
One of the zodiac constellations
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Sagittarius Latin : Sagittarius, astronomical symbol: ♐) alias sagittarius , located in the southern sky Zodiac One, area 867.43 Square degree , accounting for 2.103% of the total area of the whole day, ranking 15th among the 88 constellations of the whole day. There are 65 stars brighter than 5.5 in Sagittarius, Brightest star by Jisusan (Sagittarius ε), Apparent magnitude About 1.8, etc. Every year, at midnight on July 7, Sagittarius Center passes through Shangzhongtian.
The Latin word sagittarius means "arrow holder", and the Latin word for arrow is sagitta, Sagittarius That is Sagitta. according to MYTHOS , Sagittarius is Centaur Wise men of the clan chiron
Astrology Name borrowed from Sagittarius Zodiac The ninth house( Renma Palace )。
Chinese name
Foreign name
Sagittarius (Latin)
Sag (Latin abbreviation)
Right ascension
19 h
Area ranking
Brightest star
Jisusan (ε Sgr)
meteor shower
Sagittarius meteor shower , Sagittarius ψ meteor shower
Best observation time
Optimum observation latitude
+Between 55 ° and − 90 °
Apparent magnitude of brightest star
one point eight
Fully visible area
the measure of area
eight hundred and sixty-seven Square degree

Observation characteristics

Galaxy near Sagittarius
From summer to autumn, Sagittarius appears in the southern sky in the middle and low latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. From Scorpio to the east, you can see Sagittarius in the Milky Way south of Aquila and west of Capricorn. [1] because Silver core It is in the direction of Sagittarius, so this part of the Milky Way is the widest and brightest. Sagittarius First-class star However, there are 2 second-class stars and 8 third class stars, and the distribution range is relatively concentrated. With the contrast of the Milky Way, the whole constellation is shining.
The red line is the "teapot"
The "teapot" star cluster of Sagittarius is very famous. This teapot shape composed of eight stars contains seven of the nine brightest stars in Sagittarius, which is very vivid and conspicuous the galaxy Positive image yes mouth of a pot A spout of steaming water. If you look carefully, you can also find a "spoon" composed of stars not far from the north of the teapot, and there is one in the south Southern Corona "Half lemon".

Research History

Nandou Six Stars
Sagittarius has a long history. It is not only Ptolemy It is one of the 48 ancient constellations recorded, and is considered by scholars to be the sky region recorded shortly after human began to write records. The ancient Europeans imagined it as a archer on horseback, or a mythical monster half man and half horse. [2] Please note that the six stars μ, λ, φ, σ, τ and ζ in this constellation also form the shape of a spoon, and the connection between the two stars ζ and τ at the front end of the spoon points to Niulang Star In ancient China, these six stars were called "Nandou". [3] however Nandou Six Stars Only one second class star, the others are third and fourth class Dark star , so it is far inferior to Big Dipper So clear at a glance. In ancient China, the stars in Sagittarius were divided into two parts Sagittarius , the star genus under the centaur bow and arrow Winnowing Basket Buckets are used to measure rice, and dustpans are used to raise grain. They are all farm tools and are often called together.
Sagittarius in Beijing. Source: Old Cat
Sagittarius is 12 Zodiac One, the southernmost point of the ecliptic—— Winter solstice It's in there. The sun enters Sagittarius on December 16 every year Winter Solstice (December 21 or 22) The winter solstice will be reached on this day. This day Northern Hemisphere The days are the shortest and the nights are the longest. [1]

Major constellations

Bayer designation Franstide nomenclature Other names Chinese Star Officer Apparent magnitude remarks
Sagittarius alpha ---- Rukbat Rukbat ---- Sagittarius 16th bright star
Sagittarius β 1 ---- Arkab Prior Tianyuan II ---- ----
Sagittarius β 2 ---- Arkab Posterior Tianyuan I ---- ----
Sagittarius γ 1 ---- Sagittarius W ---- ---- typical Cepheid variable [12]
Sagittarius γ 2 Sagittarius 10 Nushaba Ji Su Yi ---- ----
Sagittarius δ Sagittarius 19 Kaus Media Ji Su Er ---- Sagittarius, the fourth bright star
Sagittarius ε Sagittarius 20 Kaus Australis Jisusan ---- The brightest star in Sagittarius, Konductra [11]
Sagittarius ζ Sagittarius 38 Ascella Dousu VI ---- Sagittarius, the third bright star; Konductra
Sagittarius η ---- ---- Ji Su Si ---- Irregular variable star
Sagittarius θ 1 ---- ---- The abyss of heaven increases by two ---- ----
Sagittarius θ 2 ---- ---- Dog Country Increase Two ---- ----
Sagittarius ---- ---- The abyss of heaven increases by one ---- ----
Sagittarius κ 1 ---- ---- ---- ---- high voluntarily Star
Sagittarius κ 2 ---- ---- ---- ---- Konductra Or multi satellite system
Sagittarius λ Sagittarius 22 Kaus Borealis Dousu II ---- ----
Sagittarius μ Sagittarius 13 Polis Dousu III ---- Pentagram; Daling Five type Variable Star
reference material: [4]

deep space

From the perspective of the earth, Galaxy The center of is located in Sagittarius, although Silver core cover Centaur arm The Milky Way in Sagittarius is still very dense, with many bright star clusters and nebulae in the middle. The objects in this constellation are mainly cosmic objects deep in the Milky Way, including Emission nebula and Dark nebula Open cluster and Globular cluster as well as Planetary nebula

Sagittarius A

Sagittarius A It is a complex and strong Radio wave source , but also a powerful infrared and X-ray radiation source , just because it is Galactic spiral arm A large number of Cosmic dust Aisuo is covered and cannot pass directly visible light Observed. Astronomers have long speculated that the generation of these rays may be related to the activities of black holes. Sagittarius A consists of Sagittarius A East Star, Sagittarius A West Star and Sagittarius A* It consists of three parts. German scientists confirmed in December 2008 that Sagittarius A *, 26000 light-years away from the Earth, is indeed a supermassive black hole (about 4.31 million times the mass of the sun).

Messier object

There are up to 15 Sagittarius Messier object ——This is the most of all constellations. Most of them use ordinary 50mm Binoculars Can be observed.
M20 nebula on the left and M8 nebula on the right. Photographer: Tang Zhen
Lagoon Nebula (M8): brightness 5.0, etc. be located Dousu II Nearby, this bright emission nebula is formed by a masking material Scotoma Cut it. It is easy to observe with binoculars, and even can be seen with the naked eye when the night sky is dark. This nebula contains a sparse open cluster, NGC6530.
Omega Nebula M17 ): brightness 6.9, etc. near Shield pedestal The boundary M17 is one of the brightest emission nebulae in the sky, also known as Swan Nebula , Horseshoe Nebula. This is because the brightest part reminds people of the one swimming on the lake swan The body of. It's easy to see with binoculars. Install it with an 8 inch (20 cm) or larger telescope nebular filter You can see a lot of cloud details in your view.
M18: There are more than ten small open clusters the magnitude 9 to 10 degrees, Total magnitude 6.9, etc.
Trifid Nebula (M20): brightness 6.3, etc. Also called trifid nebula , is a divergent and emission mixed nebula containing many young stars. its Color photograph It is very beautiful. You can see its pink and bright blue parts. It is easy to see with a small telescope, but it is difficult to distinguish colors. This nebula is also called the Trifid Nebula because it is divided into three regions by the dark ditch formed by the masking material. In the center of the nebula, there is another shining Triad M20 is 5000 light years away from the earth, and hot young stars are surrounded by dust and gas.
M21 : This is a bright but rather small open star cluster, which is easy to see with a small telescope, with a total magnitude of 5.9.
M22 globular cluster
M22 One of the most spectacular globular clusters seen in the Northern Hemisphere. Its diameter is about 18 Arcminute It is a loosely structured globular cluster, which can be observed very well with an 8 inch (20 cm) telescope, and even can distinguish many single stars in its center. M22 is a star cluster close to the Earth, only 10000 light-years away. The total magnitude is 5.1.
M23 This is a large and spectacular open star cluster, with about 100 stars in the 9th class or darker. Its magnitude is 5.5.
Hengxingyun M24 Its diameter is more than 1 degree. It is not a real star cluster, but a bright part of the Milky Way. It can be seen with the naked eye where the environment is good, but it can be seen more clearly with binoculars. Countless stars can be seen with small telescopes.
M25 : This is a bright and sparse open star cluster, with about 50 stars of+6 magnitude, and more and darker stars.
M28 This is a small, medium brightness, but very dense globular cluster. It takes a telescope with an aperture of about 12 inches (30 cm) to distinguish a single star. Its magnitude is 6.9.
M54 : This is a small compact globular cluster with medium brightness, which can be seen with a small telescope, but needs to be used Large telescope Only then can we distinguish it. Its magnitude is 7.7 and it is 68000 light-years away from the Earth.
M55 It is a bright globular cluster with loose structure, which can be easily distinguished with an 8 inch (20 cm) telescope. Its magnitude is 7.0, 20000 light-years away from Earth.
M69 This is a small and round globular cluster, which is quite dense. With the high magnification of an 8 inch (20 cm) telescope, some stars at the edge can be distinguished, with a magnitude of 7.7.
M70 : globular cluster, 7.8, 26000 light-years away from Earth. famous Comet Hale Bopp When it was discovered in 1995, it was operating near M70.
M75 : It is a smaller and darker globular cluster with brightness of only 8.6, and it is also the farthest from the Earth in the Milky Way deep space one of.

Myth and legend


Legend I

ancient MYTHOS The Great Hero in Heracles In a chase Centaur The robber mistakenly injured his teacher in the process chiron , using the invincible arrow presented by the teacher that year. The arrow passed through the body of a centaur robber and hit the throat of Charon behind. Charon was immortal, but Heracles Your arrows are soaked Hydra Hydra Haidera )Poisonous blood, Charon felt more painful than death. at that time Prometheus Because he stole the sky fire for human use, he is being Zeus tied caucasus mountains One day, Hercules tried to find Hesperides Come here. He saw the eagle pecking at Prometheus' liver. At this time, he took out his bow and arrow and shot the eagle down from the side of Prometheus' liver. Then he released his chains, liberated Prometheus, and took him away from the cliff. But in order to meet Zeus's conditions, Heracles left Charon as a substitute on the cliff. Although Charon could ask for eternal life, in order to save Prometheus, he also suffered Hydra Poisonous pain, so he is willing to sacrifice his life. Charon decided to exchange himself with Prometheus, so that Prometheus could get rid of pain and give up eternal life, freeing both sides. Later, Zeus ascended to the sky and became Sagittarius with bow and arrow.

Legend II

Sagittarius presents the form of half man and half horse. It has the dual features of animal and human. It is said that Sagittarius is the incarnation of a famous prophet, doctor and scholar. He is a famous Greek hero jason (jason)、 Achilles (achilles) and aeneas. Legend has it that he is the son of cronus and philyra. After being frightened, he turned himself into a horse. His mother, Philella, could not stand the strange appearance of her son, who was half man and half horse, so she turned into a tree bodhi tree