chemical industry

[huà gōng]
Chemical production technology
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synonym Chemical process (Chemical production technology) generally refers to chemical industry (chemical production technology)
Chemical industry is "chemical process"“ chemical industry ”、“ chemical engineering ”Short name of, etc. Where chemical methods are used to change the composition, structure or synthesis of substances New substances All technologies belong to chemistry Production technology , that is, chemical process, and the products obtained are called chemicals or chemical products. At first, these products were produced by Handmade workshop Later, it evolved into a factory and gradually formed a specific production industry, namely the chemical industry. Chemical engineering is the study of chemical products Production process A science of common laws. Human beings have a close relationship with chemical industry. Some chemical products have played an epoch-making role in the history of human development. Their production and application even represent human civilization A certain historical stage. [1]
Chinese name
chemical industry
Foreign name
chemical industry、chemical engineering、chemical technology
huà gōng

Professional terminology

chemical industry (chemical industry)、 chemical engineering chemical engineering )Chemical technology is called chemical industry for short. Chemical industry includes petrochemical industry (petrochemicals)、 Agrochemical industry (agrochemicals), pharmaceuticals, polymers, paints, oleochemicals, etc. They appeared in different historical periods, with different meanings, but they are closely related, infiltrate each other, and have Continuity And is endowed with new content in its development process. Early human life depended more on the direct use of natural materials. Gradually Inherent performance Unable to meet human needs, various processing technologies have been developed to consciously and purposefully transform natural substances into New substances , and gradually industrial production And put it into practice on a large scale. Broadly speaking, those who use chemical methods to change the composition or structure of substances, or to synthesize new substances, belong to chemical production technology, that is, chemical processes. The products obtained are called chemicals or chemical products.

Development history


Basic Introduction

In order to survive and develop, human beings constantly struggle with nature, and gradually deepen their understanding of Surrounding world So as to master the conquest of nature Transform the world The ability of. After a long history of practice, human beings are more and more good at using natural condition And created rich Material world
The life of ancient people depended more on direct utilization or extraction of what they needed. Because of the Inherent performance Unable to meet people's needs, various processing technologies have been developed to transform natural substances into New substances And gradually put it into practice on the scale of industrial production. At first, these products were produced by Handmade workshop , later evolved into a factory, and gradually formed a specific Production department Chemical industry. With the development of productivity, some production departments, such as metallurgy, oil refining, paper making, leather making, etc., have been divided from the chemical industry as independent production departments. After the large-scale petroleum refining industry and petrochemical industry have flourished, the research will be carried out on the basis of chemistry, physics, mathematics and other engineering technologies Chemical production process Chemical engineering, a discipline that solves many engineering and technical problems in the process of scale enlargement and large-scale production, has been further improved. It raises the production of chemical industry to a new level, and enters a new stage of theory and prediction from an empirical or semi empirical state (see History of Chemical Engineering ), making the chemical industry creative ability , adding a lot to mankind Material wealth , accelerating human beings social development The process of.
stay Modern Chinese In China, chemical industry, chemical engineering and chemical process are all referred to as chemical industry for short. They appeared in different historical periods and have different meanings, but they are closely related and permeate each other. In people's minds, the word "chemical engineering" has traditionally become a synonym for a general category of knowledge and career. Its important significance in the national economy and engineering technology has aroused widespread interest, attracted thousands of people and devoted their life to it. The following is a brief introduction to human civil life To illustrate the colorful contents and important contributions of chemical industry.
From the data, from January to April 2013, China's crude oil processing volume was 158.683 million tons, up 3.2% year on year; The ethylene output was 5.298 million tons, up 3.0% year on year; The output of synthetic resin was 18.518 million tons, up 9.8% year on year; The output of synthetic fiber monomer was 7.368 million tons, up 1.4% year on year; The output of synthetic rubber was 1.321 million tons, up 7.4% year on year. The negative growth of ethylene output was reversed, but the growth rate was very low, and the three major syntheses also grew at a low speed.
The profitability of major petrochemical sub industries basically rebounded slightly. Among them, organic Chemical raw materials The main business income of the manufacturing industry was 432.218 billion yuan, up 15.2% year on year, Total profit realized 11.10 billion yuan, up 2.3% year on year; Realization of synthetic resin manufacturing industry Main business income 242.701 billion yuan, up 13.5% year on year, with a total profit of 8.031 billion yuan, up 11.9% year on year; synthesis Rubber manufacturing The main business income was 38.833 billion yuan, up 24.9% year on year, and the total profit was 2.17 billion yuan, up 17.2% year on year; The main business income of synthetic fiber monomer (polymerization) manufacturing industry was 94.606 billion yuan, Year on year decrease 4.4%, realizing a total profit of - 620 million yuan.
From the perspective of major sub industries, synthetic fiber monomer (polymerization) manufacturing industry has suffered from Cotton price The industry suffered losses due to the impact of factors such as sharp decline. Organic chemistry The profitability of the two largest sub industries, raw material manufacturing and synthetic resin manufacturing, also rebounded weakly, which largely reflected that Economic fundamentals Cold.
From the situation in 2013, although crude oil price steadiness At $100/barrel( Brent )Up and down, it is beneficial to the whole petrochemical industry chain, but because Real economy The declining trend of the demand side caused by the continuous weakening of will have an impact on the entire industry. The growth rate of fixed asset investment will decline Operation rate Will decline, the economic activity of the industry will decline, and the decline cycle of chemical industry will become long and the bottom cannot be determined.
Overall performance is low
On June 23, 2013, according to the relevant data display The chemical industry index was 900 points, lower than the 929 point low after the international crude oil slump in July 2012. As of June 12, the prosperity of the domestic chemical industry was far lower than that of 2011, with 109 chemicals under key monitoring Representativeness Among the products, there are only 19 rising varieties, accounting for 17.43% of the monitored varieties Increase The liquid chlorine and hydrochloric acid with the highest temperature increase by about 40%, but both are Chlor alkali industry And has less influence in the industry.
Chemical market Running resistance It mainly comes from the contradiction between supply and demand. In the first half of the year, the market demand was characterized by "early start and lack of stamina". During the Spring Festival, middle and downstream enterprises prepared goods in advance, but failed to usher in the spring market as usual. By June, the market was generally trapped Whole industry chain A delicate situation. In addition, International market Also extremely depressed, unable to boost domestic market , even if soda ash urea Such products have broken the export volume record, which is also a helpless move for manufacturers to reduce inventory pressure on the basis of significantly sacrificing profits.
Structural highlights remain
Data shows that global pesticides in 2011 market size About US $50.3 billion, including Chemical pesticide It is 44 billion US dollars, with year-on-year growth of 13.4% and 14.9% respectively. It is estimated that the scale will reach 68.5 billion US dollars in 2017. The global pesticide industry is expected to grow by 5.5% in the next five years CAGR Continuous and sound development. The rapid development of China's pesticide industry benefits from low manufacturing costs and the resulting Industrial transfer The stricter environmental protection requirements are also conducive to the concentration of production capacity to competitive enterprises.

Revolutionary assistant

Since its formation, the chemical industry has been industrial sector Provide necessary basic materials. As each period industrial revolution The assistant of Historical mission 18-19th century industrial revolution Period, handicraft industry Production is transformed into machine production, steam engine Invented, Socialized mass production At the beginning, this is the time when the modern chemical industry came into being. Faced with the urgent need for industrial revolution, Leblanc process Technology such as soda ash production came into being, which makes the existing Lead chamber The production of sulfuric acid has also been developed to meet the needs of industry for acid and alkali. At the same time, with the rise of ironmaking and coking industries coal tar The separated aromatics and calcium carbide Productive acetylene Based organic chemical industry has also been developed. Synthetic dyes Chemical synthetic drugs Synthetic perfume Rubber tires Celluloid and Cellulose nitrate Etc. are also put into production. In this way, the early chemical industry textile industry communications and transportation industry power industry and Machine manufacturing It provided the necessary raw materials and auxiliary products and contributed to the success of the industrial revolution.
Twice in the 20th century World War On the one hand, catalytic cracking catalytic reforming The production of steam, coal, diesel and lubricating oil has increased significantly, especially propylene hydration Isopropanol After industrialization, hydrocarbon cracking to produce ethylene and propylene and other processes have been successful Basic organic chemical industry Production is based on strong petrochemical technology, which can provide a large number of organic raw materials, solvents, additives, etc. for various industrial sectors. Since then, people often use hydrocarbon cracking to produce ethylene As a sign of the development of a country's petrochemical productivity. On the other hand, the Haber Bosch method synthetic ammonia High pressure and high temperature technology is realized in industry, nitric acid When put into production, a large number of nitrates will appear, especially propellants and explosives industry will develop from black powder to Octogen , explosive Specific energy Increased by more than ten times. This not only solves the urgent need for war, but also is more important for civilian use in mines, railways, bridges, etc Blasting engineering And has been applied. In addition, for nuclear engineering Isotope separation And space industry Rocket propellant The application of chemical industry has made a key contribution.

Agricultural pillar

For a long time, human food and clothing mainly rely on agriculture. Since slash and burn farming in ancient times, agriculture has been relying on a large number of human labor, restricted by various natural conditions, and its development is very slow. In the 19th century, the use of agricultural machinery gradually improved the labor situation. However, in agricultural production Medium, Output per unit area The real improvement is after the application of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Practical proof , agricultural items Measures to increase production The role of chemical fertilizer is 40%~65%. On the basis of the vigorous development of petrochemical industry, the large-scale production of synthetic ammonia and urea makes the output of chemical fertilizers account for a large proportion in chemical products. In 1985, the total output of fertilizer in the world reached about 140Mt, becoming one of the bulk chemical products. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium Compound fertilizer and Microelement fertilizer The development of soil structure The demand of different crops.
In the early days, humans used natural crop diseases and pests. Until the end of the 19th century, after the formation of modern chemical industry Paris Green Arsenic preparation Potato beetle Bordeaux liquid prevention and cure Grape downy mildew Agriculture has just begun Chemical control New era of. In the 1940s, organic chlorine, organic phosphorus Phenoxyacetic Acids Such as pesticides and herbicide , widely used in agriculture, forestry Animal Husbandry And public health. However, some of the pesticides of this generation are highly residual and toxic Ecological pollution , has been banned by many countries. Some new pesticides with high efficiency, low residue and low toxicity have been developed Pyrethroid Pyrethrum It is a plant with the function of disinfestation) bionic pesticide The consumption per mu is only a few grams, which does not pollute the environment and has been put into industrial production. In addition, Biopesticide It is the most active field in pesticide research in the 21st century.
modern agriculture Applied plastics Film (e.g. high pressure polyethylene Linear low density polyethylene Etc.), used as Plastic mulch Or nursery in greenhouse, which can significantly improve crop yield , which is being promoted in a large area.

Pharmaceutical chemistry

Medicine and pharmacology have always been the fields of human endeavor, and the earliest pharmaceutical works in China《 Shennong's Herbal Classic 》(Compiled around the 1st century AD), the performance, preparation and compatibility of 365 drugs were recorded. the Ming dynasty Li Shizhen "Compendium of Materia Medica" contains 1892 kinds of drugs. These medicines are collected from Natural mineral Or animals and plants, most of which must be soaked to highlight the medicinal properties or eliminate toxicity before use. From the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century Antipyretic analgesics aspirin Antiplum Poison "606" (arsenic preparation) Antimalarial drug A's equality, these chemical synthetic drugs have low cost, high purity, and are not affected by natural conditions, showing obvious efficacy. In the 1930s, people used chemical analysis to identify fruits and rice bran The structure of vitamin C is produced by artificial synthesis vitamin C and Vitamin B1 And solved the contradiction of insufficient output and unstable quality of vitamins extracted from natural substances. 1935 Sulfonamides After being put into production, tens of thousands of Puerperal fever patient. penicillin In the Second World War, the discovery and production of the medical treatment of the wounded and the sick received amazing results. streptomycin as well as Sodium p-aminosalicylate Remifeng After the victory Tuberculosis bacteria , ending the threat of this epidemic disease to mankind in a historical period. smallpox plague Typhoid fever Until the 19th century, it was one of the disasters beyond human control, antiviral After the vaccine was put into industrial production, these infectious diseases were basically eliminated. Vaccine is still human and Viral disease A powerful weapon for struggle. And various Clinical chemical reagent And various new Drug dosage form The constant emergence has greatly improved the medical industry and provided a more reliable guarantee for human health.
Chemical industry provides people with the following products: Rich and colorful In addition to producing a large number of materials for making various products for human use, there are also products with small amount but obvious effect, which make people's lives continuously improved. For example: various products used for food preservation, seasoning and nutrition enhancement food additives Improve vegetables growth regulator and Preservative Promoting meat and egg production feed additive Basic raw materials and additives for the production of cosmetics, spices and flavors; Paints for decoration of houses, furniture and various tools and appliances; Pigments for various printing inks; as well as Washing supplies Surfactants used, etc., are numerous. also film stock (Photosensitive material), audio (video) tape( Magnetic recording material ), and Laser television CD, etc. By using these means of audio-visual communication, communication can be strengthened, historical scenes can be reproduced, and exquisite art can be performed. Expand people's vision to Cosmic space , deep in the sea bottom or deep into the internal organs, or even anatomy atomic structure , in order to improve the human Spiritual civilization , revealing the mysteries of nature and providing conditions.

Chemical materials


Chemical production

The above industrial and agricultural production and improvement of life are inseparable from materials. According to statistics, up to 1984, the chemistry in the world material In fact, there are about 9 million species, of which about 43% are materials. Although there are many materials, they can be summarized as Metallic materials Inorganic non-metallic materials and Polymer materials Three categories. There are also generals compound material It is listed as the fourth category, or regarded as a new material derived from the three categories. Generally speaking, metal removal is metallurgy Apart from the products produced by the department, the rest are chemical production materials.


Inorganic non-metallic materials
Divided into Traditional materials and new materials Two types. The former is mainly silicate material; The latter has diverse composition and is developing rapidly.
Silicate material
Refers to glass, ceramics, cement and enamel Etc. They are based on Silicic acid Salt ores are produced as raw materials, widely used as building materials, as well as as daily necessities and industrial art Products. Although the brittleness of glass and ceramics is their main disadvantage; However, due to the availability of raw materials, Production process Simple, product chemical stability Good. It also has the advantages of high hardness, heat resistance and corrosion resistance. It has a wide range of uses and a large output, and is still developing.
New inorganic non-metallic materials
Mainly Special ceramics With the development of industry and agriculture Military industry And the development of science and technology Structural ceramics It came out successively. They are different oxide Silicide carbide nitrides fluoride boride Etc. Mainly including High temperature resistant material , electricity Insulating material Ferroelectric material Piezoelectric material , semiconductor ceramic materials, etc., with special use, small output, but high value. The 21st century has developed a Ceramic engine When used in automobiles, the gas temperature can be raised to more than 1400 ℃, energy conservation It is of great significance. Of these materials manufacturing process It is characterized by high requirements for the purity of raw materials Microstructure And product surface and Interface All need to be strictly controlled, and the shape is also delicate and complex Precision machining This kind of new material is successful on the basis of high-level science and technology.

Polymer materials

Mainly including plastic Chemical fibre And rubber. among synthetic material There are many varieties. They are monomer produced by petrochemical industry polymerization And made of. Some have Natural materials The special performance that can not be achieved is widely used in industrial and agricultural production and daily life, so it develops rapidly. The output of polymer materials in the world did not exceed 100kt in the 1930s, but reached about 80Mt in the 1980s, with plastics accounting for 3/4. Because plastic is lighter than metal, its output has already exceeded that of metal materials by volume.
The basic materials of polymer materials are synthetic resin plastic Light weight (generally only 1/9 of steel), corrosion resistance, heat resistance, Electrical insulation Good, easy to process and shape. In recent decades, it has been widely used to replace metal, glass, paper, wood, etc. plastic film Mainly used as packaging materials, it is also widely used in agriculture. Plastic pipe It is widely used as fuel delivery Water delivery pipe Car shells and parts are also made of plastic. use polyvinyl chloride For comparison of processed floor and doors and windows wood processing Of Abrasion resistance Five times more. organic glass The density of is Ordinary glass Half of, and impact strength Up to 17 times, it can be used as windshield of aircraft. Plastic is also widely used in electronic and electrical industries, making wires, cables, switches, instrument housings, etc. Plastic products can be said to have penetrated into every corner of people's production and life. Some synthetic resins have special functions, called Functional polymer materials , such as Conductive material semiconductor material Photosensitive resin Photoconductive material and Superconductive material And so on, which aroused great interest.

Chemical fibre

Including artificial fiber Chemical processing However, the produced ones were popular in the 1920s and 1930s, but their output was affected by Natural fiber Source restrictions. Synthetic fiber products emerged in the mid-1940s, and the raw materials are rich petrochemical products. There are many kinds of chemical fibers, including filament, staple Bristle silk Stretch yarn And various profiled wires. They can be pure spun blending Therefore, there are many kinds of fabrics, and the production efficiency is high natural condition And effectively solved the contradiction between grain and cotton. The production of 10000 tons of chemical fiber can be equivalent to the cotton produced in 300000 mu (1 mu=666.6 m2) cotton fields in a year; Or the wool cut by 2.5 million sheep a year. By the 1980s, two-thirds of the world's textiles were made of chemical fibers. Made of some polymers hollow fiber be used as Separation membrane , in seawater desalination Gas separation Ultrapure substance Preparation and biotechnology are of great significance.


Is a kind of Strategic materials Natural rubber Only grows in the tropics and Subtropical In the region, countries that do not produce rubber, considering that they will be blocked in wartime, attach great importance to synthetic rubber Industry. There are many varieties of synthetic rubber, some of which have better heat resistance, cold resistance, oil resistance and other properties than natural rubber. The biggest consumption of rubber is to make tires, and also to make rubber tubes, tapes Rubber overshoes Die silicone rubber , and Latex products Rubber is indispensable for all kinds of equipment sealing material Since the 1970s, the output of natural rubber has basically stabilized at 3~3.5Mt, while the output of synthetic rubber has reached 6Mt in the 1970s and 8Mt in the 1980s, and there is still a trend of continuous increase.

compound material

It's new Structural materials It is characterized by volume specific strength , Volume Specific stiffness and Corrosion resistance Are more than metal materials. It consists of synthetic resin, metal or ceramic Base material And inorganic or organic Synthetic fibre etc. Reinforcements Composite mold material formed. There are many kinds of base materials and reinforcement materials, so selective matching can be carried out to produce various composites with satisfactory performance Chemical materials It has a broader prospect.

Chemical energy


Ancient chemistry

Chemical processing The history before the formation of industry can be traced back to the ancient times from the middle of the 18th century. Since then, human beings can use Chemical processing method Make some necessities of life, such as pottery, brewing, dyeing, smelting, paint making, paper making, and medicine, gunpowder and soap.
stay Neolithic Age in China There are fragments of pottery in the cave. Around the 50th century BC Yangshao Culture Has terra-cotta Grey pottery , black pottery, painted pottery, etc. appear (see color picture [China Neolithic Fired Colored pottery ], [three colored pottery camels fired in the Sui Dynasty (581 ~ 618)], [made in the Western Han Dynasty (206 BC ~ 25 AD) Moire Lacquer], [celadon water injection made in Yuezhou kiln in the Tang Dynasty (618-907)], [Chinese ancient alchemy line drawing]). Among the cultural relics unearthed in Hemudu, Zhejiang Province, China, there are wooden shaped bowls painted outside at the same time chinese red raw lacquer. Fragments of lacquer ware are found in the ruins of the Shang Dynasty (17th~11th century BC) the warring states The lacquer craft of the era (475-221 BC) was very exquisite. 20th century BC, Xia Dynasty Yu Drink wine and use it for sacrifice. In the 25th century BC, Egypt wrapped mummies with dye. In the 21st century BC, China has entered Bronze Age In the 5th century BC, we entered the Iron Age and made weapons from smelted copper and iron Tiller , cooking utensils, tableware, musical instruments, currency, etc. Salt, as early as edible, in the 11th century BC, Zhou Dynasty There is already an official in charge of salt administration. The Phoenicians used goat fat and Vegetation ash Make soap. In the first century of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Papermaking process It is quite perfect.
Around BC, China and Europe entered alchemy alchemy During the period, due to refining Elixir of life And research on medicine. to Qin and Han Dynasties The earliest monograph on drugs completed in the period of《 Shennong's Herbal Classic 》It recorded 365 kinds of animal, plant and mineral medicines. In the 16th century, Li Shizhen The Compendium of Materia Medica of academic level In addition, from the 7th to the 9th century, there were three components Mixing In the early Song Dynasty, gunpowder was used for military purposes. Europe has been superstitious about alchemy since the 3rd century, and it was not until the 15th century that alchemy gradually turned into medicine, which is known as the pharmaceutical period from the 15th century to the 17th century. In pharmaceutical research, acid nitric acid hydrochloric acid and Organic acid Although it did not form an industry, it led to the development of chemical preparation methods, which prepared the conditions for the establishment of the chemical industry in the middle of the 18th century.
Energy can be divided into Primary energy and Secondary energy Primary energy refers to heat energy or power obtained from nature and can be directly used, usually including coal, oil, etc. Consumption Huge world energy, mainly fossil fuel 1985 World Primary energy consumption Up to 10610Mt Standard coal Including 39.9% oil, 29.7% coal, 21.1% natural gas, 7.7% hydropower and 4.9% nuclear power; China's primary energy consumption reaches 764Mt standard coal, including 75.9% coal, 17.1% oil, 4.8% hydropower and 2.2% natural gas. The secondary energy (except electricity) usually refers to the primary energy (mainly fossil fuels) passing through various chemical process Processed use value Higher fuel. For example, gasoline obtained from petroleum refining jet fuel , diesel heavy oil etc. liquid fuel They are widely used in cars, planes, ships, etc. They are modern Transportation And important military materials; Industrial gas and civil gas produced by coal processing gaseous fuel In addition, it also includes coal and oil shale Prepared Artificial oil
Chemical industry is closely related to energy, which is also reflected in that fossil fuels and their derivatives are not only energy, but also important raw materials for chemical industry. Based on oil, a modern and powerful Petrochemical industry And produced thousands of petrochemical products. In chemical production, some materials are not only processing processes (such as Syngas The fuel in production is also the raw material, and the two become one. Therefore, chemical production is not only a department producing secondary energy, but also a major energy consumer.
Fossil fuels, especially Coal processing And applications often produce sewage, solid waste and harmful gases, resulting in environmental pollution. The prevention and control of pollution also depends on the application of various chemical technologies.
Chinese energy production There has been great development since 1949, but energy (especially oil) is still an important factor restricting the development of the national economy. Therefore, it is of great significance to increase production and save energy. improvement Chemical production process , reduce energy consumption production costs , improve economic performance It is also conducive to easing energy tension.
In the long run, worldwide, it is expected that fossil fuels will still play a major role in energy by the first half of the 21st century. As time goes by, due to the limitation of fossil fuel resources Conventional energy In addition, more and more attention will be paid to the development of a number of unconventional energy sources. Unconventional energy refers to nuclear energy and new energy, the latter includes Wave energy Ocean energy and Bioenergy (such as biogas), etc. In the use of solar energy and nuclear energy Research and development And large-scale application, chemical engineering and Chemical production technology It is also of great use.

Other Technologies

The driving force for the development of chemical industry is the need for chemicals in industrial and agricultural production and people's life, which is based on chemistry, physics, mathematics and various Engineering technology Among them, the relationship with chemistry is particularly close, and chemistry is a subject that chemical engineering cannot leave for a moment. There were also "industrial chemistry"“ Applied chemistry ”And other disciplines have played a certain historical role. Chemical infrastructure It is inseparable from civil engineering and power engineering. The manufacturing of chemical machinery can not be separated from mechanical engineering and various Metallic materials , especially stainless steel , and even Special steel Chemical machinery pays special attention to the reliability under high temperature and pressure, that is, the reliability of systems, equipment and components under lay down a condition The probability of completing the specified function. Modern chemical plants tend to be large-scale and single series production, so the research on reliability is particularly important.
The control of chemical process cannot be separated from electronics, computers and automation. These theories and instruments can not only be used in production, but also in development prediction, decision-making and Operation management And so on. In the 1980s, New technological revolution In addition to the energy and materials mentioned above, cutting-edge sciences such as microelectronics and biotechnology have put forward higher requirements for chemical industry with their strong vitality, thus pushing chemical industry forward.
Microelectronic technology Electrical technology is inseparable from microelectronic technology. In microelectronics, large-scale and vlsi New requirements are put forward for chemical industry. for example Ultrapure gas And pure water Reagents for electronic industry Photoresist , LCD and Corrosive Dopant adhesive wait.
There are dozens of ultra pure gases used in microelectronics technology, including deoxygenation, hydrogen, nitrogen carbon dioxide , argon and other common gases Borane Boron trichloride Dichlorosilane Carbon tetrafluoride And other gases that do not exist in nature. The purity of the chemical products used has a great impact on the semiconductor products. use Industrial gas When, Yield Only 10%; Use gas with impurities less than 10ppm and corresponding high-purity Chemical Reagents The yield can be increased to 70%~80%. In terms of water use, Integration 1Mb Integrated circuit The particle size of particles in water is allowed to be no more than 0.1 μ m. In order to make pure water close to the theory, Production method From distillation and ion exchange to the combination of membrane separation and ion exchange in the 1970s, the pure water preparation technology has reached a new level.
The key to the production of microelectronic devices is photoresist. The photoresist used in VLSI is composed of aromatic Azide compound Made Photosensitive resin , which has the advantage of high resolution, Degumming Easy, Clear image Liquid crystal is Microelectronic device The indispensable display material in. It is a kind of Organic compound As the single LCD with the required display temperature can not meet this requirement, multiple LCDs of the same type or different types must be used together.
Biotechnology Microorganism is a kind of Living cell catalyst , passing under normal pressure and low temperature fermentation process , transforming raw materials into products. Over the years, this traditional biotechnology has been used to produce ethanol butanol acetone acetic acid And other products. Utilization of research and development Immobilized cells , by acrylonitrile production Acrylamide yield Up to 99.8%. In addition, you can also use Enzyme catalyst , especially Immobilized enzyme , Production Organic products Biotechnology is used in chemical industry with less investment, saving energy and raw materials and less pollution. It can produce substances that are difficult to produce by conventional methods, such as interferon insulin monoclonal antibody Etc. The use of these drugs Recombinant DNA technology To prepare, hopefully Pharmaceutical industry A new look.
Biotechnology puts forward new requirements for chemical engineering, mainly to solve the problems suitable for microorganisms Mass culture Of Biochemical reactor , meet the requirements of complex biochemistry Reaction process Of Separation technology And process control. In this regard, new Marginal discipline —— Biochemical Engineering It applies the theory of chemical engineering to Biocatalyst Biochemical reaction engineering And new Unit operation We have made many achievements in research and development.
As a knowledge category, chemical industry has a variety of decomposition or synthesis classification method It can be classified according to the source of raw materials and the nature of products, as well as process laws and historical links. Each Division method It is difficult to adapt strictly. This volume strives to reduce unnecessary crossing, adopts comprehensive classification method, and designs Fuel chemical industry Branching; Inorganic chemical industry Basic organic chemical industry Polymer chemical industry Fine chemical industry Equal branching; There are also chemical engineering branches based on common process laws, and Horizontal connection The starting comprehensive branch. The raw materials of fuel chemical industry are oil, natural gas, coal, oil shale and other combustible minerals, so it is also divided into Petroleum refining industry , petrochemical industry Natural gas chemical industry coal chemical industry And shale oil industry. Among them, the petroleum refining industry has a high output value industrial sector Is important to the country Economic lifeline Natural gas is often associated with petroleum, and natural gas chemical industry is often attributed to petrochemical industry. At present, petroleum refining and petrochemical industry are the main parts of fuel chemical industry. The products produced by fuel chemical industry include fuel and chemical raw materials, the latter is mainly organic chemical raw materials (except syngas, it is also used for production Inorganic chemical products , such as synthetic ammonia Etc.). Therefore, petrochemical industry is also the main part of basic organic chemical industry. The petrochemical industry can produce plastics, synthetic rubber, synthetic fiber, etc Three synthetic materials , which is the main product of polymer chemical industry. Therefore, fuel chemical industry, basic organic chemical industry and polymer chemical industry are organically linked. As for the raw materials used in inorganic chemical industry, there are both combustible minerals and inorganic minerals. Its products mainly include chemical fertilizers, sulphuric acid nitric acid phosphoric acid Isoacids, Soda ash caustic soda Etc. alkali, and inorganic salt , industrial gases and Inorganic non-metallic materials Etc. In inorganic non-metallic materials Silicate material , sometimes classified into the field of traditional building materials. Fine chemicals produce chemicals in small quantities, with special functions, and mainly used for consumption. because market demand Some products have become mass products, but according to custom, they are still regarded as Fine chemical products Mainly dye, pesticide, medicine, fire explosive Information record Materials, coatings, pigments, adhesives, catalysts, various additives and chemical reagents, etc. The production of medicine and explosives is often considered separately. Fine chemical industry is a comprehensive department focusing on use functions, which includes inorganic, organic and polymer. In microelectronics, biotechnology and new materials Thriving New technological revolution In China, fine chemicals have added new vitality to the chemical industry.
Chemical engineering is also divided into Chemical thermodynamics Transfer process , unit operation Chemical reaction engineering and Chemical System Engineering The first two are the theoretical basis of chemical engineering, Unit operation It is the earliest concept of chemical engineering physical process It is decomposed into several units, such as Fluid transportation Distillation, extraction, heat exchange, drying, etc. These unit operations not only play an important role in chemical production, but also are widely used in metallurgy, light industry, food Nuclear industry And other industrial fields with common characteristics with chemical industry. Unit operations are still developing and improving, such as those developed in the 21st century Granulology , as a theory of powder engineering, has been applied to Catalyst particle size Design, high temperature Gas dedusting , grain drying and transportation. Chemical reaction engineering focuses on industrial scale Chemical reaction process To solve the problem of Reactor Design and amplification problems. As for chemical system engineering, the theory and method of system engineering are applied to solve chemical engineering process optimization The marginal subject of the problem.
The core content of chemical industry can be basically summarized in the above six branches, and the summary is also composed of these six branches. But this classification method Not completely reasonable, such as Catalyst industry It is listed in fine chemical industry. Although theoretically, the catalyst has a faster reaction rate The special function of the catalyst is a small amount of substances that do not participate in the reaction. However, in large-scale production, the output and loading of the catalyst are also quite large. China, 1985 Petroleum refining catalyst The dosage of 20 kt is used. Moreover, the catalyst can be used in all fields such as fuel, inorganic, organic, polymer and fine chemicals. There are still many problems of such attribution.
In addition, environmental protection is not only a common problem that chemical industry departments are constantly solving, but also an area where chemical industry can make contributions. The modern chemical industry, which rose in the 18th century, has a history of more than 200 years, and has created numerous chemical products. At the same time, it has also discharged waste gas, waste liquid and waste residue, polluting the environment. Therefore, people require chemical engineering to do its best and become a non emission project. national economy The development of other departments in the Public nuisance Go on like this and surpass nature Environmental self purification capacity The emission of environment Worsening day by day. Therefore, people of insight have issued dangerous warnings about the pollution and destruction of the world's atmosphere, water, soil and organisms. In order to solve pollution, protect the environment , making the natural ecological equilibrium Towards a new harmony, chemical industry will become a Main force

Early chemical industry



From the middle of the 18th century to the beginning of the 20th century is the primary stage of the chemical industry. At this stage Inorganic chemical industry It has begun to take shape, Organic chemical industry Is forming, Polymer chemical industry It is in its infancy.

Inorganic chemical industry

The first typical chemical plant was established in England in the 1840s Sulfuric acid plant Sulfur is used as raw material first, and then Pyrite As raw material, the product is mainly used for manufacturing nitric acid hydrochloric acid And drugs, the output was not large at that time. stay industrial revolution Period, textile industry Rapid development. Alkali is widely used in glass, soap and other industries Alkaloid and Natural alkali Under the reward of the Academy of Sciences, it obtained a patent, built a factory with salt as raw material, produced it, and promoted the development of sulfuric acid (one of the raw materials) industry; Produced in production Hydrogen chloride Used to produce hydrochloric acid chlorine bleaching powder Soda ash, which was urgently needed by the industry, could be caustic converted into, making full use of raw materials and by-products, which was the pioneering work of chemical enterprises at that time; Filling unit for absorbing hydrogen chloride, calcining raw materials and semi-finished products Rotary furnace , and equipment for concentration, crystallization, filtration, etc., are gradually used in other chemical enterprises Chemical unit operation The foundation has been laid. Leblanc process At the beginning of the 20th century, it was gradually solvay process replace. Electrolytic salt appeared in the late 19th century. Thus, the production of acid and alkali, the basis of the entire chemical industry, has begun to take shape.

Organic chemical industry

After the development of the textile industry, Natural dye Can not meet the needs; along with steel industry coking industry The development of coal tar, a by-product, needs to be utilized. Chemists Organic chemistry The achievements of the Company have separated coal tar into anthracene, phenanthrene, etc. In 1856, the British were synthesized by Aniline violet dyestuff After analysis, it was determined that natural alizarin The structure of is Dihydroxyanthraquinone The anthracene in the coal tar was used as the raw material to imitate the product identical to the natural alizarin through oxidation, substitution, hydrolysis, rearrangement and other reactions. Similarly, Pharmaceutical industry , spice industry has also successively synthesized natural product The same chemicals are increasing in variety. In 1867, the Swedes invented Dynamite explosives, which were widely used in mining and military industry.
At that time, organic chemistry and chemical engineering. Established in 1895 limestone As the first factory to produce calcium carbide by electrothermal method, calcium carbide is hydrolyzed acetylene , which is the starting point for production acetaldehyde acetic acid Wait a series Basic organic raw materials After the development in the middle of the 20th century, calcium carbide consumed too much energy, and most of the original acetylene Series of products , and the production is changed to raw materials.

high polymer

Sticky when heated, hard when cooled. In 1839, the United States used sulfur and heated natural rubber to make it crosslinked into elastomer , for tires and others Rubber products This is the embryonic stage of polymer chemical industry. In 1869, the United States used camphor Plasticizing Cellulose nitrate Made of plastic, very good use value In France in 1891 Besancon Completed the first Rayon Factory. In 1909, it was made in the United States, commonly known as Bakelite powder , the first, widely used Electrical insulation Material Science.
These budding products are far from meeting the requirements of society in terms of variety, output and quality. Therefore, the production and Polymer materials After the establishment of petrochemical industry, production has been greatly developed.

Modern chemical industry



From the beginning of the 20th century to the 1960s and 1970s after the war, the chemical industry really became mass production The main stage and some major fields were formed in this period. and petrochemical industry It has been developed, developed and gradually emerged. At the beginning of this period, the concept put forward by British and American people laid the foundation of chemical engineering. It has promoted the development of production technology, and both the plant scale and product output have grown rapidly.

synthetic ammonia

In the early 20th century, a new force emerged physical chemistry Reaction of Equilibrium theory , put forward that nitrogen and hydrogen are directly synthetic ammonia Of Catalytic method , and after the separation of feed gas and product, the equipment problem is further solved through the idea of supplementary recycling. So that Germany can the First World War The first ammonia production plant was established to meet the needs of the war. The original raw material of synthetic ammonia is coke. After the 1940s, it was changed to oil or natural gas, making the chemical industry petroleum industry The two departments should be more closely linked to make rational use of raw materials and energy.

petrochemical industry

In 1920, the United States used production, which was the beginning of large-scale development of petrochemical industry. In 1939, American Standard Oil Company developed hydrogen catalytic reforming Process, which becomes aromatic hydrocarbon An important source of. In 1941, the United States built the first system for raw materials ethylene Device. stay the Second World War In the future, due to the continuous expansion of the chemical product market, oil can provide a large amount of cheap Organic chemical industry At the same time, due to the development of chemical production technology, petrochemical industry is gradually formed. Even areas that do not produce oil, such as Western Europe , Japan, etc. also use crude oil as raw material to develop petrochemical industry. For the same raw material or product, different chemical enterprises have different Routing Or different catalysts. because Basic organic raw materials and Polymer materials The monomer is made of petrochemical raw materials, so people take the output of ethylene as the symbol of organic chemical industry. In the 1980s, more than 90% Organic chemical products , from petrochemical industry. For example, etc., in the past calcium carbide acetylene As the raw material, the oxychlorination method is used to produce ethylene vinyl chloride , using propylene Ammoxidation To produce acrylonitrile In 1951, natural gas was used as raw material to obtain carbon monoxide And hydrogen.
Petrochemical industry is a chemical industry with petroleum as raw material, which rose in the 1920s. Originated in the United States. Initially attached to Petroleum refining industry Later, an independent industrial system Before and after the Second World War, it developed rapidly. It rose in Europe in the 1950s, and further expanded to Japan and Japan in the 1960s Countries in the world , making the world's chemical industry Production structure The production of many chemicals has shifted from coal to oil and natural gas, and new processes and products in the petrochemical industry continue to emerge. In the early 1970s, various types of petrochemical production in the United States Petrochemical products As many as thousands, petrochemical industry has become an important basic industry in industrial countries.
Initial stage: with the rise of oil refining industry, more and more Refinery gas In 1917, C. Ellis of the United States synthesized Isopropanol In 1920, the United States New Jersey Standard oil company adopts this method industrial production This is the first petrochemical, which marks the beginning of petrochemical development. 1919 Union Carbide Studied ethane , propane cracking to produce ethylene, and then Linde Air Products realized Pyrolysis gas The ethylene is separated from the ethylene, and the ethylene is processed into chemical products. In 1923, Union Carbide Company West Virginia Of Charleston The first Petrochemical plant In the 1920s and 1930s, the US petrochemical industry mainly used olefin Production of chemicals. as Propylene hydration Isopropyl alcohol production, dehydrogenation production acetone Hypochloric acid Process ethylene ethylene oxide , propylene Propylene oxide Etc. In the 1920s, H. Stoudenger founded Polymer compound Concept; W. H. Carothers found polycondensation legal system polyamide After, DuPont The company began to put polyamide fiber (nylon) into the market in 1940. surface active agent alkyl sulphuric acid Primary alcohol ester appears. These new products, originally produced by coal and agricultural by-products, have greatly stimulated the development of petrochemical industry, and created new opportunities for these fields to turn to petroleum raw materials technical conditions At this time, the oil refining industry also had new development. The development of catalytic cracking technology in 1936 provided more low molecular olefin raw materials for petrochemical industry. These developments have made ethylene in the United States Consumption It increased from 14 kt in 1930 to 120 kt in 1940.
Wartime promotion: from the eve of World War II to the end of the 1940s, the production of aromatic products and synthetic rubber And other polymer materials. War vs rubber The need to promote Butylbenzene Butyronitrile The rapid development of synthetic rubber production technology. 1941 Dow Chemistry Company from Hydrocarbon cracking Separated from the product butadiene As monomer of synthetic rubber; In 1943, it established Butene Large scale production unit for catalytic dehydrogenation to butadiene. In 1945, the output of synthetic rubber in the United States reached 670 kt. In order to meet the wartime requirements TNT explosive (i.e TNT )Raw materials( toluene )In 1941, the United States successfully developed a new process for catalytic reforming of light petroleum fractions to produce aromatics, and developed benzene, toluene and xylene And other important aromatics (before that, aromatics mainly came from coal coking process). At that time, the toluene produced by catalytic reforming accounted for more than half of the total amount of toluene needed in the United States. In 1943, DuPont and Union Carbide applied in the UK Benemen Chemical Industries Technology construction polyethylene Factory; In 1946, Shell Chemical began to use high temperature Oxidation method production Allyl chloride Series of products In 1948, American Standard Oil Company transplanted German technology to use hydrogen Formyl Chemical method (see carbonyl synthesis) to produce octacarbon alcohol; 1949, Ethylene direct method Synthetic alcohol was put into production. With the continuous development of petrochemical industry, the ethylene production in the United States increased to 680kt in 1950, with more than 100 kinds of important products. Petrochemical products accounted for 60% of mechanical and chemical products (only 5% in 1940).
Vigorous development: since the 1950s, world economy From post-war recovery to development period. Synthetic rubber, plastic Synthetic fibre The rapid development of such materials as petroleum and chemical has attracted extensive attention in Europe, Japan and other regions of the world. Developing Polymer chemical industry In the 1950s, Europe successfully developed some key new technologies, such as 1953 Federal Germany Chemist K. Ziegler succeeded in his research Low pressure method production polyethylene Of New catalyst System, and rapidly put into industrial production; In 1955, the Bulamen Chemical Industry Company established a large-scale polyester Manufacturer; 1954 Italy Chemist G Nata Further developed Ziegler catalyst The stereoisotactic polypropylene was synthesized and put into industrial production in 1957. Other aspects have also made great progress. In 1957, Ohio Standard Oil Company successfully developed propylene Ammoniation oxidation Catalyst for acrylonitrile production, which was put into production in 1960; Direct oxidation of ethylene in 1957 acetaldehyde This method was successful, and a large-scale production plant was built in 1960. In the 1960s, other products were successively put into production Ethylene oxidation system Vinyl acetate , oxychlorination of ethylene to vinyl chloride and other important chemical products. The continuous development of new petrochemical processes and technologies has enabled the traditional bulk products starting from calcium carbide acetylene to be transferred to the petrochemical raw material route. During this period, Japan Soviet Union They also began to build petrochemical industry. Japan has developed rapidly, only ten years ago Petrochemical production technology It has reached the international advanced level. In the Soviet Union, synthetic rubber, synthetic ammonia Petroleum protein And other outstanding achievements in production.
New petrochemical technology, especially synthetic material Achievements in the production of raw materials requirement The sharp increase has promoted hydrocarbon cracking and Pyrolysis gas separation The rapid development of technology. During this period, extensive exploration work was carried out around various types of cracking methods, and a variety of tubular types were developed Cracking furnace And various pyrolysis gas separation processes to produce ethylene yield Greatly increase and reduce energy consumption. In Western European countries and Japan, due to the scarcity of oil and natural gas resources, the cracking feedstock is cheap and easy to transport Middle East naphtha On this basis, a large-scale ethylene production plant has been established, and the petrochemical industry has been greatly developed. So far, the production scale of petrochemical industry has been greatly expanded. As a petrochemical industry Representative products In 1980, the world's ethylene output reached 35.8Mt, the highest level in history. After 1960, the shift of organic synthetic raw materials from coal to oil and natural gas accelerated (see table).
New stage In the 1970s, international oil prices rose sharply twice, and the price of ethylene raw materials soared, Product production cost As a result, petrochemical industry is facing a huge impact. Main ethylene in the United States, Japan and Western Europe Country of production Measures have been taken in succession, such as shutting down some production units and properly reducing Unit operating rate At the same time, the pattern of world petrochemical industry has also undergone new changes. There are about 1000 in the world Petrochemical complex , used Raw oil About crude oil total output 8.4%, and gas consumption accounts for about 10% of the total amount of natural gas. Most of these enterprises are multinational enterprises with rich oil and gas resources developing country It is being constructed and put into use more and has obtained great development and become a new material industry. As strategic material Natural rubber It is produced in the tropics and is hindered by the development of Shunding butyl , neoprene, nitrile, isoprene, ethylene propylene and other synthetic rubbers, each with different characteristics and uses. In 1937, the United States successfully synthesized Nylon 66 , using Melting method Spinning, used as parachute And tires. Later polyester Vinylon acrylic fibres It is also gradually occupied due to the petrochemical industry as its raw materials Natural fiber and man-made fiber Most markets. In terms of plastics phenolic resin Later, it was produced again, alkyd resin etc. Thermosetting resin Since the 1930s, varieties have been constantly emerging. For example, it is still a large variety of plastics, and it was excellent at that time Insulating material , 1939 High pressure was used for Submarine cable And radar, Low pressure polyethylene The successful development of isotactic polypropylene has opened up a wide range of applications for civil plastics Ziegler Natta catalyst It is a great contribution to polymer chemical industry. During this period, there were also high temperature resistant and corrosion resistant materials, such as teflon It is known as the King of Plastics. After the Second World War, some were also used for automotive industry , also as building materials, packaging materials, and gradually become a large variety of plastics.

Fine chemical industry

Fine chemical industry is production fine chemicals General name of industry“ Fine chemical industry ”。 The meaning of fine chemicals is still under discussion abroad. Chemical products with the following characteristics are generally referred to as fine chemicals, namely:
1. Many varieties;
2. Small output, mostly Intermittent mode Production;
3. Functional or final use;
4. Many of them are compound products and technical decisions such as formula Product performance
5. Products quality requirement High;
6. Strong merchantability, mostly Trade name sale;
7. High technology intensive, requiring continuous development of new products technological development and applied technology And pay attention to technical service
8. More equipment investment;
nine Value added rate Advanced.
The scope of fine chemicals varies from country to country, which can be generally summarized as: medicine, pesticide Synthetic dyes Organic chemical industry Inorganic chemical industry , paint, spice and essence, cosmetics and toilet products, soap and Synthetic detergent surface active agent Printing ink And its auxiliaries Adhesive Photosensitive material magnetic material , catalyst, reagent Water treatment agent And Polymer flocculant Papermaking additive , leather auxiliaries Synthetic material additives , textile printing and dyeing agents and finishing agents food additives feed additive , animal medicine Oilfield chemicals Petroleum additive And refining additives, cement additives, minerals Flotation agent , chemicals for casting Metal surface treatment agent Synthetic lubricant And Lubricant additives , automotive chemicals, fragrance Deodorant Industrial bacteria prevention Mildew inhibitor Electronic chemicals And materials, functional polymer materials Biochemistry Products Industrial cleaning agent Formula analysis , commercial detergent formula analysis, civil detergent formula analysis and other businesses, master the top detergent formula analysis technology and more than 40 industries and sectors.
Burning cooked food is a great progress in human history; Hundreds of thousands of years have passed by the time of making medicine, wine and vinegar, ceramic bricks, copper and iron smelting, oil boiling and paint making, textile printing and dyeing, paper and printing, and other chemicals. The accumulation of these skills created a valuable heritage from ancient times to the Middle Ages, and also laid the foundation for the formation of the chemical industry. (See History of Chemical Industry
In this respect reactive dye , make dyestuff With fiber Chemical bond Combination. Synthetic fiber and its blending Fabric needs new dyes, such as those for polyester, acrylic and polyester cotton Blending activity Disperse dye In addition, it is also used for laser, liquid crystal, Microscopy And other special dyes. In the 1940s Switzerland P. H. Miller invented the first Organochlorine pesticide Later, a series of Organochlorine Organophosphorus The latter has stomach killing, touch killing suction And other special functions. Later, it is required to use pesticides with high efficiency and low toxicity or no residual toxicity, such as Bionic synthesis Class of. In the 1960s, with rapid development, some varieties with good performance appeared, such as pyridine class herbicide Benzimidazole Fungicides, etc. In addition, there are antibiotic pesticides, such as those developed in 1976 in China Jinggangmycin For anti Rice sheath blight In medicine, 606 arsenic preparations were made in France in 1910 Specific drug )Later, it was improved in structure to make 914, 1930s like compounds, Steroid They all improved their structure and played a special role. In 1928, Britain discovered that antibiotics New areas of medicine. In the future, drugs successfully used to treat physiological diseases, such as Cardiovascular disease mental disease Drugs, and acyeterion In addition, there are some special diagnostic drugs available. Get rid of the tradition of natural paint and use it instead, such as alkyd resin acrylic resin To adapt to the advanced automobile industry Finishing Needs. After the Second World War, Styrene butadiene latex make Waterborne paint , become Architectural coatings A large variety of. use High pressure airless spraying Electrostatic spraying Electrophoretic coating Cathodic electrodeposition coating Photocuring Such new technologies can save labor and materials, and thus develop corresponding paint varieties.

Modern chemical industry

Since the 1960s and 1970s, the competition among enterprises in the chemical industry has been fierce cost reduction At the same time, the rise of the new technological revolution has put forward new requirements for the chemical industry, which has promoted the technical progress , developed fine chemicals, Ultrapure substance , New Structural materials and Functional materials
Large scale
In 1963, Kellogg Company of the United States designed and built the first 540t/d (600sh. t) synthetic ammonia single series plant, which is a symbol of large-scale chemical production plant. Since the 1970s, single series of synthetic ammonia throughput It has developed to a daily output of 900~1350t. In the 1980s, the design of 1800~2700t/d synthetic ammonia appeared Total energy consumption A substantial decline. The production scale of ethylene single series has grown from 50kt/a in the 1950s to 100-300kt/a in the 1970s, and was newly built in the early 1980s Ethylene plant The maximum production capacity is 680kt per year. because metallurgical industry High temperature resistant pipes are provided because Millisecond cracking furnace So as to improve olefin yield and reduce energy consumption. Other chemical production units such as sulfuric acid, caustic soda, basic organic raw materials, synthetic materials, etc. are developing towards large-scale. In this way, the environmental pollution is reduced, the reliability of long-term operation is improved, and the prediction of safety and environmental protection and the rapid development of protection technology are promoted.
Since the 1960s, large-scale integrated circuit and electronics industry Rapid development requires electronics computer The device materials and information recording materials have been developed. After the 1960s, polysilicon and monocrystalline silicon The output of. In the periodic table of the 1980s Binary compound Used for electronic device along with semiconductor device Development of gas sources such as phosphine (PH) is becoming increasingly important. During the preparation of large-scale integrated circuits, a variety of materials are required, with impurity content less than 1ppm, and strict requirements for moisture and dust content. Another substrate of LSI is photoresist, whose quality and stability directly affect its integration and yield. In addition, for Matrix material sealing material The flux also has strict requirements. In 1963, Netherlands Philips After the successful development of cassette recording, it has become increasingly popular. It is not only used for audio recording, video recording, etc., but also for calculator as External memory and Memory Storage, including tape, disk, drum Magnetic bubble Magnetic card And so on. For important Information materials , not only for Optical fiber communication In industry and medical treatment Endoscope Material Science.
It has been used since the 1960s (commonly known as nylon) acetal Class A (such as acrylonitrile butadiene styrene terpolymer) are structural materials. They have high strength, impact resistance, abrasion resistance and resistance Chemical corrosion Heat resistance Good, good electrical performance and other characteristics, and light weight, easy molding, widely used in automobiles, electrical appliances, building materials, packaging and other aspects. Since the 1960s, high temperature resistant, high vacuum resistant, self-lubricating materials have emerged, which can be used for spacecraft Its fiber can be used Space suit To resist radiation. Polyphenylthiazole and Polybenzimidazole by High temperature resistant resin , high heat resistance, can be used as Ablative material , for rockets. Copolymerization, Blending And composite to modify structural materials, such as Polyol Prepolymer And meridian catalytic reaction , nylon polyether Block copolymer with high impact strength And heat resistance for agriculture and construction machinery The other is based on Fiber reinforced Resinous Polymer composites The resins used are mainly epoxy resin Unsaturated polyester polyamide polyimide Etc glass fibre , or (usually acrylonitrile or asphalt Base). these ones here compound material Light specific gravity, high specific strength, good toughness, especially suitable for aerospace, aviation and other Means of transportation To replace metal and save energy. And fluorine-containing materials are also developing rapidly because of their outstanding high resistance Low temperature performance , excellent electrical performance, aging resistance, radiation resistance, widely used in electronic and electrical industry, atomic energy Industry and Aerospace industry And because they have physiology Compatibility , can be used as Artificial organ And biomedical devices.
In the 1950s, the atomic energy industry began to develop, requiring chemical enterprises to produce heavy water , absorbing neutron materials and heat transfer materials to meet the needs. Space industry needs high energy. solid propellant By adhesive, Plasticizer , composed of oxidant and additive. liquid high-energy fuel yes liquid hydrogen kerosene Unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine , water free hydrazine Etc., oxidants include liquid oxygen Fuming nitric acid Nitrogen tetroxide These products have strict performance requirements and have formed a special production industry. In order to meet the requirements of energy conservation and environmental protection, a practical membrane was trial produced in the United States in 1960 to desalinate and treat industrial sewage, and later expanded to be used in medicine food industry But this kind of membrane is easy to biodegradation It is also easy to hydrolyze and has a short service life. In 1970, developed Aromatic polyamide Reverse osmosis membrane It is resistant to biodegradation, but not to Free chlorine 1977, improved composite membrane For seawater desalination, the power consumption per cubic meter of fresh water is only 23.7~28.4MJ. In addition, we also developed a membrane for mixing. polysulfone Hollow fiber gas separation membrane , used for hydrogen and nitrogen separation of synthetic ammonia tail gas and other Gas separation This technology is superior to other industries separation method It can save energy. Fine is good for its hardness and is used as a cutting tool. 1971, USA Ford Motor Company And Westinghouse Electric Co., Ltd- Silicon nitride (β - SiN) is fuel gas turbine The operating temperature was up to 1370 ℃, improving efficiency, saving fuel and reducing pollution Energy saving materials However, after 10 years of test, there are still many problems that need further improvement. It is mainly used for Ceramic engine Turbine blade Conductive ceramics Artificial bone Etc. Main points of ceramics System yes oxide System, such as alumina (AlO)、 Zirconia (ZrO), etc., and non oxide systems, such as carbide (SiC)、 nitrides (BN), silicon nitride (SiN), etc. In the 1980s, silicon was developed to improve the brittleness of ceramics carbon fibre Reinforced ceramics.
Specialized chemicals It has been further developed. It can enhance or endow another product with specific functions with a small amount of use, and obtain high use value. Such as food and feed additive , plastic and Rubber additive , leather, paper making, oil field and other special chemicals, as well as adhesives Antioxidant surface active agent Water treatment agent , catalyst, etc. In terms of catalyst, due to electron microscope Electron spectrometer The development of such modern instruments will help to understand the catalytic mechanism, thus preparing various special catalysts, marking the entry of catalysts New stage
The focus of chemical industry development -- fine chemical industry
Fine chemicals include medicine, pesticide Synthetic dyes Organic pigment , coatings, spices and fragrances, cosmetics and toilet products, soaps and synthetic detergents, surfactants, printing inks and their auxiliaries, adhesives, photosensitive materials, magnetic materials, catalysts, reagents, water treatment agents and polymer flocculants, papermaking auxiliaries, leather auxiliaries, synthetic material auxiliaries, textile printing and dyeing agents and finishing agents, food additives, feed additives Animal medicine, oilfield chemicals Petroleum additive And refining additives Cement additive , mineral flotation agent, foundry chemicals, metal surface treatment agent, synthetic lubricant and lubricant additives, automotive chemicals, aromatic deodorant, industrial fungicide and mildew inhibitor, electronic chemicals and materials, functional polymer materials Biochemistry More than 40 industries and categories such as products. With the development of the national economy, fine chemicals Development and application area It will continue to develop and new categories will continue to increase.
The term fine chemicals has been used for a long time, originally referring to chemical products with small output, high purity and high price, such as medicine, dyes, coatings, etc. However, this meaning has not fully revealed the essence of fine chemicals. Since the 21st century, experts from various countries have gained some new insights into the definition of fine chemicals, Europe and America In some countries, the output is small and different Chemical structure Chemistry for production and sales material , called fine chemicals; Small output, processed, special function or final Performance The products are called special chemicals. China and Japan collectively refer to these two types of products as fine chemicals

Development trend

In 2011, chemical industry Comprehensive strength was further enhanced. By the end of November 2011, the national chemical industry Enterprises above designated size 24125 in total total output value 6.0 trillion yuan, Year on year growth 35.2%, accounting for 58.61% of the total industrial output value. Chemical industry in the first 11 months of 2011 Investment in fixed assets 861.721 billion yuan, up 26.9% year on year, 5.5 times higher than the average growth of the whole industry Percentage point , accounting for 70.12%. In the first 10 months of 2011, Chemical industry Total profit 320.898 billion yuan, up 44.4% year on year, accounting for 47.1% of the total profit of the industry. It is estimated that the annual output value of the chemical industry is about 6.58 trillion yuan, up 32% year on year, and the total profit is 350 billion yuan, up 35%. In 2011, the added value of the chemical industry increased by 14.8% year on year, and the growth rate slowed by 1 percentage point year on year. Among the main products, ethylene The output was 15.28 million tons, up 7.4%. The output of plastics in primary form was 47.98 million tons, up 9.3%; synthetic rubber The output was 3.49 million tons, up 13.1%; Synthetic fibre The output was 30.96 million tons, up 13.9%. caustic soda The output was 24.66 million tons, up 15.2%. The output of soda ash was 23.03 million tons, up 13.4%. Fertilizer output was 60.27 million tons, up 12.1%; Among them, the output of nitrogen fertilizer, phosphorus fertilizer and potassium fertilizer increased by 8.6%, 24.3% and 10.8% respectively. The output of pesticides was 2.65 million tons, up 21.4%. rubber tyre The output of outer tubes was 832.09 million, up 8.5%. calcium carbide The output was 17.38 million tons, up 22.3%.
China is accelerating industrialization and urbanization Development stage Some petroleum and chemical products still have large growth space. Private enterprises should find a good starting point and fully participate in Petrochemical industry Is developing. Product oil, potash fertilizer, etc Segmented industries olefin , part Organic raw materials Such high-end products as products with large gaps, new low-carbon materials such as natural gas and light hydrocarbon, and new specialty chemicals will be areas with large growth space during the "12th Five Year Plan" period. In petrochemical downstream industry, high-end organic raw materials, synthetic resin, synthetic rubber Coal to natural gas Accelerate the elimination of tradition coal chemical industry Backward production capacity During the "12th Five Year Plan" period, the scale of petroleum and chemical industries will continue to grow steadily, with total output value Annual average growth rate It will reach more than 10%. By 2015, the total output value of the whole industry will grow to about 16 trillion yuan. In the past decade, China's oil and chemical industry has grown by 20.6% annually. By the end of 2010, the total output value of the oil and chemical industry had reached 8.88 trillion yuan. At present, China's industrialization process has not yet been completed. Urbanization is in a period of rapid development. The development of housing and transportation has formed a large-scale demand for energy and raw materials. In the future, the petroleum and chemical industries still have a large space for development. Petrochemical and chemical industry are key areas supported by the state. Specifically, during the "12th Five Year Plan" period, Sinopec focused on the development of residual oil Fluidized bed Hydrogenation, suspended bed hydrogenation Flexible coking , heavy oil catalytic cracking and other technologies, meeting the national standard V Clean fuel Technology, catalytic cracking Flue gas desulfurization and denitrification technology Ethylene plant Cracking, separation Deep cold rectification etc. Advanced Control and optimization technique And comprehensive utilization technology of by-products, aromatic hydrocarbon Complete production technology, synthetic resin High performance technology of synthetic rubber, Special synthetic fiber Production technology , New Molecular sieve material Catalyst carrier And new preparation technology.