
[fā rè]
Medical terminology
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synonym have a fever (disease) generally refers to fever (medical term)
Fever, commonly known as fever, symptom name, normal person Thermoregulatory center Under the control of Thermogenesis And heat dissipation process dynamic equilibrium , when the body is in Pyrogen Acting on or central to body temperature dysfunction When the temperature is above 37.3 ℃, the heat generation process increases, but the heat dissipation cannot increase or decrease accordingly.
Chinese name
Foreign name
have a fever
Medical terminology

Etiology and common diseases


Infectious fever

Including various pathogen as Bacteria Viruses mycoplasma pneumoniae Rickettsia fungus Spirochete and parasite Heat caused by intrusion.

Noninfectious fever

1. Aseptic necrotic tissue absorption: including physical and chemical factors or Mechanical damage , such as large area burn Internal hemorrhage And trauma or Major operation Post tissue damage Tissue necrosis Or cell destruction, such as Malignant tumor leukemia , Acute Hemolytic reaction Etc.
2. Allergic reaction: such as wind, damp, heat Seropathy Drug fever Connective tissue disease And some Malignant tumor Etc.
3. Endocrine and metabolic diseases: such as Hyperthyroidism When the heat production increases, the heat dissipation of severely dehydrated patients decreases, which increases the body temperature.
four heart failure Or some skin disease chronic heart failure Due to Cardiac output Lower, Urine output The reduction of skin heat dissipation and the heat insulation effect of edematous tissue increase the body temperature. Some skin diseases such as Universality dermatitis Ichthyosis It also reduces the heat dissipation of skin and causes fever.
five Thermoregulatory center Dysfunction : Common in physical factors, such as Heatstroke Chemical factors, such as severity Poisoning by sleeping pills Mechanical factors, such as cerebral concussion Skull fracture cerebral hemorrhage and Increased intracranial pressure Etc.
6. Autonomic nerve function disorder.

Body temperature

human body Normal body temperature Average temperature: 36~37 ℃( armpit )37.3~38 ℃ Yes Low fever 38.1~39 ℃ is moderate heat, and 39.1~41 ℃ is high heat, Superheat Above 41 ℃. [1]
Can high fever burn the brain? There is no evidence that fever itself causes nervous system Damage. But heat can central nervous system Excitability Increased, especially in high fever, children may be irritable Delirium , hallucinations, etc. As the nervous system of children is not yet mature, febrile convulsions are more likely to occur in infants with fever than in other periods. Some children with hyperthermia may also have symptoms of nervous system depression such as apathy and lethargy. In addition, if the fever partner Neck ankylosis Anterior fontanelle Swelling Level of consciousness Down Convulsion , even Status convulsion , often prompt Central nervous system infection , may leave the nervous system sequela [2]
The higher the temperature, the worse the condition? at present clinical research The results showed that the severity of the disease could not be judged simply by the degree of fever. Fever is a kind of pathology of the body against foreign pathogens or substances Physiological response To some extent, fever is beneficial to activate the immune function of the body. However, it should be noted that the risk of serious bacterial infection increases when the temperature of infants less than 3 months old is ≥ 38 ℃, and the temperature of infants 3-6 months old is ≥ 39 ℃. Persistent high fever in the body may cause cell degeneration, necrosis or even fever related Cytokine storm And endanger life. [2]

differential diagnosis


Retained fever

Means Body temperature constancy It is maintained at a high level above 39 ℃~40 ℃ for several days or weeks, and the body temperature within 24 hours Fluctuation range Not more than 1 ℃. Common in Lobar pneumonia Typhus And typhoid fever.

Catatonic fever

also called septicemia Thermal. The body temperature is usually above 39 ℃, Fluctuation range Large, the fluctuation range exceeds 2 ℃ within 24 hours, but all are above the normal level. Common in septicemia Rheumatic fever , Severe pulmonary tuberculosis and Suppurative inflammation Etc.

Intermittent heat

Body temperature flare Shengda After the peak, it lasts for several hours, and then quickly drops to the normal level. The heatless period (intermittent period) can last for one to several days, so that the high fever period and the heatless period occur repeatedly. Common in malaria Acute pyelonephritis Etc.

Wavy heat

The body temperature gradually rises to 39 ℃ or above, then gradually drops to the normal level after a few days, and then gradually rises after a few days, repeatedly. Common in Brucellosis

Regression fever

The body temperature rises sharply to 39 ° C or above, and then suddenly drops to the normal level after several days. The high fever period and the non fever period each lasted for several days and alternated regularly once. Visible in Regression fever Hodgkin's disease Etc.

Irregular heat

The temperature curve of fever is irregular, which can be seen in tuberculosis , rheumatic fever Bronchopneumonia Exudative pleurisy Etc.


one white blood cell (WBC) total and Percentage of neutrophils Significantly increased, indicating various causes Suppurative infection
2. The total number of white blood cells is high or low, indicating some viral infection or Typhoid disease
three Leukocyte classification (DC) found during inspection Immature cell , indicating that it may be leukemia.
four red blood cell (RBC)、 hemoglobin (Hb)、 platelet PT )It may be some serious infection or malignant tumor.
five Urine routine Microscopic examination of red blood cells (RBC) white blood cell (WBC) more, Urine protein Add, the prompt is Urinary infection or nephritis Renal tuberculosis and tumour
6. ESR increased rapidly, indicating that Acute infection , tuberculosis, tumor or Connective tissue disease
7. Liver function test Alanine aminotransferase ALT )、 Thymol The increased turbidity test value indicates liver damage, bilirubin When the value increases, it indicates that there is Biliary tract infection
8. Blood Widal reaction Positive, the indication may be Typhoid disease
nine Weil-Felix reaction Positive, indicating that it may be typhus.
10. Blood culture and CSF culture If cultivated pathogenic bacteria , will have very important clinical significance.

Therapeutic principles


Etiological treatment

The fundamental way to solve fever is to actively deal with the causes of fever. For example: Infectious fever , according to Infection source Different choice of effective drugs for treatment; Dehydrated patients actively fluid infusion happen Drug reaction Immediately stop taking medicine and take anti allergy treatment.

Cooling treatment

For infectious fever, fever itself is the body immune system It is one of the manifestations of removing the source of infection. Unless the patient is seriously uncomfortable and strongly required by high fever, it is usually not urgent to use Antipyretic And other drugs, but we must inform the patients to get their understanding. For patients with high fever, cooling treatment must be carried out.

Preventive treatment

The patient needs to rest in bed, drink more water, and take a light and digestible diet.

Pay attention to diet in case of fever

First, drink more water to ensure liquid intake. Children with fever consume more calories and lose more water, so they should drink more plain boiled water When sweating a lot, add some salt to the water to supplement the lost salt. Secondly, fever will make the body Digestive juice Decreased secretion, digestive enzyme Decreased vitality leads to decreased appetite and digestive function, and disease itself can increase the body's Energy consumption , will appear electrolyte and Caloric intake Not enough, so in addition to drinking more plain water, you should also give light, digestible, moisture rich, calorie rich foods, such as Apple Vegetable soup Rice porridge , milk, etc., should eat less and eat more meals, preferably 6-7 times a day. When there is fever, but the condition is not very serious, there is no serious vomiting and diarrhea, etc., should not be excessive diet. Breastfed infants should be fed several times in a small amount to avoid vomiting, diarrhea, etc indigestion symptom; The babies can be fed with the same amount of rice soup or porridge noodle Etc; Children and older children should be given liquid diet Semifluid eclipse Or soft food, should be light, not greasy, avoid spicy, raw and cold and difficult to digest food. [2]
In addition, the diet should not recover too quickly or be urgently supplemented after the fever has subsided high protein High calorie food should be gradually restored to normal diet to avoid indigestion and gastrointestinal discomfort. [2]

Home care for children

How to do for children with fever Home care
find Child fever Parents should measure their body temperature as soon as possible Electronic thermometer The axillary temperature was measured. Proper nursing care for children with fever can improve their Comfort , such as applying warm water to children forehead Warm water bath, less clothes Antipyretic paste , fans and indoor temperature reduction, which can be achieved by conduction, convection and Evaporation Take away the body heat and make the children with fever feel comfortable. The temperature of children over 2 months old is ≥ 38.2 ℃, with obvious discomfort, so it can be used Antipyretic analgesics The drug should be taken orally in strict accordance with the recommended dosage in the instructions. After taking antipyretic and analgesic drugs, a lot of sweat will occur. You should change clothes in time to make the child comfortable. After the use of antipyretic and analgesic drugs, the body temperature starts to drop in 30~60 minutes Lethargy , poor mental reaction, or Febrile convulsion And seek the help of doctors in time. [2]
Poor appetite, sweating, faster breathing, faster metabolism, etc. will lead to insufficient intake, so children should be allowed to drink more water, and the diet should be light and easy to digest. Parents should record the child's temperature, water consumption, diet, stool frequency and color, which can help to judge the child's status; Open windows regularly every day to keep the air fresh, and try to avoid Convective wind Ensure adequate rest for children to promote physical recovery. [2]
Children with fever can use Physical cooling Is it? What are the physical cooling methods?
National guidelines do not recommend the following physical cooling measures for antipyretic treatment, including ethanol Wipe body, ice water enema And other methods, because it will significantly increase the discomfort of children( shiver , starting Gooseflesh , crying). Excessive or extensive use Physical methods By cooling the skin, it will cause the body to Thermogenesis (shivering) and further reduce heat dissipation (skin blood capillary Shrinkage, Pili erector muscle Shrink to produce skin gooseflesh) to resist the physical cooling effect. [2]
The methods that children can use for fever mainly include external application of warm water, warm water bath and antipyretic paste. The physical cooling effect can be achieved by externally applying warm water to children's forehead, or by taking a warm bath at an appropriate time, or by reducing the amount of clothing worn. Antipyretic stickers, fans and reducing indoor temperature can also take away body heat through conduction, convection and evaporation, making children with fever feel comfortable. [2]
How to deal with fever in newborns and infants under 3 months of age?
The following points should be paid attention to in the treatment of fever in neonates and infants of 1 to 3 months of age without clear local focus: (1) First, the body temperature should be measured correctly. Subaxillary temperature It is often used as a standard temperature measurement method in the neonatal ward, but it may not accurately reflect the core temperature( Rectal temperature It reflects the core temperature), so when evaluating the fever caused by infection in infants aged 1-3 months, the axillary temperature is generally not regard as Criteria for assessing fever. (2) To determine whether the increased temperature of the newborn is caused by excessive wrapping of clothes or quilts, loosen the clothes and quilts, and measure the temperature again 15 to 30 minutes later. In this case, the infant's temperature Return to normal , it is considered that there is no heating. (3) When neonates and infants aged 1 to 3 months have fever, they should reduce their clothing, open their bags for heat dissipation, and monitor their body temperature every 15 to 30 minutes; Less use of warm water applied to the forehead, antipyretic patches and other methods to cool down; Under the age of 2 months, it is not recommended to use antipyretic drugs or wipe with ethanol; Evaporation of alcohol after wiping can cause rapid skin cooling and chills; Ethanol is also present Absorbed through skin Risk of poisoning. (4) Infants under 3 months of age with a body temperature ≥ 38 ℃, especially newborns immunity If the clinical manifestation is not typical when the disease is incomplete or infected, it is recommended to check in hospital and carry out necessary anti infection treatment. [2]
When heating and shivering, should we continue to physically cool down or keep warm?
In case of fever and chills, physical cooling is not suitable. fever Temperature rise period The child may feel cold or Aversion to cold , shivering, pale skin, and increased body heat production. Physical cooling at this time will significantly increase the discomfort of the child, aggravate the symptoms of trembling and shivering, and cause more obvious Thermogenic reaction
Pay attention to keeping warm when children have fever and chills, and improve the comfort of children with fever. Add clothes or cover quilts for children properly. Pay attention to keeping warm, and do not wrap children too tightly or too thick. Clothes can be increased or decreased according to their fever status. Children living ambient temperature It should also be appropriate to adjust the indoor temperature to make children feel warm and comfortable. [2]
Can you put on more clothes and quilts to cover your sweat when you get hot?
No. During the period of temperature rise, if the child has Chilliness , chills and other symptoms, it is appropriate to add warm clothes for children to improve their comfort. At fever Duration , due to children's Thermoregulation The ability is not perfect, too many and too thick clothes or quilts are not easy to dissipate heat, which may lead to heat accumulation in the body of children High fever In infants, excessive warmth or stuffiness may also lead to dehydration.
For children with fever, antipyretic measures should be taken to improve children's comfort. See the previous question for physical cooling methods. Do not blindly increase a large number of clothes. [2]