information society

New society
zero Useful+1
synonym Information society (Information society) generally refers to the information society
The information society, also known as the information society, is a society in which information will play a major role after leaving the industrialized society. so-called information society , is based on Based on electronic information technology , based on information resources Development resources , with Information service industry is the basic social industry , taking digitalization and networking as the basic society Communication mode A new type of society.
The concept of "informatization" was put forward in the early 1960s. It is generally believed that informatization refers to information technology and IT industry In the economy and social development The dynamic development process in which the role of is increasingly strengthened and plays a leading role. It takes the information industry national economy The proportion of information technology in Traditional industries The application degree and the construction level of information infrastructure are the main indicators.
In terms of content, informatization can be divided into three aspects: information production, application and guarantee. Information production , i.e Information industrialization , requiring the development of a series of information technology and industries, involving the collection, processing Storage technology , including Communication equipment , computers, software, and consumer electronics Manufacturing and other fields. Information application, that is, informatization in the industrial and social fields, is mainly reflected in the use of information technology to transform and upgrade traditional industries such as agriculture, manufacturing, and service industries, greatly improving the physical and Energy resources The utilization efficiency of industrial structure To promote human life style Social system and social culture Profound changes have taken place. Information assurance , refers to guarantee information transmission Infrastructure and security mechanisms to enable human beings to continuously improve their ability to access information, including infrastructure construction information safety Safeguard mechanism , Information Scientific and technological innovation system , Information Route of transmission and Information capability Education, etc.
Chinese name
information society
Information society
Proposed time
The role of information technology and information industry has been strengthened
The proportion of information industry in the national economy
Occupy a leading position in the national economy

an introduction to

Information Society and Post industrial society The concept of Principle Differences. The information society, also known as the information society, is a society in which information will play a major role after leaving the industrialized society.
stay agricultural society and industrial society Material and energy are the main resources, which are engaged in large-scale material production In the information society, information has become more important than material and energy resources, with the purpose of developing and utilizing information resources information economy The activities expanded rapidly and gradually replaced Industrial production activities And become a national economic activity The main contents of.
The information economy plays a leading role in the national economy and constitutes Social informatization The material basis of. By computer microelectronics and communications technology The information technology revolution is the power source of social informatization.
Because information technology is used in data production, scientific research and education medical care , enterprise and government management, as well as extensive application in families, which has had a huge and profound impact on economic and social development, fundamentally changing people's lifestyle Behavior And values.


1. In the information society, information and knowledge become important Productive factors , together with material and energy, they constitute the three major resources on which society depends for survival.
2. The economy of the information society is based on the information economy knowledge economy The dominant economy is different from the agricultural society in that agricultural economy Industrial society is based on industrial economy Is dominant.
3. In the information society, the knowledge of workers has become a basic requirement.
4. Science, technology and humanities are more closely combined under the influence of information and knowledge.
5. Human life is constantly tending towards harmony and social sustainable development. [1]


Mainly shown as False information Information garbage , information interference, information disorder, information defect, information obsolescence Information redundancy , misleading information information overload , unhealthy information, etc. Information pollution is a kind of social phenomenon Like environmental pollution, it should arouse people's great attention.
Mainly shown as Hacker attack , Online“ Gambling drugs ”, online fraud, stealing information, etc.
Mainly refers to Infringement of intellectual property rights , including infringement of personal privacy.
It is a destructive program network transmission Hidden in the computer's memory, it will attack when the time is ripe. During the attack, the light person will consume computer resources and reduce efficiency; The worst one destroys data software system Some even destroy computer hardware or make Network paralysis
Information powerful countries influence other countries with their own culture and lifestyle through information monopoly and publicity of their own values. [2]


Information Society and knowledge society
The information society is also often called knowledge society , but the emphasis of the two concepts is slightly different. In the knowledge society, knowledge and innovation become the core of society; Compared with "information society", the concept of information society is based on the progress of information technology. The concept of "knowledge society" includes a broader range of social, ethical and political aspects. The information society is just a means to realize the knowledge society; Information technology revolution bring social formation To promote the knowledge society oriented Next generation innovation Innovation 2.0 )。 In the knowledge society, everyone should learn to come and go freely in the information ocean and cultivate cognitive ability And critical spirit, so as to distinguish useful information from useless information and have new knowledge; The knowledge society has also expanded the source of innovation from a few scientific and technological elites to a wide range of the public, promoting the democratization of innovation; Knowledge society as Network society Must pay more attention to global issues: through international co-operation And scientific cooperation, environmental damage Technical risk economic crisis And poverty are expected to be better solved; Knowledge sharing It is the keystone of the knowledge society. Innovation 2.0, which is characterized by mass innovation, common innovation and open innovation, is the essence of the knowledge society, and the knowledge society is the source of human sustainable development.


In the 1980s, the popular terms about "information society" were "3C" society (communication, computerization and automatic control), "3A" society( Factory automation Office Automation Home automation )And "4A" society ("3A" plus Agricultural automation )。 In the 1990s, the information society multimedia technology and information superhighway The general adoption of the network. Specifically, it has the following three characteristics:
1、 Economics Characteristics of the field
(1) Labor structure Fundamental changes have taken place, and the number of people engaged in the information profession has accounted for absolute advantage (2) On Gross national economic output Medium, information economy Compared with the output value created by other economic sectors, the output value has an absolute advantage;
(2) energy consumption Less pollution can be controlled;
(3) Knowledge has become a huge resource for social development.
2. Social, cultural and life characteristics
(1) Computerization and automation of social life;
(2) Own Coverage Wide range of long-distance and fast communication Network system Fast and convenient data center with various remote access;
(3) Lifestyle Cultural model The diversification and individuation of the;
(4) Available Personal freedom The time spent and the space for activities increased significantly.
3. Features of social concepts
(1) Respect knowledge Of sense of worth Mindfulness has become a social trend;
(2) People in the society have the consciousness tendency to create the future more actively.

Eight key points

1、 Economic growth mode Highly intensive;
2、 labour productivity Further improvement of the level;
4. Personal autonomy of work and life styles;
5. Information economy leads to economic globalization
6、 information economy It may become an environmental protection economy;
7. The communication between the government and the public is strengthened and made public;
8、 military technique And the informatization of future wars.

Development trend

1. New productivity and Production relations
information society
From the perspective of productivity, human society can be divided into agricultural society industrial society Information society. From the perspective of production relations, the historical development of human society can be divided into Primitive society slave society feudal society capitalist society Communist society The development of production relations is determined by the productive forces, and there is an internal relationship between the two different social forms. agricultural society Basically, it corresponds to the feudal society; industrial society Basically capitalism Corresponding to the society, it only appeared in the 20th century socialist society The industrialization process of developed capitalist countries has been basically completed, and it is difficult for Marx to realize the goal of communist society on the basis of industrial society. From the perspective of production relations, what kind of society will the future information society correspond to? In a long historical period, it will still be capitalism and socialism. Capitalism in the information society stage will be a new capitalism that constantly adjusts its production relations under the new productive forces. Capitalism has made new breakthroughs again in the development process, further releasing the institutional potential of capitalist society under the new productive forces, and extending the life of capitalism; The arrival of the information society also makes the productivity level low Socialist country Possible Leap forward development The socialism of the information society will make the productivity more Developed socialism
2. New society Organizational management structure
Under the conditions of different social forms and different productive forces, the corresponding organizational management structure has been formed. agricultural society Of Production organization form So there is Consanguinity The family of power structure Is society Macro management The basic characteristics of; industrial society The production organization form of Socialized mass production , formed a political party and representative system Social Macroscopics Characterized by Democracy management system In the future information society, information technology has greatly promoted the spread of culture, knowledge and information, provided technical conditions for people to fully express their will, and promoted people's Democratic consciousness Democratic concepts and requirements. At the same time, traditional management layer The situation of monopoly information has been broken, and the monopoly information has been lost Decision management Advantages of power, traditional Bureaucracy The inherent or derived rational and departmental management system will be impacted, industrial society The representative democracy formed is being challenged. In the information society, representative democracy indirect democracy And began to promote participation in democracy Direct democracy Evolution, from the traditional pyramid organization management structure to the network organization management structure.
3. New society Production mode
Productive Technical process Significant changes in nature will always lead to people's Production activities Changes in methods. Just as the universal adoption of machines will Handicraft workshop Of Production mode Transformed into Machinery industry The information society has also formed a new mode of production. It is manifested in the following aspects: First, the traditional mechanized production mode has been replaced by the automated production mode, and the automated production mode has further transformed human beings from the heavy physical labor To liberate from; Second, the rigid mode of production is changing to the flexible mode of production, which enables enterprises to be flexible and timely in a Manufacturing system Production of various products; Third, large-scale Concentration The mode of production is being transformed into a decentralized mode of production with moderate scale; Fourth, information and Knowledge production become Social production Important way.
The information society will form a batch of new industries and promote new industrial structure Formation of. First, the information technology revolution has spawned a large number of emerging industries, IT industry Rapid development and growth, the output value of the information sector in the whole Total social output value The proportion of pillar industry Second, traditional industries generally implement technological transformation to reduce production costs and improve Labor efficiency , while the traditional energy conversion The transformation of tools has made the boundary between the traditional industry and the information industry more and more blurred, and the industrial structure of the whole society is in the process of constant change; Third, the widespread use of intelligent tools in the information society has further improved the labour productivity Material production department The improvement of efficiency has further accelerated the transformation of the entire industrial structure to the service industry, and the information society will be a service-oriented economy society.
5. Popularization and application of digital production tools
Digital production tools are widely used in production and service fields. Various forms of industrial society Production equipment It will be transformed by information technology and become an intelligent device in the information society agricultural production and industrial production It will be based on intelligent equipment based on information technology. Similarly, private services and public services in the information society will be more or less based on intelligent equipment, and services such as telecommunications, banking, logistics, television, medical care, commerce and insurance will depend on Information equipment Due to the wide application of information technology and the wide popularization of intelligent equipment, the government Enterprise organization structure Has been restructured, Behavior mode New changes have taken place.
6. New forms of employment and The emergence of employment structure
With the evolution of the industrial structure, when mankind moves towards the information society, new employment patterns begin to form, and new changes will take place in the employment structure. From the perspective of Borat statistical system, socio-economic activities can be divided into four major categories Industrial sector Namely agriculture, industry, service industry and Information industry along with Socio economic form The evolution of, population of working ages From agricultural sector to industrial sector In the late industrialization period, agricultural population And industrial population flows to the service sector industrial society In the process of transforming into an information society, Development of information technology A large number of new forms and modes of employment have emerged, and the labor force is mainly concentrated in the information sector. The traditional employment mode is challenged, and the full-time working mode is changing to the flexible working mode. Information worker The growth of is an important feature of the transformation of the social form from an industrial society to an information society.
Division of labor and specialization are the main driving forces of economic growth. The possible boundary of division of labor to expand production has promoted the development of human society. Where there is division of labor, there will be transactions. The diffusion of information technology in the information society has led to new changes in the way of transactions. First, the development of information technology has promoted the expansion of market exchange objects. Knowledge, information, technology Talent market Rapid development; Second, the modernization brought by the development of information technology Means of transport and Information communication Tools enable people to break through regional barriers and make the world market begin to take shape; Third, information technology provides people with new means of transaction. E-commerce has become the basic form of transaction, which also expands the space for market transactions.
8. Urbanization presents new characteristics
With the completion of industrialization, cities have become the main gathering places of human settlements and industrialized countries Urbanization rate They have reached more than 80%. along with industrial society In the evolution to the information society, the human way of gathering in large cities is changing, urban population After hundreds of years of gathering, the trend of diffusion began to appear, key city Development speed Slow down and suburbanization occurs. The spillover of population in big cities makes cities move from traditional single center to Multicenter development. Several central cities are closely linked through the growth axis, and the whole region has become a highly developed Urbanized area Different scales and grades Between cities Through developed traffic network and Communication network And form functional complementary and regional interpenetrating Urban agglomeration ( metropolitan interlocking region ), urban agglomerations (metropolitan areas) play an increasingly prominent role in the development of the entire national economy, affecting and dominating the development of the world economy.
9. The formation of digital lifestyle
Like the disintegration of the industrialization process in the 19th century agricultural society Has established industrial society Of Lifestyle Similarly, a new way of life in the information society is taking shape. In the information society, intelligent integrated networks will be distributed in all corners of the society, including fixed phones, mobile phones, televisions, computers and other information-based terminal equipment Will be everywhere. "No matter what, no matter when, no matter where" people can get text, voice, image information. Information society Digital home Medium, easy to use, inexpensive and portable consumption Digital products 3C home appliances based on network will be widely used, and people will live in a society surrounded by various information terminals.
10. New War pattern
In the information society, with the traditional industrial society The weapons of the era are controlled by intelligent systems, and human society has entered Information weapon Times. The form of war in the information society is mainly reflected in Information warfare On the one hand, it is a war between rival military groups (including political, economic, cultural, technological and social fields) to seize information space and compete for information resources. In the information society, war presents new characteristics: first, in the information society, war will ultimately be manifested in the collection, transmission, control and use of information Information advantages Is the main goal of all parties involved in the war; Second, weapons and equipment show a trend of informatization, intelligence and integration, with unprecedented improvement in attack accuracy and greatly enhanced lethality; Third, some new features have emerged in the form and mode of war. The battlefield space is developing into a five dimensional integration of land, sea, air, space and electricity Non-linear operation It is becoming the basic mode of engagement of war under high-tech conditions; Fourth, in order to adapt to the changes in the form of war, combat forces are highly integrated and tend to be small, light and diversified, Command system The vertical level is reduced, more flexible and efficient.

Main impacts

information society
The informatization promoted by the development and application of information technology has brought great benefits to the human economy and civil life Has brought a profound impact. Entering the 21st century, informatization has an impact on the economy social development The influence of is more profound. world economy The development process has been accelerated, informatization globalization Multipolarization The general trend of development is very obvious. Informatization is called promotion Modern economic growth The engine of Equalizer Informatization and economic globalization , driving the world Industrial division Deepening and Economic restructuring , changing world market And the world economy Competition pattern Globally, it is mainly manifested in three aspects:
First, informatization promotion industrial structure Adjustment, conversion and upgrade of. Electronic information products Manufacturing industry, software industry, information service industry Communication industry Finance and insurance Wait for a batch Emerging industries Rapid rise, Traditional industries For example, coal, steel, petroleum, chemical industry and agriculture national economy The proportion of. The role of information industry in the national economy leading role More and more prominent. There are experts at home and abroad IT industry From traditional Industrial classification It is separated from agriculture, industry and service industry“ The fourth industry ”。
Second, informatization has become a driving force An important means of economic growth. information economy A prominent feature of technical content High, Permeability Strong, fast value-added, can largely optimize various production factors So as to optimize the allocation of various resources and reduce the production costs , improved labour productivity , expanding the social total output , which has promoted economic growth. In the process of informatization, by increasing the input of information resources, it can replace the input of various physical resources and energy to a certain extent, and reduce material resources And the consumption of energy has also changed the traditional mode of economic growth.
Third, informatization leads to lifestyle and social structure Changes. With the continuous progress of information technology, intelligent integrated networks are spread all over the society, and information technology is changing the learning style , ways of working and entertainment. Digital tool of production With the wide application of consumer terminals, human beings have lived in a society surrounded by various information terminals. Information has gradually become one of the indispensable elements of modern human life. Some traditional jobs have been eliminated, population of working ages Main direction Information department Concentration, new employment patterns and employment structure Forming. In the highly informationalized developed country , which Information industry The employees have accounted for more than half of the total social employees. A large number of new forms and modes of employment have been expedited, such as Flexible working hour system , home office Online job search Flexible employment Etc. business transaction mode , Government management model social management The structure is also changing.
The continuous deepening of the informatization tide human society Going beyond“ industrial society ”And presents the basic characteristics of "information society". It is mainly reflected in: information technology promotes the automation of production, production efficiency Significant improvement, science and technology as Primary productivity Fully reflected; IT industry Form and become pillar industry ; Information and knowledge become important public wealth ; Management plays a decisive role in improving enterprise efficiency; The service industry economy forms and occupies an important economic share.
With the rapid development of information technology, it has also brought negative and negative impacts to human beings. This is mainly reflected in the impact of informatization on global and social development out-off-balance The benefits brought by informatization to human society are not found in different countries, regions and social stratum Is shared. Digital gap or digital gap Increased the number of developed countries and developing country The gap between the developed regions and the economy underdeveloped Regional disparities. The extensive application of information technology has made workers Specific labor The dependence on Labor quality In particular, the requirement for professional quality has gradually improved, which inevitably brings a certain degree of structural unemployment The formation of the digital lifestyle has made human beings dependence It is getting stronger and stronger Emergency mechanism Under imperfect conditions, once an emergency occurs, it will have a great impact on production and life. In addition, information safety And Cybercrime information explosion And information quality, personal privacy and Cultural diversity The protection of information technology is also a new challenge to human society.


information society
China's path to informatization
The 60th session held in March 2006 United Nations General Assembly Resolution 252 was adopted to set the date of“ World Information Society Day ”This marks that the impact of informatization on human society has entered a new stage. Accelerate the development of informatization, deepen informatization and promote information Social construction It has become the common choice of all countries in the world. The goal of informatization development in developed countries is clearer, and countries have introduced corresponding plans and strategies. U.S. government The 21st Century Information Technology Plan, the Network and Information Technology Research and Development Plan and the National Strategy for Cyberspace Security were successively released. The EU Research and Technology Development Framework Plan formulated and implemented by the EU has now entered its sixth implementation period (2002-2006), and information technology is clearly listed as one of the seven research priority areas. The Japanese government has formulated the Focus 21 Plan and passed national budget For the next generation in the field of electronic information technology Semiconductor chip High reliability software system Next generation plane display technique , Next Generation Global Positioning System And so on. The South Korean government launched the IT839 Strategy, which identified nine information technologies with growth momentum as the short-term, medium and long-term Investment focus
In May 2006, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council issued the National Informatization Development Strategy for 2006-2020, making a comprehensive deployment for the development of informatization. The Strategy points out that vigorously promoting informatization is a strategic measure covering the overall situation of China's modernization drive, implementing the Scientific Outlook on Development, building a well-off society in an all-round way Building a Harmonious Socialist Society and Building an innovative country The urgent need and inevitable choice.
Through efforts, China information construction Gratifying progress has been made, IT industry From scratch, it has become the national economy basic industry pillar industry and Leading industry In 2006, the added value of the information industry accounted for gross domestic product The proportion of. Telephone users network size It has ranked first in the world broadband access Users rank first Second in the world Electronic information products manufacturing industry Exports The proportion in total exports has exceeded 30%. Mobile phones SPC exchange , color TV personal computer , Display output Both ranked first in the world. At the same time, China's national economy and Social informatization The overall level has been continuously improved. Agricultural information The transformation is progressing smoothly. Village to village telephone ”The project progressed steadily. whole an old China hand The proportion of telephone administrative villages reached 98.85%, and all administrative villages in 24 provinces were connected by telephone; Various regions have successively established agricultural comprehensive information service systems to provide farmers with various agricultural information through various access methods; Application of information technology development in some regions Precision agriculture Remarkable results have been achieved. New progress has been made in applying information technology to transform traditional manufacturing and service industries, and the informatization level of energy, transportation, metallurgy, machinery, chemical industry and other industries has gradually improved. The level of social informatization has been continuously improved. E-commerce development Good momentum; e-government Steady development; Science and technology, education, culture medical and health work , social security, environmental protection, etc Field informatization The pace was significantly accelerated. The construction of basic information resources started, and the proportion of Chinese information on the Internet increased significantly. Information security assurance Gradually strengthen the informatization policy legal environment Keep improving. Electronic signature law 》It has been promulgated and implemented, and information training has been highly valued, Informatization talents The team continues to grow.
On the whole, China is Industrialization level To promote informatization on a lower basis, it is impossible and should not follow the development path of "industrialization before informatization" in developed countries. Instead, we should combine industrialization with informatization and give priority to development IT industry And promote industrialization with informatization, and promote informatization with industrialization.
First, we should use advanced science and technology to achieve Latecomer effect And accelerate the development of China's information industry. We should speed up the construction of advanced and applicable information infrastructure, and vigorously improve the network function and business provision capacity Electronic information industry , focus on breakthrough Integrated circuit , software, key Electronic components , Key Process equipment And other basic industries Development bottleneck Actively encourage and guide independent innovation to form an enterprise oriented Technological innovation system , improve the ability of self healthy development, and improve China's information industry's Global industry Position in the pattern.
Second, we should vigorously strengthen agriculture heavy industry , energy Transportation And other traditional industries, and use this favorable opportunity to drive the service industry Related industries , successfully realized industrial structure Adjustment, conversion and upgrade of. We should strengthen the application of information technology in agriculture and rural areas, and gradually narrow the "digital divide" between urban and rural areas. Accelerate the pace of information technology transformation of traditional industries, promote the informatization of design and R&D, digitization of production equipment Production process Intelligent and Operation management Networking. Use information technology to promote high energy-consumption , high material consumption and high pollution industries. Strengthen the development and utilization of information resources and build advanced Cyberculture
Third, we should actively take measures to narrow the digital divide, strengthen information security, cultivate national information skills, and make informatization benefit the whole people. To establish and improve universal service System, oriented Old, young, border and poor areas And socially disadvantaged groups to provide convenient and cheap information service Vigorously develop various agricultural electronic products, and promote the application of information technology in agriculture and rural areas. Further increase the construction of information infrastructure, strengthen the construction of software and hardware to deal with emergencies, promote the improvement of disaster tolerance capability, and improve the information security and disaster Resilience Vigorously popularize Information technology education Actively carry out national information Skill education And training to expand the informatization talent team.
In short, with Development of information technology Informatization and globalization have become an irreversible trend of the contemporary world economy. We should correctly understand the general trend of global informatization development, actively respond to this general trend, seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and accelerate development IT industry , actively promote the national economy and Social informatization , narrow the digital divide, improve the level of information security assurance a country of innovators And building a harmonious socialist society.