of our voice, science, image, music, thoughts and feelings. We are trying to make our era survive, so that you can understand our life. We hope to solve the problems we face one day, so that we can join the civilization family of the Milky Way. This" Voice of the Earth " It is for our hope, our determination and our good wishes to the distant world in this vast and awe inspiring universe. " Voyager 1 The flight speed of No. 2 is about 500 million kilometers per year. If all goes well, the data about the universe will still be sent back to Earth before 2015. After that, they will shut down all the instruments because the power is exhausted, but they still fly silently to the deep space outside the solar system. The last hope comes from the expectation of the unknown. If Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 encounter intelligent aliens, perhaps they can understand that there are nine stars around a distant star Megaplanets , the third from the center, there are many lonely Smart life They sincerely hope to find some "cosmic relatives" in the vast space.
Exploration action
Humans have lived on the earth for about two or three million years. Once upon a time, man thought he was the spirit of all things, the only intelligent life in the universe, and even thought that the earth was the center of the whole universe. Later, with the progress of science and technology, people opened their eyes to understand the vastness of the universe, which is far beyond our imagination, and the earth is too small, certainly not the center of the universe. So people imagine that the universe is so wide, and perhaps there will be a kind of intelligent creature similar to human beings - aliens on other planets. This idea has deeply attracted some people who are passionate about finding aliens.
In the sixteenth century, when someone observed Mars with a telescope, he found many interlaced reticulation patterns, which made it a "canal" dug by "Martians". In 1935, an American radio broadcast that Martians had come to Earth, causing a false alarm. A British writer wrote a science fiction novel called "War against Martians", in which he gave many vivid descriptions of Martians, which triggered the birth of a series of novels and films about "Martians".
Are there any Martians? In the era of telescope, it has always been a mystery. In the 1960s, the exploration spacecraft finally landed on Mars, solving the mystery that has puzzled people all the time: Mars is much colder than the Earth, the surface is full of mud and stones, the wind is often fierce, the sand is flying, there is no living things on it, and of course there are no Martians.
After this mystery was solved, astronomers further analyzed and believed that in the solar system, except for the Earth, no other planets are necessary for biological survival environment condition Therefore, human beings on the earth are the only intelligent creatures in the solar system. If you want to find aliens, you must go outside the solar system.
In 1972, the United States launched“ Pioneer 10 "The spaceship, which flew out of the solar system in 1987, has metal plates depicting the image of human beings, the earth where human beings live and the position of the solar system. In 1977, the American" Voyager One "It also brings more information to the outside world, including a solid a record player And a gold plated record, which contains dozens of human language And multiple songs Musical works (including Chinese Ancient music )。 People eagerly hope that aliens will receive it.
In order to get in touch with aliens, scientists have even built huge and complex equipment, trying to send information to and receive information from extraterrestrials. However, after many efforts, people still haven't found aliens. Some claims of seeing aliens are just legends, which are difficult to be strongly confirmed.
Also worth mentioning are UFOs. Many people saw it. It is also supposed that it is the spaceship piloted by aliens, but this is just a guess.
So are there any aliens? Scientists analyze that there must be many planets like the Earth in the universe Earth environment Similar planets may indeed have aliens, but because of our space Communication technology It is not developed enough, and we must redouble our efforts to find them.

Human hypothesis

Contact aliens
Since the 1950s, scientists have been actively searching for aliens; The way to find is to monitor the signals sent by aliens and send information to aliens so as to get in touch. In 1959, Italian astronomer Giuseppe Coconi and American physicist Philip Morrison jointly wrote a classic article entitled "Seeking interstellar communication", which was published in Nature magazine. They claim that humans and aliens can use wireless electrical signal communication. For more than 50 years, scientists not only used passive methods to monitor the signals sent by aliens, but also actively contacted them through various ways. How to contact them? The mainstream of the scientific community believes that it is necessary to communicate with aliens in the universe. To carry out this activity, the first problem is undoubtedly "language".
Galileo, an Italian philosopher and astronomer, once said: "Mathematics is the word God uses to write the universe". Based on this idea, Carl Sagan believes that Technological civilization No matter how different, there is a common language - Mathematical language Chinese mathematician linguist Zhou Haizhong In the classic article Cosmology: A New Frontier Discipline published in 1999, it was pointed out that mathematical language has accuracy Simplicity , abstraction Logicality Universality It is an ideal tool for communication in the universe. [1]
Meet aliens
Aliens are often reported See in the press Many people claim to have seen UFOs, even aliens, and at the same time they have taken all kinds of pictures about UFOs. Is all this true or false? Do aliens really exist?
According to the description of people who claimed to have seen aliens, most of the aliens they saw were short, with round heads, narrow mouths and long slits Tights The humanoid of. But others claimed that the aliens they saw were tall giants, robot like monsters, hairy monsters and even beautiful Naked girl For this phenomenon, some people think that these aliens come from more than one planet. Others believe that there can never be so many different aliens on the earth at the same time, and this chaotic description shows that the claim of aliens is groundless. Others believe that a considerable part of these are not credible, but there are still some that can be confirmed to be true.
Mural Inference
Others are eager to find the traces left by aliens in ancient times. They believe that the circular masks of the figures in the Sahara desert murals Easter Island And South American Megalithic building as well as Pyramid All kinds of unexplained prehistoric miracles are related to aliens. Other scholars put forward various views, such as that human beings are descendants of aliens, or that some ethnic groups (such as Maya) in human beings are descendants of aliens mating with people on the earth. But these can only be used as guesses and hypotheses, most of which still lack sufficient evidence.
Two kinds of creatures on earth like planets
If there were alien creatures, what would they look like? [2] According to US media reports on the 10th《 National Geographic 》The program will be based on the famous British physicist Stephen Hawking Inference of Computer Animation The form of Survival status This is Hawking's first time to show the concrete shape of outer space creatures in his imagination after he warned that "human beings should never contact with extraterrestrial creatures". He envisioned five alien creatures on different planets.
The mouth that eats grass is like a vacuum cleaner
Meat eating statue lizard
stay Stephen Hawking's Universe Middle, Mars Moon etc. terrestrial planet Two legged Herbivores They can use the huge mouth like a vacuum cleaner to suck food from the cracks in the rock. There are lizard like Carnivore , both sides occasionally break out Hunting Great War.
Alien jellyfish Eat lightning
Extraterrestrial jellyfish eating lightning
Saturn And Jupiter are filled with hydrogen and helium Gaseous planet Hawking believes that there may be jellyfish Shapeless Giant plankton They float in the gas like puffed spaceships to absorb the energy of lightning for a living.
Marine biology Cuttlefish Will glow
Europa Europa, etc Liquid planet There may be marine creatures like cuttlefish living in the deep sea warm water area under the ice layer, and their bodies can emit cold light.
Extremely cold planet
The hairy beast lives at minus 150 degrees
The hairy beast on the extremely cold planet
Hawking believes that even on a planet where the average temperature reaches the level of liquid nitrogen (lower than minus 150 degrees Celsius), life may still exist. Hawking's cold hardy creatures not only have many feet, but also have thick hair all over their bodies to resist strong wind and cold.
Alien nomadic people ”Roaming the interstellar space
Hawking also believes that there are floating life bodies in the universe, floating between stars in groups, belonging to the "nomadic people" of alien creatures. They may be as big as planets“ collector ”Absorb the radiant energy And then obtain the huge energy through time and space. [3]
The Inference of American Writers
U.S.A Cornell University Carl Sagan, a famous astronomer of. Among these planets, it is estimated that there may be as many as one million similar to the Earth's environment. Since life can be generated and evolved on the earth, it may also be generated and evolved on these planets and develop intelligent creatures. And there must be a part of it human civilization More advanced. Therefore, these astronomers believe that it appears on other planets outside the Earth Smart life It is completely possible.
but Sagan But he sniffed at the news that people around the world often encounter aliens. In his opinion, these are all technologies mastered by human beings added to so-called aliens, and the images of aliens described are mostly human deformations. In other planets, the evolution process of life is very different. The evolution form of extraterrestrial intelligent life is likely to be completely different from that of human beings, and the science and technology they master will also be completely different from that of human beings. And these planets that may produce intelligent life are thousands or tens of thousands of light years away from the earth. Therefore, it is totally unrealistic to think that aliens visit every year or even every day.
Sagan's opinion can roughly represent the opinion of serious scientists. That is to say, extraterrestrial Smart life Theoretically speaking, it is completely possible to exist. However, most of the news about the discovery of aliens is not credible. However, there are still some events that are considered reliable but cannot be explained by the scientific community, and even some incomprehensible prehistoric miracles, are they related to extraterrestrial intelligent life? All this remains a mystery.
For the existence of aliens, scientists have put forward all kinds of possible ideas. These ideas are bold and seem strange, but who can blame the human imagination? Maybe these dreams will become considerable one day.
On August 7, 2023, Harvard professor said that there might be evidence of extraterrestrial life. [4]

Alien rendering

Since the distance between celestial bodies is extremely remote, since the possibility of the existence of aliens is extremely small, since Space navigation There are so many difficulties. Why are there so many reports of UFOs and aliens in books, newspapers, magazines, TV stations, radio stations and the Internet? The flight of unknown objects in the sky has been recorded in ancient times. But what really gets attention UFO The report of, began in January 1878, when a farmer in Texas, the United States, was working in the field when he saw a disk shaped object flying in the air. At that time, the plane had not yet come out. After this strange phenomenon was published in the newspaper, it caused a social sensation. More than 150 newspapers and periodicals reprinted this news, which became the earliest case of modern UFO reports. UFO is a Unified Flying Object in English, and its abbreviation is UFO. In some books in Hong Kong and Taiwan, the pronunciation of the three letters of UFO is written directly in Chinese characters, called“ x-com ”, which makes it mysterious.
The first UFO report appeared on June 24, 1947. This report said that Kenneth Arnold, a civil aviation pilot Washington State When searching for an inexplicably missing plane near Rainier Valley, I suddenly found nine saucers in the air flash of light Flying objects, each with a diameter of about 30 meters, like a plate floating on the water, are jumping forward at a super high speed of 2000 kilometers per hour. The reporter used the word "UFO" in his report. Since then, "UFO" and "UFO" have become UFO A pronoun for.
Because of the great impact of this event, in order to find out the truth, in April 1950, CBS The famous journalist Edward R. Morrow interviewed Arnold again, in which Arnold declared that in 1947 UFO The report "did not quote me correctly. Newspapers exaggerated my words... I said at the time that these objects are fluctuating up and down, like, ah, I think they are like boats floating on the turbulent water. When I described how they fly, I said that their flight is like throwing a plate on the water. Most newspapers misunderstood me and misquoted me. The newspaper said I said these objects are like dishes. I mean, they fly like saucers. " Arnold said he saw a series of nine objects, one of which sent out a "terrible blue flash". Arnold concluded that they were a new type of winged aircraft. At the end of the interview, Morrow concluded: "The report of 1947 was a historical mistake. Mr. Arnold's initial description was forgotten, while 'UFO' became a household word."
It was the United States that first linked UFOs with aliens Arizona MacDonald, a meteorologist from the United States Northwestern University Heck and his wife. In the mid-1960s, they proposed that some flying saucers were spaceships used by aliens to visit the earth. This point of view is very consistent with the common people's fantasy and novelty hunting psychology, and immediately became the hot spot of news speculation.
For more than half a century, the media has reported UFOs more than 1 million times. In the United States alone, there are more than 200 reports about UFOs or aliens every day, including about 10 reports about catching aliens or interacting with aliens direct contact Report of. There are more in the world. These reports all have very specific time, place, person, and course of events. Many of them also have eyewitness photos, recordings, and interview videos. If we all believe these reports, there will be too many aliens in our world. With the gradual integration of our country into the world family, the number of UFO and alien reports in our country has gradually increased. Most of the books on the market are translated, compiled or rewritten by foreigners, and quite a few of them are reported in foreign newspapers on April 1“ April Fools ' Day ”Some of our writers don't know whether they are really stupid or really want to make a fortune, but they sell them to us as true stories.

Media hype

UFOs and aliens are often used as News topics For more than half a century, the hype has created huge profits for various newspapers, radio stations, television stations, film producers and publishers, while also putting a serious scientific problems It led to a complete deviation from science.
No one in the world is serious scientific research institution Or serious scientists (note, not Quotes Claimed to have discovered aliens spacecraft ——UFO.
The Devil haunted World
The greatest contemporary scientist and science popularization expert American Astronomical Society Chairman of the Planetary Science Society American Geophysical Society Chairman of the Federation Planetary Research Society American Association for the Advancement of Science Chairman of the Planetary Society Astrobiology Founder of Carl Sagan , in the famous popular science works《 The Demon-Haunted World 》The book specifically talks about the origin of various reports about aliens and flying saucers. He said: "We are often shocked by the fragmented UFOs (in English“ UFO ”The legend is intertwined, but rarely heard of the punishment of the fabricator. It is not difficult to understand: what can promote more newspapers and books? What can get more attention from people? What can make people feel more interesting? What can make us pass the painful time? Is it really the crashed alien spaceship, or are those experienced cheats cheating the money in the pockets of those fools? Is it the powerful aliens who are playing tricks on human beings, or is it someone who summarizes the view based on human weakness and defects? "
859 secret intelligence documents
On March 10, 2001, the CIA decrypted 859 secret intelligence documents on a large scale for the first time. These dates span from 1947 to 1991 Secret document The content is varied, but the most interesting thing is the research on UFO by the CIA from the late 1940s to the end of the 20th century. The results of more than 50 years of CIA research on UFO phenomenon confirm that the UFO phenomenon in the earlier period may be Soviet Union The government's conspiracy to create chaos in American society; Later UFO phenomenon was caused by secret experiment of CIA top secret spy plane. In a word, UFO has no evidence to show its existence so far!
The Times
On April 22, 2001, the British Times reported that it was founded in 1953. In its heyday, it had 1500 members around the world. At most, it could receive 30 UFO witness reports every week( UFO )Department, as the number of clues available for investigation is decreasing, has recently been announced to be withdrawn. On the other hand, with the improvement of public scientific and technological quality, people pay less and less attention to UFO events, and more and more people no longer associate it with aliens, but view it more from the perspective of natural science.
In order to explore the mysteries of the universe as a part of the work, scientists are also actively exploring life outside the earth, and are also actively searching for information about aliens. This scientific exploration began as early as the 1950s.
In 1959, Kocconi and Morrison jointly wrote an article, which was published in the famous British magazine Nature. According to their calculations, if there is Smart life And their scientific level is comparable to our level in 1959. Then, they should be able to receive the radio signals sent by the earth people. Similarly, if they want to transmit radio signals to us, we can also receive them. Although the distance is extremely far, and it takes thousands or hundreds of years to talk, it is possible to communicate after all. The two of them also studied radio waves The best wavelength for AC is hydrogen atom 21 cm wavelength. Because hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, and its 21 cm wavelength is also easy to detect.
This article has greatly inspired people to explore Extraterrestrial civilization Their enthusiasm has strengthened people's confidence. Because it tells us that as long as there are aliens, as long as their technology level is similar to ours, we can communicate with each other. This article is the beginning of scientific exploration of aliens.

Related movies

Star Wars 1 (1997), 2 (2004), 3 (2008)
special-shaped 》 1(1979),2(1986),3(1992),4(1997)
Iron blooded soldier 》 1(1987),2(1990),3(2010)
Aliens vs. Predator 》1(2004),2(2006)
Independence Day 》1(1996),2(2016)
The fifth element 》(1997)
World War 》(2005)
Man in Black 》1(1996),2(2002),3(2012)
An omen of heaven 》(2001)
The third kind of contact 》(1977)
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (2004)
E. T Aliens (1982)
Transformers 1 (2007), 2 (2009), 3 (2011), 4 (2014)
District 9 》(2009)
Battle: Los Angeles 》(2011)
Cowboys and aliens 》(2011)
Super battleship 》(2012)
Transformers (1984)
Related animation
Dragon Ball Series

Related information

On September 12, 2023 local time, the Mexican Parliament held the first public hearing related to "unknown anomalies". Two people were considered to be "alien creatures" The remains of. At the hearing on the same day, the Mexican Parliament showed the remains of two suspected "alien creatures". These two remains were found in Peru in 2017, 1800 and 700 years ago respectively. The head of the remains is slender, and each hand has three fingers. DNA extracted from the remains also shows that they are not human. [5]
On September 14, 2023, the official account of China Aerospace Science and Technology Group said: Up to now, we have not found any conclusive evidence to prove the existence of aliens in space activities According to. [6]