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Organic lesion

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Disease name
Organic disease refers to an organ or an organ of the body caused by multiple reasons Organizational system The disease occurs, causing permanent damage to the organ or tissue system. This is called "organic" disease.

Its characteristics are

Seeing organs with naked eye or microscope organization structure Happened Pathological Change; Impairment or loss of function of affected organs; The disease is serious, the course of disease is prolonged, and it is not easy to cure; The focus gradually expands, which may cause death in severe cases. as tumour Occurs in the digestive tract Anorexia , emaciation, fatigue haematemesis , hematochezia and other malignant signs; It occurs in the brain and may cause headache due to tumor space occupying dizzy Limb paralysis Isopathy; The tumor compresses the life center, and there will be heartbeat Apnea And death. Similarly, coronary heart disease Causative heart machine ischemia Oxygen deficiency and infarction Material damage , causing serious consequences.


Generally, it causes functional changes first. When the concentration (intensity) and action time of harmful factors exceed a certain limit or the functional changes develop to a certain extent, organic lesions will appear. Organic lesions are often irreversible changes.
"Functional" diseases, generally speaking, are caused by organs nervous system Clinical syndrome caused by maladjustment of Neurosis , although it can have headache, dizziness, weakness, insomnia and other symptoms Brain cell No material damage, CT The scanning tissue is normal, and there is no abnormal change of brain structure under the microscope.
Of course, the difference between the two is not absolute, the condition can be transformed into each other. For example, simplicity hypertension At the initial stage, the increase of blood pressure is simple, and the heart, brain, and kidney are not involved. At this time, it is functional; However, if the blood pressure continues to rise without treatment or cannot be controlled well despite treatment, and substantial damage is caused to the heart, brain, kidney and other organs, then the hypertension will become an "organic" disease. [1]