information management

Human management of information resources and activities
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Information Management IM is a way for human beings to effectively develop and utilize information resources modern information technology To plan, organize, lead and control information resources social activities
In short, information management is about people information resources and Information activities Management of. Information management is a general term for the information that people collect, process, input and output in the whole management process. The process of information management includes information collection information transmission information processing and Information storage
Chinese name
information management
Foreign name
information Management IM
Information organization
Application means
modern information technology
Information collection, transmission, processing and storage
Human to information resources and Information activities Management of
information resources


information management Information Management , IM Information management (ICM) is the comprehensive use of technological, economic, policy, legal and humanistic methods and means to control information flows (including informal and formal information flows), so as to improve Information utilization It is an activity aimed at realizing the utility value of information efficiently and to the maximum extent.
information It is the manifestation of the existence state and movement attribute of things. "Things" generally refers to human society Thinking activities and all possible objects in nature. "Mode of existence" refers to the internal structure and external relations "Movement" refers to changes in all senses, including mechanical, physical, chemical, biological, thinking and social movements. motion state ”It refers to the characteristics, trends and laws of things in time and space.
Information is generally transmitted from the information producer to the information user in two ways. One is generated by the information producer direct Flow to information users, called Informal information flow The other is that information information system Of Under control Flow to information users, called Formal information flow
The so-called information management refers to the process of scientifically planning, organizing, controlling and coordinating various relevant factors (mainly people, information, technology and institutions) of information activities in human society to realize the rational development and effective utilization of information resources. It includes microcosmic Management of information content - organization, retrieval, processing and service of information, including macro management Information institutions And information system management.
To ensure the effective operation of the information system by formulating a sound information management system and adopting modern information technology working process Existing Static management , and Dynamic management , but more importantly, dynamic management. It not only ensures the integrity of information data, but also ensures that the information system“ Information input - Information output ".
Information management is carried out by human beings to collect, process and use information social activities It is the development of science and technology, social environment The inevitable result and trend caused by the change of human thought and the progress of human thought.

Definition understanding

The rapid development and wide application of information technology, such as computers, global communications and the Internet, are making profound changes in science, technology, economy, culture and society. Since the 1990s, mankind has entered the stage of "informatization", "networking" and“ globalization ”In the new era of economic development characterized by information, information has become an important resource supporting social and economic development after material and energy. It is changing social resources The way of allocation of is changing people's values and ways of work and life. Understanding information information science , IT and information society Grasping information resources and information management is like grasping Enterprise financial management Human Resources Management and physical distribution management And so on.
The object of information management is information resources and information activities; Information science is a science that studies the laws of information movement and application methods; Information technology is about the generation, transmission, reception, transformation, identification and control of information applied technology It is the general name of information science, which bridges the gap between information science and production practice; Information Management It is a science that takes information resources and information activities as the research object and studies the basic laws and methods of various information management activities. [1]
For the above definition, we should pay attention to the following aspects:

Objects of information management

(1) information resources
Circular information management
It's information producer Information and information technology Organism The fundamental purpose of information management is control information Flow direction, realizing the utility and value of information. However, information is not all resources. In order to make it a resource and realize its utility and value, we must use "human" intelligence and information technology and other means. Therefore, "human" is to control information resources and coordinate Information activities The subject of is Main elements Information collection, storage, transmission, processing and utilization are all inseparable from the support of information technology. Without the powerful role of information technology, it is impossible to achieve effective information management. Since information activities are essentially for the production, transmission and utilization of information resources, information resources are one of the objects and results of information activities. Information producer, information and information technology form one Organic entirety ——Information resources are the basic elements of any information system and one of the research objects of information management.
(2) Information activities
Production management of information management
It refers to the management and service activities carried out by human society around the formation, transmission and utilization of information resources. Information resource Formation stage It is characterized by the generation, recording, collection, transmission, storage, processing and other activities of information in order to form available information resources. The development and utilization stage of information resources is characterized by the transmission, retrieval, analysis, selection, absorption, evaluation and utilization of information resources, with the purpose of realizing the value of information resources and achieving the purpose of information management. Simply manage information resources while ignoring those closely related to information resources Information activities The research object of information management is not comprehensive.

Information management is a kind of management

The basic functions of management activities "plan, organize, lead and control" are still the basic functions of information management activities, but the basic functions of information management are more targeted.

Information management is a social scale activity

It reflects the universality and Social It involves a wide range of Social individual Universal participation of groups and countries information acquisition , control and utilization activities.
Information product management (Micro): information collection, sequencing, analysis, and circulation of information products
Information system management (Medium view): design, implementation and evaluation, security management Information resource allocation etc.

Basic process

Information resource request management
Information is no stranger to each of us. In real life, everyone is constantly receiving information, processing and using information, and dealing with information.
Modern managers management style One of the important characteristics of the above is that they seldom deal with "specific things", but more deal with "information about things". management system The larger the scale and the more complex the structure, the stronger the desire for information. In fact, if any organization wants to form a unified will and pace, all elements must be able to accurately and quickly transmit information to each other. Manager's Effective control Must rely on all kinds of information from inside and outside the organization. Information, like talents, raw materials and energy, is regarded as an important resource for the survival and development of an organization, and has become a prerequisite for management activities. All management activities are inseparable from information, and all effective management is inseparable from information management.
Information management is a general term for the information that people collect, process, input and output in the whole management process. The process of information management includes information gathering information transmission , information processing and information storage.
information gathering It is the acquisition of original information.
information transmission It is the transfer of information in time and space, because information can play a role only when it is delivered to the people who need it in time and accurately.
information processing Including transformation of information form and information content Processing of. Informative Formal transformation It refers to the information Transmission process By changing the carrier, the information can be accurately transmitted to the receiver.
The content processing of information refers to the processing and sorting of original information to reveal the content of information in depth. Through the processing of information content, the input information can become the information needed and can be used timely and effectively head-hunting company It's also important. When information is sent to users, some are not useless after use, and some still need to be kept for reference and retention after work. This is information storage. It can be revealed from the storage of information Regularity Can also be reused.
With the development of science and technology, especially information engineering computer With the rapid development and popularization of technology and other high-tech technologies, the world has entered the information age. Enterprise and organization requirements information processing The number of is getting larger and faster. To make controller To grasp accurate and reliable information in time and form true feedback after implementation, a fully functional and efficient mis The information management system adopts electronic computer Mainly technical equipment, through automation Communication network , connected with various information terminals Communication network And communicate with all parties to ensure rapid, accurate and timely collection of information and issuance of orders.



(1) Management characteristics

Information management is a kind of management, so it has generality features. For example, the basic functions of management are planning, organizing, leading and controlling. The object of management is organizational activities, and the purpose of management is to achieve organizational goals. These are also available in information management. However, as a specialized Management type , but also has its own unique characteristics:
1. The objects of management are information resources and information activities;
2. Information management runs through the whole management process, has its own management, and supports other management activities.

(2) Characteristics of the times

1、 information content Rapid growth
along with economic globalization The political, economic and cultural exchanges between countries and regions in the world are increasingly frequent; The relationship between organizations is more and more extensive; There are more and more connections between various departments within the organization, so that a large amount of information is generated. At the same time, Information organization And Storage technology Rapid development makes information storage and accumulation reliable and convenient.
2. Information processing and propagation velocity Faster
Due to the rapid development of information technology, the speed of information processing and dissemination is getting faster and faster.
three , informative processing method Increasingly complex
With the management work on Information needs With the improvement of, information processing methods become more and more complex. Early information processing , mostly an empirical processing or simple calculation. The processing method requires not only general Mathematical method , but also use mathematical statistics Operational Research And artificial intelligence.
4. The research field involved in information management is expanding
From a scientific perspective, information management involves management science, social science behavioral science , Economics, Psychology computer science Etc; Technically, information management involves computer technology , communication technology, office automation technology, testing technology Microfilm technology Etc. [2]


1. By Management Hierarchical classification Macro information management , meso information management, micro information management;
2. Classification by management content: Information production management Information organization and management , information system management, information industry management Information market management Etc;
3. Press Scope of application Classification: industrial enterprise information management, commercial enterprise information management, government information management Public utilities information management Etc;
4. Press Management means Classification: manual information management Information technology management , information resource management, etc;
5. Classified by information content: economic information management, scientific and technological information management Educational information management , military information management, etc. [3]

Information management requirements



information management
The so-called timeliness means that the information management system should discover and provide the information needed for management activities sensitively and rapidly. There are two aspects: on the one hand, we should find and collect information in a timely manner. The information in modern society is complex and fast changing. Some information is fleeting and cannot be recalled. Therefore, the information management must reflect the progress and dynamics of the work in the fastest and most agile way, and record the situation and problems that have occurred in a timely manner. On the other hand, information should be delivered in time. Information can only play a role when it is transmitted to the people who need it, and it has a strong Timeliness Therefore, useful information should be provided to relevant departments and personnel by the most rapid and effective means, making it the basis for decision-making, command and control.


Information must not only be timely, but also accurate. Only accurate information can make decision makers make correct judgments. Distorted or even wrong information can not guide the management work, on the contrary, it will lead to management mistakes.
In order to ensure the accuracy of information, the original information must be reliable first. Only reliable original information can process accurate information. information workers Collecting and sorting Raw materials We must adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts attitude To overcome the subjectivity and arbitrariness, the original materials should be carefully verified so that they can accurately reflect the actual situation. The second is to maintain the unity and uniqueness of information. Each link of a management system is both interrelated and mutually restricted, and the information reflecting the activities of these links is rigorous relevance Therefore, many information in the system can be shared in different management activities, which requires that the information in the system should be unified and unique. Therefore, when processing and sorting out information, we should pay attention to the unification of information and Unit of measurement Same to avoid Information use Sometimes it causes confusion.

management system


brief introduction

information management
Not perfect management system Any advanced methods and means cannot play a full role. To ensure mis We must establish a complete set of information management system as information work To standardize information management. The establishment of a sound information management system mainly includes the following aspects:

Establish original information collection system

All information related to organizational activities should be collected accurately and without omission. To this end, it is necessary to establish a corresponding system, assign special personnel or set up a special organization to collect original information. In organizational information management, necessary rewards should be given to units and individuals with outstanding work performance, and necessary punishment should be given to those who delay and distort information due to irresponsibility, or fabricate and provide false data for some purpose.

Specify information channels

In information management, it is necessary to clearly define the vertical Information channel At the same time, the horizontal information channel between peers should also be clearly defined. Establish necessary systems, clarify the responsibilities and obligations of each unit and department in providing information to the outside world, reasonably divide the work within the organization, and avoid repeated collection and collection of information.

Improve information utilization

The utilization rate of information, which generally means that effective information accounts for all Original information Of percentage The higher the percentage information work The greater the effect. On the contrary, it not only causes waste in human and material resources, but also makes useful information unable to get normal circulation. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen information processing institutions and improve the professional level of information workers, improve the information management system, and make information workers have Identification information Ability. At the same time, we must attach importance to the use of scientific quantitative analysis method , find out rules from a large amount of data, and improve scientific management Level, so that information can play a full role.

Establish information feedback system

information feedback It refers to timely discovery of plans and Decision execution And effectively control and adjust the organization Unresponsive , which will bring loss to the work. Therefore, the organization must place tracking inspection, supervision and feedback in management at an important position, strictly stipulate the supervision and feedback system, regularly conduct in-depth analysis of various data and information, and establish fast and sensitive information through multiple channels feedback system

Basic mode


Introduction to mode

Four Modes of Information Management: From Dictatorship to Democracy
According to the research on the information application and development history of many companies, there are four typical types of information management model
(1) Information dictatorship only a few people have the right to access information;
(2) Information Anarchy Everyone can build their own information system, which is in a state of chaos;
(3) Information democracy information flow sure free flow , but in a controllable state;
(4) Information ambassadors go beyond the scope of a single institution, and information is more democratic Enterprise boundary Information established“ embassy ”。

Information dictatorship

Information dictatorship refers to Information privileges Concentrated in the hands of a few people. Although a few senior managers can get some useful information, they often need to use expensive information systems—— Manager Information System EIS, To get. This EIS system is very complex, difficult to program, and inconvenient to use. The more serious and profound problem is that because all decisions are made by a few people, the wisdom of many employees is not used.
In addition, there is a more subtle information dictatorship model, namely, enterprise managers and other service manager We don't have any EIS system, but the enterprise has trained a group of experts and installed special report, analysis and statistics software in their computers. This concept, called "information center", expands the use of information to more Business personnel However, unknowingly, these technical elites have become another form of information dictator
In these two information dictatorship models, the middle and lower level employees are deprived of the right to information, so there are two kinds of people: the information privileged class and the information isolated class. The information isolation layer may be put more pressure to make better Work performance , but without giving them information
information management
It is very difficult in the case of emotional power. So they may launch an information rebellion and demand to establish their own data management system This is what caused Data overload The foundation of.

Information anarchy

Information anarchy It comes from the fact that individuals or departments have included the required information into their own hands. The result is the rapid generation of data "territory" or "underground" databases that are independent of each other. Because these "underground" databases are built on incompatible software and hardware platforms and application bases, they can not be connected at all. The inherent chaos and other shortcomings of this anarchy have caused serious damage to internal communication and enterprise profitability.
Similar to many short-lived anarchy events in history, information anarchy is often just a short carnival process. The department establishing its own underground database can only be satisfied with the solution in an instant, because once Senior management When receiving reports of inconsistent data from different departments, they will question the authenticity of the data. In this way, these underground databases of unknown origin will be unified sooner or later.

Information democracy

Many companies have come to understand that sharing information among all employees in an enterprise can greatly increase the value of information. They also understand that in order to enterprise behavior More agile and efficient, we can't shut most employees out of the information door and let them work blindly.
The information analysis model of chewing numbers, acting independently and decentralizingly will gradually give way to information democracy. The latter improves accurate information to employees and delegates Decision making power And give enterprises the ability to act faster and more agile. According to the survey, the greater the degree of democratization and empowerment, the greater the value of information. The more inclined they are to break institutional boundaries, the greater the value of information. Drucker It also believes that "decision-making should be made at the lowest level of the organization and as close as possible to the executor of this decision."

Information Ambassador

Information democracy does not need to be limited to enterprises firewall Li. adopt Internet Information democracy Through the enterprise Internet It extends to customers, suppliers and partners. contain Business Intelligence The enterprise extranet should be a secure website, and users outside the enterprise can obtain and analyze information. Because they represent the frontier of the company's communication with the outside world, they are called information ambassadors. Visionary enterprises use e-commerce to establish information ambassadors, with the purpose of providing external users with the means to obtain, analyze and share relevant information. With this information ambassador, customers, suppliers and partners will also make their business more intelligent. The enterprise extranet mainly includes the following three application area Formation: Supply chain Type extranet, user relationship extranet and Information intermediary Type extranet.
such Information Ambassador It will be the main difference between the future Internet companies and other companies. These companies that can use value-added information to improve their products and services will be able to provide customers with more valuable suggestions and ultimately win Customer loyalty



Relationship Introduction

corporate culture There is a natural connection between innovation and information management, such as human nature, knowledge, innovation, etc. Information management is inseparable from enterprise culture. Information management is the era coordinate and criterion of enterprise culture. Information management construction also needs the support of culture, which is precisely for efficient information management.

Soft resources

Enterprise resources It can be divided into hard resources and Soft resources Enterprise information And corporate culture are soft resources of enterprises. Corporate information and corporate culture have the following characteristics:
(1) May Reproducibility
Hard resources are limited and non renewable. While enterprise information and Corporate culture innovation Relatively speaking, it is infinite and renewable. Knowledge, culture, ideas, ideas, etc., are not used less but used more. in use China Council It keeps growing. Knowledge, technology, culture and ideas can be constantly innovated, developed and increased. Information resources have a lifetime. As time goes on use value Gradually reduce or even completely disappear. However, information has different meanings at different times, places and purposes. So as to show the new use value.
Hard resources generally have exclusivity And exclusivity, there is a clear boundary. But enterprise information and Corporate culture innovation It is different and shared. Knowledge, technology, culture, ideas, etc. can be learned and mastered without boundaries, relying on a learning ability, which is also a soft resource and can be created through training. Enterprise information can also be used by many parties.
Hard resource marginal cost Is incremental. However, enterprise information and enterprise culture innovation are different, which will not increase the cost with the increase of usage, but decrease the cost with the increase of users and usage. The more knowledge, technology and culture you learn, the more you accumulate, the lower the cost of relearning, and the faster and more you can master new technologies and knowledge. Knowledge, technology and culture can be continuously improved, and their marginal benefits are increasing.
(4) With high added value Strong competitiveness
Products based on hard resources are easy to learn and imitate. With the increase of output, the more they are sold, the lower the profit will be, forming a "small profit but quick turnover". and Information products But it is different because technical content Multiple, high cultural taste Social effects Large, difficult to learn and imitate, with certain Monopoly Etc. stay Enterprise services And management, good Corporate culture innovation It is reflected in good marketing relations Market effect Medium.

Culture acts on management

(1) Enterprise environmental factor
Enterprise environment It is the most important factor in shaping corporate culture innovation Production and operation Society and Business environment , including market, government Technical environment And so on. These factors are the direct reasons that affect the implementation of information management. The rapid development of information technology has aroused knowledge economy The emergence of the, and the world's continuous voice for the knowledge economy has promoted enterprises to highly integrate and refine information resources, and achieve full sharing, which is actually information management.
(II) sense of worth Ideational factor
The core position of values in corporate culture is whether corporate culture innovation can enterprise operation The key to playing a positive role. The values of an enterprise are actually the ideology and culture of the enterprise ideology The core content of the system is also the spirit, belief, motivation and pursuit of the enterprise. For example, many domestic and foreign enterprises have their own Core values Moreover, these values are guiding the culture and development of the enterprise, and have received good results. Enterprises that implement information management adhere to the value of knowledge as the core, which is also the value of people-oriented, because knowledge mainly exists in the human brain. This is similar to the tradition industrial age Different values will encourage enterprises to advocate knowledge, respect intellectual Of Corporate culture innovation Atmosphere. And put this guiding spirit and specific information Management thought And methods into the daily management and employee behavior of the enterprise, so that employees show unusual enthusiasm in their work and are willing to Enterprise development Make every effort to promote the smooth implementation of information management subjectively.
(3) Motivating cultural factors
In information management, Knowledge workers In paying attention to Material incentive At the same time, pay more attention to reputation and other spiritual things. Enterprises should try to add more effective new incentive content according to these new characteristics and needs.
(4) Corporate culture network factors
Cultural network It refers to the innovation of corporate culture information transfer The main channels and paths of Corporate Values And the "carrier" of hero anecdotes is the channel to spread corporate culture innovation. Enterprise managers often Formality And informal cultural network channels to disseminate relevant information conducive to the development of information management Enterprise spirit And other cultures to promote and educate, so as to achieve a subtle effect.

Cultural innovation

To successfully implement information management, enterprises must carefully study the characteristics of corporate culture innovation under information management, and actively build the Corporate culture system And ultimately promote the management level of enterprise operation and improve the ability of enterprises to create value.
(1) Emphasize the people-oriented corporate culture
The important characteristic of "people-oriented" enterprise culture innovation is to attach importance to Human value , correctly understand the position and role of employees in the enterprise, and stimulate employees' Holistic consciousness And fundamentally mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of employees. Knowledge workers exert themselves Self-development The need for self realization Only in the "people-oriented" Corporate culture innovation Environment.
(2) Corporate culture that encourages innovation
Encouraging innovation and supporting change are the distinctive features of promoting the innovation of corporate culture in information management. In the context of information management, enterprises not only Knowledge resources Transform into new products, new processes, new Organizational management In addition to the middle, we should also try to produce and market the innovative results quickly, which must be assisted by corporate culture innovation to promote the consensus of innovation and change within the enterprise. Enterprises will encounter various setbacks on the way of innovation. To be indomitable, they must establish a system that encourages continuous learning and tolerates failure Corporate culture innovation
(3) Create a learning enterprise culture
Enterprises must improve their ability to acquire knowledge and effectively apply knowledge, and learn research and development It is the basic way to acquire this ability. The enterprise should create a learning environment for all employees, provide opportunities for common learning, encourage employees to be good at learning, master the latest knowledge, improve learning ability and execution ability, and put learning throughout the whole Career And create something.
(4) Building a shared corporate culture of harmony and trust
The exchange and sharing of knowledge is not unconditional and free Knowledge exchange And sharing requires one Harmonious environment and Mutually trusting interpersonal relationship The enterprise should create an atmosphere of knowledge exchange and sharing, and establish a Senior managers Friendly and cooperative sharing between ordinary employees Corporate culture innovation Of course, such shared corporate culture innovation must be guided and constrained by corresponding incentive and punishment mechanisms, and corresponding knowledge should also be adopted Information exchange Methods, such as through E-mail BBS forum, real-time information exchange tool QQ Or blog to ensure implementation.
Enterprise information and enterprise culture v are very important soft resources for modern enterprises to enhance their competitive strength. A good corporate culture will effectively promote the enrichment and efficient use of corporate information. Therefore, constantly enrich and innovate the corporate culture and strengthen the enterprise Information construction And become an area where enterprises continue to explore theory and practice. [4]