
Titans in Ancient Greek Mythology
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synonym Typhon (The strongest demon god in ancient Greek mythology) Usually refers to Typhos
Tiphos (Greek:, Tuphōn English: Typhoeus/Typhon/Typhaon/Typhos). Re translation Typhon yes MYTHOS Storm Titan giant. According to《 Divine Scripture 》It is recorded that Difeng is the mother of the earth Gaia Son of. It is said that the place of birth is Chilikia In the caves of the region. It has the head of dragons and the tongue of darkness Flamethrower The eye is higher than the sky and covered with feathers Juxtaposition It has a pair of wings.
Tifeng and his wife Ekadna Gave birth to many terrible monsters, such as a hundred dragons Ladon , Hydra Haidera , Hell's three headed dog Cerberus Orthrus Otruth Nimea Lion , Lion Head and Sheep Body Monster chimera , Sphinx Sphinx , sea monster Scura Etc.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Mythological system

Family background

According to《 Divine Scripture 》(The Theogony) recorded that, Typhon Earth Mother Gaia (Gaia) and the god of the abyss Tartaros (Tartarus). Homeric Hymns preserved another saying: Zeus split his head and gave birth to Athena Hera, with a gap in her heart, ran to pray to the Heavenly Father, Earth Mother and Tartaros, asking them to give him a son, who would be far stronger than her husband. Since then, she did not sleep with Zeus all year long, and gave birth to Typhon without conception. It is said that the birthplace is in Kilikion Cave.
Tyfeng has many children, who are all famous monsters in Greek mythology. Among various theories, it is the most common that it mates with the female snake Echidna. The children born to the two demons include:
·Canis Orthus: dog body, double head, python tail, guarding giant Geryon Of cattle;
· Cerberus (Cerberus): Demon dog guarding the gate of hell, three python tails, snake mane and lion claw;
·Hydra: nine headed snake living in Lake Lena;
· Nimea Lion (Nemean Lion): Huge and incomparable, axe and sword can't hurt;
·Draco Ladon: Hundred headed dragon, guard Golden apple
·The Caucasian Eagle: giant eagle. Zeus bound Prometheus , making the eagle peck its liver every day;
· Sphinx Sphinx: human head lion body, eagle wing python tail. After Oedipus guessed its riddle, he threw himself on the cliff;
·Hus Crommyon: wild boar essence, disturbed and damaged by it all the year round in Cromion countryside, later removed by Theseus;
·Gorgon: The three sisters of the banshee, Medusa Is one of them;
·Scylla: The female sea monster has a human body and a human face. She has six dogs at her waist and fish and snakes below her waist;
·Draco Colchi: a magic dragon that never sleeps day and night, guarding the famous Golden wool
In other words, the Dragons of Troy, Anemoi Thuellai and Harpies are also Tifeng's children.


Difeng is most famous for its hundreds of dragon heads. In each mouth, dark Serpentine Scalable throughput. A hundred pairs of terrible eyes burst out from time to time. Its roar is also changeable: sometimes it sounds like a human voice, sometimes it sounds like a cow roaring, sometimes it sounds like a lion roaring, sometimes it sounds like a dog barking, sometimes it sounds like thunder running through the four poles. There are different versions of its body in ancient books. The Divine Manual only mentions the incomparable strength of limbs. Apollodorus's The Library describes it as a human form from shoulder to thigh, with the following thigh Python The body is higher than the mountain, and the stars touch the head the Far East The other hand can reach far west. Many wings grow out of it. The hair is tangled and covered with dust. The Metamorphoses of Antoninus Liberalis said that it not only has a hundred heads and wings, but also has a hundred giant hands.
The epic Dionysiaca gives a more detailed and vivid description of Tifeng's appearance, which is quite different from other books. In this epic, every head of the Tifeng is like a lion, a leopard, an ox, or a wild boar. All kinds of the animals are gathered together. Only one of the them is human. Around each head, there are thousands of poisonous snakes coiling back. Once the snake's hair is angry, plus a hundred pairs of python like arms, it can cover the whole sky. Lower half strip Snake body Where we passed, sinkhole As a result, poisonous saliva drips down and the mountains are splashed with filth. When they roar, one of them makes a human voice, while the others howl, lion howl, cow howl, snake hiss, leopard howl, and all the sounds are mixed, which is powerful enough to frighten The Olympian Gods

The battle with Zeus

▲ Version of the Divine Manual
Divine Scripture 》It briefly describes the battle: General Zeus Titan Go into the abyss and assign the gods the seating order With his position, Gaia, the mother of earth, was pregnant with his last son, Typhon. The demon was so shocking that it was perceived by the gods as soon as it was born. Zeus from Olympus Up and down came the thunderbolt. Thunder and fire mixed with the hurricane of Tifeng, shook the world, shook the mountains, and stirred the sea into billows. Such a powerful voice, even the keeper Hades And the Titans in deep captivity also changed color. Then Zeus jumped down and fought with demons. Tifeng's hundred heads were finally struck by the divine thunder and caught fire. He fell to the ground Windy wind Drive the flames, spread in all directions, and the earth began to melt. Zeus was so angry that he put Difeng into the abyss.
▲ Version of Dionysika
Nonnus' Dionysika tells the whole story of the battle in nearly nine thousand words. The whole story can be roughly divided into three parts: Tifeng stole thunder fire from Zeus, Cadmus helped Zeus cheat back thunder fire, and Tifeng fought with Zeus.
Zeus hid the thunder fire in a cave and ran to have a tryst with the fairy Plouto. Shenlei emits smoke and sparks in the cave, and the white cliff is immediately smoked black. With the consent of his mother Gaia, Tifeng stole the powerful weapon and placed it in the crack of the stone. Then it roared and roared, clashed between the four poles, stretched out the snake's hair, and raised its huge arm to hit the sky. The heavens were confused: the stars were misplaced, or fell into the sea, and the sun and moon appeared at the same time. It hit the chariot of Apollo. The moon god confronts it, but is covered with scars. Even the four winds and gods could not escape this disaster. It rushed into the sea again. The water hasn't reached the troll's waist yet. It stirs the sea water, stirs up huge waves, chops the waves Poseidon The car pulled out of the water. The students in the sea were terrified, even if Leviathan (Leviathan) also retreated. It returned to land and took out the thunder fire. Although Difeng has two hundred huge arms, it is difficult to lift the god thunder that weighs more than ten thousand. This weapon cannot be used with confidence, but just raising a demonstration is enough to make all gods fly away. They became birds and beasts and fled to Egypt in a hurry.
At this time, Zeus was transformed into a white ox Crete With Princess Phoenicia Europa (Europa) lingering. After hearing the news, he rushed back to fight with Tifeng, but he lost his weapon and was not an opponent. After being pulled out of his muscles by the demon, he lost the battle. Europa's brother Kadmus found his missing sister and met Zeus on the way. Then the god of heaven came up with a plan and ordered the animal husbandry god to follow him Pan (Pan) summoned cattle flock of sheep , put up a hut, dressed Cadmus as a shepherd boy, asked him to cheat Lei Huo back from Tifeng, and promised Harmonia as his wife. When everything stopped, Zeus became a bull and mixed with the cattle. Cadmus sat under the tree and played his flute. When the demon heard the music, he hid the god thunder in the cave and came to enjoy it. He also said that he would occupy Olympus Mountain in the future, and he would invite shepherd boys to play with him, promising various benefits. Cadmus made his way harp It is more exquisite, but it needs the tendons of Zeus to make strings. The demon was confused by the flute sound and gladly handed it over. At this time, the gods have arrived at the cave to take away the weapons. When he came back, he did not see the divine thunder. He suddenly woke up and became angry. He called to Zeus and threatened to marry Hera, banish the gods to slavery, liberate the giants of the nether world, and reunite heaven and earth into chaos. The two sides fought again.
With clouds as armor, thunder as shield, lightning as spear, and thunderbolt as arrow, Zeus rushed down from the Xiaohan on the Khronos' Chariot. Phobos, the god of riot, and Deimos, the god of fear, were in the retinue, Victory Goddess Nick (Nike) raises his shield in front. All the wind and gods in the four directions are for its inspiration. Difeng did not show weakness, but piled up stone mounds in front of him. He raised a glacier and threw it at Zeus, hoping to extinguish the thunder. But no water can extinguish the sky fire. Then it pulled down a large area of cliff and threw again and again. Zeus either dodged, or split with thunder and lightning, or raised his hand to seize the reverse throw, and then drove thunder, electricity, ice, fire, wind and other supernatural powers to attack demons. Finally Difeng fell to the ground without support. After making a mockery, Zeus pressed it under Mt Aetna in Sicily.
▲ Version of the Library
The description in the Library is more similar to that of Nonus, but much simpler. It is said that Zeus sent thunder and fire, and fought against Tyfeng with a corundum sickle. The demon was injured and defeated. Zeus Chases Syria Mount Kasium, hand to hand combat with him. Typhon entangled the gods with the hair of a snake, took off his sickle and cut off his muscles. It abandoned the body in the Qiliqiong cave and hid the muscles in a piece Bearskin Next. Hermes and Aigipan stole the muscles and put them back on the body. Zeus regained his strength and drove Difeng to Thrace Place. The demon sacrificed the whole mountain, but was hit by a thunderbolt and wanted to escape from the Sicilian Sea. Zeus summoned Mount Etna and pressed it below.
▲ The gods flee
Hermes became a ibis, an ancient Egypt Tote When Tifeng, the incarnation of God, showed his power, all the other gods except Zeus and Athena fled to Egypt in fear. They listened to Pan's suggestion and turned into various animals to hide. Hera became a white cow, Apollo became an eagle Raven )Hermes became a ibis, Ares Become a fish, Artemis Become a cat, Dionysus Become a goat, Hercules Become a fawn, Hephaestus become a bull, and Leto become a mouse. Other gods also have incarnations. On the other hand, Pan himself turned into a sheep on his upper body and a fish on his lower body.
Hyginus's Astronautica Venus Travel with my son Cupid Euphrates River , and make troubles when encountering Difeng. The two gods jumped into the river and became Pisces. This is it. Pisces The origin of.
▲ Other details
Dionysika mentions that Typhon was in Lydia( Lydia )Rage. The priest there used a spell to bind it, so that it did not dare to move forward.
There is a version that Pan used a fish feast as bait to lure Difeng from the abyss to the beach, and then Zeus killed him with thunder. Another said that Pan caught the demon with a fishing net. There are also several classics that believe that the defeat of Tyfeng was in Phrygia. Valerius Flakus In the Latin epic Argonautica (Valerius Flaccus), Bacchus (equivalent to Dionysus) and Pallas (equivalent to Athena )Dare to confront Difeng. And what finally put the demon at the bottom of the mountain poseidon Not Zeus.
Difeng also suffered Three Goddesses of Destiny Deception of. In Nysa Mountain, the three sisters tricked him into eating the fruit of the day, saying it could increase his strength. After eating, Difeng was defeated within one day.


Iliad 》It is said that Tifeng was killed on the land of Arimoi people Zeus Defeat and lie there all the time. According to《 Divine Scripture 》The female snake Aiqidina also occupies the cave in Ali Moya. Maybe that's where the gate of the Hell Abyss is. Odyssey 》There is a place called Kimmeroi mentioned in the book. It is ice and snow all the year round, with long nights and no days. It may be related to Alimoya. Strabo, a great geographer, deduced that this place was the volcanic plain of Lydia at that time.
The Serbonian Lake was located in Egypt and Phoenicia (Phoenicia). Herodotus (Herodotus) and others think that Teflon's Prison It should be there. But this is mostly due to Difeng and Ancient Egypt Seth (Set).
More versions believe that Difeng is under pressure sicily Under Mount Etna. It struggled to get out of the difficulty at the bottom of the mountain, which brought an earthquake. The magic flame and smoke rushed out of the mountain, causing Volcano eruption Zeus sent Hephaestus Suppress on the mountain and strike iron with the flame. Aeschylus Prediction: Tifeng's fire cannot be quenched. One day, magma will converge into a river and burn the soil of the whole island. Strabo believes that not only Sicily, but also the nearby islands are all pressing on Tifeng. Once the demon turns over, it will lead to disaster.

Mythical significance

The struggle between Zeus and Tyfeng in the tomb of the Ithuscan people (most of the giant paintings after the fourth century AD were based on snakes, which may be influenced by the myth of Tyfeng) is the end of his battle with the Titans. Divine Scripture 》And others ancient Greek The classics all imply this. Gaia was dissatisfied with Zeus's sending his children into the abyss, so he gave birth to Tifeng. In Dionysika, Typhon explicitly mentioned that he wanted to replace Zeus and become the Lord Olympus He also wants to release his older Titans from the ground. From a certain point of view, the gods defeated the Titans, and the metaphor order prevailed over chaos, Open up the world The appearance of Difeng represents the violent natural force A counter attack on order. It disturbs Sun, moon and stars , and the threat to merge heaven and earth, all support this view.
Pindar once combined Tifeng with Pu Feiliang, the leader of the giant( Porphyrion )Put them in the same breath. There are similarities between the two. Pufeiliang was also born by Gaia. He once robbed Hera and wanted to commit adultery, but Zeus drove him to use be struck by lightning Death. In Dionysika, Typhon also threatened to take Hera as his wife. Many ancient books also call it "Gigante".
Tifeng is a personification of volcanic power. In this regard, it has a great relationship with the giant Enceladus. In the giant war, Enceladus wanted to escape, Athena Put Mount Etna on it. Perhaps these two myths explain the origin of Mount Etna respectively, and they are not related to each other, but conversely, Tifeng and Enceladus may also come from the same source, and gradually diverge in the oral tradition of our ancestors. On the other hand, Hephaestus, as a god of volcanoes, is quite different from Tifeng. Although one god and one devil, both are Hera Infertility But born.
Difeng also symbolizes evil wind. Divine Scripture 》It was said that after its defeat, it produced countless wild winds from its body, which specially harmed ships going between. This Greek word goes Persia It becomes Tufâ n, especially the indian ocean In English, it becomes Typhoon. The origin of the word "typhoon" in Chinese is that some people think it comes from "Taiwan" in Taiwan, which is also a transliteration of Typhoon. But according to Qing Wang Shizhen Xiangzu's Notes 》, "Taiwan's wind trust is different from that of other seas. The strong and strong wind is a hurricane, and even a typhoon is Taiwan. The hurricanes start and end quickly, and Taiwan often continues day and night. The hurricanes start in the first, second, third, and fourth months of the year, and the hurricanes start in the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth months of the year." It can be seen that the word "typhoon" originates from the word "Taiwan" at that time. This word alone is unlikely to be transliterated into typhon. Another said that the word originated from Cantonese "Strong wind", or from Minnan "Air screen". So far, there is no final conclusion.
Recent ancient Greek writers believed that Tifeng was from ancient Egypt Seth Seth is the desert god and storm god. In the later development of myth, it gradually became the representative of evil, and Main God horus (Horus) fought for power and position, and finally surrendered. This legend has evolved and added the motif of rebirth, which is more complicated: Seth killed the god of the underworld Osiris Osiris ), unloaded into 13 pieces and stored in different places, making it impossible to revive. Osiris' wife, god of life Isis (Isis) Find the dead body of her husband and put it together. Then the god of the underworld revived and became Helios Horus, take revenge on Seth. In the Typhon myth, the demon pulled out Zeus's tendon to hide, and Cadmus (or Hermes , Pan), and Zeus regained his power to kill Tifeng. The two processes are very similar.
The ancient Greeks could not understand that the Egyptians had their own set of gods, so they used the myth of gods fleeing to provide an explanation. Each deified animal is the image of the Egyptian god, and has the following corresponding relationship:
· Apollo ——Eagle - Horus, the sun god
·Hermes—— Ibis ——Wisdom and Magic God Tote (Thoth)
· Ares ——Fish - God of War Anhur
· Artemis ——Cat - the god of hunting, Neith
· Dionysus ——Goat - Osiris
·Hephaestus - bull - craftsman god Puta (Ptah)
·Rito - Mouse - Goddess of Fire Wadjet
In this way, the ancient Greeks had their gods and Egyptian gods coming from the same source.
▲ Others
Religious scholars believe that Tifeng is related to the archangel Sandalphon in Jewish mythology. The archangel is also extremely tall, with clouds overhead.