The Three Goddesses of Vengeance

Greek mythological figures
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The Three Goddesses of Vengeance, yes Alecto , Mokela, Tisifone Their names come from MYTHOS , chasing killers on the earth (especially Consanguinity Killers of each other), making them crazy. They are the gods that the Greeks fear most.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Erinyes Erinys
Goddess of Anxiety
Hate Goddess
Goddess of Gratitude

brief introduction

Alecto (Αληκτω,Alêktô/ Alecto )The goddess of "uneasiness";
Megaira/Megaera: Goddess of "hatred";
Tisiphon ê/Tiiphone: Goddess of "giving".

The Story of the Three Goddesses of Revenge

The Three Goddesses of Vengeance Erinyes Erinys Erinius
Erinius (ε ρ ν ν ε ∨<ε ρ ν ν ∨>, Erinyes<Erinys>, "grudge ghosts"): Their names come from Greek mythology. The three vengeful goddesses are the blood of Uranus, the god of heaven Earth god Gaia Gaea )Born on the body, Giants Guigantes (Gigantes) and Ygdrasil Three Goddesses melia (Meliae) sister.
Erinius The image of is three tall women with snake hair on their heads, blood and tears flowing from their eyes, wings on their shoulders, and a torch and a snake whip in their hands. They chase killers (especially blood relatives) on the earth, which makes their conscience suffer and drive them crazy. In Hades, they are also responsible for punishing the evil spirits. They are the gods that the Greeks fear most.
Orestes killed his mother [1]
They are depicted in detail in Greek mythology because of the story of Orestes: Agamemnon Family history comes from killing each other, and they are guilty. Agamemnon's march TROY When, it is calm Poseidon The wind and waves brought by Ifegenia to sacrifice. Ten years later, the Greeks are destroying Troy After triumph, Agamemnon's wife Clytemnestra He avenged his daughter, assassinated Agamemnon with his lover Aegistos, who was pardoned, and took power. Agamemnon's young son Orestes At the age of twelve, his sister Electra entrusted him to a loyal servant, who went to Strophos, the king of Fanote and Agamemnon's brother-in-law. When he escaped, he swore to his sister that he would avenge his father. When Orestes grew up Apollo Of Oracle Killed her mother and her lover Aegistos
However, according to the "ancient law" of Greece, Orestes must take revenge on the person who killed his mother, that is, himself. The revenge system has thus become irreconcilable contradictions. The Three Goddesses of Vengeance entangled him, drove him crazy and wandered everywhere. Apollo guided him to Athens, "where I will find you a fair court, and you can defend yourself with reason". Through countless hardships, Orestes When he finally arrived in Athens, he leaned over the statue and asked the goddess of wisdom Athena 's referee, Vengeance Also agreed. Athena said: "This case is strange and complicated, and it is almost impossible for the human court to judge. Although I will still call the human judge to judge, it is reasonable for you to come to me first. I will call the judge to the temple to preside over the trial, and if the judges are difficult to judge, I will preside over the trial... Both parties have to find evidence and witnesses..." She selected the most upright and wise citizens of Athens to serve as judges and served as the chief judge Ares mountain Hearing
Orestes defends himself, homicidal death Clytemnestra He did not regard her as his mother, but as the murderer of his father. Apollo Not only as a witness, but also vigorously defended the defendant defence counsel Function of. He described the tragic scene of Agamemnon's murder and considered it a heinous crime. He claimed that father was the real sower, and one could only have father without mother, just as Athena was from Zeus From the head. The Vengeance retorted, pointing out that mother killing is a heinous crime, and the crime of killing blood relatives is more serious than that of killing in laws. After the debate, Athena, who presided over the trial, stood up and spoke: Let's wait for the judges' judgment!
She instructed: citizens of Athens, please listen to the speech of the founders of your city: you have begun the first scene Court trials In the future, you will always keep this kind of court, which is located on the sacred Ares Mountain... In the future, this is the solemn court for the murder of relatives. The court will be composed of the most honest people in the city. They should not be bribed. They are honest and strict, and do their best to protect all people. You should all maintain its dignity and regard it as the pillar of the whole city. There is no such sacred place of law in other parts of Greece and foreign countries. This is my hope for the future. Judges, please stand up, remember your oath, and vote for the judgment!
The Three Goddesses of Vengeance
After the judges voted, another group of elected residents (scrutineers) calculated that the votes of both sides were equal. Finally, Athena cast a decisive vote. Orestes Convicted of innocence, he was freed and returned to Mycenae to become a leader. The Vengeance dare not offend pronounce sb. not guilty However, they still said they were not satisfied with the verdict and cursed the judge. Apollo and Athena tried to dissuade them, saying that Athenians would worship them as just and merciless Vengeance Goddesses, and the three Vengeance Goddesses were therefore integrated into Athens. They also gave up the right of revenge and became protectors of prosperity.
Since then, the three sisters have been known as the "Three Goddesses of Kindness" Omenides (ε ν με ν δε ∨, Eumenides) or the "solemn" three goddesses, Semnai/Semnae