Taiwan Island

China's largest island
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Taiwan Island is the largest island and strategic place of the People's Republic of China. It is located in the southern part of the East China Sea, with the Taiwan Strait to the west.
distance Fujian Province 75-220 nautical miles along the coast; To the east the pacific ocean The northeast is adjacent to Ryukyu Islands, about 335 nautical miles away from Ryukyu; Southern septum Bashi Channel And the Philippines Distance Luzon Island About 195 nautical miles. The island is long and narrow, from the northernmost Fugui Cape to the southernmost Goose luan nose , about 394 km long; Widest position the Tropic of Cancer Nearby, about 144 kilometers. With an area of 35800 square kilometers, accounting for more than 99% of the province's area, it is the main island of Taiwan Province, ranking 38th among the world's largest islands.
By the end of 2019, the registered population of Taiwan was 23.6031 million, of which Han nationality accounted for about 97% of the total population of Taiwan, Taiwan ethnic minorities accounted for about 2% of the total population, and ethnic minorities and foreign spouses from the mainland accounted for about 1% of the total population. [6]
Chinese name
Taiwan Island
35800 square kilometers
population size
23.6031 million [6] (End of 2019)
In the south of the east of China, the Taiwan Strait lies to the west

Historical evolution

In ancient times, Taiwan was connected to the mainland. Later, due to the crustal movement, the connected parts sank into the sea, forming the strait and Taiwan Island.
According to ancient documents, the Chinese mainland's army and people crossed to Taiwan to cultivate and manage Taiwan Island, which can be traced back to the Three Kingdoms era more than 1700 years ago. AD 230. At that time, Sun Quan, the King of Wu in the Three Kingdoms, sent 10000 officers and soldiers to "Yizhou" (Taiwan). The "Water and Soil Annals of Linhai" written by Shen Ying, a Wu person, left the world's earliest account of Taiwan. In the Sui Dynasty at the end of the 6th century and the beginning of the 7th century, Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty sent people to Taiwan three times to "visit different customs" and "comfort" local residents. During the 600 years from the Tang Dynasty to the Song Dynasty, the coastal people of the mainland, especially the residents in Quanzhou and Zhangzhou, Fujian, moved to Penghu or Taiwan to engage in reclamation in order to avoid the war. By the Southern Song Dynasty, Penghu was under the jurisdiction of Jinjiang County, Quanzhou, Fujian, and was garrisoned by soldiers and civilians. The economic, political and cultural ties between the mainland and Taiwan are increasingly frequent.
The Yuan Dynasty further strengthened the management of Taiwan. In 1292 AD (the 29th year of the Zhiyuan era), Kublai Khan, the Emperor Shizu of the Yuan Dynasty, sent Yang Xiang, the vice marine officer, Wu Zhidou, the member of the Ritual Department, and Lang Ruanjian, the member of the Zhenbu Department, to Taiwan for "Xuanfu". In 1335 AD (the first year of the late Zhiyuan era), the Yuan Dynasty officially set up a "patrol department" in Penghu, which was responsible for the civil affairs of Penghu and Taiwan, and was subordinate to Tong'an County (now Xiamen), Quanzhou, Fujian. Since then, China has set up a special political authority in Taiwan.
After the Ming Dynasty, the people of the mainland and Taiwan kept on communicating. In 1402-1424 AD (Yongle period of Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty), Zheng He, the navigator "Sanbao eunuch", led a huge fleet to visit Nanyang countries. He once stayed in Taiwan to bring handicrafts and agricultural products to local residents. Up to now, it is said that the specialty of Fengshan Mountain in Kaohsiung, "Sanbao Ginger", was left by Zheng He. After the 15th century, Japanese pirates constantly harassed the southeast coastal areas of China. The Ming government added "guerrillas" and "spring and autumn flood guards" in Penghu; At the same time, garrison troops in Keelung and Danshui.
In the 16th century, Spanish, Dutch and other western colonial forces developed rapidly and began to extend their tentacles to the east. At the beginning of the 17th century, Dutch colonialists invaded Taiwan at the time of the peasant uprising in the late Ming Dynasty, the growing power of Manchu in Northeast China, and the difficult situation of the Ming government. Before long, the Spanish invaded and occupied some areas in the north and east of Taiwan, and was driven away by the Dutch in 1642. Taiwan became a Dutch colony. In September 1652, the peasant leader Guo Huaiyi led a large-scale armed uprising.
By the late Ming Dynasty in the 1720s, mainland residents began to immigrate to Taiwan on a large scale. In 1628 AD (the first year of Chongzhen in the Ming Dynasty), when Fujian was in a severe drought, Fujian people Yan Siqi and Zheng Zhilong led Fujian and Guangdong residents to move to Taiwan to resist the oppression of the government. They engaged in farming and trade while organizing armed forces to resist the invasion of Japanese pirates and Dutch.
In 1644, the Qing army entered the Shanhaiguan Pass and established the Qing regime in Beijing. In April 1661, Zheng Chenggong led 25000 soldiers and hundreds of warships into Taiwan from the Golden Gate in the name of the Nanming Dynasty to recruit the Grand General. In February 1662, Zheng Chenggong forced Coyett, the Dutch governor, to sign and surrender. Zheng Chenggong died only four months after recovering Taiwan.
At the end of the Zheng regime, there was a military confrontation with the Qing government. On July 8, 1683, the Qing government sent Shi Lang, the commander of Fujian navy, to lead more than 20000 soldiers and 200 warships from Tongshan to Penghu and Taiwan. The Zheng army was defeated. Zheng Keshuang, the grandson of Zheng Chenggong, led the people to submit to the Qing government. In 1684, the Qing government set up a sub patrol of Taiwan, Xiamen, soldiers, and Taiwan government, which was subordinate to Fujian Province. By 1811, Taiwan's population had reached 1.9 million, most of whom were immigrants from Fujian and Guangdong.
In January 1874, the Japanese invaded Taiwan. In October, China and Japan signed the Beijing Special Article, which still shows that China exercises sovereignty over Taiwan as a whole. After that, Qing officials proposed that Taiwan should establish a province.
During the Sino French War from 1884 to 1885, the French army attacked Taiwan. Liu Mingchuan led the army to inflict heavy losses. By the signing of the New Sino French Treaty in June 1885, the French army was forced to withdraw from Taiwan.
In 1885, the Qing government divided Taiwan into a single province, and Taiwan became the 20th province in China. The first governor of Taiwan Province was Liu Mingchuan.
In 1894, Japan launched the Sino Japanese War, and the Qing government was defeated the following year. On April 17, Japan was forced to sign the Shimonoseki Treaty, which humiliated the country and ceded Taiwan to Japan.
In August 1945, Japan was defeated in the Second World War and declared unconditional surrender on August 15. On October 25, the ceremony for the surrender of Taiwan Province of the Allied China Theater of War was held in Taipei. So far, Taiwan and Penghu have returned to the jurisdiction of China.
On October 1, 1949, New China was born. On the eve of the liberation of the mainland, Chiang Kai shek and some military and political personnel of the Kuomintang went to Taiwan. They relied on the protection and support of the United States to maintain a partial security situation in Taiwan, which once again split Taiwan from the mainland [5]

natural condition

Taiwan Island
genus Continental island It is located at the southern edge of the East China Sea continental shelf. More than 200 million years ago, in the late Paleozoic, the crustal movement laid the geological basement of Taiwan Island. Started 40 million years ago Himalayan Movement , the crust was folded and uplifted by compression, forming the original Taiwan mountain system; About 2.5 million years ago, the crust continued to fold and rise, forming the modern topography of Taiwan Island. The sea level decline in the Quaternary glacial period is connected with the mainland, Interglacial period The water surface rebounded and became an island.
The island is mountainous, with mountains and hills accounting for 2/3 of the island area. Distributed in the east and middle, from east to west Taitung , Central, Yushan, Snow Mountain and Alishan 5 parallel mountain ranges, running from north to north east to south to west Central Mountains It is the main watershed. The mountains above 1000 meters above sea level account for about half of all mountains, and there are more than 30 mountains above 3500 meters above sea level. The highest peak, Yushan, is 3997 meters above sea level, which is the highest peak in southeast China. The hills mostly surround the foothills of the five major mountains, mainly including Keelung and Zhunan hills in the north, Fengyuan Chiayi Hill And southern Hengchun Hill The altitude is about 600m. There are Datun Volcanoes The altitude is more than 1000 meters, which is an important barrier in the north.
The plains are mostly in the west. Tainan Plain Largest, starting from the north changhua It extends to Kaohsiung in the south, covering an area of 4550 square kilometers. It is an area with thriving agriculture, dense population and many cities and towns. south Pingdong Plain And the Northeast Yilan Plain It is also an important agricultural area. Elongated Taidong Longitudinal Valley Plain be situated between Taidong Mountains Between it and the central mountain range, there is a natural traffic channel from north to south in the east. The basins mainly include Taipei basin Taichung Basin And middle puli basin Group.
The coast is relatively flat and straight, with a coastline of 1139 kilometers long. The east coast is a fault coast from Sandao Cape to Xuhai Sea. The north end of the Snow Mountain, the north end and the south end of the Central Mountains, and the Taidong Mountains are close to the shore, steep and towering, with the sea floor dipping sharply. The water depth is up to 1000 meters or 2000 meters, several kilometers offshore; In addition to the large Yilan Plain in the north, there are only small alluvial plains in Hualien, Taidong and other places. In the north, from Mink Horn to Danshui River The mouth is a fjord coast, with many headlands and bay bay. In the west, from Danshui Estuary to Fangliao, there is a sandy coast, with straight coastline and long beach, and many sections are convenient for landing; The beach is wide, with many sandbanks, especially Dadu River Mouth to Zeng Wenxi The growth of Haipu new land around Haikou is rapid. From Fangliao to Xuhai in the south coral reef coast , most of them are steep cliffs, with skirt reef in front, and there is a relatively low and flat Nanwan
Taiwan Island
There are 151 rivers in the island, with the central mountain range as the watershed, flowing east and west into the sea respectively. Most of them have short flow, large drop, many dangerous beaches and waterfalls, rich in water resources, and are not navigable. In the middle a river in Taiwan Longest, originated from Hehuan mountain , flowing into the sea from the west, 186 kilometers long, Drainage area 3155 square kilometers. The river is more than 100 kilometers long Gaopingxi Danshui River, Zengwen River, Dajia River and Dadu River all flow into the sea from the west. There are few natural lakes, famous ones are Riyuetan Pool
Ground span the Tropic of Cancer North and south, affected by the Kuroshio all the year round, it has a humid climate of south subtropical and north tropical regions, with high temperature, rainy and windy. The annual average temperature is 21~25 ℃ from north to south, about 28 ℃ in July and 14~20 ℃ in January; The temperature in mountainous areas decreases with height, and there is snow in winter in mountainous areas above 3000 meters. The average annual precipitation in the east and middle is more than 2000 mm, and the fire burning in the northeast is more than 6300 mm; There are fewer in the western coastal area, mostly about 1500 mm. The precipitation is related to the monsoon. Winter in the north is more than summer, and the opposite is true in the south. Northeast wind prevails in winter, and south wind and southwest wind prevail in summer. Summer and autumn are often affected by tropical cyclones, which are most prevalent from July to September. On average, 3.5 tropical cyclones above level 8 land on the island every year. It is located in the circum Pacific seismic zone, with a high frequency of earthquakes, most of which are in Hualien and its adjacent seabed. Oriental genus irregular semidiurnal tide , the spring tide difference is 1.2m. The north of Beigang Xikou on the west bank belongs to regular semidiurnal tide, with the maximum tidal range of 4.2 meters in the middle and 2.6 meters at both ends. Most of the south of Beigang Xikou is irregular semidiurnal tide, with a tidal range of 1~2m. among Okayama To Fangliao Section irregular diurnal tide The tidal range is small, about 0.6m.
Southwest of the island Penghu Islands , Northeast China Fishing Islands , still around Peng Jiayu , Cotton Island, Vase Island, Keelung Island, Peace Island Turtle Island Green Island Lanyu , Seven Star Rock, Ryukyu Island, etc., including 86 islands of the island.

Economic transportation

Taiwan Island
The cultivated land area accounts for about 1/4 of the island area. Grain production is dominated by rice. Sugarcane is the main cash crop. Others include tea, tropical fruits, citronella, etc., which are traditional export products. The forest resources are abundant, with a coverage rate of 52%. However, the self-sufficiency rate of wood only accounts for 10%~12%. The output value of animal husbandry accounts for 1/3 of the total agricultural output value, and that of fishery accounts for 1/4. At present, there are about 2000 ocean going fishing vessels with a total tonnage of about 400000 tons, and more than 10000 offshore small fishing vessels.
The industry mainly consists of four major sectors, namely, manufacturing, power, mining and construction. It focuses on textile, electronics, chemistry, food processing, etc., while developing industries that import raw materials and export processed products. It is mainly distributed in the western plain and consists of Taipei Taichung And Kaohsiung. There are more than 250 ship building and repairing enterprises, mainly manufacturing container ships, yachts, fishing boats and repairing ships. Large ship repair and construction are concentrated in Kaohsiung and Keelung. Kaohsiung has a dock that can accommodate two 500000 ton ships. Shipbuilding throughout the year was 615000 deadweight tons (1990). Taipei County Shimen Township and Wanli Township Pingdong County Hengchun Town There are three nuclear power plants, whose installed capacity accounts for 1/3 of the island's electricity. Crude oil production is less than 1% of the demand.
The traffic in the island is mainly highway, and the highway network is composed of the roundabout highway, cross highway and north-south highway, with a total length of about 20000 kilometers. The expressway from Keelung to Kaohsiung, passing through 14 counties and cities in the west, is 373.4 kilometers long and is the main artery of transportation in the island. The railway is mainly composed of the western longitudinal line and Yilan The total length of the trunk line around the island, which is composed of, Beihui, Taitung, Nanhui and Pingtung lines, is about 913 kilometers, including 408.5 kilometers of the longitudinal railway from Keelung to Kaohsiung, which has been electrified and is the main railway line. There are also about 2000 kilometers of branch lines and production railways. There are about 50 civil and military airports, and Taoyuan and Kaohsiung are international airports. There are more than 10 seaports, including Kaohsiung, Keelung, Taichung, Hualien and Suao. There are mainly regular sea and air routes to Japan, the United States and Southeast Asia, and frequent sea and air links to Hong Kong. In 1995, the total seaborne throughput reached 141 million tons, 90% of which were import and export goods. Zuoying Port is a special military port on the island, and Kaohsiung, Keelung, Suao and other ports are used for military purposes.


Taiwan Island
The total circumference of the island was 1139.25km. It covers an area of 35780 square kilometers; In addition, there are 38.85 square kilometers of Haipu Xinsheng Land and 74.80 square kilometers of affiliated islands. The coastline is 1239.58 kilometers long. The island is long and narrow from north to south, starting from Fugui Cape in the north and ending at Eluanbi in the south. It is about 394 kilometers long (385 kilometers old). The central part of the island is the widest from east to west, about 144 kilometers from the southwest coast of Choushui Creek to Xiuguluan Creek.
Taiwan Island accounts for more than 99% of the total area of Taiwan Province. The plain lowlands below 100 meters above sea level account for about 30% of the island, and the rest are intertwined by mountains and hills. Among them, about 24% are 100~500 meters, about 14% are 500~1000 meters, about 31% are 1000~3000 meters, and only about 1% are above 3000 meters. However, there are no fewer than a hundred high mountains over 3000 meters, so Taiwan Island is also called "high mountain island". To the west lies the Taiwan Strait (belonging to the East China Sea), 75~220 nautical miles from the coast of Fujian Province; To the east the pacific ocean Northeast and Ryukyu Islands Neighboring, about 335 nautical miles from Ryukyu; Southern septum Bashi Channel And the Philippines Distance Luzon Island About 195 nautical miles.

Military significance

be situated China Sea The southeast frontier of the region, also located in the middle of the island chain in eastern Asia, serves as a maritime barrier on the flank of China's southeast coast and offshore traffic lines, and is to maintain China's position in the East China Sea South China Sea And the strategic location of maritime rights and interests in the Pacific Ocean. It has always been invaded and occupied by foreign countries, and many major wars have taken place.
In the 29th year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty (1601), Japanese Japanese ships invaded Fujian and then occupied the southwest coast of Taiwan Island, Fujian Dusi Shen Yourong He led the warships to chase Japanese ships through Penghu in the wind and waves near Taiwan Island. In the 16th year of Dingwu in the Southern Ming Dynasty (1661), Zheng Chenggong Led the fleet to take the full tide and unexpectedly passed through Lu'ermen, which has many shoals, and sailed into Daguan Bay to land. When the Dutch army fought back from the sea twice with ships, they were repulsed by the Zheng army.
Taiwan Island
During the Sino British Opium War from 1840 to 1842, British ships invaded Lu'ermen, Jilong (today's Keelung), Da'an Port and other places to watch and bombard, and were all repulsed.
In 1874 (the 13th year of Tongzhi in the Qing Dynasty), the Japanese excuse“ mudan incident ”, sent troops to Langqiao (today's Hengchun )After landing and attacking Shimen, Peony Society and other places, the Japanese army was tenaciously resisted by Pingpu people for half a year, and finally withdrew after 600 people died in battle and illness.
In 1884 (the 10th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty), France In progress Majiang Naval Battle Before and after, they sent fleets to occupy Keelung and Tamsui in northern Taiwan and then blocked Taiwan at sea. With the support of the mainland's army and people, Taiwan's army and people finally won the fight against France. In 1895 (the 21st year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty), Taiwan's military and civilians rose to fight against occupation and Taiwan's separatism. In May, the Japanese army landed from Sanminjiao, occupied the northern part of the island first, and then gradually moved southward. The Taiwanese army and people used Favorable terrain Resist the Japanese occupation desperately. The struggle lasted for five months, and the Japanese army occupied the island at the cost of about 30000 casualties.

Geology and geomorphology

The whole island is a compound anticline structure, with the northeast southwest trend of the mountain system. The geosyncline began to form in the late Paleozoic. After the Miocene sea water lifting activity in the Tertiary and the Pliocene orogeny, it entered the island solitary formation stage, and the geosyncline age basically ended. During the Pleistocene, it rose sharply and intermittently. The Quaternary Ice Age was connected with the mainland due to the sea level decline; During the interglacial period, the water surface of the strait rebounded and became an island. At present, the depth of the Taiwan Strait is generally less than 100 meters. Since the beginning of the Quaternary, the scale of marine leaching and sedimentary strata have gradually become smaller and thinner. The sedimentation rate of the Taiwan Strait is about 15~50 cm per thousand years.
Taiwan Island
The eastern and western wings of the Taiwan anticline are extremely unbalanced. This island is located in the middle of the island arc group in the northwest of the Pacific Ocean, the intersection of the Ryukyu Islands and the Luzon Arc. It is also in a shallow arc shape, protruding towards the mainland. Facing the Pacific side, the sea cliff descends steeply, with a steep slope of about 1:10, about 50km away from the shore, and the seabed is 4000 meters below; The inner side of the land is a large fault line extending from north to south. according to Plate tectonic theory The island should be the Philippine Sea plate on the Pacific side and the northeast Eurasian plate Suture (Dongtai longitudinal valley belt). As the anticline is mainly affected by eastward pressure Central Mountains The uplift and fault intensification of the belt, during which the formation of the Yushan massif may be affected by the Ryukyu arc movement from north to south. The main structural lines and faults of the island are generally in the northeast southwest trend.
Mountainous Taiwan back The mountain range is the central mountain range. From near the coast of Suao in the north east to the last hengchun peninsula Into the sea. The total length is about 320 kilometers. The eastern part of the mountain range is mainly schist, and the main ridge and its western part are slightly metamorphosed clay slate (Tertiary Phyllite slate , hard shale, metasandstone, etc.). The snow mountain range in the northwest is about 180 kilometers long Yushan Mountains Connection; The north of Yushan Mountain and the snow mountain are both clay slate. West is Ali Mountains Its northern section is also called the Gary Mountains. To the west, there are hills, platforms and basins. There are Datun , Keelung and other volcanic groups (see Datun Volcanoes Jilong Volcano Group ); Kaohsiung and Fengshan have different sizes Coastal plain The modern alluvium is deeply covered, and the foreshore beach on the east coast of the Strait is the main distribution area of "Haipu Newborn Land" in Taiwan. The central mountain range is separated by the Taidong longitudinal valley to the east, and there is a coastal mountain range (also called Taidong or Dongtai mountain range) with a length of about 150 kilometers. The latter is a Neogene mountain with a lot of volcaniclastic rocks. All the east-west veins form the Taiwan mountain system, and there are many long and narrow valleys in between, which are traversed by important fault lines, especially the large longitudinal valley in the east, which is 2-5km wide, is the most typical.
Xingang Mountain, the highest peak of the coastal mountains in the east, is 1682 meters. Central mountain peak cluster area, starting from the north South Lake Mountain (3740m), south end Mount Wushan, PKU (3090 meters), with no less than 200 kilometers between them, famous peaks more than 3000 meters and more than 3500 meters clustered, including Siouguluan Mountain 3833m, Mount Maboras 3805m. Main Peak of Yushan Mountain With an altitude of 3997 meters (3950 meters in the old survey), it is the highest peak in Taiwan and the highest peak in eastern China. Among the Yushan Peak Group, there are East Peak (3940 meters), North Peak (3920 meters), South Peak (3900 meters) and others that are more than 3900 meters high. The snow mountain range also has more than 3500 meters of peak, the main peak Snow Mountain 3884 meters above sea level, the dam peak in the north is 3573 meters high, and the rocks on the top of the peak are stacked one after another. Snow Mountain, Central Mountain and Jade Mountain quaternary glaciation It is developed and has glacial erosion landform relics in late Pleistocene.
The coast is mostly flat. North from Hoek To the east and south Trident horn , about 120km long, with exposed rocks and divergent headlands, except Keelung Port In addition, the natural harbor is small in scale. The eastern coast, except for Su'ao Bay, has deep water outside the coast, but it is difficult to build a port because of the broken bank and the mountainous hinterland. The development scale of alluvial plains in the lower reaches of rivers and estuaries is also far less than that in the west. The west bank is mostly a coastal plain area, with broad beaches. The growth rate of Haipu New Area is the fastest from the Wuxi (Dadu River) estuary to the Zengwenxi estuary. In addition to the Kaohsiung coast in the southwest, the sand moraines on the west bank are continuous, lacking natural harbors.
More than 80% of the main plains are concentrated in the west. If it is bounded by the whole line of Central Mountains, the main plains to the east only have the narrow strip of Dongtai longitudinal valley (including Hualian Plain and Taidong Plain). There are Hualien, Xiugulan and Beinan Sanxi alluvial fan The groups are interlaced.
There are many hills in the north. The exception is Taipei City and its vicinity along the Danshui River to Guandu. In the west, there are Hsinchu Plain, Coastal Plain, Changhua Plain, Taichung Basin a river in Taiwan Large alluvial fan chianan plain , Kaohsiung Plain, Pingdong Plain, Hengchun Plain. The above western coastal plain is in a continuous belt. If it starts at the mouth of Wuxi River (i.e. Dadu River) and ends near the mouth of Gaoping River, the plain area is no less than 4500 square kilometers. [1]


Taiwan Island belongs to the subtropical tropical transition zone. The northeast monsoon prevails from October to March of the next year, and the southwest monsoon prevails from May to September, during which there is a transition period of the two. Due to the influence of the northeast trade wind and the winter continental cold air mass, the role of the northeast wind is particularly strong. The climate in the northeast and southwest is significantly different. The north and south plains are represented by Taipei and Hengchun respectively. The annual average temperature is 22~23 ℃ and 24 ℃~25 ℃, respectively. The annual difference is about 13 ℃ for the former and only 7 ℃ for the latter. The highest monthly average temperature is only about 30 ℃, and the lowest monthly average temperature is more than 15 ℃. Although the absolute low temperature below zero occasionally occurs in the northern plains and tablelands, frost damage is not seen in the areas south of Taichung. The vertical temperature changes greatly, and the annual average temperature in mountainous areas is, Alishan The 2406m measuring station has dropped to about 10 ℃, Jade Mountain 3850 meter station is lower to 4-5 ℃. The extreme low temperature of the latter can reach - 12 ℃.
The precipitation is extremely high in the northeast, and the average value of Keelung over the years exceeds 3000 mm; Up to 5000 mm (such as 5173 mm in 1953). Yilan can also exceed 3000 mm. Taichung, Tainan and Kaohsiung are all more than 1700mm, and Pingtung is more than 2000mm. However, the annual variation rate in the southwest is extremely large, which is in contrast to the perennial rainy characteristics in the northeast. The northeast monsoon is the main source of rain in the winter half year, and it is also strongly affected by typhoons in the middle of the year. There are many opportunities for rain. Keelung is known as the "Rainy Harbor", with rainy days of more than 200 days, up to 230 days at most. Yilan often lasts more than 200 days, up to 220 days. The rainy days in Tainan and Kaohsiung in the southwest are far less than those in Yilan and Keelung, and change greatly year by year. For example, there were 120 rainy days in Kaohsiung in 1975, only 65 in 1976, 69 in 1978 and 114 in 1983. The rainfall in Kaohsiung was 2793.9 mm in 1977, but it was as little as 572.8 mm in 1980. Southwest plain area sunshine Although it can last for more than 2000 hours, there is often serious drought due to lack of rain in autumn and winter.
Taiwan Island and its adjacent sea areas are located in the frequent haunting zone of Pacific typhoons in summer and autumn. The annual average number of typhoons is no less than 3 to 4, with the largest number of typhoons crossing the Hengchun Peninsula and the north. Taiwan's mountainous areas are rainy, with an annual rainfall of 4000~5000 mm, and there are 5~6 places in the island; The highest record is Huoshaoliao in the southeast of Keelung, with an average of more than 6000 mm and a maximum of more than 8400 mm over the years, which is closely related to the northeast monsoon and typhoon. A transit typhoon caused the largest total rainfall, which can reach more than 1000 mm. For example, a typhoon storm occurred in Xinliao, Dongshan Township, southern Yilan from October 17 to 19, 1969. The total rainfall in three days was 2749 mm, including 1672 mm in one day on October 18. [2]

Mountains and rivers

According to the main source, there are no more than 20 streams on Taiwan Island with a length of more than 50 kilometers, including 16 streams flowing into the sea from the west and 4 streams flowing into the sea from the east. Most rivers have short flow paths, Riverbed gradient Large, the upstream water potential is turbulent, the downstream flow path is unstable, and the difference between wet and dry flow is large. Long rivers include: a river in Taiwan Originating from the mountains in the middle, it has a total length of only 186 kilometers and a drainage area of 3155 square kilometers; Gaopingxi 171 kilometers long, with a drainage area of 3257 square kilometers; Danshui River It is 158.7 kilometers long and has a drainage area of 2726 square kilometers. In addition Dajiaxi , Wuxi (Daduxi) Zeng Wenxi And the Peinan River in the east Siouguluan River , Hualian Stream. Danshui River is the only river channel in Taiwan that once benefited from shipping. In recent years, due to the siltation of the riverbed, water transport has been replaced by land transport. Taiwan's rivers are rich in water resources, with a total reserve estimated at no less than 5 million kilowatts, including more than one million kilowatts for Dajia and turbid water streams respectively. By 1980, only 2.66 million kilowatts had been developed, utilized, constructed and designed, slightly more than half of the total storage. [2]

natural resources



Red soil is mainly distributed in hills, mesas and piedmont of Taiwan Island. The areas above 800 meters above sea level are yellow soil, yellow brown soil, grey brown soil and lime soil in turn, and the areas above 3000 meters above sea level are mostly stony soil. Due to the large amount of precipitation, the soil is strongly leached, the soil is sticky, the base has been basically leached, and the fertility is not high.
Natural plants range from mangroves in coastal areas to forests in alpine cold temperate zones. The tropical rainforest and Monsoon rain forest Meanwhile, the north is dominated by subtropical monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest. The forest area of the island accounts for about 52% of the total land area of the island, of which subtropical and tropical forests account for about 87%, temperate forests account for about 11%, and the rest are Sub frigid zone Or cold zone forest, seen above 3000 meters. There are many species and genera of plants in Taiwan Island. There are more than 180 families and more than 4000 kinds of existing higher plants, including more than 800 important forest plants. There are about 100 kinds of trees with economic value, including red juniper, Taiwan cypress, hemlock Fir , Taiwan spruce Luan Da Shan Taiwania , Xiao Nan, etc.
Animals Water deer It is the most widely distributed, followed by sika deer muntjac, etc. The mountain forest areas below 3500 meters are all inhabited, but in recent three or four hundred years, hunting has been excessive, and the low mountains and plains have almost disappeared, only a small amount of them are distributed in the mountains between 1500 and 2500 meters. Among other wild animals, butterflies and snakes are widely distributed and have been caught in large numbers in recent years. Those with high economic value but limited quantity, such as clouded leopard, Taiwan dace carp, civet, imperial pheasant, Taiwan pheasant, etc., have almost disappeared (such as clouded leopard) or become scarce. In 1971, Taiwan announced a complete ban on wildlife hunting, and several places Wildlife Reserve , such as Bagua Mountain macaca cyclopis ), Chuyun Mountain (imperial pheasant, blue bellied eagle) Eight Customs Clearance (water deer, goat) Lala Mountain (Taiwan bear), Dajia (egret), etc., but the effect is not significant.


Taiwan Island is surrounded by the sea, with rich aquatic resources and developed marine fishery. Freshwater fish breeding in reservoirs has also developed. Only coal crude oil natural gas , gold, copper Marble limestone dolomite , sea salt, etc. Energy and metal minerals are not enriched. Coal is mostly produced from Jilong to Xinzhu. Oil and gas fields distribution Miaoli Hill District, the yield is very small; The known reserves of natural gas are only about 27.5 billion cubic meters. Geothermal exploration has been carried out in Datun volcanic area and Yilan area, which need to be developed. Jinguashi gold copper silver deposit in the northern Ruifang mining area is the most famous metal mineral, but its reserves are small. Bauxite in Datun volcanic area is being explored. There is more natural sulfur production in the same area, and there is also more important sulfide iron ore in Jinguashi mining area. But they are far from meeting the needs. Limestone, marble, dolomite, etc. are mostly found in the eastern mountains, and are rich in reserves; Hsinchu Chiayi And Kaohsiung are also very important.

Physical geographical area

The island can be roughly divided into four regions: ① the northern region. From the north Datun Volcanoes And Keelung Coast, its southern boundary starts from Da'an Stream in the west, connects with the Snow Mountain Range in the east, crosses Siyuan Pass near Taoshan, and ends at Dong'ao Ridge in the south of Su'ao along the northeast section of Central Mountains. The whole area faces the sea in the west, north and east, and there are Daba Jianshan, Snow Mountain, South Lake and Mountain in the south. The freshwater river system flows through the territory. The hills and flat land are staggered from east to west, including Yilan Plain, Keelung Hill, Taipei Basin, Datun Volcanic Group, Linkou and Taoyuan Terraces, Zhudong and Miaoli Hill, and the snow mountain range that separates Danshui River, Da'an River and other water systems from Lanyang River. ② Western Region. It starts from Da'an River in the north, takes Ali Mountain as the boundary wall in the east, and connects Pingdong Plain in the southeast to the tail of Central Mountain. The whole area is dominated by the alluvial fan of Choushuixi River and the Jianan Plain. ③ Eastern Region. From the west foot of the Central Mountains to the east, including the big cliffs, longitudinal valleys, coastal mountains and their coasts, to the east side of the Hengchun Peninsula in the south. ④ Central Region (see Taiwan Province). [2]


The 3rd International Hanfu Travel Day in Taiwan
Due to the differences in language, customs and traditional social organization structure, the Gaoshan people are divided into Ami people, Paiwan people, Taiya people, Saixia people, Bunong people, Zou (Cao) people, Yamei people, Lukai people, Beinan people, Shao people, Pingpu people, etc. They have their own language, not their own national characters. The language of the Gaoshan ethnic group belongs to the Indonesian language family of the South Island language family, and the language differences among the ethnic groups are large. The common feature is that they are all polysyllabic, tone free and agglutinative languages. [3]

Minnan Culture

The majority of Taiwan Han people are immigrants from Fujian and Guangdong provinces, of which about 80% are immigrants from Fujian to Zhang and Quan. Therefore, Minnan dialect (also known as "Fulao dialect") is the main folk dialect in Taiwan, known as "Taiwanese", Minnan Culture It is also called "Heluo Culture" and "Fulao Culture".
When Han people came to Taiwan in the Qing Dynasty, they often lived together in the same village, often following the name of their hometown as a place name, and built temples to worship gods of common belief. As a guardian temple, immigrants combined each other into a sacrificial organization through the sacrificial activities of the temple, and the temple became the belief and activity center of the immigrant society. Immigrants from different origins worship different gods, such as Zhangzhou Immigrant worship Kaizhang Holy King Offered by Quanzhou immigrants Emperor Baosheng and a buddism godness guanyin Mazu [4]

Hakka culture

Generally speaking, Hakka people originally lived in northern China (Shanxi, Henan, Hubei), and then moved southward due to historical factors such as the five barbarians and the Song Dynasty's southward migration. Southern residents called them guests, so the word Hakka came into being.
Taiwan Hakka people mainly come from Chaozhou and Meixian County , currently distributed in peach, bamboo and Miao areas, or Kaohsiung, Pingdong, Meinong and other places. Hakka people are very adaptable. In order to live, they can go around for home and wander in different places. Hakka people are more conservative, have a strong sense of "our group", cherish words, respect knowledgeable scholars, and pay more attention to educational achievements.
Hakka folk songs have a unique artistic style Local colour The lyrics of Hakka folk songs in Taiwan are generally seven words and four words. From the perspective of the types of songs, they can be roughly divided into three types: Guoshan Tune (with a long history), folk songs (improvisation), and flat tune. Hakka people worship their ancestors in public halls or ancestral temples. The gods worshipped by the Hakka ethnic group Lord Yimin King of Three Mountains As a representative, wherever Hakka people reclaim land, there will be Sanshan King Temple [4]

Colonial culture

In many corners of Taiwan, we can see the shadow of the colonial era. Freshwater Hongmao City Is the site of the Dutch and Spanish occupation of Taiwan; Taipei is full of people Dihua Street , Taoyuan daxi The baroque buildings left over from the Japanese occupation period can be seen in places such as Tainan Xinhua, and many important buildings from the Japanese occupation period in Taipei today; The Presidential Palace, the Executive Yuan, and the old NTU Hospital in Taipei West District all add night lighting to show their classical elegance, which has become a decoration embellishing the Taipei night sky. [4]