University of Tuebingen

German public research universities
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Eberhart Kars Tubingen University( Latin :Universitas Eberhardina Carolina; German Eberhard Karls Universitaet Tuebingen for short, located in the former Wutengburg Old Capital, Today Baden Wuerttemberg University Town Tubingen , founded by the Earl of Eberhart in 1477, Europe The oldest university one of, German elite universities U15 University Union of Germany European Association of Research Universities European Union of Citizen Universities European Association of Universities Pleiadian University Alliance Members.
Tubingen University trained 9 students Nobel Prize Winners and philosophers Hegel , poet Holderlin, astronomer Kepler , writer Hesse, former president of Germany Horst Koehler Former Prime Minister Kurt Georg Kiesinger , Chinese diplomat Qiao Guanhua and other outstanding alumni social sciences , natural science, medicine and other fields.
Tubingen University and the two buildings located in Tubingen Max Planck Institute Intelligent System Research Institute [17] And Institute of Biological Cybernetics [16] , jointly initiated Tubingen Artificial Intelligence Center [19] as well as Cyber Valley [18] The ecosystem has grown into Europe's largest and leading center of excellence in artificial intelligence and modern robots [18] [20] In addition, Cyber Valley was also Amazon Benz Porsche bmw Bosch And other enterprises [19]
Chinese name
University of Tuebingen
Foreign name
Eberhard-Karls-Universitaet Tuebingen (German)
Tuebingen U
Time of establishment
Nature of running a school
Public University
School category
Comprehensive research university
School characteristics
Member of the Pleiadian University Alliance [12-13]
Current leaders
Bernd Engler President
School motto
Attempo! (I dare!)
Baden Wuerttemberg, Germany Tubingen
major awards
Nobel Prize
School emblem
Symbolic of victory Palm tree

History of school running

Tubingen University was founded in 1477 and located in Germany Baden Wuerttemberg Domestic Tubingen By the Ka River in the city.
Tubingen It is a city developed from two small settlements. It first appeared in historical records in 1078 AD and was officially established in 1231. This town has ever made Wuteng Castle The capital of a state. In the 15th century, Earl Eberhart (later promoted to Duke) was on the throne Italy Travel, yes The Renaissance I deeply appreciated that after returning to China Tibingen He founded a university.
  • 1477: At first, four departments, namely, Department of Theology, Department of Law, Department of Medicine and Department of Philosophy, were established.
  • 1535-1536: The Protestant Theological Institute was founded.
  • 1817: Department of Economic and Social Sciences was founded.
  • 1863: The first Department of Natural Science in German University was founded. In 1863, Tubingen University created the Department of Natural Science in Germany natural science from Philosophy Separated from. In 1895, the first female doctor in Germany was trained here. [2]
  • 1979: The number of students exceeded 20000 for the first time.
  • 1990: Establishment of the Department of Computer Science.
  • 1990: The International Center for Science and Humanities Ethics (IZEW) was established.
  • 1999: Plant Molecular Biology Center (ZMBP) was established
  • 2000: Establishment of Hertie Clinical Brain Research Center.
  • 2007: Wernarechart Comprehensive Neuroscience Research Center was selected into the German Excellence Program Elite Research Cluster.
  • 2012: Selected as an elite university of the German Excellence Program.
  • In July 2019, it was selected into the list of "elite universities" in Germany. [3]
Today, this university has a long history of more than 500 years, with many celebrities and the current Pope pope benedict xvi Joseph Ratzinger, the doctor who discovered and described Alzheimer's disease, Alzheimer, the "legislator in heaven" Kepler German philosophy A master Hegel Holdrin, Germany's greatest poet romanticism poet Ulande Art Fairy Tale Master Hao Fu Objective idealism Schelling, and The Nobel Prize in Literature Hesse, the winner, also studied and lived here, Goethe He lived here for ten years.

academic research


Scientific research platform

Research Institute
Germany dentist graduate school
Institute of Special Education [2]

Academic resources

The school has the most advanced equipment and extensive literature, has made great achievements in scientific research, and has also brought Tubingen high prestige. Since its establishment, its library and Plato The archives are responsible for collecting all kinds of scientific and technological documents History file The library of Tubingen University is open not only to the campus staff, but also to the public outside the campus.
university library

School running conditions



Tubingen University is composed of 7 faculties, some of which are subdivided into more departments.
Protestant Theological Seminary
Catholic Theological College
law school
medical college
College of Humanities
Academy of Economic and Social Sciences
College of Science
Professional settings
Church history, Systematic theology , the Old Testament, the New Testament, Practical theology , moral theology, dogmata Ecclesiastical law History of the Church in the Middle Ages And modern church history, basic theology, civil law, commercial law and law of trade criminology , Criminal Law, public law , Constitution, administrative law , Economics, Business, Economic History And Social History Industrial Economics , Economics and Statistics, business management Operational Research anatomy , Physiology, Pathology , Hygiene, Medicine Biostatistics History of Medicine forensic medicine Neuropathology toxicology , Anthropology and Genetics, Social Medicine pharmacology Medical Microbiology Ophthalmology , Urology, Pediatrics, Radiography, Neurology medicine Clinical chemistry nuclear medicine , pediatric surgery, neurosurgery, Obstetrics And Gynecology psychiatry Thoracic Surgery And cardiac surgery, surgery, Otolaryngology skin disease Science, Dentistry, Anesthesiology , German folklore, psychology, education , sports theory, politics, sociology, German Philology Romantic philology and general literature, English philology, German philology and comparative literature, German language and literature, American English philology, History of Eastern Europe , Ancient History, medieval history And modern history, modern history, folk history, Egyptian studies, prehistory Early history, classical philology, East Asian philology, art history, Japanese studies, oriental studies, music, mathematics, theoretical physics, astronomy and astrophysics, data processing, computer science, Applied Physics , experimental physics, theoretical electronic physics, crystallography, theoretical astrophysics, theoretical atomic and nuclear physics, pharmacology, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, Theoretical chemistry , Pharmaceutical Technology, biochemistry , chemical plant biology, pharmacy, biology, zoology, microorganism, Developmental physiology Biological mathematics , botany, Animal Physiology , genetics, Population genetics , Biocybernetics Crystallography and Mineralogy, physical geography , applied geography, geology, mineralogy and petrology, geography, human geography, general geology and applied geology, geology and paleontology [2] [4]


The school has 4500 teaching staff. 517 professors and 4657 Scientific researchers

Teaching construction

Tubingen University has 28300 students, including 5340 international students from all over the world, accounting for 18.9% of the total.

Social evaluation

  • In 2012, the University of Tubingen won an award for its future concept "research – relevance – responsibility" during the implementation of the "German University Excellence Program". In 2019, the University of Tubingen was again rated as one of the 11 outstanding universities in Germany.
  • According to the Times Higher Education Supplement (2019), Tubingen University ranks 89th and 48th in the arts and humanities. Tubingen University ranked among the top ten universities in Germany in the 2017 US News Global Best University and QS World University Rankings.
  • In 2019, Tubingen University ranked sixth in the QS global ranking of "theology and religious studies".
  • Tubingen University is the only university in the German speaking world that has taken rhetoric as an independent research subject professor.
Comprehensive ranking
Discipline ranking
  • two thousand and eighteen QS Ranked 16th in theology and religion in the world [11]
  • two thousand and seventeen THE Ranking 38th in the world in humanities [3]

Campus environment

Tubingen is a famous university town in Germany, the city with the highest density of college students in Germany, and one of the youngest cities in Germany Wuteng Castle State capital Stuttgart 30km. Someone said: bonn There is a university, Hamburg contains a university, Tubingen is a university. Tubingen, with a population of 85500, has 28300 Germans and foreigners overseas student One out of every three people is a college student, so Tubingen is called the "Republic of Scholars".
The spired gables and the poetic habitat of Holdrin on the banks of the Neckar River are all old cities with 900 years of development Tubingen To the unique scenery around Horntibingen Palace. Of the city's 85000 people, 24000 are college students.
The ancient university with a history of 500 years in the city - Tubingen University has deeply influenced all aspects of the small city, and is deeply affected by the profound Cultural details The renovated medieval city center, the bustling prosperity and the vibrant university town life are integrated into one, which is very extraordinary. thousand and one International students , visiting scholars and numerous international exchange activities have given this university town a unique international atmosphere. Besides Tubin Eradicate University, there are also many research institutions, such as Max Planck Institute- Institute of Biology Virus Research Institute Institute of Biological Control. In addition, the city's publishing It is also very developed.
Tubingen has a quaint and beautiful city style. The streets are close to mountains and rivers, and the streets are winding. Red tile brick houses rise and fall along with the terrain, and they are well arranged. Here, you don't have to deliberately look for places of interest, because there are exquisite buildings of the 15th and 16th centuries everywhere on the high and low slopes. Coming to the old city of Tubingen is like walking into an ancient medieval city.
The Renaissance The Schloss Hohens ü bingen Palace of the era, which was owned by the University of Tubingen, towered over the city. be located Market Square On city hall After 500 years of vicissitudes, it still stands tall. However, the most memorable thing is Neckar River Scenery on both sides of the strait. The Neckar River meanders from the Schwaben Mountains, pushing the city to both sides, and a strip island appears in the river; At the end of the island, a bridge is raised. Walk down the steps from the bridge to the island and stand Willow Looking at the riverside of the line, there are many buildings and residential buildings facing the street with gables of Tibingen University, with reddish brown roofs, Yellow The walls and bright windows are really picturesque, beautiful and exquisite. Look, there is a small tower, where the poet Holderlin lived.
Pigeon House on the Island in the Heart of Lake Neckar
200 years ago, the three heroes of Tubingen, Holdrin Hegel Xie Lin, when he was still a student, he often slipped out of the school gate at noon to swim in the river. After having a good time, he talked about philosophy and literature. Schelling was the youngest among the three sworn friends, but he was the first to stand out. During his study at Tubingen Theological Seminary Philosophical thought The outline has begun to take shape. Holderlin also became active in German poetry. The mature Hegel became famous late, but he achieved the most. His position in the history of thought is similar to that of Napoleon in the history of politics, and his influence is deep and far away. Tubingen's cultural life They are much richer than their elders. There are nine cinemas and two theaters with various programs, which can satisfy the leisure of college students. There are also about 100 restaurants in the city, of which nearly 40 are traditional university pubs. After listening to the lecture in the evening, students come here to drink Beer or Wine While chatting, playing cards or angry with the professor. If the weather is sunny, many students like to read in the sunshine on the bank of the Neckar River. How comfortable, comfortable and quiet it is. What an unforgettable university town, a pocket republic of scholars. [2]

Well known alumni


Nobel Prize Winner

  • Karl Ferdinand Braun (1909, Physics).
  • Edward Buchner (1907, Chemistry).
  • Fritz Preg (1923, Chemistry).
  • Adolf Butenandt (Adolf Butenandt) (1939, Chemistry).
  • Hans Bate (Hans Bethe) (1967, Physics).
  • Ernst Kretschmer , a psychiatrist and psychologist, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1929.
  • William Ramsay , chemist, winner of the 1904 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
  • Georg Wittig , chemist, shared the Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Herbert Brown in 1979.
  • Hartmut Michel , biochemist, winner of the 1988 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
  • Christian Newslin Walhard , a developmental geneticist, won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1995.
  • Günter Blobel , biologist, 1999 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
  • Bert Sakmann , cell physiologist. In 1991, he won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with Irwin Nell.

Cultural circles

scientific community

Political circles

  • Kurt Georg Kiesinger From 1966 to 1969, he was the Prime Minister of the Federal Government of Germany.
  • Horst Koehler , the 9th Federal President of the Federal Republic of Germany.
  • Carlo Schmidt, the "father of the constitution" of Germany.
  • Konstantin von Neurath , German Foreign Minister (1932-1938).
  • Martin Bangman, Minister of Economy of the Federal Republic of Germany (1984-1988) and European Commission (1989-1999).
