Army building

A general term for all work carried out to improve the combat effectiveness of the army
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A general term for all work carried out to improve the combat effectiveness of the army. Mainly including military Politics , logistics and equipment. The main body of the construction of the national armed forces and the component of national defense construction. [1]
Chinese name
Army building
Foreign name
building of armed forces
Scope of application
In the long historical development process, the scope and content of the military construction has changed from simple to complex, and gradually standardized, specialized and modernized. In ancient times, military construction was related to the occurrence and development of war. With the war, the practice of building the army and building the army has gradually come into being. Through the accumulation of military construction and war practice experience, the understanding of the regularity of military training and employment has gradually deepened, and the system has been formed and fixed. As early as the 18th century BC Kingdom of Babylon, Cuba In the Hammurabi Code of the People's Republic of China, there are provisions on servicemen serving for the king, going to war under the king's order, and punishing those who break the law. From the 6th to 5th century BC, ancient Persia, Greece, Rome and other countries had great development and improvement in the leadership, command, organization, equipment, training, review, management and recruitment of troops. After the 15th century AD, with the development of firearms, the army improved its structure, established artillery, unified training and discipline, set up military administrative institutions, and implemented a military service system that combines the recruitment system with the conscription system. From the end of the 18th century to the 19th century, the military construction has made great progress. With the development of social productivity, firearms have gradually become the main weapons and equipment for military operations. The scale of war has expanded significantly, and the content of military construction has also expanded day by day. The representative French and Prussian armies reformed the military command system, improved the establishment of infantry divisions and cavalry divisions, and integrated the infantry, cavalry and artillery into the division and army structure, which improved the mobility and independent combat capability of the army. In the 20th century, modern scientific and technological achievements were largely used in the military field, promoting the rapid development of military construction. Most countries have comprehensively updated their military systems, command systems, military formations, weapons and equipment, training management, rear supply and military mobilization. Especially after the middle and late 20th century, with the extensive application of nuclear technology and other high-tech in the military field, profound changes have been triggered in the world military field, and the quality of military construction has been greatly improved.
the Chinese People's Liberation Army It is the people's army under the absolute leadership of the Communist Party of China Marxism Mao Zedong Military Thought Deng Xiaoping's Thought on Military Construction in the New Era Jiang Zemin's Thoughts on National Defense and Military Construction Hu Jintao's Thoughts on National Defense and Military Construction Under the guidance of Xi Jinping's important statement on national defense and military building, we have achieved rapid development in the period of new democratic revolution and socialist revolution and construction.
During the New Democratic Revolution, the Communist Party of China used Marxism Leninism Mao Zedong Thought aims to build an army with farmers as its main component into a people's army with proletarian nature, strict discipline and close ties with the people. During the Agrarian Revolutionary War , formed Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army The army building was carried out under the conditions of creating rural revolutionary bases, conducting guerrilla wars and large-scale "encirclement and suppression" campaigns against the Kuomintang army, which focused on mobile warfare. Counter-Japanese War During the period, the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army was reorganized into the Eighth Route Army of the National Revolutionary Army and the newly formed Fourth Army of the Army. The army building was carried out in the anti Japanese guerrilla war, which went deep into the enemy's rear and insisted on independence. The construction and development of the people's army has made indelible historical contributions to the victory of China's Anti Japanese War and the World Anti Fascist War. The people's army has grown from more than 50000 in the early days of the Anti Japanese War to more than 1.32 million. During the War of Liberation, the People's Army was formally reorganized into the Chinese People's Liberation Army and developed into the first, second, third and fourth field armies and the North China Field Army, as well as five military regions in the northwest, northeast, north, east and central plains. The military strength has reached more than 5.3 million people. Adhering to the people's war under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, seizing political power and establishing the People's Republic of China.
During the period of socialist revolution and construction, the Chinese People's Liberation Army established the general policy and task of building a modern national defense force, established and developed the navy, air force and artillery, armored force, engineering force, communication force, chemical defense force and other arms, and established the strategic policy of active defense in realizing the strategic transformation of military construction from war years to relatively peaceful times; Simplify and reorganize, strengthen the construction of technical arms; Officially promulgate the three decrees of internal affairs, discipline and queue; implement Compulsory military service Salary system and military rank system; Carry out regular and unified education and training for the whole army; A supporting cadre training system has been established, and the level of modernization and normalization of the military has rapidly improved. It was founded in 1966 The Second Artillery Force of the Chinese People's Liberation Army the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution ”During the period, although the military construction was disturbed and damaged to a certain extent, under the correct leadership of the Communist Party of China, it not only maintained the stability of the military itself, but also achieved success in the test of hydrogen bombs, carrier rockets and nuclear submarines.
After the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, the military building has entered a new historical stage. It puts forward the general task of building the people's army into a powerful, modernized and regularized revolutionary army. The military construction realizes the strategic transformation of the guiding ideology and further establishes the idea of taking modernization as the center; We will unswervingly follow the path of lean troops with Chinese characteristics, streamline and reorganize the armed forces, and develop the military toward the goal of "lean, integrated, and efficient"; Put education and training in a strategic position, and comprehensively enhance the army's contractual operations, rapid response, electronic countermeasures, logistics support, and field survivability; We will improve the laws and regulations, and keep the work of the whole army on the track of institutionalization and standardization; The Party's absolute leadership over the military has been further strengthened, and political work has made new progress; Strengthen the logistics construction and reform, and the comprehensive support capacity has been greatly improved; The military construction is subordinate to and serves the overall situation of national economic construction, and obtains new development in supporting national economic construction; The construction of weapons and equipment has made significant progress, National defense science and technology Major achievements have been made in research, especially in cutting-edge technology research.
In 1993, marked by the proposal of the military strategic policy for the new period, the military construction entered a new historical stage. It is mainly manifested in: ① Implementation Preparation for military struggle And military building, and formulated a military building plan compatible with the country's cross century development, which has yielded fruitful results. ② To build a modern and standardized revolutionary army, the general requirements for military construction of "qualified politics, competent military, good style, strict discipline, and strong support" have been put forward, which has set specific practical standards for military construction. ③ The adjustment and reform of the organizational structure continued to advance steadily, and the military building was developing in the direction of moderate scale, reasonable structure, and flexible command; We will improve the military laws and regulations system that matches all aspects of the military building, and raise the level of normalization of the military. ④ Focusing on winning modern technology, especially local wars under high-tech conditions, we will implement the strategy of building a strong military through science and technology, improve the training system for commanding officers, and accelerate the training of new high-quality military personnel. ⑤ Efforts should be made to promote the construction and reform of logistics with joint logistics as the main symbol, and improve the timeliness, rationality and convenience of logistics support. ⑥ Adhering to the principle of independence, self-reliance and focusing on weapons and equipment construction, weapons and equipment have made new progress, safeguarding national sovereignty, territorial integrity and security, and the overall defense capability to achieve national reunification has been greatly improved.
In the 21st century, the construction of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, guided by the Party's military guidance theory, correctly grasped the national security environment and the world military development trend, and in actively promoting the military reform with Chinese characteristics, established the strategic goal of building an information-based army and winning an information-based war. Its contents are as follows: (1) It further clarifies the historical mission of the army in the new stage of the new century. That is to provide an important force guarantee for the CPC to consolidate its ruling position, provide a strong security guarantee for maintaining the important strategic opportunity period of national development, provide a strong strategic support for safeguarding national interests, and play an important role in maintaining world peace and promoting common development. ② Adhere to the Scientific Outlook on Development in national defense and military building. Carry out the military construction scientifically, change the concept of development, innovate the development model, improve the quality of development, realize the sound and rapid development of the military construction, accelerate the comprehensive transformation from mechanization to informatization, and lay the foundation for strengthening the ability to win local wars under the condition of informatization. ③ Correctly handle the relationship between military construction and economic construction. With the development of the national economy, we will continue to increase the investment in the military construction, so that the military modernization can be combined with the economic and social development in a broader scope, at a higher level and in a deeper degree, in line with the national modernization process, and integrate the military construction into the overall situation of the national modernization. ④ Always adhere to the purpose, nature and nature of the people's army. Under the absolute leadership of the Communist Party of China, we should strengthen the capacity building and style building of Party organizations at all levels in the military, strengthen the construction of the contingent of cadres, effectively strengthen and improve ideological and political work, arm the whole army with scientific theories, especially the achievements of the Party's innovative theories, and ensure that the Party firmly holds the military ideologically, politically, and organizationally. ⑤ We will actively promote military reform with Chinese characteristics. We will strengthen innovation in the theory of operations under information-based conditions, accelerate the training of new high-quality military personnel to meet the needs of operations under information-based conditions, and promote the talent strategy project focusing on the command officers, staff officers, scientists, technical experts, and non commissioned officers. Rely on scientific and technological progress to accelerate the transformation of combat effectiveness generation mode. ⑥ We attach great importance to independent innovation in the development of weapons and equipment and defense science and technology. Master the key and core technologies of national defense with independent intellectual property rights, and accelerate the construction of weapons and equipment system focusing on "killer mace" equipment. ⑦ We will carry out scientific restructuring and reform. In optimizing the force structure, especially the internal structure of the services and arms, and improving the composition of combat forces, we should establish and improve the joint operational command system, and make great efforts in the joint training system and joint support system. ⑧ Take military struggle preparation as the most important, realistic and urgent strategic task. Reasonably determine the direction and amount of resources invested in the modernization of the armed forces, focus on the construction of major strategic directions, take into account the construction of other strategic directions, focus on emergency mobile combat forces, and coordinate the promotion of military struggle preparation and military reform with Chinese characteristics. ⑨ Take military training as an important way to run and build the army, and insist on training the army from difficulties to rigor and from the needs of actual combat. Actively and steadily explore the way of integrated training under information conditions, implement classified guidance according to the combat tasks of different forces, and effectively strengthen the pertinence of training. ⑩ We will take strict military management in accordance with the law as an overall, fundamental, and long-term military building task. Take the construction of the army's style of work as the core content of strict military management, start with leading organs and cadres, and further explore socialist market economy The characteristics and laws of building and leading the army under the environment, and vigorously promote the regularization of the army. ≮ Attach great importance to the work of laying the foundation. Further comply with the general requirements of "qualified politically, competent militarily, good style of work, strict discipline and strong support" and《 grass roots construction program in military 》Build the army in an all-round way and focus on building an information-based army to win Information war The goal is to improve the starting point of grass-roots construction, build grass-roots Party branches in accordance with the requirements of the Party's advanced nature, adhere to legal guidance, and improve the ability of leading organs at all levels to grasp the grass-roots level.
In November 2013, the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China proposed to focus on the party's goal of building a strong military under the new situation of "striving to build a people's army that obeys the party's command, can fight and win wars, and has a good style of work", focus on solving prominent contradictions and problems that restrict the development of the military, innovate and develop military theories, strengthen military strategic guidance, and improve the military strategic guidelines for the new period, Build a modern military force system with Chinese characteristics. In May 2015《 China's military strategy 》The national defense white paper pointed out that we should implement the military strategic policy under the new situation, closely focus on achieving the party's goal of building a strong military under the new situation, take the national core security needs as the guidance, focus on building an information-based army, win information-based wars, comprehensively deepen the military reform, and propose a series of new measures for military construction. ① Strengthen ideological and political construction. Always put the ideological and political construction in the first place in the military construction, strengthen and improve the military political work under the new situation, carry forward and practice The core values of Chinese socialism , continue to cultivate the core values of contemporary revolutionary servicemen, carry forward the glorious tradition and fine style of work, adhere to a series of fundamental principles and systems of the CPC's absolute leadership over the military, enhance the creativity, cohesion and combat effectiveness of Party organizations at all levels, and vigorously cultivate a new generation of revolutionary servicemen who are "soulful, capable, bloody and moral", Ensure that the army will resolutely obey the command of the CPC Central Committee and the Central Military Commission at any time and under any circumstances, and maintain the nature and purpose of the people's army forever. ② Promote the construction of modern logistics. Deepen the reform of logistics policy system and logistics support force, optimize the strategic logistics layout, innovate the support mode, develop new support means, enrich the war readiness material reserve, integrate and build logistics information system, improve the laws and standards system, carefully organize supply support, and build support to win Modern war Logistics, logistics serving the modernization of the army and logistics transforming to informatization. ③ We will develop advanced weapons and equipment. Adhere to information dominance and system construction, adhere to independent innovation and sustainable development, adhere to overall consideration and highlight the key points, accelerate the upgrading of weapons and equipment, and build a weapons and equipment system that meets the requirements of information warfare and mission fulfillment. ④ We will focus on training new types of military personnel. We will vigorously implement the talent strategy project, improve the military human resources system, deepen the reform of military academies, improve the new military talent training system that integrates military academy education, military training practice, and military vocational education, attract more outstanding talents, and cultivate and cultivate talent groups that meet the needs of information warfare. ⑤ We will deepen efforts to run the military in accordance with the law and with strict discipline. Focusing on comprehensively strengthening the revolutionary, modern and formal construction of the military, innovating and developing the theory and practice of running the military according to law, building a sound military rule of law system with Chinese characteristics, and improving the level of the rule of law in national defense and military construction. ⑥ We will promote innovation in military theory. Adhere to the guidance of the Party's innovative theory, strengthen the research on combat issues, deeply explore the winning mechanism of modern wars, innovate flexible strategies and tactics, develop the theory of military construction in the new situation, and form an advanced military theoretical system suitable for winning future wars. ⑦ Strengthen strategic management. Optimize the functional allocation and institutional setup of the leading organs of the CMC headquarters, improve the leadership and management system of all services and arms, and adhere to demand driven planning and planning led resource allocation; Strengthen the overall coordination of planning preparation, improve the planning preparation system, and build a planning management mechanism; Strengthen the overall supervision of strategic resources, strengthen the process supervision and risk control of major projects; Perfect the strategic evaluation mechanism, establish and improve the evaluation system and supporting standards and specifications. So as to make the latest strategic deployment for the major issues of the overall situation and long-term development of the military.
The rapid development of high-tech with information technology as the core has profoundly changed the elements of combat effectiveness and the connotation of military construction. The military of all countries, proceeding from their own needs and possibilities, has established the goal of military construction focusing on informatization, improved the scientific and technological content of military construction, constantly improved the command, control, communication and intelligence systems, and changed the military tree command system into a network command system; Improve existing weapons and equipment and develop new weapons systems. While developing the performance of weapons and equipment, the focus of equipment development should be shifted to information systems and information equipment, and the construction of information weapons and equipment system should be accelerated; Establish new services and arms to enable them to carry out various combat tasks on land, on water, under water, in the air and in outer space; More emphasis should be placed on lean, joint, versatile and efficient forces, building small, light and versatile forces, developing digital forces, and improving the integrated joint combat capability of the military; We will strengthen military training, college education, and military vocational education, and improve the military scientific knowledge and professional technology of officers and men to meet the needs of future information warfare.
Publisher: China Military Encyclopedia Editorial Office [1]