
Characters in Ancient Greek Mythological Figures
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Tantalos, yes MYTHOS Central deity Zeus At first, he was very favored by the gods and won great honor that others could not easily get: to visit Olympia Gathering and banquet of mountain gods. As a result, Tantalus became arrogant and insulted the gods, so he was sent to hell and suffered forever. Later, he used his name to refer to the tortured people; "The anguish of Tantalus" is used to describe the pain of being able to see the goal but never reach it.
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Characters in Ancient Greek Mythology

Character experience

Tantalus Zeus His son, Zephyrus, who ruled Lydia, was famous for his wealth. Because of his noble birth, the gods respected him very much. He could have dinner with Zeus without avoiding the conversation of the gods. But his vanity He began to do evil to the gods. He really did not deserve to enjoy the happiness of heaven. He divulged the secrets of their lives; Steal from their table Honey wine And the elixir, and give them to mortal friends. He put others in Crete Of Temple of Zeus A golden dog stolen in the house. Tantalos hid the stolen goods, refused to hand them over, and stole the golden dog for himself. One day, he invited the gods to his home. In order to test whether the gods know everything, he asked someone to take his son Perops Kill them, then cook them, make a table, and treat them. Cereal Goddess present Demeter Lost daughter due to missing Persephone At the banquet, she was not sure, only she tasted a piece out of politeness Scapula Other gods had already seen through his trick and threw the torn boy's limbs into the basin. Goddess of Destiny Croto took him out of the basin and brought him back to life. Unfortunately, there was a piece missing on his shoulder, which was eaten by Demeter. Later, he had to make a piece with ivory.
Tantalus offended the gods. He committed heinous crimes and was sent to hell by the gods, where he suffered and tortured. He stood in the middle of a deep pool, and the waves rolled under his chin. However, he was thirsty like a fire, and could not drink a drop of cold water, although the cold water was right around his mouth. As long as he bent down to drink water from his mouth, the water in the pool immediately flowed away from him, leaving him standing on a flat ground alone, as if a demon had drained the pool. At the same time, he was hungry. Behind him is the lake bank. There are a row of fruit trees on the bank, which are full of fruits, branch It was bent by the fruit and hung on his forehead. As long as he looked up, he could see the fresh pear dripping with honey on the tree, bright red Apple , fiery pomegranate, fragrant Fig And green olives. These fruits seemed to greet him with a smile, but when he stood on tiptoe to pick them, a strong wind would blow the branches into the air. In addition to enduring these torments, the most terrible pain is the continuous fear of death, because a big stone hanging above his head will fall down at any time and crush him.

role relationship

Tantalus II is the daughter of Tantalus Niobe One of the seven sons she gave birth to, because Nyob had offended Night Goddess , the goddess sent her son and daughter Artemis Punish them, Tantalus II and his brothers and sisters We were all Apollo His bow and arrow shot to death. Agamemnon It is also its offspring Helen And led the army to destroy Troy“ Troy War ”, killed for his wife after returning home. [1]

Character extension

People often describe a person's great suffering and life challenges as“ The tribulation of Tantalus ”, Russia A Short Play by Chekhov, a novelist, and Peru distinguished writer Vargas Llosa Love Notes 》This allusion is used in.
Rare metals Tantalum is named after Tantalus.