The earth revolves around the sun

The earth rotates periodically around the sun
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The revolution of the earth around the sun refers to the periodic rotation of the earth around the sun. The orbit of revolution is an ellipse that is very close to a perfect circle angular velocity It's 360 degrees a year, Average linear speed 940000000 km per year.
Chinese name
The earth revolves around the sun
angular velocity
360 degrees per year
Average linear speed
940000000 km/year

brief introduction

The elliptical orbit is a compromise between the Earth's gravity on nearby celestial bodies. A system with only one planet and one star is meaningless. During the formation of the early solar system, the primitive planets were asteroid And a series of other disturbances led to the formation of elliptical orbits. This is called the theory of planetary migration.
First of all, a perfectly circular orbit is also a kind of elliptical orbit, which is just a special elliptical orbit.
The earth revolves around the sun. Under given energy conditions, there are countless possible orbits, Circular orbit Just one of them. If you want the earth to move in a perfectly circular orbit, the energy and momentum of the earth must meet certain conditions. Is the kinetic energy Ek and potential energy The relationship of Ep satisfies Ek=- Ep/2. Or when Ek=- EP/2, Earth movement The direction is perpendicular to the sun earth line. This condition is very harsh. Even if the earth moves in a circular orbit, a small disturbance can change this state, making the earth move in a new elliptical orbit.

revolution speed

average angular velocity It is 360 degrees a year, or 59 minutes a day. Average linear speed 940000000 kilometers per year, or 29.78 kilometers per second. Instant angular velocity and instant Linear velocity There are seasonal changes Conservation of energy The closer to the sun, potential energy The smaller, the greater the kinetic energy, the greater the instant linear velocity and instant angular velocity. On the premise of the conservation of angular momentum, that is, the area swept by the connection between the earth and the sun is constant in an equal length of time.

Included angle of revolution

Earthly Autorotation shaft It inclines 66 ° 34 'to the orbital plane of its revolution. This angle is similar to the tilt of the pen holder and the desktop when people use a pencil to write. It is sometimes figuratively compared to the earth's "oblique body" circling the sun.
This relationship between the earth's rotation and its revolution, astronomy and geography It is usually used on Cosine angle (23 ° 26 ′), i.e Equatorial surface And track surface Angle of intersection To represent; In the geocentric celestial sphere, the ecliptic and Celestial equator And called Yellow declination angle , also known as "Yellow Chida Distance". The two intersections of the ecliptic and the celestial equator are called Aries Palace Aries )The first point and Libra libra )First, in Northern Hemisphere Are respectively referred to as Vernal equinox and Autumnal equinox , collectively Equinox The two points on the ecliptic that are farthest from the celestial equator are called Cancer Palace Cancer )The first point and Capricorn Capricornus )The first point is the summer solstice and Winter solstice , collectively Solstice The second solstice is 23 ° 26 'from the celestial equator, called the Yellow Chida Distance, which is the expression of the intersection angle of the Yellow Angle on the geocentric celestial sphere.
Yellow declination angle In the celestial sphere Celestial pole For North and South Yellow pole Deviation of. Celestial axis Perpendicular to Equatorial surface Yellow axis Perpendicular to Ecliptic surface Since the angle between the yellow and the red is 23 ° 26 ', the deviation of the celestial pole from the yellow pole must also be 23 ° 26'
The existence of the declination angle has important astronomical and geographical significance. As mentioned earlier, the intersection of yellow and red is Precession of earth axis One of the causes of formation; It still sees Solar day length Annual change The main reason for. The next section will also explain that the angle of intersection between the yellow and the red is the change of the four seasons on the earth the five zones The root cause of the distinction.

Rail diameter

Kepler Of Laws of planetary motion At the beginning of the 17th century, the solar system in the eyes of astronomers reached an unprecedented consistency with its true appearance. The sun is at the center; Six planets known at that time—— Mercury Venus , Earth, Mars Jupiter also Saturn From the inside to the outside, they circle on their respective elliptical orbits Solar motion However, there is a major defect in this "family photo" of the solar system scale Because astronomers at that time did not know the distance between any planet and the sun, they only knew the ratio of the distance between these planets and the sun, in which the average distance between the earth and the sun was defined as Astronomical unit By analogy, the distance between the innermost Mercury and the sun is 0.3871 astronomical units, while the outermost Saturn moves slowly in its orbit 9.5388 away from the sun.
Because the "astronomical unit" is astronomy, especially astronomy Surveying Therefore, accurate measurement of the distance between the earth and the sun has become one of the "most noble astronomical problems".
But this is not an easy thing. The sun is high in the sky and out of reach. Obviously, it cannot be directly used as measuring the size of your room Tape It can only be measured indirectly. Astronomers soon thought“ parallax ”The so-called "parallax" refers to the difference in direction when observing the same target at two different points. This difference in direction can be achieved by mobile computing Come out. If the distance between two points is known, use what you learned in middle school geometry Knowledge can calculate the target to Observation point Distance. It is easy to think that the farther the target is, the smaller its parallax. When the object is very far away, its parallax can be ignored and used as the observation background. The most common parallax in daily life is the movement of an object in your eyes relative to other objects when you look at the same object with your left and right eyes respectively.
But we need to measure the solar parallax But it is also a very difficult thing. First of all, its distance is too far, even if measured at both ends of the earth, its parallax is still very small, which requires very precise instruments; What's worse is that the sun is so bright that it completely submerges the starry sky that can be used as the background, so we have no more Ruler , which makes direct measurement Its parallax has almost become an impossible task. This one has no scale Solar system map It was used until the early 18th century.
In 1716, the famous British astronomer Harley The discoverer of comet, Edmundo Halley A indirect determination Solar parallax This method requires the use of a rare Astronomical phenomenon ——“ Venus transit ”, that is, the tiny size made by Venus“ solar eclipse ”When this phenomenon occurs, there is a Small black spot Er, the shadow of Venus, passes through the surface of the sun. Halley's method is to get the parallax of the sun by measuring the time when the small black spot passes through the sun's surface at different observation sites, and then through a series of calculations.
But unfortunately, Harley died before the next transit of Venus appeared. German astronomical machine Enke calculated the distance between the sun and the earth as 153 million kilometers in 1824 by using the observation results of two transit times of Venus in 1761 and 1769. Later astronomers made use of the two subsequent transits of Venus in 1874 and 1882 to make this figure accurate to 149.34 million ± 96000 kilometers, which is very close to the modern value of 149.59787 billion kilometers.
Of course, this value is the average distance between the sun and the earth, which is the semi major axis of the ellipse in geometry. however Earth orbit It is very close to a perfect circle. Its eccentricity is only 0.0174, which means that the farthest distance between it and the sun is only 1.74% farther than the average distance, about 2.6 million kilometers.

Revolution period

365 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes and 9.5 seconds
24 hours, 36 minutes and 38 seconds
366 day leap year
36min 38s
A leap year is a year that can be divided by 400
The stellar year is the time required for the sun to pass through a star twice in a row on the celestial sphere, with a length of 365.25636 ordinary days.
In the regression year, the sun passes through the celestial sphere twice in a row Vernal equinox The required time is 365.24220 ordinary days.
Earth revolution In the process of orbit and direction, every point on the route the earth passes through is on the same plane and forms a closed curve. This kind of closed curve that the earth moves in the process of revolution is called Earth orbit If we regard the earth as a particle, then the earth's orbit actually refers to the orbit of the earth's center. Strictly speaking, the median position of the earth's revolution is not the sun's center, but the common position of the earth and the sun Quality Center , not only the earth is rotating around the common mass center, but also the sun is rotating around the point. But the sun is solar system The Earth is just an ordinary planet in the solar system. The mass of the sun is Earth mass The public mass center of the sun and the earth is only 450 kilometers away from the sun center. This distance is about 700000 kilometers away from the Solar radius Compared with the distance of 150 million kilometers between the sun and the earth, it is really insignificant. Therefore, it is very close to the actual situation to regard the revolution of the earth as the movement of the earth around the sun (center). The shape of the earth's orbit is a nearly circular ellipse, and the sun is at one of the focuses of the ellipse. The ellipse has Semimajor axis Semi stub shaft and Half focal length And other elements, respectively represented by a, b and c, where a is Stub shaft The distance between the two ends to the focus (F1, F2). There is such a relationship between semi focal length and semi major axis and minor axis: c2=a2-b2, the ratio of semi focal length c to semi major axis a, c/a, is elliptical Eccentricity , expressed by e, that is, e=c/a. Eccentricity is a quantitative expression of elliptical shape, and the value of e is greater than 0 but less than 1. The closer the ellipse is to the circle, the smaller the value of e, that is, close to 0; On the contrary, the flatter the ellipse, the greater the value of e. After measurement, the semi major axis a of the Earth's orbit is 149.6 million kilometers, Semi stub shaft B is 149.58 million kilometers. According to this data, the eccentricity of the Earth's orbit is calculated as: visible, the Earth's orbit is very close to a circle. Since the earth's orbit is elliptical, the distance between the sun and the earth changes constantly as the earth revolves around the sun. The point in Earth's orbit closest to the sun, that is Elliptical orbit The long axis of Perihelion In modern times, the date when the Earth passed the perihelion was about the beginning of January every year. At this time, the earth is about 147.1 million kilometers away from the sun, usually called perihelion. The point in the earth's orbit farthest from the sun, that is, the far end of the long axis of the elliptical orbit from the sun, is called Apohelion In modern times, the Earth passed aphelion in early July every year. At this time, the earth is about 152.1 million kilometers away from the sun, usually called Telehelion Perihelion and telehelion average value 149.6 million kilometers, which is Average distance between the sun and the earth , i.e. 1 Astronomical unit according to Perimeter of ellipse Of Calculation formula : L=2 πα (1-0.25 × e2) The total length of the earth orbit is 940 million kilometers.