international organization

Various institutions established by two or more countries or their governments, people, and civil society groups in the form of certain agreements for specific purposes
zero Useful+1
International organizations are an important part of modern international life. They refer to various institutions established by two or more countries or their governments, people and civil society groups in the form of certain agreements for specific purposes. [1]
International organizations can be divided into intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental organizations Regional international organizations And global international organizations. International intergovernmental organizations include the United Nations European Union African Union asean (ASEAN) World Trade Organization slow city International non-governmental organizations include International Football Federation Oxfam Create a business international olympic committee the international red cross Various international organizations play an important role in today's world.
According to《 Yearbook of International Organizations 》According to statistics, at the beginning of the 20th century, there were more than 200 international organizations in the world, which grew to more than 1000 in the 1950s, more than 8200 in the late 1970s, about 27000 in 1990, more than 48000 in 1998, and more than 58000 in the early 21st century. As of 2016, there are more than 62000 international organizations in the world, including Sovereign state Participating intergovernmental organization International non-governmental organizations established by civil society are global, regional and national.
Chinese name
international organization
Foreign name
International Organization [2]
Various institutions established by two or more countries or their governments, people, and civil society groups in the form of certain agreements for specific purposes
More than 62000

Basic Introduction

International Organization (s) generally refers to intergovernmental organization , Yes Subject of international law one of. In a broad sense, international organizations also include International non-governmental organizations The following introduction to international organizations is in a narrow sense.
International organization refers to three or more countries (or other Subject of international law )In order to achieve the common political and economic purpose legal document Established permanent institutions.
Of international organizations Legal personality Derived from the basic legal documents constituting international organizations. International organizations act as Subject of private international law It has its own characteristics: Competence and capacity It is often incomplete due to the strict restrictions of basic legal documents; International organizations bear direct responsibility within the limits of their property.
International organizations are inter state organizations composed of many countries and transnational organizations in modern times. In the process of exchanges and cooperation between countries in the political, economic, social, cultural and other fields, there are some problems that are difficult for any single country to solve, which need to be jointly studied by relevant countries. To this end, they hold international conferences regularly or irregularly, set up a secretariat to deal with daily affairs, and gradually transformed into corresponding international organizations.

Formation and development

along with information technology The rapid development and globalization With the advancement of the trend, international organizations have expanded rapidly. They are not only tens of thousands in number, but also cover a wide range of areas, including politics, economy, society, culture, sports, health, education, environment, security, poverty, population, women and children, and many other areas related to human survival and development. They have become an important force to control the world situation and the development of human society, To understand the development and current situation of international organizations is to understand the development and current situation of the international community.
International organizations are created and developed in order to adapt to the increasingly frequent exchanges between countries and the expanding fields and regions of exchanges. In the 19th century, it first appeared in Europe, such as Rhine Elbe River International River Commission.
In the second half of the 19th century, the progress of science, technology and means of transportation gradually expanded international exchanges to civil life In many fields, such as communication, public health, economy and trade, the organizational form of "international administrative alliance" has emerged, such as international telecommunications union (1865)、 Universal Postal Union (1875), etc. This kind of organization aimed at specialized business and administrative international cooperation has become the prototype of modern international organizations.
Shanghai Cooperation Organization
In the 20th century, there emerged comprehensive international organizations centered on politics and international security, including global organizations such as League of Nations And the United Nations, as well as regional ones such as arab league Organization of African Unity Etc; Various specialized international cooperation institutions have also been established, such as UN specialized agencies

Ideological origin

The idea of international organizations has a long history. As early as the 14th century, thinkers Dante (Dante Alighieri) advocated the establishment of "human unity" and "united and unified world countries". The modern idea of international organizations is rooted in the works of some wise men in the 18th and 19th centuries, such as Saint-Simon (Henride Saint Simon) advocates the establishment of“ European parliament ”Jeremy Bentham advocated the establishment of an "international court", Kant (Immanual Kant) advocated the "Peace Alliance" (J. Martin, p. 780) Kang Youwei In its《 Datong Book 》China also played the ancient Chinese thought of "Great Harmony World". In 1907, International Federation of Associations UIA )On Belgium capital Brussels Established, it is still the center for collecting all kinds of information of international organizations. The development of international organizations in the 20th century has roughly gone through three stages:

Phase I

The first stage was during the two world wars, marked by the establishment of the League of Nations, the first universal organization of mankind with extensive functions International Labour Organization A group of specialized agencies, international judicial institutions such as the Permanent Court of International Justice, and a group of Non governmental organizations , then exploded World War II This process was temporarily suspended. According to UIA statistics, in 1909, there were 37 international intergovernmental organizations, international non-government organization There are 176 international organizations of all types, including 213 international organizations. By 1951, there were 123 international intergovernmental organizations, 832 international non-governmental organizations, and 955 international organizations of all types, with an increase of 2 to 4 times respectively.

Phase II

The second stage, from the end of World War II to the end of the 1980s, was a golden age in the history of international organizations. The failure of the League of Nations and the outbreak of World War II inspired people to pursue and create higher and more effective forms of organizations to maintain peace, stop war and promote development. Marked by the birth of the United Nations, a large number of global and regional intergovernmental international organizations have sprung up.
according to UIA According to statistics, there were 24131 international organizations of all kinds in 1989, an increase of more than 24 times over 1951, including 4068 intergovernmental international organizations, International non-governmental organizations In 20063, there were 24 times and 32 times more than in 1951, respectively. In the 1980s, there were 12383 international organizations of all kinds, almost equal to the total number of international organizations in the previous century.
The success of the decolonization movement at that time promoted the emergence of independent state The size of the international community has suddenly expanded several times, and diversified International pattern Su Mei yalta system The United Nations collective security system has effectively stopped the outbreak of world wars, and peace and development have become the mainstream of the times.
At the same time, world trade Market capital market , with information technology Modern times represented by Scientific and technological revolution The spread of globalization has contributed to the development of interdependence among countries. The call for institutionalization and organization of international governance is becoming stronger and stronger, and the tide of globalization is surging.

Phase III

The third stage starts from Cold War After that, international organizations are in the stage of development in the era of globalization, and the degree of organization of the international community is greatly enhanced, mainly in the trade and financial fields economic globalization Is a good, service production factors Free cross-border movement, reasonable allocation and more interdependent economy integration process This process has greatly strengthened the status of international organizations, requiring them to form and implement Principle of universality , rules and systems play a greater role, and the obligations of countries to the international community as a whole have been highlighted. The international community is increasingly demanding to strengthen State conduct And intergovernmental organizations are more used for formulation and implementation International law So as to promote international law from a soft law The transition from weak law to enforcement. The composition of participants in the international community has also undergone profound changes Sovereign state While intergovernmental international organizations continue to dominate, a large number of non-governmental organizations have emerged, Civil society According to UIA statistics, there were 58859 international organizations of all types from 2004 to 2005, more than twice as many as in 1991, including 7350 intergovernmental international organizations and 51509 non-governmental international organizations, 61% and 109% more than in 1991 respectively. The increasing organization of the international community is not only reflected in the growth of the number of international organizations, but also in the expansion of the scope of international organizations.


the Second World War After, international intercourse The increasing frequency and deepening interdependence between countries have brought new changes to the development of international organizations, reflecting the main characteristics of contemporary international organizations:
Organization tends to be perfect
In the 19th century, the International Administrative Union (IAU) was a permanent organization, the Bureau of International Affairs, which was responsible for its daily work. The representative meeting of member states only discussed international cooperation under the relevant treaty once in a few years, and was not responsible for its practical work; Contemporary international organizations generally set up the General Assembly and the Council above the permanent secretariat Substantive And enjoy Decision making power
Large organization scale
In the 19th century, the member states of international organizations were basically Europe and America minority developed country Contemporary international organizations, such as the United Nations, include almost all countries in the world. The vast majority of specialized organizations have more than 100 member countries.
Form a network of international organizations
The United Nations has established close, non subordinate relations with 18 specialized intergovernmental bodies, 16 of which are called UN specialized agencies The United Nations also granted consultative status to 1/6 of international non-governmental organizations, and 12% of international non-governmental organizations and European Community There is close relationship. In this way, many international organizations have organically joined together in business and information, forming an international organization network with the United Nations as the center.
The number has soared
In 1939, before the Second World War, there were only 80 intergovernmental international organizations, and by the end of the 1980s, there were more than 4000; There are more non-governmental international organizations, most of which were established after the 1950s. Therefore, some people call the 19th century the century of international conferences and the 20th century the century of international organizations.


Quantity table of intergovernmental international organizations (IGOs) in several years since the 20th century
particular year
one thousand nine hundred and nine
one thousand nine hundred and fifty-one
one hundred and twenty-three
one thousand nine hundred and sixty-two
one hundred and sixty-three
one thousand nine hundred and seventy
two hundred and forty-two
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-one
one thousand and thirty-nine
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine
four thousand and sixty-eight
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-two
four thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-six
five thousand eight hundred and eighty-five
two thousand
six thousand five hundred and fifty-six
two thousand and five
seven thousand three hundred and fifty
Data source: Union of International Associations


Sort by member
intergovernmental organization (International Government Organization, IGOs) Sovereign state Can participate in, adopt declarations, etc binding force Of international covenant International organizations established, for example, UN specialized agencies (Special Agencies of the United Nations), etc.
International Non governmental Organizations (NGOs) are established without intergovernmental agreement Independent institutions , non-governmental organizations, voluntary associations and other groups, accounting for more than 80% of the total number of international organizations. For example, the international red cross (International Committee of the Red Cross, ICRC )、 international olympic committee (International Olympic Committee, IOC )Etc.
By region
the United Nations
Global international organizations: such international organizations are generally named the United Nations United Nations, World, Global, International English letter The beginning of an abbreviation, for example, world health organization (World Health Organization, WHO )、 International Labour Organization (International Labour Organization, ILO ), United Nations Children's Fund (United Nations Children’s Fund, UNICEF )。
Regional international organizations The name of such an international organization generally indicates its location, for example, Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, APEC ), European Union (European Union, EU )Etc.
Classification by nature
Political international organizations, such as the United Nations It is the world's largest political international organization, Commonwealth of Independent States yes The disintegration of the Soviet Union after Have original One of several affiliated republic organizations Regional Organization.
Professional international organizations, such as World Trade Organization (World Trade Organization, WTO )、 International Federation of Library Associations (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, IFLA), etc.
Professional intergovernmental international organizations
Modern international organizations first appeared in Europe industrial revolution The product of the development of multilateral relations in post European countries is the institution set up for cooperation among countries in certain business fields, such as:
International Telegraph Union (International Telecommunication Union), one of the specialized agencies of the United Nations, was founded in 1865 to enable countries to cooperate in telegraph and postal services.
world meteorological organization (World Meteorological Organization), formerly known as International Meteorological Organization It has a history of 100 years. The changes in weather, climate and hydrology of countries are not limited by national boundaries, and the world meteorological cooperation organization came into being.
Universal Postal Union (Universal Postal Union), formerly known as General Postal Union , founded in 1874. In 1840, Britain established the postal system and published the world's first stamp, thus forming a modern sense of public mail.
Professional non-governmental international organizations
There are more non-governmental international organizations of a non-governmental nature than intergovernmental international organizations, some of which were established earlier.
international committee of the red cross , founded in 1863, it is gradually formed from the initiative of individuals to rescue wounded soldiers, committed to humanitarianism and helping the war victim International organizations.
International Union Against Cancer (Union for International Cancer Control), founded in 1933, is the world's largest non-governmental anti-cancer organization and the most influential tumour prevention and cure Academic organizations It has 346 member units worldwide, covering 109 countries and regions.

Organization List

Economic and cultural organizations( Non governmental organizations
Political organizations
arab league (Arab League)
asean ASEAN
arab - Russia Cooperation Forum
Economic organizations
Professional organizations such as science and technology, culture and sports
Military organizations


according to UIA Statistics show that from 2004 to 2005, there were 58859 international organizations of all types, more than twice as many as in 1991, including 7350 intergovernmental international organizations, International non-governmental organizations 51509, 61% and 109% more than in 1991 respectively. international society The increasing organization of is not only reflected in the growth of the number of international organizations, but more importantly in the expansion of the scope of international organizations. It has broken through the geographical and field limitations of the initial period, and is active today human society All aspects of.
There are many classifications of international organizations Data analysis The structure of today's international organizations. According to UIA 2004~2005《 Yearbook of International Organizations 》Table 3 includes 57964 international organizations of all types, including 7306 IGOs and 50658 INGOs, accounting for 12.6% and 87.3% of all international organizations, respectively. At the same time, we use the number of IGOs and NGOs correlation analysis It is found that their correlation degree is as high as 0.81, which also indicates that IGOs and NGOs have basically similar organizational structures.
Among the three major categories of international organizations in UIA, international organizations with agreements are the most important, while the other two types of organizations, namely, special forms of international organizations and other forms of international organizations, are not really international organizations. From 2004 to 2005, international organizations with agreements, including IGOs and NGOs, accounted for 13% of all IO, other types of international organizations accounted for 26%, and special forms of international organizations accounted for 61%, The third type has the largest number of international organizations.
In contractual organizations, Regional international organizations The largest share, accounting for 77.98% of the total, is more than the sum of the three types of global international organizations. Obviously, the larger the geographical coverage, the smaller the number of international organizations; Among other types of international organizations, 45.19% are international affairs oriented national organizations (category G), followed by special forms of organizations including funds (category F, 31.85%); Among the largest number of special types of international organizations, more than 70% are inactive non consensual (category H) or unidentified (category U) international organizations, followed by bilateral treaties Among them, 10.67% are national organizations (category N), 6.61% are multinational treaties (category T), 5.66% are internal organizations or subsidiary bodies (category K) that exist independently in specific and complex international organizations, and the last three categories are religion (category R, 2.57%), international conference series (category S, 2.04%), and new and unidentified international organizations (category J, 1.31%).
Various types of international organizations have made significant contributions to the development of the international community today, especially the agreement IGOs, which are multilateral cooperation between countries Legal form It is a kind of mechanized and organized cooperation between countries. International organizations are first and foremost the forums and negotiating venues of the international community, such as United Nations General Assembly stay Iran's nuclear issue The discussion when the crisis occurs provides time or space for member states to settle disputes or formulate rules; International organizations are internationally legislated organizer And promoters, since World War II After that international covenant or multilateral treaty , almost all completed by international organizations; International organizations are managers and coordinators of international affairs and allocators of international resources, such as Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries Formulated in terms of oil production, sales, price, etc Management mechanism For the largest safety problem International organizations are the institutions for the peaceful settlement of disputes and the defenders of international peace and security. After World War II, peace in the world was maintained, and peace became an irreversible trend of the times. International organizations, such as the United Nations Organization of African Unity(OAU) Organization of American States They have effectively alleviated and quelled many regional conflicts and internal disturbances, laying the foundation for preventing the spread and escalation of war, restoring peace and resolving disputes.
INGOs' participation in international social affairs and Coordination capacity And become more and more powerful Scope of activities More and more, in addition to providing relief, logistics, transportation, medical services, safety, human rights, health and environment Humanitarian assistance In support of backward countries Comprehensive development , the reconstruction of crisis countries and other aspects also play an important role, even in the political and judicial fields are also playing an increasingly important and complex role, for example, NGOs in European countries even have the role of counterweight to the government or check and balance the government, to determine welfare, national laws, government resource allocation The GRASS ROOT CAMPAIGN in 1997 was regarded as a watershed for NGOs to participate in political influence. They not only talk with the government, but also interact with IGOs, such as in the WTO Cancun Conference Equipair developing country In many unfavorable negotiations, NGOs have been interfering and contributing a lot to the world. Sometimes in crisis situations, the action of NGOs government organization More effective. NGOs in global economy China also plays an important role. In nearly 40 countries, NGOs economic activity occupy gross domestic product More than 5%, accounting for Employed population More than 4% (Lester Salamon, S.Wojciech Sokolowski,2004)。 In the foreseeable future, various international organizations will China Council It plays an increasingly important role, especially non-governmental organizations.

Status and role

International organizations enjoy an independent status of participating in international affairs within the scope of treaties and purposes, and have a direct bearing International law The ability to exercise rights and obligations without State power Jurisdiction. This is the basic characteristic of intergovernmental international organizations. Charter of the United Nations 》Article 104 provides that: "The Organization shall member state Within the territory of capacity 。” This status and ability are embodied in: the right to conclude treaties or agreements with Member States and other international organizations; To be responsible for convening various legislative meetings and indirectly participating in the formation of law making treaties; United Nations agencies and personnel enjoy privileges and immunities in the territory of Member States necessary for the performance of their mandates; The right to retain and dispose of the assets of the Organization. Most scholars believe that international organizations, especially the United Nations, have Subject of international law Status and qualification. However, the rights of international organizations are different from those of countries organic law Its dominant position in international law is derived. Even the United Nations itself is not a state power. Therefore, the view of some scholars that the United Nations is a world government lacks legal and factual basis.
Provide venues for Member States to carry out dialogue and cooperation at various levels
Every international organization is an international forum with specific regional scope or specific issues, a permanent and fixed form of international conference, and a link and channel to connect and communicate with member countries. Through this international deliberative body with equal participation of all member countries, all countries can freely express their own positions and views, and can fully discuss international issues of common concern, which is conducive to international society Forming and publicizing a certain kind of world public opinion is conducive to coordinating the policies and actions of member states. This kind of forum is also multilateral diplomacy One of Histomorphology , providing convenient time and place for formal or informal exchanges and talks between member states, which is conducive to bilateral relations The development of and the easing of tensions.
Public problems of international society brought about by management globalization
Just as a government is the manager of its internal and external affairs, international organizations play the role of the manager of the common affairs of the international community in a certain sense. Especially in those specialized or technical fields Post Office telecommunication maritime affairs hygiene , to meteorological Civil Aviation atomic energy intellectual property right , and so on. The formulation of global or regional management rules, the establishment and operation of management institutions are all completed by relevant international organizations. Although some people have repeatedly questioned the effectiveness of such administrative international organizations, they do not deny the necessity of cooperation between countries in these areas. When people exclaim that the world has entered a global village In this era, the management function of international organizations will only be strengthened.
Distribute the fruits and benefits of economic development among member countries
From a worldwide perspective, whether natural resources The production, development and sales of the enterprise are also the financing and borrowing of funds. In addition to the functions within the sovereignty of each country, there is also a problem of fair and reasonable distribution among the countries concerned. The function of such an international allocator is that of an international organization. From worldwide production volume, sales price, import and export ratio of oil, minerals and agricultural and livestock products to international capital developing country The launch of Distribution principle The determination and implementation of the distribution plan and even the implementation of the sanctions measures depend on the relevant international economy , financial organizations and commodity agreement Organization. In a sense, fair and reasonable New international economic order Whether it can be established depends on the improvement, perfection and strengthening of the distribution functions of existing international organizations.
Organizing activities of the international community in various fields
Promoting the economy of the international community as a whole social development , needs to have different fields and different levels of large and small Organization and coordination Center. The increasingly strengthened trend of global organization, to a large extent, reflects the function of international organizers. The United Nations is world economy The largest organization and coordination center for social development. Whether it's true the third world development assistance The formulation and implementation of the project, or the establishment of a new international economic order, whether it is the planning of global and regional sustainable development, or the promotion of the realization of universal human rights and fundamental freedoms, must rely on the efforts of international organizations Organizational functions And establish normal order in all fields of the international community. Although the organizational functions of a few international organizations show the tendency of integration, for most organizations, their organizational functions are essentially a form of state cooperation and non sovereign Administrative functions
Mediation and settlement of international political and economic disputes
The peaceful settlement of international disputes is an item of modern international law basic principle The implementation of this principle has not only depended on the parties to the dispute themselves, but also international organizations have become effective tools for the peaceful settlement of disputes between countries to a considerable extent. The basic documents of many international organizations list it as their important functions, and provide corresponding settlement mechanisms. Disputes between member states, whether political or Economy Whether seeking diplomatic or legal settlement, international organizations can enter the settlement procedure at any time to promote or preside over the peaceful settlement of disputes. From the United Nations to asean , from the International Court of Justice to World Trade Organization Of Dispute Settlement Body International organizations Practical proof And played an irreplaceable role in the peaceful settlement of disputes.
Continue to maintain international peace
Establishing members through international organizations Collective security system Maintaining peace and preventing war was the dream and pursuit of several generations; until the Second World War Later, with the founding of the United Nations as the symbol, this concept could gradually become a reality. Global and regional political organization , both regard maintaining world and regional peace as their own responsibility, and serve this purpose with the mechanism of the whole organization. So far, the United Nations, the Organization of African Unity, the Organization of American States, etc peacekeeping operation It cannot provide a completely satisfactory record, but no one can deny that such actions have effectively alleviated and quelled many regional armed conflicts and internal disturbances, prevented the spread and escalation of war, and laid the foundation for restoring peace and resolving disputes. secondary World War After the world peace was maintained, peace became an irreversible trend of the times, and international organizations contributed a lot. In the context of globalization, international organizations should continue to play a good role in peacekeeping and prevent war.
Channels and propellers for democratization of international relations
The multi country system based on territory, sovereignty and strength is international relation The basic facts of. Self forming nation-state Since the establishment of the system, there have been countless wars, and no country has not been directly or indirectly involved in various wars. power politics It has always played a leading role in this system. Countries have increasingly recognized the need to make appropriate adjustments and modifications to this system. The deepening of globalization has also slowly produced such a system Erosion The development process of international organizations is that people try to get rid of the world Anarchy , Pursue Democratization of international relations The process of exploration.
The emergence of contemporary international organizations and the activities of the United Nations for more than 40 years show that they are promoting international co-operation It plays a positive and irreplaceable role in easing regional conflicts, promoting the socio-economic development and welfare of countries, and promoting the development of international law. Especially many International Economic Organizations , in coordinating the economic policy It is playing an increasingly important role in promoting the healthy development of the world economy, promoting the cause of the new international economic order, and safeguarding the economic rights and interests of underdeveloped countries. [1-2]