
Prefecture level cities and capitals of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region
zero Useful+1
Nanning City, abbreviated as "Yong", was called Yongzhou in ancient times, and was also called Green City. Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Prefecture level cities capital Type I big city second-tier cities [125] Beibu Gulf Economic Zone Pearl River Xijiang Economic Belt and Beibu Gulf Urban Agglomeration Core cities China ASEAN Expo Permanent venue“ The Belt and Road Initiative ”Important gateway cities organically linked to the economic belt New land sea channel in the west Land port type national logistics hub Southern theater Army agency station. By 2022, the city will have jurisdiction over 7 districts, 4 counties and 1 county-level city, with a total area of 22100 square kilometers. [46] By the end of 2023, the permanent population of Nanning will be 8.9408 million. [137]
Nanning is located in the south of central Guangxi, facing Southeast Asia, backed by the Southwest, and adjacent to the east Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao , south Beibu Gulf , at "One Belt One Road" The important node of is South China Economic Circle The intersection of the Southwest Economic Circle and the China ASEAN Economic Circle. It is close to the sea, near the border, along the river and along the line. It is about 200 kilometers away from the Sino Vietnamese border ASEAN The nearest provincial capital of the country. Pinglu Canal After completion, the location advantage of Nanning Port's integrated development of industry, city and sea will become more prominent. [1] Nanning is known as "China's Green City", "the place where the world's folk songs are attached to", and has won UN Habitat Award and National Civilized City National Ecological Garden City National Health City National Forest City China Excellent Tourism City Etc. [1]
Nanning actively develops the sea oriented economy, promotes the integration and development of cross-border industries, transforms into a hub economy based on the advantages of location and transportation, and serves to build a community of shared future between China and ASEAN. [106] around China (Guangxi) Pilot Free Trade Zone The industrial development plan of Nanning District aims to cultivate and develop five major industrial clusters, including modern finance, advanced manufacturing, digital economy, smart logistics and sports and medical care, and build a new highland for industrial development. [107]
In 2023, Nanning's GDP will reach 546.906 billion yuan, an increase of 4.0% over the previous year. [134-135]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Greentown Yongcheng Five Elephant City Yongzhou
area number
four hundred and fifty thousand and one hundred
Administrative Region Category
Prefecture level city [3]
geographical position
South China
Central and southern Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region
the Tropic of Cancer to the south of
22100 km²
Area under jurisdiction
7 Municipal district 4 counties, 1 entrusted county-level city (As of February 3, 2021)
Government residence
Qingxiu District No. 1, Jiabin Road
Area Code
Postal Code
five hundred and thirty thousand
climatic conditions
Subtropical monsoon climate
population size
8.9408 million (Permanent population by the end of 2023)
License plate code
Gui A
546.906 billion yuan [134-135] (2023)
Current leaders
Agricultural prose [68] (Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee) Hou Gang [64] Mayor

Historical evolution


Before the founding of New China

Nanning has a long history Paleolithic Age The ancestors of Nanning have been active on this land. Later, they gradually moved from living in caves to settling, developing, reproducing, engaging in fishing and hunting and primitive agricultural production, and gradually formed matriarchal clan tribal organizations; In the Neolithic Age, with the development of primitive agriculture and the improvement of social productivity, the activity space of the ancestors gradually expanded to hilly areas far away from rivers, and the production mode changed from the original collection, fishing and hunting based, concurrently engaged in agriculture, to the agriculture based, concurrently engaged in collection, fishing and hunting. The primitive ancestors began to enter the patriarchal clan society, forming primitive villages, leaving the Niulanshi site Beiqiu Site of Huiyao Field Leopard Toubeiqiu Site Long'an Yahuai Cave Site Dingshishan Beiqiu Site And other prehistoric cultural relics. [79]
merchant Late to spring and autumn During the period, the ancestors of Nanning had exchanged commodities with merchants in the Central Plains with local specialties such as Cuiyu, Zhuji, Daimao, etc., mastered bronze smelting and casting technology and started to cast bronze ware, creating Ganlan culture Bronze Drum Culture Dragon Mother Culture As well as sacrifices, witchcraft, myths, folk songs and dances that reflect religion and express feelings, they left cultural relics such as Yuanlongpo Ancient Tombs and Anyang Ancient Tombs. [79]
Nanning Paleogenus Baiyue The place where Qin belonged Guilin County , subordinated to in the early Han Dynasty South Vietnam , subordinate to the Western Han Dynasty Yulin County Lingfang County During the Qin and Han Dynasties, the promotion of iron farming tools, cattle farming, irrigation, fertilization and other farming methods and the introduction of advanced handicraft manufacturing technologies in the Central Plains promoted land reclamation and the development of handicraft industry in Nanning. The Three Kingdoms are under the jurisdiction of Wu and under the jurisdiction of Yulin County Linpu County (Linpu County was renamed Lingfang County), which lasted until the Western Jin Dynasty. In the first year of Daxing of the Eastern Jin Dynasty (318), Yulin Prefecture was separated Jinxing County , under the jurisdiction of Guangzhou, Jinxing (now Nanning), Jinxing County It became the first place name of Nanning, Jinxing County became the earliest administrative system of Nanning, and Jincheng was the earliest ancient city of Nanning. [79]
Southern Dynasties In the Liang and Chen dynasties, Nanning is still called Jinxing County today. In the 18th year of Emperor Kaihuang of the Sui Dynasty (598), Jinxing Prefecture was abolished and changed into Xuanhua County , Xuanhua City (today's Nanning). In the fourth year of Tang Wude (621), Xuanhua County was established as the southern Jinzhou; In the sixth year of Zhenguan period (632 years), South Jinzhou was renamed because of Yongxi River in the southwest of the state Yongzhou The establishment of Yongzhou Governor's Office is the beginning of Nanning becoming the administrative center of southwest Guangxi, which is also the abbreviation of Nanning“ another name for Nanning ”The beginning. [79]
At the beginning of the Song Dynasty, it inherited the name of Yongzhou. In the Tang and Song Dynasties, Yongzhou's land and water transportation network, which was dominated by water transportation and post roads, was basically formed and became one of the transportation hubs in Lingnan; With rich gold, silver, copper, tin, lead, zinc and other minerals and a thriving mining industry, Yongzhou once became the "tribute gold and silver state" designated by the Tang and Song dynasties; Bai Fu, Hua Zi Cloth, etc. are sold to the Central Plains in large quantities; Commercial activities have been developed. During the period of Tang Jingyun (710-712), the Fengmaowei Agricultural Trade (Grocery) Market (from the end of Taoyuan Road to Jiaoyu Road today) was established and prevailed for more than 200 years. Yongzhou in the Song Dynasty Liao Shi (Shibu Street, Xixiangtang District today) is famous far and near, Yongcheng Heyong Prefecture Hengshan Stronghold It is one of the important horse markets in China. In the 16th year of the Yuan Zhiyuan era (1279), Yongzhou was changed into Yongzhou Road In the first year of Taiding (1324), Yongzhou Road was changed to Nanning Road (meaning peace in southern Xinjiang), which is the beginning of Nanning's name. [79]
the Ming dynasty Nanning has developed into a commodity distribution center in the Zuojiang and Youjiang rivers, known as "Little Nanjing". Nanning Road Reconstruction in the first year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty (1368) Nanning Mansion It is located in today's Nanning City. The Qing Dynasty inherited the establishment of the Ming Dynasty. On November 17, the 32nd year of Guangxu's reign (1906), Nanning was opened as a port, allowing foreign merchant ships to enter and leave, and foreigners to do business in Yong. The Regulations on Nanning's Port Opening were formulated; In the 33rd year of Guangxu's reign (1907), Nanning Pass was officially established, which opened the first page of Nanning's opening up. After Nanning was opened as a port, foreign industrial products continued to be sold to the mainland, as well as agricultural and sideline products and native products from the mainland. Urban commerce has developed rapidly, with numerous shops and merchants gathering, presenting a scene of prosperity. Industries include banking, private banking, gold shops, brokerage houses, department stores, silk fabrics, hardware and building materials, medicine, cigarettes, hotels, photography, clocks and watches, bamboo blasting, pawnbroking, foreign businessmen and agents, Outsiders from all over the world have successively set up fellow townsmen associations in Nanning East Guangdong Guild Hall , Xinhui Guild Hall (also known as Xinhui Academy ), Jiangxi Guild Hall, Yuzhang Guild Hall, Fujian Guild Hall, Yulin Five Belonging Guild Hall, etc. Nanning is known as "a metropolis in the south of China". Telecommunication, highway, electric power, shipping, industrial and mining enterprises and other elements representing advanced productivity have emerged one after another, and science, technology, culture, education and health have been developed. [79]
Republic of China From October of the first year (1912) to October of the 25th year of the Republic of China (1936), Nanning was the capital of Guangxi Province and the political, military, economic and cultural center of Guangxi. During the Anti Japanese War, the Japanese invaders occupied Nanning in 28 years (1939) and 33 years (1944) of the Republic of China, and Nanning was completely destroyed. After the victory of the Anti Japanese War, the civil war started again, and the Kuomintang regime issued excessive money, which caused the financial market in Nanning to be turbulent, industry and commerce to be difficult to operate, the market to be depressed, and agriculture to be stagnant. [79]

After the founding of New China

On October 1, 1949, the People's Republic of China was founded; On December 4, Nanning was liberated and Nanning City was planned to be built Provincial cities , Guangxi provincial capital
In March 1958, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Established, Nanning is an autonomous region capital The people of the whole city have worked hard to usher in the sustainable and stable development of society after a tortuous course.
December 1978 CPC The third plenary session of the eleventh central committee After that, Nanning's economy entered the stage of self-development and self-improvement reform and opening-up New era.
On June 15, 1992, the State Council approved Nanning to further open to the outside world Coastal open cities Policy.
In 2000, the State Council listed Guangxi as a national implementation Western Development Nanning has become a city enjoying preferential policies in the central and western regions.
In 2001, the Outline of the National Tenth Five Year Plan proposed for the first time to focus on the development of the "Nanning Guiyang Kunming Economic Zone", and Nanning became the top priority of national development.
In November 2004, the first China ASEAN Expo Held in Nanning, Nanning has become the permanent host of China ASEAN Expo.
In March 2013, Nanning ASEAN Economic Development Zone was upgraded to a national level development zone and renamed as "Guangxi ASEAN Economic and Technological Development Zone". [117]             
In 2019, Nanning was included by the National Development and Reform Commission New land sea channel in the west The core coverage area is listed as a land port type national logistics hub, and as one of the important nodes, it participates in the construction of the new land sea channel in the west; bear China (Guangxi) Pilot Free Trade Zone The construction of Nanning area and the core area of Nanning, a financial opening gateway to ASEAN; Comprehensively implement the strategy of strengthening the capital, and accelerate to build a core growth pole leading the high-quality development of the autonomous region.
In 2020, Nanning Poverty alleviation We won the war in an all-round way, the 13th Five-year Plan With the successful conclusion, Nanning has entered the ranks of the top 50 cities in the national economy, and its economic development has improved both in size and quality. [79]
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Night View of Nanning

administrative division


Division evolution

Administrative Division of Nanning
In 1950, Nanning was divided into the first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth districts.
In 1953, the first district was merged with the second and third districts to establish a new first district; The original Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Districts were changed into the Second, Third and Fourth Districts.
In 1955, the first district of Nanning was renamed the suburb, and the second, third and fourth districts were merged into the urban area.
In 1958, the urban area was abolished and Jiangning District (formerly the second district), Yongning District (formerly the third district) and Xingning District (formerly the fourth district) were established.
In 1962, Jiangning District, Yongning District and Xingning District were abolished, and the Neighborhood Work Committee (later renamed the Neighborhood Administration Bureau) directly managed the streets of the original districts.
In 1979, the Sub district Work Bureau was abolished, and new urban areas, Chaoyang District Yongxin District Hengyang District Jiangnan District [90] [91 ]
In 1980, Chaoyang District was renamed Xingning District Hengyang District was renamed Chengbei District. [92]
In 1983, Nanning Of Yongning County Wuming County It is under the jurisdiction of Nanning City. [93]
On December 23, 2002, the State Council approved the cancellation of Nanning and the establishment of prefecture level Chongzuo City , former Nanning Hengxian County Mashan County Binyang County Long'an County Shanglin County It is under the jurisdiction of Nanning City. [94]
In 2004, Chengbei District and Yongxin District were abolished and established Xixiangtang District Cancel Yongning County and establish Yongning District Liangqing District The new city is renamed Qingxiu District [87]
On February 26, 2015, Wuming County was abolished and Nanning City was established Wuming District The former administrative region of Wuming County is the administrative region of Wuming District. The People's Government of Wuming District is located at No. 245 Xingwu Avenue, Chengxiang Town. [95]
On February 3, 2021, Hengxian County will be abolished and a county will be established Hengzhou City The administrative region of the original Hengxian County is the administrative region of Hengzhou City. The People's Government of Hengzhou City is located at No. 9, Jiangbin West Road, Hengzhou Town. [96]

Zoning Details

Map of Nanning [108]
Overview of Nanning Administrative Districts
area number
County (county-level city, municipal district)
the measure of area
Postal Code
People's government at county level
Subordinated towns (streets)
four hundred and fifty thousand one hundred and three
eight hundred and seventy-two
five hundred and thirty thousand and twenty-three
four hundred and fifty thousand one hundred and two
seven hundred and fifty-one
five hundred and thirty thousand and twelve
four hundred and fifty thousand one hundred and five
one thousand one hundred and fifty-four
five hundred and thirty thousand and thirty-one
four hundred and fifty thousand one hundred and seven
one thousand one hundred and eighteen
five hundred and thirty thousand and one
four hundred and fifty thousand one hundred and eight
one thousand three hundred and sixty-nine
five hundred and thirty thousand and two hundred
four hundred and fifty thousand one hundred and nine
one thousand two hundred and ninety-five
five hundred and thirty thousand two hundred and ninety-nine
four hundred and fifty thousand one hundred and ten
three thousand three hundred and sixty-seven
five hundred and thirty thousand and one hundred
four hundred and fifty thousand one hundred and eighty-one
three thousand four hundred and sixty-four
five hundred and thirty thousand and three hundred
four hundred and fifty thousand one hundred and twenty-six
two thousand three hundred and fourteen
five hundred and thirty thousand and four hundred
four hundred and fifty thousand one hundred and twenty-five
one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six
five hundred and thirty thousand and five hundred
four hundred and fifty thousand one hundred and twenty-three
two thousand two hundred and sixty-four
five hundred and thirty-two thousand and seven hundred
four hundred and fifty thousand one hundred and twenty-four
two thousand three hundred and forty-five
five hundred and thirty thousand and six hundred
Data source of this table: [88]
In addition to the above formal administrative divisions, Nanning also has five municipal functional areas.
List of Nanning Municipal Functional Zones
Name of development zone
Management Committee Resident
Custody scope
Xingguang Avenue, Jiangnan District
Binhe Road, Xixiangtang District
6 Fengling South Road, Qingxiu District
Qingxiu District Some areas one
Wuhua Avenue, Wuming District
Wuming District Some areas two
Wuxiang Headquarters Building, Liangqing District
Data source of this table: [81-86]
one Regulations of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region on the Protection of Qingxiu Mountain in Nanning 》Specified in Qingxiu Mountain Scenic Area Range: from west to north to east, from Qingshan Road, along Qingxiu Lake Park to Zhuxiu Road, Qingxiu Road Fengling South Road Tongguling South Road, from east to south to west, from Tongguling South Road to Qinghuan Road to Yongjiang River, along Yongjiang River to Nanning Bridge; Qingxiushan Scenic Area Tax Bureau's management scope is Qingxiushan Scenic Area Zhongshan Street Jintou Street Qingxiu Mountain Scenic Area Hexianhu Development Zone; Qingxiushan Scenic Area Branch of Nanning Public Security Bureau covers Qingxiushan Community Guiya Community Fenglingnan Community Tongguling Community 4 communities, and 3 horticultural farms and 3 village committees, including San'an Gardening Farm, Qingshan Gardening Farm, Fengling Gardening Farm. [86]
two According to the public data of Wuming District People's Government, Guangxi ASEAN Economic and Technological Development Zone The management scope is Wuming District Overseas Chinese Farm There are 117 natural villages in 6 sub fields of Lijian, Tuanjie, Zheng'an, Wumao, Ningwu and Minhan. [85]
three According to《 Decision of Nanning Municipal People's Government on Entrusting Guangxi Nanning Wuxiang New Area Planning and Construction Management Committee to Exercise Relevant Administrative Power 》The management scope of Wuxiang New Area is from Liangqing District and Yongning District to Bachi River in the east, Wuxiangling Forest Park, Yinhai Avenue and Ring Expressway in the west, Nama Cluster in the south and Yongjiang River (excluding Nanning Comprehensive Bonded Zone) in the north. [84]

geographical environment


Geographic location

Nanning has prominent regional advantages and is at the forefront of opening up. Nanning is located in the south of central Guangxi, facing Southeast Asia , large back southwest , adjacent to the east Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao , south Beibu Gulf , at "One Belt One Road" Guangxi is an important node of Beibu Gulf Economic Zone Pearl River Xijiang Economic Belt and Beibu Gulf Urban Agglomeration The core city is the intersection of South China Economic Circle, Southwest Economic Circle and China ASEAN Economic Circle. It has the characteristics of "two near and two along", which is close to the sea, near the border, along the river and along the line Qinzhou Port About 100km port of fangcheng About 170 km Beihai Port About 200 kilometers, about 200 kilometers from the Sino Vietnamese border, it is the nearest provincial capital city to ASEAN countries. After the Pinglu Canal is included in the national "14th Five Year Plan", Nanning's regional advantages of connecting the river and the sea will become more prominent. From Yongjiang River, you can go up to Yunnan and Guizhou provinces and down the river to Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. [1]


Aerial view of Langdong, Nanning
Nanning City the Tropic of Cancer In the south, south of central Guangxi, the average altitude is 76.5m, the average annual temperature is 21.8 ℃, and the average annual rainfall is 1286mm, which is typical Subtropical monsoon climate , abundant rainfall, long summer and short winter. The extreme maximum temperature is 40.4 ℃, and the extreme minimum temperature is - 2.4 ℃. The coldest January in winter averages 12.8 degrees Celsius, and the hottest July and August in summer averages 28.2 degrees Celsius. The average annual rainfall is 1304.2 mm, and the average relative humidity is 79%. The climate is hot and humid. Relatively speaking, it is generally wet in summer, but slightly dry in winter, with distinct dry and wet seasons. Summer is much longer than winter, and the hot time is longer. The climate in spring and autumn is mild, and the concentrated rainy season is in summer. Nanning is surrounded by green trees all the year round, flowers like brocade, and rich in products. The saying that "grass does not wither in winter, and flowers often bloom in spring" also deserves the name. [1]

topographic features

Overall terrain of Nanning
The topography of Nanning is based on Yong Jiang River Basin shape centered on vast river valleys. The basin opens to the east, surrounded by mountains in the south, north and west, and Gaofeng Ridge Low mountains, with seven slopes in the south and high hills in the west Phoenix Mountain (West Daming Mountain Eastern Mountains). It starts from Phoenix Mountain in the west and ends in the east Qingxiu Mountain Long river valley basin. In the center of the basin, all rivers are concentrated place , Youjiang River comes from the northwest, Zuojiang River comes from the southwest, Liangfengjiang River From the south, Xinwei River From the north, it forms a centripetal water system. In the middle of the basin, at the confluence of the left and right rivers, the hills on both sides of the north and south are close to the river banks, forming a natural boundary, dividing the long river valley and the basin into two small basins. One is Yongjiang River, which is centered in the urban area of Nanning Valley basin Secondly Tanluo Town The central erosion - corrosion basin.
The landforms of Nanning are divided into five types: flat land, low mountains, rocky mountains, hills and mesas. Pingdi is the largest geomorphic type in Nanning, with an area of 1037.33 square kilometers, accounting for 57.78% of the city's area. It is distributed at the confluence of the lower reaches of the Left and Right Rivers and on both sides of the Yongjiang River. The low mountains have a total area of 82.64 square kilometers, accounting for 4.6% of the city's area. Located at the western edge of the urban area, Phoenix Mountain is a dome mountain, with an altitude of 300 meters to 600 meters and a slope of 25 degrees to 40 degrees; Gaofeng Ridge, located in the north of the city, is a series of folded low mountains, running from northeast to southwest, with an altitude of 250 meters to 450 meters and a slope of 20 degrees to 40 degrees. The stone mountain covers an area of 46.7 square kilometers, accounting for 2.61% of the total area. It is mainly distributed in the northwest edge and Tanluo Town. It is divided into two categories: peak forest stone mountain and isolated peak stone mountain. The peak forest stone mountain is 300 meters to 400 meters above sea level, and the valley is 120 meters to 160 meters above sea level; Gufeng Stone Mountain is generally 200 meters to 250 meters above sea level and 80 meters to 100 meters above sea level. The total area of hills is 279.86 square kilometers, accounting for 15.59% of the city's area. The platform is mostly the erosion surface of the Tertiary system, which is slightly cut, gently undulating, and below 120 meters above sea level. It is a low and flat ancient erosion surface, generally showing a gentle slope undulation and flat top surface.


Yong Jiang River
The main rivers in Nanning belong to the Pearl River Basin Xijiang River Water system, larger rivers include Yong Jiang River Youjiang River Zuojiang Hongshui River Wuming River Bachi River Etc. Yujiang River is called Yongjiang River in Nanning and Yongning District, with a total length of 116.4 kilometers. Its upstream is from the Jiangnan District Jiangxi Town Tongjiang Village Start (commonly known as Sanjiangkou), downstream to Yongning District Lingli Town Nache Village is an important drinking water source river in Nanning, with a drainage area of 73728 square kilometers, an average annual runoff of 41.8 billion cubic meters, an average annual flow of 1290 cubic meters per second, a maximum flow of 20600 cubic meters per second, a minimum flow of 95.6 cubic meters per second, an average annual sediment concentration of 0.24Kg/cubic meters, and an average erosion modulus of 95.6t/m2. The riverbed of the Nanning reach of the Yongjiang River is about 485m wide and 21m deep, with an average water surface width of 307m and a low water depth of 8m~9m. The upstream of Yongjiang River is Youjiang River and Zuojiang River respectively. Youjiang River originates from Yunnan Province Guangnan County Yunlong Mountain, flowing through Xilin County Tianlin County Baise City Tianyang County Tiandong County Pingguo County Long'an County Entering Nanning, the river is 707 kilometers long, with a drainage area of 38612 square kilometers, an average annual runoff of 17.2 billion cubic meters, an average annual sediment concentration of 0.36 kg/cubic meters, and an average erosion modulus of 252 t/square kilometers.

natural resources


water resource

Nanning is rich in water resources. Nanning is located in the subtropical zone, with humid climate and abundant rainfall. The average annual rainfall is 1241mm~1753mm, including 1310mm in the urban area of Nanning, Shanglin County 1753.2 mm. Nanning has developed river systems and numerous rivers. The rivers with catchment area of more than 200 square kilometers include Yu River Youjiang River Zuojiang Wuming River Bachi River Qingshui River Liangfengjiang River , Xiangshan River Dongban River , Shajiang, Zhenlongjiang, etc. The largest river is the Yujiang River, which flows through Yongning District and also Hengzhou City The downstream of Youjiang River passes through Long'an County and joins Zuojiang River near Songcun Village, Nanning City to form Yujiang River. The average natural runoff of Yujiang River (Nanning Hydrological Station) is 39.7 billion cubic meters, including 38.25 billion cubic meters of inbound water. The underground underground flow is developed in the lava area, and the underground water resources are rich. According to the investigation and analysis of underground water, the average annual underground water volume modulus of Nanning is 111000 cubic meters per square kilometer, and the average annual shallow underground water supply is 2.5 billion cubic meters. The surface runoff is 15.6 billion cubic meters. The total amount of water resources is about 55.6 billion cubic meters. The multi-year average sediment concentration of each river is small, and the vast majority of stations are 0.1kg~0.5kg per cubic meter.

mineral resources

There are 63 kinds of mineral resources discovered by exploration in Nanning, mainly including: energy minerals such as lignite, anthracite, stone coal, geothermal (hot mineral water) ferrous metal minerals such as iron, manganese, vanadium and titanium; Nonferrous mineral copper, lead, zinc bauxite , nickel, cobalt, tungsten, bismuth, molybdenum, antimony; Precious metal minerals include gold and silver; Chemical raw material non-metallic minerals include phosphorus Pyrite Mirabilite arsenic peat Barite Metallurgical auxiliary raw materials: non-metallic mineral fluorite and refractory clay; Building materials and other non-metallic minerals Piezoelectric crystal Melt crystal talc Pyrophyllite Gypsum Limestone for cement and building stone Limestone kaolin Bentonite , clay for ceramsite, clay for brick, sand for glass, sandstone for glass, sandstone for cement batching, silty quartz, clay for cement batching, shale for brick, shale for cement batching, granite for facing, granite for building calcite , Wollastonite, building sand( River sand ); Water vapor, mineral water, etc. Dominant minerals include tungsten, silver, vanadium, copper, gold, limestone, granite, mirabilite, refractory clay, talc, crystal and sandstone. Pingshi minerals include coal, manganese, aluminum, lead, zinc, sulfur, iron ore, bentonite, kaolin and gypsum. 590 proven deposits, including 9 large deposits, 9 medium deposits and 28 small deposits; There are 564 mines, 4 developed and utilized large-scale deposits, 9 medium-sized deposits and 557 small-scale deposits, with an annual output of 20 million tons of ores.

Animal resources

Qingxiu Mountain
There are 272 species of wild vertebrates of 31 orders, 90 families, 208 genera in Nanning, including 19 amphibians, mainly including Giant salamander Spiny breasted frog Tiger Frog Rana limnocharis Big Green Frog Rhacophorus leucomystax Etc; 42 species of reptiles, mainly including Python Palea steindachneri Gecko Platysternon megacephalum tortoise Elaphe moellendorffi krait Bungarus multicinctus King Cobra ancistrodon acutus Mouse snake Etc; 151 species of birds, mainly including Raw chicken Turnix sylvatica Aviceda subcristata , bird carving Fierce falcon Crow cuckoo Tyto Psarisomus dalhousiae Etc; 60 kinds of mammals, mainly including Presbytis francoisi macaque Kitten Great civet Forest musk deer Sumen antelope black bear Pangolin Etc. The first and second class wild animals declared by the state to be protected are mainly distributed in Guangxi Daming Mountain National Nature Reserve Guangxi Longshan Autonomous Region Nature Reserve Guangxi Longhushan Autonomous Region Nature Reserve Guangxi 36th Lane Longjun Autonomous Region level Nature Reserve Guangxi Nongla Autonomous Region Nature Reserve Xijin Lake Reservoir.

plant resources

Nanning Minzu Avenue
Nanning is located at the southern edge of the subtropical zone. The Tropic of Cancer passes through Wuming District, Shanglin County, Mashan County and Daming Mountain in the north. The terrain is diverse, including plains, basins, hills and mountains, mainly plains and hills. Good water and heat conditions breed rich plant resources. In 2011, there were more than 3000 species of vascular plants belonging to 764 genera and 209 families in the city. Including: Fern 42 families, 84 genera, 250 species; Gymnosperms 18 species, 9 genera, 7 families; angiosperm 160 families, 671 genera, 1755 species. There are more than 600 kinds of trees Fagaceae Theaceae Azaleaceae Lauraceae Juglandaceae Magnoliaceae Euphorbiaceae Is an advantage. The first and second level wild plants under state protection are mainly distributed in Guangxi Daming Mountain National Nature Reserve, Guangxi Longshan Autonomous Region Nature Reserve, Guangxi Longhu Mountain Autonomous Region Nature Reserve, Guangxi 36th Nong Longjun Autonomous Region Nature Reserve, and Guangxi Nongla Autonomous Region Nature Reserve. In 2007, Chinese endemic plants were found in Longhushan Nature Reserve for the first time, and the extremely dangerous tree species were included in the Red Skin List of Chinese Species—— Longzhou cone


population size
By the end of 2023, the registered population of the city will be 8.1884 million, an increase of 87700 or 1.1% over the previous year. Among them, the urban population was 4.409 million, an increase of 105500, or 2.5%. The birth rate of the city's registered population was 6.87 ‰, down 0.46 thousandths of a point over the previous year; The death rate of the registered population was 2.95 ‰, a decrease of 0.01 ‰ over the previous year; The natural growth rate of the registered population was 3.92 ‰, down 0.45 thousandths of a point over the previous year. [138]
By the end of 2023, the permanent population of Nanning will be 8.9408 million, an increase of 49100 over the end of 2022. The population growth will rank first in the whole district, accounting for 17.79% of the total population of the district, an increase of 0.17 percentage points over the previous year. The urban permanent population is 6.3808 million, an increase of 124600 over the end of 2022; The rural permanent population is 2.56 million, 75500 fewer than the end of 2022; The urbanization rate of permanent residents reached 71.37%, 1.01 percentage points higher than that of the previous year, and 14.59 percentage points higher than that of the whole district. In 2023, the natural population growth rate of Nanning will be 1.53 ‰, down 0.62 thousandths of a point from the previous year. The natural population growth will be 13600 people, down 5400 people from the previous year. [137]
By the end of 2022, the registered population of Nanning will be 810800, an increase of 91400 or 1.1% over the previous year, including 4303500 urban population, an increase of 103700 or 2.5%. By the end of 2022, the permanent population will be 8.8917 million, an increase of 58900 over the end of last year, including 6.2562 million urban population. The urbanization rate of permanent population will be 70.36%, an increase of 0.57% over the end of last year. The birth rate of the whole city was 7.3 ‰, down 1.3 ‰ over the previous year; The mortality rate was 6.6 ‰, 1.4 ‰ higher than that of the previous year; The natural population growth rate was 0.7 ‰, down 2.67 ‰ over the previous year.
Change of permanent population in Nanning (2017-2022)
Reference source [118-123]
  • Ethnic Composition
Nanning is a city with Zhuang nationality Dominant and multi-ethnic capital city. There are Zhuang, Han, Yao, Miao, Mulao, Dong, Hui, Man, Maonan, Tujia, Buyi, Shui, Li, Beijing, Yi, Mongolia, Bai, Korea, Lisu, She, Gelao, Dai, Hani, Ewenke, Gaoshan, Tibetan, Tu, Xibo, Naxi, Lahu, Qiang, Uygur, Daur, Jingpo, Wa, Pumi, Bulang, Jinuo, Dongxiang, Yugu, Kazak, Baoan There are 51 ethnic groups in Kirgiz, Hezhe, Russia, Nu, Tatar, Oroqen, De'ang, Tajik, and Dulong, of which the total population of more than 1000 are Zhuang, Han, Yao, Miao, Mulao, Dong, Hui, Man, Maonan, Tujia, Buyi, Shui, Li, Beijing, Yi, and Mongolia in turn. The Zhuang nationality has lived here for generations. The Han nationality has moved in since the Qin and Han dynasties, the Hui nationality has moved in since the Yuan Dynasty, the Yao and Miao nationality have mostly moved in since the Qing Dynasty, and the rest of the nationalities have moved in from all over the country since the liberation of Nanning, especially after the reform and opening up. [79]
In 2020, the population of ethnic minorities in Nanning will be 4.5757 million, accounting for 57.76% of the total population; The Zhuang population is 4.3772 million, accounting for 55.25%; There are 140500 Yao people, accounting for 1.77%. The total population of ethnic minorities ranks first in the capital cities of the five ethnic autonomous regions in China. The population of ethnic minorities in seven urban areas is 2.5461 million, accounting for 62.72% of the total urban population; The proportion of minority population in the total population in the urban area is in the order of 91.53% in Yongning District, 85.98% in Wuming District, 80.04% in Liangqing District, 60.65% in Xingning District, 51.37% in Jiangnan District, 45.58% in Qingxiu District and 44.79% in Xixiangtang District. There are 2028600 ethnic minority population in 4 counties and 1 county city, accounting for 53.12% of the total population of the county; The proportion of minority population in the total population in Long'an County is 96.22%, Shanglin County is 83.99%, Mashan County is 81.59%, Hengzhou City is 39.76%, and Binyang County is 21.90%. The Han nationality is distributed in all districts and counties, with Binyang County, Hengzhou City and urban areas except Yongning District and Liangqing District more concentrated; Yao people mainly live in Mashan County (with a Yao population of 48300) and Shanglin County (with a Yao population of 35400); Miao people are distributed in all districts and counties, and are concentrated in urban areas; Hui, Manchu, Dong and other ethnic minorities mainly live in urban areas. There are three ethnic townships in the city, namely, Gushai Yao Township in Mashan County, Lidang Yao Township, and Zhenwei Yao Township in Shanglin County. [79]


Main leaders of Nanning (by 2024)
name list
Secretary of Municipal Party Committee
Hou Gang [56-57] [62] [76-77] [99]
Chairman of the CPPCC




In 2023, Nanning's GDP will reach 546.906 billion yuan, an increase of 4.0% over the previous year. Among them, the added value of the primary industry was 63.640 billion yuan, up 4.5%; The added value of the secondary industry was 119.458 billion yuan, up 1.1%; The added value of the tertiary industry was 363.808 billion yuan, up 4.8%. According to the permanent population, the annual per capita GDP was 61338 yuan, an increase of 3.3% over the previous year. [134-135] [138]
In 2023, Nanning's general public budget revenue will be 40.088 billion yuan, an increase of 2.1% over the previous year, including 26.512 billion yuan of tax revenue, an increase of 18.9%. The city's general public budget expenditure was 81.648 billion yuan, down 2.5%. The expenditure on people's livelihood was 61.566 billion yuan, accounting for 75.4% of the general public budget expenditure, up 1.5%, of which the expenditure on transportation, urban and rural communities, social security and employment increased by 53.9%, 4.0% and 7.5% respectively. [134]
In 2022, Nanning will achieve a GDP of 521.834 billion yuan, an increase of 1.4% over the previous year at comparable prices. By industry, the added value of the primary industry was 60.151 billion yuan, an increase of 4.4% over the previous year; The added value of the secondary industry was 118.281 billion yuan, up 0.1% over the previous year; The added value of the tertiary industry was 343.403 billion yuan, an increase of 1.2% over the previous year. [80]
Change of Nanning's GDP (2017-2022)
Reference source [118-121] [123-124]

primary industry

In 2023, the total output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fishery and service industry will reach 98.789 billion yuan, an increase of 4.7% over the previous year. Among them, the agricultural output value was 64.516 billion yuan, an increase of 4.5% over the previous year; The forestry output value was 5.113 billion yuan, up 6.7% over the previous year; The output value of animal husbandry was 22.294 billion yuan, an increase of 5.2% over the previous year; The fishery output value was 3.939 billion yuan, up 3.3% over the previous year; The output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery services was 2.927 billion yuan, an increase of 5.4% over the previous year. The proportion in the output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fishery and service industry was 65.3%, 4.1 percentage points higher than that of the previous year; Forestry 5.2%, down 0.1 percentage point over the previous year; Animal husbandry 22.6%, down 4 percentage points over the previous year; Fishery 4.0%, the same as the previous year; The service industry of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery was 3.0%, unchanged from the previous year. [138]
In 2023, the annual crop sown area will be 14546300 mu, down 0.4% over the previous year. Among them, the grain planting area was 6.3932 million mu, an increase of 0.01% over the previous year; The planting area of cash crops was 8.1531 million mu, down 0.8% over the previous year; The planting area of sugarcane was 1.7010 million mu, down 3.2% over the previous year; The oil planting area was 746700 mu, an increase of 4.3% over the previous year; The vegetable planting area was 4.4374 million mu, an increase of 2.8% over the previous year. The planting area of cash crops accounted for 56.1% of the total planting area of crops, and the planting area of grain crops and cash crops accounted for 1 ∶ 1.3. [138]
In 2023, Nanning's total grain output will be 2126500 tons, an increase of 0.1% over the previous year. Timber harvesting completed 7.4219 million cubic meters, an increase of 7.0%. The total output of meat was 701000 tons, up 5.9%. Among them, the output of pork was 387900 tons, up 6.2%; Poultry meat output was 282700 tons, up 6.0%. The output of eggs was 45300 tons, up 21.0%. At the end of the year, the number of live pigs on hand was 2.8784 million, up 4.0%. 4924700 pigs were sold throughout the year, up 6.4%. [134]
In 2021, the total output value of Nanning's agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fishery and service industry will be 90.767 billion yuan, an increase of 9.1% over the previous year. Among them, the agricultural output value was 58.468 billion yuan, an increase of 6.4% over the previous year; The forestry output value was 5.256 billion yuan, up 6.5% over the previous year; The output value of animal husbandry was 20.842 billion yuan, an increase of 17.7% over the previous year; The fishery output value was 3.597 billion yuan, an increase of 4.1% over the previous year; The output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery services was 2.604 billion yuan, up 9.0% over the previous year. The proportion in the output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fishery and service industry was 64.4%, down 2.1% from the previous year; Forestry 5.8%, up 0.4% over the previous year; Animal husbandry was 23.0%, up 1% over the previous year; Fishery 4.0%, up 0.7% over the previous year; Agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery services were 2.9%, up 0.1% over the previous year. [70]

the secondary industry

In 2023, the added value of industries above designated size in Nanning will increase by 8.3% and 6.4% over the previous year. In terms of the three major categories, the added value of the manufacturing industry increased by 8.4%, the production and supply of electricity, heat, gas and water increased by 8.2%, and the mining industry decreased by 11.5%. From the perspective of economic type, the added value of joint-stock enterprises increased by 15.9%, state-owned and state-controlled enterprises increased by 1.4%, and foreign-invested enterprises, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan invested enterprises decreased by 10.1%. From the perspective of key industries, the added value of electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing industry increased by 640.0% (including battery manufacturing industry, which increased by 21.8 times), power and heat production and supply industry increased by 8.4%, tobacco products industry increased by 3.8%, agricultural and sideline food processing industry decreased by 2.1%, and computer, communication and other electronic equipment manufacturing industry decreased by 13.7%. In terms of the output of main products, the output of machine-made paper and paperboard increased by 169.0% over the previous year, the output of beverages increased by 31.2%, the output of power cables increased by 5.5%, the output of feed increased by 4.0%, and the output of cigarettes increased by 0.4%. [134]
2023, the whole society construction business The added value was 49.930 billion yuan, down 6.8% over the previous year. At the end of the year, there were 600 construction enterprises with qualification levels, an increase of 25 over the previous year. The total output value of the city's construction industry was 295.688 billion yuan, an increase of 5.2% over the previous year; Among them, the state-owned holding enterprises completed 217.426 billion yuan, an increase of 6.1% over the previous year. [138]
In 2021, Nanning's total industrial added value will increase by 7.4% over the previous year, and the added value of industries above designated size will increase by 7.5% over the previous year. Among the added value of industries above designated size, by economic type, state-owned enterprises decreased by 84.5% over the previous year, collective enterprises increased by 13.8% over the previous year, joint-stock enterprises increased by 7.8% over the previous year, and foreign-funded enterprises and enterprises invested by Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan increased by 10.5% over the previous year; In terms of light and heavy industries, light industry increased by 10.6% over the previous year, heavy industry by 4.9% over the previous year, and light industry grew faster than heavy industry by 5.7%. [70]

the service sector; the tertiary industry

Nanning is China ASEAN Expo China ASEAN Business and Investment Summit Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone The core city plays a supporting role as a central city for Guangxi coastal cities, a connecting role as a hub city for South China and Southwest Economic Circle, and an opening role as a frontier city of China for Southeast Asian countries. It is a regional international city facing ASEAN countries. [70]
In 2023, the added value of the tertiary industry in Nanning will increase by 4.8% over the previous year, of which the added value of the accommodation and catering industry will increase by 11.3%, the wholesale and retail industry will increase by 9.9%, the transportation, warehousing and postal industry will increase by 8.5%, and the financial industry will increase by 5.7%. [134]
In 2023, Nanning's total retail sales of consumer goods will increase by 2.8% over the previous year. The retail sales of consumer goods in urban areas and rural areas increased by 2.7% and 3.5% respectively according to the location of business units. Catering revenue increased by 10.7% and retail sales revenue increased by 2.1% by consumption type. From the perspective of commodity categories, among the retail sales of commodities above the designated size, the sales of basic commodities grew well, with the retail sales of tobacco and alcohol commodities growing by 24.4%, books, newspapers and magazines by 12.1%, clothing, shoes and hats, knitwear and textiles by 12.4%, oil and products by 10.0%, and automobiles by 2.6% (including 58.4% growth of new energy vehicles). The online retail sales of trade enterprises above designated size increased by 41.3%. [134]
In 2023, the annual added value of wholesale and retail industry will be 47.323 billion yuan, an increase of 9.9% over the previous year; The added value of transportation, warehousing and postal services was 34.503 billion yuan, up 8.5%; The added value of accommodation and catering industry was 15.765 billion yuan, up 11.3%; The added value of the financial industry was 68.467 billion yuan, up 5.7%; The added value of the real estate industry was 51.263 billion yuan, down 2.8%; The added value of other service industries was 144.895 billion yuan, up 4.3%. In the whole year, the operating revenue of service enterprises above designated size increased by 12.1% over the previous year, and the total profit increased by 58.1%. [138]
In 2023, Nanning's fixed asset investment (excluding farmers) will decline by 23.7% over the previous year. The investment structure has been continuously optimized. Industrial investment accounted for 29.3% of fixed asset investment, an increase of 4.2 percentage points over the previous year. Investment in some manufacturing industries grew rapidly. Investment in nonferrous metal smelting and rolling processing industry grew by 109.3%, automobile manufacturing industry grew by 58.0%, wine, beverage and refined tea manufacturing industry grew by 24.0%, and chemical raw material and chemical products manufacturing industry grew by 8.1%. [134]
By the end of 2023, the balance of local and foreign currency deposits of financial institutions in Nanning City was 1436.10 billion yuan, an increase of 9.2% over the end of the previous year; The balance of domestic and foreign currency loans of financial institutions was 2175.322 billion yuan, up 9.4%. [134]
In 2023, the total import and export value of the year will be 125.906 billion yuan, down 14.7% from the previous year. Among them, the total import value was 63.602 billion yuan, down 15.4% over the previous year; The total export value was 62.304 billion yuan, down 13.9% over the previous year. The actual funds in place for investment promotion increased by 15% over the previous year. There were 291 newly established foreign-invested enterprises that year, an increase of 19.3% over the previous year. The contractual foreign investment in the whole year was 2.685 billion US dollars, up 30.4% over the previous year. [138]
In 2023, the annual per capita disposable income of residents will be 35802 yuan, an increase of 1899 yuan over the previous year, or 5.6% in nominal terms. According to permanent residence, the per capita disposable income of urban residents was 44469 yuan, an increase of 1833 yuan over the previous year, or 4.3% in nominal terms; The per capita disposable income of rural residents was 20369 yuan, an increase of 1368 yuan over the previous year, or 7.2% in nominal terms. The annual per capita consumption expenditure of residents was 19846 yuan, a nominal increase of 8.6% over the previous year. By permanent residence, the per capita consumption expenditure of urban residents was 22556 yuan, a nominal increase of 9.4%; The per capita consumption expenditure of rural residents was 15090 yuan, a nominal increase of 5.7%. The Engel coefficient of the city's residents is 31.6%, including 32.1% in urban areas and 30.3% in rural areas. At the end of the year, 7.4439 million people participated in basic medical insurance, down 0.4% from the previous year. Among them, 1.658 million employees participated in basic medical insurance (including maternity insurance), up 1.8% over the previous year; There were 5.7859 million urban and rural residents covered by basic medical insurance, a decrease of 1.0% over the previous year. At the end of the year, 5.0698 million people participated in basic pension insurance, an increase of 134700 over the end of the previous year. Among them, 2.3422 million people participated in basic endowment insurance for urban employees; 2.7276 million people participated in basic old-age insurance for urban and rural residents. 1225700 people participated in unemployment insurance, an increase of 40400 over the end of the previous year. At the end of the year, 22800 people in the city received unemployment insurance benefits. 1.5094 million people participated in industrial injury insurance, an increase of 84500 over the end of the previous year. [138]
By the end of 2023, there will be 175 social service institutions providing accommodation. Among them, there are 166 elderly care service institutions providing accommodation, with 7906 residents; There are 8 institutions providing child care and rescue services, with 249 people in hospital at the end of the year; There was one institution providing reception and upbringing services for the mentally disabled and the mentally ill, with 1414 people in the hospital at the end of the year. Throughout the year, 3914 people were rescued and provided for the urban extremely poor, 23400 people were rescued and provided for the rural extremely poor, and 6606 people were temporarily rescued. In the whole year, 77900 new urban jobs were created, 21500 unemployed people were re employed, and 7400 people were unemployed. [138]
In 2023, 65000 ordinary high schools will recruit students and 54100 graduates. Regular junior high schools enrolled 124500 students and 106600 graduates. Regular primary schools enrolled 151400 students, 852800 students and 122400 graduates. Special education enrolls 204 students, 1549 students and 209 graduates. The consolidation rate of nine-year compulsory education was 103.3%. There are 88 ordinary high schools, 274 ordinary junior high schools, 1054 ordinary primary schools, 1421 kindergartens and 12 special education schools. There are 12900 high school full-time teachers, 25100 junior high school full-time teachers, 48900 primary school full-time teachers, and 419 special education full-time teachers. [138]
In 2023, 449 scientific and technological achievements transformation projects in the autonomous region were recognized, 61 scientific and technological projects were arranged, 5685 technical contracts were registered, and 29.455 billion yuan of technical contracts were clinched.
In 2023, five new industrial technology research institutions will be introduced and constructed, 15 national talents will be introduced, 2 national innovation and entrepreneurship platforms and 78 autonomous region innovation and entrepreneurship platforms will be added. There are 1721 high-tech enterprises in the city, accounting for 42% of the total number of the district; There are 1510 technology-based SMEs in the region, accounting for 32% of the total; There are 52 gazelle enterprises in Guangxi, accounting for 29% of the total. [138]
By the end of 2023, there will be 14 public libraries, 13 cultural centers, 23 museums and 102 township cultural stations in the city. There are 3.8 million books in public libraries and 738000 books in children's libraries.
In 2023, it will receive 155 million tourists throughout the year, realizing a total tourism revenue of 172.443 billion yuan.
By the end of 2023, there will be 5157 health institutions. There are 291 hospitals (including township hospitals), 3238 clinics (outpatient departments and clinics) and 1412 rural clinics. At the end of the year, there were 93700 health professionals in the city. Among them, there are 33900 licensed (assistant) doctors and 43700 registered nurses. Medical and health institutions have 67300 beds, including 50500 hospital beds.
By the end of 2023, there will be 748 public stadiums, 16 large stadiums, 13368 basketball courts, 835 football courts, 1745 volleyball courts, 452 swimming pools, 9552 table tennis courts, 2187 badminton courts, 1 skating field, 6144 national fitness routes, 687 gyms, 669 fitness trails, and 1167 other sports fields, with a per capita sports field area of 2.55 square meters. During the year, 1064 sports competitions were held, including 167 competitive sports events and 897 national fitness events. A total of 236 medals were won in national competitions throughout the year, including 89 gold medals, 75 silver medals and 72 bronze medals. A total of 49 medals were won in international competitions throughout the year, including 21 gold medals, 18 silver medals and 10 bronze medals. [138]
Nanning International Convention and Exhibition Center




Nanning is an important hub of China's southwest sea passage, with national highways such as 210, 322, 324, 325, and expressways such as Guangzhou Kunming, North South, and South Guangxi.
Ordinary highway
National Highway 209 (Hubei Line) National Highway 210 (Baotou South Line) National Highway 322 (Hengyou Line) National Highway 324 (Fuzhou Kunming Railway) National Highway 325 (Guangnan Railway), Chongqing Zhanjiang Railway (Chongqing Guiyang Nanning Zhanjiang Railway), Hengyang Kunming Railway (Hengyang Nanning Kunming Railway)
Bus Terminal


Nanning is an important railway hub in southwest China. Domestic China Railway Nanning Bureau Group Co., Ltd
Overview of Railway Lines in Nanning
Railway name
Design speed
Opening time
2023 (Nanyu Section) [100]
2023 [101]
2022 (Nanchong Section) [102]


Western Land Sea New Channel (Guangxi Pinglu Canal)
Pinglu Canal It is the first grand canal connecting rivers and seas built since the founding of New China New land sea channel in the west The key project of. After completion and opening to navigation, the Pinglu Canal will directly open up the shortest, most economical and most convenient access to the sea for inland Guangxi and southwest and northwest China. [103] Pinglu Canal from Nanning Hengzhou City At the beginning, passing Lingshan County, Qinzhou City Qinjiang River get into Beibu Gulf The channel is built according to the Class I inland river standard, and can be used for 5000 ton ships. [104]
Yongjiang River is a tributary of Xijiang River, and Xijiang River is the main stream of the Pearl River. After the completion of the second phase regulation project of Xijiang River, 3000 ton inland ships can directly reach Hong Kong and Macao from Nanning. Upstream waterway Zuojiang Youjiang River It can reach Guizhou and Yunnan provinces and the Sino Vietnam border Yong Jiang River Down the river, thousand ton ships can directly reach Hong Kong and Macao.


Nanning Wuwei International Airport T2 Terminal
Nanning Wuwei International Airport Nanning Wuxu International Airport, officially opened to navigation in November 1962, is located in Wuwei Town, Jiangnan District, Nanning City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China, 31 kilometers away from the city center. It is a 4E level military civilian international airport, the largest aviation hub in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, and a gateway hub airport facing ASEAN. [4] In 2018, the passenger throughput of Nanning Airport exceeded 15 million person times, with 172 flights, including 28 ASEAN flights, covering 25 ASEAN cities such as Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Ho Chi Minh, etc., and 4525 outbound flights from ASEAN flights, making all the capital cities of the 10 ASEAN countries navigable. The number of navigable cities of ASEAN countries ranks fifth in the national airports, the same as Shanghai Pudong Airport, and the number of outbound flights of ASEAN routes ranks 11th in the national airports. In addition, in 2018, Nanning Airport actively built a large southbound aviation corridor between China and Singapore, increasing the number of flights between Nanning and Singapore from 4 to 10 per week. In addition, Nanning Moscow intercontinental flights were opened, achieving a breakthrough of "zero" in Guangxi Europe flights. [5]

Public transportation

  • Nanning BRT
Main term: Nanning BRT
Nanning Bus
Nanning Bus Rapid Transit (NBRT) BRT The construction of NBRT1 began on December 28, 2015, and the whole line was started on July 11, 2016. It was put into operation on January 25, 2017. NBRT2 was officially put into operation on November 26, 2018.
  • rail transit
Overall Planning Line Network Diagram of Nanning Metro Line
Nanning Rail Transit (NNRT), also known as Nanning Metro, is an urban rail transit system serving Nanning, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. By 2022, there will be 5 rail transit lines in Nanning, with a total mileage of 128 kilometers and 104 stations (transfer stations are counted repeatedly).
Nanning Rail Transit (by 2022)
Line name
Opening time
June 28, 2016 (East Section)
December 28, 2016 (West Section)
December 28, 2017 [49]
November 23, 2020 (extension line) [48]
June 6, 2019 [6]
November 23, 2020 [48]
December 16, 2021 [58]
  • transit
By 2022, there are 6 bus companies in Nanning: Nanning Public Transport Group Co., Ltd Nanning Baima Public Transport Co., Ltd., Nanning Chengyunxin Passenger Transport Co., Ltd Nanning Zhongba Bus Co., Ltd , Yongning Public Transport Co., Ltd. of Guangxi Yunde Group, Guangxi Dada Public Transport Co., Ltd., 6 public transport enterprises in the city have put 3600 buses into operation in the city, with 210 bus lines (including BRT Line 1 and Line 2) [50] The total length of the line is 4073.75 km, and the coverage rate of bus stops is 99.6%, basically forming a public transport network covering the entire urban area. The average daily passenger transport volume of public transport is 927000 person times, which is equal to the rail transit volume.
  • taxi
Taxi companies in Nanning mainly include Haibo, Kangfu, Sanyun, Rosewood Cotton, Beifang, Zhonglu, Jiuzhou, Yinjian, and Andu. Taxi boarding and alighting stations are set up in main streets, and complaint telephone numbers are printed in obvious places on the buses. [7]
  • Public bicycle
Nanning has been opened Public bicycle Services.
  • bridge
By 2022, there are many river crossing bridges completed and under construction in Nanning urban area (within the ring expressway), and the total number of bridges open to traffic has reached 20.
Bridge name
Construction history
Yongjiang Railway Bridge (Railway bridge)
Construction began in February 1956 and was officially opened to traffic on August 1, 1957
Yongjiang Bridge (First Bridge)
Completed and opened to traffic on July 15, 1964
Zhongxing Bridge (Second Bridge)
Opened to traffic in 1988
Baisha Bridge (Third Bridge)
Opened to traffic in September 1995
Qingchuan Bridge (Four Bridges)
Opened to traffic in December 1997
San'an Bridge (Ring Expressway)
Opened to traffic in November 2003
Tuozhou Bridge (Ring Expressway)
Opened to traffic on December 28, 2003
Opened to traffic in October 2004
Opened to traffic on June 15, 2007
Opened to traffic in 2008
Opened to traffic on October 17, 2008
Opened to traffic on September 21, 2009
Opened to traffic on August 28, 2013
San'an Yongjiang Bridge (high-speed railway bridge)
Opened to traffic on December 30, 2013
Opened to traffic on September 1, 2014
Opened to traffic on December 28, 2014
Opened to traffic on February 2, 2015
Yongjiang Railway Fourth Line Super Large Bridge (High speed Railway Bridge)
Opened to traffic on August 31, 2015
Opened to traffic on April 30, 2016
Opened to traffic on May 1, 2017

social undertakings



  • overview
In 2021, Nanning Vocational Middle School will recruit 38300 students, 98100 students and 25700 graduates. Regular high schools enrolled 60400 students and graduated 48700 students. There were 111500 students enrolled in ordinary junior middle schools and 98100 graduates. Regular primary schools enrolled 142100 students, 79.86 students and 110100 graduates. Special education enrolls 238 students, 1460 students and 231 graduates. There are 326910 children in the kindergarten, and the enrollment rate of school-age children is 100%. There are 354 ordinary middle schools, 1086 ordinary primary schools, 1642 kindergartens and 10 special education schools. There are 34183 full-time teachers in ordinary middle schools, 45660 full-time teachers in ordinary primary schools, 20099 full-time teachers in kindergartens, and 383 full-time teachers in special education [70]
  • Higher Education
List of Nanning Higher Education Institutions
List of schools
Provincial key universities
reference material: [8-9] [45] [128]
  • vocational education
List of schools with secondary vocational education enrollment qualification (provincial)
Guangxi Commerce and Trade Senior Technical School
Guangxi Electronic Senior Technical School
Guangxi Light Industry Technician College
Guangxi Erqing Technician College
Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Sports School
Guangxi Technical School of Building Materials Industry
Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Police School
Guangxi Mechanical and Electrical Technical School
Secondary Vocational School Affiliated to Guangxi Sports College
Guangxi Staff Sports Technical School
Guangxi Agricultural Radio and Television School
Guangxi Vocational and Technical College of Health Technical Secondary School Department
reference material: [129]
List of schools with secondary vocational education enrollment qualification (municipal)
Hengzhou Vocational and Technical School
Nanning Wuming District Vocational and Technical School
Nanning Business School
Binyang Vocational and Technical School
Mashan County Ethnic Vocational and Technical School
Shanglin Vocational and Technical School
Nanning Creative Arts Vocational School
Nanning Yunde Automobile Transportation Vocational Technical School
Nanning Ethnic Song and Dance Art Vocational Technical School
Nanning Special Education School for Orphaned and Disabled Children
reference material: [129]

Science and technology

In 2021, there were 224 key achievements promotion projects in Nanning, 67 municipal science and technology projects were arranged, and the total investment of municipal science and technology projects was 227 million yuan. In the whole year, 6331 technical contracts were signed, with a turnover of 39.094 billion yuan, an increase of 31.4% over the previous year. [70]

Cultural undertakings

By 2021, Nanning will have 14 public libraries at or above the county level, 13 cultural centers, 5 museums, and 102 township cultural stations. The collection of public libraries is 3.4316 million. [70]
Main cultural and museum venues in Nanning
National first-class museum
National first-class library
National first-class cultural center


The 2014 Nanning World Gymnastics Championships and the 45th World Gymnastics Championships will be held in Nanning, Guangxi, from October 3 to 12, 2014. The Guangxi Sports Center Gymnasium will become the main venue of the World Gymnastics Championships.
By 2021, there will be 12 public stadiums, 86 stadiums, 12454 basketball courts, 679 football courts, 1477 volleyball courts and 267 swimming pools in Nanning. In 2021, 288 sports events will be held. [70]
Main stadiums and gymnasiums in Nanning
Guangxi Sports Center Gymnasium
Guangxi Gymnasium Sanda Hall
Guangxi Telecom Staff Training Center Gymnasium
Yifu Stadium
Wuming District Gymnasium
Sports Events Held in Nanning
start time
Regional nature
October 3, 2014
Sports Events
Artistic Gymnastics
October 20, 2017
Sports Events
March 22, 2018
Sports Events
December 11, 2018
The 17th World Badminton Mixed Team Championship
Sports Events

medical and health work

By 2021, there will be 4895 health institutions in Nanning, including 279 hospitals, 2987 clinics (outpatient departments, clinics) and 1425 village clinics. At the end of the year, there were 85500 health professionals in the city, including 30900 licensed doctors and assistant licensed doctors, and 39900 registered nurses. 60600 beds in medical and health institutions, including 45900 hospitals [70]

Historical culture



Nanning Urban Rengong Cantonese Yongxun Tablets Nanning vernacular (Chinese dialect), used in suburban areas Pinghua , used by Zhuang nationality Zhuang language (They belong to Yongnan dialect in the south and Yongbei dialect in the north respectively). The most popular in Nanning is Nanning vernacular and Mandarin mixed with Cantonese elements, and most people of all ethnic groups can use Mandarin.


Main religions in Nanning Buddhism Taoism Islamism Catholicism and Christianity There are about 10000 believers and nearly 100 religious staff in the city.

folk custom

folk custom
Dragon-boat Racing
It is also called "dragon boat". Nanning is on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month every year The Dragon Boat Festival Have the habit of racing dragon boats. In the 23rd year of the Republic of China (1934), the Nanning Daily of the Republic of China recorded that "the old habit of picking up dragon boats was once a year, and the race was going on in the middle reaches of Yongjiang River". In 1997, due to its large scale and new form, the Dragon Boat Race held in Hetanlu Township, Nanning City was awarded the title of "The Best Competition Area for the National Dragon Boat Communication Race for Millions of People" by the All China Sports Federation and the China Dragon Boat Association.
Grab fireworks
Every March 3rd Folk Song Festival Nanning was Chen Yunhe The poem is called "the city with colorful skirts". The participants formed a team of strong men from each village to compete with each other. The so-called fireworks is an iron ring with a diameter of about 5cm and wound with red cloth. Put the fireworks on the launcher filled with gunpowder, and then fire it into the air with a bang. When the fireworks fell, the fireworks teams of each village swarmed. It is a victory to break through the other party's grab and block, run to the other party's fort, and throw the fireworks into the flower basket. The fight for fireworks is very fierce, and its form is like western football, so it is known as "oriental football".
March 3rd Festival of Zhuang Nationality
Board shoe dance
It is said that the board shoe dance originated from the Ming Dynasty. During the Jiajing period, Zhuang heroines Mrs. Wa She led Guangxi Lang Bing to Zhejiang to fight against Japanese pirates. She trained Lang Bing with the method of three people binding their legs and racing, making the military discipline strict and concerted. Later, it became such an interesting sport.
Playing football on stilts
This is the "tall ball" of the Zhuang nationality, which is very similar to football. However, you can't kick with your feet. You can use those "artificial limbs" no matter you run, fight or kick the ball. Modern football originated in England and has a history of more than 200 years, but it was pomelo in the Southern Song Dynasty. As early as the Southern Song Dynasty, Nandan County People have the game of kicking pomelos; During the Mid Autumn Festival, a pomelo game was also held. In modern times, it developed to play football on stilts.
Lion goes to Jinshan
The unique lion dance skills of the Zhuang nationality include high platform lion dance, double lion playing ball, lion plum blossom tree, overpass, knife point lion dance, lion climbing Jinshan, etc. This move is more dangerous than ever. "Jinshan" is about 35 benches stacked into 17 layers, 8.5 meters high; The performers dressed as "lions" climbed the "Jinshan" and jumped, soared and danced on the unstable "Jinshan". It was breathtaking and amazing.
There are three Mulao people in one "winter" (group). A total of three "winter" people take turns to grab the triangular zongzi placed in the earthen vat with long chopsticks, but the three people can only land on three feet. They rely on holding hands and feet to keep balance in jumping. They accidentally lose their balance and grab the traditional Chinese rice-pudding Will also fall to the ground. For a while, the cheering and drum beating continued until all the rice dumplings in the vat were snatched. The winner was the "winter" who won the most rice dumplings. Sanjianzong is the mascot of Mulao Yifan Festival. Mulao people believe that whoever grabs more will get more "blessings".
Polishing autumn
It was a severe drought without rain, and the crops were not harvested. People fell into terror and despair. Two brothers came up with a way: use wood to grind autumn, swing to the sky, and ask God for mercy. After 15 days and nights of autumn grinding, they finally touched the sky and rained rain, but the two brothers died of overwork. In order to commemorate them, later generations polish autumn during festivals. In the autumn of polishing, there are one or two people on both ends of the crossbar. They alternately pedal the ground to make the crossbar rise and fall and rotate. At the same time, they make many technical movements on the pole, such as turning and rolling, sticking the belly to the pole and hanging in the air, reaching out to pick up flowers when rotating to the ground. The tumbling in the air is like a flying man, which is both breathtaking and beautiful. This kind of activity is called "Duel Duel" by Yi people and "Polishing Autumn" in Chinese.

Origin of place names

Eastern Jin Dynasty Daxing In the first year (318 AD) Yulin County Outgoing Jinxing County , the county is located in Jinxing County The city is now Nanning, which is the beginning of Nanning's organizational system and has a history of more than 1680 years. In the eighth year of Zhenguan in the Tang Dynasty (634 A.D.), Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty named Yongzhou , Nanning for short“ another name for Nanning ”From this comes. In the first year of Taiding in the Yuan Dynasty (1324), the central government changed its name to "Nanning" for the sake of peace in southern Xinjiang, hence the name of Nanning. In 1958, the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region was established, with Nanning as the capital of the autonomous region; So far, the name of Nanning has been used to this day. [46]

Cultural security unit

By 2020, there are 592 immovable cultural relics and 320000 movable cultural relics in Nanning. There are 6 national key cultural relics protection units, 42 cultural relics protection units at the autonomous region level, 241 cultural relics protection units at the city and county levels, and 303 immovable cultural relics of undetermined level. There are mainly ancient buildings, ancient sites, ancient tombs, important historical sites and representative buildings in modern times, cave temples, stone carvings, etc. [79]

Intangible cultural heritage

By 2021, Nanning has 9 national intangible cultural heritage projects and 151 autonomous region intangible cultural heritage projects. [97]
List of Selected Projects in Nanning National Intangible Cultural Heritage List
Selected year (batch)
Protection unit
(The first batch)
Nanning City (Own)
Nanning Institute of National Culture and Arts (Nanning Theater, Nanning Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Center)
(The second batch)
(Extension project)
Mashan County Cultural Center
Nanning City (Own)
Nanning Institute of National Culture and Arts (Nanning Theater, Nanning Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Center)
(The fourth batch)
(Extension project)
Nanning City (Own)
Nanning Institute of National Culture and Arts (Nanning Theater, Nanning Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Center)
(Extension project)
Wuming District Cultural Center
(The fifth batch)
Yongning District Cultural Center
Mashan County
Data source of this table: [98]

famous scenery

Nanning Cultural Map
As early as the Song Dynasty, the literati at that time rated the ancient "Eight Sceneries of Yongzhou"( Looking at Immortals and Remembering the Past , Qingshan Songtao Xiangling Mist , Luofeng Xiaoxia, Ma Tui Yuankan, Hongren Evening Bell, Yongjiang Chunpan, Huazhou Night Moon). With the change of history and the construction and development of the city, many of the eight ancient landscapes have become memories of the past. Nanning's Top Ten Landscapes (to promote the ancient beauty, the shadow of Qingshan Pagoda, the beautiful mountains, the immortals and the ancients Yiling Temple , the charm of South Lake, the interest of dragon, tiger and monkey, the spring of Yongjiang River, the green fields of Fengjiang River Nine dragons playing with pearls )。

Local specialty

Zhuang brocade
Zhuang brocade It is a magnificent handicraft of the Zhuang nationality hunan embroidery Shu brocade It is equally famous at home and abroad.
hydrangea This is a young man and woman of Zhuang nationality in Nanning Love Token The hydrangea ball is made of colored silk, with a diameter of about 6cm. It contains beans or sand, weighs about 150g, and is decorated with more than ten ribbons at the bottom. The top of the ball is connected with a ribbon with a length of about 60cm. In the song fair, if you find someone who is in love with you, you can easily throw a hydrangea ball at him to express your love. Embroidery throwing has now developed into a traditional minority sports event.
This is a century old pasta. It is mainly made of refined noodles, accompanied by sauteed garlic, lobster sauce, chilli a kind of edible bamboo shoot , minced beef, pepper, etc. Old friend noodles have become a must for tourists to Nanning.
Eight Immortals Powder
It is said that it is one of the recipes of the Qing Palace, because it is equipped with mountain delicacies, seafood, fresh eight flavors or more, and the tastes are different and complementary, such as“ the eight immortals crossing the sea And each shows his power ", hence the name. Baxian powder is characterized by freshness, smoothness and freshness.
Dry fished powder
Steam the rice paste, cut it into strips, and mix it with the prepared Barbecue Minced meat, scallions, fried peanuts, soy sauce, sesame oil, etc. It is characterized by fragrance, acidity, crispness, sweetness and saltiness, and is not greasy.
Roll powder
Put the milled rice paste into the tray and spread it into a pancake. Sprinkle some minced meat and scallions on it. After steaming, roll it into a roll and serve it on the plate. Serve it with soy sauce, sesame oil, etc. It is soft, smooth and refreshing.
Eight Delicacies Rice
Soak the glutinous rice wet, mix it with edible oil, mung beans, lilies, lotus seeds, gingko, honey dates, phellodendron peel, wax gourd sugar and other nearly ten kinds of cleaning materials, and steam it. It is famous for its soft and smooth fragrance, sweet but not greasy.
Nanning people also like porridge for breakfast. There are more than ten varieties of porridge, including lean meat porridge, pig red porridge, fish porridge, red bean porridge, preserved egg porridge Frog porridge Etc. It is characterized by instant cooking and eating.
Lemon duck
yes Wuming District Special dishes in the area. It tastes sour and hot, delicious and appetizing.
Nanning dialect“ Acerbity ”。 There is a saying in Nanning that "heroes are sad about beauty, and good women are sad about sour things", which describes "sour things" vividly. Horseshoe, a local product, is used, Papaya , radish, cucumber, lotus root Broccoli , pineapple and other seasonal fruits and vegetables, pickled with sour vinegar, pepper, sugar, etc. It tastes sour, sweet, fragrant and spicy. It is crispy and delicious. It can stimulate saliva and appetizers.
Lord's Residence Cattle offal
The beef offal of Wuwei Mansion has outstanding taste and is famous both inside and outside the area. It was awarded the title of Chinese famous dish by the State Trade Bureau, beef offal They all use fresh raw materials, and perilla frutescens crispa It is also a local rich material, which is very suitable for the taste of Nanning people.
Raw rice flour
Its birthplace is Yongning, the old city of Nanning.
 Nanning City Nanning City Nanning City Nanning City Nanning City Nanning City Nanning City Nanning City Nanning City Nanning City Nanning City Nanning City Nanning City Nanning City Nanning City Nanning City
Nanning City

Foreign exchange


Consular institutions

Consular institutions
Date of establishment
Territory scope
Consulate General of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in Nanning
May 2, 2004
Floor 10, Diwang International Chamber of Commerce Center, 59 Jinhu Road, Nanning [110]
Consulate of the Kingdom of Cambodia in Nanning
October 21, 2005
16-6 Guihua Road, China ASEAN Business District, Nanning [111]
Royal Thai Consulate General in Nanning
May 20, 2008
Floor 1, Oriental Manhattan Building, No. 52-1, Jinhu North Road, Nanning [112]
Consulate General of the Lao People's Democratic Republic in Nanning
October 19, 2009
16-1 Guihua Road, China ASEAN Business District, Nanning [113]
Consulate General of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar in Nanning
October 20, 2009
Guangxi, Guangdong, Hunan
16-7 Guihua Road, ASEAN Business District, Nanning [114]
Consulate General of Malaysia in Nanning
June 19, 2015
Guangxi, Guizhou
45/F, Diwang International Chamber of Commerce Center, 59 Jinhu Road, Nanning [115]
reference material: [116]

Sister city

International Sister Cities
Caxia County
Che Rongfu rate
Commercial city
the republic of korea
the republic of korea
East Bridong County
Ancient Jinnan
Mante City
Pasandou city [42]

Cooperative alliance

On December 29, 2020, it will become one of the first Chinese cities in the Lancang Mekong Tourism Cities Cooperation Alliance.

Famous people

Huang Danian
Internationally renowned strategic scientist and China's famous geophysicist. Former post Jilin University The first head of the emerging interdisciplinary science department, professor and doctoral supervisor of the School of Earth Exploration Science and Technology, was selected Moved China's 2017 People [12]
chair of the Political Consultative Congress after the Cultural Revolution
A great proletarian revolutionist, politician, famous social activist, firm Marxist, one of the leaders of the Party and the country, and a pioneer of the Chinese women's movement. [13]
Lu Rongting
A native of Leixiong Village, Ningwu Town, Wuming District, formerly known as the Song Dynasty, the Zhuang nationality, the leader of the old Guangxi warlord in the Republic of China, controlled Guangdong, Guangxi and Hunan at that time. When Yuan Shikai's Beiyang government ruled China, Old Guangxi System It has become the largest military force in the southern region.
Cheng Siyuan
Guangxi Binyang People, political activists. University of Rome Graduated as a graduate student and a doctor of political science, he joined the army in his youth and gradually became Li Zongren KMT general based in South China The core figure of the New Guangxi Clique.
Lei Peihong
Educators and educational thinkers. He was born in Nanning, Guangxi in 1888. Joined in early years Alliance , participated in Guangzhou in 1911 Huanghuagang Uprising
Head of the Propaganda Section of the Political Department of the Whampoa Military Academy, general of the People's Liberation Army. From Nanning, Guangxi. Youjiang Revolutionary Base One of the creators.
Mo Wenhua
Born in Nanning, Guangxi, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, he was awarded the Lieutenant General military rank.
Lu Shaowu
Guangxi Wuming people, Zhuang nationality. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he was awarded the rank of Major General in 1955.
Lin Fengxiang
People from Wuyuan (now Wuming District), Guangxi, Zhuang nationality, Taiping Army's Northern Expedition Famous general, born as a farmer. After the death of Beijing, it was granted the title of King Qiu by the Heaven.
Li Kaifang
Guangxi Wuyuan (now Dalitun, Longying Village, Liangjiang Town, Wuming District), Zhuang nationality, famous general of Taiping Army in the Northern Expedition. Beijing was crowned King Jing by the Chinese Empire after its death

Honorary title

National Excellent City for Comprehensive Improvement of Urban Environment
The most competitive exhibition city in China
National "Youth Civilized Community" Demonstration City
National Advanced City in "Two Bases" Work
China pays attention to the future pioneer and model city
National Advanced City for Civil Air Defense
National Advanced City for Science and Technology Progress
National Advanced City for Re employment
National Advanced City for Women and Children
National advanced city for legal publicity
National Model Collective of National Unity and Progress
National Advanced City for Disabled Employment
2012 Charming City with Chinese Characteristics
UN Dubai International Good Example of Improving Human Settlements
National demonstration city for developing bulk cement
China's Excellent Exhibition City
Advanced city in the setting of national urban standard place name signs
National Advanced City in Building a Civilized City
National Advanced City in Spiritual Civilization Construction
In 2007, it was awarded the title of National Advanced City for Grain Production
China International Sister City Contribution Award
National Advanced Unit of Factory Affairs Publicity
The Great Empress Village of Wuming County won the title of "Demonstration Village of Democracy and Legal System"
Excellent example city of water environment management
The 6th China Baosteel Environment Award
Wangzhounan Community won the "National Demonstration Community of Harmonious Neighborhood Construction"
"Chang'an Cup", the highest award for comprehensive management of social security in China
2012 Leisure City with Chinese Characteristics - City of Health and Leisure [15]
2015 Top Ten Dynamic Leisure Cities in China [16]
Top Ten Happiest Provincial Capital Cities in 2015
The first batch of national ecological garden cities [17]
City Brand Building Award
International Sister City Exchange and Cooperation Award
2017 Top 200 Charming Cities with Chinese Characteristics [18]
The first batch of cities that passed the national water ecological civilization construction pilot acceptance [19]
China's Top 100 Foreign Trade Cities in 2018 [21]
The 44th Best Commercial City in Mainland China in 2018 [20]
Pilot city of national urban medical consortium construction [22]
2013 China's Best Leisure City [26]
Ranking 13th in China's urban green competitiveness [24]
Top 100 in the overall well-off index of prefecture level cities in China in 2019 [25]
Ranked 68th in "China Urban Science and Technology Innovation Development Index 2019" [28]
19th in the list of top 50 health cities in China in 2019 [27]
Ranked No.1 in 2018 Guangxi Healthy City Construction [29]
Advanced city in the middle of the "Seventh Five Year Plan" [30]
The first batch of demonstration areas for building a national rule of law government [33]
The comprehensive index of 2019 China Ecological Environment Status Bulletin ranked 17th in China [31]
China's Top 100 Foreign Trade Cities in 2019 [32]
The fourth batch of demonstration cities for service and management of ethnic minority floating population [36]
Ranked 30th in the "2020 China Tourism Cities List" [34]
National Model City of Double Support in 2020 [35]
Advanced province (city) award for unpaid blood donation [39]
In 2020, "the eighth round of civilized cities in the autonomous region". [37]
The first batch of national culture and tourism consumption pilot cities [38]
2020 China's Top 100 Foreign Trade Cities [51]
2020 National "Safe Agricultural Machinery" Demonstration City [43]
The happiest city in 2020 [44]
2021 Top 100 Cities in Digital Transformation [54]
"Four good rural roads" municipal demonstration unit [52]
The Ninth Batch of National Demonstration Units for National Unity and Progress [53]
The Fourth Batch of Guangxi Whole Region Tourism Demonstration Cities [60-61]
Top 100 health tourism cities in China [59]
The first batch of national infant care service demonstration cities [78]
National Demonstration Area of National Unity and Progress [63]
48th in 2022 China's Top 100 Dynamic Cities [67]
In March 2022, it won the title of "National Transit Metropolis Construction Demonstration City" [66]
List of "Waste free Cities" during the 14th Five Year Plan Period [69]
Construction of recycling system of waste materials in key cities [73]
National Intellectual Property Strong City Construction Demonstration City [74]
National Transit Metropolis Construction Demonstration City [75]
Unit that pays attention to the 20th anniversary of forest activities
The third batch of "China Express Demonstration Cities" [109]
National Food Safety Demonstration City [133]
reference material: [40-41]