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Biography of Cargo Colony

Volume 129 of Historical Records written by Sima Qian in the Western Han Dynasty
synonym Historical Records, Biography of the Merchant Colony (Records of the Historian, Biographies of the Mercantile Colony) Generally refers to the Biographies of the Mercantile Colony
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Biographies of Merchandise Colony is a historian of the Western Han Dynasty Sima Qian An article in classical Chinese, included in《 Redords of the Grand History of China 》Medium. From《 Redords of the Grand History of China 》Volume 129, Biography 69 [4]
Biography of Cargo Colony
Sima Qian
literary genre

Introduction to Sima Qian

From《 Redords of the Grand History of China 》Volume 129, Biography 69. This is a special narrative engaged in“ Cargo colony ”Biographies of outstanding people in the event. Is also a reflection Sima Qian economic thought and Material outlook An important chapter of.
"Goods breeding" refers to the pursuit of "breeding resources, goods and profits" to become rich. That is to say, making use of the production and exchange of goods to carry out commercial activities and make money from them. Sima Qian also referred to various types of goods colonization handicraft industry , as well as agriculture, animal husbandry, fishing, mining, smelting and other industries. Jian Bozan He once spoke highly of Sima Qian's "writing his famous Biographies of Merchandise Colony with a sharp eye, focusing on the socio-economic aspects". Qian Zhongshu When talking about Sima Qian's "Biography of Merchandise Colony", he said: "French historians at that time are far from history‘ Chronicle of Events ’The body is dedicated to the government and military affairs, while ignoring the daily needs of people's livelihood; Ma Qian's biography of "The Ranger" is an exception, but it still focuses on inheritors. This article is not a 'chronicle of events' or' chronicles of people ', which is tantamount to opening up the great minds of new historiography. " (Textual Research on Guan Cuan's Compilation of Historical Records) In a word, it is generally recognized in the history circle that "historical thought and economy are pioneering works."

Original text

Laozi He said, "The ultimate governance is that neighboring countries face each other, Hear the sound of chickens and dogs , Minge Foodspotting They should be beautiful in their clothes, peaceful in their customs, happy in their work, and never communicate with each other until they die of old age. " It is necessary to use this as a task to draw people's eyes and ears closer to the world.
Taishi Gongyue: husband Shennong I didn't know it before. As described in the poem Yu Xia Since then, the eyes and ears have been eager for the beauty of voice and appearance, the mouth is eager for the taste of being poor and cuddly, the body is safe and happy, and the heart boasts the pride of potential energy. send Vulgar People have been growing up for a long time. Although people say that it is insignificant, it cannot be changed. Therefore, those who are good are the second Lidao The second is to teach, the second is to be neat, and the lowest is to contend with it.
Shanxi Rao wood, bamboo, grain, bamboo, yak, jade; Shandong is rich in fish, salt, lacquer, silk, sound and color; Fen, catalpa, ginger, cinnamon, gold, tin, lotus Danzas , rhinoceros Hawksbill , Abas, tooth leather; Longmen, Jieshi Beiduoma, cattle, sheep, Zhanqiu, Jinjiao; Copper and iron are often thousands of miles away from the mountain. They are all loved by the Chinese people. It is a rumor that clothes, clothing, food, and food are the means of giving birth and death. Therefore, it is necessary to treat farmers and feed them. It is necessary for them to come out of their homes, work them, and trade them. Would it be better to have a regular meeting of the government and education levy? Every man can do his best to get what he wants. Therefore, if things are cheap and things are expensive, and things are expensive and things are cheap, we should persuade them to do their jobs and enjoy their work. If the water goes down, we will come here without summoning, and people will come out without asking. Isn't it Tao Match , and the natural experience of evil?
Zhou Shu He said, "If agriculture does not come out, there will be a shortage of food; if work does not come out, there will be a shortage of things; if business does not come out, there will be a shortage of three treasures; if business does not come out, there will be a shortage of wealth.". These four are the source of people's clothing and food. If the original is large, it will be forgiven; if the original is small, it will be fresh. The upper part makes the country rich and the lower part makes the family rich. The way to be rich and poor is not to take it away, but skillful people have more than enough, and clumsy people have less than enough. so Chi-Kou-Go-Istu Sealed in Yingqiu , and the people are few, so Tai Gong It is very skillful to persuade them to use female kung fu. If they pass the fish and salt, the characters will return to them and follow them. Therefore, the whole world should be clothed with clothes, Haidai Between the two, they gathered their sleeves and headed towards the north. After that, the pipes will be repaired and the weight will be set Jiufu , Duke Huan would dominate, Jiuhe princes , to unite the world; The Guan family also has three returns, and is rich in accompanying officials the various states or nations The king. It is to make Qi rich and strong as to prestige and publicity.
Hence the saying:“ Grains are solid, but etiquette is known; food and clothing are sufficient, but honor and disgrace are known 。” Rites are born in existence and are abolished in nothingness. Therefore, a gentleman is rich and likes to practice his virtue; If a villain is rich, he should adapt himself to his strength. Deep and fish live, mountains are deep and animals go, people are rich and benevolent and righteous. The rich will benefit from the garden, while the guests will have nothing to do if they lose the garden, so they will not be happy. Yi Di Yi Qi As the saying goes:“ Son of a thousand gold, never die in the market 。” This is not empty talk. So it is said: "The world is bustling, all for profit; the world is bustling, all for profit." The king of thousands of people, the marquis of thousands of families, the king of hundreds of rooms, is still suffering from poverty, while the people of every family are still living in poverty!
The former King of Yue Gou Jian It is useful to be trapped in the Kuaiji Fan Li Ji Ran Ji Ran said, "If you know how to fight, you will be ready; if you use it when you need it, you will know what things are; if you look at the shape of the two, you will be able to get the feeling of all goods. Therefore, when you are old, you will be in gold, and you will reap; when you are in water, you will destroy; when you are hungry; when you are in fire, you will be in drought; when you are dry, you will be able to, Water rule Capital car, material reason also. Six year old Rang, six year old drought At the age of twelve, one was hungry. The husband sells, 20 disease farmers, 90 disease end. If you end up ill, you can't make money Zecao There is no such thing. Up to 80, down to 30, then Both farmers and farmers benefit Flat and intact Guanshi No lack, Governance Also. Accumulated reason , service finished, no interest money. Trade with goods. Do not keep goods that are perishable. No one dares to be expensive. In terms of its surplus and deficiency, we will know the high and low. If you are above the extreme, you will be inferior; if you are below the extreme, you will be inferior. Expensive as dung, cheap as pearls and jade. Money is like running water. " In the ten years of Xiuzhi, the country was rich, the soldiers were generous, and the scholars went to the Yanshi. They were thirsty, so they reported to strengthen Wu, watched the war in China, and called it "the five hegemons".
Fan Li, who was ashamed of Kuaiji, sighed with a deep sigh: "Seven of the best strategies are better than five. Now that they have been applied to the country, I want to use them at home." He floated in the Jianghu in a boat and changed his name to another one Owl skin The pottery is Zhu Gong. Zhu Gong thought that in the world of pottery, princes were connected in all directions and goods were traded. It is to manage production and accumulation. Follow the times without blaming others. Therefore, those who are good at managing their lives can choose their own time. In the 19 years, he became a daughter of three thousand, and then dispersed to make friends with the poor. This so-called rich people are good at practicing their virtues. When people grow old, they listen to their descendants. When they study, they rest. It is said that all rich people are called name of an immensely wealthy 5th-cent. B.C. ex-minister
Zi Gong learned from Confucius He retired and became an official in the Wei Dynasty. He abandoned the sale of wealth between Cao and Lu. Seventy sons of his disciples gave him the most generous benefits. The original constitution Don't be tired of bad things and hide in the poor alleys. Zi Gong When he was married, he tied the coins of silk to engage and enjoy the vassals. When he arrived, all the monarchs fought with him in court. Husband emissary Confucius Those who are famous in the world are the ones who pay tribute successively. Is it the so-called one who benefits from the park?
Bai Gui, Zhou people. When Wei Wenhou When, Rick Business Do your best , while Bai Gui Optimistic time-varying The old man abandoned me and took it. Who gets the grain at the age of husband? Give it silk paint; Take silk out of cocoon and give it food. The Taiyin is in the Mao, Rang; The next year will see the decline of evil. To noon, drought; Tomorrow is beautiful. To unitary, Rang; The next year will see the decline of evil. Zhizi, severe drought; Tomorrow is beautiful, with water. At the end of the year, the accumulation rate is many times higher. If you want to grow money, take down the grain; Take the seeds with a long stone bucket. They can eat thin, tolerate appetites, and dress well. They share the joys and sorrows of servants and servants. When they approach the times, they are like beasts and birds. Therefore, it is said: "In my administration of production Yi Yin Lu Shang The plan, Sun Wu The use of troops, Shang Yang The way of doing it is the same. So His wisdom is insufficient and resourceful, his courage is not enough to make decisions, his benevolence cannot be given, and his strength cannot be kept. Although he wants to learn my skills, he will never tell. " To build up the world, the word governance was born in Bai Gui. Bai Gui has tried something. He is good at trying.
Yidun Use salt. Handan Guo Zong With iron smelting industry, and the king Lie rich.
Luowushi Animal husbandry, and the public, sell, ask for strange things, and present the Yirong King. The king of Rong paid more than what he paid, and he used his livestock to measure horses and cattle. Emperor Qin Shihuang He ordered Luobi to be appointed as the monarch, and then he asked all the officials to make an official request. and Ba Widow Qing He got the Dan acupoint first, but he was good at making use of it for many generations, and his family also did not Zi. In the Qing Dynasty, widows were also able to keep their jobs and defend themselves with money without being invaded. The emperor of Qin thought she was a chaste woman and came here to build Female Huaiqing Platform My husband Luo is the shepherd, a widow in a poor village in Qing Dynasty. He fights against Wancheng with courtesy and is famous all over the world. Isn't he rich and evil?
Hanxing, which is one of the most important cities in the world, opens and closes the beam, and breaks the ban on mountains and rivers. It is a way for rich businessmen to circulate around the world. They can trade everything they want, and move heroes to the capital to strengthen their families.
Guanzhong From Tuo and Yong east to He and Hua, the soil is rich and fertile. From Yu Xia's tribute to the land, Gongliu Shibin, the king Wang Ji In the Qi, father of the first Zhou king Zuofeng, the king of Wu controlled pickaxes, so his people still had the legacy of the previous king, and they were good at farming and breeding Grains The land is heavy, and heavy is evil. And Qin Wen, De, Miao Juyong, and the goods of Long and Shu are very popular. Xian Gong moved to Que Yi, Que Yi was Rong Zhai in the north, and connected to the three Jin dynasties in the east. In governing Xianyang, Zhao used the capital of Han Dynasty and the mausoleums of Chang'an to gather together in all directions. The place was small and the people were numerous. Therefore, its people were more skillful than ever. Nanze Bashu Bashu is also a fertile land Danzas , stone, copper, iron, bamboo and wood. To the south, the emperor ruled over Bo in Yunnan, and Bo servants. In the west, there are large horses and yaks. However, the four blockades and the plank road are thousands of miles away, and there is nothing impassable, only the oblique and winding hub of its mouth, which is easy to be fresh. Tianshui Longxi Northland Shangjun The same customs as Guanzhong, but there are Qiangzhong For its benefit, there are Rong Zhai's livestock in the north, and the livestock are spared by the world. However, the land is also poor and dangerous, and only the capital teacher wants its way. Therefore, the place in Guanzhong is one third of the world, and the number of people is less than three; However, if you measure your wealth, you will rank sixth.
In the past, the people of Tang Dynasty were all in Hedong, the people of Yin Dynasty were all in Hanoi, and the people of Zhou Dynasty were all in Henan. husband Sanhe In the world, if there are three pillars, the king will live more. Since the founding of the People's Republic is hundreds of thousands of years old, the land is small, the people are numerous, and the dukes of the capital are gathered together, so they are vulgar and frugal. Yang, Pingyang, Chenxi, Jia Qin, Zhai, Beijia, Dai. Species, generation, Shibei also, the edge of the Hu, several bandits. The people are loyal, angry, and willing to be chivalrous Agribusiness However, when approaching the northern barbarians, the division and brigade were eager to go, and China was envied when it lost. His people are uneven. Since the whole Jin Dynasty, he has suffered from his fierce character. However, the Wuling King is more vigorous, and his rumor is still like Zhao's. Therefore, Yang, Pingyang and Chen were able to get what they wanted. Wen, Wenxijia Shangdang , Jia Zhao in North, Zhongshan. There are many people in Zhongshan, and there are still some people in the sand dunes. The folk custom is urgent, and they can eat by relying on opportunities. Husbands gather to play games. They sing mournfully and generously. When they get up, they plagiarize together. When they stop, they dig graves to make crafty and beautiful things Advocate excellence The women, with the sound of drums and the sound of zither and their shoes, went to the harem to worship the rich.
However, Handan is also a city between Zhang and the river. Yan and Zhuo are in the north, and Zheng and Wei are in the south. The customs of Zheng and Wei are similar to those of Zhao, but they are similar to those of Liang and Lu. They are slightly heavy and dignified. Pushang Relocation of the city Wild king The wild king is so chivalrous that he is also the wind of Wei.
There is a city between Fu Yan Yibo and Jie. Qi and Zhao in Nantong, Hu in the northeast. Shanggu to Liaodong , Di Zhiyuan, the people hope, and several people are attacked, Big and Zhao and Dai are similar to each other, but the folk carvers have little care, and there are fish, salt, jujube and chestnut. To the north Wuhuan Surplus Dongwan, North Korea and Zhenfanzhili.
Luoyang East Jiaqi, Lu, South Jialiang, Chu. Therefore, the sun of Mount Tai is Lu, and the yin is Qi.
With mountains and seas, it is suitable for mulberry and hemp, and people are more elegant in cloth, silk, fish and salt. It is also a city meeting between Haidai in the face of evil. His popularity is lenient, broad-minded, intelligent, argumentative, heavy, hard to shake, afraid of public fights, brave to hold the spike, so he suffered many disasters Person And the wind of great powers. Among them, there are five people.
Zou, Lu Binzhu and Si still have Duke Zhou Legacy is vulgar and good at Confucianism. It is prepared for etiquette, so its people are dirty. He has a good career in mulberry and hemp, but no Lin Ze can spare him. Small land and numerous people, thrifty and mean, fear of sin and far evil. With extreme decline, the good Jia followed the good, even more than the Zhou people.
From the east of the gap to the north of Mang and Dang Juye This is also the case in Liang and Song dynasties. Pottery Suiyang It is also a city. In the past, Yao made Chengyang, Shun fished in Leize, and Tang ended in Bo. Its customs still have the legacy of the former king. It is heavy and generous to many gentlemen. It is good at farming. Although it has no mountains and rivers to spare, it can hate food and clothing, and cause it to store.
Yue and Chu Zeyou Three Vulgarities Husband Huaibei Pei, Chen, Runan Sundgau , this Western Chu Also. Its vulgarity is light, easy to get angry, and the land is thin. Jiangling is the old Yingdu, which connects Wuwu and Bazhong in the west and east Yunmeng Zhirao. At the turn of Chu and Xia, Chen had a large number of people who bought fish and salt. Xu, the servant, and the caretaker are clear and reserved.
Pengcheng To the east, Donghai, Wu and Guangling are the eastern Chu. Its customs are Xu and Tong. To the north of Qu and Zeng, the common customs are the same. South Zhejiang is Vietnam. My husband Wu Zi name of a king of Wu in the Spring and Autumn period , Chunshen, and Wangbi are the world's favorite children, Dongyou sea salt Zhirao is the copper of Zhangshan, and the benefits of three rivers and five lakes are also the capital of Jiangdong.
Hengshan Mountain Jiujiang , Jiangnan, Yuzhang, Changsha Southern Chu Also, it is a popular type of Western Chu. Ying later migrated to Shouchun, which was also a city. and Hefei Affected by the south-north tide, leather, abalone and wood were also lost. And Minzhong Ganyue Miscellaneous customs, so the Southern Chu good words, skillfully said less faith. Jiangnan is low and wet, and her husband died early. More bamboo and wood. Yuzhang produces gold, Changsha produces copper and tin. However, it is not enough to take all the things that are made of silk. Nine doubts Cang Wu Those from the south to Daner are as common as those from the south of the Yangtze River, while the more Yang there are, the more common they are. Panyu It is also one of the cities, with the collection of jewels, rhinoceros, tortoise shells, fruits and cloth.
Yingchuan Nanyang, the residence of Xia people. The people of Xia Dynasty were honest and honest, which still had the legacy of the former king. Yingchuan stands ready. At the end of the Qin Dynasty, people who did not behave properly moved to Nanyang. Nanyang is connected to Wuguan and Yunguan in the west and Han, Jiang and Huaihe in the southeast. Wanyi will be a city. Vulgarity is mixed with good deeds, and industry is numerous. He is a chivalrous man and has a good transportation to Yingchuan, so he is still called "Xia Ren".
There are many fresh things in the world, people's rumors and customs, Shandong eats sea salt, Shanxi eats salt brine, and the south and north of Shandong often produce salt.
In a word, the land of Chu and Yue is very popular Fire ploughing However, water is the fruit of the Sui Dynasty. It is not necessary to wait for a family member, but it is sufficient. The ground is just as good as it is. There is no famine, so it is difficult to live without accumulation. Therefore, there are no hungry people or golden families south of the Yangtze Huaihe River. Yi Surabaya To the north, it is suitable for grains, mulberry and hemp six domestic animals The land is small and there are many people. The number of people is affected by floods and droughts. The people like livestock. Therefore, Qin, Xia, Liang and Lu preferred agriculture to people. Sanhe, Wan and Chen are also merchants. Qi and Zhao are smart and resourceful. Yan Daida Animals are like silkworms.
From this point of view, the sages thought deeply about the Langmiao Temple and discussed the Imperial Court. The people who kept their promises and lived in seclusion in caves were set up as the famous ones, and what was their return? To be rich and generous. It is based on the fact that honest officials will become richer after a long time. The rich is the human nature, and those who do not learn but want are also. Therefore, when a brave man is in the army, he will attack the city first, defeat the enemy in the battle, cut down the flag of the generals, and get the target in front of him. Those who do not avoid the difficulties of fire and water will be highly rewarded envoys. His youth in Lu Lane attacked plagiarism, buried vertebrae, robbed people, dug graves and minted coins. He was also a chivalrous man. He took revenge, usurped seclusion, did not evade the law, and went to death like a target. In fact, they were all for money. Zheng Ji, the daughter of today's husband Zhao, is described as "playing the zither, admiring the long clothes, tiptoeing the shoes, and being picky. She travels thousands of miles, regardless of the old or young, and runs for wealth.". Wandering childe, adorned with a crown sword, is also rich and dignified, even for riding. It's delicious to shoot, fish and hunt in the morning and at night, to ride through frost and snow, and not to avoid the harm of beasts. The competition is fierce, the fighting is fierce, the appearance is dignified, the winner is determined, and the loss is serious. People who are skilled in various medical prescriptions are extremely capable of focusing their minds, which is the most important thing. The officials and officials who practiced art, carved seals and forged letters, and did not avoid the punishment of sabre and saw did not commit bribery. Agriculture, industry and commerce Jia Zhuchang is always seeking wealth and goods. If you know what you can do, you will never spare any effort to make money.
As the saying goes:“ There is no trade in woodcutting for a hundred miles, and there is no trade in buying for a thousand miles 。” Live one year old and plant it in valley; Ten years old, a tree is a tree; One hundred years old, come with virtue. Virtue is the character. Today, there is no rank, no rank, no rank, no rank, no rank, no rank, no rank, no rank, no rank, no rank, no rank, no rank, no rank, no rank, no rank, no rank, no rank, no rank, no rank, no rank, no rank, no rank, no rank, no rank, no rank, no rank, no rank, no rank, no rank. It was called "Su Feng". The food tax of the Fengzhe is 200 per year. The king of a thousand households is 200000, which is shared by pilgrims. The peasants, workers and businessmen of the common people, whose rate is also twenty thousand yuan, and the family of one million yuan, whose rate is two hundred thousand yuan, will pay more taxes and levies. The desire for food and clothing is beautiful. So called land herd horses Two hundred hooves, Cattle hoof Thousands of horns, thousands of feet of sheep, thousands of feet of bamboos in the marsh, thousands of stone fish ponds in the water, thousands of pieces of wood in the mountain. Anyi Qianshu jujube; Yan, Qin Qianshuli; Shu, Han, Jiangling Thousand Tree Orange; Huaibei Changshan Already south, between the river and the river, Hagi; Chen and Xia thousand mu lacquer; Qi and Lu thousand mu mulberry hemp; Thousands of mu of bamboo in Weichuan; And the famous city of thousands of families, with thousands of acres of land of bell, like thousands of acres of wild goose, thousands of beds of ginger and leek: all these people are with A thousand marquis Etc. However, it is rich to give money. I don't look into the market, and I can't go to different towns. I sit and wait to receive it. I give it to you because I have the righteousness of a scholar. If the family is poor and old, the wife is weak, there is no way to sacrifice and make contributions at the age of, and the food and clothing are not enough for self support, so there is no shame, there is no comparison. It is to use no money for power, and seldom fight wits. It is also a great way to fight for time. If we do not wait for the danger of life, then the wise will encourage us. Therefore, the rich are the first, the last is the second, and the treacherous is the lowest. There is no rock where a strange person goes, but he grows poor and likes to speak benevolently, which is also shameful.
The people who make up the household will be humble if they are rich, and the uncle will be afraid of them. If they are thousands of people, they will be servile. If they are thousands of people, they will be servants. The husband uses poverty to seek wealth. Agriculture is not as good as industry, industry is not as good as business, and embroidery is not as good as relying on the city gate. Tongyi Dadu, with thousands of years old liquor, thousands of soups, thousands of soups, thousands of sheep and cattle, thousands of skins, thousands of grains, thousands of cars, thousands of captains, thousands of wood, thousands of bamboo poles Draw a cart Hundred times, Ox cart Thousands of liang, thousands of pieces of wood, thousands of pieces of bronze, thousands of pieces of pure wood and iron, Horseshoe There are thousands of horses, thousands of cattle, thousands of sheep, thousands of hands, thousands of muscles, thousands of red sand, thousands of silk wadding, thousands of literary talents, thousands of tatans, thousands of stones, thousands of paints, thousands of horses Salted lobster sauce Qianda, mackerel, fish, Bao, jujube, chestnut, fox, lamb, cloth, fruit, vegetable, money, festivals, fairies, greedy merchants and honest merchants are also more generous than Qiancheng's family. If Tuo miscellaneous industry does not achieve anything, it is not my wealth.
Please tell us that the wise people are rich because they are thousands of miles away in the world, so that later generations can see and choose what to do.
Shu Zhuo's First, the Zhao people also used iron to enrich themselves. Qin defeated Zhao and moved to Zhuo. The Zhuo family saw Lulue and pushed the chariot alone. The exiled captives had little surplus. They fought with officials to get close to them Jia Meng Wei Zhuo said: "This place is narrow. I heard that Wenshan Below, there are crouching owls in fertile fields, and they will die without hunger. Migrant workers in the city, Yijia. " It is to move far away. To Linqiong Great joy, that is, iron mountain drum casting, planning and strategy, to the people of Yunnan and Sichuan, rich to thousands of young people. The pleasure of shooting and hunting in Tianchi is intended for a man.
Cheng Zheng, who moved from Shandong, was also smelted and cast. He is a native of Jia Zhuiji. His family is Fu Lie Zhuo. They all live in Linqiong.
Wankong First, Liang people also used iron smelting as their industry. The Qin Dynasty felled the Wei Dynasty , moved to Nanyang of Kong family. Big drum casting, Guibeichi, even chariots and horses, and traveling to the vassals. Because of the benefits of merchants, they were given the name of a wandering childe. However, after winning the pawn, he became more stingy, and his family became rich for thousands of gold. Therefore, Nanyang Jiaxing tried to imitate the grace of Confucius.
a native of Shandong Common and thrifty, Cao Bing's family is especially rich. He started with iron and became very rich. The Ran family, according to the agreement of their father, brother, and descendants, has a collection of money, and a collection of money. Shi Dai has gone through the whole family system of political zoning Zou and Lu, for their reason, often went to literature to seek profits, taking Cao Bing as their surname.
Qi vulgarity is cheap and slaves are captives, but the only love among swords is precious. Jie is a crafty slave, and people suffer from it. They can only collect money from each other, so that they can pursue the interests of the fisherman and salt merchant Jia, or they can even fight with their chariots and horses, and guard the prime minister. Eventually, he will get rich by tens of millions. Therefore, it is said that "it is better to have a sword than a sword", which can make the Haonu spare themselves and do their best.
The people of Zhou Dynasty were both fine, and History of teachers In particular, with hundreds of rotating hubs, Jia Junguo is everywhere. Luoyang He lived in the middle of the Qi, Qin, Chu and Zhao dynasties. The poor people learned from the rich, and Xiangjin was famous for a long time. He counted the towns and did not enter the country. If he set up such a place, his teacher history could reach 70 million.
Xuanqu Ren First of all, he was the supervisor of Taoism and warehouse officials. In the defeat of Qin, all heroes fought for gold and jade, while Ren's only cellar was the millet. Distance between Chu and Han Xingyang Also, people are not allowed to cultivate, Rice stone To ten thousand, all the heroes' gold and jade belonged to the Ren family, and the Ren family became rich from this. The rich contend for luxury, while Ren converts thrift into frugality, and forces the field animals. The Tian livestock people fought for the humble Jia, and the Ren family took the noble kindness alone. The rich have lived for generations. However, as agreed by the public, non farm animals can't afford food and clothing. If you don't finish the official business, you can't drink or eat meat. Taking this as the ratio of the inside to the outside, it is rich and the top priority.
Saizhichiya, however, has sent thousands of horses, cattle, sheep and millet to Qiaoyao. When the seven kingdoms of Wu and Chu started to fight, the marquis in Chang'an granted a military brigade to the monarch, who was responsible for the loan of Ziqian. Ziqian's family thought that the marquis was in Guandong, where the success or failure of Guandong was pending, so they would not agree with him. only Salt free surname Donate a thousand dollars to lend, and the interest will be nothing. In March, Wu Chuping, when he was one year old, had no interest in salt. He used this to lie in Guanzhong.
In Guanzhong, there are rich businessmen and large merchants, and most of them are in the fields of Tian Si and Tian Lan. Wei Family Li's , Anling, Du Du, and Juwan.
This chapter is particularly different. It is not like that there is a juyi who is rich because of fraud and lawmaking. He buried all his bones and bowed down with the time to make a profit. He made money at the end of the day. He used his own skills to defend everything, use martial arts to maintain everything, and use literature to change everything. Therefore, he is skilled enough. if To force Farming and livestock, businessmen from Gongyu, become rich for their rights. The big ones prefer the county, the middle ones prefer the county, and the lower ones prefer the countryside, which is countless.
A man's strength is the right way to govern his life, and the rich will use wonders. Farming, digging, and Qin Yang to build a state. Digging graves and committing treachery, but Uncle Tian started. Bo Xi evil karma Also, Huanfa is rich. The husband is cheap when he is in business, but Yong Le will be merciful. Selling fat is a disgrace, while Yongbo is a daughter. Sell pulp, small industry, and Zhang's ten million. Sa cut, thin skills, and Zhishi Dingshi. Stomach breast, Jian Wei'er, Zhuo's Lianqi. Ma Yi, Qian Fang, Zhang Li strikes the bell. This is all due to integrity.
From this perspective, if you are rich and have no business, your goods will not always be owned. If you are capable, you will gather together. If you are unworthy, you will collapse. A family of thousands of gold is better than a king of a city, and a great man is happy with the king. Is it so-called that "Su Feng" is evil? No? [1]

Suo Yin Shuzan

Industry and commerce are businesses for the benefit of commodity production. Waste residence and good accumulation, rely on market evils to win. Baigui Fuguo, Ji Ran Strong troops. Luoshen is invited to the court, and women build Huaiqing. It was sealed to thousands of households, and Zhuo and Zheng were famous.

Vernacular translation

Laozi 》The book said: "The most peaceful politics reached the peak, (should be) the residents of neighboring countries can see each other, the voice of chickens and dogs can hear each other, the people are eating sweet food, wearing beautiful clothes, accustomed to peaceful customs, engaged in happy occupations, until death of old age do not contact each other." If we have to live in this way, then, for modern times, it is undoubtedly blocking people's eyes and ears, and (in fact) it is not feasible.
Tai Shi recognized that: Divine Husbandman I don't know the previous situation. As for the image《 The Book of Songs 》And《 The Book of History 》Described on legendary emperor of great wisdom as well as Xia Dynasty Since then, people have always wanted to make their ears and eyes enjoy music and women to the fullest, so that they can taste as much as possible of the delicacies of livestock meat in their mouths, keep their bodies as comfortable and happy as possible, and show off their power and talent in spirit, so that this custom has infected people's thoughts for a long time, Even if we use Lao Tzu's subtle words to persuade them from house to house, we can not purify their spirit after all. Therefore, (the people in power), the best way is to let nature take its course, secondly to induce them, secondly to educate them, secondly to restrain them (by using rules and regulations), and the most foolish way is to compete with the people for benefits.
Xiaoshan There are woods in the west bamboo Zi, Broussonetia papyrifera Wild hemp , yak Oxtail And jade, Taihang Mountain There are more fish, salt, lacquer, silk, music and beautiful women in the east, and Nanmu Catalpa wood , ginger, lutea, gold, tin Lead ore Cinnabar Rhinoceros horn , tortoise shell, pearl, animal horn, leather, Longmen Mountain Jieshi Mountain Horses, cattle, sheep, blankets, furs, animal tendons and horns are produced in northern Guangdong. Copper and iron rules are often scattered in the mountains, like a chessboard full of chess pieces. This is only a general picture of the distribution of products. These articles are loved by the people in the Central Plains, and are necessary for the people to dress, eat, and die. Therefore, people rely on farmers' farming to provide them with food, Yu people produce wood (for their use), craftsmen make utensils (for their needs), and merchants transport these goods (for their purchase). Where is this because the state issued a decree to require it? People act with their own talents and do their best to meet their desires. Therefore, if the price of goods is low, the merchants will Commodity sales Go to places where you can sell at a high price; When goods are expensive, merchants will ship them from places with low prices. They are industrious and committed to their own business and willing to do their own work, just like the water flowing down the river, day and night without end. They come here without calling themselves, and the people produce their own products without asking for them. Isn't this the proof of regularity and nature?
Zhou Shu 》It said: "If farmers do not produce food, food will be scarce. If craftsmen do not produce implements, labor and life will be in trouble. If merchants do not circulate, food, implements and wealth will be cut off. If Yu people do not develop mountains and rivers, resources will be scarce." Conversely, if resources are scarce, mountains and rivers cannot be re developed. These four industries are the source of people's clothing and food. If the source is vast, it will be rich; A narrow source will lead to poverty. They can make the country rich and powerful on the top, and make the family rich on the bottom. No one can give them or deprive them of the formation of rich and poor, but smart people can make wealth surplus, and stupid people can only make wealth insufficient. therefore Jiang Taigong Lv Wang was sealed in the Yingqiu The land there was originally Saline alkali land The population is scarce, so Jiang Taigong encouraged women to spin, vigorously advocated craft skills, and transported fish and salt to other places for sale. In this way, people from other places attached themselves to him, and goods also came in an endless stream, like money strings, like spokes of cars, to concentrate here. So, Qi State The hats, ribbons, clothes and shoes produced by the company sell well all over the world, from the seaside to Mount Tai The princes between them are all in order Sleeves Come to Qi to worship. Since then, the Central Economy of Qi declined, Guan Zhong He also repaired the cause of Jiang Taigong and set up nine government offices to adjust prices. As a result, Duke Huan of Qi was able to dominate the world. He used his hegemonic posture to ally with princes for many times, and rectified the politics of the whole world. Guan Zhong himself also built the Sangui Platform. His position was among the accompanying officials, but his wealth was better than the various states or nations The king of. Since then, Qi has become prosperous and strong again, and it has continued until King Qi Wei King Xuan of Qi Period.
Therefore, it is said that "only when the warehouses are enriched can people understand etiquette, and only when food and clothing are enriched can people know glory and shame." Etiquette originates from wealth and is abandoned in poverty. Therefore, when a gentleman is rich, he likes to do benevolent things. When a villain is rich, he will use his power in appropriate places. When the pool is deep, there will be fish in it. When the mountains and forests are deep, wild animals will go there. When the people are rich, benevolence and righteousness will belong to them. The rich become more prominent when they gain power; Lose power, the guests have no place to go, so they are unhappy. The phenomenon of no manners, no etiquette and no rules is particularly prominent. As the saying goes, "The children of a golden family will not die in the marketplace because they break the law." This is not empty talk. Therefore, it is said that "the people in the world are the ones who come and go for the sake of profit." chariot The emperor, princes of thousands of families, and doctors of hundreds of families, still worried about poverty, not to mention the ordinary people in the household registration booklet!
Once upon a time, King Yue Gou Jian Being besieged on the Kuaiji Mountain, he appointed Fan Li , Ji Ran. Ji Ran He said, "If you know that you want to fight, you should be well prepared for war; if you know when goods are needed, you can understand commodity goods. If you are good at comparing time with use, you can see clearly the supply and demand of various goods. Therefore, At When the time is golden, the harvest will be abundant; When I was in water, I had a poor harvest; When you are old, you will starve; It is drought when you are in fire. In case of drought, prepare a boat for waterlogging; In case of waterlogging Standby Waiting for drought, this is in line with Development of things The law of. Generally speaking, there is a harvest every six years, a drought every six years, and a famine every twelve years. When selling grain at a price of 20 yuan per bucket, farmers will suffer; If the price of each bucket is 90 yuan, the merchant will suffer a loss. When businessmen suffer losses, money cannot be circulated to the society; If farmers are damaged, their fields will become barren. The maximum price of grain per bucket should not exceed 80 yuan, and the minimum price should not be less than 30 yuan, so that farmers and businessmen can benefit. Food is sold at par, and other prices, customs taxes and Market supply There is no shortage of these Governance As for the stored goods, we should ensure that the goods are in good condition and secure, and do not stop the circulation of money. When buying and selling goods, do not store goods that are easy to corrupt and corrode for a long time, and do not risk hoarding for high prices. Research Commodity surplus Or shortage, we will understand the price Ups and downs The truth. If the price is too high, it will return to low; When prices are extremely low, they will return to high. When goods are extremely expensive, they should be sold in time, which is regarded as muck; When goods are extremely cheap, they should be purchased in time, which is regarded as jewelry. The circulation of goods and money should be like running water. " Gou Jian ran the country according to the plan for ten years, Vietnam When you are rich, you can use a lot of money to buy soldiers, so that they can rush into battle, regardless of the arrows and stones, just like getting water when you are thirsty, and finally get revenge and wipe out Wu kingdom , and then spread its power in the Central Plains, known as one of the "five hegemons". [3]
Fan Li Having helped the King of Yue clear his shame of being trapped in Kuaiji, he sighed: "There are seven strategies of Ji Ran, and the State of Yue only used five of them to realize his desire to avenge his shame. Since they are effective in governing the country, I will use them to govern the family." So he took a boat to wander the Jianghu, changed his name, and went to the State of Qi to change his name Owl skin , here Taoyi It was renamed Zhu Gong. Duke Zhu believed that Taoyi was located in the center of the world Vassal states It is convenient to exchange goods in all directions. So he managed the industry, hoarded, improvised and kept pace with the times pursue material gain Instead of blaming others. Therefore, those who are good at managing and becoming rich should be able to choose and use the wise and seize the opportunity. During the 19 years, he made three fortunes and twice distributed them to poor friends and distant houses Same surname 's brother. This is what we call a gentleman who is rich likes to do benevolent things. Later, when Fan Li was old and weak, he left it to his descendants, who inherited his career and made some progress, and eventually made a fortune of millions. Therefore, later generations praise the rich when they talk about them name of an immensely wealthy 5th-cent. B.C. ex-minister
Zi Gong Once in Confucius Learn there and go there after leaving defend one's country As an official, he also used the method of selling the expensive and buying the cheap in Cao Guohe State of Lu Business between, disciples of Confucius Of the more than 70 outstanding disciples, Duanmuci Zigong is the richest. Yuan Xian, another outstanding disciple of Confucius, was so poor that he could not even eat the chaff, and lived in seclusion in a humble small In the alley Zigong, however, took a carriage drawn by four horses and bridle, and carried a bundle of silk gifts to visit and present to princes. Wherever he went, the monarch and he only did the courtesy of the host, not the monarch and his subjects. The reason why Confucius became famous in the world was that Zi Gong helped him after others. Is this what we call getting help from the situation to make the reputation more prominent?
Bai Gui yes Western Zhou Dynasty People. When Wei Wenhou In place, Rick Being committed to development land resource While Bai Gui likes to observe Market situation With the change of the year, when the goods were sold at a low price, he bought them; When the goods are not high enough to demand, he sells them. When grain is ripe, he buys grain and sells silk and lacquer; silkworm cocoon When he finished, he bought silk and cotton and sold food. He understood that when Taisui was in the Mao position, he had a bumper harvest; The next year will be bad. When Taisui is in the Wu Palace drought The next year will be very good. When Taisui was in the unitary position, there was a bumper harvest; The next year will be bad. When Taisui is in the throne, there will be a severe drought; The next year will be a good year, with rain. When Taisui returned to the position of Mao, the goods he hoarded roughly doubled over the years. To increase his income, he bought inferior grains; To increase the capacity of grain stone bucket, he went to buy superior grains. He can ignore eating and drinking, control hobbies, save clothes, share weal and woe with hired slaves, and seize the opportunity to make money like a beast raptor Catch food so quickly. So he said, "I do business and become rich, just like Yi Yin Lu Shang Planning strategy, Sun Tzu Wu Qi To fight with soldiers, Shang Yang It's like carrying out political reform. Therefore, if a person's wisdom is not enough to adapt to the situation, his courage is not enough to make a decisive decision, his virtue is not able to choose correctly, and his strength is not able to stick to it. Although he wants to learn my skill of becoming rich in business, I will never teach him. " Therefore, people all over the world follow Bai Gui's example when they talk about the way to become rich through business. Bai Gui may have tried something and achieved something by trying, which is not the result of carelessness.
Ubbelohde Luo Operation Animal Husbandry When the livestock breed in large numbers, they will sell all of them and then buy all kinds of strange things and Silk Fabric , secretly dedicated to King Rong. The king of Rong repaid him with ten times the amount of the articles he offered, and sent him livestock. The number of livestock was so large that the number of cattle and horses was calculated in the valley. First Emperor of Qin Imperial edict Luowushi In the same order as the emperor Specified time Go to the palace to worship with the ministers. and Bajun Widow Qing Our ancestors got the cinnabar mine from us, and they monopolized it for generations. They also have countless family assets. Qing is a widow. She can keep the family property of her ancestors and use her money to protect herself from being invaded by others. Qin Shihuang regarded her as a chaste woman and treated her with courtesy. He also built buildings for her Female Huaiqing Platform Wu's Luo is just a despicable man and a livestock owner. The widow of Bajun was a widow in the remote area, but she was able to compete with the emperor and became famous all over the world. Isn't it because they are rich?
With the rise of the Han Dynasty and the unification of the world, the government opened the checkpoints and main roads and lifted the ban on mountain and marsh exploitation. Therefore, the rich merchants and merchants had access to the world. All the goods they traded were unimpeded and their desires were satisfied. The government of the Han Dynasty also moved heroes, vassals and large families to the capital.
Guanzhong The area extends from the east of the two counties to the Yellow River and Huashan Mountain, covering thousands of miles. from Youyu Family Xiahou implement Tribute fu Since then, it has been regarded as a first-class field. Later Gong Liu Relocate to Bin, King Tai of Zhou Wang Ji moved to Qishan and Wenwang built Fengyi , ruled by King Wu Haojing Therefore, the people in these places still have the legacy of the former king, like farming and planting Grains , pay attention to the value of land and take doing bad things seriously. until Qin Wengong , Duke De and Duke Mu set the capital Yongyi It is located in the main road of goods exchange between Gansu and Sichuan, with many merchants. Qin Xiangong Relocate to Quercus, Quercus is in the north non-Chinese peoples of the north and west There are also many big businessmen in the east and the three Jin provinces. Qin Xiaogong and King Zhaoxiang of Qin Governing Xianyang, the Han Dynasty used it as its capital; The tombs near Chang'an are crowded with people and things from all directions. The place is very small and the population is large, so the local people are increasingly playing tricks and engaging in business. To the south of Guanzhong, there are Bajun Shujun Bashu The region is also a fertile field, rich in Gardenia , ginger, cinnabar Stone , copper, iron, bamboo and wood. In the south, there were many servants fighting against Dian and Bo. It is adjacent to Qiong and Zuo in the west, where horses and horses are produced Yak ox However, the Bashu area is blocked around, with a thousand mile plank road, which is not blocked from Guanzhong. Only the Baoxie channel can control its entrance, connect the four roads, and exchange the surplus for the shortage. Tianshui Longxi Northland and Shangjun The customs are the same as those in Guanzhong, but there are Qiangzhong The land is favorable, and there are Rongdi livestock in the north. The livestock industry ranks first in the world. However, the terrain here is dangerous, and only Chang'an, the capital, offers its passage. Therefore, the whole Guanzhong area accounts for one third of the world, and the population only accounts for three tenths of the world; However, the wealth here accounts for six tenths of the world.
In ancient times, Tang Dynasty Yao Settle the capital Hedong Jinyang, the capital of Yin people in Hanoi Yin ruins Eastern Zhou Dynasty The capital was Luoyang, Henan. Hedong, Hanoi and Henan, the three places in the center of the world, are like the three legs of a tripod. They are the places where emperors have changed their capitals. The founding of the People's Republic of China has lasted for hundreds or even thousands of years. The land here is small and the population is large. It is a gathering place for various princes. Therefore, the local folk customs are stingy and thrifty, and they are familiar with the world. The people of Yang and Pingyang can do business in Qin and Rongdi regions to the west, and in planting and Dai regions to the north. Planted and replaced in the north of Shiyi Hun , repeatedly plundered. The people believe in being strong and competitive, take supporting the weak and restraining the strong as their own responsibility, and are unwilling to engage in Agribusiness All industries. However, because of its proximity to the northern barbarians, the army often came and went, and there were surplus goods and materials transported from the Central Plains from time to time. The local people are strong but do not work hard. They have been worried about their ferocity since the time when the three families were not divided into three parts Zhao Wuling King The local customs still carry the legacy of Zhao. So the people of Yang and Pingyang can get what they want. The people in Wen and 轵轵轵轵轵轵轵轵轵轵轵这这这轵这. There are many people in Zhongshan, and there are many people in the sand dunes King Zhou The descendants of the Yan people left behind were impatient and depended on opportunism to make a living. Men often get together to play games, sing generously and mournfully, kill and rob together during the day, dig graves and steal tombs at night, make counterfeits, and coin privately; Many beautiful men go to be singers and dancers. Women often play marital harmony , dragging shoes, wandering around, fawning on the powerful and rich, some of them were included in the harem and spread all over the families of princes.
However, Handan is also a city between Zhangshui River and the Yellow River. Tongyan and Zhuo are in the north, and Zheng and Wei are in the south. The customs of Zheng and Wei are similar to those of Zhao, but due to their proximity to Liang and Lu, they are slightly solemn and pay attention to integrity. Wei Jun once moved from the Imperial Hill in Pushang to Yewang. The folk custom in Yewang area advocates integrity and supports the weak against the strong, which is the legacy of Wei State.
Yan State The former capital Ji is also the Bohai Sea Jieshi Mountain Between a city. It connects Qi and Zhao in the south, and borders the Hu people in the northeast. From Shanggu to Liaodong The area is far away, with a small population, and has been harassed repeatedly. The folk customs are roughly similar to those in Zhao and Dai regions, while the people are quick and fierce, and do not like to think about problems. The local area is rich in fish, salt, jujube, and chestnut. Adjacent to the north Wuhuan Fu Yu , the east is at the control point Filthy mop , Korea and Zhenfan. Luoyang can do business in Qi and Lu to the east, Liang and Chu to the south. So the south of Mount Tai is the old place of the State of Lu, and the north is the old place of the State of Qi. The land of Qi is surrounded by mountains and seas, and there is a fertile land covering thousands of miles. It is suitable for planting mulberry and hemp. Most people have Colored silk Thick, cloth and fish salt. Linzi It is also a city between the East China Sea and Mount Tai. The local folk custom is calm, generous, reasonable, resourceful, argumentative, and has a strong local concept, which is not easy to float out and is afraid of Gather people to fight However, they dare to hurt others secretly, so there are often people who rob others' property. This is the fashion of a big country. Here, scholars, farmers, workers, businessmen and Jia are all ready. Zou and Lu are adjacent to Zhushui Surabaya , still preserved Duke Zhou The folkways like Confucianism and pay attention to etiquette, so the local people are cautious. A lot of mulberry and hemp industries are operated, but there are no resources of mountains, forests and rivers. With a small land and a large population, people are thrifty and stingy, afraid of crime and avoiding evil. When it came to decline, people were more interested in doing business and chasing profits than people in Zhou. From the east of the gap, Mount Mang Dangshan North to Juye This is the place where the Liang and Song dynasties used to be. Taoyi Suiyang It is also a metropolis. Previously, Tang Yao rose in Chengyang, and Yu Shun used to fish in Leize, Shang Tang It was once determined that everything was at a minimum. The folk custom here still has the legacy of the former king, which is generous and solemn, and there are many gentlemen,
He likes farming. Although there are no rich mountains and rivers, people can economize to save money. Vietnam and Chu area Western Chu , Dongchuhe Southern Chu Different customs in the three regions. From Huaibei Peijun reach Chenjun , Runan Sundgau This is the Western Chu area. The folk customs here are fierce and agile, easy to get angry, and the land is barren, with little accumulation. Jiangling used to be the capital of the State of Chu, connecting Wuxian County and Bajun County in the west and the east Yunmeng , rich in resources. At the junction of Chu and Xia, Chen circulated fish and salt goods, and residents mostly engaged in business. The residents of Xu, Tong and Tuo'er are honest, rigorous and strict, and keep their promises. Pengcheng To the east, including the East China Sea, Wu and Guangling, this is the East Chu region. The customs here are similar to those of Xu and Tong. To the north of Qu and Zeng, the customs are the same as those in Qi. Customs and customs in the south of Zhejiang Cross the ground Same. Wu area from King of Wu Helu King Chunshen of Chu and King Wu of the early Han Dynasty Liu Bi There have been rich sea salt , and Zhangshan's copper mine The resources of three rivers and five lakes are also a city in Jiangdong. Hengshan, Jiujiang, Jiangnan, Yuzhang and Changsha are the southern Chu areas. The customs here are similar to those in the Western Chu area. After the loss of Ying Capital, Chu moved its capital to Shouchun, which is also a city. and Hefei County Yangtze River in the south and Yangtze River in the north Huaihe River , leather Abalone The place where the wood gathers. Because they are mixed with the customs in central Fujian and Yuyue, the residents of Southern Chu are good at rhetoric, clever in speaking and have little credit. In Jiangnan, the terrain is low and the climate is humid, so men don't live long. There are many bamboos and trees. Yuzhang produces gold, Changsha produces lead and tin. But minerals Reserve Extremely limited, and the mining income is insufficient to compensate payment slip Jiuyi Mountain , south of Cangwu to Daner, which is roughly the same as the customs of Jiangnan, with many Yang Yue customs mixed in. Panyu It is also a local city, including Abas, rhinoceros horn, tortoise shell, fruit Gebu Such a concentration place. Yingchuan Nanyang is the place where the people of the former Xia Dynasty lived. Xia people advocate honesty and simplicity for politics, as well as the style left by the former king. Yingchuan people are honest and honest. At the end of the Qin Dynasty, illegal people were migrated to Nanyang. Nanyang is connected to Wuguan and Yunguan in the west and faces the southeast Hanshui , Changjiang River the Huai River Wan is also a city. The local folk customs are mixed and good. Most of them are engaged in business. The residents take it as their own responsibility to suppress the strong and support the weak, and they interact with Yingchuan area, so they are still called "Xia people" until now. The world's products vary from place to place. There are few and many. The folk customs are different. Shandong eats sea salt, and Shanxi eats sea salt Pool salt There were also many places producing salt in the south of the Five Ridges and north of the desert. This is generally the case.
In a word, the Chu Yue area is a sparsely populated area, which depends on rice for food fish For vegetables, slash and burn cultivation, water weeding, melons, fruits, snails and clams can be self-sufficient without purchasing from other places. The terrain is favorable, the food is abundant, and there is no famine. Therefore, people live in poverty without saving. So, Yangtze and Huai rivers There are neither hungry nor cold people nor rich people in the south. Yishui , north of Surabaya, suitable for planting grain, mulberry and hemp, and raising six domestic animals The land is small and the population is large. People have suffered from floods and droughts for many times. People like to save property. Therefore, Qin, Xia, Liang and Lu regions are diligent in agriculture and pay attention to labor. The same is true in Sanhe region, Wan, Chen and other places, plus business and trade. The residents of Qi and Zhao regions are smart and resourceful, and seek profits by speculation. Residents in Yan and Dai areas can farm, raise livestock and raise silkworms.
From this point of view, the wise and able people made suggestions, argued and argued in the imperial court, were loyal to faith and adhered to principles, and lived in seclusion in the cave. What on earth were they doing? Or to increase their wealth. Therefore, if you are honest, you can become an official for a long time and become richer as time goes by; Businessmen can make more money and become rich with fair business and developed business. It is people's nature to seek wealth. They will pursue it without learning. Therefore, in the army, the heroes who attack the city first when they fight, and when they meet the enemy, they rush to the front, cut the generals and seize the flag, shoot stones at the risk of arrows, and do not avoid going through fire and water. The difficulties and obstacles are driven by rewards. Those teenagers who live in the countryside kill and bury the dead, Highway robbery , digging graves, privately minting coins, pretending to be chivalrous, embezzling and occupying, seeking personal revenge with the help of accomplices, secretly chasing plunder, not avoiding legal prohibitions, and heading for death Up run Like a fast horse Benz In fact, it's all about money. Now Zhao zheng A woman dressed beautifully, playing zither, dancing long sleeves Dancing shoes , flirting with the eyes, seducing with the heart, traveling thousands of miles, regardless of age, attracting men is also busy for money. An idle aristocrat. His hat and sword are well decorated. When he goes out, he drives horse Line up is also to put on the airs of wealth. Hunter and fisherman, running in the mountains in the morning and in the dark, braved frost and snow Okaya , don't avoid being hurt by beasts, in order to obtain various kinds of game. When entering or leaving the casino, people will fight with each other to win. They will brag about themselves and win because they attach importance to winning or losing. doctor necromancer And all kinds of people who make a living by skills, overwork themselves and try their best to get more pay. Official officials and officials, writing and writing, carving official seals privately, Forgery of documents He did not avoid being beheaded because he was caught in the bribery of others. As for the increase of agricultural, industrial, commercial and household savings, it was originally to seek to increase personal wealth. After all, it is for the purpose of sparing no effort to fight for property.
As the saying goes, "He who sells firewood does not travel a hundred li, and he who sells grain does not travel a thousand li." If you live in a place for a year, you must plant grain; If you live for ten years, plant trees; Living for hundreds of years should bring virtue. The so-called virtue is the talent, virtue, reputation and property of people. Nowadays, some people have no official salary or income from titles and fiefs, but live happily and richly. Compared with those who have official titles, they can be called "plain fiefs". People with land fiefs enjoy tax, and each household pays 200 yuan a year. The feudal lords who enjoy thousands of households can earn 200000 yuan of tax revenue every year. They pay for worshipping the Emperor, visiting princes and sacrificing gifts. Ordinary people, such as farmers, workers, merchants, and merchants, have 10000 yuan per family, and the annual interest can be 2000 yuan. The family with one million yuan can earn 200000 yuan per year, and the cost of taxes and levies should be paid from here. Such people can eat, drink and play as they like. So land herd horses There are fifty, one hundred and sixty cattle, two hundred and fifty sheep, two hundred and fifty pigs in the grass. There are fish ponds with an annual yield of one thousand stones in the water, and one thousand mature trees in the mountains. There are thousands of trees in Anyi Jujube Tree; There are thousands of chestnut trees in Yan and Qin; There are thousands of trees in Shujun, Hanshui and Jiangling Orange tree There are thousands of plants between Huaibei, Changshan, Yellow River and Jishui Catalpa bungei Tree; Thousands of mu in Chen and Xia paint Tree; Qi and Lu have thousand mu of mulberry and hemp; Weichuan River There are thousands of mu of bamboo; There are also famous capital cities of thousands of families in China, and in the suburbs there are thousands of acres of fertile land, or thousands of acres of gardenias Rubia cordifolia , thousand rows of ginger Leek : The wealth of such people can be compared with A thousand marquis Their wealth is equal. However, these become rich capital. People do not need to go to the city to inspect, or travel to other places. They can get something without work by sitting at home. They are known as virgins and use abundance. As for those poor families, their parents are old, their wives and children are extremely thin, and they have no money to sacrifice to ancestors, gods and spirits, give people travel fees, gather for food, eat, drink and wear. If they are so poor and do not feel ashamed, there is nothing comparable. Therefore, without money, you can only sell your labor. If you have a little money, you will play smart. If you are already rich, you will compete for profits. This is the common sense. Nowadays, those who can get the goods they need without risking their lives in order to make a living should be encouraged by sages. Therefore, by engaging in agricultural production The first is to become rich, the second is to become rich by engaging in business, and the lowest is to become rich by playing tricks, or even breaking the law. He has not lived in seclusion in a cave, but has acted as a rare person. It is enough to be ashamed to be in a poor position for a long time and talk about benevolence and justice in vain.
The common people who make up households will be humble to those who have ten times more wealth than themselves. Those who have one hundred times more wealth will fear others. Those who have one thousand times more wealth will be enslaved, and those who have ten thousand times more wealth will be enslaved. This is the common principle of things. To go from poverty to wealth, it is better to work than to do agriculture, to do business than to do work, and to do business is not as good as to do business. The last business mentioned here is the means by which the poor get rich. In metropolises with well-developed transportation, we brew 1000 jars of wine, 1000 jars of vinegar, 1000 Xerox drinks, and slaughter 1 1000 sheets Cattle and sheep pigskin , sell a thousand grains, a thousand cars Firewood , a thousand zhang long ship, a thousand trees, ten thousand bamboo poles, one hundred carriages, one thousand vehicles Ox cart , 1000 pieces of painted wood, 1000 pieces of bronze, 1000 loads of primary color wood, iron and dyestuff , 200 horses, 250 cattle, 1000 pigs and sheep, 100 slaves, 1000 jin tendon horn, red sand, 1000 jun cotton wadding, fine cloth, 1000 pieces of colored silk, 1000 dan Coarse cloth , leather, 1000 buckets of paint, 1000 bottles Distiller's yeast , salt fermented soya bean , 1000 jin mackerel Fish , 1000 stone small miscellaneous fish, 1000 jun Salted fish Three thousand stone dates, millet, one thousand fox and mink fur coats, one thousand stone lamb fur coats, one thousand wool blankets, one thousand kinds of fruits and vegetables, and one thousand rows Usury The head of the broker who facilitated the livestock trade greedily took one third of the trading volume as a commission, integrity One fifth of the money is taken as a domestic service. This kind of people can also be compared with the family of thousands of times, which is roughly the case. As for other miscellaneous industries, if the profit is less than two tenths, it is not a good industry to get rich as I said.
Let me briefly explain why those who are able to become rich within a thousand miles of the contemporary era, so that future generations can examine and choose. Shu Land Zhuo's His ancestors were Zhao people, who became rich by smelting iron. the Qin state When the State of Zhao was defeated, the Zhuo family moved to the place of migration. The Zhuo family was captured. Only their husband and wife pushed the cart to the place of migration. Other people who were moved at the same time, if they had a little extra money, scrambled to give it to the officials in charge and begged them to move closer Jiameng County Only Zhuo said:“ Jia Meng The place is small and the land is barren. I heard that there are fertile fields below Wenshan Mountain Taro It is shaped like a crouching owl, and people will not starve even to death. The people there are good at trading and easy to do business. " So it is required to move to a far place, and the result is moved to Linqiong He was very happy. He melted iron and cast weapons in the mountain with iron ore. He planned and calculated carefully, and his wealth overwhelmed the residents in Yunnan and Sichuan, and even became rich to as many as 1000 slaves. He enjoys shooting and playing in the pastoral pool, which is comparable to the king. Cheng Zheng They are immigrants from the east of Taihang Mountain, also engaged in smelting and casting industry, and often sold iron products Southwest China ethnic minority , his wealth is equal to Zhuo's, and he lives with Zhuo in Linqiong. The ancestors of the Kong family in Wan County were Liang people, who were engaged in smelting iron. The Qin State attacked and fell Wei Later, he moved the Kong family to Nanyang. He then operated the smelting and casting industry on a large scale, and planned to open fish ponds to raise fish. His chariots and horses were in groups, and he often visited the vassals to seek the convenience of doing business and making money, which earned him a good reputation as a loafer. However, he made a lot of profits, much more than the amount of money he spent on charity, and more than the stingy businessman. His family's wealth amounted to thousands of dollars. Therefore, all Nanyang people followed Kong's calm, steady and generous way in doing business. The folk custom of Lu is thrifty and stingy, and the Cao Bing family is particularly prominent. He started his life by smelting iron, and has a wealth of tens of thousands of dollars. However, other people's homes Parents, brothers, and descendants all abide by the family rule that if you look down and raise your head, you should have something to gain. His family rents, lends money and does business all over the country. For this reason, many people in Zou Lu area abandoned Confucianism in pursuit of wealth, which was influenced by Cao Bing. The custom of Qi was to despise slaves, but Dao Jian paid more attention to them. People are worried about vicious and cunning slaves. The only way to do this is to let them chase the commercial interests of fishing and salt, or let them ride in teams to make friends with local officials and trust them more. Daojian finally got their help and became rich for tens of millions of dollars. Therefore, someone said, "It's better to be a slave in the Dao family than to go out to seek officials and nobles." It is said that the Dao Jian can make the Haonu rich and can do his best for him. The residents of Zhoudi were very stingy, but History of teachers Especially, he made money by carrying goods back. There were hundreds of vehicles, and he did business in all counties. Luoyang Road is located in the center of Qi, Qin, Chu, Zhao and other countries. The poor people in the streets learn to do business in the rich families. They often boast about their long time of doing business abroad. They often pass through the countryside without entering their homes. Because he can plan and appoint such a person, Shi Shi can send as much as 70 million yuan. Xuanqu Ren His ancestors were the officials who supervised the warehouse. When the Qin Dynasty was defeated, all the heroes fought for Jewellery Ren stored rice and millet in the cellar alone. Later, Chu Han The two armies are locked in a stalemate Xingyang The farmers were unable to farm the land, and the price of rice rose to 10000 yuan per stone. Ren sold grain and made a lot of money. All the gold, silver and jewelry of heroes belonged to Ren, so Ren became rich. Generally, rich people compete with each other for luxury, while Ren's family succumbs to others, advocates frugality, and devotes itself to farming and animal husbandry. Most people strive to buy land and livestock at low prices, but Ren's is specialized in buying expensive and good ones. Ren Family Rich for generations. However, according to the Ren's family agreement, people are not allowed to wear or eat anything that is not from their own farming and livestock, and they are not allowed to drink or eat meat until they have finished their official business. As a model in the countryside, he was rich and the emperor respected him. At the time of frontier development, only Qiaoyao obtained 1000 horses, 2000 cattle, 10000 sheep and thousands of millet. When the seven kingdoms of Wu and Chu rebelled against the central court of the Han Dynasty, the marquises and princes in Chang'an City wanted to join the army and needed to borrow money with interest. The usurers believed that the food cities of the marquises and princes were all in Guandong, but the outcome of the war in Guandong was still undecided, and no one would lend them money. only Salt free surname Give them money to lend, and the interest is ten times of the capital. Three months later, Wu and Chu were pacified. In one year, Wuyan obtained ten times the interest of the principal, so as to match the rich in Guanzhong. Most of the rich businessmen in Guanzhong area Is a surname The families of Tian, such as Tian Siu and Tian Lan. also Wei Family Li's , Anlinghe Du County Du's family has a fortune of ten thousand yuan. These people are all distinguished and distinguished people. None of them had the title of fief, salary income, or made a fortune by practicing martial arts and committing crimes. They all took the risk of being killed and buried in the wilderness to catch the opportunity to become rich, make choices in advance and retreat, adapt to circumstances, and make profits. They became rich by running businesses and industries, buying farmland to engage in agricultural wealth, and seizing everything by various powerful means, It can be maintained by means of laws, decrees and other words. The changes in the way of getting rich are regular, so it is worth studying and studying carefully. As for those who are committed to agriculture, animal husbandry, handicrafts, mountain forests, fishing and hunting, or business, they become rich by virtue of power and wealth. The big ones overwhelm a county, the middle ones overwhelm a county, and the small ones overwhelm the countryside, which is even more numerous.
Be careful, industrious and thrifty, and get rich right way However, those who want to become rich must also take surprise measures. Farming is a heavy industry, and Qinyang But he became the richest man in the state. Tomb robbing was a crime, but Uncle Tian But we started with it. Gambling was a bad thing, but Huanfa became rich by it. Walking and peddling is a man's humble industry, but Yong Lecheng gets rich by it. Selling grease is a shameful business, and Yongbo earned a lot of money from it. Selling water slurry was originally Small business Zhang earned ten million yuan from it. Knife sharpening is a small skill, but Zhishi is rich enough to make a living. sell Tripe My son is a trivial matter, but Zhuo Shi is rich enough to travel by car and horse. Treating horses is a shallow skill, but Zhang Li is rich enough to help him eat. These people become rich because of their single-minded mind.
From this point of view, getting rich does not depend on a fixed industry, and there is no certain owner of wealth. People with skills can gather wealth, while people without skills will ruin their wealth. A family with a daughter can be compared to a monarch in a city. A rich man with a fortune can enjoy the same pleasure as a monarch. Is this the so-called "plain seal"? Isn't it?

content analysis

Redords of the Grand History of China ·Biographies of Merchandise Colony "Attaches Importance to Society Production activities He believes that the rise and fall of political chaos is closely related to the socio-economic situation; Social and economic activities are objective processes that do not depend on people's will. They advocate the development of industry and commerce, tend to laissez faire economic reform, and oppose human intervention.
Preface of Tai Shigong 》Said: "The man of Buyi Pifu, Harmless In politics, it is better for the people to take it from the wealth of the time, and the wise can take it. "Biographies of Merchandise Colony". This is a very clear and concise expression of the motivation and theme of writing this article. The full text is mainly from the late Spring and Autumn Period to Qin and Han Dynasties The great cargo colonists since, such as Fan Li, Zi Gong, Bai Gui Yidun , Zhuo, Cheng Zheng, Kong Shi Shi , Ren, etc. By introducing their words, deeds Socio economic status , as well as their era, special products in important economic regions, famous Commercial city And commercial activities, local production and the characteristics of social and economic development, describe their ways of getting rich, and express their economic thoughts so that "future generations can see and choose".
Tai Shi recognized that natural products are extremely rich, social and economic development is not based on human will, and commercial development and the emergence of economic cities are Natural trends There is no one who does not pursue wealth. "If farmers can't produce, they will lack food; if workers can't produce, they will lack work, Three Treasures Are Unique If Business Does Not Go Out If you can't get out, you will have less money. " Therefore, he advocated that according to the actual situation, businessmen should be allowed to develop freely, and they should be guided to actively carry out production and exchange. The state does not have to intervene forcefully, let alone compete with them for profits. This reflects his opposition“ Duplicate copy Suppress the end of the year ", advocate Agriculture, industry and commerce Yu laid equal stress on industrial and commercial activities social development Its production is the necessity of social development; sure Industrialists and businessmen pursuit Material interests Of rationality And Legitimacy prominent Material wealth The amount of possession ultimately determines people's social position The economic development is related to the economic thought and material concept of the rise and fall of the country. Under the historical conditions at that time, Sima Qian was able to pay attention to the economic life of the society and realize the importance of production, trade and material wealth, which was very valuable.

artistic characteristics

This biography is about time, geography, people, customs, and picturesque history. Although it is a persuasive article, it is interesting to read it. Scholars of the Fang Family have a good reputation for this.
Pan Yin Pavilion Zan said, "The Biography of Merchandise Colony" is about various social situations and explains its principles one by one. The characters in it start from the Spring and Autumn Period to the Han Dynasty. The geography in it starts from Yan and Dai in the north and ends at Daner in the south. Each person has his own role, and each place has its own environment. You can read it as a knight errand, or as a novel. You can read Chinese books instead of Records of the Historian , can be counted as not having read; Reading the Historical Records but not the Biography of Cargo Colony can be regarded as not reading the Historical Records. Beautiful The Biography of Merchandise Colony! " (A New Interpretation of the Biographies of the Historical Records and the Carving Colony - Editor's Preface)
Li Jingxing The comment on this biography is: "The method of making money, the people who want to make profits, are all big and small, far and near, men and women. It is included in one of the chapters, so that the hundreds of years of traffickers, upright men, poor fathers and slaves, all rely on it. It is almost inexplicable what its purpose is.... Those who build wealth, the essence of heaven and earth, the lifeblood of people, trap heroes, and turn people upside down. Xu is a thing." (Review of Historical Records, Volume IV)
These praises accurately and profoundly reveal the knowledge of Shi Gong, which is outstanding for thousands of years; Shi Gong's pen is exquisite. It can be seen from the overview of the full text that the characters in the biography have their own characteristics and talents; The narration in the article is smooth and natural; The reasoning in the article is impeccable; The whole poem is powerful and magnificent. It can be said that it is broad and profound and integrated, which is actually a brilliant chapter in the excellent traditional Chinese culture.

Evaluation of later generations

Lu Xun In fact, many people are dissatisfied with Lu Xun when there was a so-called "official history" of making genealogy for emperors, generals and ministers. In the official history, except for emperors, they are officials. It is difficult for ordinary people to be included in the history books. Sima Qian wrote a biography for businessmen, which was the first historian. Businessmen were discriminated against in the past, Chinese traditional culture The salary is regarded as a matter of course, the wealth obtained by officials is regarded as glory, and the wisdom of businessmen is discriminated against. It not only discriminates against businessmen, but also restricts and strikes them. pipe 》Also advocates reducing Industrialists and businessmen Of social position "Hundred businessmen" are not allowed to wear lambskin Mink skin Made clothes.
Merchandise means to seek for "breeding wealth" in order to become rich. That is, business activities of businessmen. Sima Qian not only let us see the role of merchants, but also made a unified Huaxia The products and customs of big countries and far flung places show us. More than 2000 years ago, the rich natural resources in China could support people. Sima Qian started his journey from the north to the south when he was 20 years old Yangtze River Huaihe River One belt, Deng Kuaiji Mountain , explore Yu's acupoint, observe Jiuyi Mountain In Yuanshui Xiang Sail north to Wenshui, Surabaya Qilu The earth, through Pengcheng, Liangliang and Chu, returned to his hometown, and traveled across most of China, which laid a solid foundation for the later writing of Biographies of Merchandise Colony. Reading Biographies of Merchandise Colony, let's celebrate the great China after reunification and its vast richness. The Biography of the Merchandise Colony wrote: "Hanxing is the only one at home and abroad, opening and closing the beams, and relaxing the ban on mountains and rivers. It is the rich businessmen who flow around the world, and everything can be traded..." This kind of prosperity and prosperity after the reunification of the country came unstoppable. Only when the country is unified, can we have access to trade, and the products of the north and south can be exchanged, creating a once-in-a-lifetime business opportunity. Taihang Mountain Timber to the west bamboo Child Millet ramie Yak ox , jade, fish, salt, lacquer, silk, musical instruments, pigments in the east of Taihang Mountain, precious trees ginger chinese cinnamon , gold, tin, lead, cinnabar rhinoceros Hawksbill, Abas, Beast Teeth, Leather, Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Felts, Furs, Tendons and Horns of Animals to the North of Jieshi copper mine , iron ore... All these products have been exchanged between the north and the south because of the activities of businessmen. Think about the impact on enriching people and rejuvenating the country!
Sima Qian had the experience of traveling around the country, and what about the local customs and customs? A deep interest. One water and soil support one person, and the customs and customs of different places are formed, which is also related to the local products, water and soil? Close relationship. For example, Hedong, Hanoi and Henan regions are small in land and have a large population, so the local folk customs are stingy, thrifty and familiar with the world. The land in Zhongshan is barren and there is a large population, so the folk customs are urgent and live on speculation. The customs of Zheng and Wei are similar to those of Zhao. Because they are close to Liang and Lu, they pay attention to integrity. Surrounded by mountains and seas, Qi is fertile and fertile, so the folk customs there are tolerant and open-minded. Scholars, farmers, workers, businessmen and Jia are all well represented. Zou and Lu are close to Shushui Surabaya, folk customs like Confucianism, and etiquette is complete. People there are cautious, thrifty and mean, afraid of crime, and far away from evil. There are also customs in Yue and Chu, and customs in the east of Pengcheng are related to water and soil. The most interesting thing is the Chu and Yue regions, where the land is large and the population is small fish For vegetable soup, there are some places where slash and burn farming, water weeding, melons, fruits, snails and clams are sufficient without buying and selling. The land is fertile, the food is rich, and there is no famine, so people there muddle along without accumulating property. Therefore, in the area south of the Yangtze River and Huaihe River, there are no people who suffer from hunger and cold, and there is no family of wealth. Yishui The area to the north of Surabaya is mostly affected by floods and droughts, so there are people there who like to store property. These customs are very interesting, which is Regional culture Cause of formation.
Sima Qian's Outlook on wealth It is very realistic. "When the world is bustling, it is all for profit; when the world is bustling, it is all for profit." Sima Qian wrote about the legends of many rich businessmen who became rich, as well as some who committed crimes and gambled by stealing tombs evil karma A man of fortune. There are also people who become rich by selling starch, sharpening knives, selling snacks, and veterinarians. In addition to tomb robbing and gambling, Sima Qian is positive about getting rich. Sima Qian fully realized the importance of wealth to people. Since ancient times, the land of China has supported officials Support the people Officials have salaries. People not only need to earn their own living, but also pay taxes to support officials.
Sima Qian saw the reality that he raised 50 horses, 1670 cattle and 250 sheep on the land, and there were ponds with an annual output of 1000 stone fish in the water, and there were thousands of big trees in the mountains... Qilu has thousands of acres of silkworm hemp , and so on. A person has such capital that his wealth can be equal to that of a thousand marquis. Sima Qian had no official salary to support him, nor the income from the title of fief, but he was rich enough to compare with the people who had salary and fief, so he called it "Su Feng". A golden family can be richer than a local government chief, and billionaires can enjoy themselves with the king.
No wonder Lord Kangxi sighed that he was not as rich as Jiangnan!

About the author

Sima Qian (About 145 or 135 BC -?), Xiayang (Today Shaanxi Hancheng Southwest). Born in a historical family, father Sima Tan Official to Taishiling When Sima Qian was ten years old, he followed his father to Chang'an and studied in scholar-statesman instrumental in institutionalizing Confucianism and civil-service examinations and Kong Anguo Under the door. At the age of 20, he began to visit famous mountains and rivers. Everywhere he went, he inspected customs and collected historical sites and legends. After inheriting his father's position as Chief Shi Ling, Sima Qian was able to enjoy the imperial collection of books Martial Emperor Travelling around the country has increased our knowledge; At the same time, he began to sort out historical materials to complete his father's writing of a "famous master" A virtuous monarch The last wish of the general history of "loyalty and loyalty". Martial Emperor Tianhan Two years (99 BC), Li Ling Go on an expedition Hun At that time, he was trapped in a tight encirclement due to the poor support of the friendly forces, and surrendered to the Huns when he ran out of food. Sima Qian angered the Emperor Wu for defending Li Ling and was sentenced Palace execution Sima Qian was enraged by this great insult, but in order to realize his ideal, he was determined to "live in obscurity". Post release Middle order , continue Wrote books in anger He completed a famous book which was praised by Mr. Lu Xun as "the swan song of a historian and the unrhymned Lisao"《 Redords of the Grand History of China 》。 [2]