team building

Team optimization behavior to maximize team performance
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Team building is to achieve Team performance And a series of activities to maximize output Structural design And personnel motivation. Improve the team's happy energy centripetal force And more optimized cooperation mode. EMBA MBA and other common management education pay attention to team building. Team building is mainly through Self management Each group is composed of a group of employees, responsible for a complete working process Or part of it.
Working group members work together to improve their operations or products, plan and control their work and deal with daily problems. They can even participate in a broader range of issues within the company. Team building should be effective Communication process In this process, participants and promoters will enhance mutual trust and be frank with each other, and are willing to explore the core issues that affect the excellent role of the working group.
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Team Building

team spirit

In short overall situation , collaborative spirit and Service spirit The centralized embodiment of. Team spirit is based on respect for individual interests and achievements. The core is cooperation, and the highest level is for all members centripetal force cohesive force That is, individual interests and the whole interest And promote the efficient operation of the team team spirit The formation of the team does not require team members to sacrifice themselves. On the contrary, the display of personality and expertise ensures that members can jointly complete the task goals, and the clear willingness to cooperate and the real inner motivation generated by the way of cooperation. Without a good attitude and dedication, there will be no team spirit.

Main differences

Team spirit and group What are the differences between collectivism Team spirit emphasizes more personal Initiative The team is a community composed of employees and management, which makes reasonable use of the knowledge and skills of each member Collaboration To solve problems and achieve common goals. Collectivism It emphasizes the commonality of all. The specific differences between the two are as follows:
1. In terms of leadership: groups should have clear leader The team may be different, especially when it develops to Maturity stage , shared by members Decision making power
2. In terms of goals: the goals of the group must be consistent with the organization, but in addition to this, the team can also produce its own goals.
3. Cooperation: group Collaboration It may be of a moderate degree, and sometimes the members are somewhat negative and antagonistic; But there is an atmosphere of teamwork in the team.
4. In terms of responsibility: the leaders of the group should take great responsibility. In addition to the leaders, each team member should also be responsible, even interacting with each other, Joint responsibility
5. Skills: the skills of group members may be different or the same, while the skills of team members are complementary, combining people with different knowledge, skills and experience to form complementary roles, so as to achieve the goal of Effective combination
6. Results: group achievements It is the sum of the performance of each individual. The team's results or performance are products that are completed by everyone's cooperation.

Team Objectives

Goals are very important team elements, and the following five steps can be followed to help the team set clear goals:
  1. one
    The team's goals are agreed. Team dynamics depend on the goals that the team needs to achieve and the personality of each team member
  2. two
    Let the team focus on core priorities, so as to form unity from outside to inside.
  3. three
    The team should use the list of major contributions to develop a task detail, stating in a concise way what the team exists for.
  4. four
    After the team task is clear, it is necessary to make a list of critical items - determine the work that the team must complete and the interaction mode that team members need to achieve the core goals.
  5. five
    Use the team's list of tasks and priorities to define the rules of engagement.


cohesive force
Chengdaye Sun Yat-sen Mao Zedong They all have one thing in common, that is, they can connect the hearts of millions of people, which is a very unique ability. We follow a leader in the hope that he can create an environment, combine the power of everyone, and create a future! That's it cohesive force , is creating human history. Imagine that if team members stay away from you, or even give up their pursuit of career because your words and deeds disappoint them, will you still succeed?
The sea is composed of countless drops of water, and everyone is a drop of water in the team. In the 21st century, individuals cannot compete with teams. Individual success is temporary, while team success is permanent. The success of the direct sales team depends on the cooperation and cooperation of each member of the team. It's like playing basketball, personal ability No matter how strong you are, you can't win without the cooperation of your teammates. When playing a game, five people are a group. Some people throw, some people grab rebounds, some people Tactical foul , the goal is to achieve the team's goals.
Organization without me
The power of team, collective and individual is limited. Success depends on the team. Each member must understand that the interests and goals of the team are more important than those of individuals. If everyone in the team only wants to take care of their own interests, the organization will certainly collapse. Without the team, the individual goals will naturally not be achieved. Since it is a team action, we should obey the leader's arrangement, and everything will become very easy. This is called "no self organization". The goal of the team is achieved by this kind of selfless spirit of organization.
A team without morale lacks attraction, cohesion and combat effectiveness. A team with high morale will be invincible in any environment and in any difficulty. Liu Deng's army March into the Central Plains Meet on a narrow road and the brave win Is the best proof. This is the morale that makes the impossible possible. Since then War of Liberation A new page has been opened. The direct sales team should be full of morale and move forward.
The team needs to achieve five unifications: Unified goal, unified thought, unified rules, unified action, unified voice.
Unification of objectives
Goals are the premise of a team. Without goals, a team cannot be called a team, because only with goals can there be a team. With team goals Team objective management The first step and more importantly, the second step is to unify the team's goals, which is to let everyone in the team agree with the team's goals and work hard to achieve them.
Unifying ideas
If the team's thinking is not unified, you can say that everything is different, just as people will reduce the efficiency of action when doing ideological struggle, and the team's thinking is not unified, it will also reduce the efficiency.
Uniform rules
A team must have its own rules, which tell team members what to do and what not to do. What cannot be done is the bottom line of team action. If the bottom line is not set, everyone will constantly break the bottom line. An organization that constantly breaks the bottom line of behavior cannot be called a team.
seek unity of action
A team should communicate and coordinate with each other when acting, so that the actions are unified and orderly, the whole process is connected reasonably, and every detail can be closely linked.
Unified sound
The team is making policy decision The voice must be the same after the meeting. You can't hold a meeting without speaking. After the meeting, you can talk freely, face to face and back to face. If a team makes too much noise, it will greatly reduce the efficiency of the team. It is reasonable to have conflicts of ideas within the team, but everyone can only have one voice before making decisions. A US funded enterprise I trained did very well management layer Promote everyone to have a fierce quarrel at the meeting, even with general manager Arguing, but the resolutions made at the meeting should be strictly implemented uncoordinated The sound of.


The quality of team building is a symbol of whether an enterprise has strength for subsequent development Enterprise cohesion And combat effectiveness. Team building should first start from the team. The team should be close, united and well coordinated. Managers should always have employees in their hearts, support their work, care about their lives, use their actions and true feelings to infect every employee around them, communicate with employees more often, give them exemplary guidance, and capture their highlights, To stimulate the enthusiasm and creativity of employees, it is more important for managers to sink down and integrate with employees, so that employees Participation in management Create a platform for employees to show themselves, form an atmosphere of solidarity and cooperation, and let employees feel the warmth of the family. In this family, there is no division of labor, sharing weal and woe. Individual things are team things, and team things are everyone's things. We should be conscientious and responsible for everyone and everything, and do the above.
first-class Organizational leadership As large as one enterprise collective, as small as one Functional departments , or a working group, if you want to have a strong organization, make team members have a high loyalty , then, it is very important to select a team leader who is recognized by everyone. The leaders of this organization should generally have the following qualities:
1、 High moral character. Morality is talent. An excellent talent with good character can make the members of the organization look up to their expectations and become an organization's Spiritual leader Can lead us to overcome difficulties and usher in success after success. Historic three countries Liu Bei And "timely rain" in Shuiboliang Mountain Song Jiang It is because of its high personality charm that it attracts a large number of heroic talents.
2、 Strong ability. In order to ensure the unity of mind of the organization team and let everyone work calmly and fight on an effective platform, the team leader selected by the enterprise or organization must have a certain specialty, that is, outstanding ability, which will inevitably lead to outstanding performance. Only in terms of ability and performance, rather than academic qualifications, can they surpass their subordinates, Only in this way can we be convinced, can we avoid internal strife or internal friction, and can our subordinates work and deal with things with ease. The person in charge may be technical, managerial, or even practical.
3、 More leadership, less management. As a team leader, how to manage subordinates only by relying on the authority granted by the organization is a temporary solution, but not a permanent solution. Organizational authorization is the basis of team building and management. However, through "leadership", that is, through personal internal cultivation, to show their own personality charm, such as being strict with themselves and taking the lead in setting an example, Only in this way can we abandon the lack of humanization caused by "high-pressure management" through organizational authorization. For example, Mengniu Group Niugensheng Relying on his organizational team, China has been built in just eight years Liquid milk What is the first brand based on? He is the one who "relies on wisdom for small victories and virtue for great victories" personal charisma On. Because of his selflessness, he brought us selflessness, and because of his selflessness, he brought us selflessness, thus creating a miracle or myth in the history of Chinese enterprises.
Common career vision. Whether an organization can go further and longer together depends on whether the team has a common vision, that is, team belief, Organizational beliefs It is the premise for team members to overcome all difficulties, stay together through thick and thin, and share the same desire. Why the Communist Party can stand firm under the "white terror", even throw away its head and blood, in the final analysis, it is because everyone has a belief in "working for the well-being of the people" and realizing communism, which encourages everyone to move forward without fear. The common career vision includes the following aspects:
1、 Find the value and significance of the organization's existence. People leave their names and geese leave their voices. When people walk in the world, they always leave something behind. A person who can't find a reason to live is doomed to spend his life like a walking corpse. Therefore, if the members of the organization want to share the same hatred for the enemy, they must show everyone the future prospects, that is, what should be left to the organization, society and the world in the stage time, such as, Microsoft Vision: Let computers enter every home and use Microsoft software; Ford's vision: cars should enter the family; China Mobile : Create an unlimited communication world information society Pillars and so on.
2、 Realize the organizational division and responsibility of the cause. In order to achieve the enterprise's career vision or mission, team members should have their own organizational division of labor, clarify their own career responsibilities, clarify their own responsibilities, and work together to better achieve the long-term plan of the organization.
Clear team goals. After the team has formulated a clear vision or mission, if you want to achieve it better, as the team leader, you should further plan and implement the team's goals. It includes the following elements:
1、 Organizational Business objectives , such as sales target Industry position Objectives brand building Goals and even profit goals, which should include the long, medium and short goals of the organization, including smaller goals Organizational unit For example, three-year, five-year and ten-year goals, including the goals of each department, each working group and each person.
2、 Individual interest objectives of organization members. Organizational objectives It is the root of individual goals, but in order to better achieve the goals of the organization, the interest goals of team members, that is, the "motivation" goals of team members, are also indispensable. It is the guarantee for the realization of organizational goals. Therefore, the organization should plan future career plans for team members, and describe the future "prospects" and "money prospects" for its subordinates, so that everyone has goals and actions.
Complementary member type. In order to ensure the effectiveness of an organizational team, the composition of organizational members is very critical. It is hard to imagine that an organization is all grumpy, or weak, or all experts in a certain area. What can they bring to the team when they are combined? Therefore, the complementary type of members is the basis of "bonding" organizations. It includes the following two points:
1、 The personality complementation of team members is just like the world where men and women are harmonious. The personality types of members of an organization must be complementary, with strong or weak personalities, which will make the team a platform for "quarrels", or make the team a "sheep" without vitality or flexibility Personality type It should be strong, weak and soft.
2、 Complementary capabilities. Emperor Pingyuan in the Warring States Period Zhao Sheng , why can they successfully lift the "Handan siege"“ Doorman ”About. Therefore, an organization must have a combination of talents with various abilities to be more powerful. For example, some people are good at management, some know business, some are good at diplomacy, some are technical, and so on, treatment chosen according to the variability of an individual , the team can produce 1+1 Effect greater than 2.
Reasonable incentive assessment People are lazy. A team organization must introduce competition mechanism At the same time, a team must pass incentive assessment to Survival of the fittest , to reward the good and punish the bad, including the following aspects:
1、 Establish a reasonable and challenging salary assessment system. With competitive power On the premise of, it should be distributed reasonably according to the size of contributions, and only a set of fair, just and open Salary system Only under the same system can we exert our talents and make achievements.
2、 At the stage of team organization establishment, more rewards and less punishment should be given. Reward is to encourage humanity, while punishment is to suppress personality. Therefore, in order to avoid everyone's separation and even disintegration, we must adopt multiple positive incentives, such as more rewards, constantly set an example and benchmark, so that the organization can form an atmosphere of learning, catching up, helping and surpassing, and less punishment. Even if punishment is imposed, we should also adopt humanized punishment, such as Lenovo's Liu Chuanzhi There is no penalty for those who are late for the meeting, but the practice of "standing penalty" is very effective.
3、 Team growth Maturity stage It should be more standardized and managed and constrained by the system. There are all kinds of birds in the big forest ”。 The rapid growth and maturity of the organization urge enterprises to abandon“ Rule by man ”To "rule by law", we must rely on the process, organization and system to manage. We must have laws to follow, investigate violations, enforce the law strictly, and truly achieve the rule of law.
Systematic learning improvement. The greatest enemy of a person is himself, and the greatest enemy of an organization is also himself. When a team relies on experience for work, the organization may fall into“ empiricism It is possible to fall into "rigidity" and "die in your own hands". If an organization wants to maintain its foundation and vitality, it must rely on systematic learning and improvement. include:
1、 Create Learning organization Knowledge changes fate, and learning determines the future. Only by building a learning organization and maintaining decision-making progressiveness Forward looking, the process of the enterprise will not be "rigid", and will achieve "the scale of large enterprises, the vitality of small enterprises". This learning organization must be top-down, and every member of the organization must have a motivation and desire to learn to ensure that learning becomes an enterprise's“ drive ”。 For example, Haier In order to create a learning organization“ Haier University ”Let everyone actively learn to improve their skills and enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises and organizations.
2、 Create learning individuals. As an organization, we should try our best to provide a platform for team individuals to learn and grow, and create a good atmosphere for learning. For example, some enterprises reimburse their employees for books and training expenses every year, send their employees out for further study every year, and provide advanced seminars for outstanding individuals for free, so as to create a good trend for everyone to learn.
In short, team building is a systematic project, business organization The enterprise can be invincible only if there is a trusted team leader who, under his guidance, formulates the vision and mission of the future development of the enterprise, sets clear and feasible goals for the organization, selects and hires team members with complementary types, and comprehensively improves the core combat effectiveness of the enterprise organization through reasonable incentive assessment, systematic learning and promotion, Only in this way can the nucleation effect be produced, and the greater market share


Formation stage
This stage refers to the process that the team determines its mission purpose and is widely accepted by team members. At this stage, team members are informed for the first time that their team has been established. In addition, team members also have a general understanding of the reasons, mission and tasks of the team. stay Team building At the beginning of the enterprise, the relationship between the functional departments and the team is very important.
Tempering stage
At this stage, team members begin to gradually become familiar with and adapt to the way of team work, and determine their own value for existence. At this stage, contradictions will emerge one after another, mainly including contradictions among team members, managers, and between team rules and enterprise rules. At this time, it is better to fully expose contradictions and differences, make all kinds of conflicts public, and learn to listen, understand and adjust.
Specification stage
After the tempering period, the team gradually calmed down and moved towards standardization. Then the main task of this stage is to coordinate the contradictions and competition among members and establish a smooth cooperation model. Let members realize that the team's decision-making process We should fully respect their differences and attach importance to each other's Dependencies Cooperation became team work And the team should constantly enrich themselves and strive to make their team become Learning team
Operation phase
Team members began to be loyal to their own teams and reduced their dependence on their superiors. Members encourage each other, actively put forward their own opinions and suggestions, and also give positive comments and quick feedback on others' opinions and suggestions.
Realize that each stage of the team is organically linked
We can't look at each stage separately. To build an efficient team, as a manager, you should not be careless at every stage. Only by doing a good job in every link in the whole process can a good team be established.

Construction suggestions

first Talent is the team's most valuable resource. People who devote themselves to their work and do it well are the team's most valuable resources and capital.
Second, respecting people and creating a harmonious and passionate working environment for excellent talents are the core and focus of all work from the general manager to the department head
Third: We respect each employee's personality, personal will and choice right. All employees are equal in personality and development opportunities, providing a good working environment for employees and creating a harmonious Working atmosphere , advocating simple and sincere interpersonal relationship .
Fourth: To build and cultivate our own management team is a company Talent concept To continuously cultivate a professional team full of passion and creativity, so that every employee can grow into Comprehensive development , comprehensive talents who can play an independent role enterprise An important mission
Fifth: We advocate a healthy and prosperous life. Work is not just a means of making a living. Work itself should bring us happiness and a sense of achievement. Outside work, we encourage all employees to pursue physical and mental health, family harmony, and personal enrichment
Sixth: learning is a way of life. I hope everyone staff With an empty cup mentality, cultivate your learning ability and quickly improve your Job skills And comprehensive quality. We encourage all forms of communication, advocate information sharing and oppose ideas Black box operation , against any form of bureaucracy .

Cultural establishment

First of all, we should establish a common goal, let the goal unite people's hearts, show our own flag, and choose a loud team name and call sign.
Secondly, we should establish a common Values of life Let every member of the team know "why struggle? How struggle? What kind of results can be achieved after struggle", and let the brilliant flower of political and ideological work bear a fruitful Team development And let every staff member share it.
The third is to adopt practical and effective working methods, such as heart to heart talk, training, incentive, group health activities, etc., to improve the team's cohesive force , combat effectiveness.
The fourth is to strive to improve the Organization and coordination capacity , improve Management efficiency , use their words and deeds to infect their staff, drive the team forward, and truly show the indispensable role of political and ideological work in team building.

Danger signal

along with Social division of labor More and more detailed, the era of individual fighting alone has ended, and team cooperation has come to the front of management. As an advanced Histomorphology , more and more attention has been paid by enterprises. Many enterprises have started from the concept and method management layer Team building shall be carried out in all aspects. The following situations are hidden in team building, which can easily blind team managers. If management does not pay attention to team building, all previous efforts will be wasted.
This is a common problem in enterprise teams, which is characterized by: the work is not in the state, the essential work is not deep enough, and the team is unwilling to cooperate, personal ability Less than 30% in work, relatively slow action, doing nothing during work, basically no working condition Finish the day's work next. However, there is also a positive side. They are very punctual to go to and from work, almost no late compassionate leave sick leave The task assigned by the team leader is usually completed quickly and effectively.
Spiritual separation Most of the reasons are caused by the inconsistency between personal goals and team vision working pressure , emotion, etc., several major domestic insurance companies generally use team spirit incentive to reduce team spirit Turnover rate
The effective methods for spiritual leavers are: professional communication, team spirit and team vision to improve the working state, and incentive means to enhance work enthusiasm. The specific approach can be to arrange a holiday to let the mental quitter think calmly and adjust his/her status. The next step is to consider whether the team will be re accepted according to the actual situation.
Super salesman
The team needs to be holistic Mobility , sales force, target completion rate, etc. The decomposition one by one requires that the skills of the individual team must have complementarity The individual ability is large. Because individual difference Resulting in a super salesman The appearance of, its performance characteristics are: individual ability is strong, can take charge of one's own affairs, often in the team with absolute Sales performance He is far ahead of other members of the team. He is undisciplined, ambitious and arrogant. He is often positioned as a team hero.
Super salesman Sales ability Is what any team needs. Therefore, in the face of this contradiction, the leaders of the organization are often at a loss. They often adopt the following methods: letting go, adopting special policies different from other members of the team, and super salesmen Destructive power It is huge. The result of long-term indulgence will destroy the cohesion of the team and guide the team organizational vision Develop towards non team and quickly disintegrate team organization. The team is composed of Task High challenge and Environmental uncertainty However, the members of the built organization are very different, and their personal qualities and work skills are often different. The emergence of super salesmen requires the correct leadership and comprehensive communication of the organization leader, and the integration of super salesmen into the team spirit Team culture We should set a correct example for super salesmen, and Component force Turn into the joint force of the team, and use the team's values and team's binding force And other aspects to make correct management of super salesmen.
The team is recognized by all members Formal organization There are two reasons for the emergence of informal organizations. One is the leadership of the team Intentional act The second is that team members produce informal organizations when their values, personalities, experiences and complementarities produce some consistency. The former is that managers strengthen themselves management functions The informal organization formed objectively can carry out daily activities, improve team spirit, blend interpersonal relationships, and implement imaginary Humanized management In the process of team development, it is basically in the direction of being beneficial to the team, but in the long run, it will reduce management Effectiveness , team spirit work efficiency Will be low, and excellent team members will be lost. This kind of informal organization is usually loose; The latter is a close informal organization, whose vision is usually inconsistent with that of the team. There is often more than one informal organization of this type in the team. With the emergence of such an organization, the disintegration of the team will not be far away. This close informal organization will deviate from the team's values, destroy the team culture, and obstruct the team creative spirit And pioneering spirit. Generally, loose organizations tend to be more compact organization development Tight organizations will compete with loose organizations. Therefore, it is not advisable for team leaders to establish informal organizations in the team, which is based on a low level of management and a strong distrust of the team.

Four precepts

One warning: "Team interests are above everything"
The team is a collective“ Collective interests It is generally recognized that "above all" value orientation Naturally, the conclusion that "team interests are above everything" can be derived. However, overemphasizing and emphasizing "team interests above everything" in a team may lead to two drawbacks.
On the one hand, it is very easy to breed Small group doctrine The interests of the team are the overall interests for its members, and the local interests for the whole enterprise. Too much emphasis on team interests, from the perspective of protecting the team's own interests everywhere, will often break the inherent Balance of interests , encroaching on the interests of other teams and even the enterprise as a whole, resulting in value goal Dislocation, which ultimately affects Enterprise strategic objectives Implementation of.
For example, each team in an enterprise has corresponding task assessment indicators Small groups In consideration of interests, one team used improper methods to complete its own assessment indicators, such as poaching brothers' teams. When this practice was not corrected in time, other teams would also Benefit driven By then, an internal scuffle will be inevitable, and enterprises will have to pay a lot of extra costs, resulting in a serious waste of resources. In addition, Small groups In terms of organization, there is often a sign of dissociation from the enterprise, or setting up a new mountain or an aerial matrix.
On the other hand, overemphasizing the interests of the team can easily lead to the neglect and trampling of the deserved interests of individuals. If only team interests are emphasized, there will be a situation of "pretending to safeguard team interests and doing harm to individual interests". At present, it is undeniable that within the team, interest driven is still an important mechanism to promote team operation. As a part of the team, if the deserved interests of individuals are ignored or even violated for a long time, their enthusiasm and creativity will undoubtedly suffer a heavy blow, which will affect the competitiveness and combat effectiveness of the whole team, and the overall interests of the team will also be damaged. The value of the team is created by all members of the team, and the due interests of individual team members should also be maintained, otherwise the original cohesion of the team will be split into centrifugal force. Therefore, overemphasizing team interests improperly will lead to the complete loss of team interests.
Two precepts: "internal struggle of the team itself"
To a great extent, team spirit emerges and is constantly strengthened to meet the needs of competition. The competition mentioned here is often naturally understood as competition with the outside world. In fact, there also needs to be competition within the team.
The introduction of competition mechanism within the team is conducive to breaking another form of Big pot rice If there is no competition within a team, team members may work hard with a passion at the beginning, but after a long time, he finds that the results are the same no matter how much he does or how little he does, and whether he does well or badly, and each member enjoys the same treatment, then his enthusiasm will decline, and after disappointment and depression, he will eventually choose to "be a monk every day" In fact, this is a kind of big pot food with team coat. By introducing a competition mechanism, we will reward the diligent and punish the lazy, reward the good and punish the bad, and break the seemingly equal but repressive Interest pattern , team member's Initiative . Creativity will be brought into full play, and the team will remain energetic for a long time.
The introduction of competition mechanism within the team is conducive to Team structure For further optimization. At the beginning of the formation of the team, the team may not fully understand the strengths of its members, and it is naturally impossible to make full use of their talents when assigning tasks. The introduction of competition mechanism can, on the one hand, form a positive atmosphere of "learning, catching up and surpassing" internally, and promote each member to constantly improve themselves; On the other hand, through competitive screening, we can find out who can better adapt to a job, keep the best and eliminate the weakest, so as to achieve team structure Optimal configuration To stimulate the team's maximum potential.
Three precepts: "All members of the team brother
In the process of team building, many enterprises excessively pursue team affinity and human feelings, and think that "all brothers are in the team", while strict team discipline hinders unity. This directly leads to management system Is not perfect, or although there is a system Poor implementation It is in the form of nothing.
Discipline is the guarantee of victory. The team will be invincible only when orders and prohibitions are met. Otherwise, at best, it will be a ragtag crowd, and even a slight setback will lead to scattered. Southern Song Dynasty Early the invincible troops under the command of Yue Fei in Southern Song The reason why it became a main force against Jin Dynasty was inseparable from its strict military discipline, so that there was a saying in the Jin army: It's easy to shake mountains, but hard to shake Yuejia's army Another typical example is the Three Kingdoms period Zhuge Liang Tear wielding chop Ma Su Ma Su and Zhuge Liang have good public and private relations, but Ma Su lost them Strategic location kiosk Zhuge Liang finally beheaded him in accordance with the law, maintaining the stability of the military morale. Strict discipline is not only the need to safeguard the overall interests of the team, but also has a positive significance in protecting the fundamental interests of team members. For example, if a member fails to finish a job on schedule or violates a specific regulation, he is not punished accordingly, or the punishment is irrelevant. On the surface, the team is very friendly, but in fact, the indulgence or leniency of the problem will make the member have the illusion of "nothing really important", and as time goes by, the problems will be endless. If he is restricted by strict discipline from the beginning and corrects his wrong understanding in time, it will be beneficial to the team and to him personally. Former CEO of GE Jack Welch It is not cruel to point out who is the worst member of the team. What is really cruel is to ignore the problems existing in the members, to whitewash them and to act as good people. Leniency is harm, and strictness is love. For this point, the team facing the competition at every moment should have a clear understanding.
Four precepts: "Sacrifice the ego in exchange for the ego"
Many enterprises believe that the cultivation of team spirit requires each member of the team to sacrifice his or her ego for the greater one, give up personality, and pursue convergence. Otherwise, it will violate the team spirit Individualism It is causing trouble.
Admittedly, the core of team spirit lies in cooperation, emphasizing teamwork, focusing on overall advantages, and keeping away from individualistic heroism However, the pursuit of convergence will inevitably lead to the distortion and oblivion of team members' personality creation and personality development. Without personality, it means there is no creation. Such a team only has a simple copy function, but does not have continuity innovation ability In fact, a team is not only a collection of people, but also a combination of energy. The essence of team spirit is not to make team members sacrifice themselves to complete a job, but to make full use of and give play to the individual advantages of all team members to do a good job.
During the Warring States Period, it was very popular among the powerful families to attract disciples and expand family power. Many people have adopted certain admittance criteria for the recruitment of doormen, so the talents they recruited are basically the same in terms of specialty Qi State Of Meng Changjun However, he is different. He always treats those who have special skills with courtesy, and there are a lot of people who go to him. Later, he the Qin state As prime minister, King Zhao of Qin He will kill him because he hears slander. One of his disciples used the technique of "dog stealing" to sneak into the palace, steal the white fox fur that has been given to King Zhao, and bribe him to Chong Ji, so that he could escape. When he and his guests arrive day and night strategic Qin-dynasty pass in Henan At that time, the city gate had been closed, and the door could not be opened until the cock crowed. At this time, another disciple imitated the crowing of chickens and attracted the people in the city cock Cry together, and finally cheat the city gate out of danger. At that time, the bandits who heard the crow and stole the dog were very unpopular. Just imagine, if Monsieur Mengchang had insisted on not having enough people to read poems and books, and not having people of noble origin, like other nobles, when he was recruiting people, then he would have to die wrongly in other places later.
Therefore, the team's Comprehensive competitiveness It comes from the reasonable allocation of team members' expertise. Only by creating a suitable atmosphere: constantly encouraging and stimulating team members to fully display themselves and maximize their individual potential, can the team burst out the energy like atomic fission
First, they do not understand the importance of the team, thus ignoring team building, and even lack of attention to employees;
Second, it advocates personal heroism, excessively pursues short-term benefits, and forms a snobbish culture of eager for quick success and instant benefit;
Third, we know the importance of the team, but we lack awareness and ability on how to select talents and how to establish a positive team culture.

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Book information

Title: Team building
Published on: May 1, 2010
Format: 16
Price: 17.00 yuan

content validity

Team Building content validity : The Professional Competence Training Textbook for Production Skilled Personnel of State Grid Corporation of China is based on the standardized training for production skilled personnel of State Grid Corporation of China Curriculum system In accordance with the Specification for Professional Competence Training of Production Skilled Personnel of State Grid Corporation of China( abbreviation Training Specification), prepared in combination with the actual production.
This set of teaching materials, 72 volumes in total, serves as the supporting teaching materials of the Training Specifications. This volume For general teaching materials《 Accounting related knowledge 》There are six chapters and 39 modules in the book, including Basis of Accounting Knowledge, Marketing Accounting job content And requirements, marketing accounting Accounting Treatment Relevant regulations on marketing accounting treatment, management of marketing accounting books, electricity charge accounting treatment, etc.
Team building Power supply enterprises Training and teaching books for production skilled personnel can also be used as electric power occupation College teaching Reference books.

Entrepreneurship team

A good team is crucial to the success of entrepreneurship! In a company, there is no talent, and no matter how good the plan is, it is just on paper. So for entrepreneurs, without a good team, there is no Executive power There is no executive power enterprise operation Success and continuity. Boss magazine said that the most fundamental reason why many start-ups fail is the problem of the team itself. So, how should we build an excellent Entrepreneurship team What about?
1. The entrepreneurial team must have competent leaders
In enterprise management and marketing management In, we often talk about the core competitiveness of leaders; In fact, leaders play a more important role in entrepreneurial teams. Many people have received messages from friends and classmates Joining in entrepreneurship Invited, but mostly rejected. There may be many reasons, but the key point is that they do not have a good leader.
There must be competent leaders in the entrepreneurial team, and such leaders are not determined solely by capital, technology, patents, or who comes up with good ideas. This kind of leader is the team members' heartfelt recognition during years of schoolmates and work together. Everything else is nonsense.
2. Team members who know themselves and know each other
Most entrepreneurial teams have very few core members, usually three or four, but not more than ten. So few team members business management From the point of view, because the number of people is too small, almost everyone who is engaged in management feels that it can be easily controlled. In fact, though there are few members of this entrepreneurial team, they all have their own ideas, opinions, and beliefs hidden in their hearts. Therefore, we should not treat every member of the entrepreneurial team with contempt.
All members of an excellent entrepreneurial team should be very familiar with each other and know their roots. In an excellent entrepreneurial team, team members are very aware of their own advantages and disadvantages, and also clearly understand the strengths and weaknesses of other members, which can well avoid various conflicts and disputes between team members due to unfamiliar with each other, and quickly improve the team's centripetal force And cohesion.
3. Entrepreneurial teams with different talents and complementing each other
Although the entrepreneurial team is small, it has "five internal organs". Entrepreneurial team members cannot be uniform Technology flow Members, not all of them Terminal sales Good entrepreneurial team members have their own strengths. When they are combined, they complement each other and complement each other. Relatively speaking, an excellent entrepreneurial team must include the following people: a person with a strong sense of innovation, who can determine the future development direction of the company, which is equivalent to Corporate strategy decision maker; One Planning ability An extremely strong person who can comprehensively and thoroughly analyze the opportunities and risks faced by the whole company, and consider the sources of costs, investment, income and Expected earnings , even including the company management regulations, long-term Planning and design Work; A member with strong execution ability, who is responsible for the following execution process, including contacting customers, contacting end consumers, expanding the market, etc.
Forming a team and managing a team is one of the main abilities that successful entrepreneurs need to have. Since the cornerstone of forming an entrepreneurial team is entrepreneurial vision and common belief, entrepreneurs need to put forward a set of vision and management idea To form a common goal, language and culture as the basis for mutual trust and benefit sharing is an essential factor for successful entrepreneurship.

Core rules

1、 Do as you are told and execute immediately.
2、 Go all out, success and excuse cannot coexist.
3、 The mission is to work for the mission, not for money.
4、 Cherish, cherish what you have and be grateful.
5、 Listen, focus on listening, understand.
6、 Team spirit, there is no perfect individual, only perfect team, loyalty is the greatest virtue.
7、 Think before you act, think carefully, then act to avoid mistakes.
8、 Be consistent in words and deeds, and seek truth from facts. Say it and do it.
9、 Image, dress for success, dress for victory.
10、 Conscientious, diligent and responsible; The principle that everything should follow.
11、 Never talk about negative and negative, focus on positive and positive.
12、 Absolute obedience, iron team, iron discipline.
13、 When others don't interrupt, respecting others means respecting yourself.

Optimization mode

Design a team suitable for the enterprise organization structure It is the top priority of enterprise construction to transform the existing unreasonable team organization structure. team organization structure Whether it is reasonable or not will directly affect the success or failure of the team, and then determine the success or failure of the enterprise.
In team building, building a reasonable team organizational structure, paying attention to the personality characteristics of team members, achieving complementary advantages, reducing team internal friction, can further play the overall level of the team.
Team building Basic conditions
1. Establish a correct team concept.
The correct team concept includes cohesive force Honesty, integrity, long-term vision and commitment Value creation So that team members can share benefits and risks in a community of common destiny.
2. Establish team development goals.
The goal is effective Incentives Is the driving force for the team to overcome difficulties and win. If one sees clearly the future development goals of the team and believes that with the realization of the team goals, he can share a lot of benefits from them, the bad phenomenon in the second point above will not occur.
3. Establish a team with unified responsibilities, rights and interests Management mechanism
In the process of team operation, the team should determine who is suitable for what Critical tasks , and who bears what responsibility for key tasks, so as to make the rights and responsibilities clear and continue to cross. Carefully study and design the whole enterprise life cycle To make it attractive, Salary level Although the contribution level changes, it is not limited by the increase of personnel, that is, it can ensure that the salary is paid according to the contribution and not reduced due to the increase of personnel.

Construction mode

Now, an emerging way of team building, experiential team building, starts in a unique and meaningful way, with the ultimate goal of realizing dreams, expanding the spiritual space, and strengthening team cohesiveness To achieve a fusion between each member and the team. This way pays more attention to the participation and experience of team members, and pursues the connotation of the process, including spiritual and cultural connotation. It is a new way of team building.
Team building is Experiential travel A form of team building aimed at travel Improve the quality of team members and Teamwork ability