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Immune diseases

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Disease name
Immune diseases, Immunomodulation Out of balance immune response The disease caused by. Immune diseases in broad sense also include those caused by congenital or acquired causes immune system Structural or functional anomalies.
Chinese name
Immune diseases
Foreign name
immune diseases
Immunomodulation Out of balance immune response

brief introduction

"Autoimmune disease" refers to the occurrence of immune system on its own body immune reaction , causing damage and disease. Normally, the immune system only deals with foreign objects that invade the body, such as Bacteria Viruses parasite As well as the reaction of grafts to eliminate or reject these foreign bodies. Under the influence of some factors, the tissue composition or immune system The immune system mistakenly attacks its own components as foreign objects due to some abnormalities. At this time, the immune system will produce antibodies and active lymphocytes against some of the body's own components, damage and destroy their own tissues and organs, leading to disease. It's like an army mistakenly regards its owner as the enemy, and its own people beat its own. If it is not controlled timely and effectively, the consequences will be very serious, and eventually even endanger life.


Immune diseases
"Immunity" is an extremely important self-defense function of the human body. The human body can resist a large variety of diseases depending on its own immunity.
Immunity consists of two parts: cellular immunity and humoral immunity The former consists of T cells, and the latter consists of immunoglobulin form. Once foreign substances such as bacteria and various Heteroprotein When invading the body and endangering the health of the body, the immune cells will surround, decompose, devour and eliminate them, immunoglobulin A large number of antibodies will be produced to strengthen the resistance against intruders. This is the normal person's immunity and the way of immunity. Normal immunity is moderate and timely Higher nerve center It is carried out under the control of regulation. If the regulation is abnormal, abnormal immune reaction At this time, it will not only do no good to the body, but will even damage the body and form new diseases. This disease is called Autoimmune disease


Immune diseases
Autoimmune diseases are mainly caused by excessive immune reaction A large number of immune cells and immunoglobulin It is caused by accumulation, thus damaging normal tissues, causing pathological changes and functional damage. It occurs on the skin, that is, allergic dermatitis and various Skin lesion , which occurs in joints arthritis It happens in the kidney nephritis Lupus erythematosus It also belongs to this kind of disease.
There are many studies and hypotheses on the causes and mechanisms of this kind of disease, but it is definitely related to the central regulation imbalance, and has a great relationship with the imbalance of mentality, emotional tension and anxiety. High tech and high brainpower society, Biological factors (e.g. bacterial infection) and innutrition Such diseases have been greatly reduced, while diseases with psycho biological and social comprehensive factors have been produced in large numbers. The disease spectrum and disease types have changed, and the increase of immune diseases is one of them.
Once an immune disease occurs, in addition to traditional Chinese and western medicine treatment, maintaining a stable and peaceful mind is also an important factor and link in rehabilitation. The more nervous and anxious, the disease is not only difficult to cure, and even make the disease worse. Therefore, it is necessary to know some knowledge about immune diseases.


First of all, it is necessary to determine whether the nature of the disease belongs to an immune disease and what kind of immune disease it is. This goal is generally easy to achieve, because all kinds of immune diseases have their clinical characteristics, and most can be diagnosed according to the medical history and examination. Second, determine the cause of the disease. Sometimes it's easy, like Allotransplantation The cause of the rejection reaction can often be identified through the medical history; Sometimes it is extremely difficult, such as autoimmune diseases.

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Immune diseases
Common autoimmune diseases include: systemic Lupus erythematosus Rheumatoid arthritis Scleroderma Hyperthyroidism, teenagers diabetes Primary Platelet purpura , autoimmune hemolytic anemia Ulcerative colitis And many kinds skin disease , chronic liver disease, etc. These disease names are not very strange to many people Polyneuritis :
Various causes can affect peripheral nerve At the same time, extensive damage of peripheral nerves occurs, which is called polyneuritis. The main manifestation is the distal limbs Symmetry Changes in sensation, activity, skin color, sweating, etc. Both sexes at any age can suffer from the disease.
Patients often feel abnormal feelings at the distal end of their hands and feet first, such as acupuncture Feeling, ant walking feeling or burning feeling, etc. When touching the skin of the affected limb, Pain aggravate. If the needle is gently used to stab the skin at the far end of the affected limb, the patient will feel numb, and the feeling of pain will be weakened or disappeared. Before and after or at the same time, the patient feels weak, and the upper limbs, hands Carpoptosis You can't hold things, chopsticks or bowls with your hands, and you can see two pairs on your lower limbs Foot drop , unable to walk. When others move the patient's limbs, they may feel the hands and feet are weak. For those who have been ill for a long time, muscle atrophy can be found in the limbs. The upper limbs are mainly small muscles in the hands, while the lower limbs are particularly small in the legs and feet. The skin color of hands and feet also changes, such as dull, pale or cyan, many or no sweat, and it is cold to touch.
The most common cause is infection. It often comes before the onset Upper respiratory tract Or symptoms of gastrointestinal tract infection, which occurs after 1 to 3 weeks, mostly acute Polyneuritis be called Acute infectious polyneuritis The disease is more common in adolescents, and the onset season is from June to October. In addition to the limbs, the functions of the head and face are often affected, such as the inability to close eyes, show teeth, and air leakage when whistling hoarseness Cough and Dysphagia cerebrospinal fluid The quality of internal protein increased, but the number of cells was not much. All kinds of heavy metal and toxin poisoning can cause Polyneuritis , such as arsenic, lead carbon monoxide carbon disulfide Organophosphorus pesticide Trichlorfon , 1605, 1059), etc. Some drugs, such as Furacilin Furantoin isoniazid Sulfonamides It can also cause this disease.
Many systemic diseases are also important causes, such as digestive tract diseases diabetes , cancer Cachexia Systemic lupus erythematosus Rheumatoid arthritis Scleroderma Etc.


The treatment of this kind of disease has one thing in common: immunosuppressants are needed to suppress the immune response against the body. The most commonly used are adrenocortical hormone preparations, such as: prednisone Hydrocortisone dexamethasone People often call it "hormone" for short. If the curative effect is poor, it may also be used cyclophosphamide Methotrexate And other so-called cytotoxic drugs, which can be used not only to suppress immunity, but also to treat cancer All immunosuppressants have a major common adverse effect, which will affect the anti infection and anti Tumor immunity Function. Therefore, many experts have been studying other treatment methods, and some biological agents and Natural medicine Inhibits autoimmune reaction, but resists infection and tumour Of immunity No or few adverse effects.


Immune diseases
1. Taboo cell line theory. Mutant lymphocytes appear in the body, and proliferate and become active due to some stimulation. Because of this mutation Cell line Abnormalities in antigen structure make it think of normal self tissue as an alien immune reaction Resulting in tissue damage
2、 Cryptic antigen Theory. During the development of the embryo, only the lymph nodes Reticular system The inspection organization is identified as its own organization and protected. Some organs and tissues, such as central nervous system , thyroid gland, crystal, sperm, etc., are not immune system Identification, so they are not protected Autoantigen Release into blood or Lymph Can stimulate the production of autoantibody , causing tissue damage.
Immune diseases
3. Self variation theory. The normal tissue changes due to physical, chemical or biological stimulation, and is immune system Recognized as non self organization and rejected.
4. Immune clearance dysfunction Theory. because immunodeficiency , unable to effectively eliminate mutant lymphocytes or antigen , leading to the autoimmune process.
5. Cross reaction antibody theory. Because some tissue components of the body are similar to external antigens antigenicity When the body removes external antigens, it also damages these self tissues with similar antigenicity.
In addition, the occurrence of autoimmune diseases is also related to age, gender, heredity and other factors, so its mechanism may be multifaceted.

therapeutic method

Immune diseases
1. Cytotoxic agents are used to destroy rapidly proliferating cell lines.
2. Application corticosteroid To inhibit the pathological stimulation produced by the autoimmune process.
3. Application of drugs to counteract the release of Pharmacologically active substance And the damage caused.
4. If it is possible to remove the focus producing autoantigens, surgery can also be used as a means of treating autoimmune diseases.
① For various possible causes, such as infection, heavy metals or other poisons Drug poisoning And give corresponding treatment. In case of infection, antibiotics and traditional Chinese medicine can be used; Drug poisoning requires more drinks to keep Smooth stool , in serious cases fluid infusion Gastric lavage; For poisoning antidote Etc.
② Take plenty Vitamin B1 Vitamin B12 , improve Neuronutrition
③ Acute infectious polyneuritis, generally available adrenal cortex Hormone therapy (e.g prednisone dexamethasone To inhibit the development of inflammation and alleviate symptoms. Acute infectious polyneuritis sometimes occurs violently and can appear at the beginning Quadriplegia and Respiratory muscle Paralysis with cyanosis dyspnea Therefore, it is necessary to give oxygen immediately, carry out artificial respiration, and send to the hospital for rescue.

Prevention and control principle

Immune diseases
1、 immunodeficiency Alternative therapies such as Gamma globulin Immunodeficiency caused by deficiency can be treated with gamma globulin; Immune enhancers can also be used to improve the Immunoreactivity
2. Detach or avoid causing abnormality immune reaction Substances such as Control environment , stop using some drugs, etc.
3、 Type I allergy Available Specificity Desensitization therapy To improve the body's sensitivity to allergens Tolerance
4. Type I allergy can also be inhibited by drugs to block the production of media immune reaction
5. Application of drugs to antagonize the effects of mediators and their causes Tissue response
6. Use Immunosuppressant To suppress overactive immune reaction
7. Remove excitation immune reaction Infection focus and production of Autoimmunity Focus.
8. Eliminate various stimuli that can aggravate clinical symptoms.