
The second generation god king in ancient Greek mythology
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Cronus( ancient Greek Language: όν ∨; English: Kronos), ancient MYTHOS The second generation of god king in, originally the first generation of god king and god queen Ulanos and Gaia 's son, Twelve Titans The youngest one among them. People often associate him with ancient Greece Orpheanism God of Time Kronos Ancient Greek :Χρόνος; English name: Chronos/Khronos). It is worth noting and distinguishing that although both belong to the ancient Greek myth system Kronos And Hesiod Of《 Divine Scripture 》In Titan (Titans) Kronos, the god king of the Protoss, Zeus Father) is not a character, but his name is similar. Although both belong to Ancient Greek Civilization , but from different sects, there was no correspondence and correlation between them.
Cronus overthrew the brutal rule of his father Uranus and led MYTHOS In the golden age of his son Zeus Overthrow. He and other Titans were mostly locked up in hell Tartaros in
Chinese name
Foreign name
Titan King of
Mythological system
Olympus (when in power) Tartaros (After being overthrown)
god of agriculture
Ulanos Gaia
Hestia Demeter Hera Hades Poseidon Zeus
Roman counterpart


Cronus had a mother Gaia Encouraged by, he castrated and overthrew his father with a sickle Ulanos Later, his father predicted that he would also be overthrown by his own children, so when the children were born, they were swallowed by him Zeus Fortunately. When Zeus came of age, his design made him vomit brothers and sisters And led his brothers to overthrow the Titans headed by Cronus.

Myth and legend



Ruiya (Rhea) gave birth to many children, but each child was eaten by Cronus as soon as it was born. When Rhea gave birth to Zeus, she decided to protect this little life. She wrapped a piece of cloth around a stone and lied that it was a newborn baby. Cronus swallowed the stone. So Zeus escaped a disaster and was sent to Cronus' sister Nymph The goddess raised them there. [1]

Detailed process

Gaia Give Way Ulanos do Jupiter For a long time, Ulanos became more powerful and completely autocratic. His temperament gradually became violent, perverse, and even showed little respect for Gaia. What Ulanos did finally aroused Gaea's strong dissatisfaction. She decided to get rid of Uranus and establish a new king. Gaia used black rocks from the deepest part of the earth as raw materials to make a very hard and sharp sickle. However, as a mother and wife, she could not bear to do it herself. She called her Titanic sons together, hoping that someone would assassinate Uranus. Everyone was silent, and no one dared to go. Gaia was furious, scolded these timid sons, and said that the assassin could succeed as king. Finally, the youngest son Cronus agreed to try. [1]
One night, Gaia prepared a sumptuous dinner and drunk Ulanos. When he fell asleep, Cronus came up with a sickle and struck his father's genitals Cut off. At this time, Ulanos opened his eyes and angrily cursed: "You will pay for what you have done. Soon, you will be overthrown by your own son like me." After saying that, he returned to heaven and never returned to the ground (Ulanos is the god of the sky, the body of the sky, and there will be no future world after death). From his blood, he gave birth to The Three Goddesses of Vengeance , many terrible giants and three beautiful eucalyptus Fairy. His genitals, from the foam splashed by the sea, gave birth to Aphrodite, the god of love. Cronus naturally became the second god king, known in history as "the sickle seizes the throne".
Cronus is well aware of the strength of his Cyclops and Hundred Hands brothers, and believes that their existence is a potential threat to his throne. Therefore, Cronus set up a poisonous plan to catch and imprison them in Tartaros (creator of hell) Hell. After that, he still could not rest at ease, because his father's curse always echoed in his ears: "You will be overthrown by your son like me." In order to avoid this curse, Cronus made a cruel decision: to eat all the children born. [1]
The god of agriculture devours his son
Rhea gave birth to five children for Cronus, all of whom were swallowed by Cronus at birth. Rhea was very sad, so after she gave birth to her sixth child, she decided to save it. She named the boy Zeus. Rhea gives Zeus to elder sister Cronus Nymph He brought up a stone and wrapped it in Brie and handed it to Cronus, who swallowed it without looking at it.
Zeus in Crete Become a handsome and healthy young man. In order to overthrow his father's rule, he went to Metis --A female Titan with unparalleled wisdom and foresight asked how to defeat Cronus. Medes prepared a small bottle of liquid medicine with hypnotic and emetic effects for Zeus, and taught him to do so
Cronus likes to drink, so he has a servant who pours wine for him. On the pretext of being clumsy, Rhea suggested that Cronus should replace him. After approval, he recommended Zeus to him. Zeus was clever and soon won Cronus' favor and trust. Finally one day, Zeus mixed the medicine into the wine and served Cronus to drink it. Soon, Cronus fell asleep and kept vomiting. He vomited all the five grown children he had eaten They are Hestia Demeter Hera Hades and Poseidon Then they threw Cronus out of the palace.
Zeusic brothers and sisters We are grateful to Zeus for saving his life, and unanimously made him the new king. Zeus in Olympus A new divine government was established and power was redistributed: the sea was given to Poseidon, the underworld to Hades, and the sky was left for himself. [1]
The deposed Cronus and his other ousted Titan brothers were unwilling to fail and determined to regain their lost power They recommend Epertes His son Atlas, the strongest Titan, attacked Mount Olympus But the other two sons of Epps Prometheus And Epimetheus did not attend. When the newly won Olympian gods could not resist the powerful attack of the Titans and were about to be defeated, Zeus Tartaros Hell released the Cyrus who had a deep hatred for Cronus and Haiketongqiris We. Soon, the trend of attack and defense was reversed. The weapons made by the Cyrus -- a weapon that can fire thunder and lightning wand Give it to Zeus. Zeus laughed wildly and fired thunderbolts at the Titans. The Titans ran everywhere, but they were killed one by one by the hundred handed monster Haiketongqiris who guarded every intersection catch All the Titans involved in the battle were imprisoned in Tartaros Hell, and only Atlas was sent to heaven. This battle is called "Titan Rebellion" in history.
Earth mother Gaia Dissatisfied that his son was overthrown by Zeus, he cooperated with Tartaros Hell to produce a horrible monster Tiphous Let him avenge the Titans. Tiphos is a huge dragon, covered with hard Squama , a scorching and poisonous flame erupted from his mouth. When Tiphous came to Olympus, all the gods were frightened and fled. Only Zeus remained calm, bravely faced the monster, dodged its deadly flame, and constantly released lightning and thunder with his scepter. When the energy stored in the scepter is used quickly Light time , and finally beat the terrible dragon into ashes.
Some time later, the greatest heroes of Zeus and Olympus in Greece Heracles With the help of, he successfully repelled the attacks of the giants. After that, there was no armed opposition to Zeus's rule. [1]