Felix Klein

German mathematician
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synonym Klein (German mathematician) generally referring to Felix Klein
Felix Christian Klein (1849-1925) Germany mathematician Born in Dusseldorf on April 25, 1849. He died in Gottingen on June 22, 1925.
Chinese name
Felix Klein
Foreign name
Felix Christian Klein
date of birth
April 25, 1849
Date of death
June 22, 1925
University one is graduated from
University of Bonn
one's native heath
Dusseldorf, Germany

Character's Life

Felix Klein is Germany mathematician Born in Dusseldorf on April 25, 1849. He died in Gottingen on June 22, 1925.
Klein attended a high school in Dusseldorf. After graduation, he entered the University of Bonn to study mathematics and physics. He wanted to be a physicist, but the math professor Prick changed his mind. In 1868, Klein completed his doctoral thesis under the guidance of Professor Prick. In this year, Professor Prick died, leaving an unfinished basic geometry project. Klein was the best person to complete this task. Later Klein went to military service. In 1871, Klein accepted Gottingen Invited by the university to be a lecturer in mathematics. In 1872, he was Erlangen He was only 23 when he was appointed as a professor of mathematics at the university. In 1875, he Munich The College of Advanced Technology has obtained a teaching chair. 1880~1886 Leipzig University professor. In 1886, Klein accepted the invitation of the University of Gottingen and came to Gottingen to start his career as a mathematician. He stayed here until his retirement in 1913. From 1872 to 1895, he was the chief editor of Gottingen Mathematics Yearbook, advocated editing the "Encyclopedia of Mathematics" and wrote the fourth volume of it.
His main topic is Non Euclidean geometry group theory and Function theory He used various geometries to transform with their basis group To classify Irish Root Programme (Speech by a professor who took office at Erlangen University in 1872) The speech had a far-reaching impact: it was a synthesis of mathematical content at that time. Works include《 Elementary Mathematics from a High Point of View 》。

Key achievements



Klein's first contribution to mathematics was discovered in cooperation with Li in 1870. They found out Kummer Curvilinear on surface Asymptote The basic nature of. He further collaborated with Li to study the W-curve. In 1871, Klein published two papers on non Euclidean geometry prove If euclid geometry Is compatible, so is non Euclidean geometry. This puts non Euclidean geometry on the same solid foundation as Euclidean geometry. Klein's famous Erlangen Program In, from the viewpoint of transformation group, the invariants and their spatial characteristics of various geometries are synthesized and classified according to this standard, thus unifying geometry. Today these views have become the standard for everyone. Transformation plays a major role in modern mathematics. Klein pointed out how to use transformation groups to express the basic characteristics of geometry.
And Klein thinks he's right mathematics The main contributions of function theoretically. In 1882, in a paper, he used geometric methods to deal with function theory and put potential theory and shape conservation mapping Connect. He also often uses physical concepts in function theory, especially fluid mechanics
Klein compared equation In particular, we are interested in using transcendental methods to solve general equations of the fifth degree. stay Ermett After cloning Nike and establishing a method similar to that of Briosch, Klein immediately tried to solve this problem with icosahedron group. This work led him to a series of papers on ellipse Research on modular function.
In 1884, Klein got an important relationship between algebra and geometry in his important work on icosahedron, and he developed the automorphic function number theory He and Robert Frick, a mathematician from Leipzig Co publishing A set of four volume works on automorphic functions and elliptic modular functions, which will influence the next 20 years. Another plan is to publish a set Encyclopaedia of Mathematics He actively participated in this work, editing the four volumes of mechanics with K. Muller. We will also mention Klein's bottle, a kind of surface with only one face.


Klein's contribution to mechanics is that he promoted the development of applied mechanics during his tenure in Gottingen. After visiting the International Fair in Chicago in 1893, Klein deeply felt the importance of basic disciplines for the development of industry. After his return to Germany, he made every effort to promote the application of mathematics, mechanics and other basic disciplines in engineering technology in Gottingen, and established the Department of Applied Mechanics in Gottingen University. In 1904, he recommended L. Plunt, who had studied engineering, as the dean of the department. This department is one of the birthplaces of modern mechanics. The school of modern mechanics represented by Plunt and T. von Carmen first grew and developed in the University of Gottingen, which was inseparable from Klein's efforts. Klein taught a wide range of courses in Gottingen, mainly on cross topics between mathematics and physics, such as Dynamics And potential theory. He realized that he wanted to rebuild Gottingen University as the world Mathematical research The importance of core The desire of. The famous mathematics magazine Mathematics Yearbook was managed by Klein to achieve and surpass the importance of Clare Magazine. This magazine focuses on complex analysis, algebraic geometry and Invariant theory It has a lot of characteristics. In practice analysis and group theory New areas are also outstanding. [1]


Klein's works were compiled as Complete Works, a total of three volumes, published from 1902 to 1923. He and German physicist A. Sommerfeld co wrote 4 volumes of Gyro Theory, which was published from 1897 to 1903.
In 1885 Klein was Royal Society Elected as a foreign member and awarded Copler Prize.
In 1908, Klein was elected by the International Mathematical Society as the President of the Conference of Mathematicians held in Rome.

Publishing books

  • Author name Felix Klein
    Work time 2008-9
    Elementary Mathematics from a High Perspective was published by Fudan University Press. The author Klein wrote a popular reading of basic mathematics based on his lectures for German middle school mathematics teachers and students in Gottingen University for many years. This book reflects many of his views on mathematics and vividly shows people the legacy of first-class masters. After its publication, it was translated into many languages. It is an immortal masterpiece of mathematics education and has an enduring influence. The book is divided into three volumes. Volume I: Arithmetic