
The first generation of wisdom goddess in ancient Greek mythology
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Metis (Medes)( Ancient Greek : μ ῆ ῆ ῆ, English: Metis), one of the ocean goddess, primitive wisdom [1] Goddess, Zeus His first wife; Or the sea goddess of Meyers. [2]
MYTHOS In general, it refers to Oshennas Okeanos )And Tethys 's daughter [3-4] , Ocean Goddess, Wisdom and Thought goddess Athena Boros Mother [3] Hesiod He called her the most intelligent and righteous planner of all gods and people. Sometimes refers to the sea goddess of Meyers [5]
Chinese name
Foreign name
The wisest of gods and mortals
Mythological system
Wisdom, thought, admonition, hydrology, lawyer
Ochenas (father), Tesses (mother)
Styx Wait for Ocean Goddess
Acheros and other river gods
Athena (female), Polos (son)

Introduction to Gods

Metis is ancient MYTHOS The first generation in Goddess of Wisdom , whose father is the ocean god around the world Oshennas , whose mother is the sea goddess Tess. She often appears in some older epics Creation Myth Chinese is the essence of wisdom in Greek mythology. The etymology of the name of Metis means "wisdom". Athena Odysseus It is called "polymetis". [6]
In Classical Greek period In his philosophy, Metis is the mother god who represents the vast wisdom and deep thinking.
Stoic School It is recorded that Methys is the wise goddess of advice, and later inherited as The Renaissance The symbol of time.

Historical records

Divine Scripture
stay Hesiod Of《 Divine Scripture [3] Central Mephis is known as the most intelligent of gods and people, Zeus fear Gaia and Ulanos She gave birth to a son stronger than herself, so she listened to Gaia's advice, coaxed Mephis with words, and contained her. At this time, she had already carried Athena, and later Zeus vomited Athena, while Mephis still remained in Zeus' belly. In this way, she became the thought and will of Zeus.
Divine Script Annotation
In the interpretation of notes and explanations, it is believed that as a goddess of the ocean, Metis, like her parents, Ocean God and Sea Goddess, has a divinity in charge of prophecy and change.
Book collection
This myth is in the book collection of the pseudo Apollodoros [4] Described in more detail. Cronus Afraid of being overthrown by children, Zeus swallowed them when they were born. When Zeus grew up, he got help from Mephis. She gave Cronus a kind of medicine (or wine) to vomit, so Cronus vomited the child he had swallowed. After Zeus defeated Cronus, he began to pursue Metis, who had changed various shapes to avoid his pursuit. When she was pregnant, Zeus swallowed her as soon as possible, because Gaia had predicted that after she gave birth to her daughter, she would give birth to a son and become the king of heaven. Afraid of this happening, Zeus swallowed her up. When the baby is due, Hephaestus Open Zeus's head with an axe, so Athena jumped out of her head armed and landed Triton By the river.
Orpheanism tradition
In the tradition of Orpheus Esoteric, Phanes (Φ ≤νη) - Plutogonos—— Dionysus (Διόνυσος) [6]
stay Plato Of《 drink together [1] Yes, she is Boros (Opportunity, invention, beauty).

Goddess of the same name

Homer It is believed that she is Maion's mother and the daughter of the god of the river Merus of Lydia. [5]