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Immune system disorder

immunity Disorders are caused by certain factors (fatigue, Alcoholism , allergens, etc.), immune system Failing to play truly and effectively Self defense The function of, or too strong attack, or too weak to defend. Autoimmune disorder is not a "lack of immunity" Vitiligo We believe that the immune system Pigment cell As an alien, then attack them, weaken them and kill them. Other symptoms of similar autoimmune disorders include thyroid disorders, tufted alopecia, lupus Pernicious anemia Etc.
Chinese name
Immune system disorder
Foreign name
immune system disorder
Closely related to human health
One of the most mysterious functional systems
Inflammation, Infected tumour , aging

Brief introduction

Because the function of the immune system is closely related to human health, such as inflammation, infection, tumour , aging, reproduction, etc. The pathogenesis of most human diseases involves the immune function, so the immunological mechanism has been fully studied in the clinical pathology of most diseases. The basic and clinical immunology literature is vast, and it has been found that there are tens of cells and hundreds of molecules involved in the immune system, and the number is still developing, This kind of situation is easy to make the research of diseases involving immune function fall into details and ignore the overall situation of the immune system. For example, in Chronic liver disease When the ratio of T cell subclasses exercising cellular immune function changes, or Mediated immunity Of cell factor as IL -1、 IL-2 Such quantity changes, or immunoglobulin When the content of complement is not within the normal range, Shunli will become a clinical approach to the immune pathogenesis of chronic liver disease source It is speculated that there is something wrong with the patient's immune system, which will become an exercise Immunotherapy The important basis of immune system Dysfunction Therefore, the concept of.

Immune system engineering

immune system It is the latest physiological system in the history of biological evolution and one of the most mysterious functional systems Spinal animals The independent and complete immune system has gradually evolved, and human understanding of the immune system and immune system related diseases is still developing. Like other physiological systems, although there are many cells and molecules involved in the immune system and function, the comprehensive function is unified and full-time, that is, to recognize and exclude alien molecules, which is the basis for the functional argument and foothold of the immune system. When some factor changes one component of the immune system in one way or another, it may affect immunity Of the immune system as a whole basic function Must be maintained, otherwise the body will have a series of serious survival problems related to immune function (such as AIDS Clinical manifestations). In 1974, Jerne immunology Anti antibody molecule Unique type At Burnet“ Clonal selection theory "Based on the famous Immune network Doctrine. According to this theory, any antibody molecule or lymphocyte They can be recognized by other lymphocytes in the body and stimulated to produce anti idiotype. On the basis of this idiotypic recognition, "network" connections are formed in the immune system Immunomodulation Play an important role in. Jerne's network theory emphasizes that the immune system is Cell cloning As a unity of opposites formed by mutual connection and restriction, Jerne shared the 1984 Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology with two other scientists because of his contribution to the theoretical research of immunology.
Immune network theory In essence, it means that the positive and negative feedback regulation system within the immune system can control appropriately and timely immune reaction Its external performance is still a unified whole, identifying and repelling dissidents. If the regulation system is disordered, it will show that the whole immune system is impaired, and a series of clinical manifestation Or disease. It is not an isolated abnormality in a disease. For example, in clinical data Chronic hepatitis B Patient has some Immune cell or Immune molecule There are many abnormal literatures, but the vast majority of patients are not accompanied by other diseases related to immune function, which indicates that the overall function of the immune system of these patients is normal. Just like a big tree, we may find a part or a piece of the tree leaf There are defects in one way or another, but the whole tree is still flourishing and vigorous, so it is chronic Hepatitis B The local problem of a certain immune cell or molecule in a patient does not mean that the immune system is in disorder.
Normal immunity Reaction process accompany Target cell Dissolve or Immune complex These two will cause inflammatory damage to the tissue, that is Immunopathology Phenomenon; The degree of immunopathology depends on the body and Pathogenic factor As a result of the game, when the immune response is timely and moderate, the immunopathology will not cause clinical signs and symptoms when the pathogenic factors are controlled; When the immunopathology is too strong, too weak or the individual is more sensitive, it can induce clinical symptoms. The clinical appearances of the two are different, but the essence is the same. Both are normal reactions of the immune system. As usual fever cough diarrhea Similarly, it is not only the manifestation of the disease, but also the normal reaction of the body to the pathogenic factors. Under the condition that people have limited understanding of the function of the immune system, some scholars regard the former as the normal function of the immune system, and regard the latter as the abnormal or disordered function of the immune system. Under the guidance of such preconceived thinking, a large number of clinical research Looking for the pathogenesis basis in the immune system, ignoring causal relationship Analyze the overall performance of the immune system and report numerous Immune cell With the information of molecular abnormalities, the immunologic pathogenesis theory based on the immune system disorder of many diseases has emerged, which leads to the subsequent immunomodulation treatment.

Relevant theories

The emergence of the theory of immune system dysfunction lacks the exact theoretical basis and connotation. So far, it is still a vague concept with unclear meaning, and there is no completely corresponding concept in English synonym (disorder? dysfunction? Confusion?)。 It is reasonable that the dysfunction of the immune system is a problem of the immune system itself. It is difficult to understand the factors that attribute the abnormal response to only one antigen (or microorganism) to the immune system and ignore the antigen (or microorganism). This theory seems to be based on Jerne's Immune network In fact, the immune pathogenesis and diagram of some diseases are far away from Jerne's immunity network diagram (internal feedback system), which depicts the reaction and effect diagram of the immune system to antigens, such as hepatitis B The theory of immune pathogenesis will immune tolerance (A manifestation of immune protection function) and immunopathology (a concomitant manifestation of immune clearance function), two normal functional manifestations of the immune system, are mixed together, which are considered to be caused by the immune system disorder. Find the mechanism of immune disorder in the immune network. In fact, HBV Chronic infection In addition to the virus surface antigen In addition to its specific tolerance, there is no exact evidence to show that its immune system is abnormal or disordered, and there is no effective immune drug to correct its "disordered" immune system up to now. Some "pathogenesis maps of immune disorders" are like eight wall charts, with many "?" marks to indicate unclear relationships, from which the theory of "innovation" has been deduced, which has deviated modern medicine Reiterating the truth Structure-activity relationship The essence of. Therefore, because the concept of immune system dysfunction is too general, it is easy to be at will It is used for diseases related to immunopathology and becomes a modern medical gossip clinical medicine Family attaches great importance to, and carefully examines and defines the concept of immune system dysfunction.

Improvement methods

Immunity refers to the ability of the body to resist external invasion and maintain the body Environmental stability Ability. The air is full of various microorganisms: bacteria Viruses mycoplasma chlamydia , fungi, etc. In the case of insufficient human immunity, they can all become early watchers pathogen Although the human body produces corresponding antibodies to different pathogens to resist re infection, the antibodies have Specificity And timelines, such as streptococcus Antibodies can only protect the body from the reoccurrence of streptococcus in a relatively short period of time, nor can they resist the infection of other viruses. Hypoimmunity People can't resist cold The virus attack is the real reason why he often catches cold. Daily diet Conditioning is the best way to improve the immune ability of human body:
1. Drink more Yogurt : Insist balanced diet , if a person appears Alcoholism , nervous or eating out-off-balance And other conditions will weaken people's ability to resist diseases. To correct this imbalance, we must rely on health preserving bacteria, which is contained in yogurt Bacteroid
2、 Drink more Boiled water: remember, yes plain boiled water This can keep the mucosa in the nose and mouth moist; Drinking more water can also make people feel fresh and energetic. Research has proved that boiled water has a very ideal physiological activity on human metabolism. Water is easy to penetrate cell membrane And be absorbed by the body human organ In lactate dehydrogenase The vitality is enhanced, so as to effectively improve the disease resistance and immunity of the human body. Especially the first glass of cold boiled water in the morning is particularly important.
3. Eat more seafood: Seafood is rich in iron, zinc, magnesium, selenium, copper, etc. It can promote immune function if eaten regularly.
4. Drinking tea often: scientists found that tea contains a kind of tea called Theanine Chemistry of material Because it can mobilize the human body's Immune cell To resist bacteria, fungi and viruses, therefore, the ability of the human body to resist infection can be increased by more than 5 times.
5. May I have a drink red wine : Most alcoholic beverages will affect the immune system of the human body inhibition Red wine, on the contrary, contains some antioxidant Substance is good for enhancing immune function and protecting the heart.
6. Eat some animal liver: animal liver contains folic acid , selenium, zinc, magnesium, iron, copper, and Vitamin B6 B12 These substances help to promote immune function.
7. It is found that Cordyceps sinensis can effectively increase the number of cells and tissues in the immune system, promote the production of antibodies, increase phagocytosis killer cell The quantity can be reduced Immune cell It is the first choice to enhance human immunity.
8. Properly supplement iron: iron can develop immunity from disease However, excessive intake of iron is harmful to the body, and cannot exceed 45 mg per day.
9. Supplement glutamine : It is indispensable to the human body Nonessential amino acid It can be called one of the "sharp weapons" to strengthen the immune system. People who often have colds or diarrhea can take glutamine powder by adding it to fruit juice or cold boiled water.
10. Supplement Arginine : sea cucumber Eel Loach Cuttlefish as well as Yam Semen sesami nigrum ginkgo Tofu skin Frozen bean curd Sunflower seeds hazelnut It is rich in this substance. Eating more will help strengthen immunity.
Relevant inspection: 1 Rheumatoid factor
2. Cellular immune function, or Lymphocyte subsets
3. T Lymph Subgroup , especially the proportion of TH1 and TH2
4.C3 C4 complement inspect
In terms of treatment, there are few special drugs at present. If you suspect that there is an immune disorder, you'd better go to the hospital first to find out, and then use some targeted drugs.
Some diseases related to immune disorders: black rim of eye Keratosis pilaris colitis , etc.