hawaiian islands

zero Useful+1
The Hawaiian Islands are located in the pacific ocean Almost in the middle, yes polynesia A secondary archipelago with the largest area in the archipelago. The archipelago is arced across the Tropic of Cancer , ranging from 154 ° 41 ′ W to 178 ° 75 ′ W, 18 ° 54 ′ N to 28 ° 15 ′ N, with a total area of 16759km ².
The Hawaiian Islands are composed of eight major islands (four big and four small ones in Kibo), 124 small islands, and reefs and minarets surrounding the islands. The 8 main islands are located between 18 ° 54 ′ - 22 ° north latitude, in the order of latitude Kauai (Kauai)、 Nihao Island (Nihau)、 Oahu Island (Oahu)、 Molokai Island (Molokai)、 Lanai Island (Lanai)、 Maui Island (Maui)、 Kahurawi Island (Kahoolawe)、 Hawaii Island (Island of Hawaii , also known as the Big Island, do not confuse it with the Hawaiian Islands).
In 1959, the United States established Hawaii , the state capital is on Oahu Honolulu (Honolulu)。 [1] according to Honolulu Bishop Museum According to the Bishop Museum, the ancestors of the earliest Hawaiian residents can be traced back to China Yangtze River Delta , about 5000-6000 years ago. Honolulu has many connections with modern China.
The Hawaiian Islands are world famous tourist attractions, among which Maui Island and Kauai Island ranked first and second in the world in 2013. [2]
Chinese name
hawaiian islands
Foreign name
Hawaiian Islands
Sandwich Islands
geographical position
the pacific ocean the Middle North region
total area
Number of islands
one hundred and thirty-two
Major islands
Hawaii Island Maui Island Oahu Island
population size
1.212 million (2000)
hawaiian English
Sucrose, pineapple, coffee, flowers
Capital station
Honolulu (Honolulu)

Historical evolution

Satellite Map of Hawaii Islands
The Hawaiian Islands are island , also the pacific ocean Upper famous volcanic activity Because these islands are located at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean Crustal fault In the belt, the Hawaiian Islands Magma Formed. In the 1960s, geologist It was proposed to use Hawaii Island Underlying Hot spring Activities to explain the strange landscape of Hawaii. Geologists believe that, Pacific plate Moving slowly above the Hawaiian hot spring is like a piece of paper moving on a lighted candle. Wherever it moves, volcanoes will erupt and form volcanic islands. [3]
The first group of outsiders in Hawaii were the Polynesians who sailed from the Marquis Islands in 750. The word "Hawaii" comes from polynesia In Chinese, it means "primitive home". In the 13th century, riding two huge canoe Tahitians came to the Hawaiian Islands. [2] [4]
Captain Cook
james cook Captain, FRS, RN (Captain James Cook, October 27, 1728 - February 14, 1779), British explorer and navigator. Captain Cook led two sailboats to land on January 18, 1778 Kauai He was the first westerner to discover the Hawaiian Islands and named Hawaii Sandwich Islands (English: Sandwich Islands) [5] In memory of his boss and his sponsor, the fourth generation Sandwich Count. Beginning in the late 19th century, the name was no longer widely used. Since then, Westerners have played an important role in the historical development of Hawaii. [2]
At the end of the 18th century, the Hawaiian chief Kamehameha Cannon He conquered other islands, established the Hawaiian Dynasty, and became King Kamehamee I. Xia Dynasty After the death of King Kamehamei I, he began to split, part of which was ruled by his favorite wife, Queen Kayahumanu. The style of Queen Kayahumanu is strong, and the long-standing Kapu system and many taboos have been abolished, especially those customs that degrade women's status. [2]
Aerial photography of the Hawaiian Islands
From the 19th century England Christianity of protestantism The missionaries spread Democratic constitutionalism They asked naked natives to wear clothes and give up Hawaii traditional culture The next generation of missionaries became businessmen and politicians on the island, married Hawaiians, signed labor contracts with foreign countries, and developed sugarcane planting and sugar making industry. These immigrants are the source of today's multi ethnicity in Hawaii. [2]
In 1898, the United States annexed Hawaii. In 1901, investors in the royal family Playground Hotels and other facilities have been built. Since then, tourism has flourished. In the morning of December 7, 1941, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor , paralyzing the main force of the US naval and air forces in the western Pacific, which also triggered the Second World War The war in the Pacific. After the war, the United States established the“ Arizona Memorial ”To tell the tragedy of that year to millions of tourists who visit Hawaii every year. Missouri ”Witnessed World War II The historic moment of the end. At 9:02 on September 2, 1945, it was berthed in Japan Tokyo Bay In“ Missouri "Become Japan signs unconditional surrender The second world war came to an end. Since 1999, the "Missouri" has been changed into a commemorative ship, berthed at Pearl Harbor In Ford Island Pacific War Witness of the beginning and the end. On March 11, 1959, Hawaii became the 50th state in the United States. [2]

Major islands

Overview of the main islands of the Hawaiian Islands
Island name
Area (km ²)
Altitude (m)
Big Island
19°34′N 155°30′W
ten thousand four hundred and thirty-two
four thousand two hundred and five
Maui Island
20°48′N 156°20′W
one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three
three thousand and fifty-five
Kahurawi Island
20°33′N 156°36′W
one hundred and fifteen point five
four hundred and fifty-two
20°50′N 156°56′W
three hundred and sixty-three
one thousand and twenty-six
Molokai Island
21°08′N 157°02′W
six hundred and seventy-three
one thousand five hundred and twelve
Oahu Island
21°28′N 157°59′W
one thousand five hundred and forty-five
one thousand two hundred and twenty
22°05′N 159°30′W
one thousand four hundred and thirty
one thousand five hundred and ninety-eight
Nihao Island
21°54′N 160°10′W
one hundred and eighty
three hundred and eighty-one

Oahu Island

Oahu [6]
Oahu (Oahu) is the most populous island in the Hawaiian Islands Hawaii Humanities and economic center There are about 840000 people on the island, accounting for more than 2/3 of the total population of Hawaii. Arranged by area, W Lake island It is the third largest island in the Hawaiian Islands, with a total area of 608 Square mile The coastline is 112 miles long.
The capital of Hawaii Honolulu Honolulu Honolulu) is located on this island. It is a big city with hundreds of thousands of people, including ports, docks and international airport Waikiki beach (Waikiki), Hanauma Bay (Hanauma Bay), Pearl Harbor and other famous tourist attractions are located on the island. [6]

Hawaii Island

Big Island [6]
The Big Island of Hawaii( The Big Island , i.e Hawaii )It is the youngest and largest island in the Hawaiian Islands, with a total area of 4028 square miles, twice the total area of all other Hawaiian Islands combined Active volcano Still on Big Island Add new land. The total population of the Big Island is 137000, and the coastline is 266 miles long. Founder of the Hawaiian Dynasty King Kamehameha It was from this island that the Hawaiian Islands were unified.
Big Island is rich in products, rich in macadamia nuts and Hawaiian Coffee (Kona Coffee)。 [6] Known as one of the most active volcanoes in the world Kilauea Mauna Kea, the highest sea mountain in the world with a height of more than 10058 meters, Mauna Loa, the largest mountain in the world, and the largest park in the state the United States Hawaii Volcano National Park From lush Tropical rain forest To the volcanic desert, from snow capped mountains to beautiful black sand beaches, from blue water and romantic beaches to breathtaking and rugged mountain paths, it seems that this scene is to make people in love feel the need to rely on each other, and can not help but make solemn vows, which will be remembered forever.


Maui [6]
Maui Maui is the second largest island in the Hawaiian Islands, covering an area of 729 square miles with a total coastline of 120 miles. Maui has the famous "Haleakala" and the city "Lahaina" formed during the whaling period in the 16th century. The "House of the Sun" is more than 10000 feet above sea level, and there are groups of crater At the intersection, the "whaling town" has completely preserved the style and features of the 16th century, and the whole "whaling town" has been listed as national park [6]

Cute Island

Kauai [6]
Cute Island (Kauai), also known as Kauai , the fourth largest island in the Hawaiian Islands, covers an area of 549 square miles, has a population of about 54000, and its coastline is 90 miles long. Cute Island is the oldest of the eight large islands in the Hawaiian Islands. Captain James Cook, the navigator who discovered the Hawaiian Islands, landed on the lovely island. The Napali coastline on the lovely island is the world alpinism A paradise for the staff. [6-7]

Molokai Island

Molokai [6]
Molokai Island (Molokai) has a total coastline of 88 miles and an area of 260 Square mile , with a population of 6000 or 7000. Nickname: Friendly Island. In the Hawaiian Islands, with the exception of Nevah, Molokai Island It's Hawaii Indigenous peoples An island with the largest proportion of population. After the 19th century, Molokai Island became a special place for leprosy patients in the Hawaiian Islands. [6]

Lanai Island

Lanai, Lanai [6]
Lanai Island Lanai has a coastline of 47 miles, an area of 141 square miles, and a population of two to three thousand. From the late 19th century to the early 20th century, the island was once the largest pineapple in the world( Pineapple )Farms with 19000 acres Pineapple orchard Nearly 98% of Lanai's land is owned by Castle&Cook, which has developed the island into an international pure resort island. [6]

Geographical landscape



Mauna Loa Volcano , 4205 meters above sea level, the mountain top is covered with snow in winter, and you can ski. Kilauea volcano is a Active volcano , 1247 meters above sea level, 4500 meters in diameter, and 120 meters deep. The crater still keeps spraying smoke and dust. [2]
Maui Island Haleyacara is the world's largest Extinct volcano At an altitude of 3055 meters, the last eruption occurred more than 200 years ago. There is a rare silver sword grass Haleakala silversword on the top of the mountain, and there is a famous Io on the west side Needle shape Volcanic cone And the valley, which has been built into the state Eo Valley Park. [2]
Oahu Island Punchowl, an extinct volcano, is now the Pacific National Memorial Cemetery. “Punchowl” hawaiian It means "Hill of Rest". There are more than 20000 cemeteries the Second World War and Vietnam war American soldiers killed in battle. [2]
Diamond horn, too Oahu Island One Extinct volcano With an altitude of 232 meters and a diameter of 1200 meters, the volcano erupted 100000 years ago and has become an important symbol of Hawaii. When Captain Cook led the expedition, the British crew saw the sparkling stones on the mountain and thought they contained rich diamonds, so they named it Diamond Horn. [2]

Canyon Waterfall

Hawaii Volcanoes National Park covers a large area on the south side of the island. Waimea Canyon on Kauai Island is 16093.44 meters long and the bottom is more than 1000 meters deep. It is said that it is a great canyon in ancient times Water conveyance channel Ruins. [2]
The Wailua Falls is located at the eastern end of Maoyi Island and is the largest waterfall around the volcano. The stream 5000 meters away from Vairoya Falls is obstructed by rocks and forms several pools, called "The Seven Pools". It was once regarded as a very sacred place, where women and children are not allowed to bathe. Now it has become a place for tourists to play in the water. [2]

Coastal beach

hawaiian islands
Hanauma Bay Located 8000 meters north of Wikiki, Oahu Island crater An evolving bay. The bay looks like a dinosaur, with clear water and fine sand; There is a large area of coral reef at the bottom of the sea Tropical fish Travelling among them, just like a paradise under the sea; The bay is steep, and there is a piece of Sour bean Tamarindus indica forest.
From Dinosaur Bay to the east, there is a sea cave at the edge of the KoKo fire vent. Whenever the Pacific Ocean billows into the sea cave, the sea water will be forced out of the rock crack like a whale's mouth Blow out This is a fountain like a water column. [2]


Hawaii is Climate type Most regions. There is a famous saying that“ Hawaii Has 11 of the world's 13 climate zones. " Polar Climate Besides, all climates are here. It can subdivide many sub zones Subregion On the whole, the Hawaiian Islands are closer to Subtropical climate instead of Tropical climate , because there are Buffering effect The temperature changes little throughout the year, and there is no season. February and March are the coldest, August and September are the hottest, and the temperature throughout the year is 14-32 ℃. Generally, the rainfall is the largest from October to April of the next year, and it may rain at any time. tourist season It starts from mid December to Easter and from mid June to early September.


The Hawaiian Islands have abundant rainfall. Many hills and mountains are covered with dense forests and grasslands, showing the beauty of natural scenery. At the same time, the Hawaiian Islands also have their own island flower - red Hibiscus flowers On the islands of Hawaii, flowers can be seen in full bloom all the year round. [8]
Due to the luxuriant growth of various plants and flowers insect It is also the most. There are more than 10000 species of butterflies alone, and some species are unique to the islands. There is a kind of butterfly called "green human face animal body butterfly", which is a rare large butterfly in the world. Its wings are 10 cm long when extended. Therefore, many insect lovers and researchers will come to this island to study and collect butterfly specimens [8]


The total population of the Hawaiian Islands is 1285498 (2006). Hawaii has the highest proportion of Asian population in the United States, and the Japanese are the largest in Hawaii Asia ethnic minority Followed by Filipinos, aborigines, Chinese, Koreans, Vietnamese Laos People and Thais. [9]


hawaiian islands
Hawaii Island Most of the residents of Shanghai Labor employment personal income And the state government's tax revenue depends on the 7 million domestic and foreign tourists who come to Hawaii every year for sightseeing. According to the calculation of the Bank of Hawaii, the spillover effect of tourists' tourism spending there is 2, that is, every dollar spent by tourists will make total output value Increase by $2. Tourism income Accounting for 60% of the total local output value economic growth rate Always above American economy The average growth level of. [10]
Since tourism plays a pivotal role in Hawaii's economy, Hawaii The government attaches great importance to protect the environment , protection tourist resources Attention to development "Clean" industries such as marine science Aquaculture Tropical agriculture financial service , commercial centers, etc., to promote the development of tourism and promote economic development in the near future. [10]



Cultural Overview

hawaiian islands
Hawaiian culture is a mixed culture composed of different ethnic groups. It is composed of the original Paulini Subculture In the 18th century, the Western culture brought by Captain Cook's discovery of Hawaii, combined with the influence of different national characteristics of immigrants from different countries, formed. The unique Hawaiian culture is formed after the blending of Eastern and Western cultures. The islanders are warm and hospitable Unique music Dance and food. Aloha Friday is a typical representative, which is the most relaxed and joyful Friday in Hawaii. On that day, government officials, businessmen and ordinary people will wear Aloha shirts with strong Hawaiian flavor, while women will wear long gowns and put a yellow hibiscus flower or hang a string behind their ears Garland [2]

Cultural characteristics

hawaiian islands
Hawaiians wear Hawaiian shirts made of Hawaiian cloth everywhere regardless of the occasion. The Hawaiian shirt has a very simple cut, but its color is bright and rich. It looks comfortable with the bright and warm island scenery of Hawaii. Men wear Aloha shirts( Aloha Shirts), Women's floral gowns can be long or short. They are shorter in the daytime, called Mu, and wear them at night The gown It is called "Mumu" and named after the length of clothes. It is also a great invention of local people. [10]
hula Also known as "hula dance", it is a kind of Whole-body exercise The dance, especially the hand movements, has profound meanings, and shows people's expectations for various beautiful things through different gestures, such as praying for harvest Desire for peace wait. [9]
hawaiian islands
In Hawaii, both men and women dance hula. When dancing, men only wear a belt. Women don't wear tops. The first batch of missionaries who arrived in Hawaii were immediately overreached Exposed clothing Scared, quite sexy Dance movement It also disgusted them, so hula dancing was banned. However, the hula dance was secretly preserved. After King Karakaoa came to power in 1874, this traditional dance was restored, but women were required not to bare their upper bodies and wear long skirts. [4]
There are many schools on the island that teach hula, and the teachers who teach hula are also highly respected. In April every year, the Queen Merry Festival held in honor of King Karakaoa on Hilo Island attracts the best hula dancers in Hawaii, and the tickets for the dance are often sold out months in advance. [4]
According to legend, the first person who danced the hula dance was the dancing god Laka. She danced the hula for her sister Vulcan Pellet Pellet liked the dance very much and lit up the whole sky with flames. Since then, the hula dance has become a tribute to God Religious dance Later, it was used Ukri Entertainment dances accompanied by piano and hula dancing have become the reserved programs for tourists to visit Hawaii. [4]
hawaiian islands
Hawaiians are simple and hospitable. When the sightseeing ship is close to the sea off Hawaii, the enthusiastic Hawaiian girl will drive a boat close to the ship, give a bunch of colorful wreaths to tourists, and shout the welcome slogan "Aloha". Aloha is Hawaii Vernacular , which means "Welcome, hello" and so on, to express friendship and blessings. Everyone who comes to Hawaii will learn this sentence. The wreath is called "Lei". Hawaiians always hold a wreath in their hands. When they meet with acquaintances, welcome or send off guests, they will send a wreath, just like shaking hands when they meet. [9]
"Luau" means "Hawaiian banquet", which is also a grand polynesia Festival parties can be held on any day of the year.
Every time there are some delicious dishes only belonging to Polynesia on Luo, and the main dish is always a Kalua roast pig. It takes several processes to make such a roast pig: first, dig a hole in the ground, surround it with rocks Mesquite do Firewood When the rock is hot, smoke it with giant Zhu Banana Of leaf Wrap the whole pig and put it into a special pot; Bake it for 4-8 hours before you can take it out to eat. When you open the can, it means that the banquet has officially started. The dishes eaten with roast pigs are usually bananas, pineapples Sweet potato Coconut Juice Pudding , chicken beef And fish, and a variety of tropical fruit juice. After the Polynesian song and dance performance, the banquet was concluded. Different parties have different programs, but it is essential for men and women to dance hula together. [4]

Major festivals

New Year's Day
January 1st
Martin Luther King II Memorial Day
The third Monday in January
The third Monday in February
Prince Kuhio Day
February 26th
The first full moon Sunday after March 21
Lucky Friday
Friday before Easter in April
anniversaries of important events
Last Monday in May
King Kamehameha Day
May 11th
Independence Day
July 4th
Entry date
The third Friday in August
labor day
The first Monday in September
Columbus Day
The second Monday in October
Veterans Day
November 11th
The fourth Thursday in November
December 25th [11]

scenic spot


Waikiki beach

hawaiian islands
Waikiki beach Probably the most famous beach in the world, and also the most typical one in the eyes of most tourists Hawaii Beach From the east of the beach area Diamond Hill Lower Kapionella Park, west to Alawi yacht dock , a mile long, the essence of which is from the Regent Hotel to Aston waikiki The section between the seaside hotels, where there are fine white sand beaches Coconut The total length of trees and tall buildings is about 300 to 400 meters. The sea is quiet and open, which is an ideal place for holiday leisure. The beach area between Sheraton Ana Surfer Hotel and Waikiki Hotel is Aquatic Sports It is the best place for boating and surfing. When the sun sets, you can also walk along the beach and slowly enjoy the spectacular sunset. [4]
The more generalized "Wikiki" stretches from the seaside to the inland, with countless shops, restaurants and shopping centers. On Karakawa Avenue (also known as Seaside Avenue), there are the most luxurious hotels and shops in Waikiki Beach. The street is lined with dense coconut trees, which is very charming. [4]

Drill bit hill

Diamond Head is the most obvious sign on Waikiki Beach Extinct volcano Diamond Head Hill ”It is said that the name of calcite Crystal is mistaken for diamond. At the top of the mountain, you can enjoy the whole Honolulu City The sunset here is also unforgettable. [4]

Hanauma Bay

hawaiian islands
Hawaiian Islands and Oahu There is Hanauma Bay in the upper south. Because every vowel must be pronounced, it is not read as "Hanauma Bay". "Hanauma" means curved. Because the whole bay is shaped like being surrounded by a giant dragon, it is called Dinosaur Bay in Chinese. There are many coral reefs and Tropical fish It is the best place for diving and fish watching. [4]

Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor, Hawaii (satellite image)
Pearl Harbor is located in the west of Honolulu, opposite to Waikiki Beach. Since 1911, it has been US Pacific Fleet And air force headquarters and bases. On December 7, 1941, the Japanese raided Pearl Harbor The US military was caught off guard and suffered heavy casualties. Part of Pearl Harbor is open to tourists. The 30000 ton warship sunk that year—— Arizona Still lying on the clear sea bottom, only the mast is exposed. A building was built nearby White Granite Memorial Hall—— USS Arizona Memorial Hall. [4] Missouri ”Witnessed World War II The historic moment of the end. At 9:02 on September 2, 1945“ Missouri ”It became the place where Japan signed the unconditional surrender, ending the Second World War. Since 1999, the "Missouri" has been changed into a commemorative ship, berthed at Pearl Harbor In Ford Island Pacific War Witness of the beginning and the end.