
Monsters in Ancient Greek Mythology
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Centaur Ancient Greek mythology A monster that is half man and half horse. Their upper body is the human body, and their lower body is the horse body, including the waist and four legs.
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The source of centaurs is MYTHOS There are many different stories in La Pi Thailand king Ixion It's about clouds. There is a saying that they are Ixion and nephele (She is the fairy of Yunyu). Another way of saying is that Ixion began to tell the queen when he was drunk Hera Move around Zeus With the help of Hera, she transformed a cloud into her own image. The centaur is the descendant of Ixion and the cloud, or the descendant of Ixion and the cloud's son.
stay MYTHOS There are many famous centaurs. They are generally described as rude, violent and unreasonable. Generally they Be treated as Barbarism is the opposite of man. But there are also a few (such as Chiron, namely chiron )They are very knowledgeable and educated. Chiron accepts Apollo And Artemis, he became the mentor of several heroes, including jason Heracles Orpheus and Achilles. After being accidentally shot by Hercules, he refused to continue suffering and gave up eternal life. He is a "wounded doctor" - reflecting the idea that pain is a part of human existence, and painful experiences can be used to help others. The image of centaur is also used to symbolize that men are trapped by their own flesh desire, which is a trap of animal sexual impulse. In Greece - Roman myth The lustful centaurs represent the uncivilized, lawless and instinctive side of human nature. At the wedding banquet of King Lapitai, the centaurs tried to abduct the bride, raped the female guests, and used trunk And stone attack the host. The Rapitans finally defeated the centaurs, symbolizing that knowledge and reason defeated instinct and animal lust.
Some people think that centaurs were Greek people who had never seen cavalry at that time Central Asia Coming nomadic people The reflection of.
Centaur's representative constellation in the sky is Centaur and Sagittarius