North Rhine Westphalia

Federal State of Western Germany
zero Useful+1
North Rhine Westphalia (German: Nordrhein-Westfalen; English: North Rhine Westphalia ), referred to as“ Nordrhein-Westfalen ”With a population of more than 18 million Federal State , located in western Germany, with an area of 34083 square kilometers and a population of 17.87 million (2017). It is the most populous state in Germany. capital Dusseldorf The terrain is high in the southeast and low in the northwest, most of which belong to Rhine Watershed.
North Rhine Westphalia is German economy The most developed state. In 2017, the whole state achieved economic output( gross domestic product )829 billion dollars in the world First level administrative region Ranked 12th in.
The state flag comes from North Rhine Westphalia [3]
Chinese name
North Rhine Westphalia
Foreign name
North Rhine-Westphalia
Administrative Region Category
geographical position
Rhine River Basin, Germany
34083 km² [1]
Area under jurisdiction
Government residence
climatic conditions
Temperate marine climate
population size
17.87 million (2017)
Dusseldorf International Airport Cologne Bonn Airport
train station
Cologne Railway Station, Dusseldorf Railway Station
gross domestic product
US $829 billion (2017)
GDP per capita
US $46390.60 (2017)

brief introduction

North Rhine Westphalia
North Rhine Westphalia , 1946 by Province of Westphalia And North Rheinprovinz Consolidated composition. yes German economy The most developed region. Ruhr Industrial Zone Is located in this state. Production accounts for most of the country Hard coal And steel, also concentrated most of the machine manufacturing, chemical, petroleum refining, vehicle manufacturing, electronics and other industries. Many large domestic industrial enterprises are headquartered in Honshu. The water and land transportation is convenient, Commercial trade The amount accounts for 45% of the country. Ruhrgebiet and Rhine The coastal area is densely populated with many cities. Mainly Cologne Duisburg Dusseldorf Munster , Essen Dortmund Wuppertal Bohong and bonn Wait for the city. Agriculture and animal husbandry are also developed, with wheat Rye beet , feed, etc. The southern part of the Rhine Valley is famous for its fruits and vegetables, while the northern part is mainly fed with cattle and pigs. Forests account for one fourth of the total area. Cultural and educational undertakings are developed.
North Rhine Westphalia is located in Germany West, West and Belgium Netherlands Bordering. Its area is equivalent to that of Belgium and Luxembourg In total, it is the most populous state in Germany and the most densely populated area in Europe. The state is World War II The newly formed state has 5 administrative divisions, 23 cities and 31 counties. Bonn, another important city in North Wales, is located in the south of Cologne. It is the birthplace of Beethoven. Before 1949, Bonn was only a medium-sized university town (famous University of Bonn )For the next 40 years, it has been the capital of the Federal Republic of Germany. It was unified in Germany and moved eastward to Berlin Later, Bonn still served as the administrative and Science Center And continue to play its role.
North Rhine Westphalia is located in the west of Germany, and the state capital is Dusseldorf It is the most populous state in Germany and the most densely populated area in Europe. Unlike metropolises accustomed to fast-paced and crazy life, the atmosphere here is very quiet, and the passage of time can hardly be felt. There are many places that still seem to keep the appearance of the Middle Ages, and some places are also very fashionable. Rhine It flows through the middle and its tributaries include Ruhr River There is a region named after Ruhr.
The must see places here include Cologne, which has a towering cathedral bonn , Included the United Nations UNESCO listed Rühl Palaces Historic city Minster, elegant and quiet Dusseldorf, and Shore Island with natural scenery.

geographical position

North Rhine Westphalia is located in the west of Germany Belgium And the Netherlands. With an area of 34083 square kilometers and a population of 17.87 million, it is the most populous state in Germany and the most densely populated area in Europe. There are 71 large cities with more than 100000 people in Germany, 30 of which are in the state. The state is divided into 5 administrative districts, 23 cities, 31 counties and 390 towns. The capital is Dusseldorf.

essential information

North Rhine Westphalia
State Capital Dusseldorf
Largest City Cologne
[Area] 34083.52 square kilometers
[Population] 18079.686 (until December 31, 2003)
Population density : 530,5 persons/km ^ 2;
[Debt per capita] 6.456 euros/citizen (2002)
Total Liabilities : € 116.6 million (2002)
〖ISO 3166-2〗DE-NW
[Governor] Hannelore Kraft (SPD) - the first female governor of the state
ruling party 〗 SPD/Bündnis 90/ The Green Party
[State Assembly seat distribution]
231 seats in total:
CDU 88 seats
FDP 24 seats
[Next election]
German Federal Senate (Parlaminaris che Vertretung) seat: 6 seats

City and Language

North Rhine Westphalia
North Rhine Westphalia Ruhrgebiet The cities within are Bohong , Portrop Dortmund Duisburg , Essen Gelsenkirchen Hagen (Westphalia) Ham Hena , Murheim( Ruhr River Bank) and Oberhausen
Large cities have Munster (Westphalia) Bielefeld , Padbourne Xigen bonn Cologne Aachen Menchengladbach and Crayfield
And the state capital located in the south of Ruhr District Dusseldorf
Cities in mountain cities: Wuppertal Rem Shahid and Solingen
North Rhine Westphalia adjoins in the north Lower Saxony , east is Hessen To the south is Rhine Pfalz; To the west is Belgium The Netherlands is to the northwest.
North Rhine Westphalia has its own independent language, which is a German dialect This language is protected by the German government and the official departments of the state government of North Rhine Westphalia. People in North Rhine Westphalia, in order to prevent such independence The death of language So the government of North Rhine Westphalia printed this language into newspapers, radio, a few news, etc., but more importantly, the government of North Rhine Westphalia set up schools specialized in this language for people to learn this language, which greatly improved the Usage
The full name of this language is Rhine dialect Or North Rhine dialect (German: Rhine Dialekt English: Rhine dialect )Or called Rhine (German: Rheinisch English: Rhine language)
Rhine dialect (Rhine):
G uten Mor g en。—— J uten Mor j en!
G uten Ta g。 —— J uten Ta ch !
G uten Abend。—— J uten Abend!
G ute Nacht 。—— J ute Nacht!
Wie g eht es ——Wie j eht et
Danke, g ut。——Danke, j ut!
Auf Wiedersehen。——Auf Wiedersehen!
North Rhine Westphalia
Wann ist ... g eoeffnet?——Wann ist ... j eoeffnet?
Wann sind ... g eoeffnet?——Wann sind ... j eoeffnet?
Wann wird ... g eschlossen?——Wann wird ... j eschlossen?
Wann werden ... g eschlossen?——Wann werden ... j eschlossen?
Wie komme ich nach ...?——Wie kommen isch nach ...
Wie komme ich zum ...?——Wie kommen isch zum ...?
Wie komme ich zur ...?——Wie kommen isch zur ...?
Wie lang wird das dauern ——Wie lang dauert dat
Wann findet ... statt?——Wann findet ... statt?
Wo bekomme ich ...?—— Wo bekommen isch ...?
Geben Sie mirbitte ...——Jebense mirbitte ...
Haben Sie auch ...?—— Habense auch ...?
Ich brauche ...—— Isch brauche n ...
Ich moechte ...—— Isch moeschte ...
Ich wuerde g ern ...—— Isch wuerde j ern ...
Am liebsten wuerde ich ...——Am liebsten wuerden isch ...
nicht——ni s cht
Das freut mich sehr—— Dat freut misch seh
Das tut mir leid—— Dat tut mir leid
Ich verstehe Sie nicht —— Isch verstehe Se nischt
Wie bitte?——Wie bitte?
Sprechen Sie doch bitte etwas langsamer—— Schpreschen Se doch bitte etwas langsamer!
Wie spricht man dieses Wort aus?——Wie schprischt man dieses Wort aus?
Wie viel Uhr ist es ——Wie viel Uhr ist et
Was fuer Sehenswuerdi g keiten gibt es hier?—— Wat fuer Sehenswuerdi sch keiten jibt et hier?
Wir moe ch ten g erne de n Dom besi c ht ig en.——Wir moe sch ten j erne de r Dom besi sc ht ij en.
Muss man da Eintritt bezahlen?——Muss man da Eintritt bezahlen?
Was kostet das —— Wat kostet dat
Tja,wollen wir uns das leisten?——Tja,wollen wir uns dat leisten?
Ist da auch immer eine Fuehrung dabei?——Ist da auch immer eine Fuehrung dabei?
Koennen Sie mir ein gutes Restaurant empfehlen?——Wo jibt et hier ein jutes Restauraunt?
Wo gibtes hier eine gemuetliche Wirtschaft ——Wo jibtet hier eine schoene Kneipe
Ichbrauche einen Tisch fuer fuenf Personen—— Isch brauchen einen Tisch fuer fuenf Personen
Duerfen wir uns zu Ihnen dazusetzen?——Ist bei Ihnen noch frei?
Herr Ober , die Speisekarte bitte——Herr Ober,die Speisekarte bitte
Bringen Sie mir/uns bitte ...——Bringen Se mir/uns bitte ...
Guten Appetit—— Juten Appetit
Die Rechnung bitte——Wir moeschten zahlen
Da muessen Sie sich geirrt haben——Dat kann so nischt stimmen
Der Rest ist fuer Sie——Schtimmt so
Darf ich Sie zu einem Glas einladen?——Darf isch Sie zu einem Jlas einladen?
Kaesebroet ch en——Kaesebroet sch en
Kennen Sie ein gutes und bill ig es Hotel?—— Kennense en jutes und bill ij es Hotel?
Haben Sie noch ein Einzelzimmer?—— Habense noch en Einzelzimmer?
Wie viel kostet ein Doppelzimmer?——Wie viel kostet en Doppelzimmer?
Wir haetten gerneein Zimmer mit Blick auf den Rhein.——Wir haetten jerne en Zimmer mit Blick auf den Rhein.
Kann ichdas Zimmer einmal ansehen?——Kann isch dat Zimmer mal ansehen?
Nein,das gefaellt mir nicht .—— Ne,dat jefaellt mir nischt .
Das hier ist schoen.—— Dat hier ist schoen
Morgen frueh fahren wir nach Hause zurueck .—— Morjen frueh fahren wir nach Hause .
Ichmoechte mich noch ins Gaestebuch eintragen.—— Ischmoeschtemisch noch ins Jaestebuch eintragen.
Es war sehr schoen bei Ihnen.—— Et war sehr schoen bei Ihnen.
Haben Sie noch Platz fuer unserer Wohnwagen?—— Habense noch Platz fuer unseren Wohnwagen?
*Mountain city area
*Cologne Bonn
* Aachen area
*Lower Rhine
*Oswestfalen, East Westfalen
* Rheinschiene
* Munster Region M ü nsterland
*Rigeland District
*Lippe Land

administrative division

North Rhine Westphalia
The North Rhine Westphalia State Council is located in Dusseldorf.
Administrative Region
North Rhine Westphalia is divided into five administrative regions:
  1. one
  2. two
  3. three
  4. four
  5. five
At the beginning (1816), the region had seven administrative regions.
List of administrative divisions of North Rhine Westphalia
Name of administrative district
the measure of area
Nordrhein, North Rhine Westphalia-
Dusseldorf Düsseldorf
Dusseldorf Düsseldorf
Duisburg Duisburg
Dusseldorf Düsseldorf
Essen Essen
Crayfield Krefeld
Menchengladbach Mönchengladbach
Milheim Mülheim an der Ruhr
Oberhausen Oberhausen
Remshaid Remscheid
Wuppertal Wuppertal
four hundred and eight
Rhein-Kreis Neuss Rhein-Kreis Neuss
five hundred and seventy-seven
Pherson Viersen
Wessel Wesel
Cologne Köln
Cologne K ö ln
Bonn Bonn
Leverkusen Leverkusen
Aachen Städteregion Aachen
seven hundred and seven
Aachen Aachen
nine hundred and forty-one
Dylan Düren
Rhine Elft County Rhein-Erft-Kreis
seven hundred and five
six hundred and twenty-eight
Oberbergischer Kreis Oberbergischer Kreis
nine hundred and nineteen
Rheinisch-Bergischer Kreis Rheinisch-Bergischer Kreis
four hundred and thirty-seven
Bergisch Gladbach
Rhine Siger County Rhein-Sieg-Kreis
Munster Münster
Munster Münster
Bothrop Bottrop
Gelsenkirchen Gelsenkirchen
one thousand four hundred and twenty-one
seven hundred and sixty-one
Recklinghausen Recklinghausen
Detmold Detmold
Detmold Detmold
Bielefeld Bielefeld
nine hundred and seventy
G ü tersloh
four hundred and fifty
Halford Herford
Hexter H ö xter
Minden Lubeck County Minden-Lübbecke
Mingdeng Minden
Bochum Bochum
Dortmund Dortmund
Helne Herne
Enneper Ruhr County Ennepe-Ruhr-Kreis
four hundred and ten
Hohshore County Hochsauerlandkreis
Mekish County Märkischer Kreis
L ü denscheid
seven hundred and twelve
Siegen Wittgenstein County Siegen-Wittgenstein
Unna Unna
five hundred and forty-three

Urban industry

North Rhine Westphalia
When it comes to North Rhine Westphalia, people naturally think Ruhr Industrial Zone It is also the largest industrial zone in Europe. In Germany, 7.5 million people live in this industrial zone. Ruhrgebiet Traditionally, mining and metallurgy industry is the main industry anthracite resources. In the past 30 years, with the support of the state, the state has carried out Structural adjustment , breaking the single focus on mining and metallurgy economic structure Many new industries have settled here. At the same time, the state has also improved the environment, and the thick smog and soot in the past have disappeared. It was replaced by a lush landscape. The state has 31 large power plants, making it the energy center of Germany.
Here, there are 450000 modern technical equipment Small and medium-sized enterprises and large enterprises have developed side by side. The dense network of highways, railways and waterways Industrial city It is closely connected, and also connected with the important traffic arteries in Europe. Except Ruhr District, Cologne regional coal mining , textile, automobile manufacturing, chemical industry Machinery manufacturing , electronics, cosmetics and sweets also occupy an important position. Germany's largest Beer The factories are concentrated in Dortmund Dusseldorf, the capital, is not only political center , or "Ruhr industrial Desk ”, business center and one of the most important financial places in Germany. Another important city bonn Located in the south of Cologne, it is the birthplace of Beethoven and has been the capital of the Federal Republic of Germany for 40 years.
It was unified in Germany and moved eastward to Berlin Later, Bonn continued to play a role as the center of German administration and science. The north of North Rhine Westphalia is the center of agriculture and animal husbandry. Munster To raise horses and Equestrian sports And famous. The forests of Zaoeran, Chikerland, Belgiesland Mountain and Iver Mountain are densely covered in the state, which is a good place for summer recuperation. Cologne's twin tower cathedral and other ancient buildings are the tourist attractions.

urban economy

In the past 30 years, the state has successfully carried out Industrial structure adjustment , breaking the single focus on mining and metallurgy economic structure Many new jobs are provided by the fast-growing media and cultural industries. In 2023, about 66% of the state's employees will work in the service sector. The industrial adjustment combined with ecological renewal has made the state a leading environmental protection technology center in Europe. The total import and export volume of the state accounts for 1/4 of Germany. Meshy expressway , railway and waterway networks connect the industrial cities of the state closely, and also Traffic trunk line to be connected. 44 of Germany's 100 largest companies are located in the state.
except Bayer In addition to industrial giants such as Feeba, Klechner Humboldt Doiz and Bertelsmann printing and publishing enterprises, there are about 600000 small and medium-sized enterprises engaged in production. Dusseldorf, the state capital, is one of the largest banks in Germany. Cologne has the leading Insurance Status. Dusseldorf, the capital, Cologne and Essen are famous expo cities.
NW has developed economy in 2009 gross domestic product About 521.7 billion euros, accounting for about 22% of Germany's GDP, ranking 16 in Germany Federal State First place of. GDP per capita More than 30000 euros, exceeding the average level of Germany. The output value of manufacturing, finance, insurance, leasing, commerce and trade accounts for more than one-fifth of similar industries in Germany. 30% of Germany's top 100 enterprises are headquartered in North Westphalia, such as chemical enterprise Bayer Corporation, communication enterprises Deutsche Telekom, metallurgy and mechanical equipment Manufacturing enterprise ThyssenKrupp, media giant Bertelsmann And retail giant Metro. In history, as the heart of Europe, steel and coal once determined the history of North Wales. Now, it has completed the transformation from heavy industry To modernize technology and Future technology Change. In 2023, two thirds of sales in North Wales will come from the service industry. In industries that determine the future, such as new media, biotechnology Gene technology medical technology , logistics and future energy, NW has become the economic core in Europe. Traditional industries , such as Machinery manufacturing , which still provides the most jobs for North Wales, Chemical industry It is also playing an important role. In terms of output value, North Wales is among the best industrial sector Chemical industry, machinery, food, tobacco and wine, automobile, steel and Electronic appliances Manufacturing. [1]

Urban agriculture

The north of North Wales is the center of agriculture and animal husbandry. Minstrand is important Agricultural and pastoral areas , to raise horses and Equestrian sports It is famous for planting wheat, corn beet There are many vegetable gardens and orchards in the south of Rhine Valley.


The state has the most dense Traffic network one of. On the land of only 34000 square kilometers, there are 6000 kilometers of railways and more than 2000 kilometers expressway Natural River and Artificial canal There are 31 interwoven into a net River port , where Duisburg It is the largest inland port in the world. Airports in Dusseldorf, Cologne and Bonn are also important Transport hub Dusseldorf Airport gets on and off more than 11 million passengers every year, Cologne Bonn Airport Next. [1]
The forests of Zaoeran, Qikelan, Belgiesland Mountain and Iver Mountain are densely covered, which are good places for recuperation in summer. The largest city in the state is Cologne, which is famous for its Gothic twin tower cathedral and the annual carnival.
Dusseldorf Lohausen Airport, 11km north of Dusseldorf, is an international and domestic airport with frequent international flights Asia Tokyo Singapore , Hong Kong and other places have direct flights, and it is also very convenient to transfer from here to all parts of Germany. The lower level of the airport is the German National Railway Station. Every 20 minutes, there is a direct train to the central railway station in the urban area, which can be reached in 15 minutes.
Flughafen Koln Bonn Airport Cologne And bonn In the middle is the airport shared by the two cities. The airport code is CGN, 20km from Cologne. It takes 20 minutes to get to the city by taxi, which costs 25 euros. There are trains connecting the airport to Cologne Central Railway Station and Dusseldorf Railway Station. There are flights to more than 30 cities in Europe.
Duisburg is an international trade and logistics center with well-developed roads, railways and Shipping network from Duisburg Railway Station Starting, you can arrive at the place at the junction of Duisburg and Dusseldorf in eight minutes Dusseldorf International Airport
With the help of Public transport , you can enjoy several discounts. The Schoner tag Ticket is valid on the same day. You can use this card to take any local and regional public transport from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. the next day Honshu Anywhere. The price of single card is 21 Euros, and that of group card for more than 5 people is 27 Euros.
Another SchoneFahrtTicket card is very suitable for one-way travel in this state.

scenic spot

Cologne Dusseldorf Essen Duisburg Wuppertal Dortmund Gelsenkirchen Women's Museum of the German Mining Museum Joseph Albert Museum St.Paul's Cathedral Former Residence of Augustmark Aachen Cathedral Freudenberg tetrahedron Federal Germany Art and Exhibition Hall Konishi Museum Gas Factory Exhibition Hall Alteles Castle Arithmetic Museum Warner Brothers Film World Schleshoff Castle Aachen Hot Spring Paderborn Cathedral Bonn, Shore Island German Museum Bonn Art Museum Corneliminster Federal Germany Memorial Hall Karl Lucihaus Castle Beethoven's Former Residence Picasso Art Museum Railway Museum Nordkirchen Castle Bonn College Art Museum Visherin Castle Saint Lambertis Church Heinz Nix Dove Museum Forum Bruer Aachen City Hall, Saint Maria Zulwitzer Church, Saint Maria Clemens Dorpel Church, Cologne Ancient Roman Church Museum of Applied Art Chocolate Museum Vallavrichaz Museum Cote Le Huizhi Museum Site of Ancient Roman Residence Chinutgen Museum Cologne Cathedral Ludwig Museum German Museum in Rome Eld Building Cologne Municipal Museum Red Dot Design Museum Suger Manor Van Gogh Art Museum Ruhr District Museum Essen Old Church Essen Cathedral Saint Leaguer Monastery 12th Coal Mine Exhibition Hall Schloss Benrath Dusseldorf Palace Garden K20 Art Collection Media Harbor Memorial Hall of the Victims of the Nazi Regime Grand Palace Art Museum Heinrich Heine College Ceramic Museum Duesseldorf City Hall Goethe Museum Duisburg Scenic Park Dortmund Maria Church Reynolds Church Industrial Museum East Wall Museum Antwerp Altar German occupational safety and Health Museum Art and culture history museum Schalke Football Stadium
[Tourism overview]: Women's Museum, one of the few museums in the world dedicated to promoting and displaying women's art.
[Transportation]: bonn
[Ticket information]: 4.5 euros
[ Opening Hours ]: 14-18:00
Schumann's Former Residence
[Tourism overview]: Schumann's former residence, Schumann fans can be in front of one Sanatorium Look carefully at the pictures, information and documents in the two memorial rooms dedicated to the composer.
[Transportation]: Bonn
[Ticket information]: Free tickets
[Opening Hours]: 11:00 - 18:00

Food Introduction

Tracing back to the Rhine vinegar stew with raisins beef (Rheinischer Sauerbraten) Julius Caesar Julius Cä sar Gaul (Gallien) On his way, his army once stationed in the colony (Cologne's name is derived from the colonial colony). The army came too quickly and left too quickly. As a result, he left a carriage with vinegar cans, beef and a small bag Raisins ——This gave birth to the "Rhine Vinegar" Braised beef (Rheinischer Sauerbraten) ". Whether meat or vegetables can be grown and planted in the field, they can be used to make "Westphalia" One pot cooking ”(westfä lische Eintöpfe)。 The classic "one pot cooking" has“ Green vegetables One pot cooking "“ Turnip cabbage One pot cooking "“ sword bean One pot cooking "and add bacon and green soya beans The "wheat grits are cooked in one pot".
Westphalans far away from their hometown often miss the food and specialty from their hometown: Brown bread , also called Rye crude bread (Pumpernickel)。 It is not baked in the oven, but coarse rye Grinding surface Mix a small amount of yeast malt Steamed with beet syrup. Beet syrup makes rye bread dark in color. This kind of bread can keep fresh for a long time in a jar.

Communication with China

North Rhine Westphalia
Jiangsu The province and North Wales started friendly exchanges in 1981. In 1984, the two sides signed the first provincial and state economy Technical Cooperation Agreement In July 1988, Johannes Rau The Governor and Governor Gu Xiulian jointly signed the Jiangsu Province Joint Statement on Friendly and Cooperative Relations with the Federal Republic of Germany's North Westphalia, formally establishing friendly provincial and state relations. In June 2005, Governor Liang Baohua led the economic friendship delegation of Jiangsu Province to visit North Wales and signed the Joint Statement on Further Developing Friendly Cooperation with Governor Rutgers. In November 2009, Governor Rutgers and Governor Luo Zhijun jointly signed the Agreement on Further Developing Friendly Partnership between the two provinces and states during his delegation's visit to China. Over the past 20 years, based on economic and trade cooperation, the two sides have gradually expanded cooperation to culture, education, science and technology, transportation, public security, health, justice, urban construction, environmental protection, finance, journalism, agriculture and other fields. The more important cooperation projects include: Xuzhou Ecological demonstration area Project, Phoenix Contact cooperation project, Menelaus cooperation project Metro Cooperation projects, Henkel cooperation projects ThyssenKrupp Cooperation projects, Jiangsu Engineering technicians Training courses, etc.